Creo3F000 Install

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PTC Creo 3.

0 Installation
and Administration Guide
PTC Creo Parametric
PTC Creo Direct
PTC Creo Layout
PTC Creo Simulate
PTC Creo Options Modeler
Datecode F000

Copyright 2014 PTC Inc. and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved.
User and training guides and related documentation from PTC Inc. and its subsidiary companies (collectively
"PTC") are subject to the copyright laws of the United States and other countries and are provided under a
license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use of such documentation. PTC hereby grants to the
licensed software user the right to make copies in printed form of this documentation if provided on software
media, but only for internal/personal use and in accordance with the license agreement under which the
applicable software is licensed. Any copy made shall include the PTC copyright notice and any other
proprietary notice provided by PTC. Training materials may not be copied without the express written consent
of PTC. This documentation may not be disclosed, transferred, modified, or reduced to any form, including
electronic media, or transmitted or made publicly available by any means without the prior written consent of
PTC and no authorization is granted to make copies for such purposes.
Information described herein is furnished for general information only, is subject to change without notice,
and should not be construed as a warranty or commitment by PTC. PTC assumes no responsibility or liability
for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade
secrets and proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other
countries. It may not be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any
manner not provided for in the software licenses agreement except with written prior approval from PTC.
DAMAGES AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. PTC regards software piracy as the crime it is, and we view
offenders accordingly. We do not tolerate the piracy of PTC software products, and we pursue (both civilly
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resources. As part of these efforts, PTC uses data monitoring and scouring technologies to obtain and transmit
data on users of illegal copies of our software. This data collection is not performed on users of legally
licensed software from PTC and its authorized distributors. If you are using an illegal copy of our software
and do not consent to the collection and transmission of such data (including to the United States), cease
using the illegal version, and contact PTC to obtain a legally licensed copy.
I m p o r t a n t C o p y r i g h t , Tr a d e m a r k , P a t e n t , a n d L i c e n s i n g I n f o r m a t i o n : See the About Box, or copyright
notice, of your PTC software.

This document and the software described herein are Commercial Computer Documentation and Software,
pursuant to FAR 12.212(a)-(b) (OCT95) or DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (JUN95), and are
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above clauses, use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in
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as applicable. 01012014
PTC Inc., 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA


About This Guide ........................................................................................................7

Preparing to Install Your PTC Software ....................................................................... 11
What You Receive ..............................................................................................12
Generating Licenses ...........................................................................................12
Before You Begin................................................................................................13
Opening a PTC Online Account ...........................................................................13
About PTC Installation Assistant ..........................................................................14
Working with PTC Installation Assistant................................................................16
PTC Software License Agreement .......................................................................17
Authenticating Your User Access .........................................................................18
Quick-Start Installation for Experienced Users .............................................................19
Updating PTC License Server..............................................................................20
Installing PTC Creo Applications ..........................................................................20
Where Your Software Is Installed .........................................................................21
Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications ....................................................23
Using PTC Installation Assistant for Licensing.......................................................24
Using the License Server Manager ......................................................................24
Verifying System Requirements ...........................................................................25
Before You Proceed ............................................................................................25
Generating or Updating Licenses .........................................................................26
Installing PTC Creo Applications, PTC Mathcad, and other Utilities ...............................33
Installation Prerequisites .....................................................................................34
File Format Compatibility.....................................................................................34
Installing the PTC Creo Applications: Simple Installation Process...........................34
Using PTC Quality Agent with the PTC Creo Applications ......................................38
Customizing the Installation of the PTC Creo Applications ............................................41
Customizing an Installation..................................................................................42
Defining the Installation Components ...................................................................43
Modifying License Configurations ........................................................................45
Configuring Windows Shortcuts ...........................................................................47
Setting Licenses for PTC Creo Simulate ...............................................................47
Completing the Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications ..............................49
Completing the Installation ..................................................................................50
Installing and Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode ......................51
Starting the PTC Creo Applications ......................................................................51
Configuring the PTC Creo Application Startup.......................................................51
Directory Permissions to Start PTC Creo Applications ...........................................54

Installing PTC Creo Platform Agent ......................................................................54

Configuring a PTC Creo Parametric Installation ....................................................54
Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications ................................................................59
Installing and Accessing PTC Creo Help .....................................................................61
Overview of the Help Center ................................................................................62
Browser Support for PTC Creo Help.....................................................................62
Accessing Help from within a PTC Creo Application ..............................................62
Choosing a Location for the Help Center Installation..............................................63
Installing the Help Center ....................................................................................63
Enabling the Help Center from a Network Drive.....................................................65
Installing the Help Center on a Web Server...........................................................65
Viewing the Help Center Independent of a PTC Creo Application ...........................67
Uninstalling the Help Center ................................................................................68
Updating an Installation .............................................................................................69
Updating the License Server................................................................................70
Updating PTC Creo Applications..........................................................................70
Customizing an Existing Installation of a PTC Creo Application ..............................71
Installing a Maintenance Release.........................................................................72
Appendix A.License Management Software ................................................................73
Overview of PTC Licensing .................................................................................74
License Types ....................................................................................................74
Simplified License Management Process .............................................................74
PTC License Server............................................................................................80
Benefits of Using FlexNet Publisher .....................................................................80
Downward License Compatibility Using FlexNet Publisher .....................................80
Running FlexNet Publisher with Other Applications ...............................................81
Understanding Timeout Parameters .....................................................................81
Suppressing the Regained Network License Dialog Box for PTC Creo
Parametric ......................................................................................................83
Using the Ptcflush Utility......................................................................................83
License Borrowing ..............................................................................................84
Appendix B.lmadmin License Server Manager.............................................................89
Overview of lmadmin as a GUI-Client ...................................................................90
Differences between lmgrd and lmadmin ..............................................................90
Installing PTC License Server Based on lmadmin..................................................90
Working with the FLEXnet License Administrator Web Interface .............................91
Appendix C.System Administration Information ...........................................................95
Temporary Directories .........................................................................................97
System Management Utilities ..............................................................................97
Supported Graphics Modes .................................................................................98
General Plotter Information..................................................................................98
Using the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool with PTC Creo Parametric ............................99
Using Fonts...................................................................................................... 110
OpenType Font Support .................................................................................... 112
UNICODE Font Support .................................................................................... 113

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Available System Fonts for Menu Items .............................................................. 113

Extended ASCII Set .......................................................................................... 113
Displaying the Text Symbol Palette in PTC Creo Parametric ................................ 114
Exporting Special Symbols to IGES.................................................................... 114
Font Definition .................................................................................................. 115
AVI Compression Codecs.................................................................................. 131
Exporting Data to Portable Document Format ..................................................... 132
Meeting Browser Requirements ......................................................................... 132
Opening a PDF File within the PTC Creo Browser ............................................... 133
Using PTC Creo View Express to Open PTC Creo Objects .................................. 133
Opening PTC Creo Objects from Windows Explorer ............................................ 134
JavaScript Security ........................................................................................... 135
Appendix D.Installing and Configuring PTC Quality Agent .......................................... 137
Overview.......................................................................................................... 138
Installing PTC Quality Agent .............................................................................. 138
Configuring PTC Quality Agent .......................................................................... 138
Using Quality Agent .......................................................................................... 142
Uninstalling PTC Quality Agent .......................................................................... 142
Appendix E.Installing PTC MKS Platform Components .............................................. 145
Overview.......................................................................................................... 146
Installing PTC MKS Platform Components.......................................................... 146
Appendix F.Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode.................................. 147
Guidelines and Advantages of a Silent Installation............................................... 148
Strategies for the Mass Deployment of PTC Creo Applications............................. 149
Workflow for a Silent Installation ........................................................................ 150
Command Syntax for a Silent Installation............................................................ 152
Locating the XML Files...................................................................................... 153
Editing the XML Files ........................................................................................ 154
Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode......................................... 160
Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode ....................... 160
Installing PTC Quality Agent and PTC MKS Platform Components in Silent
Mode............................................................................................................ 162
Updating the Registry File ................................................................................. 162
Appendix G.Port Usage by Creo Applications ............................................................ 163
Using Communication Ports .............................................................................. 164
Appendix H.Distributed Computing Technology for PTC Creo Parametric .................... 169
Overview of Distributed Computing .................................................................... 170
Supported Functions......................................................................................... 170
Configuring Workstations for Distributed Computing ............................................ 171
Appendix I.Troubleshooting Tips............................................................................... 173
General Debugging Hints .................................................................................. 174
Online Information ............................................................................................ 174
Troubleshooting List.......................................................................................... 174
Appendix J.Workflow for Installation and Configuration .............................................. 179


Workflow for Generating Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications ......................... 180
Workflow for Installing the PTC Creo Applications ............................................... 181
Workflow for Reconfiguring the PTC Creo Applications........................................ 182
Glossary................................................................................................................. 183
Index...................................................................................................................... 191

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

About This Guide

The PTC Creo design software package encompasses the CAD, CAM, CAE,
CAID, and Visualization applications of PTC. It provides flexibility to add new
interoperable capabilities such as 2D modeling, direct modeling, and BOM-driven
assemblies to your software tools. This guide describes how to generate and
configure licenses, and how to install and maintain the PTC Creo applications
PTC Creo Parametric, PTC Creo Direct, PTC Creo Layout, PTC Creo Simulate,
and PTC Creo Options Modelerusing PTC Installation Assistant. The
installation instructions are also common for PTC Creo Distributed Services
System administrators who are installing the PTC Creo applications for the first
time must be experienced in application installations and must have a good
understanding of operating systems.

How to Use This Guide

This guide supplements the tooltips in PTC Installation Assistant and provides
installation instructions and reference information. To generate or update licenses
and then install or reconfigure the PTC Creo applications, see the following
Preparing to Install
Your PTC Software on
page 11

All users

Quick-Start Installation Advanced users

for Experienced Users

Describes the materials in your
software shipment. Also
provides an overview of PTC
Installation Assistant.
Describes a quick-start
approach for users who have

on page 19


Configuring Licenses
for the PTC Creo
Applications on page
Installing the PTC Creo
Applications on page
Customizing the
Installation of the PTC
Creo Applications on
page 41
Completing the
Installation and Starting
the PTC Creo
Applications on page
Installing and Using
PTC Creo Help on page

All users

previously installed license
management and product
Describes how to generate or
update licenses and install PTC
License Server.

All users

Describes a simple installation

process for the PTC Creo
Describes the advanced
customization options for
installing the PTC Creo
Describes the steps to complete
the installation of PTC Creo
applications and the procedure
to uninstall them.

Advanced users

All users

Advanced users and

Describes how to install and
system administrators access Help for PTC Creo
Parametric, PTC Creo Direct,
PTC Creo Layout, PTC Creo
Simulate, and PTC Creo
Options Modeler from a local
host computer, a network drive,
and from a Web server.
Updating an
All users
Describes how to update the
Installation on page 69
PTC Creo applications on your
Installing the PTC Creo System administrators Describes how to install and
Applications in Silent
uninstall the PTC Creo
Mode on page 147
applications and the client-side
components in silent mode.

Related Documentation
The following documents on the Reference Documents page may be helpful as
you use this guide:

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Installing PTC Creo 3.0: Creo Schematics

Installing PTC Creo 3.0: Creo View

Installing PTC Creo 3.0: Creo Illustrate

FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide that discusses the third-party

license management software for distributing PTC Creo licenses

Installing and Configuring the Standalone PTC License Server that discusses
the installation of the lmadmin-based PTC License Server

Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t
Contact PTC Technical Support via the PTC Web site, phone, fax, or e-mail if you
encounter problems using your software. You can log a new case or track an
existing case or SPR (Software Performance Report) using the PTC Web page at To log a new case, see the eSupport
Tools on the left.
You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) before you can receive
technical support. You can find this number on your Shipment confirmation e-mail
from PTC or by contacting Customer Care. See the Contact table in the Customer
Support Guide.

Documentation for PTC Products

PTC provides documentation for download at and also on a DVD. The
following forms of documentation for PTC Creo Parametric, PTC Creo Direct,
PTC Creo Layout, PTC Creo Simulate, and PTC Creo Options Modeler are

A Help Center with context-sensitive Help, search facility, and quick links to
helpful information.

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide and other books as PDF
files. To view and print the books, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader

After you install the Help component, press F1 on a user interface item to get
context-sensitive Help. To access the Help Center, click

To access all PTC Documentation from, you must have a valid user
account. Go to the New Account page to request a user account or call the
Customer Support.

Feedback to Documentation
PTC welcomes your suggestions and comments on its documentationsend
feedback to the following address:

About This Guide
Please include the name of the application and its release with your comments.
For online books, provide the book title.
Additionally, you can report any documentation issues using the online Case
Logger tool. On the second C a s e L o g g e r page, select a product, release, datecode,
and then select H e l p C e n t e r / D o c u m e n t a t i o n from the Te c h n i c a l A r e a list. Upon
submission of all information, a case number is returned immediately.

Documentation Conventions
PTC documentation uses the following conventions:

Courier with lessthan and greaterthan
symbols (< >)


Menu paths, dialog box options,
buttons, and other selectable
elements from the user interface
User input, system messages,
directories, and file names
Variables for which an
appropriate value is substituted

Click F i l e N e w .
Click O K .

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

P r e p a r i n g t o I n s t a l l Yo u r P T C
What You Receive .....................................................................................................12
Generating Licenses..................................................................................................12
Before You Begin ......................................................................................................13
Opening a PTC Online Account ..................................................................................13
About PTC Installation Assistant.................................................................................14
Working with PTC Installation Assistant ......................................................................16
PTC Software License Agreement ..............................................................................17
Authenticating Your User Access ................................................................................18

This chapter describes the materials in your software shipment. It also provides an
overview of how you can use PTC Installation Assistant for obtaining licenses and
installing your software.


W h a t Yo u R e c e i v e
PTC sends the following materials related to your software order:

PTC Software Order Confirmation emailBefore the receipt of your PTC

software, you will receive an e-mail containing all the details of your order.

Software and Help DVDsYour order contains one or more DVDs for each
product purchased. It also contains the Help DVD for the PTC Creo
applications: PTC Creo Parametric, PTC Creo Direct, PTC Creo Layout, PTC
Creo Simulate, and PTC Creo Options Modeler in all the supported languages.

Generating Licenses
Both new and existing customers can generate licenses in one of two ways.

Using PTC Installation Assistant

Using PTC License Management Web toolsRequest your License Pack via

New Software Orders and Configurations

For new software orders, configure the license for the purchased products in one
of the following ways:

Use PTC Installation Assistant to generate the license and install PTC License
Contact PTC License Management directly for licenses.
Click the C o n f i g u r e N e w S o f t w a r e link under L i c e n s e M a n a g e m e n t on the PTC
Creo eSupport Center page and follow the instructions.

Maintenance Shipments
If you are updating your PTC software, you can use PTC Installation Assistant to
generate a license file. The license generation process is based on the product code
for your Maintenance Release shipment. Alternatively, you can request electronic
copies of your License Packs by either contacting PTC License Management
directly or using the PTC Creo eSupport Center page and clicking R e t r i e v e
E x i s t i n g L i c e n s e P a c k s under L i c e n s e M a n a g e m e n t and following the instructions.
A License Pack for a Maintenance Release shipment contains all the qualifying
licenses for the specified site.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

The contents of the License Pack reflect your order. If your configurations
have changed since a maintenance release, contact PTC License Management
for a new License Pack.

B e f o r e Yo u B e g i n
Before you install your PTC Creo software, make sure that the following
prerequisites are met:

You have opened an online account at

You have received the Software Confirmation Order e-mail with the product
code or the Sales Order Number for your shipment. Alternatively, you must
have received your License Pack via e-mail from PTC License Management.

You have received the product DVD in your software shipment. If not, follow
the link on your Software Confirmation Order e-mail to download the
installation package to a folder on the local or the network computer.

You have checked the Hardware Notes for platform support, system
requirements, and supported graphics card details at

If you are an existing user, you must have verified whether a FlexNet
Publisher license server is available for updating with new license codes.

You have read the READ THIS FIRST document for installation prerequisites.

Opening a PTC Online Account

You must have a PTC online account to generate a license and install the PTC
Creo applications. Use the following instructions to create an online account:
1. On a computer connected to the Internet, go to the New Account page.
2. Fill in any empty boxes.
3. Click C r e a t e A c c o u n t . A confirmation page indicates a successful account
4. Review and print this confirmation for your record. A confirmation of your
account is sent to your e-mail address.

Preparing to Install Your PTC Software


R e s e t t i n g Yo u r P a s s w o r d
If at any time you do not remember your password, follow these
1. Open the Reset Your Password page.
2. Type your user name.
3. Click C o n t i n u e . A URL to reset your password is sent to your e-mail address.

About PTC Installation Assistant

PTC Installation Assistant generates licenses and installs the PTC Creo
applications based on the license sources that you have been provided. You can
perform the following tasks using PTC Installation Assistant:

Generate or update node-locked or floating licenses at runtime

Drag-and-drop previously downloaded node-locked or floating license files

Download node-locked licenses to a specific location. In case of floating

licenses, install PTC License Server

Identify license sources listed in a PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE variable set on

your computer or if a license server is already running

View a list of the available applications based on the entitlements listed in the
license file

Download and install the PTC Creo applications from

Perform a simple installation. Alternatively, customize the installation to add

specific features and configurations

Reconfigure an existing installation

See Workflow for Installation and Configuration on page 179 for flowcharts on
the installation and reconfiguration tasks.

Accessing PTC Installation Assistant

You can access PTC Installation Assistant from the DVD in your software
shipment. You can also download the Assistant from the Web by following the
link on your PTC Software Order Confirmation e-mail. After downloading the
installation package from the Web, extract the contents to a folder on your
computer or onto a network server location depending on how you want to
configure your installation.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Privileges for Starting PTC Installation Assistant

To start PTC Installation Assistant on Windows, you must have elevated
privileges assigned to you by an administrator. In addition, the startup behavior of
the Assistant depends on the following criteria:

The permission group or the access token associated with the logged-in user
The User Account Control (UAC) settings for that account

The startup behavior for the Assistant is summarized below:

A c c e s s To k e n

UAC Status

Ty p e o f P r o m p t R e s u l t
Prompt for consent You can start the
Assistant after you
provide your
No prompt
You can start the
Assistant with a
full administrative
access token.



Standard User


Prompt for

Standard User


Not applicable

You can start the

Assistant with a
full administrative
access token.
You cannot start
the Assistant.

Starting PTC Installation Assistant

You can start PTC Installation Assistant by running setup.exe from the root
directory of either the DVD or the downloaded installation files. Other than using
the default of English, you can run the Assistant in French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian.
See the next section for details. If you are starting the Assistant from a DVD, the
Assistant starts automatically if your computer has autorun enabled for your
DVD drive. If it does not happen, follow one of these methods:

Start Windows Explorer, browse to the DVD drive, and double-click the
setup.exe icon.

At an MS-DOS prompt, type <dvd>:\setup.exe, where <dvd> is the

DVD drive letter.

From the task bar, select S t a r t R u n , and enter <dvd>:\setup.exe.

Preparing to Install Your PTC Software


Wo r k i n g w i t h P T C I n s t a l l a t i o n A s si s t a n t
In addition to generating and updating licenses, you can install some of the PTC
Creo applications using PTC Installation Assistant. When you start the Assistant,
the Welcome screen appears as shown below:

On this screen select a task based on your installation requirements and click N e x t
to proceed.

Install new software

Reconfigure existing software

Setup license

As you perform the various tasks, the processes involved are highlighted on the
left pane. Take one of the following actions to end the installation process:

Click I n s t a l l and then click F i n i s h to complete the installation and close the

Click F i n i s h to close the Assistant if you are only generating or updating


Click [X] at the top-right corner of the Assistant to stop the installation and
exit the Assistant at any stage during the installation.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

PTC Software License Agreement

Before you use PTC Installation Assistant for generating licenses or installing
software, you must accept the PTC software license agreement. To do so, follow
these steps:
1. Start the Assistant and select a task on the Welcome screen.
2. Click N e x t . The S o f t w a r e L i c e n s e A g r e e m e n t screen appears.

The license agreement is in the language specified for the language

environment variable LANG. If you are running the Assistant in a language
other than English, click

to open a PDF file with the English license

3. Read and accept the license agreement.

You must accept the license agreement to proceed even if a license

agreement already exists. The license agreement shown above supersedes
the previous license agreement.

If you decline the license agreement, you cannot proceed. Click F i n i s h to

stop the installation and exit the Assistant. A page with instructions that
you should follow after you decline the license agreement, opens in your
default browser window.

4. Click the check box at the bottom of the screen to confirm that you are
installing and using the software in compliance with the export agreement.
5. Click

to print the license agreement.

Preparing to Install Your PTC Software


A u t h e n t i c a t i n g Yo u r U s e r A c c e s s
If you are accessing PTC Installation Assistant from the Web, the following login
screen may appear at any stage after you accept the software license agreement.
This happens in case your user access has not already been authenticated:

Perform the following steps for authentication:

1. Type your user name using the format <user> in the
U s e r n a m e text box.
2. Type the password corresponding to the user name in the P a s s w o r d text box.
3. If you do not remember your user name or password, click R e s e t m y
p a s s w o r d . You are redirected to a page on to reset your password.
4. Click L o g I n .
If necessary, click the link at the bottom of the dialog box to create a new account.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Quick-Start Installation for
Experienced Users
Updating PTC License Server ....................................................................................20
Installing PTC Creo Applications.................................................................................20
Where Your Software Is Installed ................................................................................21

This chapter provides a quick-start approach for experienced users who have
previously installed license management and product software on license server,
license client, and node-locked machines. For step-by-step installation instructions
on using PTC Installation Assistant, read the subsequent chapters in this guide.
New users can refer to the section Installing the Creo Applications: Simple
Installation Process on page 34.


Updating PTC License Server

If you are updating your software to a later release, you must update your PTC
licenses. See Updating the License Server on page 70 for details.

Installing PTC Creo Applications

Install PTC Creo applications one at a time to a client machine and to the license
server machine using the following workflow:
1. Start PTC Installation Assistant.
2. Click I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e on the Welcome screen.
3. Accept the software license agreement.
4. Configure a license source (a license file or a license server) using the
instructions in the chapter Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo
Applications on page 23. If you have already configured a license source,
select it from the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area of the L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen.
5. Select one or more PTC Creo applications to install.
6. Select a folder for the installation. To install into a folder other than the
default, either type the full path or browse to the folder to select it.
To install more than one PTC Creo application at a custom location, make sure
to install them in a common folder. The files common to the applications get
installed in the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\Common Files
folder accessible to all the applications.
7. Customize each PTC Creo application using the steps that follow or click
I n s t a l l to start a simple installation.
a. Click C u s t o m i z e after selecting an application.
b. Define the platforms, languages, and the other components.
c. Modify the license configuration information to associate specific licenses
to the application startup command. You can attach multiple licenses to a
single command name.
d. Configure the Windows shortcut preferences as required.
See Installing PTC Creo Applications, PTC Mathcad, and other Utilities on
page 33 for details on the simple installation process. See Customizing an
Installation on page 42 for the customization details.
8. Click F i n i s h .


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

W h e r e Yo u r S o f t w a r e I s I n s t a l l e d
PTC Installation Assistant defines and installs software into a default installation
directory that you can modify for your environment during installation. The
default path is as follows:
C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\<datecode>\<app_name>
PTC License Server, the PTC Creo applications, and any related components are
installed into separate subdirectories within the PTC directory.

All the 32-bit applications are installed at C:\Program Files (X86) even
if you have specified your installation path as C:\Program Files.

Quick-Start Installation for Experienced Users


Configuring Licenses for the PTC
Creo Applications
Using PTC Installation Assistant for Licensing .............................................................24
Using the License Server Manager .............................................................................24
Verifying System Requirements..................................................................................25
Before You Proceed...................................................................................................25
Generating or Updating Licenses................................................................................26

This chapter explains how to generate or update licenses using PTC Installation
Assistant. It also provides instructions to install PTC License Server, a third-party
license management software for your PTC Creo applications. You must install
PTC License Server before installing your PTC Creo applications unless you have
purchased uncounted node-locked licenses. Refer to your sales documents for
your license type. For the license server version requirements appropriate for your
installation, see the READ THIS FIRST.
PTC uses FlexNet Publisher from Flexera Software, Inc. as its license server. See
License Management Software on page 73 for an overview and benefits of the
license management software. The FlexNet Publisher License Administration
Guide may be helpful as you install PTC License Server.


Using PTC Installation Assistant for

You must generate or update exiting licenses to use the latest software for PTC
Creo 3.0. Licenses determine the PTC Creo applications that you are authorized to
run on your computer. The Assistant helps you perform the following licensingrelated tasks:

Generate a new license file based on your product code

Update and reuse an existing license file on your computer or at a remote

server location

Install a single or a triad license server

Using the License Server Manager

The license server manager handles the initial contact with your PTC software that
uses FlexNet licensing. It passes the connection to the appropriate vendor daemon.
A license server manager serves the following purposes:

Starts and maintains vendor daemons for serving license rights from different

Transfers specific software requests to the correct vendor daemon.

There are two versions of the license server manager for license administration:

lmadminUses a graphical user interface (GUI)

lmgrdUses a command-line interface

PTC currently ships with its products a license server manager based on
lmadmin with the ptc_d vendor daemon at version 11.11.1. It is a replacement
to the lmgrdbased license server manager shipped with the earlier releases of
PTC products. If you are using an lmgrdbased license server manager with
ptc_d vendor daemon of version 10.8.x, it is recommended that you migrate to
lmadmin although it is not necessary.

On a 64bit Windows operating system, if you are installing FlexNet
Publisher with a lmadmin-based license server manager, a 32bit version of
the FlexNet Publisher is installed in the C:\Program Files folder.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Ve r i f y i n g S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s
Installation requirements for the PTC Creo applications in this guide follow:

For Windows 7, you must have administrative privileges to install PTC

License Server.

You must have TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

installed and configured correctly on your Windows system before installing
the software.

To use the lmadminbased license server manager on Windows platforms,

you must install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x86).
You can choose to install this package during the license server installation

For information on platform support for the PTC Creo applications, see http://

B e f o r e Yo u P r o c e e d
Gather all the necessary information that follows about the installation:

Check the following documents for the latest installation settings:

The Hardware Notes for platform support, system requirements, and
supported graphics card details at
The READ THIS FIRST document of your product for any changes to
your computer settings
The FlexNet License Server Hardware Notes for license server installation
requirements at

Make note of your product code that arrives via e-mail. If you have received a
license file via e-mail, store it at a secure location on your disk.

If you have already installed PTC License Server based on lmgrd and choose
not to migrate to lmadmin, you must still update the license server with
license codes compatible with PTC Creo 3.0.

If you have already installed PTC License Server based on lmgrd and choose
to migrate to lmadmin, complete these steps before the migration:

Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications


1. Shut down any lmgrd service or processes running on the system.

2. Save the license.dat file from your existing license server installation
to a secure location.
3. Uninstall the previous installation completely.
See Migrating from lmgrd to lmadmin, in the FlexNet Publisher License
Administration Guide for more information.

About the Product Codes

A product code is a unique serial number corresponding to the license that you are
requesting. An example of a product code is BH381111ED12345H4B5CXD.
Product codes are nontransferable. They can be used by only one individual on
only one computer. Product codes are usually provided by PTC when your
software order is confirmed. You can use the product codes to generate licenses
using PTC Installation Assistant.

Generating or Updating Licenses

After you have received an e-mail from PTC with the Sales Order Number (SON)
or product codes for your software order, generate or update licenses using PTC
Installation Assistant as follows:
1. Start the Assistant. The Welcome screen appears.
2. Select either S e t u p l i c e n s e or I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e depending on the tasks that
you want to perform:

S e t u p l i c e n s e generates or installs licenses.

I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e performs license generation or identification tasks

after which you can install the software.

3. Click N e x t . The S o f t w a r e L i c e n s e A g r e e m e n t screen appears.
4. Read and accept the software license agreement and click the check box at the
bottom of the screen to accept the export agreement.
5. Click N e x t . The L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen appears. The L i c e n s e S u m m a r y
area shows the available license sources installed using the Assistant or the


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

licenses found on the computer. The license availability is shown in the S t a t u s


6. Click S k i p L i c e n s i n g if you want to proceed with the installation without

providing the licensing information. You can provide the licensing information
at a later stage by re-running the PTC Installation Assistant.

If you click S k i p L i c e n s i n g , the C o m m a n d C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed page on
the A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g dialog box is not available during
customizing the PTC Creo application. You can add, edit, or delete a
license configuration using the C o m m a n d C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed page on the
A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g dialog box.

Using the Simple License Entry Options

Use the S i m p l e L i c e n s e E n t r y area on the L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen and perform
the following steps:
1. Type your sales order number or product code in the corresponding text box.
2. Click I n s t a l l L i c e n s i n g . If the sales order number matches your software order,
all the available licenses corresponding to the sales order number are
automatically generated into the license file.

Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications


For node-locked licenses, a single set of available node-locked license

features are added to the license file and downloaded to the C:\
ProgramData\PTC\licensing\ folder.

For floating licenses, all the available licenses are added to the license file
and the PTC FlexNet Publisher license server is installed.

The complete path of the license file or the port@hostname value of the
license server appears in the S o u r c e column of the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area.
This area displays all the license files or servers available for use on your
3. To complete the license setup, click one of the following buttons depending on
the options you have selected on the Welcome screen:

Click F i n i s h to close the Assistant if you have selected S e t u p l i c e n s e .

Click N e x t if you have selected I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e to proceed with the


Using the Advanced License Entry Options

Use the A d v a n c e d L i c e n s e E n t r y area on the L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen to edit
the default license port and for the setup of a Triad license server as follows:
1. Click

next to A d v a n c e d L i c e n s e E n t r y to expand the area.

2. Type your Sales Order Number or your product code in the corresponding text


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

3. Click H o s t I D S e t u p to open the H o s t I D S e t u p dialog box.

The sales order number or the product code from the previous step appears in
the dialog box. The M a c h i n e I D , P o r t , and the H o s t columns for the local
computer is shown.
a. To change the default port for a single license, edit the number in the P o r t
text box and click I n s t a l l L i c e n s i n g . Then skip to the last step in this
b. For triad server installations, follow these steps:
i. Click

next to Tr i a d S e r v e r to expand the area.

ii. Provide the host ID, port number, and the host name for the other two
iii. Click I n s t a l l L i c e n s i n g . An authentication dialog box to connect to may open if your user access has not already been validated.
If so, provide your credentials and click L o g I n .
The license server is installed and appears in the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area of
the L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen.
4. To complete the license setup, click one of the following buttons depending on
the options you have selected on the Welcome screen:

Click F i n i s h to close the Assistant if you have selected S e t u p l i c e n s e .

Click N e x t if you have selected I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e to proceed with the


Installing the License Server at a Custom Location

If required, you can install the license server at a custom location, as follows:

Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications


1. Copy the PTC Creo product installation DVD or the product installation
package that you downloaded from the web, to a temporary location (<temp_
folder>) on your disk.
2. Edit the <temp_folder>/pim/xml/flexadmin.xml file and modify
the INSTALLBASE name attribute of the PROPERTY node to specify the
custom installation location for the license server as shown:

Modify to:

Where, D:\NEWFLEXDIR is the custom installation location for the license

3. Save the <temp_folder>/pim/xml/flexadmin.xml file.
4. Start the PTC Installation Assistant from the locally copied <temp_
folder> folder, and install the license server. The license server is installed
at the custom location D:\NEWFLEXDIR.

PTC recommends that you do not edit the flexadmin.xml file unless there
is a specific need to do so.

You can edit only those nodes that are documented in this section.

Specifying License Entry for Previously Generated

License Files
Using the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area, you can install licenses using the license files
that you have already received as follows:
1. Drag and drop or type the path to the license file.
2. Click outside the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area to begin the installation of the license
server for floating licenses. For the node-locked licenses, this step checks the
host ID of the local computer.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Node-locked licenses that you specify using the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area are
not remembered in the subsequent sessions unless you add them
specifically to the PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE variable.
3. Click the
or the
buttons in the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area to add or remove
license sources from the current session.

Removing license sources does not delete or uninstall license files or the
license server.
4. To complete the license setup, click one of the following buttons depending on
the options you have selected on the Welcome screen:

Click F i n i s h to close the Assistant if you have selected S e t u p l i c e n s e .

Click N e x t if you have selected I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e to proceed with the


Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications


Installing PTC Creo Applications,
PTC Mathcad, and other Utilities
Installation Prerequisites ............................................................................................34
File Format Compatibility ...........................................................................................34
Installing the PTC Creo Applications: Simple Installation Process .................................34
Using PTC Quality Agent with the PTC Creo Applications.............................................38

This chapter provides information on how to install the following PTC products:

PTC Creo applications:

PTC Creo Parametric
PTC Creo Direct
PTC Creo Layout
PTC Creo Simulate
PTC Creo Options Modeler
PTC Creo Distributed Services Manager

PTC Mathcad



Installation Prerequisites
See Before You Begin on page 13 to check if all the installation prerequisites are
met. Install the PTC Creo applications and PTC Creo Distributed Services
Manager after you have obtained a license and installed PTC License Server. See
the chapter Configuring Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications on page 23 for
details on how to obtain licenses for your software. You can install your product
software on a license server, a license client, a node-locked machine, or on any
combination of these machines.

Usage of uncounted, node-locked licenses does not require PTC License

License configuration is a part of the installation process.

File Format Compatibility

You can retrieve files (parts, assemblies, drawings) created in a previous release of
a PTC Creo application using the current version of the same application.

Installing the PTC Creo Applications:

Simple Installation Process
Using PTC Installation Assistant, you can install the PTC Creo applications and
PTC Creo Distributed Services Manager using a simple installation process. You
can also customize their installation using this installer. A simple installation
process is described below:
1. Start the Assistant. The Welcome screen appears.
2. Click I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e .


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

3. Click N e x t . The S o f t w a r e L i c e n s e A g r e e m e n t screen appears.

4. Accept the agreement and click the check box at the bottom of the screen to
confirm that you are installing the software in compliance with the export
5. Click N e x t . The L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen appears.

Installing PTC Creo Applications, PTC Mathcad, and other Utilities


6. If you have not already obtained your licenses or installed PTC License
Server, follow the instructions in the chapter Configuring Licenses for the
PTC Creo Applications on page 23.
If you have configured your licenses, confirm that your desired license source
appears in the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area, or add it using one of the following

Drag and drop a valid license file into the S o u r c e column for a nodelocked license.

Specify the port@hostname value of the license server in the S o u r c e

column for a single floating license server.

Specify the name of a member of the Triad license server in the S o u r c e

column. The L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area is automatically populated with the
entire Triad license server information.

After you provide the correct license information, the availability of the
license appears in the S t a t u s column.
7. Click N e x t . The A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen appears.

8. Specify an installation folder or retain the default folder.

Selecting Application for Installation
Select one or more applications from the list:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

PTC Creo:
PTC Creo Direct
PTC Creo Distributed Services Manager
PTC Creo Layout
PTC Creo Options Modeler
PTC Creo Parametric
PTC Creo Simulate

PTC Mathcad:
PTC Mathcad Viewable Support Enables PTC Mathcad Prime when
integrated with Windchill to generate PDF rendering of the worksheet.
This component is required when using Windchill integration.
PTC Mathcad Prime.
For information on installation of standalone PTC Mathcad Prime, refer to the
PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide here.

To enable the integration of PTC Mathcad Prime with any of the PTC Creo
applications, ensure that you have installed both, the PTC Mathcad Prime
and the corresponding PTC Creo application.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Setup
PTC Creo Platform Agent
PTC Creo Thumbnail Viewer
PTC Creo View Express
PTC MKS Platform Components 9.x
PTC Quality Agent

Required utilities for applications that you select to install, are
automatically marked for installation. You can deselect the PTC Creo
Thumbnail Viewer, and PTC Creo View Express for installation. The PTC
MKS Platform Components 9.x is not selected by default.

Installing PTC Creo Applications, PTC Mathcad, and other Utilities


Before selecting applications from the list, check if you are installing the correct
version of the software and whether the disk space requirements are met.
Perform one of the following steps:

Click I n s t a l l to install the applications without any customization.

Select the applications and click C u s t o m i z e to customize their installation. The

A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g screen appears with the applications selected for
customization on the left pane. Refer to the chapter Customizing the
Installation of the PTC Creo Applications on page 41 for more information.

Some of the applications on the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen cannot be
customized. For such applications, the C u s t o m i z e button is not available.

Using PTC Quality Agent with the PTC

Creo Applications
PTC Quality Agent is a required utility that gets installed by default when you
install any of the PTC Creo applications. Click or clear the check box at the
bottom of the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen for enabling or disabling PTC Quality
Agent reporting. By default, PTC Quality Agent reporting is always enabled.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

PTC Quality Agent helps you to gather and send reports to PTC on the
performance and usage of the PTC Creo applications. Before clicking the check
box, read the instructions in the data collection document whose link is provided
at the bottom of the screen. See Installing PTC Quality Agent on page 137for
more information on the uses of PTC Quality Agent.

Installing PTC Creo Applications, PTC Mathcad, and other Utilities


Customizing the Installation of the
PTC Creo Applications
Customizing an Installation ........................................................................................42
Defining the Installation Components ..........................................................................43
Modifying License Configurations ...............................................................................45
Configuring Windows Shortcuts..................................................................................47
Setting Licenses for PTC Creo Simulate......................................................................47

This chapter explains how to customize an installation of the PTC Creo

applications. This information also applies to PTC Creo Distributed Services
Manager. Some of the application features in this chapter are specific to individual
PTC Creo applications.


Customizing an Installation
You can customize the installation of a PTC Creo application using the following
1. Perform steps 1 through 8 as described in the section Installing the PTC Creo
Applications: Simple Installation Process on page 34.
2. Select the applications on the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen and click
C u s t o m i z e . The A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g dialog box opens. The selected
applications for customization appear on the left pane. The customization
tabbed pages appear on the right pane as shown in the following figure.

To install customized application features using the A p p l i c a t i o n F e a t u r e s

tabbed page, see Defining the Installation Components on page 43.

To modify license configurations using the C o m m a n d C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed

page, see Modifying License Configurations on page 45.

To configure Windows shortcut preferences using the S h o r t c u t s tabbed

page, see Configuring Windows Shortcuts on page 47.

3. Click an application on the left pane and then click a tabbed page on the right
pane to proceed.
4. After selecting the options on all the tabbed pages, perform one of the
following actions:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Click O K to finish the customization and return to the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n


Click C a n c e l .

5. Complete the installation of the PTC Creo application. See Completing the
Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications on page 49 for details.

Defining the Installation Components

Using the A p p l i c a t i o n F e a t u r e s tabbed page, you can define the following
components for installation. Refer to the Application column for the application
with which you can install the component.


A P I To o l k i t s


All the PTC Creo
applications and PTC
Creo Distributed
Services Manager

Installs the PTC Creo
application and its
components. By default, the
components are installed at
<app_name> and the startup
scripts are installed at
PTC Creo Parametric Installs additional
components such as PTC
Creo ModelCHECK, JRE,
Mold Component Catalog,
PTC Creo Parametric
Distributed Computing
Extension with PTC Creo
PTC Creo applications Installs the files necessary to
and PTC Creo
run the Application Program
Distributed Services
Interface toolkits.
PTC Creo
Installs the external

Customizing the Installation of the PTC Creo Applications




To install P T C C r e o
Parametric Interface for
C A D D S 5 , you must also
select M K S P l a t f o r m
C o m p o n e n t s 9 . x for

installation on the
Application Selection



All the PTC Creo

applications and PTC
Creo Distributed
Services Manager

Enable Quality Agent


All the PTC Creo

applications and PTC
Creo Distributed
Services Manager
All the PTC Creo

Ve r i f i c a t i o n M o d e l s

PTC Creo Simulate


screen. See Installing

MKS Platform
Components on page 145
for more information.
Selects your machines
architecture automatically as
the default platform for
installing the components.
PTC provides separate
software installer (DVD
media and downloadable
package) for 32bit and 64
bit systems.
Selects the languages for the
installation. The software is
installed in English by default
and cannot be disabled.
If enabled, collects
information related to the
PTC Creo applications and
other system-related
information and sends it to
PTC. See Installing Quality
Agent on page 137for more
information on Quality Agent.
Installs the verification
models as described in the
Simulation Verification Guide

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

PTC Creo Parametric
Distributed Computing

Direct Modeling

PTC Creo Simulate

PTC Creo Parametric,

PTC Creo Simulate,
PTC Creo Direct

Installs this component to run
distributed computing tasks
that include import/export,
printing operations, and
studies in case of PTC Creo
Installs files that are required
to convert and open PTC Creo
Elements/Direct files.

Modifying License Configurations

Using the C o m m a n d C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed page, you can add, edit, or delete a
license configuration. The figures in this section show the default license
configurations for PTC Creo Parametric. Similar screens appear for the other PTC
Creo applications.

Perform the following steps:

1. Click A d d to add additional configurations. The A d d c o n f i g u r a t i o n dialog box

Customizing the Installation of the PTC Creo Applications


a. In the C o n f i g u r a t i o n N a m e box specify a file name (*.psf) for the license

configuration information. Use alphanumeric characters without spaces to
define the configuration name.
b. From the C o n f i g u r a t i o n Ty p e list, select a configuration type.
c. In the C o n f i g u r a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n box, type a description for each of the
license configurations that you have defined. This information is displayed
on the startup of PTC Creo Parametric. The description can contain spaces
and other characters.
d. The Av a i l a b l e L i c e n s e ( s ) column displays the set of all licenses to run and
the startup extensions and floating licenses. Highlight the required license
in this column and move it to the S t a r t u p e x t e n s i o n s a n d f l o a t i n g o p t i o n s
e. Click O K . The newly added license configuration appears on the L i c e n s e
C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed page.
2. To edit a license configuration, select it on the C o m m a n d C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed
page and click E d i t . Use the options on the E d i t c o n f i g u r a t i o n dialog box for
3. To delete a license configuration, select it and click D e l e t e .


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Configuring Windows Shortcuts

Using the S h o r t c u t tabbed page, you can configure the Windows shortcut
preferences for the PTC Creo applications. Set the Windows shortcut settings that
are shown in the following figure:

Setting Licenses for PTC Creo Simulate

The L i c e n s e s tabbed page appears when you click P T C C r e o S i m u l a t e .

Customizing the Installation of the PTC Creo Applications


Using this tabbed page you can configure licenses for PTC Creo Simulate. A list
of license types against the selected licenses appears on this tabbed page. Type a
value in the S e l e c t e d L i c e n s e ( s ) text box to change the license for the selected
license type.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Completing the Installation and
Starting the PTC Creo
Completing the Installation .........................................................................................50
Installing and Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode .............................51
Starting the PTC Creo Applications.............................................................................51
Configuring the PTC Creo Application Startup .............................................................51
Directory Permissions to Start PTC Creo Applications ..................................................54
Installing PTC Creo Platform Agent.............................................................................54
Configuring a PTC Creo Parametric Installation ...........................................................54
Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications .......................................................................59

This chapter explains how to complete an installation of a PTC Creo application.

This information is common to PTC Creo Distributed Services Manager.
Information on how to start the PTC Creo applications and configure their startup
is also given. Proceed to the end of the chapter for the procedure to uninstall the
PTC Creo applications.


Completing the Installation

After configuring your settings, follow these steps to complete the installation:
1. Click B a c k and review information to make sure that your settings are correct.
2. Click I n s t a l l to begin the installation. The I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o g r e s s screen displays
the status.

Utilities that are required for applications that you select on the A p p l i c a t i o n
S e l e c t i o n screen, get installed prior to the installation of the selected
On this screen you can also perform the following operations using buttons to
the right of the progress bars and below them:



to stop an installation.


to restart an installation.

Click F i n i s h after the applications are installed to close the Assistant. You
can also click [X] at the top-right corner of the Assistant to exit the

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Installing and Uninstalling the PTC Creo

Applications in Silent Mode
You can install and uninstall all the PTC Creo applications included in this guide
in silent mode using command-line arguments. See Installing the PTC Creo
Applications in Silent Mode on page 147 for details.

Starting the PTC Creo Applications

After your license management and product software have been installed, start the
PTC Creo applications. You can run the applications using the shortcut defined on
your desktop or using the S t a r t menu. Click A l l P r o g r a m s P T C C r e o and select
the PTC Creo 3.0 application that you want to start.

Configuring the PTC Creo Application

When you configure the startup of a PTC Creo application, an executable file
named <app>.exe, for example, parametric.exe and one or more
configuration files (.psf) are created for each startup configuration. The
configuration file contains an area where you can specify and set user-defined
environment variables. This user-defined information is preserved during
reconfiguration and update installations of the PTC Creo applications. A
configuration file is created when you complete the installation of a PTC Creo
The configuration file is created in the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\
<app_name>\bin\ directory.
You can run <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\<app_name>\bin\
<app_name>.exe to display a list of the available startup configurations.
The startup command is a combination of the startup executable and the
configuration file. For example,
parametric.exe <filename>.psf
In this case, <filename> is the name of the configuration file.
A sample configuration file follows. The text is the default information that is
used when you start PTC Creo Parametric. The bold text following the // USER
- PSF section is the user-defined information for starting PTC Creo Parametric.

Completing the Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications


Modify only the last text line of this sample configuration file.
// PTC - PSF file: parametric
RUN=<creo_loadpoint>%PRO_MACHINE_TYPE%\nms\nmsd.exe -timeout 300
// Add User specific environment or run applications below here

You can set the value of an environment variable or specify the startup of a thirdparty application under the // USER - PSF section of the configuration file.
If you run Creo application without creating a configuration file, a error message
indicates that the Creo application cannot be started. In such cases you must run
ptcsetup from the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\<app_name>\
bin\ folder and create a PTC Startup File (PSF) for that Creo application. You
can then run that Creo application using corresponding PSF file.
If you create only one configuration file for a Creo application, that Creo
application uses the configuration file by default.

S p e c i f y i n g E n v i r o n m e n t a l Va r i a b l e s
You can use a configuration file to specify the value of an environmental variable
in the configuration file, follow these instructions:

Use the ENV or RUN entry to specify the value of an environment variable or
to run an external application.

Use the equal sign (=) following ENV to change the existing value of the

Use the plus and equal to signs (+=) to add a value after an existing value of
the variable.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Use the minus and equal to signs (-=) to insert a value before an existing
value of the variable.

Use the RUN entry to run an external command on startup.

Reading of Configuration Files at Startup

A PTC Creo application automatically reads configuration files from several
locations. If an option is in more than one configuration file, the most recently
loaded or the most recently read setting is applied.
At startup, a PTC Creo application first reads in a protected system configuration
file called config.sup. It then searches for and reads in the configuration files
(,, from various directories in
the following order:
1. <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\Common Files\text (creo_
loadpoint is the PTC Creo application installation directory)Your
system administrator may have put configuration files in this location to
support company standards for windows configuration settings, formats, and
libraries. Any user starting a PTC Creo application from this loadpoint uses
the values in this file.
2. HOME environment variableYou can set this environment variable to point
to a directory created for your login ID. You can place your configuration files
here to start the PTC Creo application from any folder without having to copy
the files in each folder.
3. Startup directoryThis is your current or the working directory when you
start a PTC Creo application. Since the local configuration files
(,, and in this directory are
the last to be read, they override any conflicting configuration file option
entries. The file does not, however, override any
config.sup entries.

Generating a Debug Log File

The debug log file contains the environment variables that you have set. You can
run the <app_name>.exe executable in debug mode by setting the value of the
environment variable APPL_STARTUP_LOG to true. A debug file named
applstarter.log is created in the C:\ drive.

Completing the Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications


Directory Permissions to Start PTC Creo

You cannot start a PTC Creo application from a directory without write
permissions unless you specify an alternative directory to store the trail files. If
you start a PTC Creo application from a directory without write permissions, a
dialog box opens as shown in the following example:

Specify another directory with write permissions. The working directory remains
the same, but the trail files are stored in the new working directory that you have

Installing PTC Creo Platform Agent

When you begin the installation of a PTC Creo application, an appropriate version
of the PTC Creo Platform Agent gets installed. PTC Creo Platform Agent is a
system level component of PTC Creo that acts as a broker connecting other
independent PTC Creo components. Installation of PTC Creo Platform Agent
enables the following functionality:

Invokes the LearningConnector for PTC Creo application

Facilitates PTC Windchill SocialLink integration with the PTC Creo


See Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode on page

160 for instructions on performing a silent installation of PTC Creo Platform

Configuring a PTC Creo Parametric

After you have installed PTC Creo Parametric, you can perform the following
operations either by setting configuration options before starting PTC Creo
Parametric or by installing the necessary components at startup


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Change the units of measure by setting configuration options in your file before PTC Creo Parametric startup

Allocate memory for running PTC Creo Parametric on 32-bit platforms by

setting a configuration option before or after starting PTC Creo Parametric

Generate a traceback log file by setting a configuration option before or after

starting PTC Creo Parametric

Changing the Units of Measure for PTC Creo

You can change the units of measure for your PTC Creo Parametric installation.
Use the settings in the next table to update values for the configuration options in
your file:
drawing_setup_ <creo_loadpoint>\


Files\ <datecode>\Common Files\




<datecode>\Common Files\ <datecode>\Common Files\




<datecode>\Common Files\ \Common Files\templates
<datecode>\Common Files\ <datecode>\Common Files\
templates\c_drawing.drw templates\a3_drawing.drw
<datecode>\Common Files\

<datecode>\Common Files\

<datecode>\Common Files\

<datecode>\Common Files\



Completing the Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications











Allocating Memory on a 32-bit Windows System for

Running Creo Parametric
When working with large models or a large data set in PTC Creo Parametric on a
32-bit Windows system, processes may use all available memory and exit
prematurely. To receive an early warning, use the proe_memory_buffer_
size configuration option. You can save you work under some situations.
Specify the size of the memory buffer in megabytes as a reserve for a possible outof-memory situation. The default value is 50 megabytes for a moderately sized
model. The default has a minimal impact on the memory available to other
applications running simultaneously.
Consider the following guidelines when setting your memory buffer:

The proe_memory_buffer_size configuration option is processed at

PTC Creo Parametric startup. If you change its value in the current session,
exit the PTC Creo Parametric and restart it for the configuration option to take
an effect.
When you specify a large value for the proe_memory_buffer_size
configuration option, an out-of-memory situation is detected at an early stage.
In such a case, you increase the probability of saving your work before the
available memory is used.
When you reserve memory, the virtual memory available to other applications
running simultaneously is reduced. If you specify a large value for the proe_
memory_buffer_size configuration option, it is recommended that you
increase the system settings for the size of the virtual memory paging file.

U s i n g a Z e r o o r N o n z e r o Va l u e f o r B u f f e r S i z e
If you set the value of the proe_memory_buffer_size configuration option
to zero instead of a nonzero value, no warning messages appear.
If you specify a nonzero value for the proe_memory_buffer_size
configuration option, memory usage is checked periodically while working with a
large data set. If the size of the preserved memory buffer is sufficient, warning
messages appear in an out-of-memory situation as discussed below.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

For operations that you can cancel, such as, retrieval or regeneration, an error
message appears to indicate that the system is running short of memory. You are
also informed that if you continue with the current operation, the session may
Respond in one of the following ways:

Click C a n c e l . Save your work, exit PTC Creo Parametric, and restart the

Click O K to continue. In this case PTC Creo Parametric may exit as soon as
the preallocated memory is exhausted.

For operations you cannot cancel, a message appears to indicate that the system is
running short of memory. This may cause the session to terminate. Click O K to
continue. After you complete the operation, save your work, exit the PTC Creo
application, and restart the session.

G e n e r a t i n g a Tr a c e b a c k L o g F i l e f o r P T C C r e o
In the event of a premature exit, PTC Creo Parametric can output a stack trace of
your last operations if you set the auto_traceback configuration option to
yes. The default value is no. By default, this information is stored in the
traceback.log file in the startup directory. The following message appears to
indicate the premature exit of PTC Creo Parametric:

The traceback.log file can sometimes be useful to Technical Support to

resolve the premature exit issue. If you click C a n c e l , PTC Creo Parametric exits
without creating the traceback.log file. If you click O K , the following
message appears:

Completing the Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications


PTC Creo Parametric exits after creating the traceback.log file in the current
working directory.

If you start PTC Creo Parametric from a directory without write permissions,
the traceback.log file is stored in the directory that you have specified
using the C h o o s e s t a r t u p d i r e c t o r y dialog box.

Wo r k i n g w i t h C A D D S 5 M o d e l s i n P T C C r e o
You can import and export 3D CADDS 5 parts and assemblies within PTC Creo
Parametric by installing the CADDS 5 interface during the installation of PTC
Creo Parametric. To do so, select P T C C r e o P a r a m e t r i c I n t e r f a c e f o r C A D D S 5
under I n t e r f a c e s on the A p p l i c a t i o n F e a t u r e s tabbed page on the A p p l i c a t i o n
C u s t o m S e t t i n g screen. To use this interface, consider the following instructions:

After you have installed P T C C r e o P a r a m e t r i c I n t e r f a c e f o r C A D D S 5 with PTC

Creo Parametric, a configuration file is automatically
saved in the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\Parametric\text\
folder. This file contains configuration options whose settings determine how
the CADDS 5 interface works with PTC Creo Parametric. A sample file follows:
atb_ident_cadds_files yes
cadds_import_layer yes
intf_cadds_import_make_solid yes
intf_cadds_version 14
! extend_cvpath is similar to config-option search_path for Creo Parametric.
! It allows to find user's CADDS 5 objects on import...
! extend_cvpath

Check the file for the above configuration options. If

required, copy the configuration options to your local file and
update their values.

Check whether the components listed below are installed:

PTC Creo Parametric Interface for CADDS 5
PTC MKS platform components. See Installing PTC MKS Platform
Components on page 145 for installation instructions.
PTC Portmapper that is installed as a part of the PTC MKS platform
components. Click S t a r t C o n t r o l P a n e l P r o g r a m s a n d F e a t u r e s to open


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

the U n i n s t a l l o r c h a n g e a p r o g r a m screen. You must see P T C P o r t m a p p e r as

an installed program.

Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications

You can remove an installation of a PTC Creo application through the Control
Panel as follows:
1. Click S t a r t C o n t r o l P a n e l P r o g r a m s a n d F e a t u r e s . The U n i n s t a l l o r c h a n g e
a p r o g r a m screen appears.
2. In the application list, click the specific release or datecode of the application
you want to remove.
3. Click U n i n s t a l l . A confirmation dialog box opens. Upon confirmation, the PTC
Creo application is removed.

If you have installed more than one PTC Creo application, make sure that the
Common Files folder and its contents are still available in the PTC Creo
load point.

Completing the Installation and Starting the PTC Creo Applications


Installing and Accessing PTC Creo
Overview of the Help Center.......................................................................................62
Browser Support for PTC Creo Help ...........................................................................62
Accessing Help from within a PTC Creo Application .....................................................62
Choosing a Location for the Help Center Installation ....................................................63
Installing the Help Center ...........................................................................................63
Enabling the Help Center from a Network Drive ...........................................................65
Installing the Help Center on a Web Server .................................................................65
Viewing the Help Center Independent of a PTC Creo Application ..................................67
Uninstalling the Help Center .......................................................................................68

This chapter provides an overview of the Help Center. It explains how to install
and access Help for PTC Creo Parametric, PTC Creo Direct, PTC Creo Layout,
PTC Creo Simulate, and PTC Creo Options Modeler from a local host computer, a
network drive, or a Web server.


Overview of the Help Center

The Help Center provides access to documentation and includes the following

Context-sensitive Help for PTC Creo applications PTC Creo Parametric,

PTC Creo Direct, PTC Creo Layout, PTC Creo Simulate, and PTC Creo
Options Modeler.

A search facility and quick links to helpful information.

Browser Support for PTC Creo Help

PTC Creo Help supports following browsers:

Internet Explorer 9.0 and later

Mozilla Firefox 10.0.1 and later

The Help Center for the PTC Creo application opens in your default browser. You
can set one of these browsers as the default on your computer.

Accessing Help from within a PTC Creo

Each PTC Creo application launches its Help in a separate window of your default
browser. The value of the PRO_LANG environment variable determines the
language of the Help Center. You can access Help topics in the following ways:

For context-sensitive Help, point to a user interface item and press F1.

To browse the Help Center, click

The Help Center is accessed from the following locations:

help.ptc.comThe default if you do not install the Help Center and set the
PTC_<app_name>_HC_URL_3 environment variable.

Local host computerThe default if you install the Help Center but do not
specify an alternate location, such as a network drive, for accessing Help.

When you upgrade a PTC Creo application, you must also upgrade the
Help center to the corresponding datecode of the application. Otherwise,
the PTC Creo application accesses the corresponding Help Center from


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Choosing a Location for the Help Center

Using the Help DVD, you can install the Help Center for the PTC Creo
applications at one of the following locations:

A local host computer where the PTC Creo applications are installed.

A network drive. This location is helpful for administering multiple clients on

a network.

A Web server.

Installing the Help Center

Using the Help DVD in your shipment, proceed with the installation as described.
You can also download the Help DVD from the Order or Download Software
Updates page at If you have installed the Help Center on a network
drive, perform the steps explained in Enabling the Help Center from a Network
Drive on page 65 to access the Help Center from the PTC Creo application.
1. Start Windows Explorer, browse to the DVD drive, and double-click
setup.exe. Alternatively, download the DVD as described in the previous
paragraph. The PTC Installation Assistant begins.
2. Perform steps 1 through 4 as described in Installing the PTC Creo
Applications: Simple Installation Process on page 34.
3. Click N e x t . The A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen appears.

Installing and Accessing PTC Creo Help


4. Select one or more Help Centers from the list of Help Centers.
5. Retain the default folder, for example, C:\Program Files\PTC, or click
and specify the full path of an alternative folder.
6. Click I n s t a l l to install the Help Center without any customization.
Alternatively, click C u s t o m i z e to open the A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g dialog
box and customize the installation as follows:
a. On the A p p l i c a t i o n F e a t u r e s tab, select the Help Center languages to
b. On the S h o r t c u t s tab, specify the shortcut preferences for the PTC Creo
Help startup commands and other Windows preferences. See Configuring
Windows Shortcuts on page 47 for information on how to perform these
7. Click O K .
8. Click I n s t a l l on the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen. The I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o g r e s s
screen shows the status of the installation. You can click C a n c e l at any time to
cancel the installation.
9. Click F i n i s h . The Help Center is installed in the <help_install_path>\
PTC\Creo 3.0\help\creo_help_<app_name> directory.
For example, if you specify the default path, the Help Center is installed in the
C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\help\creo_help_<app_
name> directory.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Enabling the Help Center from a Network

To enable the Help Center that is installed on a network drive, you must configure
the PTC Creo application as explained in the following example:
1. If you have installed the Help Center on computer machine03d at C:\
Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\help, share the folder C:\Program
Files\PTC\Creo 3.0 as:
\\machine03d\Creo 3.0.
2. On a client computer where you want to access the Help Center, map the
shared folder to a local drive, say Q. After mapping, the folder with the Help
installation files appears as Q:\Help\help\creo_help_<app_name>.
3. Set the PTC_<app_name>_HC_URL_3 environment variable for the PTC
Creo applications as listed:

PTC Creo ParametricPTC_PMA_HC_URL_3



PTC Creo SimulatePTC_SIM_HC_URL_3

PTC Creo Options ModelerPTC_OPTM_HC_URL_3

a. Click S t a r t C o n t r o l P a n e l S y s t e m A d v a n c e d s y s t e m s e t t i n g s . The
S y s t e m P r o p e r t i e s dialog box opens.
b. Click the A d v a n c e d tab and then click E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e s .
c. Click N e w under the User variables area. The N e w U s e r Va r i a b l e dialog
box opens.
d. Specify the environment variable and its value in the boxes listed below.
For example, for PTC Creo Parametric Help, set the environment variable
as follows:

Va r i a b l e n a m e PTC_PMA_HC_URL_3

Va r i a b l e v a l u e Q:\Help\help\creo_help_pma

e. Click O K and again click O K on the S y s t e m P r o p e r t i e s dialog box.

4. Start the PTC Creo application and access Help.

Ins t al l i n g th e H el p Ce nt er on a Web
You can install the Help Center on any Web server. If you are using Apache,
install the Help Center in the DocumentRoot directory as follows:

Installing and Accessing PTC Creo Help


1. Perform steps 1 through 4 as described in Installing the Help Center on page

2. Specify <DocumentRoot> as the installation path.
3. Click O K and click I n s t a l l on the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen.
The selected application help is installed in the <DocumentRoot>\Creo
3.0\help\creo_help_<app_name> directory.
4. To distribute the Help Center files from the <DocumentRoot>\Creo 3.0\
help\creo_help_<app_name> directory for context sensitive Help
access, set the PTC_<app_name>_HC_URL_3 environment variable for the
PTC Creo applications as listed:

PTC Creo ParametricPTC_PMA_HC_URL_3



PTC Creo SimulatePTC_SIM_HC_URL_3

PTC Creo Options ModelerPTC_OPTM_HC_URL_3

a. Click S t a r t C o n t r o l P a n e l S y s t e m A d v a n c e d s y s t e m s e t t i n g s . The
S y s t e m P r o p e r t i e s dialog box opens.
b. Click the A d v a n c e d tab and then click E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e s .
c. Click N e w under the User variables area. The N e w U s e r Va r i a b l e dialog
box opens.
d. Specify the environment variable and its value in the boxes listed below.
For example, for PTC Creo Parametric Help, set the environment variable
as follows:

Va r i a b l e n a m e PTC_<app_name>_HC_URL_3

Va r i a b l e v a l u e <Help_Center URL>

For example, for a Help Center installed on Apache server configured

on port number 8080, the Help Center URL is http://<server_
name>:8080/Creo 3.0/help/creo_help_<app_name>.
e. Click O K and again click O K on the S y s t e m P r o p e r t i e s dialog box.
Alternatively, you can copy the Help Center of an application that is installed on
the local host computer in the <DocumentRoot> directory of the servlet
For example, if you have installed PTC Creo Parametric Help Center on the local
host computer at the default path, you can copy the Help Center directory C:\
Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\help\creo_help_pma to the
<DocumentRoot> directory. Specify the appropriate URL as the value for the
PTC_PMA_HC_URL_3 variable to access the context-sensitive Help.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

If you specify <DocumentRoot> directory as the location for the
installation of the Help Center, you can access the context-sensitive help
directly from this directory. Set the Help Center URL as the value of the PTC_
<app_name>_HC_URL_3 environment variable to access the contextsensitive Help through the Web server URL.

Vi e w i n g t h e H e l p C e n t e r I n d e p e n d e n t o f a
PTC Creo Application
To view the Help Center that is installed on a host computer independent of the
corresponding PTC Creo application, open the following page in a browser
For example, to open the Help Center for PTC Creo Parametric in English, open
the following page in a browser window:
The Help Center opens in the browser window.
To view the Help Center that is installed on a Web server independent of the PTC
Creo application, specify the following URL in a browser window:
http://<server_name>:<port_number>/Creo 3.0/help/creo_
For example, to open the Help Center installed on a Web server that has the
Tomcat servlet container configured on port number 8080 for PTC Creo
Parametric in English, open the following page in a browser window:
http://<server_name>:8080/Creo 3.0/help/creo_help_pma/
A Help Center opens in the browser window.

Context-sensitive Help is not supported when you view the Help Center
independent of a PTC Creo application.

Installing and Accessing PTC Creo Help


Uninstalling the Help Center

You can remove the Help Center from the local host computer independent of a
PTC Creo application using the following steps:
1. Click S t a r t C o n t r o l P a n e l P r o g r a m s a n d F e a t u r e s . The U n i n s t a l l o r c h a n g e
a p r o g r a m screen appears.
2. In the application list, click PTC Creo Help <release><date_code> for
any of the PTC Creo applications.
3. Click U n i n s t a l l . A confirmation dialog box opens.
4. Click Ye s to uninstall the Help Center for the application.

If you have uninstalled the Help Center on the host computer or have not set
the PTC_<app_name>_HC_URL_3 environment variable, you can access
the Help Center from from within a PTC Creo application.
Additionally, if you uninstall or remove the Help Center from the Web server,
you must remove or unset the PTC_<app_name>_HC_URL_3 environment


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Updating an Installation
Updating the License Server ......................................................................................70
Updating PTC Creo Applications ................................................................................70
Customizing an Existing Installation of a PTC Creo Application .....................................71
Installing a Maintenance Release ...............................................................................72

This chapter explains how to update the PTC Creo applications installed on your
system. Use the same procedure to update PTC Creo Distributed Services
Manager. Each time you update your software, you must update your license file.
New license codes are not required if you are updating to a new build of PTC
Creo within the same release. In some cases you may have to update the current
installation of PTC License Server. See the next section for details.


Updating the License Server

You can update the current installation of PTC License Server with your new
license information when updating your PTC software. An installation update of
PTC License Server is typically required in one of these scenarios:

Adding license information from your new Sales Order

Updating the existing license features in your license file with those of a
Maintenance Release

You may have to update the license server software itself depending on the
version installed. In such cases, with administrative privileges uninstall PTC
License Server and follow the instructions in the chapter Configuring Licenses for
the PTC Creo Applications on page 23 to install PTC License Server. Update PTC
License Server using this workflow:
1. Make note of the product code that you have received via e-mail.
Alternatively, use the PTC License Management Web tools to request for a
license file via email. Save the license file in an ASCII format to a secure
location on your disk.
2. Start PTC Installation Assistant from the mounted DVD or from the
installation package downloaded from the Web. The Welcome screen appears.
3. Click S e t u p l i c e n s e and then click N e x t . The L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen
4. Type your new product code or Sales Order Number in the respective text box
and click I n s t a l l L i c e n s i n g . Alternatively, drag and drop your new license file
into the S o u r c e column of the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area.
If a license server is already installed or running, the Assistant replaces the
existing license file with the new one. If a license server is not running, the
Assistant checks whether the new license file requires a license server. If so,
the license server is automatically downloaded and installed. See Generating
or Updating Licenses on page 26 for details.
5. Click F i n i s h .
The Assistant restarts PTC License Server. For Triad configurations, two of the
three partner machines must be running before licenses can be distributed.

Updating PTC Creo Applications

After you install PTC Creo applications of a particular release, you can perform
the following operations:


Customize an existing installationAfter the update, all the previously

installed files including the ones in the <creo_loadpoint>\

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

<datecode>\Common Files folder remain unchanged. The updated files

relevant to the customization are added to the <datecode> folder.

Install a new Maintenance ReleaseAfter the installation, a new

<datecode> folder corresponding to the datecode of the maintenance
release is created within the <creo_loadpoint> folder. This folder
contains all the files for the Maintenance Release. You can choose to retain or
delete the previous <datecode> folder under the <creo_loadpoint>\
<datecode>\Common Files folder. When you install a new Maintenance
Release, all the PTC Creo applications that were previously sharing the same
<datecode> folder are automatically reconfigured to use the files in the
new <datecode> folder.

Customizing an Existing Installation of a

PTC Creo Application
Customizing an existing installation of a PTC Creo application implies enabling
or disabling Quality Agent reporting for the application, updating or creating
startup commands, and updating Windows shortcut preferences. You cannot add
or delete application features during this process.
Rerun PTC Installation Assistant from the DVD and perform the following steps:
1. Start the Assistant. The Welcome screen appears.
2. Click R e c o n f i g u r e e x i s t i n g s o f t w a r e and click N e x t . The L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n
screen appears.
3. Check the license information and update it if required. See Generating or
Updating Licenses on page 26 for details.
4. Click N e x t . The A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen appears with a list of applications
that you previously installed.
5. Click C u s t o m i z e after selecting the applications. The A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m
S e t t i n g dialog box opens.
6. Select an application on the left pane and perform one of the following

Select or clear the E n a b l e Q u a l i t y A g e n t r e p o r t i n g check box using the

A p p l i c a t i o n F e a t u r e s tabbed page. See Defining the Installation
Components on page 43 for details.

Add, edit, or delete a license configuration using the C o m m a n d

C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabbed page. See Modifying License Configurations on page
45 for details.

Updating an Installation


Configure the Windows shortcut preferences and path settings using the
S h o r t c u t tabbed page. See Configuring Windows Shortcuts on page 47 for

Click O K on the A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g screen and then click I n s t a l l on

the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n screen to customize the installation.

7. Click F i n i s h .

Installing a Maintenance Release

If you have installed an earlier release of a PTC Creo application, use the steps
below to install a newer maintenance release. Refer to the chapters about the
installation of various components for detailed information.
1. Start PTC Installation Assistant. Select I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e on the Welcome
screen. Click N e x t . The L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen appears.
2. Generate or update your license file. If required, PTC License Server is also
updated based on your license file. Click N e x t . The A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n
screen appears.
3. Select an application to install.
4. Specify an installation folder.
5. To customize the installation for specific application features, license
configurations, or Windows shortcut preferences, click C u s t o m i z e . Use the
A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g screen that opens for the customization.
6. After you select all the options, click I n s t a l l on the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n
screen. The common files folder created for the previous release gets replaced
with common files folder for the release you are installing.
7. Click F i n i s h to complete the installation and close the Assistant.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

License Management Software

Overview of PTC Licensing ........................................................................................74

License Types ...........................................................................................................74
Simplified License Management Process ....................................................................74
License SimplificationAdvantages ...........................................................................75
License SimplificationGeneral Information ...............................................................76
License SimplificationTechnical Information .............................................................76
PTC License Server ..................................................................................................80
Benefits of Using FlexNet Publisher ............................................................................80
Downward License Compatibility Using FlexNet Publisher............................................80
Running FlexNet Publisher with Other Applications ......................................................81
Understanding Timeout Parameters............................................................................81
Changing the Inactivity Timeout Parameter .................................................................83
Suppressing the Regained Network License Dialog Box for PTC Creo
Using the Ptcflush Utility ............................................................................................83
License Borrowing.....................................................................................................84
Initiating License Borrowing .......................................................................................84
Using the <creo_app>_borrow.bat File........................................................................85
Determining the Borrowed License Status ...................................................................86
Early Return of a Borrowed License ............................................................................86

This appendix discusses license management software and describes the benefits
of PTC License Server. License simplification is explained for new and existing


Overview of PTC Licensing

PTC software including PTC optional applications must be licensed for use.
Licensing authorizes the installed software to run. PTC supports the following
licenses for different product types:

CommercialLicenses for using full versions of PTC software. These

licenses are not time-sensitive.

EducationalAlso known as student licenses used at educational institutions.

These licenses are time-sensitive. The objects created in an educational or
student version of the software are not compatible with the commercial
version of the same software.

EvaluationLicenses that limit your use of the software to a specified time


L i c e n s e Ty p e s
Depending on the PTC product, a license can be one of the following types.

Node-locked licensesRestricts the use of the software to a particular

machine (independent workstation).

Floating licensesServed by the license server and can be used on any

machine connected over the network. There are two different types of floating
Single server licensesConfigured for a single machine as the server.
Triad licensesConfigured for a set of three machines on the same
network that work together to manage a pool of floating licenses. This
configuration provides redundant backup in case of a server outage. An
identical license file is used for each Triad partner.

Extended licenseAn extended license makes floating licenses available for

locked modules.

Borrowed licenseA borrowed license allows you to work temporarily on

your machine without being connected to the license server. Refer to License
Borrowing on page 84for details.

For more information on the additional license types that are supported for your
product, refer to the product documentation.

Simplified License Management Process

PTC Creo uses license simplification for an easy license configuration,
installation, and tracking process. This process provides flexibility in configuring
your licenses and minimizes the number of generated Service Contract Numbers
(SCNs). You can combine all the PTC Creo licenses and options into a single
SCN. You can also assign a single SCN to the required license server.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Each PTC product is defined in the license file with a unique feature name. This
license file format follows a standard approach by using the PTC License Server.
This format has been in use by PTC since Pro/ENGINEER 2001 datecode
2001440. Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 or later automatically uses simplified
licenses as license simplification is required for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 and
later releases.

License configuration is a part of the installation process.
Visit for more information on license simplification
including the advantages of simplifying your licenses.

License SimplificationAdvantages
License simplification has the following advantages:

Increased flexibility in managing PTC licensesWith the license

configuration process integrated into the installation process, you can alter the
assignment and configuration of functions without contacting the PTC License
Management team.

Fewer licensing rulesLicenses are assigned to a machine through a SCN

(Service Contract Number).

Stable number of licensing SCNsWith no licensing requirements for SCNs,

you have significantly fewer SCNs to manage. License changes do not force
you to change the SCN.

Reduced time associated with licensing PTC productsYou and PTC do not
need to research and maintain the tight control over the multiple types of
licenses based on how you purchased the products originally.

Reduced system administration time for license changesWith the use of

common feature names in licenses, updates to the client are reduced as the
licenses are moved between servers. The feature name and the startup
commands remain the same.

License Management Software


License SimplificationGeneral Information

License simplification is integrated with all the PTC Creo applications as well
as products of the PTC Creo Parametric family and is available in Pro/
ENGINEER 2001 datecode 2001440 and later.

On the PTC Creo eSupport Center page, use the License Support Web tool
called R e c o n f i g u r e S o f t w a r e L i c e n s e s under L i c e n s e M a n a g e m e n t to upgrade
to the new licensing scheme. The tool automatically consolidates the licenses
into a selected Service Contract Number (SCN) and returns an updated license

L i c e n s e S i m p l i f i c a t i o n Te c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n

License simplification has changed the license file format.

FlextNet Publisher Version 11.11.1 is shipped with PTC Creo 3.0. However,
PTC Creo 3.0 can use FlexNet Publisher version 10.8.x or later for license

The license simplification process has changed the format of the FlexNet
Publisher feature line in the license file in the following ways:
The SCN is no longer a part of the feature name and is moved below the
SN tag in the feature line.
A new classification of floating license called a License Extension is
available for all locked modules and extensions. This new classification is
identified by the keyword STARTUP in the Vendor String.
License extensions are available for checkout only at runtime, that is,
when starting a base license. You cannot add or release the License
Extension within a PTC Creo application.

The following license file is an example of a license-to-run license and a

floating license bundle under the license simplification scheme.
INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
LO=(0,3,6,7,10,17,32,34,40,45,48,51,55,61,62, \
66,69,71,73,77,97,106,108,115,126,127,128,133,135,137, \
158,163,188,191,210)" \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 NOTICE="PTC_customer" \
SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="169C A28A \
E97F E96E 0A3E 563B FDEB 4510 829E 4BF4 25D3 2394 \


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

0444 2FD4 6C23 0168 A8A5 AEBE 54B0 1FF6 B79B DC75 \
2014 A278 33CC 1B90 8647 6A12 F4D6 45BF"
INCREMENT 10108 ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
1C75006B8512AA3C4EBE VENDOR_STRING="VSVER=2.0 LO=()" \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 NOTICE="PTC_customer" \
SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="1A34 408F 40D4 749F 5980 \
2DFE 15B0 0FAF 0ED7 A5F5 DCEA E318 6529 2E27 A055 \
1A21 F766 D9E1 F7AB BD1F 993E B3B2 2975 E46C 06AC \
6304 25AD E576 9E37 8794"
INCREMENT PROBUNDLE_10108 ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 99999 \
LO=(6,32,56,91,92,94,104,131)" SUPERSEDE \
ISSUED=01-sep-2006 SIGN2="14A8 7CE3 57D9 1246 D07F \
3610 E235 2120 4322 A874 681C 282B 5449 3150 BC5A \
0867 853D FE8E F8E9 9E29 6CD1 987C 4A8D 0024 BDAA \
AEBC 065B 9530 3AAB 441D"

Using PTC Installation Assistant, you can define startup commands with
additional license extensions or floating options. Defining a startup command
means specifying the license-to-run for an application at startup. You can also
specify additional floating options to grab at startup. This enables additional
optional modules for a session that are not otherwise enabled by the license-torun. The designation of the licenses to grab at startup results in the definition
of an environment variable <APP>_FEATURE_NAME, where <APP> is the
abbreviation for PTC Creo application name that you are configuring. For
example, CREOPMA_FEATURE_NAME identifies the licenses to grab when
running PTC Creo Parametric. Similarly, CREODMA_FEATURE_NAME
refers to PTC Creo Direct. The value of this environment variable can be a list
of licenses-to-run, followed by a parenthesized list of optional modules. Only
one license-to-run is checked out while all the options from the parenthesized
list are checked out. For the license-to-run, checkout attempts are made in the
order listed, until one is successfully checked out. Then the option list is
attempted. Consider the following example:
(61 108)
This example shows an environment variable definition identifying two
licenses-to-run and two options. This environment variable prescribes that
PTC Creo Parametric will first try to checkout PROE_FLEX3C license-to-run;
if it fails, it will try to checkout PROE_FoundationAdv. If either one is
successful, it will then attempt to check both options 61 (Web.Link) and 108

Using PTC Installation Assistant, you can define startup commands with
additional license extensions or floating options. When you add license
extensions, or floating options, to a startup command, a value is assigned to
the <APP>_FEATURE_NAME variable. This value can be one of CREOPMA_

License Management Software



NAME depending on the PTC Creo application that you have installed. This
variable is defined in the application startup command.

During a session, if a license is lost and you try to recover the license-to-run,
the PTC Creo application attempts to reacquire the license-to-run and all other
options specified in the startup command.

The output of the Ptcstatus utility provides the location of the SCN in the
license file. You can use the Ptcstatus utility in two modes:

Normal modeRun the Ptcstatus utility at the command line without any

Verbose modeRun the Ptcstatus utility at the command line with the -v
ptcstatus -v
The following output illustrates the difference between the two Ptcstatus
utility modes:

Ptcstatus Normal Mode

Displaying status for license file: 7788@static
License Server: static
ptc_d FlexNet Publisher version: 11.11.1

In Use









* = License Extensions - Available only on startup

^ = Borrowed License

P t c s t a t u s Ve r b o s e M o d e
Displaying status for license file: 7788@static
License Server: static
ptc_d FlexNet Publisher version: 11.11.1


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide


In Use



Uncounted 2

Version Expiration SCN












Locked to

You can specify a name for a license instead of its default name by changing
the value of the attribute EXTERNAL_NAME in the feature line of the license
For example, to change the feature PROE_Engineer to My_License_
Name in a license file, specify the value of the EXTERNAL_NAME attribute as
shown in the original and changed files.
Original license file:
INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
LO=(0,3,6,7,10,17,32,34,40,45,48,51,55,61,62, \
66,69,71,73,77,97,106,108,115,126,127,128,133,135,137, \
158,163,188,191,210)" SUPERSEDE vendor_info="VIVER=1.0 \
NOTICE="PTC_customer" SN=SCN912344,SCN765431 SIGN2="169C A28A \
E97F E96E 0A3E 563B FDEB 4510 829E 4BF4 25D3 2394 \
0444 2FD4 6C23 0168 A8A5 AEBE 54B0 1FF6 B79B DC75 \
2014 A278 33CC 1B90 8647 6A12 F4D6 45BF"

Changed license file:

INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
LO=(0,3,6,7,10,17,32,34,40,45,48,51,55,61,62, \
66,69,71,73,77,97,106,108,115,126,127,128,133,135,137, \
158,163,188,191,210)" SUPERSEDE vendor_info="VIVER=1.0 \
EXTERNAL_NAME=My_License_Name ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 \
NOTICE="PTC_customer" SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="169C A28A \
E97F E96E 0A3E 563B FDEB 4510 829E 4BF4 25D3 2394 \
0444 2FD4 6C23 0168 A8A5 AEBE 54B0 1FF6 B79B DC75 \
2014 A278 33CC 1B90 8647 6A12 F4D6 45BF"

Notice the text after the EXTERNAL_NAME attribute in the changed license file.
With this change, the output of the Ptcstatus utility displays the new name, My_
License_Name, instead of PROE_Engineer.

License Management Software


PTC License Server

Flexera Software, Inc.s FlexNet Publisher license management software is
integrated with PTC software. For more information, visit www.flexerasoftware.

FlextNet Publisher Version 11.11.1 is shipped with PTC Creo 3.0. However,
PTC Creo 3.0 can use FlexNet Publisher version 10.8.x or later for license

Benefits of Using FlexNet Publisher

Using FlexNet Publisher to control usage of licenses offers the following key

Single-Server SolutionFlexNet Publisher can manage PTC software and

other vendor applications without conflict. Note that the PTC license file
cannot be combined with the license files of other vendors.

Immediate License RecoveryIf there is a premature exit of the licensed

software (for example, the system shuts down), the FlexNet Publisher license
server automatically reclaims the PTC license.

Increased FlexibilitySystem administrators can reserve or deny licenses

based on user name, host name, display name, or IP address. For more
information see Managing the Options File in the FlexNet Publisher License
Administration Guide.

Centralized License StoragePTC customers can store all PTC licenses for
all PTC products in a single file for each license server.

Multiple Licenses for a Single CommandOne command can be used to

execute multiple licenses of PTC software based on availability.

License BorrowingPTC Creo 3.0 allows license borrowing with FlexNet


Downward License Compatibility Using

FlexNet Publisher
FlexNet Publisher license servers have downward compatibility with PTC
applications using FLEXlm license servers. For example, a PTC Creo Parametric
3.0 license can run Pro/ENGINEER 2001 software, because both releases of the
software use the same PTC License Server.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

To run the current release of PTC Creo, you must install FlexNet Publisher
version 10.8.x or later. FlextNet Publisher Version 11.11.1 is shipped with
PTC Creo 3.0.

Running FlexNet Publisher with Other

You can use FlexNet Publisher to run PTC products as well as other applications.
Each application that uses FLEXlm or FlexNet Publisher has a corresponding
license server manager (lmgrd ) or (lmadmin) and a vendor daemon. The
license server manager starts the vendor daemon (for example, ptc_d) that
controls the usage of licenses.
You cannot combine a PTC license file with a license file of another vendor. Do
not, for example, combine PTC feature lines with those of other vendors in a
single license file. This action causes the licenses to be invalid.
If all applications and vendor daemons are FLEXlm 10.8.x or later, lmgrd or
lmadmin can process multiple license files. This is true even when the Host IDs
are different (as long as the license files refer to the same node). For more
information, see Managing Licenses from Multiple Software Publishers in the
FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

U n d e r s t a n d i n g Ti m e o u t P a r a m e t e r s
Timeout parameters enable the license client and the license server to
communicate with one another so that licenses are released and available upon
You can reconfigure the TIMEOUTALL parameter within a specified range, as
described in the next section, Changing the Inactivity Timeout Parameter on page

License Management Software


Ti m e o u t
Inactivity timeout

Va l u e
120 minutes

This parameter prevents a license from
remaining idle. If the license client is
inactive for a specific period, the license
can be reclaimed by the license server and
used by another license client. For the PTC
Creo applications, the inactivity timeout
default is 120 minutes.
Activity is measured as active menu

License refresh

1 minute

Validation retries


You can change the default of 120 minutes

so that the parameter ranges from 20
minutes (minimum value) to infinity
(maximum value).
A license refresh occurs at intervals of 1
minute. When you select a command after
such an interval, the license client
communicates with the license server. The
license client and the license server both
must be working. If the license server is
not found, the license client loses its
license to run. If the license client is not
found, the server reclaims the license for
use by another license client.
The first time a license client cannot
validate its license the application's
graphical user interface will freeze. You
are immediately given the following three
Click R e t r y to request a license from an
active license server.
Click S a v e F i l e ( s ) .



10 seconds

Click E x i t to close the application without

saving the file or files.
Upon starting a session, the license client
requests a license and has 10 seconds in
which to have the request validated.

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

C h a n g i n g t h e I n a c t i v i t y Ti m e o u t P a r a m e t e r
You can set the TIMEOUTALL parameter that determines how long the system
allows a license to remain idle before it is reclaimed by the license server. To
change the default inactivity timeout parameter, you must update the FlexNet
Publisher option file, ptc.opt in <ptc License Server loadpoint>/
FLEXnet Publisher/licensing. The default is 120 minutes. Edit the
default parameter TIMEOUTALL 7200 by changing 7200 seconds (120 minutes)
to another value in seconds.
The minimum value is 20 minutes (or 1200 seconds) and the maximum value is
infinity. To make infinity the default, remove the TIMEOUTALL parameter from
the ptc.opt file. If you set a minimum value to less than 20 minutes, the system
defaults to 20 minutes.

Suppressing the Regained Network

License Dialog Box for PTC Creo
Beginning with Pro/ENGINEER 2000i, you can disable the R e g a i n e d N e t w o r k
L i c e n s e dialog box using a configuration option. In the file, set the
suppress_license_loss_dialog option to yes. The default is no. If you
lose or regain your network license-to-run PTC Creo Parametric, a status message
appears but a dialog box does not.

Using the Ptcflush Utility

The Ptcflush utility is used only when a license client application fails to shut
down and does not break the TCP/IP connection between the license server and
the client. This situation most commonly occurs when a client exits prematurely
or does not respond. However, it is not mandatory to use the Ptcflush utility.
You can use the Ptcflush utility once every 10 minutes. For Ptcflush to work with
the lmadmin-based license server, set licenseReclaimAllowed=true in
the server.xml file at license_server_manager_loadpoint/conf.
The syntax for running Ptcflush is as follows:
% ptcflush feature_name hostname port handle
Execute the ptcstatus command to list the <feature host port
handle> information and copy and paste this listing at the command prompt to
run Ptcflush.
To flush a license in use, for example, type% ptcflush PROE_Engineer
titan 7788 101 using the feature name and not the user-defined name if you
assigned an alias.

License Management Software


License Borrowing
With license borrowing for all supported platforms, you can run PTC Creo
applications on clients without being connected to the license server. The license
server must be running FlexNet Publisher 10.8.x or later and must use the License
Pack of version 33 or later. With license borrowing, you can:

Choose from a pool of available licenses

Specify the expiration date of the license

Work remotely on design and manufacturing projects

The appearance of the BORROW keyword on the feature line in the license file
indicates that the license is borrowable. If this keyword is missing, contact PTC
License Management to regenerate your license file for a borrowable license. An
example of a license file with the BORROW keyword follows:
INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-nov-2011 1 \
LO=(0,3,6,7,10,17,32,34,40,45,48,51,55,61,62, \
66,69,71,73,77,97,106,108,115,126,127,128,133,135,137, \
158,163,188,191,210)" SUPERSEDE vendor_info="VIVER=1.0 EXTERNAL_NAME=" \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 BORROW=264 NOTICE="PTC_customer" \
SN=SCN12344,SCN765431 SIGN2="123F 6758 5955 8D78 \
F718 4995 3F6F EA5B F56A 2759 6A9A F6B3 773A F2B9 \
0F31 0219 EC28 6D28 0345 4971 B5C4 8835 7E88 28A6 \
7581 8191 BB82 CB3D 8BF8 8282"

Initiating License Borrowing

You can initiate license borrowing using one of the following methods:

Running a batch file available in the \<creo_loadpoint>\

<datecode>\<app_name>\bin directory

Specifying the command-line argument to borrow licenses as instructed in the

FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

If you may possibly want an early return of a borrowed license, set the PRO_
ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN environment variable prior to borrowing the
license from the license server. See Early Return of a Borrowed License on
page 86 for more information.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

U s i n g t h e < c r e o _ a p p > _ b o r r o w. b a t F i l e
Use the <creo_app>_borrow.bat file with the PTC Creo application to
initiate license borrowing as follows:
1. Browse to the \<creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\<app_name>\bin
directory and run the <creo_app>_borrow.bat file. A dialog box opens
in which you can specify a startup configuration.

2. Under S t a r t u p C o n f i g u r a t i o n s , select the desired startup configuration.

3. Specify the number of days that you want the borrowed license.
The start date for borrowing the license is todays date. The end date is based
on the number of days that you request.

By default the maximum borrowing duration is 5 days. Using the
environment variable LM_BORROW_DURATION=0-14, you can borrow
a license for a maximum of 14 days.
4. Click S t a r t to start the PTC Creo application in the borrow configuration
5. After starting the PTC Creo application, you can include additional floating
options with the borrowed license.
All the licenses that you check out during this session are borrowed from the
license server and cached on your computer. Each license is created on the
local machine in the registry under current user.

License Management Software


6. Exit the PTC Creo application.

7. Disconnect from the license server and use the borrowed license. You must
start the application subsequently on the same computer and as the same user
to use this borrowed license.

Multiple licenses with separate expiration dates can be borrowed to a
client computer. Each time you start a PTC Creo application using a
borrowed license, the application checks for and removes any expired
borrowed licenses from the client computer. You can borrow licenses
again, if required.

Determining the Borrowed License Status

You can run Ptcstatus for the following information on borrowed license status:

Licenses that have been borrowed

Expiration for each of the borrowed licenses

License server information for borrowing licenses

Local borrowed license information

Early Return of a Borrowed License

All arrangements to return the borrowed licenses early must be made before
initiating license borrowing. Before borrowing a license from the server, you must
set the environment variable PRO_ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN to true to return
that license early. If you frequently return licenses early, then permanently set the
environment variable using the S y s t e m P r o p e r t i e s dialog box.

Setting the PRO_ALLOW_EARLY_RETURN environment variable has no
effect on an unborrowed license.
For an lmadmin-based license server, set adminOnly="false in the
server.xml file at license_server_manager_loadpoint/conf to
return a borrowed license early. See Returning a Borrowed License Early in the
FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide for a procedure on returning the
borrowed licenses early.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Using the lmutil lmborrow Utility

For an early return of a borrowed license, you can use the lmborrow subfunction
with the lmutil Flexnet utility. The lmutil utility resides at C:\Program
Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\<datecode>\Common Files\x86e_win64\
Before running the lmutil lmborrow utility, you can run the following
command in a command shell to check the status of the borrowed license:
lmutil lmborrow -status
Then read the command output to determine the optional arguments for the
lmutil lmborrow utility. See the next table. To use the lmutil lmborrow
utility, open a command shell and type the following command at the prompt:
lmutil lmborrow -return [-fqdn][-c license_file_list] [-d
display] feature
Optional arguments are enclosed within brackets in the previous command syntax.
Descriptions of the arguments follow.

-c license_file_list

-d display


License Management Software

Specifies that a fully qualified domain name was
used for license borrowing, rather than a simple
host name. Use the lmutil lmstat command
to determine the format of the host name used
when the license was borrowed.
Specifies the license server from which the
license was borrowed. In most cases specifying
the port@hostname value for the server is
You can avoid using this argument by setting
the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable. Set the
variable as LM_LICENSE_FILE=
port@hostname to point to the server used
for borrowing the license.
Displays the system name. Required only if the
displayed system name is different than the one
used to initiate borrowing.
Names the borrowed license feature to be
returned early. Use the lmborrow -status
command for a list of borrowed license features.


lmadmin License Server Manager

Overview of lmadmin as a GUI-Client..........................................................................90

Differences between lmgrd and lmadmin.....................................................................90
Installing PTC License Server Based on lmadmin ........................................................90
Working with the FLEXnet License Administrator Web Interface....................................91
Controlling the License Server Manager Settings.........................................................91
Reconfiguring the Vendor Daemon .............................................................................92

This appendix contains basic information on lmadmin, a Web-based license

server manager. It also provides information on migrating from lmgrd to


Overview of lmadmin as a GUI-Client

The lmadmin license server manager supports a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
client with connection over HTTP. It provides a Web-based administrative
interface. It is compatible with license files and vendor daemons created with
FlexNet Publisher 10.8.x and later. Use lmadmin for the following functions:

Perform server configurations and administration functions

Start the license server manager without any configuration options

Directly configure vendor daemon and the license server manager without
editing the license files

Import existing license files

Support multiple vendor daemons with a single lmadmin process

Display license rights status

Display alerts and monitor status of various processes, such as license

expiration or unavailable licenses

See the chapter lmadmin GUIbased License Server Manager in the FlexNet
Publisher License Administration Guide for more information.

Di ff er e nc es bet w een l mg r d a nd l m ad mi n
The lmadmin license server manager includes all the features of the lmgrd
license server manager. The differences between the two license server managers
Uses a command-line
Supports a GUI client with connection over
Configuration settings are
Configuration settings are session-based.
retained for all the sessions.
See the chapter Migrating from lmgrd to lmadmin in the FlexNet Publisher
License Administration Guide for more information.

Installing PTC License Server Based on

Follow the instructions given in the section Generating or Updating Licenses on
page 26 to install PTC License Server based on lmadmin. After you install the
license server, you can configure the license server administration settings using
the FLEXnet License Administrator Web interface.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Wo r k i n g w i t h th e F L EX n e t L i c e n s e
Adm i ni s t r a t or Web Int er f ac e
The lmadmin-based license server uses the FLEXnet License Administrator Web
interface. This interface replaces the lmtools utility used by the lmgrd-based
license server. You can launch the interface by clicking Ye s at the end of the PTC
License Server installation. Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu click A l l
Programs PTC PTC License Server PTC FLEXnet Admin License Server
We b I n t e r f a c e to open the interface. Using the FLEXnet License Administrator,

you can check the server status, start and stop the server, or reconfigure the server.
The FLEXnet License Administrator Web interface has two main pages: the
D a s h b o a r d and the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n pages. Click the H e l p button for information on

the FLEXnet License Administrator interface elements.

D a s h b o a r d Displays any alerts and the current activity of the license server


A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Provides configuration tools for the license server

management system. The default username/password combination is admin/

admin for this password-protected page. You are prompted to change these
credentials the first time you log in. Only the overview information for the
S e r v e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n and the Ve n d o r D a e m o n C o n f i g u r a t i o n tabs on the
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n page is included in this document. Click a tab to open the
corresponding pages.

Controlling the License Server Manager Settings

A server administrator can use the options on the S e r v e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n page to
control the settings for the License Server Manager.

lmadmin License Server Manager


R e c o n f i g u r i n g t h e Ve n d o r D a e m o n
A server administrator can use the Ve n d o r D a e m o n C o n f i g u r a t i o n tab to verify
whether the server is running and to reconfigure the vendor daemon.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

If PTC License Server has been successfully installed, Running appears under
the S t a t u s column.

lmadmin License Server Manager


System Administration Information

Temporary Directories................................................................................................97
System Management Utilities .....................................................................................97
PTC Creo Utilities .....................................................................................................97
FlexNet Publisher Utilities .........................................................................................98
Supported Graphics Modes........................................................................................98
General Plotter Information ........................................................................................98
Using the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool with PTC Creo Parametric...................................99
Requirements for Installation .................................................................................... 100
How to Install the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool............................................................. 101
Database for the Metrics Tool ................................................................................... 104
Using Fonts ............................................................................................................ 110
OpenType Font Support........................................................................................... 112
UNICODE Font Support........................................................................................... 113
Available System Fonts for Menu Items..................................................................... 113
Extended ASCII Set................................................................................................. 113
Displaying the Text Symbol Palette in PTC Creo Parametric ....................................... 114
Exporting Special Symbols to IGES .......................................................................... 114
Font Definition......................................................................................................... 115
Text Parameters ...................................................................................................... 115
Character Parameters ............................................................................................. 119
Definition Commands .............................................................................................. 119
ASCII Font Definition ............................................................................................... 121
Filled Font Definition ................................................................................................ 122
Special Font Definition ............................................................................................. 123
LATIN_1 Font Definition ........................................................................................... 124
How to Edit Fonts or Create New Fonts..................................................................... 125
How to Modify a Font File......................................................................................... 125
How to Create a User-Defined Font File .................................................................... 126
How to Store a New Font ......................................................................................... 126
How to Set Your Font as the Default.......................................................................... 126
How to Create or Customize a Font .......................................................................... 126


AVI Compression Codecs ........................................................................................ 131

Exporting Data to Portable Document Format............................................................ 132
Meeting Browser Requirements................................................................................ 132
Browser Requirements ............................................................................................ 132
Starting a PTC Creo Application through an External Browser .................................... 133
Opening a PDF File within the PTC Creo Browser...................................................... 133
Printing a PDF File .................................................................................................. 133
Using PTC Creo View Express to Open PTC Creo Objects......................................... 133
Opening PTC Creo Objects from Windows Explorer................................................... 134
JavaScript Security.................................................................................................. 135

This appendix describes general system administration information, including

system management utilities and machine configuration settings.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Te m p o r a r y D i r e c t o r i e s
PTC Creo applications use a temporary directory as defined by your system
environment to store parts. You can modify the location of the temporary directory
by setting the temporary directory environment variable in the PTC Creo
application startup window before you run the application. This environment
variable is TMP.

System Management Utilities

This section briefly describes the utilities for PTC Creo Parametric, PTC Creo
Simulate, PTC Creo Direct, PTC Creo Layout, and FlexNet Publisher. The files
listed in the next two tables are installed into the bin directory of your
installation directory. Further information can be found in the FlexNet Publisher
License Administration Guide.

PTC Creo Utilities

You can execute the PTC Creo commands listed next, from the \<creo_
loadpoint>\<datecode>\<app_name>\bin directory when the license
server is running. The load point is the directory where the software is installed.

Returns the PTC Host ID with required formatting used for
FlexNet Publisher license codes.
Runs PTC Creo Parametric. Can be user-defined.


Runs PTC Creo Direct. Can be user-defined.

Runs PTC Creo Simulate. Can be user-defined.
Runs PTC Creo Layout. Can be user-defined.


Runs PTC Creo Options Modeler. Can be user-defined.


Releases licenses. This may be necessary if there are

network problems. Formerly called proflush.



Displays information on the current usage and availability of

Initiate license borrowing.


System Administration Information


FlexNet Publisher Utilities

If you have installed PTC License Server based on the lmgrd license server
manager, you can execute the commands listed below from the \<flexnet_
loadpoint>\bin directory when the license server is running.




Runs the PTC License Management tools utility
lmtools.bat. Functionality includes customer
configuration of the FlexNet Publisher service, starting
and stopping the lmgrd license server(s), server and
licensing status, as well as diagnostic tools. The shortcut
icon created in S t a r t A l l P r o g r a m s P T C L i c e n s e
M a n a g e m e n t t o o l s starts the Lmtools graphical user
Provides optional arguments to check the server and
licensing status. Refer to the FlexNet Publisher License
Administration Guide.
Shuts down a license server process for administrative
maintenance of the license server. You can also use the
FLEXnet Control Panel to stop a license server process.
Starts a license server process. You can also use the
FLEXnet Control Panel to start a license server process.
See Using License Administration Tools, in the FlexNet
Publisher License Administration Guide.

Lmtools Utility
The lmtools.bat program runs the PTC License Management tools utility that
is started from the S t a r t A l l P r o g r a m s P T C L i c e n s e S e r v e r t o o l s menu.
Functionality includes starting and stopping the license server from the S t a r t /S t o p /
R e R e a d tab.

Supported Graphics Modes

For graphics support information, refer to the PTC Hardware Configuration Notes

General Plotter Information

PTC supplies software that writes plot files in plotter format. You can specify a
plot command in the file. The physical connection, however, is the
responsibility of the computer and plotter vendors, because they are hardware and
system software experts. Depending on the hardware configuration, the system
software may require a different setup. If you have difficulty in set up, contact the
customer support department of your hardware vendor.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

PTC Creo applications described in this guide do not support any HPIB

U s i n g t h e M o d e l C H E C K M e t r i c s To o l w i t h
PTC Creo Parametric
The ModelCHECK Metrics Tool is a web-based utility for tracking data quality,
standards, and best practices relevant to PTC Creo Parametric data. This tool uses
the metric file output from ModelCHECK to calculate quality trends and enables
you to represent the ModelCHECK analysis results graphically. Although specific
licenses are not required, an administrator needs a PTC Creo Parametric license
and an executable while installing the tool.

You cannot install the Metrics Tool using PTC Installation Assistant.
You can do the following operations using the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool:

Generate a high-level picture of design trends.

Define quality goals based on the checks, errors, and warnings.

Define critical checks for monitoring and highlighting the number of errors
and warnings for these checks.

Generate a report of failed checks.

Define the quality goals based on each check and highlight the progress of the
goals. Evaluate the results using indicators. Display the results for a user,
group of users, or an organization.

Enforce standards and best practices for better data quality.

Specify the experience level of a user using specific color codes.

Define what a user will see as overview information while navigating the
ModelCHECK Metrics Tool.

Display information pictorially as charts and graphs.

Monitor the quality of models for specific ModelCHECK failures.

Resolve issues by providing adequate training and solutions.

System Administration Information


Refer to the ModelCHECK online Help in the PTC Creo Parametric Help Center
for details.

Requirements for Installation

You can install the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool if you use a supported
configuration for the workstation or for the server. See
WCMS/files/160242/en/PTC_Creo_Future_Platform_Support_Summary.pdf for
supported platforms. You are not required to run ModelCHECK to access the tool.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

You must have a Web server to access the Metrics Tool information. After you
install and start the Metrics Tool, you can view the ModelCHECK results using
Mozilla 1.6 and later or Internet Explorer 6.0 and later.

H o w t o I n s t a l l t h e M o d e l C H E C K M e t r i c s To o l
To install the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool, install and set up the Tomcat server,
create a correct context configuration file, and deploy the Metrics Tool. Before
you begin, perform the following steps:

Install j2sdk-1_4_2_xx through a local installation or download it from

Install Tomcat for Java Web Services Developer Pack through a local
installation or from

Set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable to point to the top-level

directory of the Tomcat installation: tomcat50-jwsdp. This environment
variable identifies the Tomcat installation directory and sends the information
to the server.

Set JAVA_HOME to the j2sdk-1_4_2_xx installation directory to point

Tomcat to the Java path. If you do not set this variable correctly, Tomcat fails
to handle the Java Server pages correctly.

This variable must list the Java Development Kit (JDK) installation
directory and not the bin sub directory.

Install the Web server to view the charts and graphs to be stored and displayed
in the ModelCHECK Metrics Tool. You can use either Internet Information
Services (IIS) or download the Web server from

H o w t o S t a r t t h e To m c a t S e r v e r a n d D e p l o y t h e M e t r i c s To o l
After you have installed the Tomcat server, ensure that the file tomcat50jwsdp\conf\tomcat-users.xml has all the required settings to access the
Metrics Tool. A sample tomcat-users.xml file follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>
<role rolename="manager"/>
<role rolename="admin"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>

System Administration Information


<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>

<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin,manager"/>

In the above sample file, the To m c a t We b S e r v e r A d m i n i s t r a t i o n To o l defines the

1. Start Tomcat using tomcat50-jwsdp\bin\startup.bat.
2. Open a browser and type http://<machine_name>:port/admin,
where machine_name is the name of the machine with the Tomcat
3. In the next screen, provide a user name and type the password as admin.
4. Using the To m c a t We b S e r v e r A d m i n i s t r a t i o n To o l , create a new data source by
providing details of the database to use for the Metrics Tool and save the
changes. Use Oracle or MSAccess as a database for the Metrics Tool.

The information in the new data source must match that given in the new_
admin.xml file that is used to deploy the Metrics Tool.
5. Ensure that you have created the context configuration file (new_
admin.xml) to enable the deployment of the Metrics Tool. See Context
Configuration File on page 102 for details.
6. In To m c a t We b A p p l i c a t i o n M a n a g e r window, provide the path to the context
configuration file (new_admin.xml) and the WAR file (new_
admin.war) under the D e p l o y area.
7. Click D e p l o y to start the Metrics Tool.
8. Open a browser. Specify the name of the server on which the Metrics Tool is
deployed along with the port and new_admin as the name of the tool.

You can specify any name for the tool. But, ensure that the specified tool
name matches the name specified in the context configuration file.

Context Configuration File

The new_admin.xml file is a context configuration to deploy the
ModelCHECK Metrics Tool. The new_admin.xml file and the new_
admin.war file are stored in the following directory:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

<creo_loadpoint>/<datecode>/Common Files/modchk/mc_


Name of the database
Type of the database, such as Oracle or
Machine name of a server for the Metrics Tool
Port number type of the server for the Metrics
Path to the image directory


Link to the image directory for storing graphs

Parameter Name


Time interval in hours after which the

ModelCHECK database is updated (minimum 1

You must specify the path to the image directory in the new_admin.xml file.
The generated graphs are stored in the image directory. The value for the
Imagedir in the new_admin.xml file must be the same as that of the
DocumentRoot variable in your Web server configuration file. A sample
context configuration file follows:
<Context path="/new_admin" docBase="new_admin.war" debug="5"
reloadable="true" crossContext="true" privileged="true">
<Resource name="jdbc/mcadmin" scope="Shareable"
type="javax.sql.DataSource" />
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/mcadmin">

System Administration Information


<ResourceLink name="jdbc/mcadmin" global="mcadmin"/>
debug="0" saveOnRestart="false"
minIdleSwap="-1" maxIdleSwap="-1" maxIdleBackup="-1">
<Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore" />
<Parameter name="dbname" value="mcadmin" />
<Parameter name="dbtype" value="oracle" />
<Parameter name="adminserver" value="machine1" />
<Parameter name="adminport" value="80" />
<Parameter name="imagedir"value="d:\projects\mcadminwork\admingraphs" />
<Parameter name="imagedirLink" value="admingraphs"/>

In above file, the value of Imagedir is d:\projects\mcadminwork\

admingraphs. Therefore, if you configure Apache as your Web server, the
value of DocumentRoot will be d:\projects\mcadminwork.

D a t a b a s e f o r t h e M e t r i c s To o l
The Web-based ModelCHECK Metrics Tool generates graphs and reports based
on the metric files that ModelCHECK writes after every session. You must create
the following database tables to initialize the ModelCHECK database:




Use Oracle or MSAccess to create the database table. Additionally, you must also
create a database table named processedfiles for the processed files. These
processed files ensure that the data is populated correctly from the .txt metric
files into the database tables. They avoid repeated entries and ensure that the
database tables are up-to-date.
The command line utility create_mcadmin_db.jar available at <creo_
loadpoint>/<datecode>/Common Files/modchk/mc_admin/new_
admin/dist/ enables you to populate the database tables with information
from the .txt metric files. The utility reads and interprets the data in the metric
files and automatically updates the relevant database tables. Each row of a metric
file is appropriately included in the corresponding database tables. The names of
the.txt metric files and the date of inclusion of their contents into the relevant


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

database tables are also simultaneously written in the processedfiles

database table so that information is not repeated in the database tables. A sample
processedfiles table follows (syntax for Oracle):
CREATE TABLE processedfiles
(filename VARCHAR(256),
mergedate DATE);
INSERT INTO processedfiles VALUES('jsmith_200503091600.txt',
to_timestamp('2002-01-11 11:14:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));

Using create_mcadmin_db.jar to Update the Database

Ta b l e s
1. Set the CLASSPATH environment variable to the path of the create_
mcadmin_db.jar file as shown below.
set CLASSPATH=<path to file_1>;<path to file_2>
For example:
set CLASSPATH=d:\wildfire\modchk\mc_admin\new_admin\

The classes 111.jar file is required to manually execute the create_
mcadmin_db.jar utility when an Oracle database is used.
2. Update the user_database table using the following command:
<java home> <class name to update user_database>
<database type> <database driver> <database url>
<username> <password> <path to CSV file>
where the CSV file has the following sample information and structure:

System Administration Information


You must manually execute the above command. The command updates
the user_database table with the information from the CSV file.
For example:

For an Oracle database, use the following command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java com.ptc.usersdb.McUsersCreator
oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
jdbc:oracle:thin:@machine1:1521:admin user1
userpass d:\wildfire\user.txt

For a Microsoft Access database, use the following command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java com.ptc.usersdb.McUsersCreator
msaccess sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
jdbc:odbc:admin user1 userpass d:\wildfire\user.txt
A sample user_database table is shown below:

3. Update the mc_database table using the following command:

<java home> <class name to update mc_database> <database
type> <database driver> <database url> <username>

The mc_database table is automatically updated when the new_admin.

war file is deployed. See How to Start the Tomcat Server and Deploy the
Metrics Tool on page 101 for details. You can also manually execute the
above command if required. Either way, the mc_database table is
updated with information from all the metrics files at the locations
specified in the user_database table.

As each metrics file is processed, its name is added to the processedfiles

For example:

For an Oracle database, use the following command:



PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

jdbc:oracle:thin:@machine1:1521:admin user1

For a Microsoft Access database, use the following command:

com.ptc.metricsdb.McMetricsCollector msaccess
sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver jdbc:odbc:admin user1
A sample mc_database table is shown below:

A sample processedfiles table is shown below:

Metrics Database
The metrics database, mc_database, enables you to generate graphs and reports
for the ModelCHECK data.
The data fields stored in the mc_database table follow:

UserIdUser ID

date_n_time DATEDate and time

mdlnameModel name

mdltypeModel type

checktagCheck type

chkstatCheck status

info1 Information

mcmodeModelCHECK mode

A sample mc_database table follows (syntax for Oracle):

CREATE TABLE mc_database
(UserId VARCHAR(256),

System Administration Information


date_n_time DATE,
mdlname VARCHAR(256),
mdltype VARCHAR(5),
checktag VARCHAR(256),
chkstat VARCHAR(10),
info1 VARCHAR(256),
mcmode VARCHAR(20));
INSERT INTO mc_database VALUES('jsmith', to_date('03-042005 11:14:07','MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
'rim.prt','PRT', 'BURIED_FEAT', 'ERR', 'Feature id
For more details, refer to the ModelCHECK online Help in the Help Center.

Tr a i n i n g D a t a b a s e
The training database, trng_database, enables you to generate graphs and
reports related to the training of ModelCHECK users. The data fields stored in the
trng_database table follow:

UserIdUser ID

CourseIdTraining course ID

CourseNameTraining course name

CourseDate DATETraining course date

providerTraining course provider

instructorTraining instructor's name

locationTraining course location

costTotal investment on training

gradeThe grade achieved

A sample trng_database table follows (syntax for Oracle):

CREATE TABLE trng_database
(UserId VARCHAR(256),
CourseId VARCHAR(256),
CourseName VARCHAR(256),
CourseDate DATE,
provider VARCHAR(256),
instructor VARCHAR(256),


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

location VARCHAR(256),
cost VARCHAR(256),
grade VARCHAR(256));
INSERT INTO trng_database
VALUES('austin','101','Fundamentals of Drawing', to_
date('2002-01-11','YYYY-MM-DD'), 'PTC', 'Jack
For more details, refer to the ModelCHECK online Help in the PTC Creo Help

User Database
The user database, user_database, enables you to generate graphs and reports
related to the details of the ModelCHECK users.
The data fields stored in the user_database table follow:

UserIdUser ID

lastnameLast name

firstnameFirst name

middlenameMiddle name

group_bGroup to which a user belongs

phoneTelephone number

extensionExtension number

parametricdate DATEDate when the user ran ModelCHECK for

which the metrics files were created


A sample user_database table follows (syntax for Oracle):

CREATE TABLE user_database
(UserId VARCHAR(8),
lastname VARCHAR(256),
firstname VARCHAR(256),
middlename VARCHAR(256),
group_b VARCHAR(256),
parametricdate DATE,
info1 VARCHAR(256),
location VARCHAR(256));
INSERT INTO user_database VALUES('jsmith','smith','john','VP', 'designer1',
'4082131', '3182', to_timestamp('2000-01-11
11:14:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'aviation',
INSERT INTO user_database VALUES('dwells',wells,'David','K', 'designer2',

System Administration Information


'4053182', '3481', to_timestamp('2001-01-11

11:14:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'sqlstar',
INSERT INTO user_database VALUES('asewell','Sewell','Annie','P ', 'designer3',
'4082725', '3192', to_timestamp('1997-01-11
11:14:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'explosive',

For more details, refer to the ModelCHECK Online Help in the PTC Creo Help

Using Fonts
PTC provides 42 third-party TrueType fonts and the default PTC fonts with your
software. In addition, you can also use any TrueType font available on Windows.
The third-party TrueType fonts include 13 different font styles. If you are running
a PTC Creo application in Chinese Traditional or Chinese Simplified, you can use
two additional TrueType fonts:

Chinese Traditional

Monotype Hei Medium

Monotype Sung Light

Chinese Simplified

Monotype HeiGB Medium

Monotype SungGB Light

New fonts appear in the current font list in Detailed Drawings and Sketcher. PTC
fonts are listed first, followed by the third-party fonts supplied by Agfa
TrueType fonts are stored in the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\
Common Files\text\fonts folder. You can change this default location by
placing the fonts in another folder and setting the value of the pro_font_dir
configuration option to this folder. PTC Creo applications use the fonts in the
folder specified by the pro_font_dir configuration option.
The following table lists the TrueType fonts, their corresponding file names, and
whether the font supports kerning. Kerning controls the space between certain
pairs of characters, improving the appearance of the text string. Kerning is a
characteristic of the particular font.
Font Name
Blueprint MT
Blueprint MT Bold
CG Century Schoolbook
CG Century Schoolbook Bold






File Name



PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide



CG Omega Bold



CG Omega Bold Italic



CG Omega Italic



CG Times



CG Times Bold



CG Times Bold Italic



CG Times Italic



Font Name
CG Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
CG Century Schoolbook Italic
CG Omega

File Name



Garamond Halbfett



Garamond Antiqua



Garamond Kursiv Halbfett



Garth Graphic



Garth Graphic Black



Garth Graphic Bold Italic



Garth Graphic Italic



Grotesque MT



Grotesque MT Bold



CG Triumvirate
CG Triumvirate Bold
CG Triumvirate Bold Italic
CG Triumvirate Condensed Bold
CG Triumvirate Italic
Garamond Kursiv

Microstyle Extended
Microstyle Extended Bold
Neographik MT
Shannon Bold

System Administration Information













Spartan One Two MT



Spartan One Two MT Bold






CG Triumvirate Inserat



Font Name
Shannon Extra Bold
Shannon Oblique
Spartan Four MT

File Name

If required, you can purchase additional TrueType and OpenType fonts. For
information, contact Monotype Imaging at
When you work with PTC Creo applications, you use two categories of fonts:

Fonts specific to PTC Creo applicationsThese fonts appear in the graphics

windows of PTC Creo applications. They define alphanumeric characters and
special symbols in text files. You can edit these files by:
Modifying the look of existing characters and symbols
Adding new symbols to the files
Creating new fonts
Hardware fontsThese fonts appear in the application window headers.
They are machine- and language-specific.

O p e n Ty p e F o n t S u p p o r t
PTC Creo applications provide additional support for OpenType fonts. These
fonts are based on Unicode for multilanguage support. OpenType fonts offer an
expanded character set and layout features. In PTC Creo Parametric, you can use
these fonts in Sketcher to define geometry from sketched text and in Detailed
Drawings to place drawing notes. OpenType fonts contain kerning information.
You can enable or disable it to adjust the spacing between letters.

PTC does not provide any OpenType fonts for general use with the PTC Creo


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

UNICODE Font Support

You can insert or read out-of-locale characters and symbols using True Type,
Open Type, or certain specific PTC fonts. When using True Type or Open Type
fonts, make sure to install and store these fonts locally on all machines where you
retrieve objects with text from multiple locales. You can then set the value of the
pro_font_dir configuration option to this directory for an application to use
these fonts.
Out-of-locale text support is also available through a number of PTC fonts. The
table below identifies the fonts along with the locales that they support.


Supported locale
Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese








English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Font name

All these fonts are located under <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\

Common Files\text within the folder of the respective locale. Additionally,
these fonts are copies of the font font files that are available in each locale.
The purpose of these fonts is to allow unambiguous out-of-locale access to all the
default PTC fonts that are currently referred to as font. If the text is displayed
in the font font, to display it correctly and consistently across all locales,
change the text to use the applicable font_<locale> font.

Av a i l a b l e S y s t e m F o n t s f o r M e n u I t e m s
To specify the font for menu items, set the configuration file option menu_font.
The value for this option is the name of the font file supported by the X-server
running the PTC Creo applications. The fonts are listed in the C o n t r o l P a n e l under
F o n t s . The font for text in PTC Creo application window headers is determined by
the setting of your window manager.

Extended ASCII Set

ASCII is the default font in all PTC Creo applications. You can modify ASCII
characters. You can also replace ASCII with your own font as the default.
The extended ASCII character set used in the United States and Western Europe is
supplied by PTC Creo through a combination of two font files, ascii.src and

System Administration Information


Characters through 146 are defined in ascii.src. The remaining characters
are defined in latin_1.src.
To use the European LATIN_1 characters, use one of the following procedures:

Make sure your keyboard is set up for the appropriate language. A specific set
of LATIN_1 characters is available with each keyboard language setting.

Use a key sequence specific to your machine type to produce the desired
character. If necessary, contact your hardware vendor for additional

D i s p l a y i n g t h e Te x t S y m b o l P a l e t t e i n
PTC Creo Parametric
To display the Te x t S y m b o l palette:
1. Open a drawing and click I n s e r t N o t e to create a note.
2. Select a location on the drawing to place the note. The Te x t S y m b o l palette
3. Click on a symbol in the palette.
Alternatively, you can create a new symbol. PTC Creo Parametric represents
special symbols with standard ASCII characters.
To use special symbols in drawing notes, follow these steps:
1. Enter the sequence CTRL+A.
2. Enter the ASCII character that represents the special symbol.
3. Enter the sequence CTRL+B.
When you create a new symbol, you should either redefine an existing character to
the new symbol or create a new special symbol font. You can add new special
symbols to the font file, special.src, by defining the graphic representation.

Exporting Special Symbols to IGES

Special symbols and their corresponding ASCII characters map to the IGES font
table 1001. Only two symbols (Total Runout and the Least Material Condition) do
not map to the 1001 table. They are supported by the 1003 font table. The
configuration file option use_iges_font_1003 determines which IGES font
table outputs data to IGES.When you assign an ASCII character to a new symbol,
select a character from either the 1001 or 1003 font table. Use 1001 or 1003
exclusively when you anticipate that a drawing will be exported in an IGES file.
(Refer to your IGES documentation for more information on IGES font tables.)


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Font Definition
PTC Creo defines fonts using two sets of parameters:

Text parametersThe settings of a character definition box and other

parameters used by all characters.

Character parametersThe individual definition of each character (that is,

how the character is drawn).

Comment lines in font definition source files are preceded with the # character.
These parameters do not define the actual size of characters. They establish
relative coordinates for stroking the character in the graphics windows. You
control the actual size of text and symbols using the appropriate options in a PTC
Creo application. In case of PTC Creo Parametric, you can change the actual size
of text in drawings only.

Te x t P a r a m e t e r s
Text parameters for a given font are specified only once, at the head of the font
file, and are used for every character definition in the file.

The exception to this is the proportional fonts, such as Iso, Leroy, and Cal_
grek, which require you to specify a specific width for each character. The
following parameters define a character box with a grid (where <n> is an

height<n>Defines the total number of grid spaces in the vertical direction.

The maximum height is 63.

width<n>Defines the total number of grid spaces in the horizontal

direction. The maximum width is 63.

gap<n>Defines the total number of grid spaces between character boxes.

xextent<n>Defines the maximum number of grid spaces in the horizontal


ascender<n>Defines the number of grid spaces above the character

designated for placing special characters such as accent acute and accent

base_offset<n>Enables character alignment. The base offset positions the

text box relative to a common baseline, so the drawn character definitions
appear correct relative to each other.

System Administration Information


spec_height<n>Defines the height of a character without the ascender

above the baseline.

ics (intercharacter spacing)Turns on and off the effect of individual

character width on horizontal spacing.

If you set ics to 1, each character definition must contain an individual width
setting to determine the placement of the next character.

If you do not specify ics, the system assumes it is 0, and the system ignores
individual width settings.

If ics = 0, the system uses fixed width character spacing.

If ics = 1, the system uses proportional width character spacing.

codesetIdentifies a font type. Codesets have the following meanings:

0Primary alphanumeric font set (such as ascii.src, filled.src, or


2Extended font set (such as latin_1.src).

4Special character font set or palette (such as special.src).

The filled font has the same codeset as ASCII. Therefore, only one or the
other can exist in the font.ndx file.

polygonsTurns on character filling.

If you set it to 1, all closed polygons in the character definitions are filled
(refer to the section Filled Font Definition on page 122).

If you do not specify this parameter, the system uses the default value 0.

fixed_width<n>Can be 0 or 1.

If you set it to 1, the font is independent of the text_width_factor

option in the drawing setup file.

If you set it to 0, you can control the font width by using the text_width_
factor option or by modifying the text width manually.

The following figure illustrates the text parameters that define a font.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

When you modify text parameters, consider how the font will appear in text with
other fonts. Fonts used in the same text line (such as ASCII and LATIN_1 for
European languages, or ASCII and special) must be compatible. Altering one font
might create inconsistency in appearance and placement.
For example, changing the base_offset value at the top of the font file affects
the positioning of all the font characters, relative to the text baseline, as shown in
the following figure.

System Administration Information


In addition to the width parameter, an individual width parameter can occur in

each character definition. Use the individual width parameter to create a variable
horizontal distance between the characters. In this case, if the ics parameter = 1,
the individual width for each character overrides the width at the top of the file. If
ics = 0, the system ignores individual width parameters. The following figure
shows the effect of the ics parameter on the calculation of character width.

The following figure shows the effect of the fixed_width parameter on the
calculation of character width.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Character Parameters
Below the text parameters section, a font file contains an individual definition for
each character. A character definition contains the following information:

First lineAn ASCII character, in double quotes, that represents the character
to be drawn. For ASCII and filled primary fonts, it is the character itself.
Special characters also use ASCII characters to represent them. The LATIN_1
fonts use the decimal and hexadecimal codes representing the character.

Second line (optional)Individual width value (used only if ics is turned on).

The remainder of the file consists of drawing-definition commands, described

in the next section.

Definition Commands
The drawing definition of characters and special symbols in the font files is done
with the following commands (where <X> and <Y> are integers):

[m<X>, <Y>]This command moves an imaginary pen to the grid point (X,

[d<X>, <Y>]This command draws a line from the current position to grid
point (X, Y).

For each font, you can use 63 or fewer grid points to create characters and
symbols. PTC Creo provides optimum values, giving adequate character
definition with a minimal grid. Enter characters centered or left-justified

System Administration Information


within a character box, depending on how you decide to draw them. The
following figure illustrates text justification.

You can change a font file to alter the appearance of any given font. Consider the
ASCII font definition for the character A, both in the original and modified
If you modify the text parameters without redefining the character parameters, the
appearance of the fonts changes. For example, if you change the grid height from
the default value of 16 to 20, the character appears smaller. Because the character
was originally defined with a maximum grid value of 16, the original ratio was 16/
16; after the change, the ratio is 16/20. Therefore, the new text height appears to
be 80 percent of the original height.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

ASCII Font Definition

Use the following parameters to define ASCII characters:

codeset: 0

height: 16

width: 16

base_offset: 4

gap: 0

System Administration Information


The following figure illustrates how ASCII characters are mapped. Note that
ASCII characters are defined in a character box consisting of 16x16 grid spaces.
All characters have modifiable width and are centered within a character box.

Filled Font Definition

Use the following text parameters to define a filled font:

codeset: 0

height: 63

width: 48

base_offset: 16

gap: 0

polygons: 1

ics: 1

In the filled font, characters are mapped within 63 vertical grid spaces. However,
the width for each character is different. The ics parameter (set to 1) tells the
system to ignore the global width parameter given at the top of the file. Instead,
the system uses the individual character width, which precedes each character
definition, to map a character.
Define the outline of a filled character by drawing polygons (closed loops). When
the polygons parameter at the top of a font file is set to 1, the PTC Creo
application fills with color any closed polygon drawn in a character definition.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Special Font Definition

The following text parameters are used to define a special font:

codeset: 4

height: 38

width: 36

xextent: 63

spec_height: 24

base_offset: 8

ascender: 6

fixed_width: 1

ics: 1

gap: 4

In the special font, all characters are defined in 38 vertical grid spaces. Each
character has an individual width declared in front of its definition. To establish
spacing between character boxes, the gap parameter is set to 4. The following
figure illustrates the definition of the special font character.

System Administration Information


L AT I N _ 1 F o n t D e f i n i t i o n
The following text parameters define the LATIN_1 font:

codeset: 2

height: 40

width: 32

xextent: 63

spec_height: 24

base_offset: 8

ascender: 8

fixed_width: 0

ics: 0

gap: 0

The LATIN_1 font is defined with a character box of 40x32 grid spaces. All
characters have constant width and are centered in the character box. In the double
quoted line above the character definition, the decimal and hexadecimal code
representing the character is shown, as follows:
code <decimal> <hex>
The following figure illustrates how to map a LATIN_1 character.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

How to Edit Fonts or Create New Fonts

1. Edit an existing or create a new .src file, which resides in <creo_
loadpoint>\<datecode>\Common Files\text\<language>.
2. Compile the font file by using the command compile_font.
3. Make the new font available locally or for all users.

How to Modify a Font File

1. Copy the appropriate .src font file into your working directory. The .src
files reside at <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\Common Files\
2. Modify the font file.
3. From the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\Common Files\text\
<language> area, copy the appropriate index file to your working directory.
4. Copy the compile_font command to your working area.
5. To compile the font, enter the following command for each font file you
modify: compile_font fontfilename.src fontfilename.fnt

System Administration Information


If you modify the ASCII font definitions, it alters the appearance of the
default font in every PTC Creo application.

How to Create a User-Defined Font File

1. Define a new font in a file with the extension .src. Store the new font in
your working directory.
2. Create an index file that includes the new font file. Make sure the index file
contains fonts with unique codesets.
3. Copy the compile_font command to your working area.
4. Enter the following command for each font file you create: compile_font
fontfilename.src fontfilename.fnt
5. Recompile user-defined fonts whenever you install a new major release of
PTC Creo.
You can include user-defined fonts as default or auxiliary fonts in drawings.

How to Store a New Font

1. Store the updated index file with the .src and .fnt files in your local
directory if the new font is for your personal use.
2. To make a new font available to all users, reference the font in the index and
store the index and source files in the directory <creo_loadpoint>\
<datecode>\Common Files\text\<language>. Store the .fnt file
in the following directory: <creo_loadpoint>/<datecode>/Common

H o w t o S e t Yo u r F o n t a s t h e D e f a u l t
1. Rename your file to ascii.src.
2. Recompile the ascii.src file using the compile_font command to
produce a local ascii.fnt file.

How to Create or Customize a Font

1. Copy or create font source files in the local working directory. In this example,
the default primary ASCII and special symbol fonts are copied and renamed.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

cp /usr/pro/text/usascii/ascii.src custom.src
(primary font with codeset 0)
cp/usr/pro/text/usascii/special.src symbols.src
(special symbols font with codeset 4)
2. Edit the source files to include all the required definitions and changes.
vi custom.src
vi symbols.src
3. Copy the compile_font script from the directory <creo_loadpoint>/
<datecode>/Common Files/<machine_type>/obj into the same
local working directory.
cp /usr/pro/i486_nt/obj/compile_font
4. Compile the font files.
compile_font custom.src custom.fnt
compile_font symbols.src symbols.fnt
5. Create a new index file to reference the compiled font files. Note that the
index file name does not need to be the same as the primary font name. If the
custom font created is not a primary font (codeset 0), be sure to include a font
with a codeset of 0 in the index file. In this example, the new font index file
references both customized font files (primary and special symbols).
myfont.ndx (new customized .ndx file)
custom (new custom primary font (codeset 0))
latin_1 (system extended ASCII font(codeset 2))
symbols (new special symbols font (codeset 4))
This font index file references the new customized special symbols font only.
It uses the system default primary font.
myfont2.ndx (new customized .ndx file)
ascii (system default primary font (codeset 0))
latin_1 (system extended ASCII font (codeset 2))
symbols (new special symbols font (codeset 4))
You can use the new font in the following ways:

System Administration Information


To use the font as a global auxiliary font, place the .src and .ndx files in
the <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\Common Files\text\
<language> directory.

Then put the compiled .fnt files in the directory <creo_loadpoint>/

<datecode>/Common Files/<machine_type>/text/
mv custom.src symbols.src myfont.ndx /usr/pro/text/
mv custom.fnt symbols.fnt /usr/pro/i486_nt/text/

To set the new font as the system default, rename the primary source and
compiled font (codeset of 0) files to ascii.src and ascii.fnt,
respectively. The system font.ndx file already references the ASCII font
file and, therefore, does not need to be modified. Locate the new ascii.src
and ascii.fnt files in the appropriate directories (see the previous section
that describes how to use the font as a global auxiliary font). Note that the
system overrides the original ascii.src and ascii.fnt files, unless you
first rename them.
The next time you start a PTC Creo application, it uses the new custom font as
the system default font.
mv custom.src /usr/pro/text/usascii/ascii.src
mv custom.fnt /usr/pro/i486_nt/text/usascii/ascii.fnt

C u s t o m i z i n g t h e Te x t S y m b o l P a l e t t e f o r P T C C r e o
You can customize fonts and add symbols and characters to the Te x t S y m b o l
palette in PTC Creo Parametric from the special font file. You can also replace,
reorder, or remove symbols using the text symbol palette layout file.
How to Add New Symbols to the Text Symbol Palette
1. Customize the special font file, special.src, using the method described
in the section Using Fonts on page 110.
2. Add a definition for each of the new symbols that you want to insert in the
Te x t S y m b o l palette and associate an ASCII code to the symbol.
3. Create new images for each of the symbols that you have defined in the
customized special font file.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

4. Save the images as sp_#.gif where # is the ASCII code of the image
defined in the special font file. For example, you can save an image as sp_
133.gif, where 133 is the ASCII code that is associated with the image.
5. Store all the image files in the <creo_loadpoint>/<datecode>/
Common Files/text/resource directory.
6. Define a text symbol palette layout file and save this file in your working
directory. See the next section, How to Create a Text Symbol Palette Layout
File on page 129, for details.
7. In your file, set the value of the configuration option
custom_text_symbol_palette_file to point to the full path of the
customized text symbol palette layout file. For example, for a file named my_
custom_palette.txt and saved in the D:\my_parametric\my_
custom_palette.txt directory, set the configuration option as follows:
custom_text_symbol_palette_file D:\my_parametric\my_
This path enables PTC Creo Parametric to display the Te x t S y m b o l palette
according to the settings in the customized layout file.
8. Create or modify a drawing in a new session of PTC Creo Parametric, and
verify the presence of the customized Te x t S y m b o l palette.
How to Create a Text Symbol Palette Layout File
After you have created images files for the symbols that you have defined in the
special font file, create a text symbol palette layout file using this procedure:
1. Create a file with .txt extension in your working directory, for example,
2. Specify an integer in the first line of the file. This integer represents the
number of columns in the Te x t S y m b o l palette in PTC Creo Parametric.
3. Specify integers on all other lines of the file. These integers must represent the
ASCII codes of the symbols for the Te x t S y m b o l palette. The integers must lie
from 32255.
On every line separate each of the ASCII codes with one space. The order of
the ASCII codes in the file represents the order of the symbols in the Te x t
S y m b o l palette. For additional information, see Examples of the Text Symbol
Palette Layout File on page 131.

System Administration Information


ASCII Codes for GTOL Symbols

ASCII codes for GTOL symbols are based on the setting for the gtol_
symbols_same_size detailing setup option. If you set the value to no, the
ANSI codes are used to identify the special fonts to be used. If it is set to yes, the
ISO codes are used to identify the special font in the Te x t S y m b o l palette. Refer to
the next table for the ANSI and ISO codes for GTOL symbols.
GTOL Sy mb ol
Profile Line
Profile Surf
Runout Circular
Total Runout


ISO Code

In a PTC Creo Parametric drawing, the GTOL symbols in the Te x t S y m b o l palette

change if you change the value of the gtol_symbol_same_size detailing
setup option.
Guidelines for Customizing the Text Symbol Palette Layout File
Administrators must verify that the text symbol palette layout file is customized
correctly and all the entries in this file are valid. If the customization is incorrect,
PTC Creo Parametric uses the default settings to display the Te x t S y m b o l palette
without a warning message.
Guidelines for customizing the text symbol palette layout file follow:

When creating images, ensure that the height and width of the images does not
exceed 16 pixels and 24 pixels, respectively.

The file must contain only integers. All nonintegers are treated as spaces.

Specify ASCII codes from 32255.

Do not duplicate ASCII codes.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Place the same number of ASCII codes on each row as the integer that you
have specified in the first line of the file. This listing approximates the
appearance of the customized Te x t S y m b o l palette in PTC Creo Parametric.

Use the ASCII codes for the dtl options carefully. The usage of these
symbols in a drawing changes between ANSI and ISO according to the value
that you set for the detailing setup option, gtol_symbols_same_size.

Examples of the Text Symbol Palette Layout File

If you specify #1.15 in the first row of the text symbol palette layout file,
PTC Creo Parametric ignores the crosshatch (#) character. One column is
displayed in the Te x t S y m b o l palette. The decimal point (.) after 1 is ignored.
The integer 15 is taken as the first ASCII code but is ignored. Only those
ASCII codes from 32255 are displayed in the Te x t S y m b o l palette.

File 1 and File 2 represent the same Te x t S y m b o l palette in PTC Creo

File 1
File 2


60 61 62


35 37 68


65 66 70




AV I C o m p r e s s i o n C o d e c s
You can capture an AVI file using the third-party compression codecs installed on
your system. PTC does not provide codecs that support AVI compression. A
warning message appears when you try to capture an AVI file under the following
conditions and the process aborts prematurely:

System Administration Information


You have not installed or licensed the compression codecs correctly on your
windows system.

You have installed a codec that is defective.

The codec does not work with specific compression settings.

Exporting Data to Portable Document

You can use the Interface for PDF application through PTC Creo Parametric to
export model drawings to Portable Document Format. The Interface for PDF
provides enhanced navigation, search, and presentation capabilities. The licenses
for this application can be node-locked or floating.
The Interface for PDF enables you to do the following tasks:

Insert the PTC Creo Parametric parameter data as searchable metadata in the
PDF file.

Modify the font types, color, style, and resolution of the PDF output.

Insert PTC Creo Parametric drawing text and numerical values as searchable
and selectable content in the PDF file.

Insert bookmarks for the various PTC Creo Parametric layers, sheets, zones,
flag notes, and revision tags.

Control the access and security rights of the PDF file.

For more details, see the Interface Help available in the PTC Creo Parametric
Help Center.

Meeting Browser Requirements

This section describes the requirements for the PTC Creo browser for all the PTC
Creo applications. For information on Web browser support for the PTC Creo
applications, see
Platform_Support_Summary.pdf. For information related to the Help Center, see
Installing and Using PTC Creo Help on page 61.

Browser Requirements
PTC Creo browser runs in the Creo agent and uses the engine of the Internet
Explorer (IE) by default.
The multi-process architecture of IE browser allows PTC Creo to run the
embedded browser in the out-of-process mode. That is, the IE browser runs as a
separate process that is not within the PTC Creo process.
The Creo agent is the same across all PTC Creo applications. Therefore, the 32-bit
embedded browser is the same across different PTC Creo applications.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

When PTC Creo applications are connected to the same Creo agent, you can only
use a single browser type in a session of a PTC Creo application. You cannot
change the browser type in the session. To change the browser type, you must exit
the current session of the application and all other PTC Creo applications. You
must then make sure that the Creo agent process is not running before you specify
another browser type and restart the PTC Creo application.
You can specify the PTC Creo browser to use the embedding engine of the
Internet Explorer (IE) browser. Before you start a PTC Creo application, ensure
that the value of the windows_browser_type configuration option in your file is set as follows:

ie_browserSpecifies that the browser uses the IE engine in a Creo agent

process initiated from the PTC Creo process. The windows_browser_
type configuration option is set to ie_browser by default.

Starting a PTC Creo Application through an External

To start a PTC Creo application from an external browser, register a helper
application in the bin directory. The helper application gets installed
automatically when you install the PTC Creo application. This application,
<app_name>.exe, is also referred to as the PTC Creo Application Starter.
Registration of the helper application involves registering files with .pha

Opening a PDF File within the PTC Creo

You can view a PDF file in the PTC Creo browser using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
On Windows, Adobe Acrobat Reader is available as a plug-in.

Printing a PDF File

You can view a PDF file in the PTC Creo browser using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To print the PDF file, click the Adobe Acrobat Reader P r i n t icon instead of the
PTC Creo browser P r i n t icon.

U s i n g P T C C r e o Vi e w E x p r e s s t o O p e n
PTC Creo Objects
The PTC Creo objects that you can open using PTC Creo View Express follow:
File Extension

System Administration Information

F i l e Ty p e
Assembly file
Draft file


File Extension

F i l e Ty p e
Diagram file


Drawing file
Format file
Picture file


Part file


Report file


Manufacturing file


Sketcher Section file


On Windows, double-click a file with a registered PVX extension to open the file
in Internet Explorer.

Opening PTC Creo Objects from

Windows Explorer
If you have not installed PTC Creo View Express, you can open a PTC Creo
object directly from Windows Explorer in a PTC Creo session. PTC Creo objects
typically appear with a PTC icon in Windows Explorer. Double-click an object in
Windows Explorer to open it in a PTC Creo session.
If you have installed PTC Creo View Express, a PTC Creo object is opened in
Internet Explorer only for viewing when you double-click the object in Windows
Explorer. Right-click on the object and choose the PTC Creo application in which
to open the object.
You can open objects with the following file types:
File Extension

F i l e Ty p e
Assembly file
Diagram file
Drawing file
Format file
Layout file
Manufacturing file


Markup file
Part file


Sketcher Section file


If a PTC Creo session is already running and you double-click an object in

Windows Explorer, the object is automatically loaded within the same PTC Creo
session in a new window. This new window becomes the active window.

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

If a PTC Creo session is not running and you double-click an object in Windows
Explorer, the PTC Creo application startup configuration file dialog box opens.
You are prompted to select a file from the list of available configuration files.
Upon selecting the required startup configuration file, a PTC Creo session is
started using the selected configuration file. The selected object is loaded in this
PTC Creo session.

If multiple sessions of PTC Creo applications are running, the selected object is
loaded in the session that you started first.

JavaScript Security
In PTC Creo, a JavaScript bridge is used so that the JavaScript code inside a
displayed HTML page interacts with the PTC Creo application. For example,
F e a t u r e i n f o reports, folder content listings, and new connection registrations all
use the JavaScript bridge for security purposes.
A PTC Creo application automatically activates the JavaScript bridge only from
pages generated by the application or Windchill Solutions. If a page generated
from another source tries to access the PTC Creo application through the
JavaScript bridge, a warning message appears and the operation is stopped.
Take one of the following actions:

If the URL in the message is from an unreliable source, contact your system
administrator and avoid accessing this page again.

If the URL in the message is from a reliable source, such as a PTC Windchill
Solution, contact Technical Support.

System Administration Information


Installing and Configuring PTC
Quality Agent
Overview ................................................................................................................ 138
Installing PTC Quality Agent..................................................................................... 138
Configuring PTC Quality Agent................................................................................. 138
Preferences ............................................................................................................ 139
Data Filters ............................................................................................................. 139
Pending Data .......................................................................................................... 140
Last Sent ................................................................................................................ 141
Using Quality Agent................................................................................................. 142
Uninstalling PTC Quality Agent................................................................................. 142

This appendix contains information on PTC Quality Agent.


PTC Quality Agent is an application that gathers and sends reports to PTC on the
performance and usage of PTC Creo applications. It also reports the system
information of a user. It serves as a medium to help PTC improve the quality of its

Installing PTC Quality Agent

PTC Quality Agent is installed by default when you install any of the PTC Creo
applications. The PTC Quality Agent reporting is enabled by default for all the
PTC Creo applications. Clear the check box at the bottom of the A p p l i c a t i o n
S e l e c t i o n screen to disable this process. A single installation of PTC Quality
Agent can be used with all the PTC Creo applications for which you have enabled
PTC Quality Agent reporting.

When customizing a PTC Creo application, if you clear the E n a b l e Q u a l i t y
A g e n t r e p o r t i n g check box on the A p p l i c a t i o n C u s t o m S e t t i n g screen , this
selection supersedes the selection that you made on the A p p l i c a t i o n S e l e c t i o n
screen. PTC Quality Agent reporting is not enabled in this case.
You can install PTC Quality Agent on a host computer or a network location
depending on where you are installing your PTC Creo application. If you are
running a PTC Creo application from a remote host computer or a network
location, set the quality_agent_path configuration option in your to access PTC Quality Agent. Specify the complete installation
path of PTC Quality Agent (for example, <creo_loadpoint>\%PRO_
MACHINE_TYPE%\obj\qualityagent.exe) as the value of the
configuration option.

Configuring PTC Quality Agent

After installing PTC Quality Agent, you can configure it as per your companys
requirements. To open the P T C Q u a l i t y A g e n t dialog box, browse to the
installation path or use a previously created shortcut.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

The tabs on the above dialog box show the configurable settings.

If you have write permissions to the PTC Quality Agent installation folder and
files, specify the frequency for the collection and transfer of the product and
system information to PTC using the P r e f e r e n c e s tab. Set the frequency to
M o n t h l y , Q u a r t e r l y , or B i a n n u a l l y .

A user without write permissions to the installation folder can view the
preferences but cannot change the settings.

Data Filters
If you have write permissions to the PTC Quality Agent installation folder and
files, click the D a t a F i l t e r s tab. Select specific information to be blocked from
being transferred to PTC.

Installing and Configuring PTC Quality Agent


You cannot filter information that PTC considers mandatory. Those check
boxes are unavailable.
The customized preferences and data filters are stored at <All User
Profiles>\Application Data\PTC\QualityAgent\Filters.

Pending Data
For each PTC Creo application you have installed, you can view the collected
product and system information on the P e n d i n g D a t a tab.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

On the active application tab, click a button to perform the following actions:

S e n d N o w Sends the product and system information to the database via an

https secure communication protocol. For example, if the P T C C r e o D i r e c t tab

is active, sends the product and system information for PTC Creo Direct to the
S e n d v i a e - m a i l Sends a report in ASCII format as an e-mail attachment to a
designated PTC Technical Support Engineer. For example, if the P T C C r e o
D i r e c t tab is active, you can send a report for PTC Creo Direct to a PTC
Technical Support Engineer or to your e-mail address.

Last Sent
For each PTC Creo application you have installed, you can view on the L a s t S e n t
tab, the product and system information that was last collected and transferred to

Installing and Configuring PTC Quality Agent


Click S e n d v i a e - m a i l to send an aggregated report in ASCII format. The report is

sent as an e-mail attachment to a designated PTC Technical Support Engineer or
to your e-mail address.

Using Quality Agent

PTC Quality Agent automatically collects information related to the application
and system information and transfers it to PTC. The information transfer is based
on the filter settings in the D a t a F i l t e r s tab and the frequency settings in the
P r e f e r e n c e s tab. For each session, PTC Quality Agent checks for new data before
the transfer. The information is automatically encrypted and transferred using the
SSL methodology.
As a user of a PTC Creo application, you can open the P T C Q u a l i t y A g e n t dialog
box to view the pending data to be transferred to PTC on the P e n d i n g D a t a tab.
You can click the S e n d v i a e - m a i l button to send the PTC Creo application-related
and system information report in ASCII format as an e-mail attachment to a
designated PTC Technical Support Engineer and to your e-mail address. Both you
and PTC Technical Support can then review the information simultaneously.

Uninstalling PTC Quality Agent

You can remove PTC Quality Agent independent of a PTC Creo application using
the following steps:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

1. Click S t a r t C o n t r o l P a n e l P r o g r a m s a n d F e a t u r e s . The U n i n s t a l l o r c h a n g e
a p r o g r a m screen appears.
2. In the application list, click P T C Q u a l i t y A g e n t .
3. Click U n i n s t a l l . A confirmation dialog box opens.
4. Click Ye s to remove Quality Agent.

Installing and Configuring PTC Quality Agent


Installing PTC MKS Platform
Overview ................................................................................................................ 146
Installing PTC MKS Platform Components ................................................................ 146

This appendix contains information on how to install PTC MKS platform

components to work with CADDS 5 models.


You must install P T C M K S P l a t f o r m C o m p o n e n t s 9 . x along with the P T C C r e o
P a r a m e t r i c I n t e r f a c e f o r C A D D S 5 component during PTC Creo Parametric
installation to work with CADDS 5 parts and assemblies within PTC Creo
Parametric. P T C M K S P l a t f o r m C o m p o n e n t s 9 . x is a third-party application that
supports the following functions:

Simulates a UNIX environment on the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating


Emulates UNIX commands on the Windows operating systems.

Installs the Portmapper service for interoperability between CADDS 5 and

PTC Creo Parametric.

Copies the necessary startup files and libraries required to work with CADDS
5 files into a separate installation directory.

Installing PTC MKS Platform

Install PTC MKS Platform components using the following instructions:
1. Perform steps 1 through 7 as described in the section Installing the PTC Creo
Applications: Simple Installation Process on page 34.
2. Click the P T C M K S P l a t f o r m C o m p o n e n t s 9 . x check box on the A p p l i c a t i o n
S e l e c t i o n screen.
3. Click I n s t a l l . The I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o g r e s s screen indicates the progress of the
4. Click F i n i s h to complete the installation and close the Assistant.
After the installation is complete, see Working with CADDS 5 Models in PTC
Creo Parametric on page 58 before you start.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Installing the PTC Creo
Applications in Silent Mode
Guidelines and Advantages of a Silent Installation ..................................................... 148
Strategies for the Mass Deployment of PTC Creo Applications ................................... 149
Workflow for a Silent Installation ............................................................................... 150
Command Syntax for a Silent Installation .................................................................. 152
Locating the XML Files ............................................................................................ 153
Editing the XML Files ............................................................................................... 154
Editing the PROPERTY Node .................................................................................. 154
Editing the SHORTCUT Node .................................................................................. 156
Editing the PSF Node .............................................................................................. 157
Editing the QUALITY_AGENT Node ......................................................................... 158
Editing the LANGUAGE Node .................................................................................. 158
Editing the PACKAGE Node ..................................................................................... 159
Editing the CDSECTION Nodes ............................................................................... 159
Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode ............................................... 160
Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode.............................. 160
Installing PTC Quality Agent and PTC MKS Platform Components in Silent
Mode ........................................................................................................ 162
Updating the Registry File ........................................................................................ 162

This appendix for system administrators is applicable only for Windows. It

provides information on how to perform a silent installation of the following PTC
Creo applications: PTC Creo Parametric, PTC Creo Direct, PTC Creo Layout,
PTC Creo Simulate, and PTC Creo Options Modeler. The instructions for using
command-line arguments are also common for PTC Creo Distributed Services


Guidelines and Advantages of a Silent

The PTC Creo applications installed for the first time using PTC Installation
Assistant can be reinstalled during subsequent installation sessions in silent
(nongraphics and noninteractive) mode. The silent installation process with
command-line arguments uses an XML file with application-specific
configuration settings. An independent XML file is stored for each of the PTC
Creo applications that you have installed. To perform a silent installation, provide
the path to the corresponding XML file as an argument when running
setup.exe from the DVD root directory at the command prompt. See
Command Syntax for a Silent Installation on page 152 for more information.
Remember the following points for a silent installation:

You cannot use the independent XML file of an earlier release or a

maintenance release for a silent installation in the following cases:
The major release to be installed and the release of the application for
generating the XML file are not the same.
The selected PTC Creo application, language, platform, or package is not
on the DVD.
The prerequisites for installing the PTC Creo application are not met.

You must run the Assistant only from the DVD when installing the PTC Creo
applications for the first time.

You cannot generate and download a license or install PTC License Server in
silent mode. The installer cannot connect to in silent mode. Hence,
the license sources must already be accessible to all the computers on which
the application software will subsequently be run. The silent installation
process will neither validate any license nor attempt to access the license

You cannot copy an existing installation while performing a silent installation.

If you change the installation folder structure of an installed PTC Creo
application, uninstall or reconfiguration utilities may not work properly
for that installation of the PTC Creo application.
Some of the advantages of a silent installation follow:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

You can efficiently mass-deploy PTC Creo applications across a large


You can source all the configuration settings, such as installation location,
license source list, and startup commands, for installing a PTC Creo
application from an XML file.

Strategies for the Mass Deployment of

PTC Creo Applications
As an administrator you can adopt one of the following strategies to mass-deploy
PTC Creo applications and client-side components such as PTC Creo View
Express, PTC Creo Thumbnail Viewer, and PTC Creo Platform Agent in a large

Perform a silent installation of PTC Creo applications on all the client

computers. See Workflow for a Silent Installation on page 150 for details. You
can then choose to install the client-side components on each client computer.
See Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode on
page 160 for details.

Provide the client computers access to the applications installed on a single

network-accessible machine. Perform the following steps for the client-side
1. If required, install the client-side components on each client computer. See
Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode on
page 160 for details.
2. Update the registry entry for each PTC Creo application on each client
computer using the created.reg file. See Updating the Registry File
on page 162 for details.

Copy a single prototypical installation onto each client computer. Then

perform the following steps for the client-side configuration:
1. If required, install the client-side components on each client computer. See
Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode on
page 160 for details.
2. Update the registry entry for each PTC Creo application on each client
computer using the created.reg file. See Updating the Registry File
on page 162 for details.

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


If you have installed the PTC Creo applications on your local computer
and have also run the silent installation process, you need not update
the registry file.
After the silent installation is complete, if you want to reconfigure the
installation using PTC Installation Assistant, you must explicitly
provide the license source information on the L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n

Wo r k fl o w f o r a S i l e n t In s ta l l a t i o n
A system administrator can follow the workflow described below for a silent
installation of one or more PTC Creo applications on a network location or on a
client computer:
1. Perform a typical product installation with the configuration that you want to
use for future installations.
a. Open a command shell and run setup.exe from the root directory of the
DVD. PTC Installation Assistant starts.
b. On the Welcome screen click I n s t a l l n e w s o f t w a r e .
c. On the L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen perform one of the following


Drag a node-locked or floating license file into the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y


Enter the port@host address of the running license server.

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Downloading a license file or installing PTC License Server must be
done in a separate installation session.

A license source is not validated during the silent installation process.

Hence, you must ensure the accuracy of the license source list that is
configured in the commands (.psf files) for starting the PTC Creo

The license source specification is designated in an XML file. It can be

overridden using a command-line argument during the silent
installation process. See Command Syntax for a Silent Installation on
page 152 for details.

d. Select the applications to install, customize your installation, and specify

any other site-specific configurations.
e. Click I n s t a l l to begin the installation.
f. Click F i n i s h to close the Assistant.
An independent XML file for each installed PTC Creo application is stored
with a .p.xml extension at <creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\<app_
name>\bin\pim\xml. When installing PTC Creo applications, the
Common Files folder is installed. The XML file for this folder is stored at
the following location:
<creo_loadpoint>Creo 3.0\<datecode>\Common Files\bin\
Additionally, PTC Creo applications require XML files for the following

PTC Quality Agent <dvd>:\pim\xml\qualityagent.xml

MKS Platform Components (Required only if installing CADDS 5

Adaptor) <dvd>:\pim\xml\mkscomponents.xml

Edit the qualityagent.xml and mkscomponents.xml files, and
set the value of the install attribute to yes.
2. Copy one or more PTC Creo application specific XML files, along with the
creobase.p.xml,qualityagent.xml, and mkscomponents.xml

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


files, to a temporary location on your disk; for example, D:\temp\ptc, and

edit it as required. See Editing the XML Files on page 154 for information on
how to edit the various nodes of an XML file.
3. Perform a silent installation of the desired PTC Creo applications using the
command syntax as described in the next section.
4. Perform a silent installation of the required client-side components. See
Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side Components in Silent Mode on page
160 for information on how to install Client-side components.

Command Syntax for a Silent Installation

To perform a silent installation of a PTC Creo application, open a command shell,
and run setup.exe from the root directory of the DVD as follows:
<dvd>:\setup.exe xml <path to the .xml file stored in a
temporary location>
Where dvd is the DVD drive letter or the location of the downloaded DVD
The arguments you can use with setup.exe during a silent installation follow:
Command Syntax
setup.exe <no arguments> Runs the installer interactively.
setup.exe help
Displays all the arguments to use with the
setup.exe v
Displays the version of the installer.
setup.exe xml
Performs a silent installation as per the
<file1> xml
directives in the specified XML files.
setup.exe xml
[Optional] Overrides the destination specified in
<file1> [-destination the XML file.
setup.exe xml
[Optional] Overrides the license source
specified in the XML file.
setup.exe xml
[Optional] Replaces the whitespace characters
<file1> [-translate_
in the installation path in the XML file.
setup.exe xml
[Optional] Overrides the license feature list
<file1> [-licfeat_
specified in the XML file. The default list is
regenerated by checking the license source list


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Command Syntax

setup.exe xml
<file1> [-licfeat_
preference <string>]

progressbar xml

as it is originally generated from an initial
installation. Without this argument, the default
license feature list is taken from the XML file.
[Optional] Prepends the preferred license
feature names to the default license feature list.
Specify the preferred names within quotes or as
a space-separated list without parentheses.
Without this argument, the default license
feature list is used as is.
[Optional] Displays the indicative progress bar
during the installation using the XML file.

Consider the example of performing a silent installation of PTC Creo Parametric

with Common Files, and a required component PTC Quality Agent. Open a
command shell and enter the following command:
E:\setup.exe xml D:\temp\ptc\pma.p.xml xml D:\temp\

EThe DVD drive letter

D:\temp\ptc\pma.p.xmlThe location for the <app_name>.p.xml


D:\temp\ptc\creobase.p.xmlThe location of the XML file for the

Common Files folder.

D:\temp\ptc\qualityagent.xmlThe location of the XML file for

the required component PTC Quality Agent.

Locating the XML Files

On a successful installation of the PTC Creo applications, XML files for each of
the installed PTC Creo applications are created. The file location and file name is
as shown:

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


Application Files
PTC Creo application

File Name

Common Files folder creobase.p.xml

File Location
Creo 3.0\
Creo 3.0\
Common Files\

For example, if you have installed PTC Creo Parametric, the XML file
pma.p.xml is stored at <creo_loadpoint>\Creo 3.0\<datecode>\
Parametric\bin\pim\xml. The XML file for the Common Files folder is
stored at <creo_loadpoint>\Creo 3.0\<datecode>\Common Files\

Editing the XML Files

You can edit and customize only those XML files listed in the table in the
previous section with the settings required for future installations. In such cases,
copy the XML files to a temporary location and edit the nodes in the XML files
using a text editor or an XML editor. The following sections describe the various
nodes in the XML file that can be edited.

PTC recommends you not to edit the XML files unless there is a specific need
to do so.

You can edit only those nodes that are documented in the subsequent sections.

The nodes in the XML file may differ for various PTC Creo applications.

Edi t in g t h e P R OP ERT Y N ode

You can edit the following name attributes of the PROPERTY node:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Use the INSTALLBASE name attribute to change the root path for installing the
PTC Creo applications in the current session. You can change the INSTALLBASE
name attribute in the PTC Creo applications (<app_name>.p.xml) and
Common Files (creobase.p.xml) XML files. The default value is usually the
PTC folder under the Program Files folder.

Ensure that you specify same root path in the PTC Creo applications (<app_
name>.p.xml) and Common Files (creobase.p.xml) XML files.

Before editing the INSTALLBASE name attribute, the PROPERTY node

appears as shown:

After editing the INSTALLBASE name attribute, the PROPERTY node

appears as shown:

The [PROGRAMFILES] variable in the above example represents the default

program location on a local computer. You can use this variable instead of the
absolute path F:\Program Files to make the default program location
accessible on all the computers. For a 32-bit application running on a 64-bit
computer, you can also use the [PROGRAMFILESx86] variable as shown in
the following example:

The [PROGRAMFILESx86 variable represents the default program location

for a 32-bit application on a 64-bit computer.
You can add the NoRegistryActions name attribute to skip processing of the
REGISTRY nodes. REGISTRY nodes define file associations.
<PROPERTY name="NoRegistryActions"</PROPERTY>

The permitted editing of the LP and CREOCOMMONFILES property values is
limited to changing or removing the whitespace characters. For example, you can
change Creo 3.0 to Creo_3.0 or Creo3.0. Similarly, you can change

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


Common Files to Common_Files or CommonFiles. You must not modify

any other aspects of the LP or CREOCOMMONFILES paths. Before editing these
property values, the PROPERTY node appears as shown:
<PROPERTY name="[LP]">[INSTALLBASE]/Creo 3.0/Parametric</PROPERTY>

After editing the LP and CREOCOMMONFILES property values, the PROPERTY

node appears as shown:
<PROPERTY name="[LP]">[INSTALLBASE]/Creo_3.0/Parametric</PROPERTY>

The CREOCOMMONFILES attribute is used by all the PTC Creo applications
that are installed at the common loadpoint. When editing this attribute in an
XML file, make sure to edit the value of this attribute in the XML files of all
the individual applications installed at the same loadpoint.
You can use the command line argument translate_lp_path_space to
remove whitespace characters instead of manually editing the LP and
CREOCOMMONFILES name attributes. See Command Syntax for a Silent
Installation on page 152 for more information on translate_lp_path_

Ed i t in g t h e S H ORT C U T N o d e
A SHORTCUT node represents shortcut definitions associated with certain
package nodes. A SHORTCUT node is processed in order to create the shortcuts
for a package that is being installed. In a SHORTCUT node, you must edit only the
create attribute for each of the PROGRAMSMENU, STARTMENU, DESKTOP,
and QUICKLAUNCH subnodes. A value Y set for the create attribute creates the
A sample SHORTCUT node in an XML file that creates a shortcut only in the
Programs menu is as shown:
<SHORTCUT allusers="Y" id="pma_shortcut">
<NAME>Creo Parametric [VERSION]</NAME>
<PROGRAMSMENU create="Y" installed="Y">PTC Creo</PROGRAMSMENU>
<STARTMENU create="N"/>
<DESKTOP create="N"/>


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

<QUICKLAUNCH create="N"/>

Editing the PSF Node

A PSF node represents the license configurations created in the C u s t o m i z e dialog
box of the Assistant. Individual PSF nodes are created in the XML file for each of
the configurations created in this dialog box. The resultant *.psf file is used for
setting up the appropriate environment variables and for indicating the executables
to be run. You can edit the following subnodes of the PSF node:



Va l u e
Provide a list of license sources separated
by semicolons. The license sources can be
node-locked license files or server-based
port@host identifiers.
Provide a list of FLEXnet license-to-run
features separated by spaces. The feature list
is followed by a list of additional options
within parentheses. Choose the options to
acquire at startup.
Identify the PSF run definition to be used by
the software wrapper program (for example,
parametric.exe) in case multiple PSF
run definitions exist. The software wrapper
program then opens a dialog box with a list
of descriptions for launching the startup
definition profile.

A sample PSF node and its subnodes in an XML file are as shown:
<PSF dest="[LP]/bin/parametric.psf" id="parametric" installed="Y"
name="parametric" source="psf_templates.xml>
<LICTYPE name="CreoPma"><Creo Parametric</LICTYPE>
<DESCRIPTION>Creo Parametric (default)</DESCRIPTION>

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


Editing the QUALITY_AGENT Node

The QUALITY_AGENT node represents the Quality Agent settings for an installed
PTC Creo application. You can edit the following attribute of the QUALITY_
AGENT node:
Va l u e
Enables or disables the Quality Agent
reporting for a PTC Creo application. For
example, if this attribute is set to Y, Quality
Agent reporting is enabled.
If the required attribute is set to Y, you
must not change the value of the enable
attribute to N. If you do so, a PTC Creo
application will not run because of
conflicting settings.
A sample QUALITY_AGENT node in an XML file is as shown:
<QUALITY_AGENT enable="Y" keyname="QualityAgentOptIn" required="N"/>

Editing the LANGUAGE Node

Editing the LANGUAGE, PLATFORM, and PACKAGE nodes is not trivial. For
editing these nodes you must manually edit the CDSECTION nodes. Instead,
PTC recommends that you perform a template-based installation graphically
with the required language, platform, and package settings.
A LANGUAGE node represents the languages supported on the DVD media for the
installation of a PTC Creo application. Individual LANGUAGE nodes are created in
the XML file for each of the supported languages. You can edit the following
attribute of the LANGUAGE node:
Va l u e
Set this attribute to Y or N depending on
whether you want to install the PTC Creo
application in that language. If the
required attribute is set to Y do not
change the install attribute.
A sample LANGUAGE node in an XML file follows:


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

<LANGUAGE install="Y" installed="N" name="usascii"

<LANGUAGE install="N" installed="N" name="japanese">Japanese</LANGUAGE>

E d i t i n g t h e PA C K A G E N o d e
PACKAGE nodes in an XML file represent the required and the optional packages
selected for a PTC Creo application on the C u s t o m i z e dialog box of the Assistant.
There may be many PACKAGE nodes in an XML file. You can edit the following
attribute of the PACKAGE node:
Va l u e
For a specific PACKAGE node, set this
attribute to Y or N depending on whether you
want to install the package with the PTC
Creo application. For a parent package with
multiple child packages, set the install
attribute of the parent package to Y to install
any of its child packages.
A sample PACKAGE node in an XML file follows:
<PACKAGE hidden="N" install="Y" label="ModelCHECK name="modelcheck"
parent="creooptions" required="N">

Editing the CDSECTION Nodes

Edit the CDSECTION node only if you want to edit the LANGUAGE, PLATFORM,
or the PACKAGE nodes. Check for the following attributes before you edit the

For each LANGUAGE node, locate the CDSECTION nodes with the language
attribute reflecting the appropriate language.

Then locate the CDSECTION nodes with the platform attribute reflecting the
appropriate operating system.

Finally locate the CDSECTION nodes with the name attribute reflecting the
package to be installed with the PTC Creo application.

If all the attributes for the above nodes are to be considered for the installation, set
the install attribute of the CDSECTION node to Y. Otherwise, set the attribute
to N.
A sample CDSECTION node in an XML file follows:
<CDSECTION install="Y" installed="Y" location="[CREOCOMMONFILES]/[SHIPCODE]"
name="ModelCHECK" size="7126314>

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


Uninstalling the PTC Creo Applications in

Silent Mode
You can uninstall the PTC Creo applications in silent mode by entering the
following command for each of the applications in a command shell:
<creo_loadpoint>\<datecode>\<app_name>\bin\uninstall.exe -quiet

For example, to uninstall PTC Creo Parametric in silent mode, enter the following
C:\>"C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\<datecode>Parametric\bin\uninstall.exe" -quiet

You must navigate to the installation directory of each PTC Creo application to
silently uninstall it. In case the Common Files folder is installed, uninstalling
the last PTC Creo application referencing the Common Files folder removes
this folder automatically.

Installing and Uninstalling Client-Side

Components in Silent Mode
The installers (MSIs) of the following client-side components reside on the DVD
media, at path <dvd>:\install\addon\:

PTC Creo Platform Agent

PTC Creo Thumbnail Viewer

PTC Creo View Express

Only the PTC Creo Platform Agent component get installed when you perform
installation of any of the PTC Creo applications on a client computer. Refer to the
following sections for the command-line syntax to run the installers for each of
these components.
PTC Creo Platform Agent
Open a command shell and enter a command to install or uninstall PTC Creo
Platform Agent in silent mode:

Install PTC Creo Platform Agent at the default location using the following
"<dvd>:\install\addon\creoagent_32_64.msi" /passive

Uninstall PTC Creo Platform Agent installed at the default location using the
following command:
msiexec /uninstall "<dvd>:\install\addon\creoagent_32_64.msi"


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

PTC Cre o Thu mb nail Viewer

Open a command shell and enter a command to install or uninstall PTC Creo
Thumbnail Viewer in silent mode:

Install PTC Creo Thumbnail Viewer using the following command:

"<dvd>:\install\addon\Thumbviewer_32_64.msi" /passive

Uninstall PTC Creo Thumbnail Viewer using the following command:

msiexec /uninstall "<dvd>:\install\addon\Thumbviewer_32_64.msi" /passive

PTC Cre o View Expre ss

To perform a silent installation of PTC Creo View Express, follow these steps:
1. Deploy the application using the PTC Creo View Express executable as shown
in the following example:
start /w <dvd>:\install\addon\pvx32_64\CreoSetup.exe

In the previous example:

/qn installs the application in silent mode

start /w starts the application from the command prompt and waits for
the application to terminate

If you have not specified the APPLICATIONFOLDER property, the default

installation path is used. To override this path, specify the
APPLICATIONFOLDER property at the command prompt as shown in the
following example:
start /w <dvd>:\install\addon\pvx32_64\CreoSetup.exe

To uninstall PTC Creo View Express in silent mode, enter the following command
in a command shell:
msiexec.exe /x <dvd>:\install\addon\pvx32_64\pvexpress\
CreoView_Express_32_64.msi /qn

Running the PTC CreoView_Express_32_64.msi file alone does not
completely install PTC Creo View Express unless certain software
prerequisites are met. Microsoft C++ Runtimes, OpenGL 1.1 or later, and
Arbortext IsoView (optional) are required for installing and running PTC Creo
View Express directly using the MSI file.

Installing the PTC Creo Applications in Silent Mode


For more information on installing and uninstalling PTC Creo View Express in
silent mode, see Chapter 7, Deploying Creo View and Customizing the
Installation, in Installing PTC Creo 3.0: Creo View.

Installing PTC Quality Agent and PTC

MKS Platform Components in Silent
To silently install PTC Quality Agent and PTC MKS Platform Components, you
must copy the qualityagent.xml and the mkscomponents.xml files
found at <dvd>:\pim\xml\ to your local computer. Edit the "install="
attribute of the MSI entry to be "Y" and then perform the silent installation at the
command prompt.

Updating the Registry File

A list of registry changes made by PTC Installation Assistant during the
prototypical installation is recorded on the computer where the PTC Creo
applications are installed. The file resides at the following location:

Use this file to perform client configuration changes (registry edits) on a client
computer on which you did not run the silent installation process. For example,
the client computer can be the one that runs the software from a network
installation. It can also be the one that received a copy of the installation.
The default location of the registry file for some of the PTC Creo applications is
as shown:
C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\<datecode>\Parametric\bin\pim\xml\created.reg

(PTC Creo Parametric)

C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\<datecode>\Direct\bin\pim\xml\created.reg

(PTC Creo Direct)

To make configuration changes on the client computer, open the created.reg
file stored on the computer where the PTC Creo applications are installed. Then
perform one of the following steps:

Merge the entries of this file with another file you are using on the client

Open the R e g i s t r y E d i t o r dialog box and click F i l e I m p o r t to import the

entries of the file to the client computer.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Port Usage by Creo Applications

Using Communication Ports ..................................................................................... 164

Port Usage for PTC License Server .......................................................................... 166

This appendix provides information on the communication ports used by various

PTC Creo applications and the related client applications.


Using Communication Ports

Many of the PTC Creo applications communicate with one another and with the
other client applications through a TCP/IP communication protocol. Such
applications must be registered in the firewall. The TCP/IP protocol uses a port as
a communication endpoint in the operating system of the host computer. A port is
associated with the IP address of the host computer. It is identified for each IP
address and protocol by a 16-bit number commonly known as the port number.
The port number for a TCP/IP communication can be allocated by a PTC Creo
application. In such cases you can configure the port number using an
environment variable. If a port number is allocated dynamically by the operating
system on the host computer, you cannot change the value.
The port allocation for various PTC Creo and client applications follow:
NmsdPTC name service used by
asynchronous Pro/TOOLKIT
applications and PTC Creo
Distributed Services Manager to
connect to PTC Creo Parametric.
This application runs on the client
workstation and uses the same host
TCP/IP communication protocol
for all the processes on that
workstation. The default port
number is 1239.
Facilitates communication
between the executable
xtop.exe and asynchronous Pro/
TOOLKIT applications.
The executable xtop.exe
refers to all the desktop-based
PTC Creo applications.

E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e S e t t i n g
Set PTCNMSPORT using C o n t r o l P a n e l
System Advanced system settings
E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e s .

You cannot set this environment
variable in your .psf file.

A port number can be allocated by a PTC

Creo application or it can be set
6000Change this value by specifying a
value to the PRO_COMM_
MSG_COMPAT_PORT environment
variable. Either the first unused port
starting with the value of PRO_COMM_
PORT or of 6001, whichever is bigger,
is allocated.

PTC PortmapperIf installed,

communicates port information
between Pro/TOOLKIT and a PTC


2 dynamic portsCannot configure

assigned port values after their
Not supported.

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Creo application. If it is not
installed, Windows registry is used
to store the port values. This
application runs on the client
workstation and uses the same host
TCP/IP communication protocol
for all the processes on that
xtop.exeConnects to
creoagent, nmsd, and pro_
comm_msg to open a few
dynamically allocated ports. This
application uses the same host
TCP/IP communication protocol
for all the processes on a
Uses dynamically allocated ports
to connect to all the PTC Creo
applications. This application uses
the same host TCP/IP
communication protocol for all the
processes on a client workstation.
Async TK AppsUse dynamically
allocated ports to connect to pro_
comm_msg.exe on a client
ConvertersUse dynamically
allocated ports to connect to
desktop-based PTC Creo
applications on a client
CreoViewUses dynamically
allocated ports to communicate
with browser plugins, nmsd, and
comm_brk_svc.exe on a client

Port Usage by Creo Applications

E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e S e t t i n g

Not supported.

Not supported.

Not supported.

Not supported.

Not supported.


Uses dynamically allocated ports
to support communication between
xtop.exe, third-party CAD
software, and Creo View sessions.
PTC Creo Distributed Services
ManagerUses the TCP/IP
communication protocols between
multiple workstations.
The executable
dbatchc.exe is the dbatch
client interface that runs on a
client workstation. This
interface communicates with
the Service Manager dsq.exe
located on a different

The dbatch service executable

dbatchs.exe runs on a
service workstation.

The executable dsq.exe uses

a dynamic port to communicate
with dbatchc.exe and
multiple dbatchs.exe
processes. Each service
workstation runs nmsd.exe.

E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e S e t t i n g
Not supported.

Set PTCNMSPORT using C o n t r o l P a n e l

System Advanced system settings
E n v i r o n m e n t Va r i a b l e s to configure the

default port number. Make sure that you set

the same port number value on all the
service workstations.

Port Usage for PTC License Server

PTC License Server runs on a designated server and requires a two-way TCP/IP
communication between the client workstation and the server. The default port
7788 is used by the lmgrd and the lmadamin license server managers. The
vendor daemon ptc_d dynamically selects an available port. You can designate a
port value other than the default value for lmgrd, lmadamin, and ptc_d using
the procedures given in the subsequent sections. After designating appropriate
port values for these applications, you must register the values in the firewall.
Otherwise license transactions will not happen.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Changing the Default Port on the Server

Different procedures for changing the default port on the designated server for
lmgrd and the lmadmin follow. If you are running lmgrd as the license server
manager, use the following procedure:
1. Navigate to the <license_server_manager_loadpoint
>\licensing folder.
2. Open the license.dat file in a text editor.
3. At the end of the line beginning with SERVER, change the port number
7788 to the desired open port.
4. Save and close the file.
5. Stop and restart the license server process using the lmtools utility.
6. Edit the Creo 3.0\app\bin\*.psf and the Creo 3.0\app\bin\
*.bat files to change the reference of LM_LICENSE_FILE= or PTC_D_
LICENSE_FILE = to reflect the new port@hostname for the server.
If you are running lmadmin as the license server manager, use the following
procedure to change the default port on the designated server:
1. Perform the previous steps 1 through 4.
2. Stop the lmadmin_ptc service.
3. Navigate to the <license_server_manager_loadpoint>\conf
4. Open the server.xml file in a text editor.
5. In the line beginning with licenseServer, change the reference port
7788 to the desired port matching the SERVER line in the license.dat
6. Navigate to the <license_server_manager_loadpoint>\bin
7. Restart the lmadmin_ptc service.
8. Edit the Creo 3.0\app\bin\*.psf and the Creo 3.0\app\bin\
*.bat files to change the reference of LM_LICENSE_FILE= or PTC_D_
LICENSE_FILE = to reflect the new port@hostname for the server.

S e t t i n g a N o n d e f a u l t Ve n d o r D a e m o n P o r t
Different procedures for setting a nondefault vendor daemon port on the lmgrd
and lmadmin follow. If you are running lmgrd as the license server manager,
use the following procedure:

Port Usage by Creo Applications


1. Navigate to the <license_server_manager_loadpoint

>\licensing folder.
2. Open the license.dat file in a text editor.
3. Add the keyword port=52727 (or any number > 2000) at the end of the line
beginning with DAEMON. This designates the desired listening port for the
ptc_d daemon.
4. Save and close the file.
5. Stop and restart the license server process using the lmtools utility.
If you are running lmadmin as the license server manager, use the following
procedure to set a nondefault vendor daemon port:
1. Perform steps 1 through 4 explained previously.
2. Stop the lmadmin_ptc service.
3. Navigate to the <license_server_manager_loadpoint>\conf
4. Open the server.xml file in a text editor.
5. In the line beginning with DAEMON, change port=0 to the desired port
matching the DAEMON line in the license.dat file.
6. Restart the lmadmin_ptc service.

Updating the Client Computers for the New License Server

If you have changed the license server manager port for lmgrd or lmadmin, you
must update the client computers to obtain a license:
1. For each installed PTC Creo application, navigate to the bin folder in the
PTC Creo load point. For example, if PTC Creo Parametric is one of the
installed applications, navigate to the <creo_loadpoint>\
Parametric\bin folder.
2. Run reconfigure.exe to open PTC Installation Assistant. The option
R e c o n f i g u r e e x i s t i n g s o f t w a r e is selected by default.
3. Click N e x t . The L i c e n s e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n screen appears.
4. Click

in the L i c e n s e S u m m a r y area to remove the old server reference.

5. Type the port@hostname value corresponding to the new server under the
S o u r c e column. For example, the port and the host name can be
7788@myhostname. Click
to add any new license sources.
6. Click N e x t .
7. Click I n s t a l l and then click E x i t .


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

D i s t r i b u t e d C o m p u t i n g Te c h n o l o g y
for PTC Creo Parametric
Overview of Distributed Computing ........................................................................... 170
Interactions between the Controller and the Agent ..................................................... 170
Supported Functions ............................................................................................... 170
Configuring Workstations for Distributed Computing................................................... 171

This appendix contains information on the Distributed Computing technology that

is used by PTC Creo Parametric to augment your existing hardware.


Overview of Distributed Computing

PTC Creo Parametric uses Distributed Computing technology to perform
computationally intensive tasks by augmenting your existing hardware.
Distributed Computing technology includes the following elements:

A PTC Creo Parametric session or the controller.

Participating networked workstations.

A daemon running on each participating workstation.

One or more agents running on the workstations. These agents could be the
PTC Creo Parametric sessions running as server processes.

A task or a collection of jobs.

Distributed Computing is suitable only for multiobject design studies.

Interactions between the Controller and the Agent

With PTC Creo Parametric you can optimize the distribution of tasks using
Distributed Computing technology. The controller communicates with the daemon
on each workstation and determines load averages. Agent sessions are
automatically started depending on load averages and the number of processors.
These agents are started only once for every distributed computing task and not
for every job. Communication of data is also optimized. Data, that is, models,
information, and instructions, are efficiently streamed directly to each agent
through the daemon. No files are copied to a workstation before a job is carried
out. As subsequent jobs are dispatched to the same agent, only data that is
different between the jobs is streamed. If the data involved is the same, it is not
streamed again.

Supported Functions
Distributed Computing technology supports the following functions:

Workstations with multiple CPUs are leveraged so that an agent process exists
for every CPU (depending on the system load average).

Workstations are engaged in distributed computing unless the load on a CPU

exceeds 20 percent.

Tasks are dispatched to workstations based on the following real-time

The workstations must be online.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

The load average on the workstations must be within permissible limits.

The load average is calculated over time, not with a single measurement at
a specific point in time.
If a workstation shuts down during distributed computing, the active task
is not interrupted. The controller detects the shutdown and routes the job to
another agent.
If multiple users are performing distributed computing tasks, workstations
are engaged on a first-come, first-served basis. While a workstation is
processing jobs dispatched by a certain controller, it is unavailable to other
controller sessions.
After the controller completes its task, any active controller can then
engage the workstation.

Avoid using distributed computing when dispatching jobs across fire

Co n f i g u r i n g Wo rk s ta ti o n s fo r Di s t r i b u t e d
System administrators can configure the workstations after installing PTC Creo
Parametric as follows:
1. From the available workstations, choose the ones to participate in distributed
computing sessions.
2. Run the dcadsetup script on each participating workstation. This script
starts a required daemon process for distributed computing. No other setup
task is required.
3. To shut down the daemon process and thus disable a workstation from
participating in distributed computing sessions, run the dcadshutdown
4. Optionally, register the dcadsetup command within the boot script of a
workstation. This command enables the workstation for distributed computing
after it is shut down and restarted.

Distributed Computing Technology for PTC Creo Parametric


Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Ti p s

General Debugging Hints......................................................................................... 174

Online Information ................................................................................................... 174
Troubleshooting List ................................................................................................ 174
Failure to Start the Software ..................................................................................... 174
Xtop Icon Disappears from the Taskbar ..................................................................... 174
Inaccurate Ptcstatus Command Information .............................................................. 175
Invalid Licenses ...................................................................................................... 175
FlexNet Publisher Fails to Start (Triad Configurations)................................................ 176
ModelCHECK Metrics Tool Display Problems ............................................................ 176

This appendix documents common problems that occur when you install PTC
software and PTC License Server. This appendix also provides general debugging
techniques and cites other sources of information available from the PTC Web


General Debugging Hints

The ptc.log file records license server activities and can be found in
\FLEXnet Admin License Server\logs\. This file has useful
information that you should check when you have a problem.

Online Information
See for a wealth of how-to information for new
and experienced users, including order and license support. The Technical Support
page provides online tools and other support services. You can search the
Knowledge Base of over 14,000 technical documents or download reference
documents. For information on FlexNet Publisher diagnostic environment
variables, consult the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.

Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g L i s t
Skim through the following list of problems to find any that appear to be the same
as the one you are experiencing. The information is presented in the following
Symptom: Describes the problem.
Cause: Lists the cause of the problem.
Solution: Provides steps to resolve the problem.

Failure to Start the Software

Symptom: When you attempt to start your PTC software, you see an MS-DOS
window that contains the message: Cannot find <Installation_
Cause: The system PATH, an environment variable, is either not set to the
<Installation_Directory>\bin or it is improperly set due to a syntax or
spelling error.
Solution: Check the system PATH.

X t o p I c o n D i s a p p e a r s f r o m t h e Ta s k b a r
Symptom: An Xtop icon appears for a few seconds in the taskbar and quickly
Cause: Network configuration settings are not properly set.
Solution: Make sure that the network settings are in accordance with the
Suggested Technique for Configuration of a workstation for executing the PTC
Creo application.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Look for a file in the startup location called std.out and see if there are
references to network errors. If there is a line that states Exception Code Was
-1073741819, make sure the latest graphics driver is installed. The most recent
graphics driver can be downloaded from the manufacturer's Web site. An
alternative is to set the option graphics win32_gdi.

Inaccurate Ptcstatus Command Information

Symptom: On Windows systems for Pro/ENGINEER Release 20 and later, the
ptcstatus command returns the following message,
Displaying status for license file 77880@ptc Warning(-15):
Cannot connect to license servers (-15, 10; 10061).
Cause: The license server is not running or the license client cannot reach the
Solution: Verify that the license server manager and ptc_d daemons are running.
A network problem exists if a license client attempts to ping the server by host
name and the ping fails.

Invalid Licenses
Symptom: You receive the error message Invalid license.
Cause: Licensing information is inaccurate.
Solution: Return to the F L E X n e t l i c e n s e e d i t o r and verify that the information
entered is exactly as it appears in your License Pack. If no licenses are listed,
return to the F L E X n e t l i c e n s e e d i t o r and ensure no text is highlighted.
If all licenses are listed as invalid, verify that the PTC Host_ID in the
License Pack corresponds with what you see in the F L E X n e t l i c e n s e e d i t o r . For
example, one server line and one daemon line represent a single server. Three
server lines and one daemon line represent a fault-tolerant or Triad configuration.
Remove all the lines that do not pertain to the PTC HOST_ID.
Your incremental lines must have no blank lines. Verify that all continuation
characters (\) are at the end of each line, except for the last line. If some licenses
are valid while others are invalid, find the invalid feature name lines in the
License File window and correct the text.
If you received your license codes via e-mail, remove any extraneous text such as
the header and footer. Another option is to delete the invalid license in the
F L E X n e t l i c e n s e e d i t o r window.

Troubleshooting Tips


F l e x N e t P u b l i s h e r F a i l s t o S t a r t ( Tr i a d
Symptom: PTC License Server does not start after a Triad server is installed and
Cause: The following requirement has not been met: two of the three partners of
the Triad configuration must be running (Quorum) before licenses can be
Solution: Go to a shell window or a command prompt and change into the
<FLEXnet_Installation_Directory>\bin. Type in ptcstartserver.

M o d e l C H E C K M e t r i c s To o l D i s p l a y P r o b l e m s
While using the Web-based ModelCHECK Metrics Tool, you may encounter
problems with the display of the graphs and reports in the Internet Explorer or the
Mozilla browser. Causes of the problem and possible solutions follow:
Cause: The path to the Image Directory is not specified in the new_admin.xml
configuration file. If specified, it may be incorrect. Solution: Verify the location of
the Image Directory and the path specified in the new_admin.xml
configuration file. If found incorrect in the new_admin.xml file, specify the
correct path, and deploy the Metrics Tool again.
Cause: The Apache Web server is not up and running or is not available. Solution:
Verify if the Apache Web server is up and running and start the Apache Web
server, if required. Before starting the server, make sure that the location of the
Image Directory is valid and exists.
Cause: The DocumentRoot path in Apache\conf\httpd.conf file is not
set properly. Solution: Specify the DocumentRoot path correctly. If the problem
persists, specify the Image Directory location to match the DocumentRoot path.
Cause: The Metrics Tool displays the connection pool exhausted error.
Solution: Check the values for M a x . A c t i v e C o n n e c t i o n s , M a x . I d l e C o n n e c t i o n s ,
and M a x . Wa i t f o r C o n n e c t i o n in the D a t a S o u r c e s page of the Tomcat Web Server
Administration Tool. Increase the value of M a x . A c t i v e C o n n e c t i o n s and M a x . I d l e
C o n n e c t i o n s and start the Metrics Tool again.

Make sure that you click C o m m i t C h a n g e s on the Tomcat Web Server
Administration Tool when you edit information in the D a t a S o u r c e s page.


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Cause: The information specified in the D a t a S o u r c e s page of the Tomcat Web

Server Administration Tool does not match the information specified in the new_
admin.xml configuration file. Solution: Verify if a mismatch of information
occurred. In case of a mismatch, ensure that the information in both places
Cause: The location of the Image Directory specified in the new_admin.xml
configuration file does not match the location specified in the DocumentRoot
path of the Apache\conf\httpd.conf file. Solution: Ensure that the paths
are same in both files.
Cause: The parameters related to the display of graphics are not set in the new_
admin.xml configuration file. Solution: Check the new_admin.xml
configuration file and set the following parameters and their corresponding values:

dbnameThe name of the database

dbtypeThe type of database used, such as Oracle or Microsoft Access

imagedirThe location or path of the Image Directory

imagedirLinkThe link to the Image Directory that stores the images of the
graphs and reports in the metrics tool.

Troubleshooting Tips


Wo r k f l o w f o r I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d
Workflow for Generating Licenses for the PTC Creo Applications................................ 180
Workflow for Installing the PTC Creo Applications ...................................................... 181
Workflow for Reconfiguring the PTC Creo Applications .............................................. 182

This chapter provides simple workflows for generating licenses and installing and
reconfiguring the PTC Creo applications. The workflow is presented as a
flowchart for each of these processes. If you have received a license file via e-mail
from PTC License Management, use that license file instead of the product codes
for licensing. After the installation, you can configure the installation of
applications like PTC Creo Parametric for units of measurement or drawing


Wo r k fl o w f o r G e n e r a ti n g L i ce n s e s fo r t h e
PTC Creo Applications


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Wo r k fl o w f o r I n s ta l l i n g t h e P T C C r e o

Workflow for Installation and Configuration


Wo r k fl o w f o r R e c o n fi g u r i n g th e P T C C r e o


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide


Te r m


Application Program
Interface (API)

A set of standards or conventions by which

programs can call specific operating system or
network services.
A process of logging in to a secure server to verify
your identity.
commercial license
The license you get when you purchase PTC
software for commercial purposes.
counted locked license
Although a locked license is managed by a
FlexNet Publisher license server, its usage is
restricted to a machine for which it is licensed.
The license server allows the use of up to the
number of licenses purchased.
PTC Creo Direct
A 3D mechanical design automation application
that helps you create and modify 3D designs
quickly and easily through direct interaction with
their geometry.
PTC Creo Layout
A 2D mechanical design application for
developing concepts from scratch using existing
2D data or 3D cross sections. A native data
connection to PTC Creo Parametric allows rapid
transition from 2D concept to 3D design.
PTC Creo Options Modeler An application that includes limited parametric
modeling and configuration modeling features.
PTC Creo Parametric
A 3D mechanical design automation application,
PTC Creo Parametric provides associative and
interoperable product design and an engineering
modeling system.
PTC Creo Parametric J-Link A Java-based toolkit, J-Link allows developers to
create Java applications to access a PTC Creo
Parametric session.
PTC Creo Parametric Pro/
PTC Creo Parametric Web.Link lets you interact
with PTC Creo Parametric through a Web
browser. With this feature, you can create a


Te r m

PTC Creo Parametric

PTC Creo Parametric VB
PTC Creo Plastic Advisor

PTC Creo Simulate

PTC Creo View Express


daemon line

customized Web page, which you can then use to
automate and streamline aspects of your
engineering process.
An API that enables adding of functionality to
PTC Creo Parametric using the C programming
A visual basic toolkit, Visual Basic API allows
developers to create VB.NET or VBA applications
to access a PTC Creo Parametric session.
PTC Creo Plastic Advisor simulates mold filling
for injection molded plastic parts and provides
designers with immediate, easy access to reliable
manufacturing feedback and advice.
A Computer Aided Engineering application. It
helps you simulate the physical behavior of a
model and understand and improve the mechanical
performance of your design. You can directly
calculate stresses, deflections, frequencies, heat
transfer paths, and other factors, showing you how
your model will behave in a test lab or in the real
world using this application.
A PTC application used to view, mark up, interact,
and collaborate on all forms of digital product
data. It is a scaled-down version of PTC Creo
A unique number to identify a specific version of
PTC software. The datecode can be found printed
on the jacket of the software DVD.
An entry in the license file that defines
The name of the PTC daemon, which is a
customized software program that grants and
denies floating PTC licenses by reading the
license file

The path where this executable resides, that is

in the FlexNet Publisher installation directory

educational license


The path to the FlexNet Publisher options file,

which contains various operating parameters
A license used at educational institutes to run PTC
software, also known as a students license. This is

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Te r m
evaluation license
feature line

a time-bound license.
An evaluation license allows use of a software
product for a trial period.
The feature or increment line is an entry in the
license file that describes the product that the user
is allowed to use, as well as any optional software
products that are associated with that license.
Following is a sample of the feature line:
INCREMENT PROE_Engineer ptc_d 33.0 01-jan-2011
SUPERSEDE vendor_info="VIVER=1.0 \
ISSUER=PTC ISSUED=01-sep-2006 \
NOTICE="PTC_customer" SN=SCN12344,SCN765431\
SIGN2="169C A28A E97F E96E 0A3E
563B FDEB\
4510 829E 4BF4 25D3 2394 0444 2FD4 6C23 0168\
A8A5 AEBE 54B0 1FF6 B79B DC75 2014 A278 33CC\
1B90 8647 6A12 F4D6 45BF"\

feature name

FlexNet Publisher
floating license

hardware reconfiguration

increment line
installation directory
intellectual property


The feature name is the name of the license that

the application requests. It is composed of a
product prefix and a configuration ID (for
example, PROE_Engineer).
The license management software that is used to
distribute licenses
A floating license can be used on more than one
system. Floating licenses are distributed by a
license server process that runs on a machine. This
machine is also called the license server. See
The process of changing any aspect of the
machines currently mapped to the Configuration
See feature line.
The directory in which PTC software is installed.
Also called the load point.
Proprietary information stored within PTC Creo
data files.


Te r m


install number

A number used by the PTC order management

system before October 20, 1997, to identify a
single software installation.
A license grants a user permission to run a PTC
A functionality of FlexNet Publisher. You can
borrow licenses from a license server and run a
licensed application on a remote client without
being connected to the license server.
A machine or software session that requests a
license from another machine or software session.
The license.txt file on each user's disk drive
when FlexNet Publisher is installed and
configured. This file contains the information used
by FlexNet Publisher to authorize the use of
The data from the PTC License Pack that is used
by FlexNet to authorize the use of software.
Refers to an optional module for use with a
specific licensed product, which may be either
floating or node-locked. If an optional module is
license-locked to a node-locked license, it may
only be used on the specifically authorized
machine. If an optional module is license-locked
to a floating license, it may be used on any
machine in the network (in conjunction with that
An optional module of PTC software that is
locked to a license of PTC software. When the
license is successfully started, all license-locked
options associated to the licenses are available.
The PTC organization responsible for all
installation-based activities.
See FlexNet Publisher.

license borrowing

license client
license file

license information

license-locked option

license management
license management
license server


A machine or system process that distributes

licenses to license clients. For example, if you
start PTC Creo Parametric on machine A and it
requests a license from machine B, then machine
B is the license server. The license server keeps

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Te r m


track of the number of licenses in use. A system

administrator can use a license server to control
licenses by placing restrictions on a particular
A license-to-run invokes the license of a specific
PTC application, such as PTC Creo Parametric.
Floating licenses are available for use on any host
machine on the network at any particular site. See
floating license.
lmgrd license server
The FlexNet Publisher license server manager
manager daemon
daemon (lmgrd or lmadmin) runs on the license
server and works with the PTC vendor daemon. It
does not manage license usage. The lmgrd or
lmadmin daemon starts vendor daemons, refers
applications to the appropriate vendor daemon,
and communicates with other license server
manager daemons on the network for Triad
load point
Directory where the software is installed. An
example of the PTC Creo Parametric load point is
C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0.
maintenance release request A request for postproduction PTC software, which
features enhancements after a major new revision.
maintenance shipment
An update to the next major release of PTC
A software productivity tool for PTC Creo
Parametric, ModelCHECK analyzes parts,
drawings and assemblies, and recommends proper
PTC Creo Parametric modeling techniques.
ModelCHECK Metrics Tool A web-based utility for tracking data quality,
standards, and best practices. This tool uses the
metric file output from ModelCHECK to calculate
quality trends and enables you to represent the
ModelCHECK analysis results graphically.
name_service daemon
This daemon process enables remote
communication between PTC Creo Parametric and
other PTC applications.
node-locked license
A license that can be used on only one specific
machine or node. Node-locked licenses are
restricted to a specific Host ID, or CPU ID. If the



Te r m

product prefix


PTC Application Manager

PTC daemon


PTC Installation Assistant


server line
silent mode
silent installation
startup command


node-locked license does not match the CPU ID of
the machine running the software, then the license
cannot be used on that machine. Node-locked
licenses can be counted or uncounted.
This standard prefix corresponds to a particular
product. This product prefix might be used as a
prefix within a feature name, such as PROE_
Engineer_12345, where 12345 is the
Configuration ID.
A type of floating optional module that is
comprised of several existing optional modules.
PTC licensing recognizes the bundled software as
a single licensed entity.
A utility that appears as a toolbar that enables the
user to start and close other applications during a
PTC Creo Parametric session.
The PTC vendor daemon (ptc_d) runs on the
license server and works with the FlexNet
Publisher daemon. It manages license usage by
reading the PTC license file. The PTC daemon
also contains the authentication information for
PTC license security.
The number used to uniquely identify your
machine. This is the same number used in PTClm,
called the CPU ID. Also referred to as the machine
A utility with menus, dialog boxes, and screens for
obtaining licenses and installing PTC Creo
The process of modifying the configuration of
software (moving modules from one license to
An entry in the license file that identifies the
server or servers that distribute the software.
A nongraphics mode for installing and uninstalling
software using command-line arguments.
The process of installing software using
command-line arguments.
The command that is used to start an installed

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

Te r m

Thumbnail viewer
trail file
triad servers

uncounted node-locked


software product. The startup command is created
during installation and is associated with at least
one license from the license management
component. Modules that are in separate feature
lines can also be associated with the startup
command. When a startup command is executed,
the associated licenses and modules are
automatically licensed for use by the user who
executed the startup command.
A Windows-only utility for viewing thumbnails of
objects outside PTC Creo Parametric.
A trail file records the procedures the end user
performed while running a PTC Creo session.
A configuration of three license servers on the
same network that work together to manage a pool
of floating licenses.
A node-locked license whose permission to use
the license is managed by the PTC application, not
the license server. Unlimited number of uncounted
node-locked license sessions can be run on a
single machine at one time.



ASCII font definition, 96-99, 101-102,
104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135

borrowed licenses, 73-76, 80-81, 8384, 86
browser requirements
PTC Creo, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
Windows, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135

editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,
box, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110, 112,
114-115, 119, 121-124, 131-133,
definitions, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
modifying, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
parameters, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
client-side components

installing and uninstalling silently,

147-150, 152-154, 156-160, 162
PTC Installation Assistant, 69-71
ptcflush, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86,
96-99, 101-102, 104, 110, 112,
114-115, 119, 121-124, 131-133,
ptchostid, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
ptcstatus, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
communication ports
usage, 163-164
file format, 33-34
Compression Codecs, 96-99, 101-102,
104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
workstations for distributed
computing, 169-171
Context Configuration file, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
controller and agent interactions, 169171

defining components, 41, 43, 47
Distributed Computing technology,


conventions, 7, 10

extended licenses, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84,


text parameters, 96-99, 101-102,

104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121124, 131-133, 135
fonts for PTC Creo applications, 9699, 101-102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115,
119, 121-124, 131-133, 135

filled font definition, 96-99, 101-102,

104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
FLEXnet License Administrator Web
interface, 89-91
FlexNet Publisher
benefits of using, 73-76, 80-81, 8384, 86
downward compatibility, 73-76, 8081, 83-84, 86
restrictions, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
FlexNet Publisher License
Administration Guide, 73-76, 80-81,
83-84, 86
floating licenses, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84,
font definition
ASCII font, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
character parameters, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
definition commands, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
Latin font, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
special font, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135

generating traceback log, 49, 51, 54,

57, 59


Help Center
enabling context-sensitive Help
from a custom location, 61, 63, 65
installing locally, 61, 63, 65

update installation, 69-71
API Toolkits, 41, 43, 47
Direct Modeling Converter, 41, 43,
interface tools, 41, 43, 47
Pro/CDT, 41, 43, 47
Pro/FEM-POST, 41, 43, 47
PTC Creo applications, 33-34
PTC Creo Distributed Batch, 41, 43,
TCP/IP on Windows requirements,
23, 25
Verification Models, 41, 43, 47
controller and agent, 169-171
interface for PDF, 96-99, 101-102,
104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
interface tools, installing, 41, 43, 47

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

JavaScript bridge, 96-99, 101-102,
104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
JavaScript security, 96-99, 101-102,
104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135

editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,
LATIN_1 font definition, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
license borrowing, 73-76, 80-81, 8384, 86
determining status, 73-76, 80-81,
83-84, 86
early return, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
initiating, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
overview, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
license simplification
advantages, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
general information, 73-76, 80-81,
83-84, 86
overview, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
technical information, 73-76, 80-81,
83-84, 86
license types, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
borrowed, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
extended, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
floating, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
refreshing, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
updating codes, 69-71
overview, 89-91
lmgrd and lmadmin
differences, 89-91


lmtools utility, 96-99, 101-102, 104,

110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135

installation strategy, 147-150, 152154, 156-160, 162
ModelCHECK, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
ModelCHECK Metrics Tool, 96-99,
101-102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
databases, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
deploying, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
installing, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
PTC Creo, 69-71

network connection
troubleshooting, 73-76, 80-81, 8384, 86
node-locked license, 73-76, 80-81, 8384, 86

Open Type font, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135


editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,
Portable Document Format, 96-99,
101-102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
exporting, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
program shortcuts on Windows for
PTC Creo applications, 41, 43, 47
editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,
PSF node
editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,
PTC Creo
browser requirements, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
updating, 69-71
utilities, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
PTC Creo applications
compatibility, 33-34
completing installation, 49, 51, 54,
57, 59
customizing, 41, 43, 47
removing installation, 49, 51, 54, 57,
specifying directory permissions, 49,
51, 54, 57, 59
starting, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59
uninstalling, 147-150, 152-154, 156160, 162
PTC Creo View Express, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
PTC Installation Assistant, 11, 16


PTC License Server

overview, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
PTC licensing overview, 73-76, 80-81,
83-84, 86
PTC MKS platform components
installing, 145-146
overview, 145-146
PTC Quality Agent, 137-142
configuring, 137-142
setting filters, 137-142
setting preferences, 137-142
uninstalling, 137-142
uses, 137-142
viewing information, 137-142
viewing last sent information, 137142
ptcflush utility
usage, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86

editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,

registry file
updating, 147-150, 152-154, 156160, 162
Windows, 23, 25
FlexNet Publisher, 73-76, 80-81, 8384, 86

editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,

PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

creating for PTC Creo applications,

41, 43, 47
silent installation
command syntax, 147-150, 152-154,
156-160, 162
guidelines and advantages, 147-150,
152-154, 156-160, 162
workflow, 147-150, 152-154, 156160, 162
special, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
system management utilities, 96-99,
101-102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135

TCP/IP, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
installation requirement, 23, 25
base offset, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
characters, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
parameters, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
modifying, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
width, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
text fonts
ASCII definition, 96-99, 101-102,
104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121124, 131-133, 135


creating, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,

112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
definition, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
LATIN_1 definition, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
text parameters, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
Tomcat server, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
traceback log
generating, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59
invalid licenses, 173-175
network connection failure, 73-76,
80-81, 83-84, 86
ptcflush utility
syntax, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86
software execution, 173-175
tips, 173-175

PTC Creo applications, 49, 51, 54,
57, 59
update installation, 69-71
lmtools, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
lmutil, 96-99, 101-102, 104, 110,
112, 114-115, 119, 121-124, 131133, 135
PTC Creo, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135


ptcflush, 73-76, 80-81, 83-84, 86

ptcshutdown, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
ptcstartserver, 96-99, 101-102, 104,
110, 112, 114-115, 119, 121-124,
131-133, 135
system management, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135

Web browser requirements, 96-99,
101-102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
browser requirements, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
creating program shortcuts for PTC
Creo applications, 41, 43, 47
temporary directory, 96-99, 101102, 104, 110, 112, 114-115, 119,
121-124, 131-133, 135
workstations for distributed computing
configuring, 169-171

XML file
editing, 147-150, 152-154, 156-160,
locating, 147-150, 152-154, 156160, 162
Xtop icon, 173-175


PTC Creo 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide

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