Schools University Edition: Pro/Engineer Wildfire 5.0 Installation and Administration Guide

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Parametric Technology Corporation

Schools University Edition:

® ®
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0
Installation and Administration Guide

Important Installation Information

University Name

Teacher Name

Host ID
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Parametric Technology Corporation, 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA

Getting Started .................................................................................................. 1-1

Overview of Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition ............................................................................. 1-2
Usage Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 1-2
Language Support ................................................................................................................. 1-2
File Compatibility of Pro/ENGINEER Editions....................................................................... 1-2
Features Specific to Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition .......................................................... 1-2
Meeting Installation Requirements .............................................................................................. 1-3
Operating System Requirements .................................................................................... 1-3
System Requirements ..................................................................................................... 1-3
Opening a PTC Online Account .................................................................................................. 1-4
Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition ...................................................... 2-1
Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition ................................................................................... 2-2
Generating and Configuring a License File Online ..................................................................... 2-2
Generating a License Offline ...................................................................................................... 2-4
Locating the Host ID of Your Computer ................................................................................ 2-5
Submitting a License Request............................................................................................... 2-5
Saving Your License Pack for Offline Use of Pro/ENGINEER .............................................. 2-6
Configuring a License Offline ................................................................................................ 2-7
Defining Installation Components ............................................................................................... 2-8
Specifying Units of Measure ....................................................................................................... 2-9
Specifying Windows Preferences ............................................................................................. 2-10
Installing Optional Utilities ......................................................................................................... 2-11
Completing Pro/ENGINEER Installation ................................................................................... 2-12
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ A-1
How Do I Locate My Computer’s Host ID? ................................................................................ A-2
What Does “Could not detect network adapter” Mean? ............................................................. A-2
What Do I Do When the Offline License Is Embedded? ............................................................ A-2

Getting Started

This Pro/ENGINEER Schools University Edition guide provides instructions on the

installation and implementation of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 for teachers and
students. This guide is subject to change without notice and comes without any
commitment by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC).

Topic Page

Overview of Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition ................................................. 1-2

Meeting Installation Requirements ................................................................. 1-3
Opening a PTC Online Account ........................................................................ 1-4

Overview of Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition
Welcome to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Schools Edition for universities on one
DVD-ROM. PTC hopes that you will enjoy using the world’s most popular 3D MCAD
solution. This guide provides instructions on the installation and implementation of
the software. The Schools Edition Package includes the following items:

• Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition software

• Online Help for all languages

• Tutorials on the Pro/ENGINEER landing page

Usage Guidelines
Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition is available to institutions involved in the PTC
Education Program. PTC does not offer installation and troubleshooting support. This
support is provided by your teacher. For a list of frequently asked questions, see Alternatively, students can
ask their teacher for assistance. If you experience problems during installation, see the
Troubleshooting appendix.

Note: You cannot use the Schools Edition software for commercial, professional, or
for-profit purposes. The software is not compatible with commercial versions of

Language Support
For the software, choose from English, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified,
French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Russian. See the installation
instructions for installing the desired language.

File Compatibility of Pro/ENGINEER Editions

The different editions of Pro/ENGINEER and the compatibility among them are shown
in the next table.

Pro/ENGINEER Edition Training Schools University Student Commercial

Training Data Yes Yes Yes No

Schools Data Yes Yes Yes No

University Data Yes Yes Yes No*

Student Data Yes Yes Yes No

Commercial Data No No Yes No

* Commercial versions of Pro/ENGINEER cannot open educational data.

Features Specific to Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition

Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition is different from the commercial software in the
following ways:

• No access to floating options.

• Schools Edition banners on the borders of plots and drawings.

• Online registration and license generation process.

1-2 Installation and Administration Guide

• No software compatibility with commercial versions of Pro/ENGINEER. Objects
created with the other Pro/ENGINEER Editions are compatible.

Meeting Installation Requirements

Before installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition, your computer must meet the
requirements in the next two tables. For platform details, see

Operating System Requirements

Operating System Service Pack Processor

Windows Vista Business x64 Base OS, Service Pack 1 INTEL Processors:
Pentium Xeon Core Duo/Core 2
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Duo (Including Quad-Core chips)
AMD Processors:
Windows Vista Enterprise x64
Opteron Dual Core/Quad-Core

Windows Vista Business Edition

Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
Windows Vista Enterprise

Windows XP Professional x64 Base OS Service Pack 2


Windows XP Professional Edition Base OS Service Pack 1, 2,

and 3
Windows XP Home Edition

Windows 7 Professional x64 Base OS

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition
Windows 7 Enterprise x64

Windows 7 Professional Edition

Windows 7 Ultimate Edition
Windows 7 Enterprise Edition

System Requirements
Type Minimum Requirement

Main Memory 1024 MB or higher

Available Disk Space 2 GB

Swap Space 1 GB or higher

CPU Speed 1 GHz (2.4 GHz recommended)

Getting Started 1-3

Type Minimum Requirement

Graphics Cards Cards must support OpenGL. For supported graphics cards, see

Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 6.0 SP1, or later

Network Microsoft TCP/IP, Ethernet network adapter

Monitor 1024x768 or higher resolution with 24-bit or higher color

File Systems NTFS

Mouse Microsoft approved 3-button mouse

Distribution Media DVD-ROM

Opening a PTC Online Account

You must have a PTC online account to generate a license and
use the software. If you already have an online PTC account, skip
to the next chapter. Otherwise, on a computer connected to the
Internet, create your online account using these instructions.

1. Click The New

Account page opens.

1-4 Installation and Administration Guide

2. Fill in any empty text boxes.

3. Click Create Account. A confirmation page opens.

4. Review and print this confirmation. A confirmation of your account is sent to your
e-mail address. If you are under 13 years of age, the account confirmation is also
sent to your parent’s e-mail address.

If you do not remember your user name or password, follow these

1. Start the Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition installer as explained in the section

Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition in chapter 2. The Pro/ENGINEER
Wildfire 5.0 Schools Edition screen appears.

2. Click I forgot my username and/or password. The Reset Your Password

page opens.

Getting Started 1-5

3. Type your user name.

4. Click Continue. A URL to reset your password is sent to your e-mail address.

After you have your account information, continue with the installation of
Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition.

1-6 Installation and Administration Guide

Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition

After you have created an account at, start the Pro/ENGINEER Schools
Edition installer. Proceed with the license generation, online or offline, and then install
the software from the DVD-ROM.

Topic Page

Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition ....................................................... 2-2

Generating and Configuring a License File Online......................................... 2-2
Generating a License Offline ............................................................................ 2-4
Configuring a License Offline ........................................................................... 2-7
Defining Installation Components ................................................................... 2-8
Specifying Windows Preferences .................................................................... 2-10
Installing Optional Utilities............................................................................ 2-11
Completing Pro/ENGINEER Installation ...................................................... 2-12

Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition
Start Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition using the following instructions:

1. Close all applications and disable your screen saver. Failure to do so can produce a
poorly installed application.

2. Log in as administrator or log on to an account with administrator privileges.

3. Insert the Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
The installer starts and the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Schools Edition
screen appears. If the installation does not start, see the Troubleshooting appendix.

4. Click Continue to proceed or Exit to close the installer.

Generating and Configuring a License File Online

If the computer on which you want to install Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition is
connected to the Internet, use the following instructions to generate and configure a
license. Otherwise, skip to the next section to generate a license offline.

1. Start the Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition installer as explained in the section

Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition earlier in this chapter. The
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Schools Edition screen appears.

2. Click Continue. The Accept License Agreement screen appears.

2-2 Installation and Administration Guide

3. Click a check box at the bottom of the screen. If you accept the license agreement,
click Next to go to the License Configuration screen.

Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition 2-3

4. Provide your user name and password. The Generate License File
button is activated.

5. Click Generate License File. An online license is generated and ready for use.

6. Click Next. The Define Installation Components screen appears.

7. Skip to the section Defining Installation Components for further instructions.

Generating a License Offline

If the computer on which you want to install Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition is not
connected to the Internet, use the following instructions to generate a license offline:

• Find out the Host ID of the computer on which you want to install Pro/ENGINEER
Schools Edition (see the instructions below).

• Submit a license request to PTC using a computer that is connected to the Internet.
Your License Pack arrives by e-mail.

• Move the license to the computer on which you want to install Pro/ENGINEER.

2-4 Installation and Administration Guide

Locating the Host ID of Your Computer
If you are unsure about the Host ID of the computer on which you want to install
Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition, use the following instructions to locate the Host ID.
Otherwise, skip to the next section.

1. Close all applications and disable your screen saver. Failure to do so can produce a
poorly installed application.

2. Log in as administrator or log on to an account with administrator privileges.

3. Start the Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition installer as explained in the section

Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition earlier in this chapter. The following
screen appears:

4. Write down the 12-digit number with hyphens that you see on this screen for
future reference. This is the Host ID of your computer. Use this ID to generate the
offline license.

5. Click Exit to close the installer temporarily until you receive your license file at
your e-mail address.

Submitting a License Request

On a computer connected to the Internet, use the following instructions to submit a
license request:

1. Click A login page opens.

2. Log in with your user name and password. The Pro/ENGINEER Schools
Edition Licensing page opens. Most of the text boxes are filled, except for the
Host ID text box.

Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition 2-5

3. In the Host ID text box, type the Host ID of the computer on which you want to
install Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition. See the previous section for details.

Note: For more information on your Host ID, see the Troubleshooting appendix.

4. Click Submit Request. A confirmation page opens.

5. Review the information before closing your browser.

A License Pack is generated based on your information and arrives by e-mail. Continue
with the next section to save your License Pack. You can then install Pro/ENGINEER
Schools Edition on your offline computer.

Saving Your License Pack for Offline Use of Pro/ENGINEER

Your License Pack for offline use arrives by e-mail within 2 hours. It contains a file
attachment named sw_license_email_0000.dat or something similar. Save the file
to the offline computer in an easily remembered location, for example, C:\TEMP.

Note: In some cases, the license file comes embedded in the e-mail text and not as an
attachment. See the Troubleshooting appendix to create the required license file.

2-6 Installation and Administration Guide

Caution: Do not edit the name or contents of this license file. Changes to this file
make the license invalid and prevents Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition from starting.

Configuring a License Offline

After you have received your license file, use the following instructions to configure the
license on the offline computer:

1. Close all applications and disable your screen saver. Failure to do so can produce a
poorly installed application.

2. Log in as administrator or log on to an account with administrator privileges.

3. Start the Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition installer as explained in the section

Starting Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition earlier in this chapter. The
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Schools Edition screen appears.

4. Click Continue. The Accept License Agreement screen appears.

5. Click a check box at the bottom of the screen. If you accept the license agreement,
click Next to go to the License Configuration screen.

6. Click the folder to the right of the License File Path text box, and browse to the
directory with your Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition license file.

Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition 2-7

Note: To be prepared for a reinstallation, write down in a safe place the path of the
license file. PTC strongly recommends this action.

7. Select the license file and click Open. The path appears in the License File Path
text box on the License Configuration screen.

8. Click Next. The Define Installation Components screen appears.

Defining Installation Components

In the Define Installation Components screen, specify the components to install.

1. In the Features to Install area, click a product feature and choose one of the
following commands from the shortcut menu:

– Install this feature—Installs the feature

– Do not install this feature—Omits a feature from the installation

The other options on the Define Installation Components screen follow.

2-8 Installation and Administration Guide

Option Description

Destination Folder C:\Program Files\ProENGINEER Schools Edition. To

change this default location, type another path, or click to
select another location.
If you have previously installed the software at the default
installation path, PTC strongly recommends that you specify a
new installation path. Otherwise, the installer assumes you are
trying to update or reconfigure an existing installation.

Product Features Select from the available product features. Ensure that
Pro/ENGINEER is selected to install the files to run
Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition.

Platforms The platforms available are Microsoft Windows 32-bit (default)

and Microsoft Windows 64-bit.

Languages Choose any additional languages for installation. Additional

language packs require more hard drive space.

2. Click Next. The Select units screen appears.

Specifying Units of Measure

In the Select units screen, specify your desired units of measure.

Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition 2-9

1. Select either English (default) or Metric.

2. Click Next. The Windows Preferences screen appears.

Specifying Windows Preferences

In the Windows Preferences screen, specify your Windows preferences.

1. Select one or more shortcut locations.

2. In the Startup Directory text box, type the full path for the startup directory of

Note: The default startup location is the My Documents folder on your computer.
Change to a designated location with read-write access for all users on the
computer, for example, C:\default.

3. Under Windows Environment Preferences, choose to modify the system

environment for all users or the current user.

4. Click Next. The Optional Configuration Steps screen appears.

2-10 Installation and Administration Guide

Installing Optional Utilities
In the Optional Configuration Steps screen, specify any optional utilities to install.

Note: If you do not want to install any optional utilities, click Install to start the
installation of Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition.

1. Click Next. Accept or change the information in the subsequent screens.

2. To install Windchill ProductPoint components or ProductView Express, accept the

default installation path or specify a new location in the Windchill ProductPoint
installation and the ProductView Express installation dialog boxes,

3. Click Next.

Installing Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition 2-11

Completing Pro/ENGINEER Installation
When the Install button appears for the installation of Pro/ENGINEER Schools
Edition, use the following instructions to proceed:

1. Click Install to begin the installation. The Installation Progress screen appears
and shows the progress of installation.

2. After Pro/ENGINEER is installed, click Exit.

Congratulations! You can now use Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Schools


2-12 Installation and Administration Guide


This appendix contains common questions and answers to help you with your
Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition software. For additional troubleshooting assistance,
see the Troubleshooting FAQ for the PTC Education Programs on the Schools
Program page.

Topic Page

How Do I Locate My Computer’s Host ID? ..................................................... A-2

What Does “Could not detect network adapter” Mean? ................................. A-2
What Do I Do When the Offline License Is Embedded?................................. A-2

How Do I Locate My Computer’s Host ID?
The Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition license is locked to the Host ID (physical address)
of your computer. To find out the Host ID, follow these instructions:

1. Open a Windows command prompt (Start > Run, type cmd, and press ENTER.)

2. At the prompt, type ipconfig /all and press ENTER. The Windows IP
Configuration information appears.

3. Locate the line with the words Physical Address. This is your Host ID:
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-11-22-33-44-55

Alternatively, locate the Host ID of your computer as explained in the section Locating
the Host ID of Your Computer in chapter 2.

What Does “Could not detect network adapter” Mean?

See your hardware vendor for information on installing and configuring the
network adapter if you get this message: Could not detect network adapter.
An Ethernet network adapter is required to start the Pro/ENGINEER Schools

What Do I Do When the Offline License Is Embedded?

Depending on your e-mail provider, when you generate a license via the offline method,
you may receive an e-mail with the license file embedded. Typically, the license file is
included as an attachment. To generate your license, select and cut (CTRL+X) the text,
which is similar to the license file shown below.

Caution: Do not edit or change any information in the text or it will corrupt the
license file.

In WordPad, paste (CTRL+V) the selected text and save the file with the name
license.txt. During installation of Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition, you will browse
to this file.
######### Pro/ENGINEER Schools Edition 5.0 #########
#Feature Line Type = INCREMENT
#Feature Name = PROE_Schools
#Feature Version = 31.0
#Version = Wildfire 5.0
#Number of Copies = uncounted locked license
#Supercede = Y
#Issue Date = 05-MAY-2010
#Expiration Date = 04-MAY-2011
#Node Locked Option = Pro/ASSEMBLY
#Node Locked Option = Pro/FEATURE
#Node Locked Option = Pro/DETAIL
#Node Locked Option = Pro/INTERFACE
#Node Locked Option = WLO
#Node Locked Option = Pro/PLOT
#Node Locked Option = Pro/REPORT
#Node Locked Option = Pro/INTF_for_STEP
#Node Locked Option = Pro/PHOTORENDER
#Node Locked Option = Pro/SHEETMETAL-DESIGN
#Node Locked Option = Mechanism Design License
#Node Locked Option = Behavioral Modeling License
#Node Locked Option = Design Animation License
#Node Locked Option = Pro/ENGINEER Language Option License-CHINESE
#Node Locked Option = Mechanism_Dynamics - Module

A-2 Installation and Administration Guide

#Node Locked Option = Pro/Schools
#Node Locked Option = Advanced Rendering Extension License

INCREMENT PROE_Schools ptc_d 31.0 05-may-2010 uncounted \

B080C090187231CD23AA VENDOR_STRING="VSVER=2.0 \
LO=(6,7,10,17,19,34,51,69,73,115,127,128,137,155,191,233,283) \
NOTICE="<Your Name>" SIGN2="1EF2 C6E3 531E F01D 4177 \
C471 3D80 F1C3 2627 2705 D81C 7456 E266 2C9E 3DB7 \
11BA 0F94 35C9 098C 0232 3FCA 4343 6733 A55A B990 \
B33B 356B B452 20C

Troubleshooting A-3

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