RC History and Mysteries - Christian Rebisse
RC History and Mysteries - Christian Rebisse
RC History and Mysteries - Christian Rebisse
History and
Christian Rebisse
1. Egypt and the Primordial Tradition
The Primordial Tradition The Greeks and Egypt ThotHermes Alexandria The Corpus Hermeticum Pax
Romana Alchemy, Magic, and Astrology Neoplatonism
The Christians Before Hermes The Sabaeans IdrisHermes The Emerald Tablet Arab Alchemy Magic and
Astrology Eastern Theosophy
2. Hermeticism and the Philosophia Perennis
Islam in Spain Alchemy in Spain The Picatrix The
Qabalah Astrology The Expulsion of the Jews The
Academy of Florence Philosophia Perennis Natural
Magic Angelic Magic The Voarehadumia De Verbo
Mirifico Harmony of the World Occult Philosophy
Giordano Bruno Alchemy and Nature Paracelsus The
Death of Hermes
3. The Crisis of the European Consciousness
The Infinite Universe The Catalogues of the World
Human Anatomy Revealed The Reformation The
Revolts The Counter-Reformation The Wars of Religion
Thematic Bibliography
Index of Personal Names
1. Michael Maier, Symbola aureae mensae duodecim nationum,
2. Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis
3. Apollonius de Tyana, from Jacques Boissard, De Divinatione et
magicis, 1605.
4. Oswald Croll, Basilica Chymica, 1609.
5. Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa.
6. Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa, De Occulta Philosophia, 1510.
7. Portrait of Paracelsus by Augustin Hirschvogel, 1540
8. Valentin Weigel, Studium universale, 1695
9. Galileo, Dialogue Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the
Universe , 1635
10. Otto Brunfels, Herbarum vivae eicones ad naturae imitationem,
11. Henry IV of France.
12. Simon Studion, Naometria, drawing by Jakob Lederlin.
13. Simon Studion
14. Detail from Simon Studion, Naometria, drawing by Jakob
15. Fama Fraternitatis, first Rosicrucian manifesto, 1614
51. Detail from A Key to Magic and the Occult Sciences by E. Sibley,
c. 1800.
52. Mesmers tub
53. Drawing from Diffrentes manires dorner les chemines,
54. Scenery from the Magic Flute
55. Fountain of Regeneration, detail of a drawing by Monnet,
56. Diagram of a pyramid of the Friends of the Desert
57. The French consul general in Egypt
58. The Scales of Health from Hector Durvilles The Theory and
Practice of Human Magnetism, 1900.
59. Allan Kardec
60. Levitation experiment with the medium Eusapia Palladino,
61. Zanoni, drawing by Robert Lanz
62. Franz Hartmann.
63. Cover of the official catalogue of the Rosicrucian Salon,
64. Symbol of the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis, by
Samuel Mathers, c. 1887-1888
65. Josphin Pladan
66. Symbol of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix
This table brings together the important dates in the history of
Western esotericism, as well as those dates concerning the
emergence of various movements that are associated, rightly or
wrongly, with Rosicrucianism.
100 B.C.
Beginning of Greco-Egyptian alchemy, of which Bolos of Mendes is
one of the most important representatives.
A.D. 140
Claudius Ptolemy, an Alexandrian Greek, writes the Tetrabiblos, a
treatise which codifies the principles of astrology. First Latin
translation in 1535, by Joachim Camerarius.
Iamblicus, a Neo-Platonist, is initiated into the Chaldean and
Egyptian rites, writes The Mysteries of Egypt.
Emperor Theodosius promulgates an edict against non-Christian
cults, resulting in the end of the Egyptian religion, but the temple of
Isis at Philae is not closed until the middle of the 6th century.
6th century: Appearance of the Secret Book of Creation by Balinus;
reference to the Emerald Tablet and to Hermes Trismegistus.
End of 11th century: Translation of Sefer ha Bahir (Book of
Splendor), one of the first books concerning the Qabalah in Spain.
1100 12th century: Introduction of alchemy and the dawning of
astrology and magic in the West by way of Spain, due to the
translations of Arab texts.
Moses ben Shern Tov of Leon writes the Zohar.
Marsilio Ficino publishes his translation of the Corpus Hermeticum,
before translating Plato.
Johannes Reuchlin publishes De Verbo mirifico, a key work of the
Christian Qabalah and the first European work completely devoted
to the Qabalah.
Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa publishes The Occult Philosophy (151019
Publication of the Zohar at Mantua, then in Cremona in 1560.
John Dee publishes the Monas Hieroglyphica.
Johann Huser publishes the Complete Works of Paracelsus in Basel
(15891591). A second edition is issued in 1603. 1602 Lazarus
Zetzner published the Theatrum Chemicum, a true encyclopedia of
alchemy in six volumes.
Simon Studion completes the Naometria Nova.
The Tbingen Circle is constituted into a societas including Tobias
Hess, Abraham Hzl, the pastor Vischer, and Johann Valentin
The manuscript of the Fama Fraternitatis (first Rosicrucian
manifesto) circulates in the Tyrol. 1611 The first printed reference
Appearance of the Rosicrucian placards in Paris: We, Deputies of
the principal College of the Brothers of the Rose Cross . . . .
Gabriel Naud publishes Instruction la France sur la vrit de
lhistoire des Frres de la Roze-Croix.
Petrus Mormius, in Arcana totius naturae secretissima, nec hactenus
unquam detecta, a collegio Rosiano in lucemp produntur, mentions
the Golden Rosicrucians.
First reference to the relationship between Rosicrucianism and
Masonry in a poem published in Edinburgh by Perth.
John Comenius publishes The Way of the Light, where the subject
matter of the Rosicrucian manifestos is discussed openly.
German Pietists led by Johannes Kelpius depart for America aboard
the Sarah Maria.
Sincerus Renatus publishes Die wahrhafte und volkommene
Bereitung des philosophischen Steins der Brderschafft aus dem
Orden des Gulden und Rosen Kreutzes. . . with an appendix of the
laws and rules under which the fraternity operated.
Founding of the Grand Lodge of London and that of Westminster;
beginning of Freemasonry.
Publication of Andersons Constitution.
First edition of Ramsays Discourse (beginning of the Scottish rite).
First documentation of the existence of the Chevalier Rose-Croix
degree (Enfans de la Sagesseet Concorde Lodge).
Johann Rudolf von Bischoffswerder and Johann Christophe Wlner
reform the Golden Rose Cross of the Ancient System (references to
alchemy, Egypt, and the Essenes).
Franz Anton Mesmer founds the Harmony Society.
Alessandro Cagliostro inaugurates in Lyons La Sagesse triumphante
(Egyptian Masonry).
Convention of the Philalethes in Paris (1784-1787).
Publication of the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucian of the 16th and
17th Centuries (first part) in Altona; it is the most important
Rosicrucian text after the manifestos.
Alexandre Du Mge creates in Toulouse an Egyptian rite, that of the
Friends of the Desert.
The Bdarrides brothers create the Rite of Mizraim (Egyptian
Masonry) (1814-1856).
Jean-tienne Marconis de Ngre, breaking away from the Mizraim,
founds the Memphis rite (Egyptian Masonry). The two rites are
united in 1881 by Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton publishes Zanoni, a Rosicrucian initiatic
Experiences of the Fox sisters in Hydesville, New York, marking the
beginnings of spiritualism in the United States.
Allan Kardec publishes Le Livre des esprits, a textbook of
liphas Lvi publishes Dogme et ritual de la haute magie; beginning
of occultism.
P. Beverly Randolph founds the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis.
Robert Wentworth Little founds the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
Expansion of New Thought by the followers of Phineas Parkhurst
P. Beverly Randolph founds the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor
(H.B. of L.) (1864-1874).
Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy publishes Science and Health, with Key to
the Scriptures, the classic of Christian Science.
Foundation of the Theosophical Society by Henry Steel Olcott and
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. 1878
Firmin Boissin initiates Adrien Pladan into the Rose-Croix of
Creation of the Society for Psychical Research in London.
Stanislas de Guaita and Josphin Pladan found the Kabbalistical
The theosopher Carl Louis von Grasshoff (Max Heindel) founds the
Rosicrucian Fellowship.
Foundation in London of the Order of the Temple of the Rosy
Cross by Annie Besant, Marie Russak, and H. Wedgwood.
Rudolf Steiner breaks with the Theosophical Society and founds the
Anthroposophical Society.
Foundation of AMORC (Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose
Cross) by Harvey Spencer Lewis.
Arthur Edward Waite founds the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross.
Creation of the Order of the Lily and Eagle (Rose-Croix of the
Orient) by Demetrius Platon Semelas and Maria Routchine.
Jan Leene (Jan Van Rijckenborg ), one of the directors of the
For some people, the Rosicrucian Order was as old as the world;
for others, it arose in the age of pharaohs and later brought together
the heritage of the Pythagoreans, the Eleusinian mysteries, the Magi
of Persia, the Essenes, the Templars, and the order of the Golden
Fleece. Some saw in its emergence a Jesuit plot. A larger number felt
that the Order did not exist, and that it was simply a legend invented
in the 17th century by a group of intellectuals who were determined
to have their contemporaries reflect upon the general drift of
society. Finally, a few people thought that it was a fraternity
belonging to the invisible worlds, composed of Unknown
Superiors watching over the destiny of humanity.
Since the 17th century, many authors have pondered the history of
the Rosicrucians, with their books attesting to the complex mystery
surrounding Rosicrucian origins. Many, confusing legend with
history, have launched into unreasonable speculations. Others,
satisfied with what may be demonstrated by irrefutable documents,
sometimes overlook basic points, as they forget the importance and
value of the legendary in the very constitution of culture and,
thereby, of that which underlies historical events. For the last several
decades, university studies have shed some particularly interesting
light on some aspects of Rosicrucianism and have allowed us to
reconsider entirely a number of points of view expressed previously.
However, much remains to be done.
The present work does not claim to be exhaustive, but tries to
differentiate between legend and history, facts and mysteries. It
involves two basic objectives: 1) to have Rosicrucianism assume its
Chapter 1
It was claimed that many among them were initiated into the
mysteries, thus assuring the transmission of Egyptian learning into
the Greek world. Among them Herodotus spoke only of Solon (c.
640-558). In Timaeus and the Critias Plato (427-347), who himself
had gone to Egypt and remained there three years, spoke of the
discussions that Solon had with the Egyptian priests. In The Republic,
he also emphasized the prestige of the Egyptian priests.
Furthermore, he mentioned Thoth in the Phaedrus. Isocrates, a
contemporary of Plato, made Egypt the source of philosophy and
indicated that Pythagoras went there to be instructed. Apollonius of
Rhodes (295-c. 230) claimed that Hermes, by way of his son
Aithalides, was the direct ancestor of Pythagoras.
Diodorus Siculus (80-20) provided the greatest amount of
information concerning the influence of Egypt upon the sages of
Greece. He based this partly upon what he had gathered in his
encounters with the Egyptian priests, and partly upon the Aegyptiaca,
a work by Hecataeus of Abdera.
Diodorus stated first of all that Orpheus traveled to Egypt and was
initiated into the Osirian mysteries. After returning to his homeland
around the 6th century B.C., he instituted new rites that were called
the Orphic mysteries. Diodorus also stated that rites observed in
Eleusis by the Athenians were similar to those of the Egyptians.
Plutarch (c. A .D. 50-c. 125) later remarked that the Orphic and
Bacchic mysteries were really of Egyptian and Pythagorean origin.
Diodorus also reported on the travels of Solon and of Thales of
Miletus (624-548 B.C.), who visited the priests and measured the
With the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 333 B.C.,
the assimilation of the Egyptian culture by the Greek world was
accelerated. The focus of this activity occurred in the city of
Alexandria, founded in 331 B.C.,where the waters of the Nile mixed
with those of the Mediterranean. A crossroads of Egyptian, Jewish,
Greek, and Christian cultures, it acted over the centuries as the
intellectual center of the eastern Mediterranean. Therapeutae,
Gnostics, and various other mystical movements developed around
this city. Its library, enriched by more than 50,000 volumes, gathered
together all of the knowledge of the era. Alexandria was also the
crucible where Greco-Egyptian alchemy flourished.
The city gave birth to a new science in the form of alchemy, a
continuation of ancient Egyptian practices that was transformed and
revived by Greek thought. Its originality consisted of offering a
concrete and universal discipline free from the grasp of religion.
Hermes Trismegistus, represented by Alexandrian alchemists as
being the founder of this art, became the new transmitter of the
ancient tradition. However, we should note that Alchemy already
existed in China and India. Among the Alexandrian alchemists,
Bolos of Mendes (100 B.C.) was a notable figure, often being
described as the founder of Greco-Egyptian alchemy.
In 30 B.C., Alexandria became the capital of the Roman province
of Egypt. The Romans assimilated the Greco-Egyptian Hermes with
Mercury, their god of commerce and travelers. Mercury-Hermes was
the messenger of the gods, the conductor or guide of souls. Rome
rapidly adopted Egypt and its cults.
apparent. Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150-220) spoke of the fortytwo books of Hermes which the Egyptians carried about in their
ceremonies. Iamblichus attributed 20,000 books to Hermes, whereas
Seleucus and Manethro mentioned about 36,525. The most
celebrated, written between the 1st and 3rd centuries, are the
seventeen tracts which were gathered together under the title of
Corpus Hermeticum.4 They are composed primarily of dialogues
between Hermes, his son Tat, and Asclepiu. The first of these
treatises, Poemandres, discusses the creation of the world.
The Asclepius is also an important text as it describes the religion of
the Egyptians and the magical rites they practiced for attracting
cosmic powers meant to animate the statues of the gods. Finally, the
fragments of Stobaeus constitute the third group of the Hermetica.
These are composed of thirty-nine texts and consist of dialogues
between Isis and Horus regarding the creation of the world and the
origin of souls. These texts, generally attributed to Hermes
Trismegistus, claim to be translated from the Egyptian. In truth,
they contain few authentic Egyptian elements. They are essentially
characterized by Greek philosophy, but also by Judaism and
Zoroastrianism. They do not compose a coherent whole and present
numerous doctrinal contradictions.
Among the Greeks the influence of Egypt was felt primarily
through its literature, but among the Romans the influence took a
different twist. The latter were not content to travel to the land of
Neoplatonists were considerably interested in Egypt. Iamblichus
(c. 240-c. 325), who was initiated into the Chaldean, Egyptian, and
Syrian rites, is an enigmatic individual. Some extraordinary powers
were attributed to the divine Iamblichus, the head of a
Neoplatonist school. While in prayer, his body was said to rise more
than ten cubits from the earth, and his skin and clothing were
bathed in a beautiful golden light. Egypt held a chosen spot in his
writings. In De Mysteriis (On the Egyptian Mysteries),6 Iamblichus
presented himself in the guise of Abammon, a master of the
Egyptian sacerdotal hierarchy and an interpreter of Hermetic
teachings. He also promoted theurgy and Egyptian divinatory
practices. A little later, another Neoplatonist, Proclus (412-485), also
strongly affected by theurgy, believed himself to be part of the
chain of Hermes. He had great influence on Sufism and on such
Christian thinkers as Johannes Scotus Erigena, Meister Eckhart, and
many others.
Nevertheless, this era saw Egypt fading away before an everexpanding Christianity. Alexandria played an important role in the
many controversies that marked the beginnings of this religion
newly imposed by Constantine. In the 3rd century, the Egyptians
abandoned hieroglyphs and adopted the Coptic script for
transcribing their language. The Copts adapted the secret knowledge
of the pharaohs to Christianity. Soon afterwards, Emperor
Theodosius promulgated an edict against non-Christian cults, thus
marking the end of the Egyptian clergy and their ceremonies.
FIGURE 2. From the 17th century, this image, called Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis,
has been often associated with the text of the Emerald Tablet, as in Aureum Velleus
(1599) or Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries (1785). This
illustration is not, however, an adaptation of the text that it is supposed to
illustrate. The oldest version of this image seems to be that of K. Widemann, a
Paracelsian from Augsburg (1588-1589). Its first printed version is found in Aurei
Velleris Oder Der Gldin Schatz und Kunstkammer, Tractatus III, 1599, Rorschach. See
Joachim Telle, Lart symbolique paracelsien: remarques concernant une pseudoTabula Smaragdina du XVIe sicle and Antoine Faivre, Note sur la pseudoTabula Smaragdina et sur Le Secret des sages, in Les Cahiers de lHermtisme, Prsence
dHerms Trismgiste (Paris: Albin Michel, 1988) pp. 184-235.
Alexandria was seized by the Arabs in 642, a date which marks an
end to this citys days of glory. However, the conquest of this city
was not the Arabs first encounter with esotericism. Rather, they had
been aware of Hermes long before this time. For example, they had
learned from the Sabaeans, inhabitants of the mythical kingdom of
Sheba, which was supposed to be a place of earthly paradise. In
ancient times it was also called Arabia Felix (Happy Arabia) and was
said to be the land of the phoenix. Centuries later Christian
Rosenkreuz was supposed to have visited the area so as to gather
together the marvelous knowledge deposited there. The Bible states
that the queen of this land, the queen of Sheba, visited King
Solomon. Although the location of her land was not specified in the
Old Testament, the Koran indicates that it was in southern Arabia
(modern-day Yemen).
The Sabaeans were notable astrologers, and Maimonides indicated
that this knowledge assumed a predominant role among them.
Tradition claims that the magi who greeted Christ came from this
legendary land. The Sabaeans possessed both the Hermetic
alchemical writings and the Corpus Hermeticum. Being knowledgeable
in such subjects, it is they who introduced science into Islam,
The 7th century signaled the beginnings of Islam. Although the
Koran did not make any reference to Hermes, the hagiographers of
Islams early centuries identified the prophet Idris, mentioned in the
Koran, with Hermes and Enoch. This assimilation helped to link
Islam with Greco-Egyptian traditions. In Islam, Idris-Hermes is
described as both a prophet and a timeless personage. He is
sometimes compared to al-Khadir,8 the mysterious intermediary and
sage who initiated Moses and who plays a fundamental role in
Sufism as a manifestation of the personal guide.
Abu-Mashar, an 8th century Persian astrologer who became
celebrated in Europe by the name of Albumazar, drew up an
account tracing the genealogy of Hermes. This text, which had
immense influence in the Islamic world, distinguished three
successive Hermes. The first, Hermes Major, lived before the Flood.
Identified with Thoth, he is described as the civilizer of humanity, as
he had the pyramids constructed and engraved the sacred
hieroglyphs for future generations. The second Hermes lived in
In the same era there appeared the Emerald Tablet, a text which
assumed an important place in the tradition. The oldest known
version, in Arabic, dates from the 6th century. Many are those who
cite this text without really knowing it; therefore, we feel that it
would be useful to present it in its entirety.
True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is
below is like that which is above, and that which is above is
like that which is below for accomplishing the wonder of the
one thing. As all things are created from one, by the will and
command of the one United who created it, so all things are
born from this one thing by dispensation and union. Its father
is the sun, its mother is the moon, the wind carries it in its
belly, its nurse is the earth. This is the father of all perfection
in this whole world. Its power is perfect when it is changed
into earth; so you should separate the earth from the fire, and
the subtle from the thick or gross but lovingly with great
understanding and discretion. It ascends from earth to heaven
and from heaven again to earth and receives again the power
of the Above and the Below. Thus you will have the splendor
of the whole world. All lack of understanding and lack of
ability will leave you. This is of all power the most powerful
power, for it can overcome all subtlety and can penetrate all
that is solid. Thus was the world created. Thus many rare
combinations originated, and wonders are wrought, of which
this is the way to work. And thus I am called Trismegistus,
having the three parts of the wisdom of the whole world. All
The role of the Arabs as transmitters of alchemy to the West in the
Middle Ages is generally well known. They also left us with a
vocabulary distinctive to this art (al kemia, chemistry; al tanur,
athanor; etc.). Yet Islams role is not simply limited to that of
transmission, as the Arabs conceptualized it in a form which,
afterwards, was to assert itself everywhere.11 Their alchemy was not
only an art of the laboratory, it was also meant to unveil the hidden
laws of Creation, and it comprised a mystic and philosophical
dimension. Although Arab alchemy claimed to be of Egyptian
origin, its practice occurred after the Arab conquest of Egypt in 639
They received Greek alchemy through the Syrians, but their first
masters in this art were the Persians, who had inherited the
Mesopotamian esoteric traditions.
The first known Arab alchemist, the Ummayad prince Khalid ibn
Yazid (?-704), was initiated by Morienus, a Christian of Alexandria.
Within a short time alchemy spread throughout the Islamic world
and the Greek treatises were quickly translated. The most illustrious
figure of Arab alchemy was Jabir ibn Hayyan (died c. 815), known in
the Western world as Geber. He advanced the fundamental
concepts of the great work, and his reflections led to a spiritual
alchemy on a grand scale. He is also credited with numerous
discoveries in alchemy. The Jabirian Corpus is said to contain more
than 3,000 treatises, most of which are apocryphal. They were
probably the work of a school which formed around his teachings.
Arab alchemy had many masters, of whom we will mention only a
few: abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-Zakariya, called alRazi or Rhazes
(850-923); Muhammad ibn-Umail al-Tamimi, called Zadith the Elder
(10th century); abd Allah al-Jaldaki (14th century). Before long their
texts penetrated Europe through Spain and profoundly affected the
Latin West.
Around the 9th century ibn-Wahshiya, in a treatise entitled The
Knowledge of the Occult Unveiled,13 presented many occult alphabets
attributed to Hermes. He also made reference to the four classes of
Egyptian priests descended from Hermes. Those who belonged to
the third classthat is, the children of Hermes Trismegistus sister
he called Ishraqiyun (of the East). Some years later, Sohravardi (?
-1191), one of the greatest Islamic mystics of Persia, revived the
expression Ishraqiyun (signifying Eastern theosophists) to describe
the masters who had experienced Illumination. Philosophy and the
mystical experience were inseparable in his mind, and in his Book of
Oriental Wisdom14 he described the chain of past initiates, the Eastern
theosophists. For him this experience was tied to Hermes, whom he
Chapter 2
In 711 the Arabs invaded Spain. Cordoba soon became the heart
of Moslem Spain under the authority of the Umayyad prince Abd alRahman I. However, both the Christians and Jews, who were quite
numerous in Spain, preserved their freedom of worship. This
situation had positive repercussions, for it permitted cultural
exchanges. Spain contributed to spreading throughout the West the
entire cultural heritage arriving from the Arab civilization which, at
the time, was more advanced than that of Europe in many aspects.
A large quantity of Greek texts, preserved by the Arabs and
unknown until then in Europe, were made accessible through the
Latin translations made by Spanish scholars.
Esoteric wisdom also penetrated the West by way of Spain. In
Toledo, a number of alchemical, magical, and astronomical texts
were translated, and this city quickly acquired the reputation of
being the chair of the occult sciences.1 The discovery of the
body of St. James at Compostela at the beginning of the 9th century
contributed to stimulating the Christian Reconquista of Spain, an event
that only came to a close several centuries later. This was almost
accomplished in the 13th century, with the exception of the
kingdom of Granada, which had to wait another two centuries to
come under Christian domination. But, before then, by the 11th and
12th centuries, numerous pilgrimages to Compostela from all over
Europe put Spain in touch with the rest of Christendom, thus
contributing to an expansion of the esoteric corpus.
As Robert Halleux pointed out in La Rception de lalchimie arahe en
Occident (The Reception of Arab Alchemy in the West), the
translation of Arab alchemical texts opened the way to its development in the West.2 Spain was the way by which alchemy entered
Europe. Alchemy is generally thought to have made its debut in the
West in 1144,the year when Robert of Chester, archdeacon
ofPamplona, made his translation of Morienus. The preface of this
text recalled the legend of the three Hermes. In the years 1140-1150,
another Spanish writer, Hugo de Santalla, translated from Arabic the
Secret Book of Creation. In this work, Balinus(i.e., Apollonius of Tyana)
recounted his discovery of the tomb of Hermes Trismegistus, in
which he found the Emerald Tablet. In Toledo, Gerard of Cremona
(114-1187) learned Arabic and translated texts from the immense
body of works by Geberand Rhazes, while John of Toledo, a
converted Jew, translated the Sifr-al-asrar (The Secret of Secrets) of
the Pseudo-Aristotle, a fundamental alchemical text.
Paralleling the development of alchemy, magic also experienced a
renewal in the 12th century. During the Middle Ages, it was
essentially linked to the remnants of paganism and did not use any
direct sources. Its vulgate was based upon those passages
concerning this subject which Isidore of Seville (560-636) included
in his Etymologies. From the 12th century, and especially in the 13th
century, the fundamental texts appeared in the West by the introduction of Arab and Jewish treatises. Afterwards magic arrived at
the courts of princes and kings in a scholarly form, which allowed it
to escape the con-demnations of the Church.
Alfonso X, the Learned, king of Castile andLeon, had
translated the Sefer Raziel, a Jewish magical treatise, and in 1256 he
also translated the Ghayat al-Hakim fil-sihr (Goal of the Sages
inMagic), more recently known as the Picatrix. The latter is a text of
exceptional importance, because it inserts the vast magical and
The presence of Jews in Spain played an important role in the
diffusion of the Qabalah. However, this study, centering around the
Sepher ha-Bahir (Bookof Light), originally developed in Languedoc, a
region of southern France, in the early 12th century. Many Qabalists
were to be found in this region,such as Abraham ben Isaac (died
1180), president of the tribunal of Narbonne, and Isaac the Blind
(1165-1235). Shortly afterwards, the Qabalah evolved in Spain,
primarily in Catalonia (Gerona) and Castile (Toledo). There, the
contemplative aspect of the Qabalah of the Languedoc was enriched
by Jewish thought descended from the Greco-Arabic tradition, as
well as by the doctrines of Plotinus. In Zaragoza, Abraham Abulafia
(1240-1291), a great figure of the ecstatic Qabalah, perfected a
technique of meditation on the Hebrew letters associated with
breathing. Soon afterwards, in the 13th century, there appeared the
Zohar, a voluminous text which attained considerable success in the
esoteric world. In 1305, in Valladolid,Spain, Moses of Leon claimed
to have preservedthe original copy of this treatise.5
Beginning in the 12th century, there followed Latin translations of
Arabic texts which were to be instrumental in the growth of
astrology in Europe. Although present in the West from the 6th
century, astrology was heretofore a relatively immature science. The
translation of texts such as the Kitabal Uluf of abu-Mashar
Ficino was convinced that the original text of the Corpus Hermeticum
had been written in Egyptian. Hermes Trismegistus was also
described as an Egyptian priest who had originated and transmitted
all of the secret wisdom. Ficino, in his Theologia Platonica, published
in 1482, devised a family tree of philosophers to whom this
knowledge had descended from Hermes: Zoroaster, Orpheus,
Aglaopheme, Pythagoras, and Plato.7 This vision gave birth to a new
concept, that of the Primordial Tradition, a primal revelation that was
perpetuated from age to age, from initiate to initiate. This concept,
previously endorsed by St. Augustine, experienced a renewal due to
Ficino. It was formalized in 1540 by Agostino Steuco (1496-1549),
in his concept of Philosophia Perennis the eternal philosophy.
It is quite understandable that this concept of eternal philosophy
would find such a favorable reception in Florence. It was claimed
that after the Flood, Noah had established twelve cities in Etruria
(i.e., Tuscany), and a legend even claimed that his body was buried
near Rome. From this arose the notion that the Tuscan dialect had
its source in Etruscan, and was thus older and superior to Latin.8
Little effort was needed to connect Florence with the very sources
of civilizationand even to the author of the Corpus Hermeticum
seeing that Hermes Trismegistus was claimed to be a contemporary
of Noah. These ideas, debated fiercely with in the Academy of
Although the Corpus Hermeticum mentioned the secret knowledge of
the Egyptians, it was rather imprecise concerning its
implementation. In Treatise 13 of the corpus, Hermes Trismegistus
taught his son Tat the principles of mystical regeneration which
could be obtained by suppressing the senses, in negating the illomened influences of the stars, and allowing the Divinity to be born
in man.9 Marsilio Ficino was not only a priest but a physician; and
thus, he had a sense of the concrete. He sought the application of
these theories in Neoplatonismbut primarily in the Picatrix, the
works of abu-Mashar, and in the writings of his compatriot Peter of
Abano (1250-1316), who had studied Arab magic. Ficino arrived at a
natural magic which linked these theories with the Christian
concept of the Creators Word. His natural magic achieved
considerable refinement. He made use of the sympathiessuch as
the planetary characters inscribed in all the elements, minerals,
plants, as well as perfumes, wines, poetry, and music (Orphic
hymns) to capture the spiritus mundi,10 the subtle energies of Creation.
Marsilio Ficino is a prominent figure in the history of Western
esotericism, not only for his role as translator and commentator on
the ancient texts, but also for such works as De Triplici Vita, which
exerted great influence. As Antoine Faivre has remarked, thanks to
Ficinos most illustrious pupil was the child genius Pico della
Mirandola (1463-1494), who, when merely twenty-three years old,
had already studied everything then known about various religions,
philosophies, and esoteric sciences. Although Ficino scorned the
Qabalah, Pico della Mirandola discovered a complement to his
teachers form of magic in this tradition. He believed it useful to
reinforce natural magic by use of Qabalistic magic which was based
on the energies of the empyrean. This knowledge, which invoked
the angels and archangels by their names in Hebrewdescribed as
being the language of Godpossessed considerable efficacy for
him. Reviving the theories of St. Jerome and Nicholas of Cusa
concerning the name of Jesus, he demonstrated that the Qabalah
allowed Christs divinity to be proven. Thus, Pico established the
foundations of a Christian Qabalah.12 A universalist in his
thinking, he also wanted to demonstrate that all philosophical
systems converged. For that reason, in 1486 he published 900 theses
drawn from various sources. Among the arguments which he
advanced, let us just mention that he declared magic and the
Qabalah to be complementaries of Christianity (Thesis No. 7) and
that he campaigned in favor of Qabalistic magic (Thesis No. 11).
Pico proposed to defend these theses in a public debate, but as can
be imagined, the reaction was fierce and he was forced to flee Italy
During this period, Italy became an active center of esotericism.
Venice played an important role in the dissemination of the
Qabalah, astrology, the science of numbers, and alchemy.13 After the
13th century, the alchemical corpus transmitted by the Arabs was
completely translated and led to a flowering of writings composed
by Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Roger Bacon, Arnold of
Villanova, Raymond Lully, and Nicholas Flamel. In the 14th and
15th centuries, it was accompanied by a renewal of alchemy that had
adopted the Christian allegory and took on a mystical connotation
that was questioned by some people. Did it involve a practicum
expressed in religious terms, or a mystical experience expressed in
alchemical terms?14 This trend corroborated a movement that
began in the second half of the 13th century with the Aurora
consurgens (The Rising Dawn), a treatise attributed to St. Thomas
Aquinas, which represented the alchemical process as an inner
regenerative experience.15 In 1478 Michael Pantheus published in
Venice a large treatise entitled Voarchadumia which emphasized the
transcendental aspect of alchemy. Legend has it that the
Voarchadumia was a Venetian secret society. Whatever the case, many
scholars journeyed to Italy to study the occult sciences. Among
them were Johann Reuchlin and Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa, who
Included among the expelled Spanish Jews who settled in Italy
after 1492 was Judah Abravanel (c. 1460-1523), a physician and
Qabalist. A convert to Catholicism, he was passionately fond of
Neoplatonism. After his death, his Dialoghi di Amore (Dialogues of
Love) was published, a work in which he made a synthesis of
Neoplatonism and the Qabalah, thus widening the field opened by
Pico della Mirandola and Marsilio Ficino. But it was to a fourth
individual, Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522), that came the honors of
synthesizing the work of his three predecessors. Reuchlin journeyed
to Rome in 1482 to study Hebrew, and he then traveled to Florence
to meet Pico. Upon returning to Germany, he became an avid
promoter of the Christian Qabalah. He published in 1494 De Verbo
Mirifico in which he investigated more thoroughly Picos speculations
upon the Word, Leschouah. The impact of this book was decisive,
because it was the first European work entirely dedicated to the
Qabalah. It was complemented in 1517 by De Arte Cabbalistica, one
of the fundamental texts of the Christian Qabalah. Important
developments which Reuchlin gave to angelology cleansed it of the
demonological suspicions which tainted Ficinos natural magic.
For Johann Reuchlin angelic magic had taken on a more precise
character, but it remained basically theoretical. It was Cornelius
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), a Dominican priest and a great
traveler, was one of the individuals who contributed enormously to
the spread of esotericism in Europe. Strongly influenced by the
writings of his Italian compatriots Marsilio Ficino and Pico della
Mirandola, as well as Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa, he assiduously
read the Corpus Hermeticum. In his book Spaccio della Bestia Trionfante
(The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, 1584), he went so far as to
Theophrastus Paracelsus (1493-1541) was the individual most
characteristic of this evolution in science. His work represented a
gargantuan effort to make use of all of the knowledge of his era. He
delved deeply into astrology, alchemy, magic, and popular
traditions.19 As a physician, he protested the ideas of Galen who
reigned supreme over a medicine that had been stripped of its
effectiveness. In his Volumen medicinae paramirum and his Opus
paramirum, he set forth the basis of a new medicine. The theory of
man as a microcosm, already popularized by Johannes Scotus
Erigena, took on a more exact meaning for him. For Paracelsus,
philosophy was the discovery of invisible nature. Nature assumed
an essential function for him, because God speaks to us both
through the scriptures and through nature. Thus, we must attune
ourselves by contemplating the Book of Nature. According to
Paracelsus, mans role is to reveal nature in its light. Nature
remains incomplete, in its unknowing; however, its revelation may
be found in man, who is born so as to lead it to its perfection.
The alchemist, in seeking to understand natures laws, engages in a
dialogue with Creation. Through this exchange, natures hidden light
is revealed and illuminates humanity. But the latter cannot arrive at
this result without preparation, without regeneration. As Roland
Edighoffer has remarked, Paracelsus described in a special way this
transformation of man in his Liber de resurrectione et corporum
glorificatiorte (1533). He repeatedly combines (seventeen times in six
pages) the symbols of the Cross and Rose and connects them with
alchemical transmutation and resurrection. Paracelsus wrote: True
gold is that which emerges purified from the fire .... Thus, at the
time of the resurrection, the impure shall be separated from the
pure, it shall be born with a new body which, because it will be more
luminous than the sun shall be called the glorified body. The
resurrection of Christ is an image dear to us. . . from him unto him
we shall rise, as the rose which is reborn from a similar seed.20
Paracelsus was an individual of considerable depth, and if we have
emphasized certain aspects of his thinking, it is because they had a
particularly important bearing on the Fama Fraternitatis and the
Confessio Fraternitatis.
Chapter 3
FIGURE 10. Otto Brunfels, Herbarum vivae eicones ad naturae imitationem, 1541
While science was being transformed, religion was experiencing a
The Catholic Church reacted to Protestant criticisms by starting
the Counter-Reformation, which was inaugurated at the Council of
Trent (15451563). This council was characterized by a tightening of
discipline. The Inquisition took on a new life and the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith was created. The latter was charged
David, the king of the ancient prophecies, who would restore the
unity of Christianity before the return of Christ.7 As we shall see
later on, Henry IV participated at this time in the creation of a
league of Protestant princes. In 1610, the assassination of the king
put a definite end to such hopes. The bitterness which laid waste to
Europe may be noted in the Advertisements from Parnassus, a book
published in 1612 by Traiano Boccalini. This work, which is a
diatribe against the Catholic hegemony established by the
Habsburgs, made Henry IV into a veritable hero. The author
appeared disillusioned at the chances for establishing universal
reform leading to peace in Europe. It was not by accident that a
chapter from Boccalinis work, entitled Universal Reformation of
the Whole World, was placed at the beginning of the Fama
Fraternitatis in several editions.
Chapter 4
Simon was the son of Jakob Studion, cook at the court of
Wrttemberg at Stuttgart.1 Like most of those who were part of the
Despite his audacious opinions, Joachim of Eiore was
unconcerned. It should be noted that this erudite theologian was the
friend of several popes. However, in 1215about a dozen years
after his deaththe fourth Lateran Council condemned Joachims
ideas as being subversive.2 Nonetheless, the theory of the three ages
became quite popular and lasted until the 17th century. Thus, it is
not surprising that the theory is found in the Naometria. Simon
Studions book also reproduced certain illustrations from the
Vaticina sive Prophetiae Abbatis lochimi, a collection of predictions
attributed to Joachim of Fiore, which was published in 1598 (see fig.
The subtitle of the Naometria indicates that it is an introduction to
the knowledge of sacred secrets, associated with an exploration of
the unfoldment of all time in the Church of God and of its position
by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The author indulged in scholarly
calculations, based on various numerical cycles including that of the
1,260-year cycle. He drew up numerous tables wherein the dates of
great events in human history were placed in parallel columns. He
tried to show that the year 1620 would feature the end of the
Antichrists reign, the fall of the pope, and the fall of Islam.
According to Studion, the Messianic time would begin in 1623, and
he indicated that those individuals who had shown themselves
faithful to God would become members of a completely regenerated
religion and would be called together in a New Temple. His book
consists of numerous speculations regarding the measurements of
FIGURE 14. Detail from Simon Studion, Naometria, drawing by Jakob Lederlin.
eternal friendship between the Lilies, the Lion, and the Nymph. Was
he speaking here of the friendship that united the lilies of Henry IV
with the lion of England and the lion of Frederick of Wrttemberg?
This text can also be interpreted as relating to the role of the
Protestant leader Frederick of Wrttemberg (the lion) in driving out
the Habsburgs, the corrupt Roman Catholics (the eagle), so as to
usher in the era of the lilies characterizing the Age of the Holy
The text of the Naometria was never published, undoubtedly due
to the fact that its author died in the year following its final revision,
but fortunately the library of Stuttgart has carefully preserved the
manuscript. What of the great upheaval announced by Simon
Studion for 1620? Admittedly, the final revelation did not occur; but
at this time Germany entered into one of the darkest periods of its
history. On November 8, 1620, the terrible Battle of White
Mountain took place, which witnessed the defeat of the Protestants
by the Catholics. The Habsburg eagle triumphed over Fredericks
lion, leading to the frightful Thirty Years War (see Chapter 9).
God would soon send a person who would reveal every marvel.
Returning to this subject in another book entitled Von den natrlichen
Dingen (1525), he stated that this chosen one, characterized as an
accomplished alchemist, would be called Elias. Another text, De
Tinctur (1570), long attributed to Paracelsus although it was written
thirty years after his death, called this messenger Artista. Thus was
born the myth of Elias Artista, who would enjoy great renown
among both the followers of Paracelsus and the first readers of the
Rosicrucian manifestos.
Some of these individuals made the connection between the
coming of Elias Artista and the establishment of the Age of the
Holy Spirit, the third era previously announced by Joachim of Fiore.
In fact, when the first Elijah had been raised toward the heavens, a
second Elijah would come in the person of John the Baptist to
precede the Son (Matthew 11:14; 12:10-12). Moreover, the third age,
that of the Holy Spirit, would be introduced by a third manifestation
of Elijah, who was regarded by some to be the Elias Artista
announced by Paracelsus. As Antoine Faivre mentions in lie
Artiste ou le Messie des Philosophes de la Nature,4 the references
to Elias Artista multiplied at the beginning of the 17th century.
The most characteristic work of this period was Disquisitio de Helia
certum (1606) by Raphael Eglin Iconius. This Paracelsian, a professor
of theology and alchemist at the court of Maurice of Hesse-Kassel,
seemed to have played a key role in the publication of the Fama
Fraternitatis. In his work, he described Elias Artista as an ideal
alchemist and examined the supposed benefits marking his coming.
Chapter 5
The portion of the Advertisements from Parnassus quoted in the Fama
Fraternitatis describes how Apollo learned from Emperor Justinian
that the Earths inhabitants were suffering great despair due to the
incessant quarrels which set them at odds with one another. Apollo
was unstinting in his efforts to send countless guides and
philosophers to humanity in order to teach them excellent morals,
and so he decided to propose a universal reform that would be
Despite the death of his companion, Christian Rosenkreuz decided
to continue his journey. However, his destination was changed and
he went instead to Damcar. Contrary to what has sometimes been
stated, Damcar is not Damascus, but rather a town in southwestern
Arabia, as indicated by Mercators Atlas (1585). Damcar was also
mentioned by Abraham Ortelius in his Theatrum Orhis Terrarum as a
city located in Arabia Felix. This region, celebrated for its incense,
was the home of Ismaelism. It was known to have preserved the
Corpus Hermeticum.4 In Damcar there was a university with no fewer
their Master.
a new invention, but as Adam after his fall hath received it. Thus, it
involves restoring a lost knowledge that some people are
endeavoring to perpetuate. The first manifesto gave the names of
various individuals who were the transmitters of this Primordial
Tradition. These names recall those mentioned by Marsilio Ficino in
a similar context.
FIGURE 17. The Rose Cross, from the 1614 edition of the Fama Fraternitatis.
The Fama Fraternitatis ends with an invitation to the men of science
and to the sovereigns of Europe to join the Rosicrucian
brotherhood by sharing in its reforming knowledge. However, this
appeal is peculiar inasmuch as it specifies that . . . although at this
time we make no mention either of our names, or meetings, yet
nevertheless everyones opinion shall assuredly come to our hands,
in what language so ever it be, nor anybody shall fail, who so gives
but his name to speak with some of us, either by word of mouth, or
else if there be some let [i.e., issued] in writing. This statement
remained there four and a half years, but during this period he
seemed to have enjoyed special treatment, because he remained in
contact by letter with many other individuals equally fond of
alchemy. According to Carlos Gilly, Adam Haselmayers enthusiasm
was excessive and was not in full accord with Rosicrucian
FIGURE 18. John Dee, Monas Hieroglyphica, 1564. On the frieze, which supports a
starry vaulted pediment, there is written in Latin: He who does not understand
must remain silent or learn. The pillar on the left is that of the sun and fire, while
the pillar on the right is that of the moon and air. From each star descends
dewdrops collected in cups. On the lower part of the drawing appear these words:
God dispenses the dew of the heaven and the fatness of the earth, an allusion to
Genesis, chapter 27, verse 39. The Monad is shown in the center, encircled by
phylacteries which state: Mercury shall become the parent of the king of all the
planets when he is made perfect by a fixed point.
Chapter 6
However, this Brief Consideration is not at all related to Hermes
Whereas the text of the first manifesto, apart from Adam
Haselmayers letter, did not allude to the prophecy of the Lion of
the Septentrion, the Confessio Fraternitatis speaks of it by announcing
that our treasures shall remain untouched and unstirred until the
lion doth come . . . (ch. 6)3 and the roaring of this lion would
coincide with the next fall of the pope (ch. 5). As a whole, we may
arising within human time, but on the time of the spirit, lived in the
interior of a soul regenerated by illumination. Moreover, the Confessio
Fraternitatis speaks of the Rosicrucians as being individuals having
the faculty of projecting themselves in time, past or future, to distant
lands (ch. 4).
Although the second manifesto assigns importance to the Book of
Nature, it also insists upon the importance of the revealed Word and
exhorts one to read diligently and continually the holy Bible. It
claims that from the beginning of the world there hath not been
given unto men a more worthy, a more excellent, and more
admirable and wholesome book than the holy Bible (ch. 10). As
with the Fama, the Confessio vilifies the pope by accusing him of
tyranny. When announcing the crushing of the pontiff, it states:
Therefore one day it will come to pass that them outh of those
vipers will be stopped (ch. 11), and then adds that he also shall be
scratched in pieces (ch. 5). These statements reflect themes
frequently found in Paracelsus Pronosticationes and Practica. This
stance, which is quite understandable in a Protestant environment
that considered the pope to be the Antichrist, was the origin of the
strong hostility of Catholicism to Rosicrucianism. Undoubtedly, in a
move to put the earlier praise of the Arab civilization into
perspective, the second manifesto also found fault with Mohammed.
However, this last comment may be a reiteration of the Naometria
which condemns the pope and his son of perdition, Mohammed.
Countless scholars have speculated as to who wrote the first two
Rosicrucian manifestos and what the sources were that they drew
upon. We may note here the influence of the medieval era, as the
infallible axiomatics to which the manifestos refer recall the Ars
Magna of Raymond Lully, whose works were published in 1598 by
Lazarus Zetzner, the famed publisher of Strasbourg.6 The Rhenish
mystic had also considerably influenced the authors of the early
Rosicrucian writings, particularly by way of Johann Arndt, who shall
be discussed later. However, the Fama and the Confessio draw
essentially from three currents of the tradition: Paracelsianism,
contemporary Neo-Joachimism, and the Hermeticism of the
It is not by accident that Paracelsus is the only author praised by
the manifestos, as he constituted a primary source for the ideas
presented in these writings. The need for sharing the knowledge
acquired from various parts of the world, the fact that man is a
microcosm, the reference to the Liber Mundi, and to the dwellers of
elementary worlds or more particularly, the metaphor of the seed
are themes in the manifestos originating with Paracelsus. Let 11s
add that in Christian Rosenkreuzs tomb there appeared a book
called the Vocabular of Theoph: Par. Ho., identified as being one of the
dictionaries of Paracelsian terms published in the 17th century. Such
influences are perfectly understandable in that Paracelsian texts were
widely read during the time of the manifestos. Between 1589 and
1591 Johann Huser had published Paracelsus complete works,
following the enormous task of researching his manuscripts. A
second edition was then issued in ten volumes between 1603 and
1605 by Lazarus Zetzner, the future editor of Johann Valentin
Andreaes works.
Neo-Joachimism is ever-present in the manifestos. As we
explained earlier, the theories of Joachim of Fiore experienced a
revival of interest in the 16th century, as had the Prophecy of Elijah
or that of the Lion of the Septentrionalong with the many
predictions of channeling the peoples aspiration for a renewala
reformation that allowed the 16th centurys numerous conflicts to
be calmed. Renaissance Hermeticism is also present in Rosicrucian
texts, particularly in connection with alchemy. However, it should be
noted that the Qabalah, both Jewish and Christian, occupies a minor
role here. Other influences are equally apparent, such as those
regarding time, which is presented as being cyclic. These texts could
very well refer to Ishmaelism, with Damcar being one of the
FIGURE 19. Theophilus Schweighardt (Daniel Mgling), Speculum Sophicum RhodoStauricum, 1618.
Tobias Hess (1558-1614) was one of the most important members
of the Tbingen Circleperhaps even its instigator. His
preoccupations synthesized perfectly the various elements presented
in the manifestos. Hess, who was a member of Tbingen University,
a Paracelsian physician, Qabalist, philosopher, and admirer of Simon
Studion, Julius Sperber, and Joachim of Fiore, probably played a
fundamental role in drafting the Fama and Confessio. In 1605, he was
accused of practicing naometry and continued to promote
millennialism in certain publications where he expressed himself to
be in favor of worldwide reform. The Fama repeated his idea which
basically declares: It is wrong to claim that what is true in
philosophy is false in theology. Hess was also accused of being an
instigator of a secret society. Even though his accusers did not
provide the name of this society, it is probable that they were
referring to the Rosicrucian Order, whose first manifesto was
circulating at this time in manuscript form.
Tobias Hess was associated with Oswald Croll, a disciple of
Let us return to Christian Rosenkreuz, the individual presented by
the manifestos as the founder of Rosicrucianism. Are we dealing
here with a real or a mythical individual? As many have stated, these
texts do not recount the biography of one person, because they
1484. But keep in mind that Paracelsus could not have written
anything yet, seeing that he was born in 1493! The theme of the
discovery of a tomb is a recurring symbol in the tradition, and we
will have occasion to return to this subject later.
Only one step separates symbol from invention, and certain
authors do not hesitate to cross the threshold. Several historians
have pointed out that the authors of the manifestos did not need to
adapt the biographies of real persons to invent Christian
Rosenkreuz. Paul Arnold has shown that several mystics bear
uncanny similarities to Christian Rosenkreuz.12 First there is Joachim
of Fiore, who undertook the foundation of a fraternity after his
travels to the Orient. Then there are Rulman Merswin (1307-1382),
the founder of the Friends of God,13 and Gerhard Groote (13401384), the creator of the Brothers of the Common Life. The latter
group promoted the Devotio Moderna, a spiritual movement which
emphasized the inner experience. The most beautiful flowering of
this movement is seen in The Imitation of Christ, a book which had
considerable influence on Rosicrucians.14 Paul Arnolds observations
are of interest in that the parallels between these personalities and
Christian Rosenkreuz are striking, even though notable differences
do exist. In addition, many of the ideas promulgated by these
mystics are found in the manifestos.
It is possible to view such matters from another angle as the
manifestos can also be read as the account of a spiritual experience.
They fall within an indisputable historical context, but, as with all
initiatic accounts, they are associated with a metahistory that goes
Chapter 7
FIGURE 21. Qaf, the Cosmic Mountain, whose summit is none other than the
most elevated center of the human psyche. On this summit, one finds the emerald
stone which tints the heavenly vault green.
but drew conclusions that were more interesting than those of Paul
Arnold. He noted the manifestations of primordial images which
call attention to identical spiritual experiences. He also speaks of the
principle of a common source through a filiation that is not earthly,
but heavenly, and which takes root in the mundus imaginalis (imaginal
world). Corbin does his best to explain the meaning of this world in
his many works, and in particular in those devoted to Shihaboddin
Yahya Sohravardi (1155-1191), the great philosopher and mystic of
Islamic Iran. Hermes, Plato, and Zoroaster were the primary
influences who nourished the thoughts of this Platonist of Shiite
Sohravardi presents the imaginal world (alam al-mithal) as being a
dimension located between purely spiritual and material spheres.4
Designated theosophically as the Malakut (the world of the soul and
souls), the imaginal world plays the role of mediator between the
world of forms and the world of pure essences. It is designated as
the Hurqalyathe Eighth Clime, the Land of the Cities of
Emerald. Sohravardi speaks of it as being the world that the
spiritual pilgrim encounters in his mystical experiences. To describe
the process of raising the soul toward this level of awareness, Iranian
symbology talks about the ascent of Mount Qaf. This is a cosmic
mountain whose summit is none other than the most elevated center
of the human psyche. On this summit is found the emerald stone
which tints the heavenly vault green. This is where the Holy Spirit,
the Angel of Humanity, resides. Among Sufis, the emerald is the
symbol of the cosmic soul. It is also amazing to find a similar
The imaginal world performs a function connected with the inner
experience. According to Sohravardi, man has access to this
dimension by means of a special faculty of the soulnamely, the
active imagination. Paracelsus likewise talked about this faculty of
imaginatio vera, true imagination, which he insisted should not be
confused with fantasy, the folly of logic. As was shown by the
psychologist Carl Jung, true imagination is a fundamental key for
understanding the Great Work. Furthermore, the Rosarium (14th
century) indicates that the alchemical opus should be accomplished
with true imagination, and Martin Ruland, in his Lexicon alchemiae
(1612), stated that imagination is the star within man, the celestial
or supracelestial body.6 Jacob Boehme also spoke of the imaginal
world in the guises of the Holy Element or the Soul of the World
where the Sophia dwellsa representation which recalls to some
extent the Spenta Armaiti, the Sophia of Mazdaism.
The imaginal world is of particular interest to us in that, as was
shown by Corbin, it is the timeless dimension where the events
related in myths or great epics unfold. It is the place where the
visions of prophets and mystics take place, where the guides of
The pilgrims of the spirit who have attained this level of awareness
of the soul have generally related their experiences by means of
symbolic narratives. The latter, which have become the basic texts
of the spiritual movements originating in their wake, possess several
characteristics. First of all, as Corbin points out, they are not myths
in the common sense of the word; they refer to events whose reality,
time, and place are not of the order of everyday history but of the
imaginal world, the world of the soul. They relate to hierohistory
in other words, sacred history. Thus, they should not be understood
in their literal sense, but in their inner sense (to use an expression
of Emanuel Swedenborg), and only hermeneutics allows one to
apprehend their meaning. They then possess a capacity for
transformation, because they are the carriers of a light which
Several historians have noted that Christian Rosenkreuz appeared
at the moment when Hermes Trismegistus vanished, after his legacy
was called into question by Isaac Casaubon (1614). According to
Antoine Faivre, the Fama Fraternitatis marked the refounding of
into spirit, of its resurrection. For Jung it also represents the descent
into the depths of the unconscious. The bodies of the two masters,
Christian Rosenkreuz and Hermes Trismegistus, discovered in their
sepulchers, are those of elderly men. Jung analyzed the presence of
this symbol in myths, stories, or dreams as being the expression of
an arehetypethat of the old sage. He thought that when an
individual had attained a certain stage in his quest, the unconscious
changed appearance in his inner life. It then appeared in the new
symbolic form representing the Ego, the innermost center of the
psyche. For women, it would be represented by a priestess or
sorceress, and for men, it generally manifested in the form of an old
wise man, an initiator. Jung also saw the archetype of the alchemical
process, of initiation, in Hermes. He associated Hermes-Mercury
with the unconscious and made it an element of primary importance
in the process of integrationin other words, of the discovery of
the center of being: the Ego.
In Islam, the concept of the Friend of God supports the theme of
Master Within. Those who lived this experience are placed in the
lineage of a spiritual knighthood.
We find traces of such a spiritual knighthood among the various
individuals we have discussed. Around the time that Joachim of
Fiore (12th century) undertook the foundation of a monastic order
in the spirit of primitive Christianity, Wolfram von Eschenbaeh
developed in Germany the idea of a knighthood common to
Christianity and Islam. His Parzival, which Richard Wagner made
into Parsifal, is derived from an Arab text that Kyot le Provengal had
obtained in Toledo. This version of the Grail legend is of Iranian
origin.13 It is amazing to realize that the Grail in Parzival is a precious
stone upon which the dove of the Holy Spirit descended. One
tradition states that the stone is an emerald from which the chalice
of the Grail was cut.
After having studied the biographies of the various Friends of God
mentioned here, we are encouraged to think that they all witnessed
similar spiritual experiences connecting them to a common spiritual
filiation. This idea fully preoccupied Corbin, and it is upon this
subject that he ended his masterpiece, En islam iranien.14 He believed
that a similar line of force, going back into time immemorial, gave
rise within Shiism to the concept of a knighthood common to all
Abrahamic tradition, as it kindled in the West the idea of an
ecumenical knighthood bringing together Christian and Islamic
knights.15 Among such individuals, do we not see a project common
to the supporters of Eastern and Western esotericism? Do we not
observe here the most precious spiritual secret of all our Western
traditions?16 This spiritual knighthood possesses eschatological
purposes and binds together the prophets, chosen ones, guides, and
initiates who have worked since the beginning of time for the
coming of a Dawn that restores Light to the world.
As Corbin shows, the concept of a revelation stretched out as
cycles also plays an important role in Islam. Moreover, he
emphasized the affinities existing between the Calabrian monks
theory regarding the three ages of the world and that of the
hexaemeron in Shiite Islam.18 The principle of the hexaemeron was
revealed by the Iranian philosopher Nasir-e Khosraw a century
before Joachim of Fiore had formulated his theory. He drew a
parallel between the six days of Creation and the appearance of the
six great religions (Sabaism, Brahmanism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam). Each of these stages is characterized by the
coming of a prophet who sheds new light on the Divine. However,
these six days form the night of religion and only on the seventh
day would the spiritual and esoteric meaning of all revelations be
unveiled. In Islam, many texts develop this same theme. These
include The Wisdom of the Prophets by Ibn Arabi (11th century), who
perceived in the prophets the exemplification of the degrees of the
hierarchy of being and of wisdom, and The Rose Garden of Mystery by
Mahmud Shabestari (14th century), who perceived here the
symbolization of mystical states. For his part, Semnani (14th
century) associated the prophets with the seven subtle centers of
In the 12th century, Shiite theosophers had a predilection for the
Gospel and the Revelation of St. John. They were the Johannites.
Furthermore, they likened the parousia of the twelfth Imam to the
Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, announced by St. John. In the 17th
century, at the time that the Rosicrucians flourished, the Shiite
school of Isfahan already identified the hidden Imam (the twelfth)
with the Saoshyani.e., the Saviorwho, according to
Zoroastrianism, would come at the end of the twelfth millennium to
Nikolai Berdyaev and Henry Corbin have shown that the cycles of
the revelation we have mentioned, invoked by both Christians and
Moslems, do not have to be understood as chronological stages.
These relate not to history, but to what these scholars call
hierohistorya sacred history in which events do not succeed one
another in a linear sequence. Their framework is placed in the world
of the soul, the world of hierophanies. Thus, they feel that these
periods refer to stages of mans inner development and not to some
historical period. The historical facts reported here are not a
historicizing of events of sacred history whose revelations are meant
to edify us. Moreover, whereas certain people are only on the first
level of revelation, there are still others those who have
experienced the Eighth Clime, the imaginal worldwho already live
in the time of the Spirit because they have become the Friends of
God through their inner experience.
It is to such development that authentic initiatory orders lead. The
mystical experiences of their founders have given rise to groups that
are branches of one tree connected to the trunk of the same spiritual
knighthood. For example, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz spoke of a High
and Holy Order that had its origin at the beginning of the
world.19As for modern Rosicrucianism, it refers to the invisible
orderi.e., the Great White Brotherhoodof which the
Rosicrucian Order is simply a manifestation on the visible plane. It
Did not Newton say in his alchemical writings that the real truths
are incarnated in myths, fables, and prophecies?
Chapter 8
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, a book that is
considered to be the third Rosicrucian manifesto, made its
appearance in 1616. It was printed in Strasbourg by Lazarus
Zetzner, the publisher of Theatrum chemicum and numerous other
alchemical treatises. This work differs considerably from the first
two manifestos. First of all, although it was likewise published
anonymously, it is known that Johann Valentin Andreae was the
author. Secondly, it is unusual in form in that it is presented as an
alchemical novel and as an autobiography of Christian Rosenkreuz.
Despite the important development of science during this period,
alchemy remained a potent force. It contributed by enriching the
thoughts of researchers, prompting Frank Greiner to state: The
invention of the modern world did not arise essentially from the
triumph of machinery, but also found some of its ferment in the
alembics of goldmakers and extractors of the quintessence.1 In the
17th century alchemy broadened its perspectives. It claimed to be a
unifying science that included medical applications and developed a
more spiritual dimension. It also sought to become part of the
thinking on the history of Creation, of the tragic cosmogony which
brought about not only the fall of man, but nature as well. Thus, the
alchemist was not only a physician who helped humanity to
regenerate itself so as to be reborn to its spiritual condition, but the
alchemist was also natures physician. As St. Paul pointed out,
Creation is in exile and suffering, and it is awaiting its liberation by
man.2 Gerhard Dorn, a follower of Paracelsus, was an individual
who was typical of this evolution.3 And it was in this set of
circumstances, so rich in published works, that the Chymical Wedding
of Christian Rosenkreuz took its place.
The third Rosicrucian manifesto differs considerably from the two
preceding ones. Briefly, here is the story. Christian Rosenkreuz, an
elderly man who is eighty-one years old, describes his adventures
over a seven-day period in 1459. After being summoned to a royal
wedding by a winged messenger, Christian leaves his retreat, situated
on a mountain slope. After various incidents, he arrives at the
summit of a high mountain, and then passes through a succession of
three gates. Once within, he and the other people who have been
invited are put to a test in which they are weighed on scales. If they
are judged virtuous enough, they are allowed to attend the wedding.
The select few receive a Golden Fleece7 and are presented to the
royal family. After being brought before the royal family, Christian
Rosenkreuz describes the presentation of a play. This is followed by
a banquet, after which the royal family is decapitated. The coffins
containing the corpses are loaded onto seven ships bound for a
distant island. Arriving at their destination, they are placed in the
Tower of Olympus, a curious seven-story edifice. For the remainder
of the narrative we witness the strange ascent of the guests through
the seven stories of the tower. At each level, under the direction of a
maiden and an old man, they participate in alchemical operations.
They carry out a distillation of the royal skins from which a liquid is
obtained that is afterwards transformed into a white egg. From this a
bird is hatched that is fattened before being decapitated and reduced
to ashes. From the residue, the guests fabricate two human-shaped
figurines. These homunculi are fed until they become the size of
adults. A final operation communicates to them the spark of life.
The two homunculi are none other than the king and the queen who
have been restored to life. Shortly afterwards, they welcome their
guests into the Order of the Golden Stone, and all return to the
castle. However, Christian Rosenkreuz, at the time
FIGURE 27. Inscriptions and cryptogram shown on the fountain of the Chymical
Wedding (fourth day). of his first day in the castle, committed the indiscretion of
entering the mausoleum where the sleeping Venus reposes. His inquisitiveness
condemns him to become the guardian of the castle. The sentence does not seem
to be executed, because the narrative suddenly ends with the return of Christian
Rosenkreuz to his cottage. The author leaves us to understand that the hermit, who
is eighty-one years old, does not have many more years to live. This last statement
seems to contradict the Fama Fraternitatis, which claimed that Christian Rosenkreuz
lived to the venerable age of 106. Moreover, other aspects of the narrative depict a
Christian Rosenkreuz who is quite at odds with the one presented in the earlier
As Bernard Gorceix has remarked, Andreaes work bears the
imprint of 17th century culture, that of the Baroque, where allegory,
fable, and symbol occupy a preeminent place. According to Gorceix,
this novel is a significant historical and literary work. It is, in fact,
one of the best examples of the emergence of the Baroque in the
17th century. The taste for the marvelous and the primacy of
In 1617, the year following the publication of the Chymical Wedding,
the alchemist Ratichius Brotoffer published Elucidarius Major . . ., a
book in which he tried to establish the correlations between the
seven days of the Chymical Wedding and the stages of alchemical
work. He acknowledged, however, that Andreaes text is obscure. In
more recent years, other authors, such as Richard Kienast (1926) or
Will-Erich Peuchkert (1928), did their best to decipher the mysteries
of this text. More recently, Bernard Gorceix, Serge Hutin, and
Roland Edighoffer in particular analyzed this work judiciously.10 The
text of the Chymical Wedding barely resembles the works of the
alchemical corpus. It is not at all a technical treatise, and its object is
not to describe the operations in a laboratory. And we should note
in passing that the story does not involve developing the
Philosophers Stone, but of producing a couple of homunculi. In
regards to the seven days described in the tale, it is essentially at the
beginning of the fourth day that alchemical symbology occupies
center stage.
Paul Arnold tried to show that the Chymical Wedding was simply an
adaptation of Canto X of The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser
(1594), which describes the Red Cross Knight. Yet his argument is
hardly convincing. For his part, Roland Edighoffer showed that
dream recounted on the first day of the Chymical Wedding derives its
theme from St. Bernards sermon for the fifth Sunday after
Pentacost. In this dream, Christian Rosenkreuz is locked away in a
tower in the company of other people. Moreover, the tools which
the wedding guests receive for going from one floor to another in
the Tower of Olympus (sixth day)a rope, ladder, or wings are
taken from the symbology of St. Bernard.
We find reference to the seven stages of the inner life among two
individuals praised by Andreae. The first, Stephan Praetorius, the
pastor of Salzwedel, speaks of justificatio, santificatio, contemplatio,
applicatio, devotio, continentia, beneficienta. The second person is Philip
Nicolai (1556-1608), a pioneer of the new piety, who, when
speaking of the mystic wedding, describes the seven phases which
mark the regeneration of the soul (The Mirror of the Joys of Eternal Life,
FIGURE 29. The alchemical flask of the royal wedding, from Pandora, 1582.
FIGURE 30. The rose gives honey to the bees. From Summum Bonum by Joachim
Frizius (1629). This text was published as an appendix to Sophiae cum Moria
Certament (Battle of Wisdom with Folly), a violent response of Robert Fludd to
Mersennes attacks upon the Rosicrucians. It is often thought that Joachim Frizius
was a pseudonym used by Robert Fludd. However, certain authors, such as William
G. Huffman in Robert Fludd and the End of the Renaissance (1988), claim that
some other author is involved.
Chapter 9
Michael Maier (1569-1622), the celebrated German alchemist who
was also the personal physician to Rudolph II, was one of the most
ardent defenders of Rosicrucianism. In 1617, in The Silence after
the Clamors,5 he responded to the criticism of those who had
openly exhibited their desire to join the Rosicrucians, but had not
received any answer to their request. He stated that they had heard
nothing because they had not been judged worthy of entering into
the order. He added that he himself did not merit such an honor.
For Michael Maier, the Rosicrucian fraternity truly existed; it was no
hoax. He perceived this order as being one of those colleges of wise
men that had existed for all time and among all people. Thus, he
represented the Rosicrucians as being the guardians of an ancient
During the years marking the emergence of Rosicrucianism,
Michael Maier and Robert Fludd in particular were the most zealous
defenders of the Rosicrucian fraternity. However, neither of them
ever claimed to be a member of the order. An intellect of wideranging interests, Robert Fludd was especially versed in the wisdom
of the Corpus Hermeticum and in the works of Marsilio Ficino and of
such Christian Qabalists as Johannes Reuchlin and Francesco
Giorgi. Both a physician and alchemist, he was keenly interested in
the concepts of Paracelsus. It was probably at the beginning of his
enlistment in favor of Rosicrucianism that Robert Fludd developed
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), a graduate of Tbingen, frequently
visited Johann Valentin Andreae. Between 1600 and 1612, he was
Frederick V knew that by accepting the crown, he would be
opposing the armed might of the Habsburgs. Driven by destiny, he
Chapter 10
Many historians of esotericism have attempted to make Ren
Descartes into a Rosicrucian, in the fullest meaning of this word.
One of the individuals most responsible for this situation was Pierre
Daniel Huet (1630-1721), bishop of Avranches. In 1692, using the
pseudonym of G. de lA., he published Nouveaux Mmoires pour servir
lhistoire du Cartsianisme, a satire which claimed to provide
revelations about Descartes. Here we are told that Descartes had
brought Rosicrucianism to France and that he was one of the
inspectors of the Order. Huet also asserted that the philosopher did
not die in 1650, as he was guaranteed to live 500 years, but rather he
secluded himself among the Laplanders where he directed the
Order. This clearly improbable book gave rise to some of the
Rosicrucian legends regarding Descartes. In much more recent
years, Charles Adam, in his edition of Descartes complete works
(1937), also claimed that the philosopher was a Rosicrucian initiate.
In the period preceding the Thirty Years War, Ren Descartes
(1596-1650) took an interest in the Rosicrucians. In 1617, he
enlisted in the army, a career that took him to Holland and
Germany. During these travels, he met Johan Faulhaber, a brilliant
mathematician who was interested in astrology, alchemy, and the
Qabalah, and who was one of the first (1615) to publish a book
dedicated to the Rosicrucians: Arithmetic Mystery; or Cabalistic
and Philosophic Invention, new, admirable and elevated, according
follow in life?
The interpretation of these three dreams has given rise to many
commentaries. As several authors have noted, the events which he
experienced in these dreams resembled certain episodes related in
The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreuz.5 Descartes was aware of
having experienced a fundamental change and he immediately set
about analyzing it. He judged these dreams to be so important that
he transcribed them in a collection which he entitled Olympica. This
experience confirmed his belief that he was on the right path and
that mathematics was an essential key for understanding the
mysteries of Creation.
For Marie-Louise von Franz, an associate of Carl Jung, the
illumination experienced by Descartes may be seen as a breaking
through of the collective unconscious that led him to an intuitive
comprehension of the archetypes conveyed by numbers.6 Descartes
himself said that it involved the most important affair of my life,
and until his death he would always keep this text with him. Four
years later, in 1623, he returned to Paris. It was then that his name
became associated with the Rosicrucians.
We, the deputies of our Head College of the Rose Cross, now
sojourning, visible and invisible, in this town, by grace of the
Most High, towards Whom the hearts of sages turn, do teach,
without the help of books or signs, how to speak the language
of every country wherein we elect to stay, in order that we
may rescue our fellow men from the error of death.
This placard was soon followed by a second, which stated in part:
. . . But, to arrive at the knowledge of these marvels, we warn
the reader that we can divine his thoughts, that if mere
curiosity should prompt the wish to see us, he will never
communicate with us, but if an earnest determination to
inscribe himself in the register of our confraternity should
actuate him, we will make manifest to such a one the truth of
our promises, so that we by no means expose the place of our
abode, since simple thought, joined to the determined will of
the reader, will be sufficient to make us known to him, and
reveal him to us.7
These placards created a considerable stir. Gabriel Naud wrote,
If we seek for the precise origin of this squall of wind which now
whistles over our country, we shall find that the report of this
fraternity having been spread abroad some short time since in
Germany. Within days pamphlets attacking the Rosicrucians
circulated. It was claimed that the Order had sent thirty-six deputies
into the world and that six of them were in Paris, but that
communication with them was possible only by thought. They were
ironically called the Invisibles. Naud increased the attacks in
FIGURE 37. Gabriel Naud, Instruction la France sur la vrit de lhistoire des Frres de
la Roze-Croix, 1623.
Descartes found the agitation that dominated France to be so
disturbing that he moved to the Netherlands in 1628. He settled
near Leiden, where he could work in tranquility and dedicate himself
wholly to research. Certain historical elements have shown that
Rosicrucianism spread rapidly in this country.12 As we discussed in
the previous chapter, it was here that Frederick V sought refuge
after the Battle of White Mountain (1620). As early as 1615, the
Fama Fraternitatis had been translated into Dutch as Fama Fraternitatis
maturing process that led him to work out his philosophical system.
Curiously, near the end of his life, Descartes became a close friend
of Princess Elizabeth, the daughter of the unfortunate King
Frederick V, protector of the Rosicrucians. Indeed, she became one
of his disciples. Among the works the philosopher dedicated to her
were the Principia (1644) and the Treatise on the Passions. After the
Treaty of Westphalia (1648), which marked the end of the Thirty
Years War, the princess recovered her property in Bohemia and
invited Descartes to settle nearby. Unfortunately, this project was
never realized because the philosopher died in February 1650 during
a visit to the Swedish court, at the invitation of Queen Christina.
In England, the Rosicrucian project developed in a special way,
even though, in contrast to what occurred in the rest of Europe,
Hermeticism remained relatively unobtrusive.23 However, the
writings of John Doget (15th century) showed the influence of the
Corpus Hermeticum, and the Christian Qabalist Francesco Giorgi
enjoyed a great reputation during the reign of Henry VIII. The king,
in fact, entrusted Giorgi to search through the sacred texts for
arguments in favor of his divorce from Catherine of Aragon. As for
Catherine, she turned to Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa for advice.
Despite the enthusiasm of Thomas More (1478-1535) for the
writings of Pico della Mirandola, it was only during the reign of
Elizabeth I (1533-1603) that the Hermeticism of the Renaissance
gained influence. Its major proponents were Philip Sidney (1554224
When speaking of the beginnings of Rosicrucianism, Francis
Bacon (1561-1626), lord chancellor of England and philosopher, is
The members of the Theosophical Society were however quite
responsive to such hypotheses, particularly those members who
were part of the Rosicrucian movement established within the
society: the Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross.29 Thus, in her
book The Masters (1912),30 Annie Besant put forward the notion that
Bacon was one of the reincarnations of Christian Rosenkreuz, a
member of a line of initiates to which the Comte de Saint-Germain
also belonged, and which had its source in the royal house of
Rakoczi. One of her associates, Marie Russak, soon afterwards
published in the magazine The Channel a series of articles repeating
Francis Bacons project undoubtedly originated with his father,
Nicholas Bacon. After Henry VIIIs break with Rome, the elder
Bacon was entrusted with the task of reforming the universities.
Francis Bacon, after trying to persuade Queen Elizabeth, attempted
to involve James I in his project of reforming the sciences. At the
beginning of his book Advancement of Learning (1605), Bacon
addressed the king in these persuasive words:
It indeed seems a great thing in a monarch, if he can find time
to digest a compendium or imbibe the simple elements of
science, or love and countenance learning; but that a king, and
he a king born, should have drunk at the true fountain of
knowledge, yea, rather, should have a fountain of learning in
himself, is indeed little short of a miracle. And the more since
in your Majestys heart are united all the treasures of sacred
and profane knowledge, so that like Hermes your Majesty is
invested with a triple glory, being distinguished no less by the
Francis Bacon desired to institutionalize the sciences through
programs of collective research and he wanted to see laboratories
organized rationally and methodically. It can be generally said that
Bacons project foreshadowed the academies that sprang into being
soon afterwards. He wanted to substitute the ancient apriorist and
deductive logic with a new logic, one that was experimental and
inductive. To symbolize the attitude that the researcher should
adopt, he used the images of the ant, spider, and bee. The first
accumulates (empirical philosophy), the second encloses in its web
(rational philosophy), but the third, after having gathered pollen
hither and thither, creates honey (a balance between the two
philosophies). The Rose gives honey to bees Robert Fludd also
stated when using similar symbology.34 The English alchemist
Thomas Vaughan indicated that, according to Virgil, there is among
This book recounts the story of travelers who, after leaving Peru,
sailed toward China and Japan, but, following unfavorable winds,
their ship was in distress. Short on rations and considering
themselves near death, they finally sighted an unknown island. Upon
reaching the island, some messengers handed them a parchment
scroll informing them of certain requirements for their stay. Affixed
to this document was a seal showing cherubins wings by a cross, an
emblem which recalled the expression at the end of the Fama
Fraternitatis: Under the shadow of thy wings, Jehovah. This land,
called Bensalem, was inhabited by a strange people who had
successfully combined wisdom and learning.
Learning was both the goal and principle of its inhabitants social
structure. They seemed to have accomplished the Great
Instauration of knowledge. They had rediscovered the paradisiacal
state before Adams fall, a goal envisaged by Francis Bacon and the
Rosicrucian manifestos. The travelers were lodged in the Strangers
House. Before long, an ambassador explained to them that this
country was directed by Solomons House, or the College of the Six
Days Work. This allusion brings to mind that blessed time in which
Rosicrucians would light the sixth candle, which, according to the
Confessio Fraternitatis, preceded the end of time. However, it may
refer to the prophecy of Elijah, which was relatively popular in
Europe at this time and was the same source used by the
Rosicrucian manifesto. Solomons House . . . had for an end
knowing the causes and secret movement of things and of moving
back the boundaries of the human kingdom in view of realizing all
things possible.38 This group of priest-scientists had vast
laboratories where they engaged in research concerning science as
well as agriculture, husbandry, medicine, mechanics, the arts, etc.
The results of these researches benefited all the inhabitants of this
paradise of science where prosperity and peace reigned.
The core of the New Atlantis describes the various scientific riches
and the social organization of the society living on the island of
Bensalem. The relatively short text remained uncompleted, and it
was only published in 1627, one year after the death of its author, by
his chaplain William Rawley. Although the name Rosicrucian does not
appear in this text, nor in any other of Bacons works, the
FIGURE 42. Frontispiece from History of the Royal Society by Thomas Sprat, 1667.
Drawing by John Evelyn.
Included among the men who participated in the foundation of the
Royal Society were many notable individuals who had direct links
with the Rosicrucians of Bohemia. One of the most engaging was
the Czech philosopher, pedagogue, and writer Jan Amos Komensky
(1592-1670), better known as Comenius. When he was twenty-one
years old, Comenius left his native Moravia to continue his studies at
Heidelberg. He then witnessed the coronation of Frederick V and
FIGURE 44. May violence subside from things and may everything flow from
itself Comenius emblem.
Chapter 11
The Egyptian, Essenian, and Templar Origins
With the onset of the Thirty Years War, Rosicrucians withdrew
from the public eye. In Germany they took refuge in the alchemical
movement, which experienced significant growth at this time.
However, in England, Rosicrucians were involved in the beginnings
of Freemasonry. They would reappear in the middle of the 18th
century, priding themselves on origins preceding those of
Freemasonry and Christianity by claiming a filiation dating back to
the Egyptians.
It is striking to note that the two oldest references relating to
Masonic initiations concern individuals who were in direct or
indirect contact with Rosicrucianism. The first reference, dating
from May 20, 1641, involves Sir Robert Moray, who was initiated
into Masonry in the Marys Chapel Lodge in Edinburgh.
Interestingly enough, Moray, one of the founding members of the
Royal Society and an exponent of alchemy, was the benefactor of
Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666). The latter, using the pseudonym of
Eugenius Philalethes, was the author of The Fame and Confession
(1652), the English translation of the Fama Fraternitatis and the
Confessio Fraternitatis.
The second reference discusses Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), the
Masonic activities began in the 18th century and it is generally
acknowledged that the foundation date of the society was 1717,
when the Grand Lodge of London was constituted. But the crucial
moment in the founding of Freemasonry involves the publication of
Andersons Constitution (1723) by the Duke of Wharton, its grand
the hieroglyphs in the early 19th century, Kirchers writings were the
basic reference works regarding Egypt.
by the four elements earth, water, fire, and airto which its
heroes were subjected (tome II, book III), were repeated by
Freemasonry in its ritual. As stated by Boucher de la Richardire, the
author provided such a degree of verisimilitude to the disclosure of
the mysteries of Isis, reputedly impenetrable until then, that you
would think that they were revealed to him by one of the initiates or
one of the Egyptian priests.9 These books made Egypt fashionable
once more, as made evident by Jean-Philippe Rameaus opera-ballet,
The Birth of Osiris (1751). Some years later Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart would compose The Magic Flute (1789), an opera which
blended Masonic initiation and Egyptian tradition. The Noachite
Religion The ideas developed by Ramsay and Abbe Terrasson were
to stimulate the imagination of countless Freemasons in the creation
of new degrees which soon made their appearance. Indeed, within a
few years, the hierarchical structure of the Masonic grades was
considerably enriched. On December 26, 1736, the Scottish
chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay, a follower of
Fnelon and of Mme. Guyon, delivered an epochmaking speech
before the Louis dArgent Lodge in Paris which gave rise to the
appearance of what are called the high degrees (or side degrees)
in other words, degrees superior to that of Master.10 In his
oration, Ramsay described Freemasonry as being the resurrection of
the Noachite religion, a primordial, universal, and undogmatic
religion. He added that this Holy Order was brought back to Europe
by the Crusades, but was eventually forgotten, except in the British
Isles and Scotland in particular. Freemasonry would now expand
from Great Britain to the rest of Europe. Before long, the legends
relating to the Templars, Chivalry, and Old Testament described by
Ramsay would awaken the curiosity of the originators of the high
degrees.11 Egyptian themes, along with occult knowledge such as
alchemy, astrology, Qabalah, and magic, were also included in these
transformations. Between 1740 and 1773, the high degrees
proliferated in a rather unruly way, and among them the Rose-Croix
reappeared in the form of a high degree. Within a short time the
latter enjoyed considerable prestige; it was seen as the final grade,
even the nec plus ultra, of Freemasonry.12
However, certain systems of the high degrees were constituted into
independent orders. This was especially true in France, with the rise
of the Ordre des Chevaliers Magon lus-Cohens de lUnivers
(Order of Knight Masons, Elect Priests of the Universe) of Martnez
de Pasquales (1710?-1774) around 1754; or in Germany, with the
creation of the Rite of the Strict Templar Observance of the Baron
Johann Gottlieb von Hund (1722-1776) around the same time. It is
in this period that Rosicrucianism again had the freedom to establish
an autonomous order.
Maiers Themis Aurea (1618). It had also taken certain rules from the
Order of the Inseparables, an alchemical order founded in 1577. In
fact, the order described by Sincerus Renatus did not seem to have
ever existed. Let us note in passing that he mentions a name, that of
the Golden Rosicrucians, which Peter Mormius had already used in
1630 in Arcana totius naturae secretissima, nec hactenus unquam detecta, a
collegio Rosiano in lucem produntur (The Entire Secrets of Nature . . .).
Mormius was the author of a legend which claimed that Frdric
Rose, who had lived in Dauphin, had founded in 1622 a secret
society of three members called the Golden Rosicrucians. The
phrase Golden Rosicrucians became relatively well known and
some of its rules were found much later in the Masonic-Rosicrucian
degree of the Prince Knights of the Rose-Croix.
them, and the order then took the name of the Guardians of the
Secret of Moses, Solomon, and Hermes.
After the 4th century, the order never counted more than seven
members. In the 12th century, it admitted a few Templars, and when
the Christians lost Palestine in 1118, the members of the order
scattered around the world. Three of them settled in Europe and
founded the Order of the Builders of the Orient. Raymond Lully
was admitted into this order, and soon afterwards he initiated
Edward I of England. Eventually, only members of the houses of
York and Lancaster could be dignitaries of the order. It was for this
reason that the rose, the badge of both families, was placed on a
golden cross, the symbol of the order.
emphasized that until this period Rosicrucianism had only given rise
to small groups whose rituals have remained undiscovered, whereas
the Masonic Order of the Golden Rosy Cross of the Ancient System
has left numerous documents attesting to its activities. It expanded
widely throughout central Europe, and many individuals, such as
Prince Frederick William of Prussia and Nikolai Novikov, a Russian
journalist and philanthropist, were members. It was disbanded by its
founders in 1787, after having given rise to the Initiated Knights and
Brothers of Asia (1779), of which Landgrave Charles of HesseCassel was the Grand Master. The enigmatic Comte de SaintGermain was, no doubt, part of this movement, seeing that he
resided with Landgrave Charles, his pupil and benefactor, from
The elements found in the Masonic Rose-Croix degree
undoubtedly originated in a manuscript discovered in Strasbourg in
1760. This text, entitled De la Maonnerie parmi les Chrtiens (Of
Masonry Among Christians), touched upon the origins of
Freemasonry in a singular manner by suggesting that Masons are the
descendants of the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, who were the
Rosicrucian guardians of the Essenian traditions. These canons
would later confide their secret teachings to the Templars.
FIGURE 51. Detail from A Key to Magic and the Occult Sciences by E. Sibley, c. 1800.
Chapter 12
The philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment was
characterized by the complete confidence placed in progress. Reason
was considered to be humanitys infallible guide, and everything
revealed by religion or tradition was viewed with distrust. The light
sought by humanity was not that of God, but that which shines
within each of us through our intelligence. This attitude, which
marked the beginning of a heightened materialism, could
undoubtedly be seen as a reaction to the failure of religion which,
weakened by theological quarrels, was regarded as an institution of
The 18th century was not only an era of scientists; it was also an
era of philosophers, although the latter were primarily scholars.
tienne Bonnot de Condillac declared sensation to be the source of
all knowledge. According to him, each person gained awareness of
himself and his potentialities not by what he thought, as Descartes
stated, but by what he sensed. Condillac introduced sensationalism,
The agenda of this era was not to improve the inner person, but to
move toward that progress which brought happiness to each person.
Moreover, this period cast doubt on the very existence of the inner
man, of the soul. In the essay LHomme-machine (Man A Machine;
1748), Julien Offray de la Mettrie reduced the human to a mere
mechanism having no need of a Creator to find existence.
Philosophers, for the most part, shared this point of view. Although
Jean-Jacques Rousseau protested against this attitude, he nonetheless
collaborated with such individuals as Helvtius, Voltaire,
Montesquieu, and Condillac on the crowning achievement of the
century of Enlightenment: the Encyclopdie of Diderot and
dAlembert (1751-1780). The rationalism and materialism of this
encyclopedia exercised a major influence on the culture of the
period. The Jesuits and Jansenists called it the book of the devil.
Given such definite stands, we are tempted to ask ourselves how
the average individual of the 18th century could still believe that
there existed in him or her a higher principle, a soul, relying on a
hypothetical God. Certainly, the normal person was hardly aware of
the various outlooks of the Enlightenment, but the advocates of
Illuminism2 in other words, esotericismwere preoccupied by
For liphas Lvi, the most important element of the 18th century
was not the Encyclopdie, nor the philosophy of Voltaire or that of
Rousseau, but the magnetism discovered by Franz Anton Mesmer.
He stated: Mesmer is like Prometheus: he gave men the fire of the
heavens that Franklin could only divert.4 Likewise, Arthur
Schopenhauer felt that magnetism is, of all the discoveries, the one
that has the greatest importance, although it sometimes poses more
enigmas than it resolves.5 The founder of this new science was
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), a physician born in the southern
German province of Swabia. In 1766 he wrote his doctoral
dissertation entitled Dissertatio physico-medica de planetarum influxu
(Physico-Medical Dissertation on the Influence of the Planets)6 in
which he discussed the cause of universal gravitation and its
influence on health. He restated the hypotheses of Paracelsus and
Robert Fludd regarding the World Soul, those of the alchemist Van
Helmont on medical magnetism,7 and the theories of William
Maxwell on vital spirit.8 Comparing these different viewpoints with
the principles enunciated by Isaac Newton and his own reflections,
FIGURE 53. Drawing from Diffrentes manires dorner les chemines, 1769.
FIGURE 54. Scenery from the Magic Flute, painting by Karl Friedrich Schinkel.
apprentice grade. The disciple was initiated into the mysteries of the
hieroglyphs and dressed like an Egyptian. In the second, Neocoris,
he was given a caduceus and taught to cross his arms over his chest
in the attitude of Osiris. In the third degree, Melanophoris, which
corresponded to that of Master, he was confronted by the kingdom
of the dead and placed before the sarcophagus of Osiris. The
degrees of Christophoris and Balahate followed, where he was
initiated into alchemy. Then came the degree of Astronomus and
that of Ibis which related to Hermes Trismegistus. Frederick II
supported the African Architects. The order possessed a rich library
and chemical laboratory. In 1773, lodges of this rite existed in
Berlin, Switzerland, and France.
It was during this period that a publication appeared which marked
a crucial stage in the study of comparative religion: Le Monde Primitif
analys et compar avec le monde moderne (The Primitive World Analyzed
and Compared to the Modern World; 1773-1784) by Antoine Court
de Gbelin.13 In his own way, this author hastened the investigation
of the Primordial Tradition through the study of the origin of
languages. Seeking the Lost Word, he sought to rediscover
humanitys original language and thereby restore it to its primitive
purity. Court de Gbelins reflections led him to believe that Paris
was formerly the center of an Egyptian sanctuary. According to him,
the name Paris came from Bar Isisi.e., the barque of Isis.14 He
indicated that a sanctuary dedicated to Isis once stood on the
Egypt and magnetism were brought together to some extent in an
Egyptian Masonic rite created by Alessandro Cagliostro. The origins
of this individual are enigmatic. He was initiated into Freemasonry at
the Esperance Lodge of London in 1777. This lodge was attached to
the Strict Templar Observance, an order created in 1750 by Baron
Johann Gottlieb von Hund. It is thought that he had received a
Rosicrucian initiation in Malta between 1766 and 1768. However, it
is not known who his initiators were. Furthermore, during his
numerous journeys around Europe, he came into contact with a
multitude of esoteric groups. In 1778, he established in Holland the
first of a new kind of lodge, namely, an Egyptian rite. After having
traveled throughout Europe, Cagliostro arrived in Lyons in October
1784. In December of that year he inaugurated La Sagesse
Triomphante, the mother lodge of his order. Like Franz-Anton
Mesmer, he organized the two quarantines, that is, cures of an
initiatic nature. The first allowed the Egyptian Mason to become
morally perfect, and the second allowed him to become
At the close of the 18th century, Mesmerism was experiencing
difficulties. In 1785, Nicolas Bergasse, Franz Anton Mesmers
around the country. With the onset of the French Revolution, nearly
all of them went inactive.
FIGURE 57. The French consul general in Egypt (Bibliothque nationale, Paris).
In 1847, one of the most celebrated magnetizers, Louis-Alphonse
Cahagnet (1809-1885), founded the Society of Swedenborgian
Students. By working with a medium named Adle Maginot, he
entered into contact with Emanuel Swedenborgs spirit, who
dictated to him a book entitled Magntisme: arcanes de la vie future
dvoils (The Celestial Telegraph; or, Secrets of the life to come,
revealed through magnetism; 1848) containing irrefutable proof that
magnetic somnambulists had the faculty of seeing dead persons and
conversing with them. Always inspired by Emanuel Swedenborg, he
founded in the same year the Society of Spiritualist Magnetizers of
Paris, which replaced the Society of Swedenborgian Students. In the
discourse delivered at the inauguration of this new society on
November 27, 1848, he made reference to previously existing
societies such as the Qabalists, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and
Templars, whose researches he feltled only to arrogance and egoism.
He wanted the society he had created to be a truly fraternal
organization, where the spiritual properties of magnetism would be
studied for the purpose of using such knowledge to alleviate the
burdens of humans and to help them discover the mysteries of the
soul. Members of the society were called brothers and sisters, and
the meetings were ritualistic in character. A prayer began each
session, and a person called a lucide was put into a slumber before
entering into contact with Swedenborgs spirit. Music and religious
chants were sprinkled throughout the meeting, which was
completed by a love feast in which Swedenborgs spirit was asked to
FIGURE 58. The Scales of Health from Hector Durvilles The Theory and Practice of
Human Magnetism, 1900.
Chapter 13
After the turbulence of the French Revolution, magnetism
experienced a resurgence of interest. In France, magnetism was used
successfully in such hospitals as Val-de-Grce, Htel-Dieu, and
Salptrire. However, it was the subject of considerable debate, and
Spiritualism quickly swept over Europe. In France, the Journal des
Dbats of May 13, 1853, discussed the phenomenon of table-turning,
which then preoccupied all of Paris. Hippolyte-Lon Rivail
(18041869), a native of Lyons who used the pseudonym of Allan
Kardec, was originally interested in magnetism. He was initiated into
the practice of spiritualism and a few years later published a text
entitled Livre des sprits (1857)5 which became the handbook for all
spiritualists. Not only did this work explain how to enter into
contact with the spirit world, but it also presented the theories and
philosophy of spiritualism. It revealed in particular the role of the
perisprit, a fluidic envelope or psychic body situated between the soul
and the physical body that allowed disincarnated spirits to manifest
themselves. The work also popularized the theory of reincarnation,
which was presented as a progression necessary for the souls
evolution, from which arose the celebrated spiritualist maxim: to be
born, to die, to be reborn, to constantly progress, that is the law. In
1858, Allan Kardec established the Revue spirite, founded the Socit
parisienne dtudes spirites (Parisian Society of Spiritualistic Studies),
and published works contributing to the spread of spiritualism
throughout the world. He was considered to be the prophet of
Almost everywhere attempts were made to consult the invisible
and make spirits appear. Automatic writing, telekinesis, and
telepathy were practiced. Such mediums as Daniel Dunglas Home,
Eusapia Palladino, Leonora Piper, Florence Crook, and Alexis
Didier reigned as masters and made as many heads turn as they did
tables, because fraud and falsification were commonplace.
FIGURE 60. Levitation experiment with the medium Eusapia Palladino (1909).
At the moment that spiritualism was expanding, Rosicrucianism
returned to the forefront through a novel called Zanoni (1842).6 It
came out just before the first hints of the 19th century Rosicrucian
resurgence. Its author, Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), had
gained international renown due to his historical novel The Last Days
of Pompeii (1834). His new work, Zanoni, is the tale of two 18th
century Rosicrucians, Zanoni and Mejnour, the last survivors of this
august fraternity. The plot revolves around the transmission of the
initiation to two disciples, Clarence Glyndon and Viola, wherein the
author reveals the torments of the soul while seeking initiation.
Although it is sprinkled with references to Hermeticism, Paracelsus,
Agrippa, Cagliostro, and Mesmer, Zanoni is primarily a romantic
It has been sometimes claimed that Edward Bulwer-Lytton
directed the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (Rosicrucian Society in
England; S.R.I.A.). In fact, it was without his knowledge that he was
named honorary president, and he categorically refused this office.
The S.R.I.A. came into being in 1866, part of the activities of
English Freemasonry. Its founder, Robert Wentworth Little (1840305
The Theosophical Society had its roots in places other than those
we have discussed. However, we will mention a few of its aspects, as
it manifested a certain affinity with Rosicrucianism. It was in 1873
that Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) appeared on the public
stage by frequenting the spiritualistic circles of New York. Endowed
with paranormal faculties, she participated in some experiments as a
medium. It was on this occasion that she became acquainted with a
person who was to become her close associate, Colonel Henry Steel
Olcott (1832-1907), who at the time was investigating phenomena
associated with spiritualism. Sometime later, the colonel proposed
that they create a society for the study and elucidation of occultism,
the Qabalah, etc. When they were choosing a name for their society,
they considered many, including that of Rosicrucian. Finally, in
September 1875, they settled upon the choice of Theosophical Society.
The Theosophical Society had little to do with Rosicrucianism , but
promoted instead an esoteric Buddhism. However, it was the source
of two movements that did draw their inspiration from
Rosicrucianism .
did not survive World War I. Marie Russak, one of its founders,
joined the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, after becoming acquainted
with Harvey Spencer Lewis in 1916.
The third movement born in the wake of the Theosophical Society
was created in 1913 by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Like Annie
Besant, the Secretary General of the German section of the
Theosophical Society was quite interested in Rosicrucianism, the
subject of many of his lectures between 1904 and 1913. After his
break with Annie Besant caused by the controversy swirling around
Krishnamurti, he created in 1913 the Anthroposophical Society,
which he regarded as a continuation, a modern metamorphosis of
the Rosicrucians. Two groups came from this movement: The
Rosicrucian Fellowship of Max Heindel and the Lectorium
Rosicrucianum of Jan van Rijckenborg.9
Certain authors point out that helena Petrovna Blavatsky and
Henry Steel Olcott had founded the Theosophical Society following
their exclusion from a mysterious orderthe H.B. of L., which is
the abbreviation for the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. According
to legend, this fraternity had its origins in an order founded more
than 6,000 years previously on the lost island of the West
(Atlantis), with Thebes and Luxor being its centers of activities. This
order was said to be the source of all the great initiatic movements,
such as that of the Rosicrucians. Around 1870, the H.B. of L.
formed an outer circle to combat the dangers of scientism rampant
in the West. This fraternity embarked upon the restoration of
Western esotericism by giving it a scientific aspect. It also wanted to
restrain the expansion of the Theosophical Society, which it accused
of desiring to pollute the Western spirit and to put it under the
domination of Eastern thought.10 As an example, this order was
against reincarnation.
The outer circle of the Hermetic Fraternity of Luxor was founded
by Louis-Maximilien Bimstein (1847-1927), a Pole who called
himself Max Thon or Aia Aziz. He was a singular individual who
possessed astonishing psychic faculties.11 In 1870, he was living in
England and selected a few members, notably Peter Davidson and
Thomas H. Burgoyne. The former became the Grand Master of the
H.B. of L.; Papus, who was a member of this order, considered
During this period Spiritualism continued to expand in Europe.
Around 1870, the psychists emerged from the spiritualist
FIGURE 63. Cover of the official catalogue of the Rosicrucian Salon, 1893.
Chapter 14
In the 19th century, Europe was shaken by the arrival of
industrialization, as it radically changed the existing social structure.
This crisis was particularly felt in Germany, where signs of rejecting
the industrial world appeared by the 1870s. One response to the
urbanization engendered by the reorganizing of labor came in the
form of Naturism. Its followers advocated fleeing the polluted cities
and creating communities and garden cities so that people could live
in harmony with nature. Those who shared this point of view soon
clustered around the Lebensreform (Life Reform) movement begun in
1893, was then led by Theodor Reuss, the director of the German
branch of the S.R.I.A. (Societas Rosicrueiana in Anglia) from 1902.
In a letter to H. Spencer Lewis, he later claimed that he had
accepted an official position in that order so as to please William
Wynn Westcott, but Reuss realized afterwards that Wynn Westcotts
real motive was to obtain the German and Austrian Rosicrucian
documents that Reuss had in his possession.3 Indeed, the O.T.O.
claimed that it was continuing the work of past Rosicrucians.
Theodor Reuss presented his organization as a kind of Masonic
academy whose real function was to conceal a secret Rosicrucian
order descending directly from original and authentic
Rosicrucians.4 He also claimed that the secret headquarters of this
order were in Reuss, a principality located near Leipzig, in the
Thuringian forests. He stated that he was initiated into this order by
Carl Kellner in July 1893.
In fact, as indicated by Gastone Ventura, Carl Kellner had founded
the O .T .O ., with the help of Franz Hartmann and Heinrich Klein,
after returning from a trip to the Orient. Kellner was said to have
been initiated into the ancient mysteries by the Arab monk Soliman
ben Aifa and by the Hindu gurus Bhima Sena Pratapa and Sri
Mahatma Agamya Paramahansa, practitioners of Tantric yoga.5 As
can be seen, none of this involved Rosicrucianism. It was only after
Kellners death, around 1902, that Theodor Reuss was initiated into
the O.T.O. However, his legitimacy was strongly contested,
especially since his administration engaged in a veritable commerce
in initiation certificates. In France the review LAcacia revealed the
FIGURE 64. Symbol of the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis, inner. circle of
the Golden Dawn. This drawing was created for Samuel Mathers around 18871888. It was composed from the cross shown in the Secret Symbols of the
Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries, Mysterium Magnum Studium
Universalis (1785), to which were added some qabalistic elements relating to the
symbology of the Golden Dawn. Israel Regardie provided a detailed study of this
cross in The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic (1984).
coded rituals. These texts, which had belonged to Baal Shem Tov
and later to liphas Lvi, had been found at a second-hand
bookstore in a copy of the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th
and 17th Centuries. The story goes that they included the address of
Anna Sprengel, a representative of the Rosicrucian Order in
Germany. After getting in contact with her, William Wynn Westcott,
Samuel Liddell Mathers, and R. William Woodman founded the IsisUrania Lodge in London, soon followed by the establishment of the
Athathoor Lodge in Auteuil, France. Thus was born the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn, which Samuel Mathers (brother-in-law
of the philosopher Henri Bergson), was to direct. As is true of most
initiatic organizations, we are dealing here with a mythical account
concerning its origins, because there is no evidence that Anna
Sprengel ever existed, and the coded manuscripts were probably
fabricated by Kenneth MacKenzie, a member of the S.R.I.A.
The Golden Dawn had some characteristics which seem quite
unlike the Rosicrucianism of the 16th and 17th centuries. Indeed, its
rituals involved theurgy and theories that borrowed extensively from
magic and from the Christian Qabalists of the Renaissance. Many of
these practices had been abandoned by earlier Rosicrucians in favor
of a mysticism based on spiritual alchemy. It is probable that the
rituals of the Golden Dawn were inspired in great part by the work
La Magie Sacre ou livre dAbramelin le mage, which Mathers had often
studied,8 as well as the texts of Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa, whose
magic writings were used by Mathers in his own books. The order
adopted an Egyptian-style symbology and placed considerable
emphasis upon the study of the tarot. The Golden Dawn reiterated
the hierarchy of degrees used in the S.R.I.A. and it included an inner
order, the Ordo Roseae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis.
Under the direction of its Imperator, Samuel Liddell Mathers
(1854-1918), the Golden Dawn achieved immediate success and,
between 1888 and 1900, became an important initiatic organization.
Many Freemasons and Theosophists attended its lodges, which
counted among its members such illustrious individuals as William
Butler Yeats (Nobel prize in literature in 1923); Constance Lloyd
Wilde, wife of Oscar Wilde; Gerard Kelly, president of the Royal
Academy. However, the order experienced numerous schisms which
gave rise to such rival organizations as the Stella Matutina Temple,
with W.B. Yeats; Alpha Omega, afterwards The Society of the Inner
Light with Violet Firth (alias Dion Fortune); and the Fellowship of
the Rosy Cross, with Arthur Edward Waite. Nor should we
overlook Aleister Crowley, the black magus who founded the
Astrum Argentinum.
In France, during the period that the Golden Dawn came into
being, Josphin Pladan (1858-1918) published Le Vice suprme
(1884), a novel in which he depicted contemporary morals. This
atypical author played an important role in the evolution of 20th
century Rosicrucianism.9 Anyone reading his books will note that he
possessed a vast knowledge of the whole body of esoteric learning.
This is especially apparent in his Histoire de la magie de Pierre Christian
(1870), a voluminous work dedicated to the occult sciences.10 The
protagonist of Le Vice suprme is the magus Mrodack, who is not
an ordinary occultist, but rather an initiate who places his knowledge
Stanislas de Guaita took shape, and upon Pladans advice, the latter
got in touch with Firmin Boissin. On August 12, 1886, Stanislas de
Guaita informed Josphin that he had received a long and learned
letter from his friend Bois+sin. The way in which he wrote this
name, with a cross in its center, was strange, and it is interesting to
note that after this correspondence Stanislas de Guaita signed his
letters with the expression R +C and called Josphin Pladan my
dear Frater.19 Can it be concluded that he had been received into
the order by Firmin Boissin? Events seem to have come to a head at
this time. Many occultists then living in Paris were members of the
Theosophical Society, but they remained disappointed by its
excessively Eastern teachings. Included among them was Grard
Encausse (1865-1916), better known as Papus. As a student of
medicine he had the opportunity to work with Dr. Jules Luys, who
had done some research in hypnosis at La Charit Hospital in Paris.
It was there that he met Augustin Chaboseau (1868-1946), with
whom he soon reorganized the Martinist Order. In 1888, after the
death of its president, Louis Dramart, the French division of the
Theosophical Society fragmented. Papus seized the opportunity to
launch the revival of Western occultism. He published his Trait
lmentaire de science occult (Elementary Treatise on Occultism; 1888), a
book with which he wanted to restore Western esotericism and put
occultism on an equal footing with subjects taught in the
Afterwards, in September 1889, Pierre-Gatan Leymarie (18171901), who had directed the spiritist movement since the death of
FIGURE 67. The Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. Seated in front, from left
to right, are Papus, Josphin Pladan, and Stanislas de Guaita.
Masonic aspect that Papus wanted to impose upon the order. The
positions of these two men were reconciled only with difficulty,
especially as Josphin Pladan reproached Papus for his taste in
occultism and magic. Along with Abb Alta, one of the eminent
members of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix, Josphin
reproached Papus for confusing occultism and esotericism. On
February 17, 1891, Pladan wrote a letter to Papus, published in the
April issue of the journal LInitiation, that severed their relationship.
Heir to a tradition that he felt was on the verge of losing its
mission, Pladan decided to work along different lines and thus
founded in May 1891 the Order of the Rose-Croix du Temple et du
Graal (also called the Order of the Rose-Croix Catholique du
Temple et du Graal), which he had already outlined in Le Vice
suprme, his first novel, in 1884. In June 1891, he designated himself
as the Grand Master of this new order, using the name of Sr
Mrodack Pladan. This event was given considerable space in many
articles of Le Figaro, and this great publicity profoundly irritated
Papus and his friends who denounced Pladans split.
Josphin Pladans program followed in the wake of the PreRaphaelite and Symbolist movements. The former were members of
the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an artistic movement born in
England in 1848 as a reaction to the poverty of conventional
Victorian painting. It was also opposed to an era obsessed with
FIGURE 68. Seal of the Grail, drawing hy Franois Merintier for the Rosicrucian
Salon of 1893. Josphin Pladan described it thus: A communion cup from which
shoots forth flashing rays; from the heart of the cup springs a winged rose, in the
center of which rests the mystical cross. The dove of the Holy Spirit surmounts it
all, invigorating the holy cup with its seven rays. The O.T.O. later appropriated
this drawing to illustrate its constitution of 1906. Subsequently, around 1920,
Theodor Reuss modified this design by adding a Masonic delta above the dove.
Artists who wanted to participate in the Salons did not need to
belong to the Order of the Rose-Croix du Temple et du Graal. The
only condition for their participation was that their works had to
adhere to a hard-and-fast rule that banned certain representations:
military or historical scenes, domestic animals, and occupations and
other exercises that painters as a rule have the insolence to reveal.26
The master of the Rosicrucian Salons was partial toward mystical or
inspirational religious works, decorative allegories, and sublime
nudity. The selection was carried out by a jury whose members bore
the title of Magnificent. It was composed of various personalities,
the most well known being: the Count Antoine de la Rochefoucault,
who was the financier of the Salons and later the patron of the
Nabis; the Count de Larmandie, who was a long-term secretary of
the Socit des Gens de Lettres en France; lmir Bourges, a
member of the Goncourt Academy and author of certain books,
such as La Nef, that were influenced by Josphin Pladans ideas;
Saint-Pol Roux, justly called the Magnificent, a writer proclaimed
by the Surrealists as one of the masters of modern art; and Gary de
Among the 193 artists who were represented at the Salons, let us
mention the following: Edmond Aman-Jean, mile Bernard,
Antoine Bourdelle, Eugne Delacroix, Jean Delville, Charles Filiger,
Georges de Feure, Eugne Grasset, Ferdinand Hodler, Fernand
Khnopff, Henri Martin, Edgard Maxence, George Minne, Alphonse
Osbert, Gaetano Previati, Flicien Rops, Georges Rouault, Carlos
Schwabe, Alexandre Seon, and Jan Toorop.
There was a total of six Rosicrucian Salons. Each was placed under
the auspices of a Chaldean god: Shamash (the Sun) for the first,
Nergal (Mars) for the second, Marduk or Merodach (Jupiter) for the
third, Nebo (Mercury) for the fourth, Ishtar (Venus) for the fifth,
and Sin (the Moon) for the sixth. This last Salon was held in the
prestigious Georges-Petit Gallery in 1897. in the presence of a flood
of requests, a special preview was organized for 191 art critics and
reporters. On the following day 12,000 visitors filed into this temple
of art.29 After this Salon, Pladan declared his order to be dormant:
I am laying down my arms. The artistic expression I have defended
is now accepted everywhere, and why should one recall the guide
who has shown the ford after the flood has passed? However, the
absence of some of the great Symbolist painters affected the overall
success of this Salon. This was notably the case with Puvis de
Chavannes, a painter whom Pladan valued most, and who had
withdrawn at the last moment. This was also true of Burne-Jones
and Gustave Moreau, who were both unwilling to go up against the
artistic establishment, but urged their students to participate in the
Josphin Pladan was deeply scorned by Papus followers, as the
success of the Order of the Rose-Croix du Temple dealt a severe
blow to the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. During this time,
the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix continued its activities to
some extent. However, the order did not possess solid roots, and
the occultist aspect provided by Papus moved it farther away from
its original Rosicrucian spirit. Undoubtedly for this reason it ossified
rapidly. As Victor-mile Michelet, one of its first members, noted,
the order did not have a broad range and went dormant even
before the premature death of its organizer.32 Indeed, in the same
year in which the Rosicrucian Salons closed their doors, the
Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix lost its Grand Master, when,
on December 19, 1897, Stanislas de Guaita died prematurely. F.-Ch.
Barlet (Albert Faucheux) was elected as his successor. After trying to
make peace with Pladan, Barlet allowed the Kabbalistic Order to
become so inactive that it died out soon afterwards. It seems that
the new Grand Master of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix
even had questions regarding the origins of Rosicrucianism. In July
Chapter 15
Pietism, founded in Germany by the pastor Philipp Jacob Spener
(1635-1705), grew out of the crisis that Lutheranism experienced in
the 17th century.5 It offered a possible answer to the troubles faced
by the Lutherans following the end of the Thirty Years War (16181648).6 Spener, an advocate for the humanization of religion,
emphasized personal religious experience and the inner life. He
urged upon his contemporaries a praxis pietatis, an individual piety, a
practice characteristic of sanctification and leading to a rebirth that
marked inner regeneration. From 1670 he organized the collegia
pietatis, schools of piety, within Lutheran parishes. The participants
in these small groups studied the Bible and touched upon mysteries
that usually could not be discussed in larger Christian gatherings.
According to Antoine Faivre, there existed some striking analogies
between the structure of the initiatic societies and Pietism, and the
collegia pietatis were truly, in one sense, the predecessors of the
speculative lodges.7 In Germany, this movement grew rapidly, and
the colleges multiplied to the point of alarming the Lutheran
authorities. Due to the dynamism of August Hermann Francke
(1663-1727) who directed the faculty at the University of Halle,
Pietism quickly expanded and communities were established in India
and America.
Johann Arndt is generally considered to be the inspiration of this
movement. Let us recall that this Lutheran theologian, physician,
and alchemist was the spiritual father of Johann Valentin Andreae
and the mentor of the Tubingen Circle,8 the group that was behind
Although Pietism cannot be considered a millennialist movement,
this tendency could be found in many of its members. Generally,
this attitude was the consequence of the crisis afflicting Germany
during the 17th century, a religious crisis brought about not only by
the Reformation, but also by an economic crisis engendered by
disastrous climatic changeswhat has been called the Little Ice
Age. To these should be added epidemics that decimated the
population. These events, which affected everyones daily life, led to
a renewed interest in apocalyptic thinking and the theory of the
three ages of the universe formulated by Joachim of Fiore.12
Although not a millennialist, Philip Jacob Spener could not help
escaping its influence. In 1664 he defended the notion of the sixth
angel of the Apocalypse, a concept strongly promoted by Johann
Wilhelm Petersen. Petersen and his wife, Johanna Eleonor von
Merlau, a person typical of this period, visited the Pietist groups of
Wrttemberg where they proclaimed the end of the world and set
forth the theory of the apocatastasis, the final universal
regeneration.13 Johann Jacob Zimmermann (1642-1693) was
convinced that the end of the world was imminent, and the
Philadelphian Society became a purified Church, that of the
Millennium. In The Ascent to the Mount of Vision, she spoke in idyllic
terms of Christs reign of one thousand years to come upon the
earth, a preliminary stage at the end of time.
Chapter 16
It appears that an article published in the October 20, 1901, edition
of the New York Evening Herald drew Lewis attention. It
described the case of Leonora Piper, a medium from Boston who
was unrivaled in the history of the psychic sciences.2 At this time,
experiments with mediums were the rage in New York, a city where
spiritualism drew a large following. As we saw in a previous chapter,
spiritualism developed in the United States after magnetism was
introduced to this country by Charles Poyan, a follower of Puysgur,
in 1836.3 The ensuing events led researchers to take interest in these
phenomena, and their work resulted in the creation of institutions
that engaged in the research of paranormal faculties. The most
prestigious was the American Society for Psychical Research,
of his former patients and followers. The first was the Reverend
Warren Felt Evans (1817-1889), a minister of the Swedenborgian
faith. After being healed by Quimby, Evans was attracted to his
theories and wrote the first book dedicated to mental treatment, The
Mental Cure (1869). This was followed by numerous other volumes,
such as Esoteric Christianity and Mental Therapeutics (1886). The second
of Quimbys followers was Julius A. Dresser (1838-1893). After his
cure in 1860, he dedicated his life to continuing his masters work.
In some ways Dresser was the first modern psychic healer and may
be considered as the founder of New Thought, a movement he
discussed in The True History of Mental Science (1887). His wife Annetta
Gertrude and his son Horatio Willis were also authorities and
authors in this field.
Finally, Mary Baker Glover Patterson (1821-1910), Quimbys third
disciple, is probably the most well known. In 1862 she too was
cured of an illness that seemed incurable. However, after Quimbys
death, she again fell gravely ill, but she healed herself by applying the
principles of her teacher. She then began to perfect her own
philosophy, which she called Christian Science. She married Dr. Asa
Gilbert Eddy and wrote Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
(1875). In this book, Mrs. Eddy developed the concept that all
illness was primarily of psychic origin, and that a spirit cure based
on prayer and the adoption of positive thoughts would lead
inevitably to the return of harmony. This book was phenomenally
successful, and in 1898 it was already in its 140th printing. In 1881,
aided by her husband, Mrs. Eddy founded the Massachusetts
In the United States, New Thought resulted in the publication of a
whole body of literature whose most esteemed authors, apart from
those we have previously mentioned, included: Ralph Waldo Trine,
Henry Wood, Ella Adelia Fletcher, Oliver C. Sabin, Victor Turnbull,
Emma Curtis Hopkins, Prentice Mulford, and William Walker
Atkinson. The latter deserves particular mention, because he was
one of the most eminent representatives of American New
Thought. William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932), a Freemason,
theosophist, member of the Pennsylvania bar, and professor of
hypnotism, was one of the most important authors of New
Thought. Between 1902 and 1915, he published about twenty
works, both under his own name and that of Yogi Ramacharaka.
Two books that are especially significant are The Law of the New
Thought (1902) and The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath, a Complete Manual
of Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development
(1909). What makes this author original, in comparison to his
predecessors, is that he included in his theories and practices some
conscious and subconscious, the means that the mind can use to
direct matter. He also read the works of Sir Oliver Lodge, including
The Survival of Man, which studied faculties little known at the time,
and Life and Matter, which was more oriented toward psychology.
During the years 1906-1907, Lewis abandoned psychic research,
which he judged to be unproductive. What followed was a period of
reflection. While engaged in his daily meditations, he became aware
that he was finding the answers to questions touching upon the
mysteries of life. As he noted in his autobiography, he experienced
great peace during these experiences and, when returning to an
awakened consciousness, he had the impression of having received
inwardly some instruction on the laws and principles pertaining to
God and nature. Puzzled by this, he confided in May Banks-Stacey,
an elderly woman he had met at the New York Institute for
Psychical Research. She revealed to him that, during such
experiences, he had probably rediscovered the knowledge acquired
in his past lives. She even suggested that during one or many
previous reincarnations he had surely belonged to a mystical
fraternity like the Rosicrucians of Egypt. H. Spencer Lewis was
astonished by this answer, as it established a link between the RoseCroix and Egypt!
In the days that followed, he sought information on the
Rosicrucians, but found no reference at all indicating that this order
existed anywhere but in Germany. Until then, he had read nothing
nor even encountered the slightest allusionconcerning the
existence of secret Rosicrucians. Beginning in the year 1908, all his
Chapter 17
After her husbands death, May Banks-Stacey lived most often at
the home of one of her sons, Captain Cromwell Stacey. As is often
May Banks-Stacey was attracted to all forms of occultism
especially astrology, chiromancy, and white magic. During her
travels to India and Tibet, she had acquired great wisdom , and her
daughter noted in a letter: I believe that she preferred Egypt to all
other countries. She told me about certain impressions that she had
experienced in visiting the ancient temples, the feeling that there was
a time when she had to be an Egyptian in one of her numerous
reincarnations.11 According to what H. Spencer Lewis relates, it was
while she was in Egypt that the Rosicrucians gave May BanksStacey
a mystical jewel and some sealed documents that she had to keep
until another person came along and presented her with an exact
copy of one of the seals and called upon her assistance to establish
the Rosicrucian Order in America.
Who were the initiates that May Banks-Stacey encountered in
Egypt? H. Spencer Lewis does not say. Did he indicate by this name
some Rosicrucians whose existence has been lost to history or some
Freemasons of the Rose-Croix degree?12 Let us not forget that,
around 1863, Jeantienne Marconis de Ngre granted a patent to
Joseph de Beauregard for the creation in Egypt of a Sovereign
Sanctuary of Memphis, a rite that accorded special importance to the
Rose-Croix degree. The Rosicrucian tradition was equally present
with Demetrius Platon Semelas (1883-1924), a Greek Martinist
living in Cairo. The latter was said to have obtained in 1902, at a
monastery on Mount Athos, the legacy of the Rose-Croix of the
Orient.13 In October 1911, he also conferred an initiation of the
R.C. Aspirant degree on Georges Lagrze, an inspector of the
Martinist Order, who was traveling in Egypt. Tradition states that
the latter afterwards transmitted this initiation to Papus.14 Could the
Rosicrucian encountered by May Banks-Stacey in Egypt be
Demetrius Platon Semelas? This remains only a hypothesis.
However, if this were the case, it would resolve many questions,
especially the fact that in 1913, Harvey Spencer Lewis was in contact
with Eugene Dupr, who was Semelas assistant.15
H. Spencer Lewis tells us that after leaving Egypt, May BanksStacey journeyed to India, where, upon producing the documents
she had received in Egypt, she was initiated into the Rosicrucian
Order. She was named legate of the organization for America, but
she was informed that the Order would not be established in that
country until 1915, under the patronage of France. This episode in
the life of AMORCs cofounder remains enigmatic, because we lack
Due to his busy schedule, H. Spencer Lewis had little opportunity
of returning to the Metropolitan Church on Seventh Avenue in New
York. In the spring of 1908, he felt an urge to go back to this place
that had been his spiritual home seven years earlier. On the
Thursday after Easter, around 4:30 in the afternoon, he entered the
church and sat in a pew to meditate. It was then that he felt the
presence of an invisible being whom he perceived to be a man with
a long white beard who gave the impression of peace and harmony.
long white hair. The room he entered was a square chamber, its
walls lined with books. The gentleman who received him was the
archivist of a mysterious Rosicrucian Order, a group of initiates
from Languedoc whose few members worked in the strictest
secrecy. Lewis stated that his interrogator was also a member of the
same small group of Freemasons to which the Parisian bookseller
belonged. After showing him the archives, the old man stated that
he had been judged worthy of further knowledge and that he was to
meet the Grand Master of the Order on the very same day.
FIGURE 80. Drawing by Harvey Spencer Lewis representing the place of his
Around 3 oclock in the afternoon, Lewis engaged another taxi and
went to the address provided by the archivist. Once again he
traveled away from Toulouse on a road that ran alongside a stream.
a rose, thus signifying that he was now charged with the founding of
the Order in America.
After this ceremony, one of the members present permitted Lewis
to consult a collection in which the principles and major laws of the
Order were represented. He was also allowed to copy the symbols
and diagrams of the various Rosicrucian ceremonies. From a trunk
placed in the middle of the room the count drew out some symbolic
aprons, an altar cloth, and various archival documents so that the
new initiate could take note of the symbols belonging to the
different degrees of the Order. Afterwards the necessary
information for the establishment of Rosicrucianism in America was
communicated to him. The man directing the meeting at this point
was not the count, but an individual named Lasalle, who acted as the
master of ceremonies. Although the spelling of his name differs
slightly, might this not be Clovis Lassalle, the photographer Lewis
had met the same morning in the Gallery of the Illustrious? We
would be tempted to think otherwise, seeing that the latter described
the master of ceremonies as being the author of numerous historical
documents, whereas we know that this photographer wrote no
books. However, it is possible that his statement alludes to
innumerable photographic works concerning archeology and
prehistory that were produced by Clovis Lassalle.27Whatever the
case, the master of ceremonies informed H. Spencer Lewis that he
was now in possession of all the necessary instructions, but that
other inner experiences were yet to come. He concluded by
requesting that no lodge be opened in America before 1915.
On August 13, 1909, the day after his acceptance into the
Rosicrucian Order, Lewis wrote to his wife Mollie:
. . . all my hopes on this trip have been realized, but not
without many tests and trials . . . A pretty place, here. I have
taken plenty of photos of the old fortress where I have
participated in many strange ceremonies that I have never
seen . . . . At last I am in the R+C, thank Godbut the oaths
and vows are severe. How many in America will I find to keep
them with me?28
A few days later, on August 26, when he was about to return to
Paris, Lewis received a letter from Clovis Lassalle. On the following
Monday, Aaron Lewis and his son traveled by train to Paris. After a
stop in London, where they visited the British Museum , they
boarded the White Star, of the MS Adriatic Line, on Wednesday,
September 1, and sailed for New York. For Harvey Spencer Lewis,
it was the beginning of a great adventure.
FIGURE 81. Letter written by Harvey Spencer Lewis to his wife on August 13,
1909, the day after his initiation.
Chapter 18
As a report published in the July 1916 issue of The American Rosae
Crucis states, H. Spencer Lewis brought together members of the
Orders Fourth Degree, as well as officers of the Supreme Grand
Lodge, for a special convocation in the New York City Lodge on
June 22, 1916. He wanted them to participate in a special mystical
ceremony, at which time he carried out an alchemical transmutation
experiment. A representative of the editorial board of the New York
World, Charles Welton, was also invited to witness the event. The
experiment was carried out starting with a piece of zinc. After a few
procedures that allowed him to authenticate the metal as being zinc,
Lewis placed the metal in a small china dish, dropped in various
powders, and placed it all into a furnace. At the end of this
operation, the assembly noted that the zinc had changed in
appearance, and an analysis revealed that it had been transformed
into gold.
Had the Imperator truly carried out a transmutation by projection
of an alchemical powder? The scientific procedure used allows us to
neither confirm nor deny it. In any case, Lewis stated that he had
been authorized only that one time to conduct this experiment. This
alchemical transmutation made a big splash in the American press.
The New York World reported this strange demonstration in two
articles published on June 28 and July 2, 1916. Marie Russaks
review, The ChannelAn International Quarterly of Occultism, Spiritual
Philosophy of Life, and Science of Superphysical Facts, also mentioned the
alchemical transmutation in its October-November 1916 issue.
Franz Wittemans later reported this transmutation in his Rosicrucian
History, published in Adyar in 1925.
Chapter 19
renowned since 1634 for its enactments of the Passion play. The
director of the O.T.O. worked for an office that organized these
theatrical productions, and he wanted the Imperator to attend the
May 1922 production, accompanied by some 500 members. Seeing
that his correspondent was primarily interested in using AMORC as
a way of obtaining money, Lewis kept his distance. Beginning in
September 1921, he no longer answered Reuss lettersexcept for
one last time on May 20, 1922 and the relations between the two
men drew to an inconclusive end. The TAWUC project remained a
dead letter, although it stirred the imaginations of some historians
whose writings have become the source of many errors. Soon
afterwards Theodor Reuss entered into a great silence as he passed
to the eternal East on October 28, 1923, in Munich.9
FIGURE 90. Excerpts from a letter written by Camille Savoire to Harvey Spencer
Lewis on July 12, 1928.
Before returning to the United States, H. Spencer Lewis continued
his meetings in Europe. What was the result of his visit to Basel? He
did not indicate, but it is probable that he met Theodor Reuss
successors, because, in 1930, the project that they had conceived
together was taken up once again by Heinrich Trnker. It likewise
came to a dead end.
Upon returning to Tampa, the Imperator remained in contact with
Camille Savoire, because the latter wished to be personally involved
in the development of AMORC in France.19 However, in a letter
dated July 12, 1928, he brought up his difficulties in collaborating
usefully, as his command of English was poor (See fig. 90).
H. Spencer Lewis did not seem to have been much in favor of the
idea of developing Rosicrucianism under the wing of French
Freemasonry. On this score, Maurice Jacquet was in agreement and
deplored the European Masonic trust desired by the Grand
Orient of France. Although some Freemasons wanted to become
members of AMORC, the pioneering Rosicrucian groups in France
were created outside the pale of Freemasonry. The first was
established in Paris under the direction of Charles Lvy, and the
second in Nice under Andr Mauprey. Two individuals in this group
Dr. Clment Lebrun (1863-1937) and Dr. Hans Critter (18741953)distinguished themselves and were to experience a special
destiny. In November 1933 H. Spencer Lewis proposed that
Clment Lebrun replace Charles Dana Dean, the Grand Master for
the United States, who had just died. Although seventy years old,
Lebrun left Nice for San Jose, where he occupied the office of
Grand Master until his death in 1937. for Hans Grter, he became
Grand Master of France.20 He was assisted by Jeanne Guesdon
(1884-1955). The latter, who spoke perfect English, had joined the
Order in 1926 while living in Cuba. She returned permanently to
France in 1930, where she became a highly esteemed associate.
Although she only had the title of Secretary, Ms. Guesdon was in
fact the real director of AMORC in France.
Apart from its internal evolution, AMORC continued to maintain
connections with other individuals in the world of esotericism. In
September 1930 H. Spencer Lewis came in contact with Cesare
Accomani (alias Zam Bhotiva), the director of the Polaires. This
strange order claimed to be guided by the Rosicrucian initiatic
center of mysterious Asia. It had as its mission the reconstruction
of the polar fraternity with the aim of preparing for the coming of
the Spirit under the sign of the Rose and Cross. The Polaires felt
that the time was drawing near when rods of fire would once
again strike certain countries on earth, and that everything destroyed
by mans selfishness and thirst for gold would have to be rebuilt.22
To prove their assertions, they made use of the oracle of the astral
force, which served to communicate directly with what they
described as being a Rosicrucian esoteric center located in the
Himalayas.23 This technique had been given to them in 1908 by
Father Julian, a hermit living near Rome. Beginning in 1929 the
oracles messages incited Zam Bhotiva to create a group called The
Polaires, in reference to the sacred mountain, the symbolic center
of the Primordial Tradition. The first meetings took place on Rue
In the years preceding World War II great confusion reigned in the
realm of esoteric organizations. Indeed, a certain number of
movements, both in Europe and America, plagiarized the symbols,
names, and rituals of traditional initiatic orders. Certain people were
worried, particularly those who were part of the Rosicrucian
movements ereated in Belgium by mile Dantinne (1884-1969): the
Order of the Rose-Croix Universitaire founded in 1923, and the
Ordre Hrmetiste Ttramgiste et Mystique (O.H.T.M.)24 instituted
in 1927. After Josphin Pladans death in 1918, mile Dantinne
was presented as his disciple; however, he claimed an initiatic
filiation coming not from the Sr, but from the astral Rose-Croix.
The philosophy, rites, and teachings of these orders were similar to
the magic of the Renaissance. In this regard they digressed from
Josphin Pladan, who rejected such practices.
The Belgian Rosicrucians were subjected to the criticism of the
followers of Max Heindel, Rudolf Steiner, and the Theosophists.
Most of them were Martinists and members of the MemphisMizraim Rite. They initially placed themselves under the direction of
the Sovereign Sanctuary of Jean Bricaud, but became independent
beginning in 1933. However, upon separating, they wanted to
associate themselves with an organization of international stature.
Following the advice of Franz Wittemans who was already in
contact with the American Rosicrucians, Jean Mallinger (1904-1982),
a close associate of mile Dantinne, wrote the following to H.
Spencer Lewis on January 11, 1933: We will be very honored to
affiliate ourselves with the eminent Rosicrucian Order, of which you
are the Chief and Guide . . . we will be very happy to be able to
collaborate in AMORCs activities . . . . It is from this first contact
that FUDOSI came into being. The goal of this association was to
federate the initiatic orders and societies in such a way as to protect
them from numerous non-traditional organizations that appeared at
this time. During its existence, from 1933 to 1951, FUDOSI
brought together organizations as diverse as the Ancient and
Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Rose-Croix Universitaire, Order
Hermetiste Tetramegiste et Mystique, Ordredes Polaires, Ordre
Martiniste Synarchique, Traditional Martinist Order, Synarchical
external conditions were not the same. Indeed, since the orders
composing FUDOSI had acquired a recognition that protected them
from the risks of plagiarism, the organization had little reason for
continuing. Thus, on August 14, 1951, its members decided to
disband the organization.
A page in the history of Rosicrucianism was turned with the
departure of H. Spencer Lewis. Apart from the major role he played
in the foundation of AMORC and the influence he exercised in the
world of esotericism, he was an individual of eclectic interests. It
should be remembered that he established the fifth planetarium in
the United States and the first museum of Egyptology on the west
coast of the United States. Some years previously, he had set up one
of the first private radio stations of New York, which was devoted
in great part to programs of a cultural and philosophical nature. To
these should be added the numerous paintings that he completed on
esoteric and symbolical subjects, some of which have acquired a
national renown. He was also a member of numerous philanthropic
societies and associationshis foremost quality, known to many,
being humanitarianism. As with all extraordinary persons, he was
naturally criticized and defamed,31 but H. Spencer Lewis worked
with such ardor and conviction in serving Rosicrucianism that his
contribution to the Rosicrucian heritage can never be slighted or
Chapter 20
After World War II, Ralph M. Lewis (19041987), the new
Imperator, reorganized the activities of the Ancient and Mystical
Order Rosae Crucis. Under his direction, Grand Lodges and Lodges
were established in most countries of the world. In keeping with the
wishes of H. Spencer Lewis, he proceeded with a revision of the
teachings intended for the members. At the same time, he wrote a
large number of articles concerning esotericism and philosophy, as
well as many noteworthy books, such as The Sanctuary of Self (1948)
and Essays of a Modern Mystic (1962). During Ralph Lewis
administration, he traveled all over the world to meet members of
the Order and its directors, notably during Rosicrucian conventions.
On January 12, 1987, he left this world, after having worked for
forty-eight years in the service of the RoseCroix. He left us with
memories of a cultivated man, an inspired philosopher, and a great
Following the death of Ralph M. Lewis, Gary Stewart was elected
to the office of Imperator on January 23, 1987. Unfortunately, he
did not rise to the task and committed grave errors. He was finally
dismissed by all the Grand Masters on April 12, 1990. To replace
Rosicrucian study, in the sense that they favor the ritualistic aspect
of Rosicrucianism and serve the framework of collective study.
It should also be noted that AMORC initiations, in their most
traditional form, are conferred in these Lodges. It can be said that
these initiations bring the Rosicrucian quest to its perfection. It
should be mentioned that at the beginning of the 20th century
AMORC sponsored a university that is now known throughout the
world as Rose-Croix University International. Formed primarily of
Rosicrucians specializing in some particular field of knowledge, this
university serves as a framework of research carried out in
disciplines as diverse as astronomy, ecology, Egyptology, computer
science, medicine, music, psychology, physical science, and esoteric
traditions. As a general rule, the result of such research is
communicated only to members of the Order, but RCUI also holds
conferences and seminars that are open to the public. It also
publishes books.
FIGURE 94. One of AMORCs official symbols, with the Orders name in Latin.
Among Rosicrucians, the cross represents the physical body of man and the rose
represents his soul on the path of evolution.
In another realm , that of spirituality, AMORC ponders in the
Positio the fate of the great religions, and even lets it be understood
that they are fated to disappear in favor of a universal religion. For
what is properly called Rosicrucian spirituality, the fourth manifesto
defines it in this way: It is founded, on the one hand, on the
conviction that God exists as an absolute Intelligence having created
the universe and all that it contains, and on the other hand on the
certainty that man possesses a soul that emanates from Him. Better
yet, we think that God is manifested in all of Creation through laws
that man must study, understand, and respect for his greatest good.
While this spiritualistic humanism may seem utopian, it is precisely
what AMORC calls for, recalling that Plato, in the Republic, sees the
form of ideal society in Utopia. Under these conditions, it is not
surprising that the Positio ends with a text deliberately given the title
of Rosicrucian Utopia, placed under the auspices of God of all
men, God of all life.
The Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis continues the lineage of the
Rosicrucian manifestos published in the 17th century. We may even
say that it constitutes their continuation beyond time and space. As
such, it now forms an integral part of the Rosicrucian Tradition and
builds a bridge between the Rosicrucians of yesteryear and those of
today. Furthermore, since its publication this fourth manifesto has
been the object of comments along these lines, on the part of
historians of esotericism. Let us mention one in particular: Antoine
Faivre, who has written, It will certainly remain as an outstanding
sages, but rather men and women with all of their human qualities
and flaws. Nevertheless, each person has, to one degree or another,
contributed to the elevation of humanity, by trying to encourage his
or her contemporaries to look beyond the world of appearances, so
that they could discover therein the presence of the Divine. And, in
so doing, the questions that they have raised concerning the
mysteries of the Rose and the Crossthat is, the why and
wherefore of Humanity and Creationremain a living actuality.
1. The quotation found at the beginning of this book
summarizes the goals of past and present Rosicrucians. It is
taken from the first chapter of Pampaedia, a treatise on
universal education written by Comenius, an individual who
was closely associated with the Rosicrucian Order. The
Pampaedia forms the fourth part of The Universal Consultation
on the Reform of Human Affairs (De rerum humanarum emendatione
consultatio catholica), a treatise divided into seven parts, which
Comenius wrote around 1650, shortly after the end of the
Thirty Years War. The passage is excerpted from John
Amos Comenius, 1592-1670: Selections, a work published
by UNESCO in 1957 with an introduction by Jean Piaget:
John Amos Comenius on Education. With an introduction by
Jean Piaget (New York: Teachers College Press, 1967,
1957). English edition of Pampedia (part 4 of The Universal
Consultation): Comeniuss Pampaedia, or Universal Education.
Translated from the Latin by A.M.O. Dobbie (Dover, Kent:
Buckland, 1986).
1. As Antoine Faivre has demonstrated (Lsoterisme [Paris,
Presses Universitaires de France, coll. Que sais-je?, 1992]
pp. 14-22), these elements may be synthesized into six great
Chapter 1
1. 1. Bernard Gorceix, La Bible des Rose-Croix, traduction et
Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs (Paris: G. Steinheil, 18871888). Regarding the history of alchemy, see Robert
Halleux, Les Textes alchimiques (Turhout, Belgium: Brpols,
6. Iamblichus, Les Mystres dEgypte, text edited and translated
by douard des Places, S.J. Correspondant de lInstitut
(Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1966). English translation of
Iamblichus: Iamblichus, On The Mysteries. Translated with
introductions and notes, Emma C. Clarke et al. (Atlanta:
Society of Biblical Literature, 2003.)
7. Hermas, Le Pasteur, introduction and notes by Robert Joly
(Paris: ditions du Cerf, coll. Sources chrtiennes, no. 53
bis, 1997). English edition: Carolyn Osiek, Helmut Koester,
Shepherd of Hermas: A Commentary (Hermeneia: A Critical and
Historical Commentary on the Bible). (Minneapolis: Fortress
Press, 1999
8. Corbin, Henry, LImagination cratrice dans le soufisme dIbn
Arab (Paris: Aubier, 1993) pp. 32, 49-59, 73, and 77.
English editions: Creative imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi.
Ralph Manheim, translator (London: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1969); and Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in
the Sfism of Ibn Arabi with a new preface by Harold Bloom.
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1998).
9. Translation from the Latin Vulgate of the 14th century.
Variants of this text (in Arab, Latin, and French) may be
found, along with Hortulanus Commentary (Hortulanus 14th
Chapter 2
1. Juan Garcia Font, Histoire de lalchimie en Espagne (Paris:
Dervy, 1976). Spanish edition: Garca Font, Juan. Historia de
la alquimia en Espaa (Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1976).
2. Histoire des sciences arabes (Paris: Le Seuil, 1998) Tome 3. He
reiterates Julius Ruskas thesis.
3. Eugenio Garin, Le Zodiaque de la vie, polmiques antiastrologiques la Renaissance (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1991)
chap. II, p. 66; English edition: Astrology in the Renaissance: the
Zodiac of Life. Translated by Carolyn Jackson and June Allen;
Books, 1966.)
16. Jean Servier has made a good translation of De Occulta
Philosophia, augmented by an introduction and numerous
annotations in La Magie naturelle, La Magie cleste and La
Magie crmonielle (Paris: Berg, 1982).
17. Yates, op.cit., pp. 214-216.
18. Bernard Gorceix, Alchimie (Paris: Fayard, 1980).
19. Concerning Paracelsus, see Walter Pagel, Paracelse,
introduction la philosophic de la Renaissance (Paris: Arthaud,
1963), English edition: Paracelsus; An Introduction to
Philosophical Medicine in the Era of the Renaissance. (Basel, New
York: S. Karger, 1958); and Lucien Braun, Paracelse
(Geneva: Slatkine, 1995).
20. Roland Edighoffer, La Rose-Croix au XVIIe sicle in
Cahiers du G.E.S.C. (Paris: Arch, 1993) p. 108.
Chapter 3
1. Du monde clos Iuniverse infini (Paris: Gallimard, 1973) p. 9.
English edition: From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968,1974), Publications of
the Institute of the History of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins
University. Third series: The Hideyo Noguchi lectures v. 7.
Chapter 4
1. Concerning this individual, see Magister Simon Studio,
Chapter 5
1. A French edition of this text was published in 1615 under
the name Les cent premires nouvelles et aduis de Parnasse par
Chapter 6
1. Papus provided a French translation of this text at the end
of his Trait lmentaire de sciences occultes (Paris, 1903).
2. Les Langues occultes de la Renaissance (Paris: Dejonqure, 1996)
chapter IV, pp. 101-115.
3. The quotes from this manifesto are taken from The Fame and
Confession of R:C: by Eugenius Philalethes.
4. Henry Corbin, En Islam iranien (Paris: Gallimard, 1972) vol.
I, XXIX. We will return to this fundamental point in the
next chapter.
5. See LAlchimie au XVIIe siecle, compiled under the
direction of Franck Greiner, Chrysopeia, vol. VI, 1999, p. 7.
6. He was the publisher of many alchemical texts, including
Chapter 7
1. Histoire des Rose-Croix (Bihorel: Bibliothque des Amitis
Spirituelles, 1932) pp. 110 and 332. This study, even though
it contains numerous errors, remains interesting for more
than its title.
2. Mircea Eliade, Le Sacr et le profane (Paris: 1965, Gallimard).
English edition: The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of
Religion. Willard R. Trask, translator (San Diego: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1959). Regarding this subject, also see
Mircea Eliade and Raffaele Pettazzoni, Lhistoire des religions
a-t-elle un sens? (Paris: Cerf, 1994).
3. A term coined by Rudolf Otto. From the Latin numen: God.
See his book Le Sacr (Paris: Payot, 1949). English edition:
The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry into the Non-rational Factor in the
Idea of the Divine and Its Relation to the Rational. John W.
Chapter 8
1. Aspects de la tradition alchimique au XVIIe sicle, acts of the
international conference of the University of ReimsChampagne-Ardennes on 2829 November 1996, under the
direction of Frank Greiner, Chrysopoeia (Paris: Arch, 1998) p.
2. Romans 8:19-22.
3. Bernard Gorceix, Alchimie (Paris: Fayard, 1980).
4. We find here numerous references to Lexicon Alchemiae by
Martin Rulland (1612). English edition: A Lexicon of Alchemy,
by Martin Ruland the Elder. A. E. Waite, translator (London:
J.M. Watkins, 1964).
5. Roland Edighoffer, Rose-Croix et socit idale selon ]ohann
Valentin Andrae, vols. 1 and II (Paris: Arma Artis, 1982 and
6. Edighoffer, Rose-Croix et socit idale . . . , ibid., vol II., brings
together his entir bibliography: books, translations,
editions, correspondence, and manuscripts, pp. 761-781.
7. The Golden Fleece is a symbol which designated the Great
Work. A fascinating work regarding this subject was written
by Antoine Faivre, Toison dor et Alchimie (Paris: Arche 1990).
English edition: The Golden Fleece and Alchemy (Albany NY:
State University of New York Press, 1993).
8. Bernard Gorceix, La Bible des Rose-Croix, introduction (Paris:
Presses Universitaires de France, 1970) pp. XXXVIII.
9. Regarding this subject, see the work of Salomon de Caus,
Hortus Palatinus (1620) and in particular the reissue of Le
Chapter 9
1. Apologia compendiaria fraternitatem de RoseaCruce suspicionis et
infamiae maculis aspersam, veritatis quasi fluctibus abluens et
abstergens (Leiden, 1616).
2. See Chapter 2, Natural Magic.
3. Echo der von Gott Hocherleuchtetinen Fraternitet des lblichen Ordens
R.C. (Danzig, 1616).
4. Novus Tractatus chymicus de Vera Materia, veroque processu Lapidis
philosophici quo pleniorem ataque fdeliorem hactenus non vidit
mundus. Cui accessit sub calcem, ut verum ita sincerum de Fratemitate
R.C. judicium . . . (Frankfurt, 1617).
5. Silentium post clamores. . . (Frankfurt, 1617).
6. Clypeum veritatis; Das ist Kurtez, jedoch Grndliche Antwort
respective . . . (Amsterdam, 1618).
7. Pegasus Firmamenti sive Introductio Brevis in vtrum sapientiam,
quae olim ab Aegyptiis et Persi Magia, hodie vero a Venerabili
Fratemitate Rosae Crucis Pansophia recte vocatur . . . (Amsterdam,
1618). Joseph Stellat was a pseudonym used by Christoph
22. These numbers are taken from the book by Henry Bogdan,
La Guerre de Trente Ans (1618-1648) (Paris,1997) chap.12.
23. This engraving is reproduced in The Rosicrucian Enlightenment,
op. cit., plate 15.
Chapter 10
1. Mysterium arithmeticum sive cabalistica et philosophica Inventio . . .
(Ulmens, 1615), in quarto, by Johan Faulhaber (1580-1635),
celebrated for his mathematical knowledge. Paul Arnold was
wrong when he stated in Histoire des Rose-Croix (Paris:
Mercure de France, 1955) that there was no indication that
Faulhaber had any knowledge of the existence of the
2. Adrien Baillet, La Vie de M. Des Cartes (Paris, 1961) tome I,
pp.87-88. English edition: The Life of Monsieur Des Cartes:
Containing the History of His Philosophy and Works: As Also the
Most Remarkable Things That Befell Him During the Whole Course
of His Life (London: Printed for R. Simpson, 1693).
3. Ferdinand of Styria, king of Bohemia since1617, succeeded
Emperor Matthias II.
4. Frances A. Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (Boulder, CO:
Shambala, 1978) p. 117.
5. G. Persigout first noted this distinctive feature in
Rosicrucianisme et cartsianisme (Paris: d. de la Paix, 1938),but
he simply scraped the surface, in contrast to later authors,
such as Paul Arnold in his Histoire des Rose-Croix (Paris:
Mercure de France, 1955), and most of all Sophie Jama
28. To avoid deviating from our subject, we will not delve into
this matter which has given rise to an impressive quantity of
publications. Rather, we will refer interested readers to the
book of Ignatius Donnelly, The Great Cryptogram: Francis
Bacons Cipher in the So-called Shakespeare Plays (1887); to those
of the mathematician Georg Canton, La Confession de foi de
Francis Bacon, Rsurrection du divin Quirinus Francis Bacon, and
Le Recueil de Rawley (1896; republished by rick Porge chez
Grec in 1997 under the title La Thorie Bacon-Shakespeare); to
that of Dr. Speckman,Bacon is Shakespeare (1916); the
studies published in 1922 and 1923 by General Cartier
under the title Le mystere Bacon-Shakespeare, in the
Rosicrucian Forum, August 1932, published in the magazine
Rose-Croix, No. 136, Winter 1985, p. 22-24. Also see Dodd,
Alfred, Shakespeare Creator of Freemasonry (London: Rider and
Co. 1937). and the article Bacon vs. Shakespeare, in the
Rosicrucian Forum, Vol. III, No. 1 (August 1932) pp. 25-27.
29. See Chapter 14, The Rose Garden of the Magi.
30. The Masters (London: Theosophical Publications, 1912). This
work followed a series of conferences given by Annie
Besant in London in 1907. Rudolf Steiner took a similar
position during the same period. In 1912 Annie Besant,
Marie Russak, H. Wedgwood, and other Theosophists
created an order reminiscent of Rosicrucianism. Their work
was interrupted in 1918. Marie Russak then became a
member of AMORC.
31. The authors of this work only used their initials: H.C. and
K.M.B. It was published in Paddington by Amy BothwellGosse, an eminent member of the English branch of Le
Droit Hurnain and the editor of the review The Co-Mason.
32. Frances Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (Boulder, CO:
Shambhala, 1978) Chapter XI. For this information she
relied on a study by Paolo Rossi, Francis Bacon: From Magic
to Science (London, 1968).
33. Although the Fama Fratemitatis was not published until
1614, whereas Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Divine and Humane was published in 1605, it should be
recalled that the first Rosicrucian manifesto circulated in
manuscript form many years before its publication.
34. Dat rosa rnel apibus, the celebrated illustration of
Summum Bonum (1626). See fig. 30.
35. Novum Organum (London, 1620). English edition: The
Instauratio Magna Part II: Novum Organum and Associated Texts.
Edited with introduction, notes, commentaries, and facingpage translations by Graham Rees with Maria Wakely. The
Oxford Francis Bacon v.11 (Oxford: Clarendon, 2004).
36. There remains some uncertainty as to the date of its writing.
It has been generally claimed he worked on this text in
1623. See, Michle Le Doeuff and Margaret Llasera, La
Nouvelle Atlantide (Paris: Payot, 1983) p. 13. Bacon wanted
this text to be published following his Natural History (Sylva
Chapter 11
1. Andersons Constitutions, in Textes fondateurs de la tradition
maonnique 1390-1760, translated and edited by Patrick
Ngrier (Paris: Grasset, 1989) p. 226. English edition:
Andersons Constitutions of 1723, with introduction by Bro. Lionel
Vibert (Washington, D.C.: The Masonic Service Association
of the United States, 1924). Facsimile reproduction of
London editions, 1723: p. 25-121.
2. On the appearance of the Master Degree, see Eugne
Flicien Albert Goblet dAlviella, Des Origines du Grade de
Matre dans la Franc-Maonnerie (Paris: Trdaniel 1983) and
Roger Dachez, Essai sur lorigine du grade de Matre,
Renaissance Traditionnelle, No. 91-92, July-October 1992.
3. Antoine Faivre, Acces de lsoterisme occidental (Paris: Gallimard,
1996) tome 2, p. 285. English edition: Theosophy, Imagination,
Tradition: Studies in Western Esotericism (Albany: State
University of New York Press, 2000).
Chapter 12
1. See his books Le Christianisme dvoil ou Examen des principles et
des effets de la religion chrtienne (1767) and Trait des trois
imposteurs, referring to Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed.
English editions: (1) Christianity Unveiled: Being an Examination
of the Principles and Effects of the Christian Religion. Translated
from the French of Boulanger by W.M. Johnson. (New
York: Gordon Press, 1974). (2) The Treatise of the Three
Impostors and the Problem of Enlightenment: A New Translation of
the Trait des trois imposteurs (1777 edition) with Three Essays in
Chapter 13
1. Dr. Justinus Kerners work, Die Seherin von Prevorst (Stuttgart:
J.G. Cotta, 1829) 2 vols. in octavo, was translated into
French by Dr. Dusart under the direction of Colonel de
Rochas, and published by Chamuel in 1900 under the title
La Voyante de Prevorst. English edition: The Seeress of Prevorst;
Being Revelations Concerning the Inner-Life of Man, and the InterDiffusion of a World of Spirits in the One We Inhabit.
Communicated by Justinus Kerner. Translated from the German,
by Mrs. Crowe (London: J.C. Moore, 1845).
2. Horatio W. Dresser, Health and Inner Life (New York and
London: G.P. Putmans Sons, 1906) p. 24.
3. Andrew Jackson Davis wrote his autobiography: The Magic
Staff; An Autobiography of Andrew Jackson Davis (New York:
J.s.Brown; Boston: Bela Marsh, 1857). After his death in
February 1910, the Annales des sciences psychiques
mentioned him in an article entitled La mort du prophte
des spirites anglo-amricains, where he was described as
being as important an individual as Allan Kardec. Arthur
Conandoyle, dedicated chapter III to him in History of
Spiritualism (London: Cassell & Co., 1926).
4. Lon Denis provided numerous details concerning this
affair in the book Dans linvisible, spiritisme et mdiumnit, new
edition corrected and augmented (Paris: Librairie des
sciences psychiques, 1922) pp. 205-210.
5. Allan Kardec, Livre des Esprits, contenant les principes de la
doctrine spirite, sur la nature des esprits, leur manifestation et leurs
rapports avec les hommes, les lois morales, la vie prsente, la vie future
et lavenir de Vhumanite. Ecrit sous la dietee et publie par lordre
desprits suprieurs (Paris: Dentu, 1857). (The book of the
spirits, containing the principles of spiritualist teaching, on
the nature of spirits, their manifestation and relations with
people, the moral laws, the present life, the future life and
the life of humanity. Written under dictation and published
by the Order of Superior Spirits.) English edition: The
Spirits Book (Philadelphia: A. Kardec Educational Society,
6. In 1858, Pierre Lorrain published a French translation of
Zanoni (Hachette et Cie.). In 1924, mile Nourry published
another, more complete version including illustrations by
Robert Lanz. This version was reprinted in French by
Diffusion Rosicrucienne in April 2001. English edition:
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton. Zanoni (San Bernadino, CA:
Borgo Press, 2002).
7. This event was related by liphas Lvi in Dogme et ritual de la
haute magie (Paris: Germer Baillire, 1856) chap. XIII, and
commented upon by Paul Chacornac in liphas Lvi,
rnovateur de loccultisme en France (1810-1875) (Pahs:
Chacornac frres, 1926) chap. X. English edition of Dogme et
ritual: Transcendental Magic, Its Doctrine and Ritual. Translated,
annotated and introduced by Arthur Edward Waite. (New
York: S. Weiser, 1972).
8. Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Centuries (Boston: Occult Publishing Company, 1888). This
book was published in French as Symholes secrets des
Rosicruciens des XVIe et XVIIe sicles (Le Tremblay, Diffusion
Rosicrucienne, 1997). Current English edition: Secret Symbols
of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries (San Jose, CA:
Chapter 14
1. Individuals in this movement also dabbled in such subjects
as the return to nature and primitive cults, nationalism,
anarchism, the worship of the beautiful human body and of
exceptional races.
2. Philippe Baillet, Monte Verit (1900-1920) ou la
complexit du romantisme anticapitaliste, in Politica
vol. II, No. 2, pp. 173-192. This article emphasizes the role
of Kumris, a group founded by Francis Vurgey, a follower
of Josphin Pladan from Nancy.
32. Les Compagnons de la hirophanie (Paris: Dobon, 1937) p. 22.
33. Roland Edighoffer, Johann Valentin Andrae, Rose-Croix et
socit idale (Paris: Arma Artis, 1982) pp. 207-208; and Paul
Arnold, Histoire des Rose-Croix (Paris: Mercure de France,
1955) pp. 72-81.
Chapter 15
1. The magazine The American Rosae Crucis was published from
1916 to 1920. Cromaat, published from 1919 to 1921, was
replaced in January 1921 by The Triangle. In May 1925 the
latter became The Mystic Triangle, which became, in October
1929, The Rosicrucian Digest. Most of the magazines were
published monthly, and all together they constitute a
collection of more than 1,000 issues.
2. Julius Friedrich Sache, The German Pietists of Provincial
Pennsylvania 1694-1708, pp. 37-39.
3. Arthur E. Waite, The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross (London,
1924) p. 601.
4. Serge Hutin, Les disciples anglais de Jacob Boehme aux XVIIe et
XVIIIe sicles (Paris: Denoel, coll. la Tour Saint-Jacques,
1960) p. 119.
5. Concerning this movement, see Les pitismes lge classique,
crise, conversion, institutions, Anne Lagny, editor (Villeneuve
dAscq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, collection
Racines et modles, 2001).
6. Concerning the troubled period following the publication of
the Rosicrucian manifestos, see Chapter 9, White
7. Antoine Faivre, Lsotrisme au X VIIIe sicle (Paris: Seghers,
1973) pp. 57-58.
8. Regarding this individual, see Chapter 6, Johann Arndt.
9. A spiritual movement arising around the end of the 14th
century in the Netherlands under the influence of Gerard
Groote (1340-1384) and in an atmosphere permeated with
the spirituality of Meister Eckhart and Ruysbroek. The
Devotio Moderna seeks to orient the spiritual life toward
personal prayer and inner asceticism. This movement was
also active in France and Germany until the 16th century.
The Imitation of Christ, written by Thomas Kempis
(1379/80-1471), a book characteristic of this movement, is,
after the Bible, the most read work among Christians.
10. Roland Edighoffer, Utopie et sodalit selon Johann
Valentin Andreae, Gnostica 3Esotrisme, gnose et imaginaire
symbolique, mlanges offerts Antoine Faivre, Richard Caron,
Joscelyn Godwin, Wouter J. Hanegraaff, and Jean-Louis
Chapter 16
1. Lewis, Ralph Maxwell. Cosmic Mission Fulfilled (San Jose, CA:
Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, 1978, 1966) p. 32.
Chapter 17
1. The information was taken from various sources: Mrs. May
Banks-Stacey, Matre, Rosae Crucis America, The American
Rosae Crucis, Vol. I, No. 1, January 1916, p. 17; The
Supreme Matre Emeritus Raised to the Higher Realms,
Cromaat D, 1918, pp. 26-27; and Harvey Spencer Lewis,
The Authentic and Complete History of the Ancient and
Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, The Mystic Triangle, January
1928, pp. 335-336. Certain facts were taken from the
correspondence between Delia Stacey Muller (May BanksStaceys daughter-in-law) and Harvey Spencer Lewis, in
1930. These documents are part of the archives of the
Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC.
2. Captain Cromwell Stacey, of the 21st American Infantry,
was the man who captured Garcia and killed the head of the
insurrection in Samar, in the Philippines. Also, during his
stay, he was named precidente of Parang.
3. The information provided by her daughter-in-law does not
allow us to place these travels with accuracy. However, it
seems that she began to travel after her husbands deathin
a good astrologer.
18. The subjects treated in the Journal du magntisme, the
magazine of the Socit Magntique de France, correspond
completely with the concerns that Harvey Spencer Lewis
had at this time. Much of this magazine is composed of
bibliographical notices and of a listing of books published
by the Durville publishing house. It was distributed in many
countries. The geographical location of Henri Durvilles
bookshop and its description may correspond to some of
the information provided by Lewis in his narrative.
19. Lewis, Harvey Spencer, A Pilgrims Journey to the East,
The American Rosae Crucis, May 1916, pp. 12-27.
20. During this period, following the affair of the renewed
Templar Order, these two men were cool towards Papus.
Indeed, in 1908, during a spiritualistic sance conducted by
Martinists meeting in a hotel located at 17 Rue des Canettes,
they received in writing the mission of founding of a
Templar order whose leader would be Ren Gunon. Thus
was born the renewed Templar Order, whose creation
would bring about the exclusion of Ren Gunon from the
Martinist Order. It was dissolved in 1911, at the time that
Dujols had fallen gravely ill. It is interesting to note that
among the seven degrees of this order, the fourth was
curiously called the Rose-Croix of Egypt.
21. It should be noted that before taking over the Librairie du
Merveilleux, Pierre Dujols was a journalist in Toulouse. The
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
1. A large community of Russian emigrants hostile to
Communism lived in Harbin. In November 1926 the Grand
Lodge of Russia merged with the Grand Lodge of China.
Chapter 20
1. Shortly after the death of Ralph Maxwell Lewis the RoseCroix published a special issue containing many articles
about the life and achievements of this exceptional man
(No. 145, Spring 1988). English edition: Rosicrucian Digest
Vol 65 (1987) Memorial Issue.
As an aid to the reader, the following bibliography has been
divided into subject categories. It does not claim to be exhaustive,
but rather provides a selec tion that is helpful for those individuals
who wish to deepen their knowledge of the subjects listed. So as not
to overburden this selection, we have not included the esoteric texts
themselvesthe reader wiII find references to them in the endnotes
but rather the works dedicated to them.
Caillet, Albert-Louis, Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou
occultes (Paris: Dorbon, 1912) 3 vols.: Vol. I, A to D, 531 pp.;
Vol. II, E to L, 533 pp.; Vol. III, M to Z, 766 pp.
Corsetti, Jean-Paul, Histoire de Iesoterisme et des sciences occultes
(Paris: Larousse, 1992) 343 pp.
Faivre, Antoine, Acces de Iesoterisme occidental (Paris: Gallimard, 1986)
reprinted in 2 vols.: 1996, Vol. I, 377 pp.; Vol. II, 437 pp. English
language version: Vol. 1: Access to Western Esotericism (Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1994); Vol. 2: Theosophy,
Imagination, Tradition: Studies in Western Esotericism (Albany:
State University of New York Press, 2000).
. L Esoterisme (Paris: PUF, Coll. Que sais-je?, 1992) 124 pp.;
reprinted 1994.
Godwin, Joscelyn, The Theosophical Enlightenment (Albany: State
University of New York Press, 1994) 448 pp., ill.
Guenon, Rene, Aperqus sur Iinitiation (Paris: Editions traditionnelles,
1986) 303 pp. English language version: Perspectives on Initiation
(Ghent: Sophia Perennis et Universalis, 2001).
Hornung, Erik, L Egypte esoterique, le savoir occulte des Egyptiens et son
influence en Occident (Monaco: Editions du Rocher, 2002) 274 pp.
Originally Das esoterische gyptens (Munich, 1999). English
language version: The Secret Lore o f Egypt: Its Impact on the West
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002).
Lenglet du Fresnoy, Histoire de la philosophie hermetique (Paris:
Riffard, Pierre, Dictionnaire de Iesoterisme (Paris: Payot, 1983) 387 pp.,
. LEsoterisme: Quest-ce que Iesoterisme? Anthologie de Iesoterisme
occidental (Paris: Robert Laffont, Coll. Bouquins, 1990) 1016 pp.
. LOccultisme: textes et recherches (Paris: Librairie Larousse, Coll.
Ideologies et Societes, 1981) 191 pp., ill.
Servier, Jean, ed., Dictionnaire critique de Iesoterisme (Paris: PUF, 1998)
1449 pp.
Thorndike, Lynn, A History of Magic and the Experimental Science (New
York: Columbia, University Press, 1984; 1st ed.: 1923-1958), 8
vols.: Vol. I, 835 pp.; Vol. II, 1036 pp.; Vol. Ill, 827 pp.; Vol. IV,
767 pp.; Vol. V, 695 pp.; Vol. VI, 766 pp.; Vol. VII, 695 pp.; Vol.
language version: Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th
Centuries; 1st ed.: Altona, 1785 and 1788. Modern edition: (San
Jose, CA: AMORC, 1967).
Toussaint, Serge, Faut-il brler les Rose-Croix? La nouvelle inquisition
(Paris: LPM, 2000) 215 pp.
Wehr, Gerhard, Johann Valentin Andrae, die Bruderschaft der
Rosenkreuzer (Munich: Diederichs, 1995).
Yates, Frances Amelia, La Lumire des Rose-Croix (Paris: Retz, 1985)
287 pp., ill. English language version: The Rosicrucian
Enlightenment (London, 1972).
Bonneville, Nicolas, La Maonnerie cossaise compare avec les trois
professions et le secret des templiers du XIVe sicle (Paris: C. Volland,
1788) 2 parts in octavo: 134 pp. and 172 pp.
Dachez, Roger, Des maons opratifs aux francs-maons spculatifs, les
origines de Iordre (Paris: EDIMAF, 2001) 127 pp.
. Essai sur lorigine du grade de maitre, Renaissance traditionnelle,
No. 91-92, July-October 1992, pp. 218-232.
Encyclopdie de la franc-maonnerie, under the direction of ric Saunier
(Paris: Livre de poche, 2000) 982 pp.,ill.
Ferrer-Benimeli, Jos A., Les Archives secrts du Vatican et de la francmaonnerie, histoire dune condamnation pontifcale (Paris: Dervy, 1989)
908 pp.
Goblet dAlviella, Eugne Flicien Albert, Des origines du grade de
232 pp. Saunier, Jean, La Synarchie (Paris: C.A.L., 1971) 287 pp.
Arnold, Paul, sotrisme de Shakespeare (Paris: Mercure de France,
1955) 280 pp.
Cantor, Georg, La Confession de foi de Francis Bacon, La Rsurrection du
divin Quirinus Francis Bacon and Le Recueil de Rawley (1896); reprinted:
La Thorie Bacon-Shakespeare, under the direction of rick Porge
(Grec, 1997).
Chailley, Jacques, La Flte enchante, opera maonnique (Paris: Robert
Laffont, coll. Diapason, 1968 and 1982) 367 pp., ill. English
language version: Magic Flute Unveiled: Esoteric Symbolism in Mozarts
Masonic Opera (Rochester: Inner Traditions, 1992).
Chastel, Andr, Art et humanisme Florence au temps de Laurent le
Magnifique tudes sur la Renaissance et Lhumanisme platonicien (Paris:
PUF, 1982) 580 pp.
. Marsile Ficin et Lart (Geneva: Droz, 1954 and 1996) 228 pp., ill.
Cotte, Roger, La musique maqonnique et ses musiciens (Paris: Borrego,
1991) 231 pp.
Donnelly, Ignatius, The Great Cryptogram: Francis Bacons Cipher in the
So-called Shakespeare Plays (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle
and Rivington, 1888) 2 vols., 998 pp.
gyptomania, gypte dans lart occidental 1730-1930 (collective) (Paris
and Ottawa: Runion des muses nationaux) 605 pp., ill. English
language version: Egyptomania: Egypt in Western Art. 1730-1930
ARIES (Association pour la recherche et linformation sur lsotrisme), 1985present: Paris, La Table dmeraude et Brill, Academic Publishers,
2001-present: half-yearly, directed by Roland Edighoffer, Jacques
Fabry, and Antoine Faivre.
American Rosae Crucis, The, 1916-1920, monthly, AMORCs
magazine for English-speaking countries.
Ambix The Journal of the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Early
Chemistry, 1937-present, quarterly, Cambridge, Hoffer Printers.
Cahiers de luniversit Saint-Jeande Jerusalem (Centre international
dtudes spirituelles compares), 19751985, Paris, Berg
Cahiers du Groupe dtudes spirituelles compares (G.E.S.C.), 1992-present,
yearly, fait suite a lU.S.J.J.
Chrysopoeia, magazine published by the Socit dtude de lhistoire
de lalchimie, directed by Sylvain Matton, 1987-present.
tudes traditionnelles, 1937-1972, fortnightly.
Initiation (L) 1st series: 1889-1914, publication of Papus Martinist
Order, monthly; new series by Philippe Encausse 1952-present,
Mystic Triangle, The, 1925-1929, monthly, AMORCs magazine for
English-speaking countries.
Pantacle, 1993-present, yearly, magazine of the Traditional Martinist
Abano, Peter of
Abd alRahman I
Abraham ben Isaac
Abravanel, Judah
Abulafia, Abraham
Accomani, Cesare, see Zam Bhotiva.
Adam, Charles
Adamson, Henry
Aegidius of Tebaldio
Agnostus, Irenaeus
Agrippa, Cornelius Heinrich
Aia Aziz, see Thon, Max.
Al Manor
Anderson, James
Andreae, Jakob
Andreae, Johann Valentin
Angel, Frre
Apollonius of Rhodes
Apollonius of Tyana
Arndt, Johann
Arnold of Villanova
Arnold, Gottfried
Arnold, Paul
Ashmole, Elias
Assmann, Jan,
Atkinson, William Walker
Augustine, St.
Aumer, Jean-Pierre
Aurobindo, Sri
Baal Shem Tov
Babbitt, Dr.
Bacon, Francis
Bacon, Nicholas
Bacon, Roger
Baillet, Adrien
Balbiani, Prince
Balinus, see Apollonius of Tyana.
Ballanche, Pierre
Balzac, Honor de
Banks, Thaddeus
Banks-Stacey, May
Barbey dAurevilly, Jules
Barlet, F-Ch.
Barrett, SirWilliam
Baudelaire, Charles
Beauregard, Joseph de
Bdarrides, Marc and Michel
Beeckman, Isaac
Bhar, Pierre
Beissel, Conrad
Bellcastle-Ligne, Raynaud E. de
Belon, Pierre
Ben Aifa, Soliman
Benedict XV
Benedictus Figulus
Boyle, Robert
Brahe, Tycho
Braid, James
Brassard, Albert B.
Brenz, Johann
Bricaud, Jean
Brot of fer, Ratichius
Brouncker, William
Brunfels, Otto
Bruno, Giordano
Bruxius, Adam
Bry, Jean Thodore de
Buber, Martin
Buchanan, Joseph Rodes
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc
Buhle, Johann Gottlieb
Bulwer Lytton, Edward
Burgoyne, Thomas H.
Burke, Miss
Burne-Jones, Edward
Cadet, M.
Cagliostro, Alessandro
Cahagnet, Louis-Alphonse
Caillet, Albert Louis
Callaghan, John P.
Campanella, Tommaso
Canseliet, Eugene
Cardes, Jean-Raymond
Casaubon, Isaac
Catherine of Aragon
Caus, Salomon de
Chaboseau, Augustin
Chaboseau, Jean
Chambers, George Robert
Champollion, Jean-Franois
Charles I, king of England
Charles II, king of England
Charles of Hesse-Cassel
Charles V
Chatel, Abb
Chaunu, Pierre
Christian of Anhalt
Christian, Pierre
Christina of Sweden
Clarke, H.
Clement of Alexandria
Clement VII
Clymer, Reuben Swinburne
Colgen, Mr
Comenius, Johann Amos Komensky
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Coppens, Christiaen
Corbin, Henry
Cosimo di Medici
Cosmoxene, Christian
Couliano, Ioan P.
Court de Gbelin, Antoine
Croll, Oswald
Cromwell Reynolds, Delia
Crook, Florence
Crookes, William
Crossman, Mr.
Crowley, Aleister
Curie, Pierre and Marie
Dalmayrac, Ernest
Dante Alighieri
Dantinne, mile
Davidson, Peter
Davis, Andrew Jackson
Davy, Marie-Madeleine
De Quincey, Thomas
Dean, Charles Dana
Dee, John
Delaage, Henri
Delacroix, Eugne
Deleuze, Joseph-Pierre
Delville, Jean
Desaguliers, John Theophilus
Descartes, Ren
Diderot, Denis
Didier, Alexis
Diodorus Siculus
Dion Fortune
Dionysius the Areopagite
Divoire, Fernand
Dodd, Alfred
Doget, John
Dorn, Gerhard
Dramart, Louis
Drebbel, Cornelis
Dresser, Annetta Gertrude
Dresser, Horatio Willis
Dresser, Julius A.
Du Bourg, family
Du Mge, Alexandre
Dujols, Pierre
Dumas, Alexandre
Dupotet de Sennevoy, Jules Denis, Baron
Dupre, Eugne
Dupuis, Charles-Franois
Dupuy, Louis-Emmanuel
Durand de Gros, Dr.
Durville, Gaston
Durville, Hector
Durville, Henri
Dutoit-Membrini, Jean-Philippe
Dutrech, Dr.
Eckhart, Johannes, called Meister
Eckhartshausen, Karl von
Eddy, Mary Baker
Edighoffer, Roland
Edward I, king of England
Eglin Iconius, Raphael
Eldir, Alained
Eliade, Mircea
Elias Artista
FerdinandI of Habsburg
Ferdinand II of Habsburg
Ferdinand of Styria, see Ferdin and II of Habsburg.
Ferrer-Benimelli, Jos .A.
Feure, Georgesde
Ficino, Marsilio
Fictuld, Hermann,
Filiger, Charles,
Firth, Violet, see Dion Fortune.
Flamel, Nicholas
Flammarion, Camille,
Fletcher, Ella Adelia
Florentinus de Valentia
Fludd, Robert
Fortune, Dion
Fourni, Abb Pierre
Fox, Margaret and Katie
Fra Angelico
Franck, Csar
Francke, August Hermann
Frank, Sebastien
Franklin, Benjamin
Franz, Marie-Louisevon
Frederick II, king of Prussia
Frederick of Wrttemberg
Haven, Marc
Hecataeus of Abdera
Heindel, Max
Helmont, Jan Baptista van
Helvtius, Claude Adrien
Henry III, king of France
Henry IV, king of France
Henry of Navarre, see Henry IV.
Henry VIII, king of England
Hermes Trismegistus
Hess, Tobias
Hesse, Hermann
Heydon, John
Heyland, Samuel
Hirsch, Christoph
Hoberveschel von Hobernfeld, Andreas
Hodby, William B.
Hodgson, Richard
Hodler, Ferdinand
Hoffman, Catherine
Hoffman, Melchior
Hofmann, Ida
Holbach, Paul Henri Dietrich d
Home, Daniel Dunglas
Hopkins, Emma Curtis
Hornung, Erik
Hudnut, Eliza
Hudson, Thomson Jay
Huet, Pierre Daniel
Hugode Santalla
Hugo, Victor
Hund, Johann Gottlieb von
Hunt, William Holman
Huser, Johann
Husson, Dr.
Hutin, Serge
Hyslop, James H.
ibn Arabi
ibn Qurra, see Thabitibn Qurra.
ibn-Umailal-Tamimi, Muhammad
La Rochefoucault, Antoine de
Laban, Rudolf von
Lacordaire, Father Henri
Lacroze, Gary de
Lacuria, Paul
Lagrze, Georges
Landauer, Gustav
Lapasse, Viscount douard de
Larmandie, Count de
Lassalle, Clovis
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent de
Le Fvre de la Boderie
Le Forestier, Rne
Lead, Jane
Lebey, Andr
Lebrun, Clement
Lederlin, Jakob
Leene, Jan
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste
Lenoir, Alexandre
Leo Africanus
Leroux, Pierre
Lvi, liphas
Levingston, William
Lvy, Charles
Lewis, Aaron Rittenhouse
Lewis, Earle R.
Lewis, Harvey Spencer
Lewis, Martha
Lewis, Ralph Maxwell
Lewis, Samuel
Leymarie, Pierre-Gaetan
Libavius, Andreas
Lindstedt, Conrad H.
Little, Robert Wentworth
Lodge, Sir Oliver
Lombroso, Cesare
Loria, Mr.
Louis XVI, king of France
Lully, Jean-Baptiste
Lully, Raymond
Luther, Martin
Ltke, Daniel
Luys, Dr. Jules
Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H.
Maginot, Adle
Magre, Maurice
Maxwell, William
Mayer, Christian Daniel von
McBlain Thomson, Matthew
Mederes, David
Menapius, F.G.
Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich
Mercator, Gerhardus
Mercier, Mme., see Eldir, Alaine d
Merian, Matthas
Merlau, Eleonor von
Mersenne, Marin
Merswin, Rulman
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Michaud, Guy
Michelet, Jules
Michelet, Victor-mile
Millais, John Everett
Minne, George
Mocet, Dr.
Mgling, Daniel, see Florentinus de Valentia.
Mols, P.
Moray, Sir Robert
More, Thomas
Moreas, Jean
Moreau, Gustave
Mormius, Peter
Morris, William
Moses of Leon
Moses, William Stainton
Mother, see Alfassa, Mirra.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muggleton, Lodowicke
Mulford, Prentice
Mnster, Sebastian
Myers, Frederick William Henry
Nasir-e Khosraw
Naud, Gabriel
Naumann, Gottlieb
Neuhaus, Heinrich
Newton, Isaac
Nicholas of Cusa
Nicolai, Philip
Nodier, Charles
Novikov, Nikolai
Nyst, Raymond
ONeal Haye, Anthony
Oedenkoven, Henri
Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph
Offray de la Mettrie, Julien
Olcott, Henry Steel
Ormus, or Ormissus
Ortelius, Abraham,
Osbert, Alphonse
Otto Heinrich, Count Palatine
Ourches, Count d
Palladino, Eusapia
Pantheus, Michael
Papin, Denis
Pars, Pierre-Adrien
Parkes, Dr. S.
Patrizi, Francesco
Paul, St.
Payne, George
Pladan, Adrien
Pladan, Josphin
Penn, William
Peter, St.
Petersen, Johann Wilhelm
Peuckert, Will-Erich
Philalethes, Eugenius, see Vaughan, Thomas
Philip a Gabella
Philip II, king of Spain
Philip the Good
Piaget, Jean
Pico della Mirandola,
Pioda, Alfredo,
Piper, Leonora
Piranesi, Giambattista
Pistorius, Johannes
Poiret, Pierre
Postel, Guillaume
Potier, Michael
Pott, Mrs. Henry
Poyan, Charles
Praetorius, Stephan
Previati, Gaetano
Prinz-Visser, M.
Privat, Paul douard
Ptolemy, Claudius
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre
Puysgur, Armand Marie Jacquesde
Chastenet, Marquisde
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst
Ragon, Jean-Marie
Raleigh, Walter
Ramasami, K.T.
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Rame, Daniel
Ramsay, Andrew Michael
Rawley, William
Redon, Odilon
Regnard, Jean-franois
Reuchlin, Johannes
Reuss, Theodor
Rhazes, see al-Razi.
Richet, Charles
Richter, Samuel, see Sincerus Renatus.
Riesener, William
Rivail, Hippolyte-Lon, see Kardec, Allan.
Robert of Chester
Rochas, Colonel Albert dAiglun de
Rochefoucault, Antoine de la
Roerich, Nicholas
Rolland, Romain
Rondelet, Guillaume
Rops, Flicien
Rose, Frdric
Rosenkreuz, Christian
Silvestre, Augustin-Franois de
Sincerus Renatus, XIII
Sinnett, Alfred Percy
Sohravardi, Shihaboddin Yahya
Speckman, A.H.W.
Spener, Philipp Jacob
Spenser, Edmund
Sperber, Julius
Sprat, Thomas
Sprengel, Anna
Steiner, Rudolf
Stellatus, Joseph, see Menapius, F.G.
Steuco, Agostino
Stewart, Gary
Stromberg, Frank,
Studion, Simon
Suso, Heinrich
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Tauler, Johannes
Terrasson, Abb Jean
Teste, Dr. Alphonse
Vesalius, Andreas
Villiers de lIsle-Adam, Auguste
Visme, A.P.J. de
Vivekanand, Swami
Voragin, Jacobusde
Vulliaud, Paul
Wachtmeister, Countess,
Wagner, Richard
Waite, Arthur Edward
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Weigel, Valentin
Welling, Christophe
Welling, Georg von
Welton, Charles
Wesley, John
Wessel, Wilhelm
Westcott, William Wynn
Wharton, Duke of
Whitefield, George
Wigston, W.F.C.
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler