Pierre de Lasenic - Sexual Magic PDF
Pierre de Lasenic - Sexual Magic PDF
Pierre de Lasenic - Sexual Magic PDF
(translated by ARHanousek from the French; as a photoreprint of the third Czech edition from 1935)
nakl. Trigon (1992)
The woman's brain is positively polarized,
kteis negatively; the man is the other way around.
LAW With respect to the organs of physical activity
it is physical in most cases
The law that slaves, or liberates, man active, woman passive.
The law of matter or the law of spirit, 4.
A ladder leading into the depths or sky, The gland ( d ) is one of the most important
Agony of Passion or Light of Knowledge,
occult authorities; serves what
But always the Way and Life,
mediator ( entremeteur ) between authorities ( c )
This is the Law of Sexuality.
and ( h ).
The other points from ( d ) to ( g ) end
refer to the so-called »gates of the occult way«
(along the spinal cord).
The first ( d ) "widest", ( e ) second, ( f ) third, and
( g ) the last, fourth, »narrowest gate«
(» Threshold Guard «).
Mystic-occult methods followed
for the most part, the main goal is: Irritation »snake
( d ) and its spinal cord up to
glands ( i ).
This irritation of the force (d) was performed
always and everywhere - including mysticism - on the way
sexual - whether intentionally or unintentionally.
So much for internal development
individua. to the outside applies according to
»New Eulis Loan Initiatives«
the following rules:
At the moment of excitement in sexual
Mysticism, alchemy, and so-called magic connection of two differently polarized
sexual (satanism, succubism and various of Venus imaginatively
types of witchcraft, including) »Larvae« Marta, Mars then »larvae« Venus;
closely with the sexual law. Plot, realization at the physical level
or "chemical process", process a sexual organs.
the development of forces and the path of their action 2.
in principle always the same for all directions This creates two main streams: A and B .
sexual occultism - only methods are 3.
different. The sexual arousal and hence
1. to the formation of said conditional currents
Feet ( a ) (palms at hands) co thus, there is not always a need for another
base, knees ( b ), genital tract individuals in the physical sense.
( c ), "snake power" ( d ), navel ( e ), solar 4.
mesh ( f ), small brain threshold ( g ), head Current A is possible under certain conditions
to the crown ( h ) and the occult gland in the middle arbitrarily conduct to effect
the foreheads at the root of the nose ( i ) are the main centers it is the most terrible and powerful
to develop occult forces. the power of nature we know.
as the being of everything else in everyone chapter. A reader who wants to get closer
more than mediocrity. get to know the subject,
we refer to the bibliography given at
Phantomic love recent pages.
Fuck the living incarnated beings An excerpt is given as an example
with phantom (larva) we gave this name. from the manuscript of LM Sinistrari d'Ameno
But not the connection that takes place (XVII century; translated from Latin in 1875
on the evolutionary path, but the coitus, into French).
operated with these beings for »When I was a professor in Pavia, he recognized
in order to attain sexual pleasure itself, there I am a woman of great manners, married,
to which the individual is driven, whether or not called Hieronyms.
curiosity, disgust, perversion whose It belonged to the parish of St. Michael and gave
irritation. Phantomic love known often bake bread from the house. One day a baker
brought her one more cake, which she did well
they were already in ancient times; other perception
she noticed. But the baker assured her that it was
on sexual issues at this time however
pastries from her dough, therefore she took a cake and
caused the adored love of the ancient world she ate it. At night, Hieronyms was disturbed
she also adored the hero of the act; they were therefore in a low voice, asking if it was a pie
mostly the gods and goddesses that descended good. She crossed herself in terror. "Do not worry
from the spheres of the heavens to come in contact nothing «, her voice soothed. »I don't want to hurt you,
with earthly beings, for example Jupiter- on the contrary; Enchanted by your beauty, I want to be pleased
Europa, Jupiter-Leda, Venus-Anchis, in your embrace. «At the same time, she kissed her
Thésis-Peleus etc. something on the mouth; the temptation lasted half an hour; lady
Chaldean and Egyptian mythology believed she resisted, but she went to her own in the morning
also in this kind of love; Indian theosophy confessor who advised her to defend herself
prayers. However, the temptation was repeated overnight
she even received some kind of angelic love
every night ... The frightened lady asked to be
in his doctrine under the name of devakhan.
exorcisovaná; they sanctified the house, the lady, the bed, and everything
these Middle Ages
eccentricities inrecord the greatest
their resistance development
against around - but in vain. The hell lover continued
in their pastimes. The lady begged, cried,
unnatural violence by the Catholic Church she swore to a phantom who sometimes took on
she closed the gates of her temples to love. some form of young man ... but all in vain.
Scientific background to these phenomenons She defended herself with a silver cross and only called it
must be sought in the spiritist principle the wildness of the demon who bit and beat her, so
mediumity, creating individual heavens the morning was full of bruises and bloody wounds.
collective larvae, gifted hidden When she prayed, the demon was unbearable
by the erotic tendencies of its creators, without room noise; carrying chairs, beating tables and
regardless of whether this creation was invoked destroyed furniture. Media phenomena.
author) After three months, when the demon attacks
deliberately or involuntarily.
did not stop, poor Lady Hieronyma did
To this theory about incubech and succuby, do promise to wear only gray
where the magic of living images belongs to intercourse of the robes of the Order of the Blessed
designed, we note that Bernardina of Feltre, if she is deprived of love
they were for the most part women who indulged themselves
persecution. So she wore a votive cloak on September 23 and
mentioned practices. Law she went to a church besieged by crowds
in previous website cited diváků; but a sudden blow of wind stripped her off
explains the natural tendency of the female, in the moment in front of the church so well that on
imaginative, positive brain to her body was left with no more than her bare hands.
imaginary creations. The curious had to cover it with their cloaks and
take the ashamed home. Pekelný dareba
Here are some classic examples from
for a long time he had been bothering Mrs. Hierony until he was tired
medieval and newer literature of ours
he left of his own free will. «
problem-solving - more than rich;
we keep the modern facts at the end of this
all their dreams, efforts, experiences and - Real love gives logically the assumption
all the resentment or love of his time the wish of all the best that can give life; -
She generations to come; and so tiny but wishes to the person we love, not to ourselves. -
abstract idea of spirit changing Inexplicable mistake "I love you" signifies
today, "I want you unconditionally for myself"; and
Providence is a real phenomenon to the breeder himself
that is, the root of all jealousy that has already stood
he judged himself in procreation to be himself so many lives, ideals and happiness.
unscrupulous plaintiff, defendant i - You may argue that unnecessary jealousy is
judge in one person. a natural product of love, pointing to
It will not be saved by the glorification of mothers who
animal heat episodes; - but we are human, not
mostly conceived inadvertently, not even marital animals and boasting culture for millennia
an institution which is covered by our morality old.
times of his mistake. - Only thoughts and feelings - A man who restricts his lover's freedom
his spirit falls on the weight of the Last or women by any prohibition, rings in advance
Court ... the death knell of his "eternal love", which was not even
strong enough to cross the border
And one who can only read a little
personal egoism. In most cases this
in the human subconscious, they understand that sexual
jealous selfishness at first flatters young women;
Satan's magic and problem is not a problem but the sooner their ideals are trampled,
sexual pervers in the true word the more they admired this crazy fear
meaning - as you are average impotent cowardice.
man of today and his judiciary - I heard somewhere that the lover's ideal covers
is a question of aesthetics, in a woman with the idea of a devil or an angel; but
opinion, culture, feeling and thought These are mere ideals that at the age of twenty
life of mankind at all. they can be replaced by an indefinite being
We recently discovered several with the brain of an active officer.
notes and aphorisms about marital love; - Dr. Stekel writes in his article on
the imaginary world: »A book a man reads himself,
they are, we admit, somewhat profane
which he only understands and already experiences himself, can
within our theme; yet they do
to become more dangerous to a woman than temptations
enough substance to consider who understands
mistresses «; I used to know husbands who
that our immediate sphere can be they stubbornly believed they were reincarnated
the way to the next journey only a Pharaoh couple from Ancient Egypt. And even
if perfectly mastered, regardless of after a 20-year marriage when the »queen«
transitional orders of today's times: bringing morning coffee to his wife
- »Love is a physical episode, skin Enigmatic hieroglyphics of the bed,
Raising their free hand ceremoniously,
an incident around which poets, moralists and
never forgot to be pathetic
judges of all time «- notes
in tone of ancient Egyptian ceremonial greeting
cleverly an author; but he forgets that
the simple epistle of the skin is also its axis kings: »Blood, strength, O Pharaoh!« And he had Pharaoh «
blood and power indeed surplus, which with permission
life work and that with those laying
his wife was often able to prove successfully
he scoffs, even he screams in a sweet chord on
texts seemingly different. - outside his materially restricted kingdom.
For in Egypt you knew this was completely
The question of marriage, monogamy or
moral, and the king also had so-called wives
bigamy, patriarchy or matriarchy, stood
"minor". - Where anyone was shouting with a smile
already mankind has a lot of paper and time; but I think so
the way to solving the problem of happy coexistence of two the shoulders above this crazy sausage; But I
I wasn't laughing because there was a lot of health
diverse sex individuals leads rather
philosophy in their union, - they were real
despite the two-sided maturity of the spirit. -
husbands not only here on earth, but also in their realm
- Logic in emotions has happened nowadays
illusions, and I often wondered if not better
the greatest conceivable utopia: you have not observed
to be a lucky fool than a resigned
Perhaps the woman becomes really jealous of
a philosopher, breathing heavily in a narrow,
her husband from the moment she began to sin
gilded frame of organized selfishness which
with an illegitimate lover?
is called the twentieth-century civilization ...
- He was looking for the Truth and they called him a fool.
- He denied the truth and was crazy.
- He forgot Start and End; and thereby
is Love.
- She is the only absolute truth,
like God; everything else is relative
- Did you dress in human morality?
Fool! What are they before Her? She tears you
it is on the shreds, for it is unrestrained as
an element that can capture everything a
to sacrifice themselves.
- Fool! Don't get caught up in things, concepts, and
phrases when the current catches you! Only yours
the spirit is your salvation. Everything else is not
everything else just dreams ...
- Why did you seek, fool, ideals on this
world? You don't know that they are real only
in your abstract imagery and for you
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Ricinus Paulus: Porta Lucis Augsburg 1516.
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Sinistrati d'Ameno-Louis Marie: Demonialites des Incubes et Succubes. 17th century manuscript
Valois Nicolas: Livres de Nicolas Valois