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(translated by ARHanousek from the French; as a photoreprint of the third Czech edition from 1935)
nakl. Trigon (1992)


are interested in sexual documentation

currents in occultism and religion.

Celui qui a une destiné véritable not doit

Readers! point partager les préjugés de la terre!

We did not write these chapters for those who

proclaiming moral cleansing, negate purity
of love - in one form or another.
We did not write this book for those who
having a mouth full of morality, mercy and
of wisdom, turns the pupils viciously into
from the corners of their eyes to see and learn
to practice your privacy!
We have not written this work for »Infallible
and the Knowing Adepts of the Great Work «who
watching their followers and the world
sitting in their troublesome shell
doctrines and "occult secrets".
We do not know adepts - we know only honest and
modest scholars, unknown secrets -
we only know that there is relative
We went through the temples of New Brotherhood
Eulis, we have seen the ceremonies of Priestesses of Kamadeva
in India, we were kneeling in the Temple of Love
in Egypt, we took part in celebrities
black masses, succubistic seats i
the victims of the Satanists ...
We saw one goddess everywhere - Love
- Isis - or Hecate - whether creating or destroying ...
We have seen and understood what we are
to understand, - we didn't think of
immorality - and that's why we went out
neporušeni ...
you »Saints«, »Prophets« and
Know the "shamrocks" that your "shame" and depicted
resistance to this work would only be reflective
the product of your imaginative sex,
that you failed to kill.
Know that you are the children of the Goddess of Love -
Nature - which perhaps makes the only mistake of that
gives life to theoretical morocars.
Literally, we do not ask
no claim to the level of this work;
it is neither a work of art nor a scientific work
publications, but a collection of our notes
observation, snůškou notes,
divided into seemingly chapters
uncompleted to serve only those who


Personification of embracing love,

Venus - Venus with thousands of names, but always
the same whether it depicts Beauty, Power, or Love
- or evil, destruction and bloody agony ...
INTRODUCTION The foot of their sacrifices and altars had been washed away
streams of blood, and sweat of foolish men, and thousands of heads
The endless chain of human development, the geniuses of all ages bowed before Him
a ladder, on which myriads rose Majesty: Wreaths, flowers, passionate dance
generation of humanity to higher levels, he led their priestesses on one - torment, thorny
always the star on nature the most crown and death on the other side of the same
acting, to Venus - a symbol of love. temple ... In one lost life she gave this
Primitive born in the middle goddesses of thousands others and tears of pain were u
fabulous gifts of happy nature, - Their altars have always heralded evolution
gifted, but also threatening cruelly, - he built beauty ...
autosuggestive protection from its components for
him least understandable,
or the most intangible
obávaných; it was primarily celestial
bodies and some natural phenomena like lightning,
storms, clouds and the like.
The desire for faith in higher and stronger, better and
more perfect beings in this valley of pain,
it gave rise to the establishment of various cults of faith and
religion. Did this faith help him?
We say yes, because she was the first
a step towards real humanity, first
an article on the ladder of human development
aesthetic and spiritual ...
In parallel with this development proceeded
and an ethical view of woman and love,
disregarding some excesses, which how
sexus, and religion brings on the go
Woman, physical initiator of a mysterious feeling
of love, - of love that has been and is so far
indefinable ecstasy, identical - indeed
often even more powerful - religious ecstasy,
allows a man to connect with an abstract
at this point; coming out of it,
man made way for these mysterious
phenomena in the desire to connect with higher realms.
sexual so was
was the basis for magic called
countless cults, beliefs,
religion and various sects.
Thousands of these celebrities
spawning nature, undoubtedly the most realistic
the miracle of the universe, accompanies us on the road,
from the most primitive
the beginnings of walking ...


on the principle of male and female, Adam and Eve,

and gave life to the generations from which it was born
Mary, wife of the Holy Spirit and mother
LEGEND The kings worshiped the Mother and the Son.
Son grown up, was murdered by katanas
Osiris-Isis Roman. She buried Mary with the help
The universe (Sibu-Nuit) duplicated on principle of the disciples of the Lord the body of Christ.
male (Sairi-Tyfon) and female (Nepthys- The body of Jesus remained in his grave
Sew). the ghost went into the limbo. (Bursting of two
Sit, Isis, Greek, was the wife of Sairi (Osiris) principles.)
and later Mother Horova. And the Eternal Law and Her love revived the body
Osiris made Isis Queen of Egypt before Christ.
by going to the country. And He ascended into the heavens, where he became
On his return, however, was murdered King of the »Dead«.
his brother Typhon. She was looking for Isis's body
her husband until she found them. SYNTHESA
She buried the remains under a large acacia.
She went to Buto, where she bore the mountain. Legend
In her absence Seth-Tyfon found
She was Great Mighty, Perfect and
the corpse of his brother Osiris - i tore her and
Immortal Being.
spread throughout Egypt.
She was complete in her essence,
But Isis went through all of Egypt, compared again
hermaphroditic and everything the universe ever has
parts of her husband's body and revived him behind
contained, mirrored harmoniously in his
help Nepthys, Anubis and Thot.
Then Isis led Osiris to the realm of Jalou,
She was the father and mother of everything.
where he became king of the dead.
What caused Her split?
The erratic Law that gives the Snake
and its power movement.
The Great Deity - hermaphrodite Perhaps the Word.
The universe divided into the divinity of the male Attis, Unknown Causality! She clouded Her
and female - Agdistis (Kybéle). her forehead and turned the Light to the ground. And so it was created
Attis was dying on the riverbank, but he was Man and woman; each of them created thousands
rescued by the goddess Kybela, called of passions and contradictions in the desire to return ...
Mother or Queen of Gods. They searched in the stars, but did not see each other.
When Attis grew up, Cybela caught fire They strained the brain but abused the bodies.
loving him and enforcing a promise of fidelity. What is the way of Scripture?
But Attis, descended one day into "Get out of the principle in which you subscribe."
cave, sinned against his promise
with Sangaritis nymph. »Join both
in material andsexes so that
spiritual! « they split
The enraged Cyble separated the spirit »Kill Earth and the spirit will remain intact
Attisova, this has left the world and is mad in the darkness! «
neutered. Later, however, returned to »But not long; soon the Creature will be
Cybe, she revived his memory and hers resurrected. «
love and made him inseparable "This is the way of the kings."
a friend, the King of his lions team. »Slaves will rave forever
the stars, being fed the body to the earth. «
She was a being called Eden, complete in
its essence and hermaphrodite. She doubled


The woman's brain is positively polarized,
kteis negatively; the man is the other way around.
LAW With respect to the organs of physical activity
it is physical in most cases
The law that slaves, or liberates, man active, woman passive.
The law of matter or the law of spirit, 4.
A ladder leading into the depths or sky, The gland ( d ) is one of the most important
Agony of Passion or Light of Knowledge,
occult authorities; serves what
But always the Way and Life,
mediator ( entremeteur ) between authorities ( c )
This is the Law of Sexuality.
and ( h ).
The other points from ( d ) to ( g ) end
refer to the so-called »gates of the occult way«
(along the spinal cord).
The first ( d ) "widest", ( e ) second, ( f ) third, and
( g ) the last, fourth, »narrowest gate«
(» Threshold Guard «).
Mystic-occult methods followed
for the most part, the main goal is: Irritation »snake
( d ) and its spinal cord up to
glands ( i ).
This irritation of the force (d) was performed
always and everywhere - including mysticism - on the way
sexual - whether intentionally or unintentionally.
So much for internal development
individua. to the outside applies according to
»New Eulis Loan Initiatives«
the following rules:
At the moment of excitement in sexual
Mysticism, alchemy, and so-called magic connection of two differently polarized
sexual (satanism, succubism and various of Venus imaginatively
types of witchcraft, including) »Larvae« Marta, Mars then »larvae« Venus;
closely with the sexual law. Plot, realization at the physical level
or "chemical process", process a sexual organs.
the development of forces and the path of their action 2.
in principle always the same for all directions This creates two main streams: A and B .
sexual occultism - only methods are 3.
different. The sexual arousal and hence
1. to the formation of said conditional currents
Feet ( a ) (palms at hands) co thus, there is not always a need for another
base, knees ( b ), genital tract individuals in the physical sense.
( c ), "snake power" ( d ), navel ( e ), solar 4.
mesh ( f ), small brain threshold ( g ), head Current A is possible under certain conditions
to the crown ( h ) and the occult gland in the middle arbitrarily conduct to effect
the foreheads at the root of the nose ( i ) are the main centers it is the most terrible and powerful
to develop occult forces. the power of nature we know.


Being thus cleansed, the neophyte approached

to the second stage - prayer, prayer
of love; he and the woman were given the »Word that
it is the Light of the Way «, that is, the Word that
CULT returns the Fruit of the Tree «.
The third ceremony called Kriobole or
Kybelé-Attis Taurobole (ram or bull ceremony
Public frygic holidays were consecrated according to the sex of neophytes) he consecrated the priest i
annually between 15 and 27 Priestess to the Bloody Sacrifice, Death Sacrifice, Darkness
march. and Silence (synthesa: Osiris, Christ, etc.)
Sixteenth march starting with Listed in this state, the adept appeared on his
the devotees of the Queen of Gods began body, hands and feet bloody and painful
universal fasting; March 22, a holiday stigmata. Marked with this seal of initiation,
called " Arbor Gintrat" (tree entry - allowed to proceed to the »Holy Table« Kybélé
synthetically Akacie v Egypt, Strom and Attise, may eat bread
in Eden) was worn in the parade of the pine immortal «and rejuvenate» with Wine
was cut - not pulled - before Life «. Thus a holy connection is achieved
sunrise. - The tree was exposed of man with the Divine, by the nature of which
in the temple, so that believers may worship him. gives the Fruit of sin - but also salvation. A adept
Twenty-fourth began large he had the Path of Light open and
funeral rites: it was a day of blood and death Immortality.
(synthetically: stigmata - death of Christ- What was he experiencing in resurrection? We quote here
Osirida). Every believer, regardless of sex a few sentences from Apulej's description of the Isidians
he sacrificed his blood, whipping with reprimands mysteries:
or stabbing with a knife in his hands, feet, or ... «I have come to the outermost regions
breast. Blood, as a sacrifice, was poured into Eternity, I crushed the threshold of Proserpine with my foot
sacrificial vessels (synthet .: Chalice-Sv. Gra). and I came back, going through everyone
For this blood sacrifice was considered to be elements ... I saw the sun in the middle of the night
the condition of resurrection. Many fanatics shine with dazzling light ... I stared at my face
they also imitated the wound of Attis, in the face of demons and deities of heaven; he worshiped
neutering voluntarily. - Tree-symbol I am them, being before them ... That is all I can
Attis was tolerated in the basement of the temple tell you ... but what are these words valid for you -
you will never understand them. «
and all night called Attis to life ... But
the first dawn of the morning - the high priest The same rite and the same legend gives the basis
ushered in the resurrection of Attis; was almost all religions of antiquity;
the sign for the consecration of Hillaria - the holidays Mysteria of the god Fro in Sweden, Bélita
resurrection, joy and peace. in Chaldei, Ishtar and Tamuz in Assyria,
And the Egyptian and Christian holidays? Mere Phenolic Astarté and Baal - everything is identical. -
it is a variation of names and words, and seemingly Everywhere the same god, whether named Osiris or
time difference; otherwise they are completely identical. Attis or Shiva - man and woman in one
form ... Emblem of masculinity - lingam was
Mysteria crowned in all countries and at all times
Like all cults, so cult Kybélin wreaths of flowers; and the words of the Brahmin Rite,
he had his private mysteries and a ritual of adepts. who calls the priest points to the sex
The first stage of initiation was God, can be applied to the whole chain of cults:
water purification (synthetically: baptism) a » Here dwells fire, sun and moon .«
postem. They were waiting for this first stage
"Neophytes" often for years, studying,
before they were recognized.


their book was Mother Nature and theirs

through honesty and the spirit of spirit. - And
behold! Seasons in nature recall
all legends - the symbolism of alchemy,
ADEPT Rosicrucian and other, including; birth,
love and Death in Nature is the image of that
Society and brotherhood palingenese legendary pelican
Our highest law is Love and Rosicrucians - palingenese forever
Death. They are the only elements of ours repeating ...
Of The Great Work. And there is no other path to eternity, And if we see images without prejudice,
than the one that leads through their gates ... Merged with which the old alchemists symbolized theirs
they gave Nature and, like it, revive the adept at - and comparing these images with
the way to God ... symbols of other occult directions,
we can easily see that old alchemy
Alchemists. - Rose and cross is not an empty phantom, but it was
disciplined by a certain, firm law,
The golden thread unites the tradition of love and death
initiation centers of all ages. » Not easy The Supreme Law of all initiates
and the way is narrow, and there are many who ages.
they will come down to the paths of vicious, where only Because we took it
disappointment, error and lie they meet, giving them the task of pointing out the importance of the elements
causes loss of excellence , ”he says sexual in occultism, we quote this
Jindřich Kunrath in his work examples of several identical symbols
» Amphitheatrum aeternae sapientiae « ... alchemical and Rosicrucian,
All true and honest alchemists taken at random from the works of some classics.
they have always claimed that he is not the spirit
honest, contemplative, and straightforward, will not revealSYNTHESA
never a golden secret. Alchemy is not
the science of matter, matter and body of human; Alchemical symbols
knows if it is at all a transformation of matter into 1. Man and woman pulled by chains
chemical sense, - for all an angel whose heart is directed to heaven. Work
alchemical symbols are concurrent and »Les cinq livres de Nicolas Valois.
identical to the Fraternity of the Rose and the Cross and 2. A man hugging a woman - above them
they contain the full meaning of ancient legends,
mysteries and religions - The Holy Truth androgyn.
chemicum (Elie Ashmole:
Britanicum Theatrum
«. London 1652)
Love, life, death and resurrection. 3. The country, divided into five zones, which
Alchemy is not the grandmother of chemistry, as show the progress of forces. Three rest on it
many occultists believe. He says worlds: female, male and third - culminating,
Alchemists whose recipes are always and everywhere symbolizing androgyn with sun, moon
they never discovered new ones and a pelican. (Libavius: »Alchemy
chemical compounds, practical for life recognita emendata et aucta «. Frankfurt
useful; they weren't wandering or working 1606)
at random. These discoveries must be added 4. Six-pointed star, connection symbol
souffler (from the French word souffler man and women (two triangles) on it
- foukati) such as Knuckel , Blaise , Worth built cross, with crown on top; after
and others who strayed randomly cross crawls up the snake up. It's nothing
matter and elements and misunderstood the true other than "snake power" awakened
doctrines, they worked according to their own regulationssexual intercourse; metaphorically the return of the Snake
deceptive imagination. True alchemists always and Genese on the tree (» Figures d'Abraham
Everywhere they claimed to complete »the Great Juif «. Manuscript. Bibliothéque Nationale,
works «neither books nor scholarship are needed; Paris)


Rosicrucian symbols Bearers of tradition in the new era

1. Two doves with connected beaks. The tradition of Truth, like Light and God, was
Inscription: »Amat et Gastigat« (Anton Ginther: always distorted and met
» Angus Vindelicorum «. 1741) with countless obstacles to its triumphant
2. The clock whose hands indicate 2. the road of ages. her adepts were almost always
Inscription: »Ultima Secunda«. ( Ibid .) forced to adapt to the circumstances of the time,
3. Two palms whose crowns converge; to preserve tradition and to escape
Inscription: »Blanda se pace salutant«. persecution of opponents. Learning adepts
( Ibid .) The truths were almost never propagated by them
4. A snake crawling up the cross; inscription by themselves, but in their hands
»Pharmacorum non venerum«. ( Ibid .) those who were the longest tradition - inserted
5. Man and woman in embrace, above them cross into skeptical and foggy brains. AND
with crown on top; crawls on the cross these, parroting sentences which they did not understand and
up snake. (Robert Fludd: Cosmi drawing symbols that never make sense
Historica «, manuscript 1616) they could not explain or misunderstand,
We note explicitly that in the previous they spread the seed of Truth, which from time to time
synthese we missed all the points captured and sprouted in the heart of the elect.
not referring directly to sexual connections; Who are the enemies of the Truth Tradition?
development and progress of forces in both directions is alsoIn ancient times it was a prejudice,
exactly identical and described consistently fanaticism, superstition and violence
with meaning individual points usurpators; the truth was shrouded in adepts
previous legends. In the ceremonial robe, it was pronounced upon
Considering that in XVII. century. all folk festivals in the form of legends and
directions religious and occult, was formed in a religion whose
unlike Catholicism, they were the esoteric meaning is obvious to ours
cruelly chased by incquisition, we understand times.
very easily the absolute need for a mysterious The Middle Ages who fell under the yoke of Inquisition
the symbolism of the Gurus under which and the religious disputes caused by those
the cloak hid the immortal Truth. who have not seen the spirit of Scripture, records
And there is no reason to believe that the old another way of spreading the tradition of the Adepts. It was
Rosikruciánského;they firstweremembers
to spread their fraternity spread
into theinbards
secret fraternities,
mouth it wasininserted
and hidden symbols
doctrines and symbols perhaps simulated production alchemists; was hidden in graphics
of gold, others put a rose depicting love cryptograms and temple structures ...
(plant member) to the center of the symbol a new era that is Her greatest
Christianity to document the sexual the enemy - the time of extreme materialism,
elements of this religion it hides thriving and skepticism - provokes
the eternal truth, like almost all secret societies carrying symbols
previous confession. They put the rose in the middle Truths, which they do not understand most, give birth to time
crosses - and put an anchor to his heel, - from time to time mystical movements and »occult fashion« ...
hope that their teachings will be understood The adepts of Truth put in their Eternal Law
a holy, teaching whose tradition is inherited by thousandsto the legend of the Holy Grail, which they adapted
and thousands of years, from generation to generation, andCatholicism
which and putting the chalice on the altar -
He is immortal, because He is the Truth ... the symbolic kteický, created the society-order,
this is also the immortality of this brotherhood who for the most part is unaware of her
truths; he lives and will live, for his the mission bears their symbols.
followers serve the immutable God The adepts of Truth created symbols
of all ages ... Masonic, Masonic spread; built
» Temple of Solomon « (body) on two columns
- often hermaphroditic


akantem; between the two columns

the light, the light to shine to him
understand in the darkness of life ... Adepts
The truths gave rise directly to temples
New Eulis - SATAN
classic, certain of its past and its
O toi le plus savant et le plus beaux des anges
methods of active sexual magic ...
Dieu trahi par le sort et prive de louanges,
Established SES, which protects the old tradition
O Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misére! ...
Egypt ...
Put the law into the hands of those who put it Intellectual person in average
do not abuse; but the symbols of Religion feel the overwhelming pain of abandonment -
For centuries, they have been borne by their lives desire, irresistible desire to roll out
philosophy never understood their meaning from the tracks of everyday life - to go elsewhere - on -
characters. - They are immense figures soar to the unknown or destroy
chessboard of the Holy Law of Love ... in pain the reality of the cruel walls that imprison him ...
A chessboard where Satan plays with God and Kneel under the blazing light, being stroked
matter with spirit to complete the Most High velvet hand unknown - or shed
Mission of Truth. into a vortex of mad passions - crush, fight and go mad
The Great Brotherhood lives on and on with a perverted head in a wind of pleasure ...
associates new and new adepts with them The songs he sings reveal his desires and
circle; they are not the grains the tears weeping are his quintessence
Law, confidently imposing their methods mad wishes ... New, unclear, magical and
to the unconscious crowd. - They're not the ones a mysterious connection in his imagination with others
they put a finger on their mouth, pretending to be occult spheres, it has already plunged him into predators
a secret where he can't answer questions of Satan. And it depends on the power of individuality
curious. - They're not mystics, either adept of this fictional god, how long
mages knowledgeable about ads and discussing theirs and how he sings a heady song of pleasure
»Wisdom« at tables and tracts ... in His kingdom.
They are quiet workers, modest, Satanism is perverse in principle
escaping public attention, projection of the Fa into matter; hence this
who belong to that Great Brotherhood; direction has its aesthetic elements. Because
they know that there is one law, but thousands There are also artists of evil, artists who flow
individual paths to a common goal. of blood can give the magic of red sky
Do not confuse the law with recipes, and accept into evening horizon - delusion adepts who
only those whose hearts are pure, they simply evoke the seductive Song
a modest spirit and a forehead facing the Light. Death and nasty orgies turn wild
cascades of hot melodies.
Is there Satan? - If we cross
conventional boundaries of human prejudice and
human perception, we can even understand
the reality of ireality and the reality of realism. Yet
never and no one could prove it
the absolute existence of these terms without
to help the false sense of humanity.
Horror of banality in the material
presence, desire for power, curiosity and
poetry of sexual imagination, they gave rise to
satanism, the religion of black adepts -
whose existence is justified just as


as the being of everything else in everyone chapter. A reader who wants to get closer
more than mediocrity. get to know the subject,
we refer to the bibliography given at
Phantomic love recent pages.
Fuck the living incarnated beings An excerpt is given as an example
with phantom (larva) we gave this name. from the manuscript of LM Sinistrari d'Ameno
But not the connection that takes place (XVII century; translated from Latin in 1875
on the evolutionary path, but the coitus, into French).
operated with these beings for »When I was a professor in Pavia, he recognized
in order to attain sexual pleasure itself, there I am a woman of great manners, married,
to which the individual is driven, whether or not called Hieronyms.
curiosity, disgust, perversion whose It belonged to the parish of St. Michael and gave
irritation. Phantomic love known often bake bread from the house. One day a baker
brought her one more cake, which she did well
they were already in ancient times; other perception
she noticed. But the baker assured her that it was
on sexual issues at this time however
pastries from her dough, therefore she took a cake and
caused the adored love of the ancient world she ate it. At night, Hieronyms was disturbed
she also adored the hero of the act; they were therefore in a low voice, asking if it was a pie
mostly the gods and goddesses that descended good. She crossed herself in terror. "Do not worry
from the spheres of the heavens to come in contact nothing «, her voice soothed. »I don't want to hurt you,
with earthly beings, for example Jupiter- on the contrary; Enchanted by your beauty, I want to be pleased
Europa, Jupiter-Leda, Venus-Anchis, in your embrace. «At the same time, she kissed her
Thésis-Peleus etc. something on the mouth; the temptation lasted half an hour; lady
Chaldean and Egyptian mythology believed she resisted, but she went to her own in the morning
also in this kind of love; Indian theosophy confessor who advised her to defend herself
prayers. However, the temptation was repeated overnight
she even received some kind of angelic love
every night ... The frightened lady asked to be
in his doctrine under the name of devakhan.
exorcisovaná; they sanctified the house, the lady, the bed, and everything
these Middle Ages
eccentricities inrecord the greatest
their resistance development
against around - but in vain. The hell lover continued
in their pastimes. The lady begged, cried,
unnatural violence by the Catholic Church she swore to a phantom who sometimes took on
she closed the gates of her temples to love. some form of young man ... but all in vain.
Scientific background to these phenomenons She defended herself with a silver cross and only called it
must be sought in the spiritist principle the wildness of the demon who bit and beat her, so
mediumity, creating individual heavens the morning was full of bruises and bloody wounds.
collective larvae, gifted hidden When she prayed, the demon was unbearable
by the erotic tendencies of its creators, without room noise; carrying chairs, beating tables and
regardless of whether this creation was invoked destroyed furniture. Media phenomena.
author) After three months, when the demon attacks
deliberately or involuntarily.
did not stop, poor Lady Hieronyma did
To this theory about incubech and succuby, do promise to wear only gray
where the magic of living images belongs to intercourse of the robes of the Order of the Blessed
designed, we note that Bernardina of Feltre, if she is deprived of love
they were for the most part women who indulged themselves
persecution. So she wore a votive cloak on September 23 and
mentioned practices. Law she went to a church besieged by crowds
in previous website cited diváků; but a sudden blow of wind stripped her off
explains the natural tendency of the female, in the moment in front of the church so well that on
imaginative, positive brain to her body was left with no more than her bare hands.
imaginary creations. The curious had to cover it with their cloaks and
take the ashamed home. Pekelný dareba
Here are some classic examples from
for a long time he had been bothering Mrs. Hierony until he was tired
medieval and newer literature of ours
he left of his own free will. «
problem-solving - more than rich;
we keep the modern facts at the end of this


This is a medieval naivety Delancre in his work »Incrédulité et

narrated example of the unexpected Mécréance «claims (p.506) that the Sabbath
incuba intervention; expected or deliberately the so-called devilish ones were also chanted
induced arrival is much easier. celebrated by the consecrated priest,
Examples of plenty are given by a specialist who sanctified the black host - the original beginning
literature. the so-called "black masses"!
Another description of the newer period What was the cause of these practices? -
the image of the " heavenly aventures" completely The desire for power, the revolt against God, whose
identical to the previous, only the end was the Church banished the traditional Venus from
different: for they were burned, for their teachings; resistance to asceticism, the way
these beatitudes: "Evolutionary", a path that rejected everything
Mary enjoyed the Angel with the joy of holy lips natural and positive; and also seriousness
"Jusq 'au sirop du spasme", tells her to the Church. Cambry says: » In our
historiographer; when she reached the age of 17, Religions give themselves to Mass for reasons
in 1816, Jesus and the Virgin Mary dictated to her very strange: for example
strange letters. It often floated in the air, in Bretagne today can still be served
she was clothed and undressed by the invisible mass to st. Burlot and St. Kornelii za
servants and enjoyed real kisses, that of a deceased husband, but of course
the enjoyment and excitement they caused cannot be quadruple if it is a mass for
compare with those given by natural love. cure cow or ox. «- ( Voyage dans
An excerpt from her biography is probably this:
Finistère , Vol. III., P. 143.) Then i
»On the night of October 23, 1816, Mary fell
disrespect to God who is not manifested.
Angel in ecstasy in the presence of Mr. Curé de
Lignan and other persons. Everyone heard clearly This is the same reason as some
the kisses that our Lord Jesus Christ gave tribes in Africa who do not bow to God,
Blessed Virgin Mary. They also noticed that considering it to be too good; and
every kiss left little girls on the lips merciful, but they bring innumerable
the amount of fluid already mentioned. When the devil's victims for the opposite reason.
she has already swallowed up quite a lot of this "liqueur" and kisses Thus the Law was perverted and another God created;
continued, Maria's lips tightened, so God who gave satisfaction to the passionate people and
fluid was running down his face. Monsieur le Cure who appeared to those who read invocations
utilizing this moment he approached, tasted upside down, and they went upside down
"Liqueur" and caught him in a glass gave him
The Trail of the Law.
to taste to those around him; everyone found that
Satan had and has his faithful whom he gave
is very delicious. The spring has not dried up yet,
kisses continued, and Mr. Curé fulfilled his
drink from the cup of pleasure; Satan has his own
handkerchief »of white fleece fabric«, which, how priest and mass. The extinction of inquisition caused i
he says, he has kept the reliquies of Mary to this day the partial extinction of the Sabbath, and evolution so
Angels «. (Released 1863) called black masses; we will not
to describe the original rite of the Albigens of
We will not cite the details of another work,
17th century, nor excerpts from the processes of Voisin;
dealing with a similar problem)
have been repeated in countless
Candemberg: » Le Monde spirituel et la
treatises on this interesting problem;
science chrétienne , 1857). Author of this
we turn our attention to modern times -
of the file describes his love affair with the Virgin
the twentieth century - abounding in particular
Mary too detailed and vivid.
after World War II eccentricities in all
Collective phantom celebrity
fields of human activity. Occultism became
of loves was the famous Sabbath in the Middle Ages.
modem and reevecko old orgies
The tradition of this satanic direction has
satanistic alongside the practical study of all
supposedly its origin in antiquity; Sabbath name
of his disciplines. Spiritual tables are running,
is said to have come from the bakchic word "Saboé" -
they burst and tap the answers to the questions
the words inviting Bakchos to participate
excited »experimenters«, »successful«
on Bacchanals.



the materialization of collective larvae excites results these collective,

often the touchers more or less of phantom love.
intimate, »masters« and »adepts« flow And the black mass?
through the streets of big cities and the same in everyone Revue »Le Grand Guignal« revealed
house we meet with modern Sybil in which already quite in this direction; it's not a story,
his hands rustle tarot and whose pockets are filling fantasies, these are facts taken from life, of
gold ... And phantom love, sabbath, black the company well known to us
mass? recently showed confidence and consented to ours
But they live on. But they are not presence at this ceremony. - They could
medieval wizards and witches, grim, we would describe it as a number of others
torn, frowned and mysterious who are curiosity rituals and dogma related
the twentieth-century Satan adepts ... They are to this chapter, but the postwar period,
members of the modern aristocracy, ladies that resurrected the whole satanic ritual
with indefinite look, surrounded the worst practices of the Middle Ages, besides
luxury and gentlemen whose monocle on many new variations, can not bear to others
one eye accentuates mode and directly to the truth or
beatitude. not grim still life and ruins - but written and evil would be the one who would
chapels or salons hide the orgies of Satan. would dare to publish it before his eyes
Chapel? Yes! So one of many cases: a hypocritical public that they so passionately defend
Private Chapel of Baroness S ..., situated on the deceptive level of contemporary morality. And defends
courtyard of her palace in one of the streets crossing surely by right: hypocrisy by hypocrisy,
Boulevard des Bratignolles in Paris. Push lie lies and prejudice ...
a selected company meets once a week He recalls the concept of sexual satanism
insiders ... Small chapel - general appearance usually in the profane minds of the curious
like all others; cut ship chairs concepts; but assuming that
temple, upholstered in red velvet, that Satan is the necessary counterpart
altar of baroque style and above it the main painting - the positive elements of life, the flower of evil, drawing
the head of Christ in life-size; head man had to sow his paths
suffering Christ, looking out of the torn curtain
the spirit of his selfish usurp,
temple. - And this chapel has its own special
a malignant spark, drawn where
feature: Is visited by »incuby« a
his feelings clashed with his egoistic interests,
»Succuby«. - Quietly, without unnecessary formalities
the Baroness's friends enter this Spark on a rotting background
temple, take their places and expect; - Candles today's civilization has found so much breeding ground -
flashing on the altar, casting a dull flare into we will understand that the excesses are only
impatient faces. And lo! In a few minutes, products another bad, much
maybe after half an hour waiting, you will hear more dangerous, because hardly
steamed screams, you will open your mouth, punishable, and we understand why the concept
wide eyes and clenched fists ... the devil is so often merged with a woman and
»Devil 's ointment«, prepared according to love since the inception of religious
indiscreet recipes of medieval plays genesis of all nations.
alongside opium, morphine, hashish and cocaine A woman multiplies what she once was
role in modern satanism. Known accepted. She is a legendary mirror,
luxury lairs in Paris herself and hers which returns to this world reflected
surroundings, from where the whole expedition to rays of genius or stupidity that were
Kingdom of the Goat. Erotic Bacchanalia, cast on them, and which they carry not only
reflecting and realizing the most hidden desires the form and features of fathers, but also their most hidden
eccentric sex, adept of black art in mental quality, and can be seed
the realms of the imaginary, in the fourth coming horrors and endless suffering ...
dimensi «modern lexicon are The beginning of all arts, ideals, evil and
of all things materializes in the female body and



all their dreams, efforts, experiences and - Real love gives logically the assumption
all the resentment or love of his time the wish of all the best that can give life; -
She generations to come; and so tiny but wishes to the person we love, not to ourselves. -
abstract idea of spirit changing Inexplicable mistake "I love you" signifies
today, "I want you unconditionally for myself"; and
Providence is a real phenomenon to the breeder himself
that is, the root of all jealousy that has already stood
he judged himself in procreation to be himself so many lives, ideals and happiness.
unscrupulous plaintiff, defendant i - You may argue that unnecessary jealousy is
judge in one person. a natural product of love, pointing to
It will not be saved by the glorification of mothers who
animal heat episodes; - but we are human, not
mostly conceived inadvertently, not even marital animals and boasting culture for millennia
an institution which is covered by our morality old.
times of his mistake. - Only thoughts and feelings - A man who restricts his lover's freedom
his spirit falls on the weight of the Last or women by any prohibition, rings in advance
Court ... the death knell of his "eternal love", which was not even
strong enough to cross the border
And one who can only read a little
personal egoism. In most cases this
in the human subconscious, they understand that sexual
jealous selfishness at first flatters young women;
Satan's magic and problem is not a problem but the sooner their ideals are trampled,
sexual pervers in the true word the more they admired this crazy fear
meaning - as you are average impotent cowardice.
man of today and his judiciary - I heard somewhere that the lover's ideal covers
is a question of aesthetics, in a woman with the idea of a devil or an angel; but
opinion, culture, feeling and thought These are mere ideals that at the age of twenty
life of mankind at all. they can be replaced by an indefinite being
We recently discovered several with the brain of an active officer.
notes and aphorisms about marital love; - Dr. Stekel writes in his article on
the imaginary world: »A book a man reads himself,
they are, we admit, somewhat profane
which he only understands and already experiences himself, can
within our theme; yet they do
to become more dangerous to a woman than temptations
enough substance to consider who understands
mistresses «; I used to know husbands who
that our immediate sphere can be they stubbornly believed they were reincarnated
the way to the next journey only a Pharaoh couple from Ancient Egypt. And even
if perfectly mastered, regardless of after a 20-year marriage when the »queen«
transitional orders of today's times: bringing morning coffee to his wife
- »Love is a physical episode, skin Enigmatic hieroglyphics of the bed,
Raising their free hand ceremoniously,
an incident around which poets, moralists and
never forgot to be pathetic
judges of all time «- notes
in tone of ancient Egyptian ceremonial greeting
cleverly an author; but he forgets that
the simple epistle of the skin is also its axis kings: »Blood, strength, O Pharaoh!« And he had Pharaoh «
blood and power indeed surplus, which with permission
life work and that with those laying
his wife was often able to prove successfully
he scoffs, even he screams in a sweet chord on
texts seemingly different. - outside his materially restricted kingdom.
For in Egypt you knew this was completely
The question of marriage, monogamy or
moral, and the king also had so-called wives
bigamy, patriarchy or matriarchy, stood
"minor". - Where anyone was shouting with a smile
already mankind has a lot of paper and time; but I think so
the way to solving the problem of happy coexistence of two the shoulders above this crazy sausage; But I
I wasn't laughing because there was a lot of health
diverse sex individuals leads rather
philosophy in their union, - they were real
despite the two-sided maturity of the spirit. -
husbands not only here on earth, but also in their realm
- Logic in emotions has happened nowadays
illusions, and I often wondered if not better
the greatest conceivable utopia: you have not observed
to be a lucky fool than a resigned
Perhaps the woman becomes really jealous of
a philosopher, breathing heavily in a narrow,
her husband from the moment she began to sin
gilded frame of organized selfishness which
with an illegitimate lover?
is called the twentieth-century civilization ...



- Sexuality is one of the seeds of nature,

which points to the cosmic interplay of worlds
The Great Builder; he is saintly to the wise
the law, the fools of the hypocrisy for hypocrisy,
sins and suicides; first science FOOL
to the knowledge of Eternity, Life and Earth
Harmony, others beget him the devil whom I'm Love ...
they cannot see and deny him, creeping under his yoke. I'm a dream, I'm an imagination, I'm a fiction, and
I was already when Time was in the womb
The causes had no idea about the beauties of the worlds
future ...
I am eternal, not knowing death, because
I imagine, and knowing is nothing.
Nothing is what wasn't dreaming. -
Everything is only a dream, and because
of you, O fool, no one dreams, you are not.
I am your passion, and that is love ...
But only your passions are you and everything
the rest are deceitful and are born in death, so
nightsthe...shadows in the black shroud of the starless
I belong to Today and Morning of tomorrow's Merger,
I gave birth to the harmony of Dreams and the stone
The Wise Men ...
What are you looking for more? - To the throne of heaven
reaches my Majesty! ..
And whether by dream, imagination or fiction,
I'm eternal!
I am also dead by Life,
I'm Love ...

- He was looking for the Truth and they called him a fool.
- He denied the truth and was crazy.
- He forgot Start and End; and thereby
is Love.
- She is the only absolute truth,
like God; everything else is relative
- Did you dress in human morality?
Fool! What are they before Her? She tears you
it is on the shreds, for it is unrestrained as
an element that can capture everything a
to sacrifice themselves.
- Fool! Don't get caught up in things, concepts, and
phrases when the current catches you! Only yours
the spirit is your salvation. Everything else is not
everything else just dreams ...
- Why did you seek, fool, ideals on this
world? You don't know that they are real only
in your abstract imagery and for you



they don't exist because you didn't manage them

- Fool! Troy Helen of the Ancient
you have bound your cowardly selfishness
and made her frightened of Madelon, a woman for EPILOGUE
your kitchen and your bed, Madelon, which
There is no choice but to carry only wine toast We tried to draw attention to this
to the abandoned throne of your former power! some laws in their original essence and
- Only strong, very strong determined point to a light source they cannot see and
do not want to see those who succumbed
This is the fruit of this earth. - Where were you that you are
Didn't Fate see the intentions of future things? the collective view of love; we wanted
to say that above all She holds the torch
Lights, Consciousness and Immense Power and wanted
we are given elements of Her teaching - a poem that
was an initiation to the Magic of Love, realized after
ritual page in the ceremonies they release
the predatory hurricanes of the forces to which everything is subject
Whether they fall to the ground or uplift
to the Absolute. Keys for practical relaxation
of course, we cannot of course
filed in this public publication as it forms
the second part of the Science of Love that we can insert
only into the hands of those who go to knowledge
and the exaltation of the Spirit, and do not follow the path
tangible profit.

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Bekker Balthasar: Le Monde Enchanté.
Cambry: Voyage dans Finistère.
Colin de Plancy: Oeuvres.
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Fludd Robert: Cosmi Historica, manuscript 1616.
Geiler Johannes von Keisersperg: Die Emeis. Strassburg 1517.
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Anton Ginther: Angus Vindelicorum. 1741.
Girard de Gaudemberg: Le Monde Spirituel et la Science Chrétiennne. 1857.
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Grosius H., Magica de Spectris. Leyden 1656.
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Kunrath, Jindrich: Amphitheatrum Aeternae Sapientiae.
Libavius: Alchymia Recognita Emendata et Aucta. Frankfurt 1606.
Lignan Cura de: La Vie de Marie Ange. 1863.
Molitor Ulrich: De Lamiis et Philonicis Mulieribus. Constance 1489.
Nagour et Laurent: Occultisme et l'Amour.
New Eulis-Fraternites: Rituel. manuscript. 1911.
New Eulis-Fraternité: Mystéres initiateurs. 1929.
Ricinus Paulus: Porta Lucis Augsburg 1516.
SES (Fraternities): Légendes inititrices. 1897.
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Valois Nicolas: Livres de Nicolas Valois


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