William Elliot Griffis KOREA Pigmy Empire 1902
William Elliot Griffis KOREA Pigmy Empire 1902
William Elliot Griffis KOREA Pigmy Empire 1902
Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine (1868-1935); Jun 1902; Vol.XXXIX, No 6; American Periodicals
pg. 945
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Winter costume.
hats that, in a gale of wind, must be
found dangerously l'arge, notwithstandmg
that they are held on with a throat-lash
of huge yellow and red beads. On a sad
die, higt.: and lifted up above the back of
his tiny stallion, the rider strives to
maintain on his perilous seat what
passes for equilibrium and dignity.
Alongside of him are usually half a
dozen servants, who are ready to act as
shores and guys when the master seems
about to capsize.
The Korean dress is white, even the
lowest classes wearing what was once
cso, and always professes so to be. It 1s
-astonishing how snowy-hued and glossy
"the gentlemen's robes are, and in most
<lS.l!es the outer garments, at least, of tne
Cotton is the great textile,
though silk and hemp are also much
used. There is no land on earth, perhaps,
where the women work harder with the
especial purpose in view of keeping the
men looking dapper. Although soap ts
not used, the results of laundry and lye
are wonderful. When the Koreans begin
to emigrate to our country, they may
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same color, so that whether in frost or ding and toilet articles. In the average
heat Korea at night looks like the land house, however, and especially amonlf
of ghosts and by day suggests a huge the poor, the cracks in the ftoor allow
sleeping chamber wJtll the occupants just the smoke to escape, irritating the eyes
out of bed. The great horsehllir caps of the occupants, and making the atmos
and big varnished hats, the conic-al phere exceedingly uncomfortable to the
wicker head dress and four.sided matting traveler. If staying at an inn, he will
covers which the mourners wear, using usually be disturbed further by the near
also a little :flag or fan-shaped device to . noise of the horses and quarrels of the
shield their faces, are additional pec11liar hostlers.
features f the Korean costume.
Yet a Korean house, with its sub
As the Korean footwear is midway in stantlal frame, strong tiled roof and win
development between that of China and dows made with shutters much like our",
Japan, so also in tYPe is the house in lends itself more admirably than eltner
this Cyprus-like land, which historically tbe Chinese or Japanese dwellings to
is the .link between the Asian Egypt, the needs and uses of the American. One
China, anr.. the far-Oriental Greece, Japan. curious phase of life in Korea is the utili
In general, the Korean dwelling, whether zation of the roofs of the houses in
hut or pa.lace, is a one-storied affair. It the country for the growing of vines,
rests on a platform of masonry enclosing melons and other fruit ripening in ine
earth, through which runs a network of sunshine at the top. Another phase of
:flues. To obtain warmth, the fires are life is the skill of the burglar, who bebuilt at one end and the chimney at the comes a sapper and miner, often removother, so that all caloric is utilized. When ing without noise the foundation stones
the heat is well regulated, the stone or and getting up through the flue into the
brick :floor makes the abode very com- house. Indeed, in the Korean romances,
fortable. The houses of the nobles con- as well as hi. actual life, the lover obtains
tain usually parlor, dining and bed rooms, his surreptitious interviews in this way,
with tiger skin screens, eabin:ets and bed- and the widow or the unprotected woman
suffers from this source of danger.
Despite their low estate in general, the
native women have played a great part
not only in religion, but in politics. In
our own day the strongest character in
Korean history, after the Regent "of
stone heart and iron bowels," was the
able Queen Ming, who long thwarted not
only the plots of the King's father
against herself and her clan, but also nullified both the machinations attempted
and the reforms inaugurated by the
Mikado's envoys. She was in every sense
a Queen, but was at l'llst brutally assassi
nated, her body being cremated in the
raid made 'upon the palace by Japanese
ruffians in 1896. It has cost the nation
millions of dollars to get her remain&
properly buried and built over, and further removal and rebuilding must take
place in 1902.
The native historians persistently
claim Kishi, one of the ancestors of Con
fucius, as the founder of their civilization. After the fall of the Shang Dynasty of China, 1122 B. C., he moved toEquipped for modern warfare.
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In New Korea.
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A native family.
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