Paul Morphy's Checkmates: 28 Examples From His Games.

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Paul Morphy's

Checkmates: 28
examples from his
editied by Bill Harvey
Here's a collection of 28 mate puzzles taken from the
games of Paul Morphy. Each diagram invites the reader to
discover the solution. The disk color on the diagram
indicates whose move it is. Solutions are provided at the
end of the pamphlet. Bill Harvey is the webmaster of the
chess puzzle site
10,000 chess puzzles
from historic and modern


1) Paul Morphy
vs A Morphy
New Orleans, 1849

4) Paul Morphy
vs T Lichtenhein
New York, 1857

White mates in 2.

White mates in 4.

2) Paul Morphy vs
Ernest Morphy
New Orleans, 1850

5) Paul Morphy vs
Louis Paulsen
New York, 1857

White mates in 3.

White mates in 4.

3) Paul Morphy
vs T Lichtenhein
New York, 1857

6) Paul Morphy
vs Carr
Birmingham, 1858

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

7) Paul Morphy
vs H Rhodes
Birmingham, 1858

10) Paul Morphy

vs Amateur
New Orleans, 1858

White mates in 4.

White mates in 5.

8) Paul Morphy
vs J Kipping
Birmingham, 1858

11) Paul Morphy

vs Amateur
New Orleans, 1858

White mates in 4.

White mates in 3.

9) Paul Morphy vs
Thomas Barnes
London, 1858

12) Paul Morphy

vs Amateur
New Orleans, 1858

White mates in 4.

White mates in 3.

13) Paul Morphy

vs Forde
New Orleans, 1858

16) Paul Morphy

vs Chamouillet
Versailles, 1858

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

14) Paul Morphy vs

Jacques Baucher
Paris, 1858

17) Paul Morphy

vs Samuel Boden
London, 1859

White mates in 3.

White mates in 4.

15) Paul Morphy vs

Duke Karl & Count Isouard
Paris, 1858

18) Paul Morphy

vs Thomas Brian
New York, 1859

White mates in 2.

White mates in 4.

19) Paul Morphy

vs Amateur
Paris, 1859

22) Paul Morphy

vs Jules De Riviere
Paris, 1863

White mates in 4.

White mates in 3.

20) Paul Morphy

vs William Lewis
Philadelphia, 1859

23) Paul Morphy

vs Domingues
Habana, 1864

White mates in 3.

White mates in 3.

21) Paul Morphy

vs B Smyth
Philadelphia, 1859

24) Paul Morphy vs

Capdevielle, 1864

White mates in 4.

White mates in 3.

25) Louis Paulsen

vs Paul Morphy
New York, 1857

28) O Mongredien
vs Paul Morphy
Paris, 1859

Black mates in 5
25) 1...Rxg2+ 2.Kxg2 Qh3+ if 3.Kf2 Qh2+ or if
3.Kg1 Rg8+

Black mates in 3
28) 1...e3+ if 2.Rf3 Bxf3+

26) Adolf Anderssen

vs Paul Morphy
Paris, 1858

1) 1.Rxf7+
2) 1.Rxd7 if 1...Nf5 2.Rxd8+
3) 1.Qb7+ Ka5 2.Bd2+ Qxd2 3.Nc4+ Ka4 4.b3#
4) 1.Qxc7+ if 1...Kf8 2.Qd6+ or if 1...Ke6 2.Re1+
Kd5 3.c4+
5) 1.R8g6+ Kh7 2.Bg8+

Black mates in 4
26) 1...Rc1+ if 2.Kh2 Qxf4+
27) P Journoud
vs Paul Morphy
Paris, 1858

6) 1.Rh5+ Kf4 2.Kf2 Rg8 3.g3+

7) 1.Qe8+ Kg7 2.Nh5+ Kh6 3.Qe3+
8) 1.Rd5+ Kg4 2.Re4+ Kg3 3.Rd3+
9) 1.Qf3+ Kb8 2.Qf8+
10) 1.e8/Q Re1+ 2.Qxe1 Qxd8 3.Qc3+
11) 1.Rb5+ Ka4 2.Qc2+
12) 1.Qe7+ Kg8 2.Qf8+
13) 1.g5+ Kh5 2.Bf3+ Bg4 3.Qg3

Black mates in 3
27) 1...Rd2

14) 1.Qf7+

15) 1.Qb8+
16) 1.Rg8+ Nf8 2.Rxf8+ Kd7 3.Bf5+
17) 1.f6+ Kh8 2.g7+ Kg8 3.f7+ Kxg7 3.Qf6#
18) 1.Ne7+ Kf8 2.Ng6+ Kg8 3.Qf8+ Rxf8 4.Ne7#
19) 1.Nd7+ Kc8 2.Nb6+ Kb8 3.Qc8+
20) 1.Qxg5
21) 1.Qxe6 Rxe6 2.Rf8+ Kg7 3.R1f7+
22) 1.Re8+ Nxe8 2.Qxg6+
23) 1.Be6+ Kc7 2.Nxc8+ (or 2.Nc4+)
24) 1.Ne8 if 1...Kg6 2.Qf6+
25) 1...Rxg2+ 2.Kxg2 Qh3+ if 3.Kf2 Qh2+ or if
3.Kg1 Rg8+
26) 1...Rc1+ if 2.Kh2 Qxf4+
27) 1...Rd2
28) 1...e3+ if 2.Rf3 Bxf3+

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