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EVERYMAN CHESS eBooks in ChessBase Format

To the best of my knowledge this list is complete

as of Dec 29, 2010. lg280349 has done a wonderful
job with this thread and the content. I am sure
that I speak for everyone when I say: Thank you
very much!

+ Available
- Not Available

+ Alekhine Alert!: A repertoire for Black against 1 e4

by Timothy Taylor
Paperback, 288 pages

+ Art of Attack in Chess

by Vladimir Vukovic
Paperback, 352 pages

- Beating the King's Indian and Gr�nfeld

by Timothy Taylor
Paperback, 192 pages

Beating Unusual Chess Openings: Dealing with the English, Reti, King's Indian
Attack and other annoying systems
by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 224 pages

Chess Fundamentals
by Jose Capablanca
Paperback, 122 pages

Dangerous Weapons: 1 e4 e5
by John Emms and Glenn Flear and Andrew Greet
Paperback, 334 pages

Dangerous Weapons: Anti-Sicilians

by John Emms and Richard Palliser and Peter Wells
Paperback, 285 pages

Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings

by Richard Palliser and Tony Kosten and James Vigus
Paperback, 256 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Benoni and Benko

by John Emms and Chris Ward and Richard Palliser and Gawain Jones
Paperback, 192 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Caro-Kann

by John Emms and Richard Palliser and Jovanka Houska
Paperback, 304 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Dutch

by Richard Palliser and Simon Williams and James Vigus
Paperback, 224 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The French

by John Watson
Paperback, 320 pages
Dangerous Weapons: The King's Indian
by Richard Palliser and Glenn Flear and Yelena Dembo
Paperback, 272 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Nimzo-Indian

by John Emms and Richard Palliser and Chris Ward
Paperback, 192 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Pirc and Modern

by Richard Palliser and Colin McNab and James Vigus
Paperback, 224 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Queen's Gambit

by Glenn Flear and Richard Palliser and Chris Ward
Paperback, 192 pages

Dangerous Weapons: The Sicilian

by John Emms and Richard Palliser
Paperback, 192 pages

Dealing with d4 Deviations: Fighting the Trompowsky, Torre, Blackmar-Diemer,

Stonewall, Colle and other problem openings
by John Cox
Paperback, 192 pages

Excelling at Chess
by Jacob Aagaard
Paperback, 192 pages

Excelling at Chess Calculation: Capitalising on tactical chances

by Jacob Aagaard
Paperback, 144 pages

Excelling at Combinational Play :Learn to Identify and Exploit Tactical Chances

by Jacob Aagaard
Paperback, 192 pages

Excelling at Technical Chess

by Jacob Aagaard
Paperback, 192 pages

Fighting the Anti-King's Indians: How to Handle White's tricky ways of avoiding the
main lines
by Yelena Dembo
Paperback, 208 pages

Fighting the Anti-Sicilians: Combating 2 c3, the Closed, the Morra Gambit and other
tricky ideas
by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 256 pages

Fighting the Ruy Lopez

by Milos Pavlovic
Paperback, 176 pages

Gambiteer I: A hard-hitting chess opening repertoire for White

by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 192 pages
Gambiteer II: A hard-hitting chess opening repertoire for Black
by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 192 pages

Garry Kasparov on Fischer: My Great Predecessors part 4

by Garry Kasparov
Hardcover, 496 pages

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess series: Kasparov v Karpov Volumes 1 & 2

by Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part 2: Kasparov vs Karpov 1975-1985

by Garry Kasparov
Hardcover, 424 pages

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part 3: Kasparov vs Karpov 1986-1987

by Garry Kasparov
Hardcover, 426 pages

Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess, Part 4: Kasparov vs Karpov 1988-2009

by Garry Kasparov
Hardcover, 432 pages

How to Play against 1 e4

by Neil McDonald
Paperback, 240 pages

How to Play against 1d4

by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 256 pages

How to Win at Chess - Quickly!

by Simon Williams
Paperback, 192 pages

Improve Your Opening Play

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 144 pages

It's Your Move

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 144 pages

It's Your Move Improvers

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 144 pages

Mastering the Opening

by Byron Jacobs
Paperback, 144 pages

Nimzo-Indian Kasparov Variation: 4 Nf3 as popularised by Garry Kasparov

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 144 pages

Offbeat Nimzo-Indian
by Chris Ward
Paperback, 144 pages
Play 1 b4!: Shock your opponents with the Sokolsky
by Nick Conticello and Yury Lapshun
Paperback, 176 pages

Play 1 e4 e5!: A complete repertoire for Black in the Open Games

by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 192 pages

Play the Caro-Kann: A complete chess opening repertoire against 1 e4

by Jovanka Houska
Paperback, 208 pages

Play the Catalan

by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 192 pages

Play the Dutch

by Neil McDonald
Paperback, 176 pages

Play the English: An active opening repertoire for White

by Craig Pritchett
Paperback, 192 pages

Play the Gr�nfeld

by Yelena Dembo
Paperback, 192 pages

Play the Najdorf: Scheveningen Style

by John Emms
Paperback, 144 pages

Play the Nimzo-Indian

by Edward Dearing
Paperback, 192 pages

Play the Queen's Gambit

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 192 pages

Play the Queen's Indian

by Andrew Greet
Paperback, 256 pages

Play the Sicilian Kan

by Johan Hellsten
Paperback, 320 pages

Play the Slav

by James Vigus
Paperback, 192 pages

Seven Ways to Smash the Sicilian

by Yury Lapshun and Nick Conticello
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: 1 d4!: A reliable repertoire for the improving player

by John Cox
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: 1 e4: A reliable repertoire for the improving player

by Neil McDonald
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: Chess Tactics and Checkmates

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: Classical Sicilian

by Alexander Raetsky and Maxim Chetverik
Paperback, 176 pages

Starting Out: Closed Sicilian

by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: d-pawn Attacks: The Colle-Zukertort, Barry and 150 Attacks
by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: King's Indian Attack

by John Emms
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: Queen's Gambit Accepted

by Alexander Raetsky and Maxim Chetverik
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: Queen's Gambit Declined

by Neil McDonald
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: Rook Endgames

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: Sicilian Grand Prix Attack

by Gawain Jones
Paperback, 176 pages

Starting Out: Sicilian Najdorf

by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: Sicilian Sveshnikov

by John Cox
Paperback, 271 pages

Starting Out: Slav & Semi-Slav

by Glenn Flear
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The c3 Sicilian

by John Emms
Paperback, 208 pages

Starting Out: The Colle

by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 251 pages

Starting Out: The Dutch Defence

by Neil McDonald
Paperback, 260 pages

Starting Out: The French

by Byron Jacobs
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The King's Indian

by Joe Gallagher
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The Modern

by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: The Modern Benoni

by Endre Vegh
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The Nimzo-Indian

by Chris Ward
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The Pirc/Modern

by Joe Gallagher
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The R�ti

by Neil McDonald
Paperback, 208 pages

Starting Out: The Ruy Lopez

by John Shaw
Paperback, 160 pages

Starting Out: The Scotch Game

by John Emms
Paperback, 224 pages

Starting Out: The Sicilian Dragon

by Andrew Martin
Paperback, 192 pages

Starting Out: The Sicilian, 2nd edition

by John Emms
Paperback, 304 pages

Tango! A Dynamic Answer to 1 d4

by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 192 pages

The Bb5 Sicilian: Detailed coverage of a thoroughly modern system

by Richard Palliser
Paperback, 192 pages
The Budapest Gambit
by Timothy Taylor
Paperback, 240 pages

The Dynamic Reti

by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 144 pages

The French Advance (2nd edition)

by Sam Collins
Paperback, 160 pages

The New Sicilian Dragon

by Simon Williams
Paperback, 224 pages

The Pirc in Black & White: Detailed coverage of an enterprising chess opening
by James Vigus
Paperback, 381 pages

The Scandinavian (2nd edition)

by John Emms
Paperback, 144 pages

The Trompowsky
by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 144 pages

The Veresov: Surprise Your Opponents with the Tricky 2 Nc3!

by Nigel Davies
Paperback, 144 pages

Who Dares Wins!: Attacking the King on Opposite Sides

by Lorin D'costa
Paperback, 192 pages

Winning Chess Combinations

by Yasser Seirawan
Paperback, 254 pages

Winning Chess Strategies, revised edtion

by Yasser Seirawan
Paperback, 272 pages

Winning Chess Tactics, revised edition

by Yasser Seirawan
Paperback, 256 pages

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