QAS Final
QAS Final
QAS Final
for Business Support Materials (BSMs)
[Refer Section 7 of Rules of Conduct for Amway Business Owners]
Mandatory Curriculum
Intellectual Property
Discussing Earnings
Describing Products
Third-party Materials
Speaker Rules
Host name
Date and time
Ticket price
Front or Reverse:
Purchase of this ticket is optional. No audio or video recording is allowed. While the techniques and
approaches suggested have worked for others, no one can guarantee that these techniques will work for you.
We hope, however, that the ideas presented here will assist you in developing a strong and profitable Amway
The following shall be clearly explained to the customer before ticket purchase:
Purchase of this ticket is optional.
No one can guarantee that these techniques will work for you.
No audio or video recording is allowed.
This information specified above must be clear and intelligible; however the position on the BSM may vary
depending on the media type as below:
CDs and DVDs
To be printed on the CD / DVD itself and on the cover.
Printed Materials
To be printed preferably on the (back) cover.
Audio recordings
To be spoken clearly at the beginning or the end of the recording.
Video recordings
To be spoken clearly at the beginning or the end of the video.
A sticker with full legend might be used as well on CDs, DVDs and Printed Materials.
Audio and video-recordings duration approved by Amway as BSM cannot be less than 30 minutes.
ABOs that offer, sponsor, provide access to, or are otherwise associated or involved with meetings and/or
events falling within one of the categories below, must ensure that such meeting and/or event complies with
the Content Standards portion of the QAS, provides the Mandatory BSM Content as described in the previous
section, and provides the mandatory meeting content set forth below.
The Amway Product Display/Demonstration is mandatory for each of the meetings below and consists of a
display including a minimum of five Amway products (with at least one from each product category), plus
the live demonstration or video play back of an Amway-approved product demonstration that appears on the
Amway e-learning website.
Amway Credentials
Zero cost to join the Amway business.
Zero cost to renew the Amway business.
100% money back guarantee on products.
Income is based on the sale of products.
Income is based on effort and not based on position in Line of Sponsorship.
Mandatory Disclaimers as defined in the QAS.
Refund Policy for BSMs.
Approved income claims.
Major Function
Major Functions are those meetings that have the objective of recognition and motivation. The target audience
is comprised of ABOs and Prospects. The keynote speaker(s) at the Major Functions must be a Diamond or
above (must be at least a Qualified Emerald during the day of the event). The duration of the event is 5-8 hours.
Go Diamond Function
Go Diamond Functions are those meetings that have the objective of providing a higher level of teaching about
business building and business hygiene for ABOs who have reached certain Pin levels. The target audience is
comprised of ABOs who have reached the Qualified Silver producer level and up. The duration for Go Diamond
Functions is maximum of two days.
Go Diamond Functions may also have a separate optional Meeting for Leaders that is a focused group meeting
reserved for ABOs that have at a minimum achieved a certain Pin level. The target audience is Qualified
Emeralds or higher. There can be no extra charge for this meeting, and must be included in the time frame of
the Go Diamond meeting. Mandatory Content for the Meeting for Leaders is as follows:
1. Re-enforcement of best practices to maintain business hygiene. To be presented by Amway staff
representative, if available.
2. Senior ABO Leaders to teach on aspects of business which will foster:
a. Team bonding.
b. Business sustainability.
c. Enhance productivity.
d. Fast Track Growth.
e. Pin change (personal and group).
f. Strategies to increase profitability.
g. Senior ABO Leaders speak to the team in detail on the SWOT of the market.
3. Question and Answer session
Except as otherwise provided in the Amway Rules of Conduct, written policies, or other policies which Amway
may communicate from time to time, it is the responsibility of all ABOs that sell, offer for sale, distribute,
provide access to, or create BSM, to ensure that such BSM comply with the Content Standards portion of the
QAS, and be submitted to Amway for review and authorization according to the process stated below. The
review and authorization of BSM by Amway does not relieve the ABO of any liability related to compliance with
applicable laws including without limitation, laws relating to the use of intellectual property of third parties.
Memorialized BSM
Pre-Submission Process
ABO Training Providers and/or those submitting BSM for review will make efforts to ensure that all BSM
submitted for review to Amway comply with the Content Standards portion of the QAS, and contain the
Mandatory BSM Content.
If BSM are submitted in a language other than English or Hindi, the ABO Training Provider and/or BSM submitter
shall submit an accurate English translation of the BSM and shall provide a Declaration stating that to the best
of his/her knowledge, the English translation is accurate to the original BSM.
Submission Process:
1. ABO Training Provider and/or BSM submitter will submit a digital copy of the BSM for which authorization
is requested, together with any written summary, and the general details of the BSM to the contact
person or department designated by Amway.
2. Amway will, at its election, review the submitted BSM for compliance, authorize the BSM without review,
or reject the item if it is not a BSM.
3. Once the BSM is authorized, Amway will assign a Content Review Number (CRN) to the BSM and notify the
ABO Training Provider and/or BSM creator of the authorization. The BSM is formally authorized by Amway
for promotion, sale and distribution to ABOs (and/or prospects, as the case may be), only with the CRN
placed on the BSM.
4. In case there is a violation of the QAS found by Amway during the review process, the BSM will be rejected.
However, if permitted by the authors and those holding the applicable rights to the BSM, the ABO Training
Provider and/or BSM submitter may edit the BSM accordingly and resubmit it for review approval.
The BSM may not be promoted, sold, or distributed to ABOs or Prospects until the BSM is formally
authorized by Amway and contains a CRN.
All income representations must be limited to income earned from the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan,
and not from any other source. The income representations must provide realistic, not exaggerated, income
potentials. Income representations at various levels of achievement must be consistent with, and no greater
than, the appropriate corresponding income figures published by Amway from time to time for various levels
of achievement.
When describing the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan, the roles of a balanced business (ABO retail sales,
personal use, and sponsoring) must be accurately explained.
ABO Retail Sales Selling to customers is a great way to earn immediate income, and is a requirement
to earn additional bonuses under the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan.
Personal Use When showing the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan and in discussing it with anyone,
personal use of products must be characterized as a way to learn about the products and develop personal
experience that may be useful in the marketing of the products. Money saved through personal use is not
income and must not be represented as such. Implying that the business is a wholesale buying club is not
Implying that a successful Amway Business can be built solely on personal consumption is contrary to the
Rules of Conduct as having customers is an essential component of the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan.
Sponsoring Income is not earned from the act of sponsoring. Stating or implying that an ABO
can be successful or earn bonuses solely from the act of sponsoring others is not allowed.
When describing sponsoring, proper emphasis must be placed on the importance of a prior or existing
personal contact. Sponsoring may support ABO to build a successful business.
The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan does not compensate ABOs for the act of sponsoring. Compensation is
earned when products are sold to customers. To imply that an ABO can be successful by merely sponsoring
others is an inaccurate representation of the business opportunity.
Presenting the business primarily as a self-improvement program, e. g. to improve yourself, save your marriage,
or improve relationships with your family or others, rather than a for-profit business is a misrepresentation of
the business. That would imply that the primary activity in the business is something other than generating
profit. The self-improvement aspects of the business are intangible and should be presented in that context.
Content Permitted
It must be clear that whatis being described or offered is the Amway Business Opportunity.
Independent commerce.
Personal commerce.
ABO business model / opportunity.
Business Opportunity.
Free enterprise opportunity.
Independent business.
Direct selling opportunity.
Distributorship Opportunity with immense potential.
Build clientele, and sponsor others to do the same.
Expand your business by supporting key people.
Internship program.
Savings plan.
Tax shelter.
Wholesale buying club.
Virtual mall / Internet Store.
Sponsoring company.
Use of terms like Financial / trading project or project, program, concept, Business idea or idea while
referring to the Amway Business opportunity.
Financial or investment seminar.
Class / Workshop seminar or e-seminar.
Ground floor opportunity.
If you dont like selling, this business is for you.
All you have to do to go Diamond is to find six people and sponsor them.
Employee, agent, e-commerce ABO, or legal representative (as a synonym for ABO).
Amway is just a supplier.
ABO "outsources" administrative support.
"Get rich quick" scheme.
Guarantee of success.
Diminish time and effort.
"Risk-free", investment-free opportunity / business.
Employment opportunity.
Retirement programme.
Mentorship program.
Consumer Network / Organization.
Prosumer / Consumer / Customer (as a synonym for ABO).
No (product) sale required.
To describe Amway as the (support) system.
Market research.
Job interview or set up an interview.
Job application documents.
Cheaper shopping.
Vendor (as a synonym for Amway).
One of many partners (when used to describe the Amway Business).
Web Portal Provider.
Customer Registration except as it may relate to registration of Preferred Customers with Amway.
Corporate statistics, rankings, and historical information should be consistent and not vary from what is
currently presented by Amway. Using proprietary and/or confidential Amway or Alticor Inc. information in any
form or medium is not allowed.
References to the DeVos and Van Andel families should be made only in conjunction with
the ownership of Amway Corporation and the Alticor family of companies, including Amway.
References to any of the private projects, businesses, and philanthropy of the Van Andel and DeVos families
must always be accurate and with a clear distinction between those and Amway and the Alticor family of
Graphs, visuals, quotes, and references to statistical data must be substantiated from an identified, credible
source and dated currently (no more than three years).
Facts must be applicable to the intended market.
Price or product comparisons have a potential to become delicate and sensitive issues. Therefore price or
product comparisons are prohibited because of the risk level and need for substantiation.
Quotes from the speeches of other ABOs and/or Amway employees specifying their names as well as the facts
from success stories of well-known Amway Leaders can be used only after prior authorization of them.
Test results performed by respective publications in mass media may be quoted, but results cannot be
characterized as an endorsement.
Health or medical associations or similar bodies cannot be cited as a source in connection with NUTRILITE
Intellectual Property
ABOs shall not copy, distribute or in any other manner use copyrighted materials from a third party or produced
by Amway or Alticor Inc. without proper written assignment, license or other permission by the owner or
through applicable laws that permit the use. Any written permission obtained shall be retained by the ABO
and produced to Amway upon request.
Copyrighted materials include, but are not limited to: music; books; magazines; articles and other writings,
including excerpts and translations; speeches; photographs, artwork, including clip art on the Internet;
websites; blogs, and other social media posts; videos, movies, plays; sculptures, buildings, 3D forms; and
computer software.
All Amway-produced materials are copyrighted and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in part without
prior written authorization of Amway.
A Special Note About Music: Music reproduced, altered, played, performed, recorded, broadcast or streamed
via the Internet cannot be used in connection with BSM without a proper written assignment, license, or other
permission of the owner or through applicable laws that permit the use. MORE THAN ONE LICENSE IS OFTEN
REQUIRED WHEN USING RECORDED MUSIC. Any written permission obtained shall be retained by the ABO and
produced to Amway upon request.
A copyright owner may grant only limited rights. Those rights may be limited in several ways, including in time,
use, territory or media. Therefore, a license to use copyrighted material in one situation may not include the
right to use the same material in another situation. You are responsible for confirming that your use is covered
by the permission granted.
5. Even if Amway has obtained a license to use a copyrighted material, it does not necessarily mean that the
license extends to an ABOs use of the material.
All Amway-produced materials are copyrighted and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in part without
the authorization of Amway. To the extent that BSM incorporate Amway-produced materials, the notice "
(insert year of creation) Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd." should be maintained or added to that section of
the BSM.
Presentations by employees or representatives of Amway or Alticor Inc. may not be recorded, distributed, or
sold in whole or in part without prior written authorization of Amway.
ABOs shall refrain from using an individuals likeness, including his or her name, photograph, image or voice,
without written permission of the individual. The ABO shall maintain the written permission and produce it to
Amway upon request.
Like copyright permissions, publicity permissions may be limited in several ways, including time, use, territory
or media. Therefore, permission to use a persons image in one situation may not include the right to use the
same image in another situation. You must confirm that your use is covered by the permission granted.
The following are common situations where publicity rights may arise:
1. A photograph contains the images of a number of individuals. The photographer provides written
permission to the ABO to use the photograph. You also should obtain the written permission of the
individuals in the photograph to use their image (e.g. a model release).
2. A celebrity appears at an ABO event to provide a motivational speech and provides permission for the ABO
to record the speech. That permission would not automatically include the right to use the celebritys
name in promoting the business or for other purposes.
Trademarks Are Proper Adjectives A trademark is a proper adjective (never a noun), and it should
be followed by the generic (or common descriptive) name of the product. Amway and Alticors standard
corporate style is to display trademarks in all capital letters in text, or in stylized, bold or distinctive type.
The generic name should be set forth with initial capital letters.
Examples: NUTRILITE Supplements and ARTISTRY Polishing Scrub.
Trademarks should not be Pluralized Since trademarks cannot be nouns, do not use them in the plural
form. Instead, pluralize the common nouns they describe.
Examples: AMAGRAM Magazines and PERSONA Soaps.
Trademarks should not be used in the Possessive Form Trademarks should never be used in the
possessive form, unless the trademark itself is possessive.
Correct: We enjoy using AMWAY Products.
Incorrect: We enjoy using AMWAYs Products.
All materials shall produce a professional and pleasant visual, tactile and / or audio experience for the user.
Discussing Earnings
Direct or indirect earnings representations must be truthful, accurate, and not misleading and must only reflect
the income available or earned through the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan. All other sources of income are
to be excluded.
Describing income as continuing (or any synonym of it) without including the requirement for continued effort
and/or meeting qualifications is not permitted.
All income representations must provide realistic, not exaggerated, income potentials. Income representations
at various levels of achievement must be consistent with, and no greater than, the appropriate corresponding
income figures published by Amway from time to time for various levels of achievement.
ABOs may make income representations of their own personal Amway income provided that they are truthful,
accurate, and not misleading, only reflect income earned through the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan, and
include the proper disclosure from the Obligatory Disclosures section of the QAS.
Lifestyle representations may be used if they provide realistic, not exaggerated, income potentials, contain the
proper additional disclosures, and reflect the actual lifestyle of the ABO depicted in the representation accrued
as a result of building a successful Amway business. Lifestyle representations that are not limited to that which
is obtained solely through the Amway business may be allowed by Amway at its sole discretion provided that
the mandatory Lifestyle Disclosure from the Obligatory Disclosures section of the QAS is used.
No representation that income is guaranteed or assured is allowed.
All income representations must provide realistic, not exaggerated, income potentials and lifestyle
The Amway Business does not offer "retirement" in the traditional sense, because it requires ongoing effort
and qualification to maintain earnings. It can only produce income as long as it is actively operated.
Income from the Plan is not willable or inheritable. The Amway business must continue to be actively
operated and promoted to meet monthly and annual criteria to generate income.
An Amway Business may be inherited. As long as the person(s) taking over the business continues to achieve
qualifications under the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan, they can also continue to achieve income, rewards
and awards.
One of the attributes of the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan is the ability of an ABO to build and establish a
substantial business and then pass it on to his heirs or beneficiaries.
Stating or implying that the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan and/or business is a method of tax reduction or
tax relief is not allowed.
Content Permitted
It must be clear that what is being described is income generated from the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan.
Amway offers an opportunity, not a guarantee. There are no guarantees that one will achieve a particular level
in any particular time frame, as results are individual and vary widely.
Content suggestion permitted (some examples):
Amway Sales and Marketing Plan income.
Sales and Marketing Plan offered by Amway.
Additional content permitted with appropriate context or description. To be used only in conjunction with
Amway Sales and Marketing Plan (some examples) :
Performance Bonus income.
Personal bonus income, group bonus income, and available Retail Profit.
Performance-based income.
Sales incentives.
Immediate income potential with opportunity for full time business activity.
Customizable income potential.
Outstanding income / earnings potential.
Rich, wealthy, millionaire (if true) as a result of building a successful Amway business.
Financial flexibility Earnings and/or bonus representations exclusively based on your own personal
Ongoing income is acceptable with saying or implying ongoing effort.
Inheritable business (Term can be used as long as it is clear the Amway Business, not the income, can be
inherited.(Your independent business is an asset you can pass on to your heirs, subject to the Amway
Maintainable income/bonuses (Term can be used as long as it is clear that income is based on product
sales and not guaranteed. "If you build and maintain a strong ABO organization meeting the Amway Sales
criteria, you can receive maintainable income based on sales of that whole group.")
Ongoing income / bonuses (Term can be used as long as it is clearly stated that income is based on
product sales and not guaranteed. "If you build and maintain a strong ABO organization meeting the
Amway Sales criteria, you can receive ongoing income based on sales of that whole group.")
Sustainable income/bonuses (Term can be used as long as it is clearly stated that income is based on
product sales and not guaranteed. "If you build and maintain a strong ABO organization meeting the
Amway Sales criteria, you can receive sustainable income based on sales of that whole group.")
Long-term income/bonus (The term can be used as long as it is clearly stated the income depends on long-
term effort, on continuing product sales and is not guaranteed. "If you stay active in this business over the
long term, you can receive long-term income".
Low risk (free to join and freedom to exit).
Describing Products
Claims for Amway products must be used verbatim from official Amway India sources and cannot be altered/
modified in any way.
Content Permitted
Statements on Amway products may only be taken verbatim from official Amway literature and official Amway
Websites intended and approved for use in the respective market.
Nutrilite is the worlds No. 1 selling vitamins and dietary supplements brand (Footnote
Source Euromonitor International Limited; Vitamins and Dietary Supplements, World, GBN, Retail Value
RSP, % breakdown, 2013.)
ARTISTRY is among the worlds top five, largest-selling, premium skincare brands (Footnote
Source Euromonitor International Limited; Beauty and Personal Care 2014, Premium Beauty and Personal
Care and Premium Skin Care category and subcategory; global 2013 value RSP.
Encouraging financially irresponsible activities as a means to purchase BSM or attend events is not allowed.
Financially irresponsible activities include (but is not limited to) stating or implying:
Necessary to invest money to purchase BSMs or attend events.
BSMs/Tools are required to build an Amway Business.
Money spent on BSM as an investment opportunity.
Support System.
Support Team.
Entrepreneurial Development Program.
ABO Training Provider and / or third party vendor provide training, education, motivation, development
and support.
ABO Training Provider and / or third party vendor offers an environment that can help you learn about and
grow your Amway Business.
Participation with the ABO Training Provider and/or Third Party Vendor and purchase of BSM.
Stating or implying a guarantee of success from participation with a ABO Training Provider and / or third
party vendor.
Stating or implying the ABO Training Provider and / or third party vendor is the only source available for
training or support.
Stating or implying that participation with a ABO Training Provider and/or third party vendor is a required
component of operating an Amway Business.
Implying that an ABO must follow all the steps of the System or purchase all recommended BSM in order
to succeed.
Grouping the cost of BSM as an initial registration fee.
Mandatory participation.
Spiritual counselling.
Financial counselling.
Encouraging financially irresponsible activities as a means to purchase BSM or attend events.
Characterizing money spent on BSM as an investment opportunity.
Equating BSM to system of secondary and higher education is not allowed.
Spiritual references are not allowed.
Prayer/Worship services can neither be offered, presented nor promoted as part of the Amway Business.
Demeaning, disparaging, or sarcastic remarks about any religion or system of belief are not allowed.
Disparaging statements regarding Amway, Alticor Inc., any of their affiliates, employees, ABOs, or other ABO
Training Providers and / or third party vendors are not permitted.
Using the business platform to express personal beliefs that are derogatory (i.e., against education or traditional
employment) is not allowed.
Encouraging an ABO to limit contact or cut ties to family and friends is not allowed. It is appropriate to
encourage ABOs to maintain a professional appearance and demeanour.
It must be clear that the Amway Business is an equal opportunity business open to all people from all walks
of life.
Endorsement or denouncement of specific candidates, political parties, and/or issues, is not allowed.
Inflammatory labels or personal attacks on the character or integrity of government officials or candidates are
not allowed.
Third-Party Materials
Even though BSM is often created by ABO Training Providers, they can also be created by third parties, other
than ABO Training Providers. This section applies to BSM created by third parties only. The third party materials
are treated differently depending upon the category in which they fall. There are three categories of third
party materials: (1) Third Party General Business Materials; (2) Other Third Party Business Materials; and (3)
Third Party Non-Business Materials. If you have any questions about categorizing Third Party Materials, please
contact your BSM Advisor for assistance.
Address general business topics that would be useful to ABOs in the operation of an Amway independent
Do not reference or discuss Amway or a competitor company, Multi-Level Marketing, or Direct Selling;
Are not produced or authored by any current or former ABO, or any ABO Training Provider;
Do not contain any information about Amway products, the Amway ABO Compensation Plan, or any other
information designed or intended to solicit prospective ABOs;
Do not deal primarily with spiritual, religious, political, moral or social issues (see the section called Third
Party Non-Business Materials for treatment of these types of materials);
Do not contain any statements which, when understood in context, would violate the Content Standards
portion of the Quality Assurance Standards;
Are published through recognized commercial publishing houses and are available through ordinary retail
distribution outlets; and
Do not undermine or negatively affect the positioning or reputation of Amway, its brands or products &
ABOs .
Business topics, trends, techniques or issues related to Amway Business or direct selling industry;
Direct Selling;
The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan, or any other information designed or intended to solicit prospective
ABOs; or
Any other business related materials that are not Third Party General Business Materials.
Other Third Party Business Materials must be submitted to Amway for review and authorization through the
normal BSM submission process prior to being promoted, distributed, sold or used.
Please refer to the current Website Rules and Guidelines as contained in the Amway Rules of Conduct.
Obligatory Disclosures
To be compliant with the QAS, all BSM must contain obligatory disclosures, as described in this section,
depending on context and media type. The triggers for insertion of the obligatory disclosures, and the
requirements for appearance of the obligatory disclosures, are set forth below. In addition, Amway may provide
additional obligatory disclosures to the person that submitted the BSM for review together with the BSM
review. BSM will not be authorized by Amway without the proper obligatory disclosures.
Required Disclosure for
Memorialized BSM
Mandatory on all
Memorialized BSM
Memorialized BSM: The purchase and use of this BSM is
optional. It is for use in India only. While the techniques and
approaches suggested have worked for others, no one can
guarantee that these techniques will work for you.
Print/Video/Slide Presentation/Web Content: Disclosure must
be clearly and conspicuously displayed. For CDs and DVDs, the
disclosure must be printed on the CD/DVD itself and on the
cover. For other BSM, the disclosure must appear on the front (or
the beginning of the BSM), or on the back cover (or the end of the
Audio Presentation: Disclosure must be clearly and
conspicuously displayed. The disclosure must be printed on the
cover/packaging (if applicable), and must be recorded at the
beginning or the end of the audio presentation.
Please note that this disclosure is in addition to the other
labeling requirements for BSM specified in the Program
Standards portion of the QAS.
On all Tickets to
Meetings, Events,
Gatherings, etc.
Purchase of this ticket is optional. No audio or video recording is
allowed. While the techniques and approaches suggested have
worked for others, no one can guarantee that these techniques
will work for you. We hope, however, that the ideas presented
here will assist you in developing a strong and profitable Amway
Disclosure must be clearly and conspicuously displayed on the
front or back of the ticket.
Please note that this disclosure is in addition to the other
labelling requirements for tickets specified in the Program
Standards portion of the QAS.
Lifestyle Disclosure
Print/Video/Slide Presentation/Audio Presentation: The success
depicted in this profile may reflect income from sources other
than Amway.
Print/Video/Slide Presentation/Audio presentation: Disclosure
must be clearly and conspicuously displayed or read immediately
after the triggering income representation. If not possible or
practical, the disclosure may appear at the beginning or at the
end of the BSM, whichever is closer to the first triggering income
For existing ABOs ONLY. Not for use with prospects.
Notes for disclosure: the disclosure MUST be clear, conspicuous,
and contiguous. The disclosure must appear in a font size as
large as that of other text on the same page. If no text appears
on the page, then the disclosure should be the same size as any
other required disclosures appearing in the same piece. The text
of the disclosure must stand alone and no other text may appear
immediately preceding or following the disclosure. There must
be at least one blank space of the same font size as the
disclosure between the disclosure and any surrounding text.
Print/Video/Slide presentation: The disclosure is to be displayed
at either the beginning or the end of BSM, on each slide of a slide
presentation, or on the cover and face of the BSM.
Audio: The disclosure is to be recorded at either the beginning or
the end of the audio, or on the packaging or cover.
When discussing
techniques and/or
approaches for
sponsoring, selling, or
personal use.
While the techniques and approaches suggested here have
worked for other ABOs no one can guarantee these techniques
and approaches will work for you. We believe the ideas
presented here combined with hard work can assist you in
developing a strong and profitable Amway business. The success
of an Amway business does not come merely by the act of
registering ABOs; no ABOs earn income by simply registering
others. The sale of products to ABOs and customers is essential
for earning income from the Amway business. When the speaker
mentions the business, the plan, or the opportunity, they
refer to the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan.
Notes for disclosure: the disclosure MUST be clear, conspicuous,
and contiguous with the triggering discussion.
Print/Video/Slide presentation/Audio presentation: Disclosure
must be displayed or read, as the case may be, immediately after
the triggering discussion or, if not possible or practical, then
either at the beginning or at the end of the BSM, whichever is
closer to the first triggering discussion.
Income Disclosure
Print/Video/Slide Presentation/Audio Presentation: Income at
the same qualification levels may vary based on personal sales
volume, group sales volume, and organization size and structure.
Print/Video/Slide Presentation/Audio presentation: Disclosure
must be clearly and conspicuously displayed or read immediately
after the triggering income representation. If not possible or
practical, the disclosure may appear at the beginning or at the
end of the BSM, whichever is closer to the first triggering income
Speaker Rules
Section 1. Acceptance
Spiritual/Religious communications
Political communications
Presenters must promote the Amway business as an equal business opportunity its a business for everyone.
The business for everyone means an acceptance of all people, regardless of their personal beliefs, political
affiliations, ethnic backgrounds, racial origins and gender.
Moral/Social communications
Positive statements related to values such as trustworthiness, honesty, integrity, responsibility, commitment,
family, individual initiative, etc. are permitted.
Demeaning statements regarding personal lifestyle, ethnicity, or the roles of males and/or females are not
Using the stage as a platform to promote personal social beliefs or social and cultural issues are not permitted.
Section 2. Accuracy
The presentation of the Amway business has a critical impact on the reputation and credibility of the presenting
ABO, the Sponsor/Line of Sponsorship (LOS), Amway, and the overall business.
A general rule is to under-promise so the business can over-deliver. The goal is to ensure that Prospects and
ABOs have realistic expectations about the business, understand how income is earned, and are clear about
the time and effort required to earn income as an ABO.
Amways Role
The Amway Business must be presented as an opportunity to gain income through the retailing of products and
the mentoring of others to do the same. Its a business including products and product education, distribution,
compensation, customer service, and the Sales and Marketing Plan. The Presenter must not misrepresent the
relationship of the ABO to Amway by, for example, suggesting or implying that Amway is just a supplier,
or that the ABO represents a business opportunity of which Amway is a part, or that the ABO is an Amway
e-commerce distributor, or that the ABO outsources administrative support to Amway, etc.
ABO Role
Presenters must not promote the use of false, misleading, inaccurate, or deceptive statements with Prospects
or other ABOs. Presenters must promote behaviour that results in an ABO making themselves known as an
Amway Business Owner, as soon as possible. Its necessary to identify the purpose of the contact namely the
sale of Amway products and/or to introduce the Prospect to the business. The invitation to see the Plan may
not be disguised.
ABOs must understand that the participation with the ABO Training Provider and / or third party vendor is
voluntary and participation does not guarantee success. Providing examples of how participation with the ABO
Training Provider and/orthird party vendor contributed to the growth of a profitable business is acceptable.
The primary business relationship of an ABO is with Amway and not a support system or organization. To imply
otherwise is inaccurate and misleading.
Amway believes that the use of BSM and attendance at meetings may be an effective tool in building an ABOs
business. However, Amway believes that BSM should do more than just motivate. Amway believes that the
use of tools and teachings developed by successful organizations and their leaders should impact the Amway
business in a meaningful and measurable way.
Ultimately, the decision to purchase BSM and/or attend events is strictly voluntary. It is entirely optional and
should be presented as such. The entitlement for an ABO to receive support from their sponsor or upline
Platinum cannot be conditioned upon whether or not BSM are purchased.
ABOs must promote only those BSM which are officially authorized by Amway India for use in the market.
The Sales and Marketing Plan should not be represented as anything other than what it is: the business and
compensation framework for an independent Amway business. Prospects must understand this as well as the
fact they are entering into a contract with Amway, which includes the rights and responsibilities that come
with being an ABO.
The Plan should not be positioned as a get rich quick scheme. ABOs must not guarantee any level of success
and diminish the time and effort necessary to build an independent Amway business.
Personal consumption
Retailing of products and mentoring others to do the same is fundamental to the Amway business. Implying
that a successful business can be built solely on personal consumption is prohibited by the Rules of Conduct.
Having customers is the primary component of the Sales and Marketing Plan. Prospects and ABOs should
understand how having a customer base contributes to a profitable business.
Self-improvement program
Presenting the business primarily as a self-improvement program rather than a for-profit business is a
misrepresentation. For example, presenting the business as a way to improve yourself, save your marriage, or
improve relationships with your family or others implies that the primary activity in the business is something
other than generating profit. The self-improvement aspects of the business are intangible benefits and should
be presented in that context.
(8) Sponsors-only
An Amway business is built on the balance of retailing products and sponsoring and mentoring others who
do the same. The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan does not compensate ABOs for the act of sponsoring .
Compensation is earned when products are sold to customers. To imply that an ABO can be successful or earn
from merely recruiting and sponsoring others is an inaccurate representation of the business opportunity.
Earning representations
Direct or indirect earnings representations must be truthful, clear, accurate, and not misleading. Representations
to Prospects and ABOs can only reflect the income available or earned through the Amway Sales and Marketing
Plan and must exclude all other sources of income.
ABOs may use only those earnings and/or bonus representations based on their own personal experiences,
provided that they at the same time disclose the average income, earnings, and sales figures and percentages
as published by Amway. They may disclose only other current financial figures about Amway as published by
Use of the terms financial security, rich, wealthy, and millionaire could exaggerate and suggest a level of
earnings that are not typical and may be unacceptable, depending on context. Acceptable terms are: achieving
your financial goals, financial flexibility, or financial growth.
Use of the terms residual income, residuals ,passive income, royalty income or royalties misrepresents
the nature of earnings from the Sales and Marketing Plan. These terms imply that earnings can continue
endlessly without further effort. The Rules of Conduct require fulfilment of certain responsibilities. Acceptable
terms are leadership bonus, maintainable, sustainable income.
Certain frequently used "retirement" phrases including never work again, always on vacation, always
travelling, or that ABOs have freedom from work or are free imply that no work is required after one
builds an Amway business to a certain level, and so must not be used. Use of the terms residual income
residuals, passive income, royalty income, or royalties is also unacceptable, as they misrepresent the
nature of earnings from the Sales and Marketing Plan.