The SOHO Market, Part V: Upsetting The Applecart-The Emergence of Dell
The SOHO Market, Part V: Upsetting The Applecart-The Emergence of Dell
The SOHO Market, Part V: Upsetting The Applecart-The Emergence of Dell
Feature Article
The PC Wars
The genesis of this epic struggle dates back to the PC wars of the late
1990s as HP and Dell fought for profitable PC revenue.When, in 2002,
HP purchased one if its biggest PC rivals, Compaq, PC prices were on
a slow, steady decline towards commoditization. The low profits
derived from PC sales and the unwieldy acquisition of Compaq was
Luke Goldberg is responsible for developing overall market/industry analysis and sales trends, expanding
dealer channels, managing the Future Graphics sales team of professionals as part of the new product
development and marketing/promotions team. He has more than 14 years of experience in the imaging
supplies industry. He may be reached at 800-394-9900. International Imaging Technology Council July 2005 Imaging Spectrum Magazine 47
Feature Article
considered by many in the HP brain trust to be a departure from HPs
core business philosophyand would ultimately be the coup de grace
for Carly Fiorina.
48 Imaging Spectrum Magazine July 2005 International Imaging Technology Council
Feature Article