Boring Operation
Boring Operation
Boring Operation
Metal Removal
Cutting-Tool Materials
Metal Removal Methods
Machinability of Metals
Single Point Machining
Turning Tools and Operations
Turning Methods and Machines
Grooving and Threading
Shaping and Planing
Hole Making Processes
Drills and Drilling Operations
Drilling Methods and Machines
Boring Operations and Machines
Reaming and Tapping
Chapter 10
Boring Operations
& Machines
10.1 Introduction
Boring, also called Internal Turning, is used to increase the inside diameter of a hole.
The original hole is made with a drill, or it may be a cored hole in a casting. Boring
achieves three things:
Sizing: Boring brings
the hole to the proper
size and finish. A drill
or reamer can only be
used if the desired size
is standard or if special
tools are ground. The
boring tool can work to
any diameter and it will
give the required finish
by adjusting speed, feed
and nose radius. Precision holes can be bored FIGURE 10.1: Adjustable boring bar for precision holes.
using micro adjustable (Courtesy: National Acme Co. Div. DeVlieg-Bullard, Inc.)
boring bars (Fig. 10.1)
Straightness: Boring
will straighten the original drilled or cast hole. Drills, especially the longer ones,
may wander off- center and cut at a slight angle because of eccentric forces on
the drill, occasional hard spots in the material, or uneven sharpening of the drill
(see Fig. 8.10). Cored holes in castings are almost never completely straight.
The boring tool being moved straight along the ways with the carriage feed will
correct these errors.
Concentricity: Boring will make the hole concentric with the outside diameter
within the limits of the accuracy of the chuck or holding device. For best
concentricity, the turning of the outside diameter and the boring of the inside
diameter is done in one set-up, that is, without moving the work between
operations. The basics discussed in Chapters 4 and 5, the Turning Chapters, also
apply to boring. However, with boring there are a number of limitations that must
be taken into account in order to reach a high stock removal rate combined with
satisfactory accuracy, surface finish and tool life. Therefore, in this chapter the
limitations that distinguish internal turning from external turning will be discussed
in greater detail. A typical boring operation is shown in Figure 10.2.
insert geo m e t r y
together with
the selected
fulfill the
requirements for
good chip
control. At
same FIGURE 10.4: Various sizes and styles of boring bars. (Courtesy Dorian
the Tool)
boring bar
must provide sufficient stability in order
to resist the
c u t t i n g FIGURE 10.5: Boring bars are often required to reach long distances
forces that into parts to remove stock. (Courtesy Sandvik Coromant Co.)
During boring operations the chip reach long distances into parts to
flow can be critical, particularly remove stock (see Fig. 10.5).
when deep holes are being ma- Hence, the rigidity of the machining
The centrifugal force operation is compromised because
presses the chips outwards. With the diameter of the tool is restricted
boring, this means that the chips by the hole size and the need for
remain in the workpiece.
The added clearance to evacuate chips.
remaining chips could get pressed The practical overhang limits for
into the machined surface or get steel boring bars is four times their
jammed and damage the tool. shank diameter.
When the tool
Therefore, as with internal turning, overhang exceeds this limit, the
tools with an internal cutting fluid metal removal rate of the boring
supply are recommended. The chips operation is compromised signifiwill then be flushed out of the hole cantly due to lack of rigidity and the
effectively. Compressed air can be increased possibility of vibration.
used instead of cutting fluid and
Boring Bar Deflection: The size
with trough holes; the chips can be of the boring bars deflection is
blown through the spindle and dependent on the bar material, the
collected in a container.
diameter, the overhang and size of
the radial and tangential cutting
forces. Boring bar deflection can be
10.5 Boring Rigidity
Part geometries can have external turn- calculated, but such calculations are
ing operations as well as internal op- beyond the scope of this book.
Increasing the diameter of the tool
erations. Internal single point turning
is referred to as boring, and can be to create an increased moment of
utilized for either a roughing or finish- inertia can counteract this deflection.
ing operation. Single point boring Choosing a boring bar made of a
tools consist of a round shaft with one material that has a higher coefficient
insert pocket designed to reach into a of elasticity can also counteract
part hole or cavity to remove internal deflection. Since steel has a lower
stock in one or several machine passes. coefficient of elasticity than ceFigure 10.4 shows various sizes and mented carbide. Cemented carbide
styles of boring bars.
boring bars are better for large
The key to productivity in boring overhangs.
operations is the tools rigidity.
Compensating for Deflection:
Boring bars are often required to Even with the best tool clamping,
FIGURE 10.9: Adjustable boring bar with finetuning adjustment. (Courtesy Valenite Inc.)
Choose the smallest possible overhang but, at the same time, ensure that
the length of the bar allows the recommended clamping lengths to be
A 0 degree lead angle should be used.
The lead angle should, under no circumstances be more than 15 degrees.
The indexable inserts should be positive rake that results in lower cutting
The carbide grade should be tougher
than for external turning in order to
withstand the stresses to which the
insert is exposed when chip jamming
and vibration occur.
Choose a nose radius that is smaller
than the cutting depth.
Modern boring bars are designed to
take into account the demands that
must apply because the operation is
performed internally and the dimensions of the tool are determined by the
hole depth and the hole diameter.
With a positive rake insert geometry,
less material deformation and low
cutting forces are obtained. The tool
should offer good stability to resist the
cutting forces that arise and also to
reduce deflection and vibration as
much as possible. Due to space
requirements, satisfactory chip control
and good accessibility are also properties of greater importance than with
external turning.
Column base
10.7.1 Horizontal
The HBM is made to
handle medium to very
large-sized parts, but
these parts are usually
somewhat rectangular
in shape, though they
may be asymmetrical or
irregular. The available
cutting tools only limit
the size of cut, the rigidity of the spindle,
and the available horsepower. There are two
types of Horizontal Boring Machines:
Table-type Horizontal
Boring Machines
HBM shown in Figure
FIGURE 10.17: Large part being machined on a table-type 10.16 is built on the
horizontal boring machine. (Courtesy WMW Machinery Co., same principles as the
ing centers. A typical boring operation The base and column are fastened
performed on a lathe is shown in Fig- together, and the column does not
ure 10.15. A steady rest is being used move. The tables are heavy, ribbed
to provide support for the part being castings which may hold loads up to
20,000 pounds. Figure 10.17 shows
Boring machines, like most other a large part being machined on a
machine tools, can be classified as table-type horizontal boring machine.
Size of HBM: The basic size of
horizontal or vertical:
Turret head
Front View
Side View
Jig borers are vertical boring machines with high precision bearings. They are available in various sizes and
used mainly in tool rooms for machining jigs and fixtures.
More versatile numerically controlled machines are now
replacing many jig borers.