Lab Viva Questions and Answers: 15ME46P Practice Core (Practice)
Lab Viva Questions and Answers: 15ME46P Practice Core (Practice)
Lab Viva Questions and Answers: 15ME46P Practice Core (Practice)
K S POLYTECHNIC,Bangalore-109
Course Title: MACHINE SHOP
Course Code:
Scheme (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Total Contact Hours: 78
Type of Course: Tutorial and Core/ Elective:
Credit :03
practice Core(practice)
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks
1. What is a lathe?
Lathe is a machine, which removes the metal from a piece of work to the required shape
2. What are the various operations can be performed on a lathe?
1. Turning 6. Thread cutting 11. Grooving
2. Facing 7. Drilling
3. Forming 8. Boring
4. Knurling 9. Recessing
5. Chamfering 10. Tapping
3. What are principle parts of the lathe?
Red, headstock, tailstock, carriage, cross slide, tool post
4. What are the types of headstock?
Back geared type, all geared type
5. State the various parts mounted on the carriage?
Saddle, compound rest, cross slide, tool post
6. What are the four types of tool post?
1. Single screw 2. Open side 3. Four bolt 4. Four way
7. What is an apron?
The integral part of several gears, levers clutches mounted with the saddle for moving the
carriage along with lead screw while thread cutting
8. State any two specification of lathe?
1. The height of centers from the bed 2. The maximum length of the bed
9. List any four types of lathe?
1. Engine lathe 2. Bench lathe 3. Tool room lathe 4. Semi automatic lathe 5. Automatic lathe
10. What is a semi-automatic lathe?
The lathe in which all the machining operations are performed automatically and loading and
unloading of work piece, coolant on or off is performed manually
11. What is copying lathe?
The tool of the lathe follows a template or master through a stylus or tracer
12. State the various feed mechanisms used for obtaining automatic feed?
1. Tumbler gear mechanism 2. Quick change gearbox 3. Tumbler gear- Quick change
gearbox 4. Apron mechanism
13. List any four holding devices?
1. Chucks 2. Centers 3. Face plate 4. Angle plate
14. What are the different operations performed on the lathe?
Centering, straight turning, rough turning, finish turning, shoulder turning, facing,
chamfering, knurling, etc.
15. Define the term Conicity?
The ratio of the difference in diameters of tapers its length
k= D-d/ l
d-smaller dia
D-bigger dia
l-length of the work piece
16. State any two specifications of capstan lathe & turret lathe?
1. Number of spindle speed 2. Number of feeds for the turret or saddle
17. Compare the advantage of capstan lathe & turret lathe?
1. Heavier & larger work piece chucking can be done 2. More rigid hence it withstands heavy
cuts 18.what is tooling?
Planning of operations sequence & preparation of turret or capstan lathe are termed as tool-
layout or tooling
19. What are the three stage of a tool-layout?
1. Planning & scheduling 2. Detailed sketching of various machining operation sequence 3.
Sketching the plan showing various tools
20. What are the different drives used in copying lathe?
1. Mechanical drives 2. Air drives 3. Hydraulic drives
21. What are the components that can be turned on a copying lathe?
1. Cam shaft 2. Crank shaft 3. Journal bearings
22. What is shaper?
The machine, which is having a reciprocating type of machine tool with a single point cutting
tool, used to produce flat surfaces called as Shapers
23. List any four important parts of a Shaper?
Table, Tool head, Ram, Cross rail
24. How the feed & depth of cut is given to the shaper?
Feed is given by rotating the down feed screws of tool head depth of cut is given by rotating
by raising or elevating the table
25. Mention any four-shaper specification?
1. Maximum length of stroke 2. Type of driving mechanism 3. Power of the motor 4. Speed
&feed available
26. How the planer differs from the shaper?
In planner-the work reciprocate while the tool is stationary In shaper-the tool reciprocate
while the work is stationary
27. State the use of planer?
The planer is used for machining heavy & large casting Ex. lathe bed ways, machine guide
When a number of single spindles with essential speed & feed are mounted side by side on
one base and have common worktable is known as gang drilling machine
33. Mention any four specification of drilling machine?
1. Maximum size of the drill in mm that the machine can operate
2. Table size of maximum dimensions of a job can mount on a table in square meter
3. Maximum spindle travel in mm
4. Number of spindle speed & range of spindle speeds in r.p.m.
34. List any four machining operations that can be performed on a drilling machine?
1. Drilling 2. Counter sinking 3. Tapping 4. Trepanning
35. What are the different ways to mount the drilling tool?
1. Fitting directly in the spindle 2. By using a sleeve 3. By using a socket 4. By means of
36. What is broaching?
Broaching is a process of machining a surface with a special multipoint cutting tool called
broach which has successfully higher cutting edges in a fixed path
37. Indicate any two specification of a broaching machine?
1. Maximum length of stroke in mm 2. Maximum force developed by the slide in tones
38. What are the advantages and limitation of broaching?
Advantages: 1. Roughing, semi finishing & finishing cuts are completed in one pass of the
broach 2. Broaching can be used for either external or internal surface finish
1. High initial cost of the broach tool compare to other tools
2. Job work or batch work is not advisable due to the high tool cost.
39. What are the different operations that can be performed on a broaching machine?
1. Broaching splines
2. Broaching a key way
40. What is boring?
Boring is a process of enlarging &locating previously drilled holes with a single point cutting
41. What are the application of boring?
The boring machine is designed for machining large &heavy work piece in mass production
work of engine frame, cylinder, machine housing etc
42. Specify the importance of jig boring machine?
1. A jig boring machine is a precision boring machine used for boring accurate holes at
proper center to center distances.
2. The machining accuracy of holes produce by this machine tool lies with in a range of
43. State the purpose of grinding?
1. To remove small amount of metal from work pieces & finish then to close tolerances.
2. To obtain the better surface finish.
44. What is the function of cutting fluids?
1. It is used to cool the cutting tool & the work piece.
2. It improves the surface finish as stated earlier.
3. It causes the chips to break up into small parts.
4. It protects the finish surface from corrosion.
5. It prevents the corrosion of work & machine.
45. What are the properties of cutting fluid?
1. High heat absorbing capacities.
2. It should have good lubricant properties.
3. High flash point.
4. It should be odorless.
5. It should be non-corrosive to work & tool.
46. What are causes of wear?
The tool is subjected to three important factors such as force, temperature and sliding action
due to relative motion between tool and the work piece. So the tool is wear easily.
47. What are the specifications of the milling machine?
1. The table length &width.
2. Number of spindle speeds &feeds.
3. Power of driving motor.
48. Mention the various movements of universal milling machine table?
1. Vertical movement-through the knee.
2. Cross vise movement-through the saddle.
49.State any two comparisons between plain &universal milling machine?
1. In plain milling machine the table is provided with three movements, longitudinal,
cross&vertical. In universal milling machine in addition to these three movements, there is a
forth movement to the table. The table can be swiveled horizontally & can be fed at angles to
the milling machine spindle.
2. The universal milling machine is provided with auxiliaries such as dividing head, vertical
milling attachment, rotary table etc. Hence it is possible to make spiral, bevel gears, twist
drills, reamers etc on universal milling machine.
50.What are the cutter holding devices?
1. Arbors 2. Adaptors 3. Collets
51.List the various type of milling attachment?
1. Vertical milling 2. Universal milling 3. High speed milling 4. Rotary 5. Slotting 6. Rack
52.Write any ten nomenclature of plain milling cutter?
Body of cutter, cutting edge, face, fillet, gash, lead, land, outside dia, root dia, cutter angles.
53.What are the advantages of milling process?
1. It does not require a backlash eliminator. 2. Mild surface does not have built up edge.
54.what are the down milling processes?
1. Cutter with higher rake angle can be used. This reduces power requirements. 2. Cutter
wear is less because chip thickness is maximum at the start of cut.
55. List out the various milling operations?
1. Plain or slab milling. 2. Face milling. 3. Angular milling. 4. Gang milling. 5. End milling.
6. Gear cutting.
56. What does term indexing mean?
Indexing is the process of dividing the periphery of a job into equal number of divisions.
57. What are the three types dividing heads?
1. Plain or simple. 2. Universal. 3. Optical.
58. What is cam milling?
Cam milling is operation of producing cams in the milling machine by the use universal
dividing head &a vertical milling attachment.
59. What are the different types of thread milling?
1. Thread milling by single form cutter.
2. Thread milling by multi form cutter.
60. What are the other forming methods for manufacturing gears?
1. Gear cutting by single point form tool.
2. Gear cutting by shear speed shaping process.
3. Gear broaching.
4. Template method.
5. Gear milling using a formed end mill.
61. List the gear generating process?
1. Gear shaping process.
2. Gear planning process.
3. Gear hobbing process.
62. Mention the applications of gear shaping process?
1. Gear shaping used for generating both internal & external spur gears.
2. Helical gears can also be generated using special attachments.
63. What are the limitations of gear hobbing?
1. Internal gears cannot be generated.
2. Hobbing process cannot be applied very near to shoulders.
64. What are the advantages of gear planning process?
1. Any given model can be cut using a single cutter.
2. It is a simple flexible &accurate method of generating gears.
65. List the various gear finishing processes?
1. Gear shaving. 2. Gear burnishing. 3. Gear grinding. 4. Gear lapping.
66. Mention the advantages &limitations of gear shaving process?
Advantage: The process can be used for both internal & external gears.