Finite Word Length Effects

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Task 1 Fill up the given b=8 bit data in the following boxes (one bit in each box).
Data stream is 0.11011011(the digit before the point is reserved for sign, rest of the
bits represent binary value of a decimal number.

Identify the operations performed by you in order to accommodate the given data in
the boxes.
Task 2- input quantization error (noise) Draw the block of ADC. The input is x
(t), sample it to obtain x(n), then quantize it to obtain x q(n).
Assume a sinusoidal signal varying between +1 and -1. Find the dynamic range of
the signal. The ADC used here uses b+1 bits including sign bit. What is the number
of levels available for quantizing x(n)? Find the interval q between successive
levels, where q is called as quantization step size. What will be the q value for the
given problem?
Let one of the sample value be 0.7, convert it into binary. Quantize it to 3 bits
(excluding sign bit).convert the data back to decimal. Now find the error between
unquantized and quantized values. Denote it as e (n). Write an expression for e (n).
Prove that the error range falls between q/2 e(n) q/2 (for r) and q e(n) <
0(for t)
Prove that the probability of error p(e) is 1/q for both cases mentioned above.(ask
for a clue!) draw the probability density function.
Task 3- steady state input noise variance (power)
Replace the quantizer block by a quantization noise model (use the expression
obtained for e(n) in task 2). Draw the model.
Task 4- answer the following:
What is a stationary random process?
What is meant by white noise process?
Task 5- steady state input noise variance (power)
Derive an expression for variance of e(n) (using probability and random process).
Prove that for both r and t variance of e(n) is e2 = 2-2b/12.
Also prove that the signal to noise ratio is 6.02b+10.79+10log x2
What is the significance of the above expression?

Steady state input output noise variance (power)

Obtain the output of a DT LTI system given an input x(n)(draw the block
diagram).after applying quantization, redraw the block along with the quantization
noise model for the output side. Obtain an expression for the new output.
Task 6-Product quantization error (noise)
What will be the product of two 4 bit numbers? (Say 1100 and 0011). What will be
the length of the product? Save your answer in the following block.
What problem do you face? What will you do next?
Draw the noise model for product quantization.
Write down the difference equation for a single pole IIR system. Draw the block
diagram for the same. How many noise sources do you get? Draw the noise model
for product quantization.
Write down the difference equation for an II order IIR system. Draw the block
diagram for the same. How many noise sources do you get? Draw the noise model
for product quantization. Find the total noise variance due to all noise sources.
Task 7- coefficient quantization error
Consider a II order IIR filter with H(z) = 1/(1-0.5z -1)(1-0.45z-1). Find the effect of
quantization on pole locations of the given system function in direct form and
cascade form. Assume b=3 bits. Which realization is better? Why?
Task 8-zero input limit cycle oscillations

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