Proposal For Portal

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Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

Proposal for
Creation of Portal for

All India Talent Search Examination Program

(Commerce Wizard)

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

Invitation for Expression of interest from software development companies for

providing software for holding the Commerce Wizard for the students pursuing
class X by July 14, 2015

The Career Counselling Committee (CCC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of

India (ICAI) is meant to encourage and enhance close links between the Institute

and students pursuing Secondary Education is organizing a Commerce Wizard

Competition for Class X students.

The CCC invites Expression of Interest from the various software vendors who
are interested to provide the software relevant to hold the Commerce Wizard by
July 14, 2015. The intending parties are expected to have appropriate level of
practical experience in the relevant area along with the knowledge of various
aspects of the examination process.
Scope of the Work
This is a proposal for Deployment, Development, Maintainance of the online
talent search portal (referred to as OTS here after) for the Career Counselling
Committee of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) .
Summary of Project Goal & Scope
This is a proposal for development and marketing of the online talent search
portal (referred to as OTS here after) for the Career Consulting Committee of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) .The purpose of the
portal is to enable the Career Consulting Committee to conduct an annual all
India talent search examination for school going students.The talent search
examination is aimed at
Promoting appreciation of commerce subjects amongst the school going
Promoting visibility of ICAI as an APEX body for Commerce in India
This project is aimed at becoming a partner to ICAI in their OTS journey. The
project will cover the entire life cycle from strategic planning to execution and
will align the business and marketing goals of the company. This will lead to
better ROI on marketing efforts. The project will aim to provide a technology
integrated marketing approach.
The project scope includes the development of a web portal (mobile enabled /
responsive) implementing the required business functionality.

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

The project will be completed in 3 phases. Each of these three phases will have
integrated technology and digital marketing components as detailed further in
the document.
Project Implementation
Project implementation has been divided into three phases. For each phase
technology and marketing implementation items are listed below.
Phase 1: During this phase, we will get the portal functional and ready for
student registration


High Level Objectives

Student Registration for an upcoming Exam Entry of Student
Upload supporting documents and validation
Make an Online Payment
Choice of nearest examination centres based on pin code or city
Generation of student admit card with student ID , student
photograph , misc details and examination centre details
Support for printing and email the admission card from the
Modify registered Student profile

At the end of this phase, we will be able to go live with student registrations
and activate our marketing activities.
This phase will be delivered in 7 days from the date of signing of the contract.
Phase 2: Completion of development requirements for go - live. During this
phase, the portal will be stabilized and all business functionalities will be

High Level Objectives


Uploading of exam results by the Admin from a CSV file

Ranking based on the results
Support for printing of certificate by the students
Assign roles to various staff members using an Admin panel e.g.
Superuser , observers , centre head etc. for an upcoming exam
Uploading exam question paper
Printing of exam paper by a centre head , T minutes before the
exam begins
Support for printing the attendance sheet with the photograph

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

and other details of the candidates appearing at that centre

The technology part of this phase will be delivered in 7 days from the date of
completion of phase 1.
Phase 3: This phase is targeted at enabling the portal to be deployed by the
company at ICAI designated centers for online examinations

High Level Objectives


Support for online examinations at ICAI online testing centers

Support for interaction with social networking sites e.g. like ,
post on the wall , post as a hashtag on twitter

Project Pricing
Project is proposed to start as soon as the contract is signed between.
Terms & Conditions
CCC, ICAI reserves the right to add/modify any contents.
Any other terms & conditions, as decided by the Committee from time to time.
Other Terms
THE SOFTWARE VENDOR shall make available the Software content through
the website of the committee as well as deployment, development &
mantainance of the software contents in the exclusive website space hired by
the vendor company, so that software may be utilized by the students easily by
the students, free of cost.
THE SOFTWARE VENDOR shall not use the name of the ICAI or any of its
associates in any manner whatsoever for the promotion of its products. THE
SOFTWARE VENDOR shall not publicize directly or indirectly in their
advertisements in any manner about the MOU or arrangements with the ICAI
except with the prior written approval of ICAI.
THE SOFTWARE VENDOR shall not state in any manner that any of its
software products are endorsed, vetted, approved or developed with the inputs
of the ICAI.

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

THE SOFTWARE VENDOR shall use the data coming to its possession for
intended purpose only, in case this data is otherwise used or intended to be so
used by THE SOFTWARE VENDOR, the Company shall be liable for the same.
ICAI hereby retains the right to impose any other or relax the existing terms &
conditions for the arrangement of the software.
The intending Software vendors are required to send a formal request letter
with the following details to Dr. Sambit Kumar Mishra, Secretary, Career
Counselling Committee(CCC), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India, ICAI Bhawan, A-29, First Floor, Administrative Block, Sector-62,
Noida (U.P.), P.C.- 201409, Telephone: 0120-3876871.
It may be noted that mere submission of the Expression of Interest shall not
entitle the applicant Vendor Company to enter into an arrangement with CCC,
ICAI for its software. CCC, ICAI reserves the right to invite similar proposal
from any other Vendor Company though they may not have offered their
expression of interest in this regard. No communications will be entertained
from the applicant Vendor Companies in this regard. Only selected vendors will
be individually communicated. CCC, ICAI reserves the right to reject the
Expression of Interest received from the applicant Vendor Companies without
assigning any reason therefore.
Career Counselling Committee

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

Draft Illustrations for Understanding

Annexure 1: Business Flows
Student registration for an upcoming exam (process flow)
Student comes to the
ST landing page
OTS portal


Student enters his basic


Student choses the

examination centre
from a prepopulated

Student uploads



Student makes an
online payment

Receives a login
password for future
interactions with the

Student makes a DD

Registration process
goes on hold

DD payment for the

Student is realised

Administrator removes
the holds on the
Student registration

uploaded and
payment realized


Receives a login
password for future
interactions with the

1. Student Registration Capture Following basic details

a. First name
b. Last name
c. Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
d. Gender
e. Fathers name
f. Mothers name
g. Correspondence address with country , state , city and pin code
h. Email id
i. Mobile number (optional I email id is provided)
j. Name of Educational institution
k. Educational institution address (country , state and city only)

Is shown the admit

card on the portal
and can take out a
print. Admit card is
also sent via email


Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal


Name of Class plus section

Admission number
Choose examination centre from a list of prepopulated data
Terms and Conditions checkbox

2. Upload supporting documents

a. Self-photograph
b. Any one of the following below
i. Birth certificate
ii. Copy of the most recent school fee bill
iii. Copy of the most recent school progress report
3. Payment options (will also depend on the options provided by the shortlisted payment gateway
a. Credit Cards VISA , MASTERCARD , AMEX
b. Debit Cards
d. Demand Drafts (in case needed. In that case the registration process will go on hold and
will be authorised only when the payment has been realised for the student)
4. Student ID generation logic for the admit card (if not provided)
Exam unique identification Number 2 letter Country Code 3 letter State Code - <running
sequence of numbers padded with zeros so that we have a 8 character string>
e.g.EX001 IN DEL - 00001234
5. Login Password Generation logic
a. Login will be the email id of the student or the mobile number if email id is not provided
b. A default password will be generated which can be modified later on

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

Registered Student - Modify profile (process flow)

Student enters his login

Student comes to the

OTS portal landing page


Student modifies

Address of Correspondence
Mobile Number
If admit card is not generated
then student name , parent
name details and exam centre
details can be changed

Student uploads

Student makes an
online payment




uploaded and
payment realized
and admit cared
not generated


Is shown the admit

card on the portal
and can take out a
print. Admit card is
also sent via email


Assign roles to various users for security purposes


Create / modify / delete

other users

Support for uploading information

through a CSV file can be provided


Centre Head User

CCC User

Generate reports
Upload examination schedule
Upload list of examination
Upload question paper
Upload examination results
Upload / modify content


Print exam question


Register for an exam

Modify own profile


Cannot operate on the

OTS portal

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

When creating a user the admin will have to enter the following details

First name
Last name
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Centre Name (optional)
Centre Address (optional)
Role Name
Email id

Download Question paper before an exam (process flow)


System activates a
batch process T Hrs
before the exam starts

The batch process

sends emails to all
registered centre heads
with login passwords
for printing the
examination sheets

The centre head can

print the question
paper after
downloading it from
the portal

All passwords would be

disabled after 10
minutes of the start of
the exam so that exam
question sheet shall
become inaccessible


Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal

User Interface Components (PH I)

a. Portal Landing Page
Link to registration for upcoming exam
Link for existing student login
Link for employee login
b. Portal view for the student
Registration form
a. Enter student details
b. Upload documents
c. Make a payment
d. Print the admit card

Modify profile
a. Modify student details
b. Upload documents (same as (i))
c. Make a payment (same as (i))
d. Print the admit card (same as (i))


View Results
a. View result page based on login id

User Interface Components (PH II)

a. Portal view for the employee
Admin User
a. Create a user
b. Modify a user
c. Delete a user
d. Upload users via a csv file

CCC User (all views are accessible by Admin user as well)

a. Generate reports
b. Upload examination schedule
c. Upload list of examination centres
d. Upload question paper
e. Upload examination results

Proposal for develolment of All India Talent Search Program Portal


Upload / modify content

Centre Head User

a. Download question sheet for the exam and print it

Uploading of Exam results (process flow)


The CCC user or admin

user logs into the portal

The user specifies the

location of the CSV file
containing the results
and clicks submit

The results are

uploaded into the
system in a batch mode

The user can manually enter the results for the bad / unprocessed records

On completion an email
is sent to the user. A file
with bad records or
records that generated
errors with reason for
error is also sent as an
attachment to the user

Ranking of Exam results (process flow)


The CCC user or admin

user logs into the portal

The user specifies that

the process of
uploading the exam
results is complete

a. Portal view for the employee (additions)

Upload exam results via CSV file
Upload exam results manually
Initiate ranking of results

The system batch
process ranks the
results and displays


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