DTR System Using Proximity Card

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A Design Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Philippine Christian University


James Vladimir G. Padua

Clarence Jay Alano
Renz Julian O. Oriel

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

April 2016

Chapter 1

Academic institutions are responsible for what their students are learning.
These institutions are considered as one of the most important source of education.
It has been said that education is the transmission of knowledge from one generation
to another by means of direct instruction (Giddens, 2004). But what if those people,
whose job is to give instructions, are not present? Then those institutions are not
able to do their responsibilities.
This is a common problem not only to companies, but also to schools and
universities. Many of them are not able to properly record and monitor the
attendances of their staffs and faculties, which affects both the school and their
students. Most of them use the manual method of recording and monitoring DTR,
which is ineffective in monitoring the records of faculties and staffs, especially when
handling large volumes of data. Without proper instructions from the professors, the
learning of the students may decline, thus affecting the universities reputation.
In order to address this problem, it is important for a university to improve their
method in taking the attendances of their staffs and faculties. Using a computerbased DTR system may greatly improve the process of recording the staffs and
faculties DTR in terms of speed and efficiency of both recording and monitoring,
combined with the contactless smart card technology to make the system tamperproof and accurate.
By using the proposed system, the faculties and staffs will only tap their IDs
on the card reader to take their time-in and time-out and the system will

automatically record the data to the database and generate a report for the
managers. With this process, the managers will be able to monitor their staffs easily.


Objectives of the Study

General Objective
The main objective of the study is to develop a DTR system using
contactless smart card for PCU.
Specific Objective
a. To design an attendance system process flow and algorithm in developing
the program
b. To construct a program using Visual Basic based on the formulated process
flow and algorithm
c. To evaluate the acceptability of the program on the standard criteria for
software quality
d. To test the efficiency and accuracy of the program


Scope and Limitations

The study is limited to the development of the DTR system using contactless
smart card. The program will be developed under Microsoft Visual Basic. The
program will run on Windows 7 OS above. The program will only be used to take the
DTR of faculties and staffs and is not designed to take students attendance or
visitors log.


Significance of the study

The study attempts to greatly improve the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of
recording DTR by automating the process.
End-Users: It will benefit both the managers and supervisors of the university
in monitoring their staffs and faculties.
Economic Significance: It may discourage the absences of staffs and
faculties that may benefit the students
Researchers: This study may help other researchers add features to their
own similar projects by connecting the output of the proposed project to their own.
Future Researchers: This study may help future researchers to think of new
ideas and new technology, and integrate it with the system.

Haghseresht A. (2011). School, a miniature of Society: Life stories about Well-being,
Education and Career Plan of Young Iranians in Finland, Retrieved from
sequence=1 (July 29, 2015) p1-2

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