The Problem and Its Background

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In this modern world which people use modern

technology where there is a great necessity speed and

efficiency. Computers are used to input data and processes

information that will give us output or a report, it is also a

medium to interact and communicate to the users through wide

area network as same as local area network. Using an electronic

device such as Computers in helping the school of Our Lady of

the Sacred Heart College to compile and manage the records of

students is very significant. And the OLSHCO Student Membership

System (OSMS) handling Student records to avoid mishandling


College Student Council (CSC) encounters different

problems in monitoring the information of students. The OSMS is

helpful than manual recording of student information. Today,

manual operations are gradually replaced by systematic procedure

which eventually improves one’s productivity. Writing student

information by the student on the paper is prone to mistake by

encoding their records by the Admin or the Student Council,

because sometimes other people dont recognize your handwritten

and eventually some record of students were mishandled or

unintentional deleted by the user.

The advantages of this project is that, you can easily

manage the records because the information is provided exactly

their necessary information to the system requirements through

the use computers that is connected to the LAN. Students can

view only their information and the calendar of events.

Therefore, proponent propose an OLSHCO Student Membership

System to help the school to provide complete information and

manage it very well, so that student information will become

more secured. Also, students can freely encode their information

through this system.

Statement of the Problem

The College Student Council (CSC) encounters different

problems that gave rise to this study system from the encoding

the data in some software such as excel and word and sometimes

of using manual methods is that, data become prone to incomplete

records due to unintentional deleting of records and forgetting

to encode the information on the software that they have been

used. OLSHCO Student Membership System will make the information

remain authentic without removing the information of the

Statement of the Objective

This project is aimed at developing OLSHCO Student

Membership System, it seeks to describe the following:

1. How may the phases of Software Development

Life Cycle be described?

a. Analysis and User Requirement

b. Design the Program

c. Build the System

d. Testing

e. Maintenance

2. How may the application be evaluated by I.T.

Professionals and I.T. students based on the

following software standards:

a. Functionality

b. Reliability

c. Usability

d. Efficiency

e. Maintainability

3. How may the user assessed the application

based on:

a. GUI

b. Effectiveness

c. Ease-of-use
Scope and Delimitation

The OSMS system is a portal type that covers the major

processes in the membership system, namely Student Membership

such as list of enrolled students in different year levels

associated with their respective clubs and organizations.

Administrators have total access to the system, view students

records that are officially enrolled and generate or print

records of the students, search student profile information. It

can also view the calendar of activities of every organization.

The system does not cover the computation of student’s grades,

class scheduling and paying of fees or financial transactions.

Significance of the Study

This system will be benefit the following;

Management/CSC – The result of this investigation would serve as

a benchmark for them to make an easy on handling the student

records. It will help to lessen their work and help them also in

securing student information.

Students – help students to be knowledgeable enough on entering

the information technology fields as applying the lectures to

actual performances and to inform them of an easy way of


Faculty - In this system, it will help them to lessen their work

and less time consumed in handling the records of the students.

It helps them to minimize the effort and time exert in terms of

gathering the data or information of the students.

Software Development Model

A Software Development Life Cycle should include five


Phase 1: Analysis and User Requirement: is the process of

determining user expectations for a new or modified


In this phase, proponent was able to properly gather

the necessary information with the help of the concerned

individuals. This phase allowed the proponents to initiate

the start of the software development.

Phase 2: Design the Program: is a process by which an agent

creates specification.
In this phase, proponent create an illustration on a

paper of the project proposal which helped them in the

development of the OSMS.

Phase 3: Build the System: is the process by which source

code is converted into a stand-alone form that can be run

on a computer or android devices, where source code files

are converted into executable code.

Phase 4: Testing: is a process by evaluating the

functionality of a software application, meet the specified

requirements or not and to identify the defects to ensure

that the product is defect free in order to produce the

quality product.

Phase 5: Maintenance: This phase occurs once the system is

able to be used. It includes implementation of changes that

software might undergo over a period of time, or

implementation of new requirements after the software is

deployed at the customer location, and also to fix some

errors if there is and to upgrade the software when it is



Research Design

Since then, people used a manual process in recording

information of the students where records are maintained by

hand, without using a computer system. Manual system suffers

from a high error rate and are much slower than computerized

systems. OSMS system used an observation method and by


Research Method

This study used an observation, questionnaire and interview

method, researcher noticed the main problem in using manual

process and also using other software that they have been used,

that there is a problem when it comes on keeping information of

students. The researchers will solve those problems by creating

a new and usable system that will help them in some errors in

manipulating the data.

Research Local

This study was conducted at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

College of Guimba, Nueva Ecija (OLSHCO).

The respondents interviewed in at OLSHCO or any

comfortable place that the respondent will choose to. The

researchers chose the place of implementation because it will

give the researchers the needed information for the system

that will be implemented. The study conducted in the second

semester of the academic year 2018-2019.

Population and Sample

Students, faculties and the College Student Council (CSC) of

OLSHCO are the main respondents of this study. There are

total of twenty-five students, twenty-five teachers and ten

student council with the total of sixty participants for this


Respondents Actual number of respondents

Students 25

Student Councils 25

Teachers 10
Research Instrument

The proponents of this study conducted a series of

interviews and observations to properly gather all the essential

information used to develop the system.

A set of questionnaire was also used to assess the

developed system based on content, functionality, satisfaction,

and security. These questionnaire was distributed to the

students, teachers and CSC respondents to assess the system.

Data Gathering

The proponents gather the necessary data for the

development of OLSHCO Student Membership System (OSMS). A series

of observations, interviews, and research regarding some related

studies were conducted by the proponents of this study as part

of the first phase of the software development. The necessary

diagrams and models were created to guide them in constructing

the system. The data gathered and the models created during the

first phase of the system development were thoroughly analysed

to come up with the design properly aligned and met all the

requirements of the customer.

Data Analysis

The assessment of the developed system based on content,

functionality, satisfaction and security were analysed and

interpreted using a questionnaire answerable by yes or no. This

method provided an extreme results and a percentage was computed

to properly analysed the score for each feature.



Systems which are OSMS become very helpful for people

especially to those who kept the student information. Related

software options as follows;

The Danish Civil Registration System (CRS) was established

in 1968, and all persons alive and living in Denmark were

registered for administrative use. CRS includes individual

information on the unique personal identification number, name,

gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, identity of

parents and continuously updated information on vital status,

place of residence and spouses. Validity and coverage: Since

1968, CRS has recorded current and historical information on all

persons living in Denmark. Among persons born in Denmark in 1960

or later it contains complete information on maternal identity.

For women born in Denmark in April 1935 or later it contains

complete information on all their children. CRS contains

complete information on immigrations and emigrations from 1969

onwards, permanent residence in a Danish municipality from 1971

onwards, and full address in Denmark from 1977 onwards.

The Chinese household registration system (hukou), which

divides the population into “agricultural” and “nonagricultural”

sectors, may be the most important determinant of differential

privileges in state socialist China, determining access to good

jobs, education for one’s children, housing, health care, and

even the right to move to a city. Transforming one’s hukou

status from rural to urban is a central aspect of upward social

mobility. Using data from a 1996 national probability sample, we

show that education and membership in the Chinese Communist

Party are the main determinants of such mobility.

An Automatic Registration System for use with Position

Tracking and Imaging System for use in Medical Applications is

disclosed for monitoring the position of a medical instrument

with respect to a patient's body and for displaying at least one

of a plurality of pre-recorded images of said body responsive to

the position of said medical instrument. In one embodiment the

system includes a reference unit secured from movement with

respect to the patient's body such that said reference unit is

substantially immobile with respect to a target operation site.

The system also includes a remote unit for attachment to the

medical instrument. A field generator may be associated with one

of the units for generating a position characteristic field in

an area including the target operation site. One or more field

sensors may be associated with either of the units responsive to

the presence of the position characteristic field for producing

one or more sensor output signals representative of said sensed

field. A position detector in communication with the sensor

output signal produces position data representative of the

position of the remote unit with respect to the reference unit.

An output display in communication with the position detector

displays at least one of the pre-recorded images responsive to

the position data.

Group Data Sharing During Membership Change in Clustered

Computer System an apparatus, program product and method utilize

Subgroup-specific leader members to exchange group data between

group members during the handling of a request to organize

members into a group in a clustered computer System, e.g., when

handling a membership change operation Such as a merge or join.

Such Subgroup leaders may be determined locally within

individual Subgroup members, and moreover, the Subgroup members

may locally track the transmission Status of group data for the

various Subgroups. Each Subgroup includes one or more members

that are known to Store group data that is coherent among all

Subgroup members.



Multiple nodes can concurrently gain membership in a cluster of

nodes of a distributed computer system by broad casting

reconfiguration messages to all nodes of the distributed

computer System. In response to a reconfiguration request

resulting from a node petitioning to join a cluster or a node

leaving the cluster, each node determines to which nodes of the

distributed computer System the node is connected, i.e., which

are Sending reconfiguration messages which the node receives. In

addition, if multiple nodes fail Substantially simultaneously,

each node which continues to operate does not receive a

reconfiguration message from operate does not receive a

reconfiguration message from the proposed new cluster. Thus,

multiple Simultaneous failures are processed in a single

reconfiguration. Each of the member nodes of the proposed

cluster determine the membership of the proposed cluster and

broadcast a reconfiguration message to all proposed member nodes

and collects Similar messages. If all reconfiguration messages

agree, the proposed cluster is accepted. In the case in which

one or more nodes leave the cluster, quorum is established in

the new cluster relative to the old cluster.


present invention is directed to a System and method for

providing complete electronic commerce ("E-Commerce')

transactions and Solutions for a marketing company's products

via the World Wide Web, including facilities for signing up new

customers and recruiting, training and Supporting new

Independent Business Owners through an interactive online

process. In another aspect, the present invention relates to the

combination of a marketing business with a membership buying

opportunity using both electronic commerce and face-to-face

transactions. The present invention is also directed to a system

and method for combining a marketing business with a membership

buying opportunity, so that Independent Business Owners

participating in the marketing plan can introduce customers to a

membership buying opportunity and earn bonuses or commissions

based on the purchases by those members, while Members in the

buying opportunity can consume products or, at their option,

qualify to become Independent Business Owners.


is provided, which is arranged to play a game having 2 modes

wherein the base game, when in the first mode, has a standard

set of features and when in the second mode has an enhanced set

of features which improve its attractiveness to players. The

first game mode is available to all players and the second

enhanced game mode is made available to players who have

established membership in a group by inserting a member card.

Cluster membership in a distributed computer System is

determined by determining with which other nodes each node is in

communication and distributing that connectivity information

through the nodes of the System. Accordingly, each node can

determine an optimized new cluster based upon the connectivity

information. Specifically, each node has information regarding

with which nodes the node is in communication and similar

information for each other node of the system. Therefore, each

node has complete information regarding interconnectivity of all

nodes which are directly or indirectly connected. Each node

applies optimization criteria to such connectivity information

to determine an optimal new cluster. Data represent the optimal

new cluster is broadcast by each node. In addition, the optimal

new cluster determine by the various nodes are collected by each

node. Thus, each node has data representing the proposed new

cluster which is perceived by each respective node to be

optimal. Each node uses such data to elect a new cluster from

the various proposed new clusters. For example, the new cluster

represented by more proposed new clusters than any other is

elected as the new cluster. Since each node receives the same

proposed new clusters from the potential member nodes of the new

cluster, the new cluster membership is reached unanimously. In

addition, since each node has more complete information

regarding the potential member nodes of the new cluster, the

resulting new cluster consistently has a relatively optimal


Student Membership System differs in every school. There

are computerized and some still prefer the traditional manual

system. Schools operating in a computerized system have much a

better and faster production as compared to those operating in

manual system.

Many schools do not realize the advantage of computerizing

system. Based on related literature and studies, it emphasized

how important a computerized system than a manual system in a

firm. So the researchers have decided to propose and develop

computerized Student Membership System. Researcher gathered data

and information needed to be stored in a Student Membership

System database.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College

Student Membership System


A Sample Project

Presented to the Faculty of

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College of Guimba, Inc.

Guimba, Nueva Ecija

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements

in Software Engineering

AQUINO, Abigail C.

April 03, 2019

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