The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.
Way back in eternity, God the Father, and His Son, made a
decision to create man. Someone who would choose to serve
Them because they loved God. Giving man freedom of
choice could result in his choosing to go the wrong way, so
a plan was devised that if man did sin, Jesus, God's only
Son would become His substitute for sin. The sacrificial
Lamb for sin. This was a voluntary sacrifice.
Stop and think about this for a minute! Can you see the
great desire Jesus had for man 'made in the image of God',
(see Genesis 1:26) to love and serve Him by choice? Jesus
was one with His Father, and this oneness He desires
between God and man. In the marriage relation, two become
Jesus created us with His very own hand. He loves you and
me and desires to be one with us. Listen to His sweet musical
voice saying to you, ‘I love you my child’. A full and total sur-
render of our lives, in love, to Him is what He desires.
Obedience works by love. He lived and died as a man for you
and me because of His mighty love for us. ‘Love is stronger than
death’. Desire of Ages p.9.
He left all the glory of heaven to come to earth to show man how
to live. He is our perfect example of how to live a holy life.
Then became our perfect sacrifice, without ‘spot or blemish’ of
A quote from one of my favorite writers.
“The preparations were made, and they lay Jesus upon the
cross. The hammer and the nails were brought. The heart of his
disciples fainted within them. The mother of Jesus was
agonized, almost beyond endurance.” His hands were fastened
with the cruel nails to the cross. Can you not hear the sound of
the hammer as the nails “were driven through the bone and
muscle of his tender hands and feet. Jesus murmured not; but
groaned in agony. His face was pale, and large drops of sweat
stood upon his brow……..
They raised the cross after they nailed Jesus to it, and with great
force thrust it in the ground, tearing the flesh, and causing the
most intense suffering. They made his death as shameful as
possible.” (1.S.G. p.58,59.)
The only souls who will enter heaven are those who have
yielded their lives completely to the control of Jesus Christ their
Lord and Mater. We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice
to Him, because we love Him. Rom.12:1. ‘A sacrifice acceptable
well pleasing to God.’ Phil.4:18; Eph.5:10; 1Tim.2:3;
“For if you live according to your human nature, you are going
to die; but if by the Spirit, you kill your sinful actions (put them
far from you) you will live.” Rom.8:13. TEV.
“What kind of vessels are meet for the Mater’s use? – Empty
vessels. When we empty our soul of every defilement, we are
ready for use.
Christians are like Christ, their Master. They are separate and
distinct from the world. There is not a taint of worldliness in
them, as neither there was in Christ. John 17:14-16.