A Life of Mission: Brother Glenn Nicole E. Pagayatan
A Life of Mission: Brother Glenn Nicole E. Pagayatan
A Life of Mission: Brother Glenn Nicole E. Pagayatan
A Life of Mission
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke
Jesus Disciples
To live with Jesus They followed Jesus
and to live like him because they wanted to live
with him as well as to be like
When are we first called and to what?
At Baptism
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!”
St Catherine of Siena
Universal Call to Holiness
We are all called to holiness, but God may want us to live out that
holiness in different states of life. No one vocation is better than
another, they are just different ways of giving Glory to God.
Mother Angelica of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)
used to begin her weekly live broadcast with the statement, “We
are all called to be great saints.” This echoes the call to holiness
that the Catholic Church has made to the People of God down
through the ages. First Jesus called his followers to holiness and
after he ascended into Heaven his Apostles continued to call
them. In the centuries that followed, the Fathers of the Church
repeatedly called Christians to holiness, as did numerous Church
Vatican Council II states “He [God] has,
however, willed to make men holy and
save them, not as individuals without
any bond or link between them, but
rather to make them into a people
who might acknowledge him and
serve him in holiness,” (Lumen
Gentium, no. 9).
Pope John Paul II, who repeatedly
preached this theme, said in his
General Audience on November 24,
1993 that “The Church is holy and all
her members are called to holiness.”
What is Mission?
How do we/the people ordinarily
understand mission?
1. Spreading the faith / the Good News
John Mbiti, “The Encounter of Christian Faith and African Religion,” Christian
Century, August 27- September 3, 1980, pp. 817-820.
God’s Mission is not just sending but is also
giving and receiving
Missio Dei is doing mission from God,
with God, in God and for God.
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And
behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28,
This gospel passage from Matthew speaks of the
Commissioning of the Disciples. They were
commissioned by Jesus to continue his work of
evangelization, to proclaim the good news of our
salvation. During the public ministry of Jesus Christ, he
has done many things, such as teaching, healing, acts
of forgiving, and expulsion of demons. This authority
and power of Jesus was handed down to the Apostles
after he Resurrected from the dead and ascended into
heaven. After the earthly life of the apostles, their work
of proclaiming the Good news of Salvation was handed
down to the Bishops, the successors of the Apostles.
The bishop who is the chief shepherd of
the Diocese has the primary responsibility
for catechesis in the diocese. The bishop
has entrusted the work of evangelization
to the priests as his co-workers to
shepherd God’s people in the Diocese. The
Parish Priest as the head and shepherd of
the Parish, cannot accomplish the work of
evangelization alone. Thus, he also needs
co-workers who will assist him in the
work of evangelization and catechesis.
Fervently insisted that the
Church exists to evangelize.
There is no other reason for
which the Church exists in
the world.
The end-product, of our Catechesis aims
to produce are catechists and Ministers of
the Word of God who are first of all well-
balanced individuals in touch with people
and open to the signs of the times;
persons deeply rooted in God through
prayer and the sacraments; mature
Christians deeply imbued with Catholic
Faith and eloquent witnesses of the Risen
Christ in the context of the Church and the
society today.
Two Types of Catechists