Electrochemistry Lecture 2 - Notes
Electrochemistry Lecture 2 - Notes
Electrochemistry Lecture 2 - Notes
Butler-Volmer Equation
An analysis of the kinetics of electrode processes using activated
complex theory (see Atkins, for details) gives:
I = electrode current, Amps
Io= exchange current density, Amp/m2
E = electrode potential, V
Eeq= equilibrium potential, V
A = electrode active surface area, m2
T = absolute temperature, K
n = number of electrons involved in the electrode reaction
F = Faraday constant
R = universal gas constant
= so-called symmetry factor or charge transfer coefficient
The equation is named after chemists John Alfred Valentine Butler
and Max Volmer
Butler-Volmer Equation
j = jc - ja = j0[e(1-)nF/RT - e-nF/RT]
jc and ja are the cathodic and anodic current densities;
j0 is the exchange current density at equilibrium, where the
rates of the forward (cathodic reduction) and reverse
(anodic oxidation) reactions are equal (but not zero);
and is the transfer coefficient (usually ca. 0.5)
The charge transfer coefficient signifies the fraction of the interfacial
potential at an electrode-electrolyte interface that helps in lowering the
free energy barrier for the electrochemical reaction. The electroactive
ion present in the interfacial region experiences the interfacial potential
and electrostatic work in done on the ion by a part of the interfacial
electric field. It is charge transfer coefficient that signifies this part that is
utilized in activating the ion to the top of the free energy barrier.
a + b = 1
Exchange Current
The exchange current can be viewed as an idle
If we want to draw a current that is only a small
fraction of the bidirectional idle current (j/j0 <<1), then
a very small overpotential (to unbalance the rates in
the two directions slightly) is required.
If we ask for a net current that exceeds the idle current
significantly (j/j0 >1), we need to drive the system more
by applying a larger overpotential.
For x<<1, ex = 1 + x, and the Butler-Volmer
equation becomes
j = j0(nF/RT) or = RTj/nFj0
There is a linear relationship between j and at
small overpotentials (< 10 mV).
This linear region is called "polarization
resistance" due to its formal similarity to Ohms
Problem - Small
The exchange current density of a Pt|H2(g)|H+
electrode at 298 K is 0.79 mA cm-2. What
current flows through a standard electrode of
area 5.0 cm2 when the overpotential is 5.0 mV?
Large Oxidation
For large either negative or positive, one of
the exponential terms in the Butler -Volmer
equation becomes negligible.
At large positive potentials (corresponding to
oxidation), the first term predominates and
j = j0e(1-nF/RT
lnj = lnj0 + (1- )nF/RT
Large - Reduction
At large negative potentials (for reduction),
j = -j0e-nF/RT
ln(-j) = lnj0 - nF/RT
Remember is negative for reduction
Same form as the Tafel equation
= a + b logi
The Tafel form holds when ja/jc < 0.01 (or vice-versa)
i.e., for ||>118/n mV.
If the electrode kinetics are fast (large j0), the current
will be limited by mass transfer by the time such a
large overpotential is applied, and the Tafel
relationship will not be observed.
When electrode kinetics are slow (small j0) and
activation potentials are required, the Tafel equation
Tafel behaviour is thus an indicator of totally
irreversible kinetics.
Problem - Oxidation
A solution of 1 M KOH is electrolysed at
250C with a Pt electrode to produce O2 at
the anode. At an overpotential of 0.40 V,
the current density is 1.0 x 10-3 A cm-2.
What does j become when = 0.6 V?
Assume = 0.5 and n = 1.
Problem - Reduction
The exchange current density and transfer
coefficient for the reduction of H+ to H2 on Ni
are 6.3 A cm-2 and 0.58. What is the current
density at an overpotential of 200 mV?
Tafel Equation
The overpotential, , increases as the
current flowing through the system
Tafel (1905) found that the overpotential
is related to the logarithm of the current:
= a + b logi
where a and b are empirical constants.
Tafel Plots
lnj = lnj0 + (1- )nF/RT from Butler Volmer
ln(-j) = lnj0 - nF/RT
from Butler Volmer
A plot of lnj versus has an anodic branch
with slope (1-)nF/RT and a cathodic branch
with slope - nF/RT. Both linear segments
extrapolate to an intercept of lnj0.
The transfer coefficient, , and the exchange
current density, j0, can thus be obtained.
ln|I |
slope =
slope =
Transport in Electrochemistry
In essence, any electrode reaction is a
heterogeneous redox reaction. If its rate
depends exclusively on the rate of
mass transfer, then we have a masstransfer controlled electrode reaction. If
the only mechanism of mass transfer is
diffusion (i.e. the spontaneous transfer
of the electroactive species from
regions of higher concentrations to
regions of lower concentrations), then
we have a diffusion controlled electrode
Diffusion occurs in all solutions and
arises from local uneven concentrations
of reagents.
The rate of movement of material by diffusion can be predicted
mathematically and Fick proposed two laws to quantify the
processes. The first law:
The thickness of the Nernst diffusion layer varies within the range
0.1-0.001 mm depending on the intensity of convection caused by
agitation of the electrodes or electrolyte.
According to the definition of the Nernst diffusion layer the
concentration gradient may be determined as follows:
Convection results from the action of a force on the solution.
This can be a pump, a flow of gas or even gravity. There are
two forms of convection the first is termed natural
convection and is present in any solution.
This natural convection is generated by small thermal or
density differences and acts to mix the solution in a random
and therefore unpredictable manner.
In the case of electrochemical measurements these effects
tend to cause problems if the measurement time for the
experiment exceeds 20 seconds.
If the flow is controlled, after a smalltime period, the profile will become
stable with no mixing in the lateral direction, this is termed laminar
The final form of mass transport we need to consider is
migration. This is essentially an electrostatic effect
which arises due the application of a voltage on the
electrodes. This effectively creates a charged interface
(the electrodes). Any charged species near that
interface will either be attracted or repelled from it by
electrostatic forces. The migratory flux induced can be
described mathematically (in 1 dimension) as:
Migration or Transport
Is the fraction of current carried by the ions.
For example in a solution of copper sulphate the
transport number of Cu2+ is 0.4 and that of SO42- = 0.6.
t+ + t- = 0.4 + 0.6 = 1
Since the migration current depends on the ionic
strength of the solution it is usually eliminated by addition
of excess of an inert supporting electrolyte (100 1000
fold excess in concentration) why?