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Model Questions

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1. What is the role of depressing agent in Froth flotation process?

2. What is the role of graphite rods in the electro metallurgy of Aluminium?
3. Explain the following terms with suitable example. a) Gangue b) Slag
4. Out of Coke and CO, which is the better reducing agent for the reduction of ZnO? Why?
5. Describe the underlying principle of froth floatation process
6. Describe the method for refining of Nickel.
7. Define the following terms i) Roasting ii) Calcination
8. Mention any two uses of Zinc.
9. How will you identify Borate radical? Write the reactions involved
10. Explain Extraction of Copper from Copper Pyrites.
11. Explain Electrolytic refining of Silver
12. CO is a reducing agent. Justify with an example,
13. Write short notes on Zone refining process.
14. How is Cr2O3 is reduced to Cr by Al powder?
15. Explain the electro metallurgy of Aluminium.
16. Explain how Gold ore is leached by Cyanide Process?
1. A hydride of 2 period alkali metal (X) on reaction with compound of Boron (Y) to give a reducing
agent (Z). Identify X, Y & Z.
2. Which is known as Inorganic Benzene? How it is prepared?
3. Write note on Zeolites.
4. AlCl3 is more stable where as TlCl3 is highly unstable Why?
5. How will you convert Boric acid to boron niride?
6. Write note on the structure of Diborane.
7. Write a note on Fisher Tropsch synthesis
8. What is Water gas equlibrium ?
9. What are Amphiboles? Give example.
10. Write a test to identify Borate radical
11. Explain the classification of Inosilicates.
1. Why Fluorine is more reactive than other halogens?
2. Show that sulphuric acid is a dehydrating agent, by giving suitable examples
3. What is the hybridization in XeOF2? Give its structure.
4. How will you prepare Chlorine in the Laboratory?
5. Mention the uses of Helium and argon.
6. Mention the characteristics of interhalogen compounds.
7. Complete the reaction P4 + NaOH + H2O →
8. Write the structure and basicity of following Oxy acids
i) Hypo phosphoric acid ii) Ortho phosphoric acid iii) Pyro phosphoric acid
9. Why Fluorine is more reactive than other Halogens?
10. Give reasons : ICl is more reactive than I2.
11. Nitrogen does not form any penta halides like phosphorus why?
12. What is the reaction of Ammonia with Iron and Copper salts?
13. How is Potash Alum prepared?
14. Ozone (O3) act as a powerful Oxidizing agent why?
15. What type of Hybridization occurs in the following compounds a) BrF5 b) IF7
16. List any FIVE compounds of Xenon and mention the type of hybridization and structure of the
17. How is pure Phosphine prepared from Phosphoric acid?
18. What are Inter halogen compounds? Give examples.
1. What are interstitial compounds? How they differ from the properties of its pure metals?
2. Justify the position of Lanthanoids and Actinoids in the periodic table.
3. Which is more basic among Lu(OH)3 and La(OH)3 why?
4. Describe the preparation of Potassium dichromate
5. What is Lanthanoide contraction? Mention its consequences.
6. What are transition elements? Write two characteristics of the transition elements?
7. Why transition elements shows variable Oxidation state?
8. Compare Lanthanoids and Actinoids.
9. Complete the following reactions.
1, 2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 →
2, Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6I- →
10. Why do transition elements and its compounds act as catalyst?
11. Explain why Cr3+ is strongly reducing while Mn3+ is strongly oxidizing?
12. Transition metals show high melting points why?
13. In tetrahedral field, draw the figure to show splilitting of d-orbitals.
14. How double salt differs from Co-ordination compounds?
15. Calculate the number of unpaired electrons in Ti3+ , Mn2+ and calculate the spin only Magnetic moment.
16. Explain the preparation of KMnO4?
1. What is crystal field stabilization energy?
2. Mention the main assumption of valence bond theory of coordination compounds
3. [Fe(CN)6]4- and [Fe(H2O)6]2+ are of different colours in dilute solutions. Why?
4. Explain the bonding nature in metal carbonyls
5. What will be the correct for the wave lengths of absorption in the visible region and explain for the

following [Ni(NO2)6]4-, [Ni(NH3)6]2+, [Ni(H2O)6]2+

6. Write the IUPAC Name for the compound Na2[Ni(EDTA)]
7. Give one test to differentiate [ Co(NH3)5Cl]SO4 and [Co(NH3)5SO4]Cl
8. [Ti(H2O)6]3+ is coloured while [Sc(H2O)6]3+ is colourless.
9. What are inert and lable complexes?
10. What are the characteristics of Ionic solids?
11. What is stability constant? Mention its significance.
12. What is packing efficiency?
13. For the complex [Fe(en)2Cl2]Cl2. Identify
1) Oxidation number of Fe 2) Hybridization and shape
3) Magnetic behavior 4) Number of Geometric isomers
5) Whether there may be Optical isomer also? 6) IUPAC Name
14. Write any two medicinal uses of Co-ordination Compounds.
15. What are hydrate isomers? Explain with an example?
16. What are Ionisation Isomers? Explain with an example?
17. Explain [Fe(CN)6]3- paramagnetic using crystal field theory (CFT)?
1. Differentiate crystalline solids and amorphous solids.
2. Atoms X and Y form BCC crystalline structure. Atom X is present at the corners of the cube and Y is at
the centre of the cube. What is the formula of the compound?
3. Calculate the percentage efficiency of packing in body centered cubic system.
4. Explain ‘f’ centers with a neat diagram.
5. What is Bragg’s equation?
6. What is radius ratio in ionic solid ? Tabulate the relation between radius and structural arrangement in
ionic solids.
7. Explain Frankel defect.
8. Sketch Face Centred Cubic unit cell (FCC) and calculate the number of atoms present in it.
9. What are promoters and catalytic poison?
10. Define the terms cyrstal lattice and unit cell.
11. An atom crystallizes in FCC crystal lattice and has a density of 10gcm-3 with unit cell edge length of
100pm. Calculate the number of atoms present in 1g of crystal.
12. A Face Centered Cube solid of an element atomic mass 60gmol-1 has a cube edge of 4A0. Calculate its
13. What is Schottky defect?
1. Write any three differences between order and molecularity
2. Derive Arhenius equation to calculate activation energy from the rate constant K1 and K2 at temperature
T1 and T2 respectively.
3. The rate of formation of dimer in a second order reaction is 7.5 x 10-3 mol L-1s-1 at 0.05mol L-1 onomer
concentration. Calculate the rate constant.
4. Mention the factors that affect the rate of the reacton.
5. Derive integrated rate law for the first order A → Product.
6. Differentiate rate of reaction and rate constant of the reaction.
7. Calculate the Half-life period of Zero order reaction.
8. Explain the rate determining step with an example
For the general reaction A → B. Plot of concentration of ‘A’ Vs ‘Time’ is given in the graph below.
Answer the following questions on the basis of this graph.

[A] 1, What is the order of the reaction?

2, What is the slope of the curve?
t 3, What is the unit of rate constant?
9. Define Half life period of reaction. Show that for a First order reaction. Half life period is independent of
initial concentration.
10. The rate constant for a First order reaction is 1.54 x 10-3 S-1. Calculate its half life time.
11. What is Zero order reaction? Derive rate law for a Zero order reaction.
12. What is Pseudo First order reaction? Give an example?
13. A First order reaction is 40% complete in 50minutes. Calculate the value of the rate constant. In what
time will the reaction be 80% complete?
1. Define solubility product of a compound
2. What are the two types of buffer solution? Give example for each type.
3. What is Buffer index () ?
4. Calculate the pH of 10-7M HCl
5. State and derive Ostwald dilution law.
6. What are conjugate acid – base pairs? Give example.
7. What is Common ion effect? Give an example.
8. Write note on Lewis concepts of Acids and Bases.
9. Define ionic product of water.
10. 0.1M Solution of HF is weak acid. But 5M solution of HF is stronger acid. Why?
11. What do you mean by salt hydrolysis?
12. The Ka value of HCN is 10-9. What is the pH of 0.4M HCN solution?.
13. Expalin Buffer action of acidic buffer.
14. Derive expression for Hydrolysis Constant and pH of Salt of Weak acid and Strong base.
15. 50ml of 0.05M HNO3 is added to 50ml of 0.025M KOH . Calculate the pH of the resultant?
16. Derive Henderson-Hasselbalch equation?
17. Solubility product of Ag2CrO4 is 11×10-12 . What is the solubility of Ag2CrO4 in 0.1M
K2CrO4 solution?
1. A conductivity cell has two platinum electrodes separated by a distance 1.5 cm and the cross sectional
area of each electrode is 4.5sq.cm. Using this cell, the resistance of 1.5N electrolytic solution was
measured 15. Find the specific conductance of the solution.
2. State and derive Ostwald dilution law.
3. What are the conventions used in Galvanic cell notation
4. What is intercalation?
5. Write Debye – Huckel and Onsager equation for a uni-univalent electrolyte
6. The reaction Zn(s) + Co2+ ⇌ Co(s) + Zn2+ occurs in a cell. Compute the standard emf of the cell.
Given that E0Zn/Zn2+ = +0.76V, E0Co/Co2+ = +0.28V
7. What are electrochemical series? How is it useful to predict corrosion?
8. Write note on standard Hydrogen electrode (SHE)
9. Reduction potential of two metals M1 and M2 are E0M12+/M1 = -2.3V and E0M22+/M2 = -0.2V . Predict
which one is better for coating the surface of iron. Given: E0Fe2+/Fe = -0.44V
10. Is it possible to store copper sulphate in an iron vessel for a long time? Given E0Cu2+/Cu = 0.34V and
E0Fe2+/Fe = -0.44V
11. Define molar conductance and specific conductance. How they are related?
12. What is the role of salt bridge in Galvanic cell?
13. Calculate 0CH3COOH using appropriate molar conductance of the electrolytes listed below at infinite
dilution at 250C
Electrolyte NaCl HCl CH3COONa
0 2 -1
 (S cm mol ) 126.5 426.2 91.0
14. The equivalent conductance of M/36 solution of a weak monobasic acid is 6 mho cm2 equiv-1 and at
infinite dilution is 400 mho cm2 equiv-1 .Calculate the dissociation constant of this acid.
15. Write a note on Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)?
16. Why is AC current used instead of DC in measuring the electrolytic conductance?
17. How cathodic protection helps to protect the metal from corrosion?
18. State Faraday’s Second law of electrolytes.
19. Describe the construction of Daniel cell and write its cell reaction.
20. What is Kohlraush’s law?
UNIT -10
1. Peptizing agent is added to convert precipitate into colloidal solution. Illustrate with an example
2. What is the role of adsorption in the heterogeneous catalysis?
3. Define Emulsification and Deemulsification
4. What are enzymes? Explain the mechanism of enzyme action
5. What are the characteristics of adsorption?
6. What is Nano catalysis? Give example.
7. What are active centers?
8. What are the general characteristics of catalyst?
9. What is the significance of Brownian movement?
10. What do you mean by Helmholtz electrical double layer?
11. Differentiate Physisorption and Chemisorption.
12. Give two examples for Enzymes catalysis.
13. What happens when hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through a solution of arsenic oxide? Name the
chemical method.
14. Write a note on electrophoresis.
15. What is Flocculation value?
16. Write any THREE condensation methods of preparation of colloids.
17. Mention the medicinal uses of Colloids
18. Write a short notes on i) Negative Catalyst ii) Phase transfer Catalyst
19. Explain intermediate compound formation theory?
20. Write short notes on Ultrafiltration?
UNIT -11
1. Is it possible to oxidise t-butyl alcohol using acidified dichromate to form a carbonyl compound?
2. Write the chemical equation for oxidation of ethylene glycol with periodic acid.
t−𝐵𝑢𝑡𝑦𝑙𝑐ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 /AlCl3 Cl2/FeCl3 HBr
3. Anisole → A → B → C. Complete the above reaction and Find A, B & C
4. Write note on Swern oxidation and Schotten – Baumann reaction.
5. An Organic Compound (A) – C3H8O3 used as a sweetening agent, which on oxidation with Fenton’s
reagent gives a mixture of compounds B and C. Identify A, B & C. Write possible reactions.
6. Write short notes on i) Riemer – Tiemann reaction ii) Dehydration of glycerol
7. Give four uses of diethyl ether.
8. How will you prepare 2-methyl hexan-2-ol from Grignard Reagent?
9. Write the Mechanism of acid catalyzed dehydration of ethanol to give ethane.
10. Write the IUPAC name of the folloeing compounds.
1, C6H5-O-CH2-CH-CH3 2, CH2=CH-CH2-CH2OH

3, Neopentyl alcohol 4, Glycerol
11. What are the tests to differentiate Ethanol and Phenols?
12. The major product formed when 1-ethoxy prop-1-ene is heated with one equivalent of HI.
13. What happens when 1-phenyl ethanol is treated with acidified KMnO4?
14. An Organic Compound C2H6O (A) heated with Con.H2SO4 at 443K to give an unsaturated hydrocarbon
C2H4 (B), which on treatment with Bayer’s reagent to give Compound C2H6O2 (C). which is used as
antifreeze in automobile radiator. Compound (C) distilled with Con.H2SO4 to give cyclic compound
C4H8O (D). Compound (A) is heated with Con. H2SO4 at 413K to give compound C4H10O (E) . Identify
Compounds (A) to (E) and write equations.
15. How will you convert Glycerol into Acrolein?
16. How the following conversions are effected?
i, Phenol → Salicylaldehyde
ii, Phenol → Phenolphthalein
iii, Glycol → 1,4-dioxane
UNIT -12
1. How will you prepare Malachite green dye from benzaldehyde?
2. Explain the mechanism of Cannizaro reaction.
3. A carbonyl compound ‘A’ having molecular formula C5H10O forms crystalline precipitate with sodium
bisulphite and gives positive iodoform test. A does not reduce Fehlings solution. Identify ‘A’.
4. A ether (A) C5H12O when heated with excess of hot concentrated hi, produced two alkyl halides, which
as oxidation of (C) gives ketone (E). Identify A, B, C, D & E and write the chemical equation.
5. How will you prepare Benzoic acid from toluene?
6. Write two tests to identify carboxylic acid.
7. How will you prepare acetic anhydride and acetyl chloride from CH3COOH ?
8. Complete the reaction

9. An organic compound C3H4 (A) on hydration with Hg2+/H2SO4 gives compound (B) which gives
positive iodoform test. Compound ‘B’ heated with NH2-NH2 / C2H5ONa to give hydrocarbon ‘C’. ‘B’
also treated with HCHO in the presence of dil NaOH gives compound (D). Identify A, B, C & D. Write
the chemical reactions involved.
10. How are the following conversions effected-
i) Hex−3−yne → Hexn−3−one
ii) Benzaldehyde → 2−hydroxy phenyl acetic acid
11. Write short note on i) Benedict’s solution test ii) Knoevenagal reaction
12. Write note on Etard Reaction.
13. What will be the product (X and A) for the following reaction?

14. What happens when acetone oxime on oxidation with triflouroperoxy acetic acid?
15. An Organic Compound (A) – C2H4O reduces Tollen’s and Fehling’s solution. ‘A’ react with methanol
and HCl to give Compound (B) – C4H10O2. ‘A’ on reaction with Methanal in the presence of dilute
NaOH to give Compound (C) – C3H6O2. Identify Compounds A, B and C with necessary reactions
16. There are two isomers with the formula CH3NO2. How will you distinguish between them?
17. An Organic compounds C3H5Br (A) on treatment with Mg in dry ether gives (B) which on treatment
with CO2 followed by acidification gives (C). Identify A, B & C and write the possible equations.
18. How are the following conversions effected?
(X) Benzene → Acetophenone
(Y) Benzaldehyde → Hydrobenzamide.
19. Why Formic acid act as strong reducing agent? Give one equation to show its reducing property.
20. What happens when ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol in the presence of Con.H2SO4. Give its complete
21. Explain the Mechanism of Aldol Condensation of Acetaldehyde.
22. Compound ‘A’ of molecular formula C7H6O reduces Tollen’s reagent. When ‘A’ reacts with 50% NaOH
gives Compound ‘B’ of molecular formula C7H8O and ‘C’ of molecular formula C7H5O2Na. Compound
‘C’ on treatment with dil HCl gives compound ‘D’ of molecular formula C7H6O2. When ‘D’ is heated
with Soda lime give compound ‘E’. Identify ‘A’ to ‘E’. write the corresponding equations.
23. Name the ester which has the following flavor?
1) Banana 2) Orange 3) Pineapple 4) Apricot
UNIT -13
1. Arrange the following.
(i) In decreasing order of the pKb values : C2H5NH2, C6H5N(CH3)2, (C2H5)2NH, CH3NH2
(ii) Increasing order of basic strength : C6H5NH2, C6H5N(CH3)2, (C2H5)2NH, CH3NH2
2. How the following conversions are effected?
i. Nitro benzene → N – phenyl hydroxyl amine
ii. Propnamide → Propan -1- amine
iii. Aniline → p – nitroaniline
3. An organic compound (A) on reduction gives compound (B). ‘B’ on treatment with CHCl3 and alcoholic
KOH gives (C). ‘C’ on catalytic reduction gives N-methyl aniline. Identify A, B, C and write its
4. Account the following
i) Aniline does not undergo Friedal – Crafts reaction
ii) Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not
iii) Amines are more basic than amides
5. An organic compound (A) – C7H7NO on treatment with Br2 and KOH gives an amine (B), which gives
carbylamine test. (B) upon diazotization to give (C) . (C) on coupling with p-cresol to give compound
(D). identify A, B, C and D with necessary reaction.
6. An Organic compound (A) – CNCl react with methyl magnesium Bromide to give compound B –
(C2H3N). ‘B’ upon catalytic reduction to give compound C – (C2H7N). ‘C’ gives carbylamines test.
Identify compound A, B and C and write the reactions.
7. Identify A, B and C

8. How is the following conversion affected? Hex-4-enitrile → Hex-4-enal.

9. An Organinc Nitro Compound (A) on reduction with Sn/HCl gives compound (B). C6H7N, which on
treatment with Benzoyl Chloride in the presence of pyridine to give compound (C). Compound ‘B’ on
treatment with CH3Br to give compound (D) which further reacts with NaNO2/HCl to give compound €
with yellow oil liquid. Identify ‘A’ to ‘E’ and write the reactions.
10. Write a note on Sabatier – Maihe method?
11. Identify Compounds A, B and c in the following sequence of reaction.
𝐻gO H2O NaNO2−HCl /H2O
CH3CH2NC → A → B→ C
12. Write uses of Nitroalkanes.
13. Identify ‘A’ to ‘C’ in the following sequence?
𝐹𝑒  𝐻𝐶𝑙 𝐻𝑁𝑂3 .273𝐾 𝐻2𝑂 ∆
C6H5 NO2 → A → B→ C
14. Write short notes on
a, Mustard oil reaction b, Carbylamine reaction c, Gabriel pathalimide reaction
UNIT -14
1. Name the Vitamins whose deficiency cause (i) Pellagra (ii) Beri - Beri (iii) Night
2. What happens when Fructose is partially reduced with sodium amalgam and water?
3. Write the structure of  - D(+) Glucopyranose.
4. Mention the biological importance of Lipids.
5. What are Harmones ? Give examples.
6. Write a short note on Peptide bond
7. Write the Zwitter ion structure of alanine.
8. What is the difference between fibrous protein and globular protein?
9. Write a note on denaturation of proteins.
10. Explain primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins.
11. Draw the structure of Cellulose and Sucrose.
12. Write a note on formation of -Helix
13. Give any four differences between DNA and RNA
14. Explain the structure of Fructose
UNIT -15
1. What are bio degradable poymers? Give two examples.
2. How the transquilizers work in body?
3. Write a note on TFM value.
4. How Nylon -6 is prepared?
5. Write the mode of action and uses of antacids . Give an example.
6. What are food preservatives?
7. Define the term therapeutic index. How is it related to the safety of the drug?
8. How is terylene prepared?
9. Explain the Mechanism of cleaning action of soaps and detergents.
10. What are Antiseptics? Give an example.
11. How polymers are classified on the basis of structure and molecular forces, give examples of each one.
12. Write short notes on Antioxidants?
13. Explain the preparation of Nylon -66 and Buna –S?


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