Newsletter 2010march Test6
Newsletter 2010march Test6
Newsletter 2010march Test6
Next on the agenda is a community “Festival of Many volunteers will be needed to help out
Celebration” which will take place on April 24 during the actual event with sorting of sale items,
with a rain date of April 25. The anniversary pricing, helping with the food and beverages,
committee made up of Mercedes Herdrich, etc.
Mandy Goodman, Barbara Keiffer, Bette
Hanham, Paula Hill and Skip Ragland, have And most of all, the committee is asking for any
recommended expanding the yearly yard sale suggestions you have which will help make the
into a celebration to include raffle prizes, “Festival of Celebration” a huge success for our
balloons, face painting, food and beverages, church.
popcorn, and more.
Skip Ragland
March 28 - Passion Sunday – Fr. Thompson At first, it was overwhelming to see so many
beautiful cats living in cages, needing loving
homes. I deal with it better now, but every now
and then a cat captures my heart. Mary was such
LOOK WHAT YOUR DOLLARS HAVE DONE!! a cat; she developed a virus which left her blind.
Mercedes Herdrich Eventually she found a wonderful home with a
lady who was herself legally blind.
Excerpts from Society of St. Andrews
newsletter: Currently, we have a beautiful cat called Scarlet,
“In 2009, with your help, we were able to save who has a slightly difficult disposition (Who
and distribute more food, host more gleaning wouldn’t, living in a cage?), and every time I see
events, and engage more volunteers than the her it breaks my heart. It is the unfriendly ones,
previous year." the black ones, or those with minor medical
problems that I worry about. This is the reason
“From January-December of 2009, Gleaned we have gone from our original two, to now
Produce (fresh food salvaged and donated to feed having six cats of our own.
the hungry) was up by 30%. Total pounds
salvaged were over 26 million, up 12% from 2008 My greatest joy is seeing cats adopted into
and total servings were over 79 million, up loving homes. That makes all the work so
12.5%" worthwhile. Our organization relies solely on
donations and volunteers, not just to help with
The Society of St. Andrews leads many Harvest the animals, but also with various fundraisers.
of Hope events throughout the year where people
come together to save and distribute hundreds of As I write this, I have our newest addition, Leila,
thousands of pounds of food to those in need. asleep on my lap. Having these beautiful
Please check the Communication Board at SMM creatures in our lives is truly a blessing.
for the schedule of upcoming events. See me, or
contact SOS if you are interested in participating.
If anyone has a college aged child/grandchild/niece or
nephew who may be interested in the Summer
Internship Program, offered by SOS, contact Mercedes
Herdrich for details.