Every experience requires the help of a number of people for it to be truly rewarding. No. work
can be done in vacuumed. The accomplishment of this project would have not been possible
individually without encouragement, assistance and valuable support from various sources.
Through it is customary to thanks all those who helped me in this project, but since the
report of my summer training as part of my course curriculum for Post Graduation Diploma in
Management (PGDM) programmed so I take this, Opportunity to offer my gratitude to a number
Of helping hands for their co-operations and advices to enable me to bring up this project report.
My training in IFFCO INDUSTRY has been a worth while experience because of the
help I received from a number of people here and I would like to take this opportunity to extend
my heart felt thanks of all those who made my training a good learning process.
First of all, I express special gratitude to my project guide Mr. S.L.M.Warrier, Manger
(H.R.) (P& A Department) IFFCO Aonla, Bareilly for encouraging me take this topic for
research work and providing the stimulus for putting my heart and soul into it.
I am deeply indebted to Mr. A.K.Singh (Sr. G.M. IFFCO), who gave me permission for
training and made necessary arrangements for the same.
I take this opportunity to express my appreciation and deep sense of gratitude to Mr.
D.C.KALTA, Manager Training, IFFCO, AONLA, for the moral support.
My sincere thanks also go to Mr. K.K. PANDEY, training Officer, IFFCO, AONLA, Who
allowed me Summer Training in IFFCO and gave me his suggestions, invaluable time and
criticism, whenever needed.
Last but certainly not the least, I would like to thank to all the members of IFFCO
INDUSTRY who provided me with the information and the facilities for the execution of the
Finally I would like to thank my teachers and parents for their guidance, and friends who
helped me in the completion of this report.
To make the student conversant with the practical knowledge and the industrial
atmosphere implant training is must. The training basically aims at following: