Assam Pay Commission Report Chapter I

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Dated 4th February, 2010

No.FPC 85/2009/1 The Government of Assam vide Finance Department

Resolution No. FPC.16/2007/16 dated 30 May, 2008 constituted the Assam Pay
Commission, 2008 to examine and recommend changes that are desirable in the
pay structure, emoluments and conditions of services of different classes of
State Government employees, to examine the existing amenities and facilities
relating to death-cum-retirement benefit etc., to suggest re-organization of
existing services with a view to rationalizing the work load and efficiency etc., to
examine and suggest the principles to be followed in granting relief due to
increase in consumer price index to the State Government Pensioner and also to
examine any other connected and incidental questions as may be referred to the
Commission by the Government.

The Commission submitted its report to the Government on 15th October,

2009. Its recommendations covered a large number of issues relating not only to
new pay structure, allowances and pension related matters but also issues
relating to leave matters, reorganisation of services and specific issues relating
to different departments.

The Government of Assam constituted a Committee vide Notification No.

FPC.82/2009/1 dated 26th October, 2009 to examine the report of the Assam
Pay Commission, 2008 and to concretise the action points and to submit them to
the Government. The Committee submitted its report on 30th November, 2009.

After careful consideration of the report of the Assam Pay Commission,

2008 and the report of the Committee thereon, the Government has accepted
the major recommendations of the Assam Pay Commission with modifications as
suggested by the Committee and any other modifications as have been deemed
necessary and is pleased to decide as follows:-

1. Pay Structure:
The new pay structure comprising the system of running Pay Bands and
Grade Pay shall be as follows:

Sl. Existing Pay Scale Pay Bands Grade

No. Pay
PB 1
1 2450 - 3670 4560-15000 1300
2 2490 - 4120 4560-15000 1400
3 2530 - 4390 4560-15000 1600
PB 2
4 2610 - 4840 5200-20200 1800
5 2650 - 5200 5200-20200 1900
6 2890 - 5725 5200-20200 2000
7 3010 - 6075 5200-20200 2100
8 3130 - 6600 5200-20200 2200
9 3370 - 7100 5200-20200 2300
10 3850 - 7350 5200-20200 2400
11 3490 - 8100 5200-20200 2500
12 3940 - 8425 5200-20200 2600
13 3580 - 8750 5200-20200 2800
PB 3
14 4300 - 9075 8000-35000 4200
15 3760 - 9400 8000-35000 4300
16 4120 - 9725 8000-35000 4500
17 4960 - 10050 8000-35000 4600
18 4210 - 10375 8000-35000 4700
19 5375 - 10700 8000-35000 4900
20 4300 - 11025 8000-35000 5100
PB 4
21 4390 - 11425 12000-40000 5400
22 5725 - 11825 12000-40000 5900
23 6600 - 12625 12000-40000 6100
24 8100 - 13025 12000-40000 6300
25 8750 13825 12000-40000 6400
26 9075 - 14225 12000-40000 6600
27 9725 - 15100 12000-40000 7200
28 10050 - 15575 12000-40000 7400
29 10375 - 16050 12000-40000 7600
PB 5
30 11025 - 17000 26000-45000 8700
Fixed 55000
There shall be 5 distinct running Pay Bands and 30 Grade Pay corresponding to
the pre-revised pay scales. Minimum basic pay is Rs. 5860/- (Rs.4560/- Pay in
the Pay Band+ Rs.1300/- Grade Pay) and Maximum basic pay is Rs. 55000/-
(Fixed Pay for the post of Commissioner and Secretary). Fixation of pay in the
revised pay bands shall be done in the following manner:

(i) Basic pay shall consist of pay in the Pay Band and Grade Pay. It shall be
inclusive of ad hoc fitment benefit, if any, as per provision in Point (v)
mentioned below:

(ii) The basic pay drawn as on 1/1/2006 on the existing pay scales shall be
multiplied by a factor of 1.86 and then rounded off to the next multiple of
Rs. 10. This shall be taken as the pay in the revised running pay band. If
the figure derived from multiplication of existing basic pay by the factor of
1.86 is less than minimum of the pay band, the revised pay in the pay
band shall be fixed at the minimum of the pay band.
(iii) The Grade Pay has been given within the limits of what has been adopted
by Government of India with suitable modifications wherever necessary.
In some cases, the amount of grade pay has been adjusted so as to
maintain a clear differential between successive Grades pays.
(iv) The detailed fixation chart at APPENDIX VII of Assam Services (Revision of
Pay) Rules, 2010 showing stage-wise fixation of existing employees in the
revised running Pay Bands should be utilized in every case of fixation of
pay of the concerned employees in the revised running Pay Bands.
(v) It is seen from the fixation chart that bunching is occurring in the chart
during the initial stages for some of the pre-revised scales. This is due to
the fact that the employees at these stages will have their salaries fixed at
the minimum of the pay band as per clause (ii) above. To remove the
bunching, an ad-hoc fitment benefit at the rate of 50% of the first
increment, rounded off to the nearest Rs. 10, in the particular pre-revised
scale shall be given for subsequent stages till the bunching of pay is
(vi) Fixation in the revised Pay Band and Grade Pay thereon have been done
with reference to the pre-revised pay scale in which the employee was
actually drawing pay irrespective of whether he/she has been placed in
such pay scale on appointment, regular promotion or any other time
bound promotion scheme; upgradation of the post, etc.
Fixation of pay in the revised pay bands of existing employees shall be done in
the following manner:-
(i) In cases where employees have been placed in a higher pay scale
between 1/1/2006 and the date of notification of the revised Pay Bands on
account of promotion, upgradation of pay scale, etc., the employees shall
be given the option to switch over to the revised pay band and grade pay
from the date of such promotion, upgradation, etc.

(ii) The detailed fixation chart at APPENDIX VII of Assam Services (Revision of
Pay) Rules, 2010 shows stage-wise fixation of pay of existing employees
in the proposed bands w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Subject to provisions of (ii) above,
pay of employees shall be fixed accordingly.
(iii) In case of promotion between identical posts in the same cadre, if a senior
employee promoted to the higher post before 1/1/2006 draws revised
basic pay which is less than that of his/her junior who is promoted to the
higher post on or after 1/1/2006, the pay of the senior employee shall be
stepped up to make his basic pay (including Grade Pay) equal to the pay
of the junior in that higher post, provided the senior employee, at the
time of promotion, had been drawing equal or more pay than his/her
(iv) DA and all other allowances, facilities, pension etc. shall be payable on the
sum of Grade Pay and Pay in the Pay Band. (Plus ad hoc fitment benefit, if
(vii) Facilities like Government housing etc. will be governed by the Grade Pay.
An employee in the higher Grade Pay will be senior to an employee in a
lower Grade Pay. In case of employees drawing same Grade Pay, priority
shall be governed by the total emoluments drawn.
Financial upgradation upon reaching the maxima of Pay Bands shall take place
as follows:
i) When a State Government employee reaches the maximum pay in a Pay
Band, the employee will spend two years from the date of last increment
at that stage without further movement.
ii) At the end of two years, the employee will be eligible to move into the
next higher Pay Band as a measure of financial up-gradation.
iii) Such an employee will continue to draw the Grade Pay which was drawn in
the lower Pay band and will not be entitled to any higher Grade Pay.
iv) Such an employee will not be eligible to any additional increment on being
placed in the higher pay band. There will be no change in the designation
or functions of the employee by such a change in Pay Band.

2. Annual Increment

All the running Pay Bands will have annual increments as a percentage of the
total of pay in the Pay Band and the corresponding Grade Pay. In the new pay
structure, the total of pay in the Pay Band and corresponding Grade Pay would
constitute basic pay. All employees will be entitled to an annual increment of 3%
of Basic Pay. Thus, annual increments are payable on percentage basis instead
of a fixed amount. In the revised scheme, the date of annual increments, in all
cases, will be the 1st of July of the year. Employees completing six months and
above in the grade as on July 1 will be eligible.

3. Classification of Services and Gradation of Posts
The new classification of services shall be as follows:

SGroup A Grade Pay of Rs 5400 and above

Group B Grade Pay from Rs 4200 to Rs 5100
Group C Grade Pay from Rs 1800 to Rs 2800
Group D Grade Pay up to Rs 1600

The new gradation of posts for the purposes of Travelling Allowance/ Daily
Allowance and other allowances shall be as follows:

Senior Grade Grade Pay of Rs 7400 and above

Grade I Grade Pay from Rs 5400 to Rs 7200
Grade II Grade Pay from Rs 4200 to Rs 5100
Grade III Grade Pay from Rs 1800 to Rs 2800
Grade IV Grade Pay up to Rs 1600

4. Gazetted status
The system of conferment of gazetted status shall be discontinued.
5. Dearness Allowance
The existing provisions regarding grant of Dearness Allowance in
accordance with policy followed by the Government of India shall
6. House Rent Allowance
The revised rates of HRA shall be as follows:

Category Rate of HRA

Employees serving in Guwahati/ 15% of basic pay with minimum of

Dispur Rs.1250/- and maximum of Rs.
6000/- per month.

Employees serving in District/ 12% of basic pay with minimum of

Sub divisional Headquarters Rs.1000/- and maximum of Rs.
4800/- per month.

Employees serving in other 10% of basic pay with maximum of

places in Assam Rs. 4000/- per month.

Employees serving in places At the rate admissible to Central

outside North East Region Government employees or State
Government employees, whichever is
beneficial to them.

All other provisions remain unchanged.

7. City Compensatory Allowance (CCA)
Henceforth City Compensatory Allowance is abolished.
8. Hill / Remote Area Allowance
Hill / Remote Area Allowance shall be admissible as follows:
i) Hill/ Remote Area Allowance shall be given to all State Government
employees serving in the two hill districts of Assam i.e. North Cachar
Hills and Karbi Anglong district as well as remote areas namely,
Dhemaji district, Sadiya Subdivision, Majuli Subdivision,
Dhakuakhana subdivision, and South Salmara Subdivision.
ii) This allowance shall be given to employees at the following rates:

Grade Rate

Senior Grade/ Grade I Rs. 600 per month

Grade II/III/IV Rs. 480 per month

9. Daily Allowance

Daily Allowance shall be admissible as follows:

(In Rs.)

Grade Normal For visit to For visit Hotel rates

DA Guwahati/ outside outside
Dispur/Other North- North-
North-Eastern Eastern Eastern
states states states


Senior Grade 240 360 480 1500

Grade I 210 315 420 1250

Grade II 180 270 360 1000

Grade III 150 225 300 750

Grade IV 120 180 240 500

i) As shown in Column I above, normal DA shall be applicable for official

visits to all the places in Assam except Guwahati.

ii) Half the rate of Daily Allowance shall be applicable for journey above
40 KM if an employee returns back after such travel on the same day,
having spent not less than 6 hours on official visit.
iii) As shown in Column II above, One and half times normal DA shall be
applicable for official visits to Guwahati/ Dispur and other North
Eastern states.

iii) As shown in Column III above, twice the rate of normal DA shall be
applicable for official visits outside the North Eastern region.

iv) During official visits to places outside North Eastern Region, if an

employee stays at Assam House/ accommodation provided by the
Government, the above rates will apply. If an employee does not get
accommodation at Assam Houses and therefore, stays in a hotel,
reimbursement shall be made as per actual expenditure on production
of hotel receipt up to maximum amount as shown in Column IV above.
This will be over and above one Daily Allowance.

vi) All the other existing provisions remain unchanged.

10. Hazard Allowance

Personnel Department is entrusted with the responsibility of identifying

categories of employees who are likely to be exposed to hazards and
formulating a Comprehensive Risk Insurance Scheme for them. Till the
time such scheme is put in place, as an interim measure, hazard
allowance shall be paid at the present rate. Hazard Allowance shall be
discontinued once the Comprehensive Risk Insurance Scheme is put in

11. Fixed Travelling Allowance

i) Existing categories of employees who are presently eligible for Fixed

TA shall continue to get fixed TA at enhanced rates as follows:
Grade Fixed TA
Senior Grade/ Grade I Rs 1000/-
Grade II Rs 800/-
Grade III Rs 600/-
Grade IV Rs 400/-

ii) Finance Department is entrusted with the responsibility of examining

the propriety of extending the benefit of Fixed TA to additional
categories as recommended by the Commission in Annex 3.1 of its
report on merit of each case and based on detailed justification as
submitted by the concerned department.
iii) Fixed TA is in lieu of regular TA claimed for travelling on duty within
the district/ Jurisdiction. All those in receipt of Fixed TA can claim
normal TA only for official travel outside their jurisdiction.
iv) Fixed TA shall not be applicable to employees who travel in allotted
car/ pool car.
v) Other provisions regarding Fixed TA would remain unchanged.

12. Conveyance Allowance

Conveyance Allowance is abolished henceforth for all categories of


13. Journey by Air

Following provisions shall apply for Journey by Air:

i) All employees in Senior Grade/ Grade I drawing minimum basic pay

of Rs. 24000/- shall be entitled to travel on official duty by air in
Economy Class within or outside Assam.
ii) Employees who are hitherto entitled to travel by air shall continue
to benefit from this facility.
iii) No incidental expenses shall be given apart from Daily Allowance as
iv) Finance Department shall draw up appropriate procedures to ensure
prudent and judicious use of this facility, avoiding infructuous
expenditure. In this regard, relevant provisions of Office
Memoranda as issued by the Government earlier shall be
incorporated while framing the rules.
v) The aforesaid provisions shall not be applicable for the purpose of
LTC for which separate provisions have been given under Clause
vi) All other provisions remain unchanged.

14. Journey by Train/ Road

Following provisions shall apply for Journey by Train/ Road:

i) The entitlement for journey by train as per Grade of employees shall

be as follows:

Grade Train Entitlement

Senior Grade 1st Class/ Executive Class

Grade I AC 2 Tier

Grade II AC 3 Tier

Grade III Sleeper Class

Grade IV Sleeper Class

ii) Finance Department shall issue appropriate Office Memorandum taking
into account the fact that some trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi etc. do
not have Non-AC sleeper classes.
iii) Employees in the Senior Grade shall be entitled to hire a vehicle for
official journeys by road within or outside the state.

15. Journey on Transfer

Following provisions shall apply for Journey on Transfer:

i) Provisions regarding Travelling Allowance shall be as follows:

a. Travelling Allowance for journey on transfer shall be given at
the same rate as applicable for normal TA.
b. TA for journey as per entitlement shall be admissible for all
members of the family subject to the maximum of actual
fares paid.
c. Definition of family shall cover spouse, dependent children
and dependent parents.
d. Travelling Allowance on transfer shall not be admissible if
there is no change of place of residence.
e. Travelling Allowance admissible to the family members of
deceased Government employees shall be same as Travelling
Allowance admissible to retiring Government employees.

ii) Transfer grant shall be given at enhanced rate to employees in

different grade as follows:

Grade Transfer Grant

Senior Grade Rs. 1800/-

Grade I Rs. 1500/-

Grade II Rs. 1200/-

Grade III Rs. 900/-

Grade IV Rs. 600/-

iii) Existing provisions regarding grant of transfer incidentals shall

continue. Daily Allowance shall not be admissible if there is no
change of place of residence.
iv) Enhanced rate of Rs 3 per 1000 KG per KM for transportation of
personal effect on transfer by rail or road shall be given to all
employees. Maximum quantity admissible to employees in different
Grades shall be as follows:

Grade Quantity Admissible
Senior Grade 6000 KG
Grade I 4000 KG
Grade II 3000 KG
Grade III 1500 KG
Grade IV 1000 KG
v) All India Service Officers when transferred outside the State shall
get composite transfer grant as admissible to corresponding posts
of Group A Officers of the Government of India.
vi) All other provisions relating to journey on transfer shall continue
without change.

16. Floating Allowance (Inland Water Transport Department)

Floating Allowance shall be given at the rate of 5% of basic pay with a

ceiling of Rs.300 per month.

17. Kit Allowance, Messing and Dhobi Allowance (Health and Family
Welfare Department)

Existing rates of Kit Allowance, Messing and Dhobi Allowance shall be

increased by 50%. (As given at Annexure I)

18. Allowances under the Home Department

Following provisions shall apply for various allowances under the Home

i) The Present system of supply of ration shall continue and only those
categories of Police personnel who were in receipt of ration allowance
in cash would continue to get ration allowance. Existing rates of all
the fixed allowances including ration allowance shall be increased by
50%. (As given at Annexure II)

ii) Existing Compensatory Allowance for Police personnel up to the rank

of Inspector shall be given at the rate of 5% of basic pay with a
ceiling of Rs.750 per month.

iii) The existing rates of Special Compensatory Allowance to various

posts in Fire Service Department shall be doubled. (As given at
Annexure III)

iv) Commando Allowance shall be given at the rate of 15% of basic pay
with a ceiling of Rs. 2500 per month.

v) The provision of different rates of HRA for Police personnel is

discontinued. They shall be given HRA as applicable to other State
Government employees.
19. Allowances under Jail, Home Guards and Civil Defence, Forest
and Excise Department

All the existing allowances to the personnel working in Jail, Directorate of

Home Guards and Civil Defence, Forest and Excise Departments shall
continue at the enhanced rates as applicable to the corresponding posts in
Police department. These allowances shall be applicable only to the posts
which are presently eligible for various allowances. (As given at Annexure

20. Training Allowance

Training Allowance shall be given at the rate of 15% of basic pay with a
ceiling of Rs.3000 per month to all the Instructional and Directorial staff of
all the premiere state level training institutes of all the departments.
Administrative Reforms and Training Department shall prepare a proposal
regarding eligible state level training institutes and qualifying posts
therein and submit the same to Finance Department for further

21. Special Teaching Allowance

Special Teaching allowance shall be given to the teachers and the Head
Masters of the Blind Schools and Deaf and Dumb School and other such
special schools for handicapped children at the rate of 15% of the Basic
Pay with ceiling of Rs. 3000 per month. This allowance shall be admissible
to only those teachers who have undergone special degree/ training
courses as identified by the State Government. Details shall be worked out
by Education Department in consultation with Social Welfare Department.

22. Technical Status/ Technical Allowance

Existing provisions as applicable in the state shall remain unchanged.

23. Rural Service Incentive for Medical and Ayurvedic doctors

“Rural Service Incentive for medical and ayurvedic doctors” shall be given
at the rate of Rs 4000 per month for all the medical and ayurvedic doctors
who are posted and actually residing and working in medical
establishments in rural areas as notified by the Government. Doctors who
are posted in rural areas but serve, on attachment, in urban areas shall
not be entitled to this allowance. This allowance shall be in lieu of the
existing arrangement and shall be effective from 1.4.2010.

24. Disability and Child Care Allowance

“Disability Allowance” shall be given for disabled employees of the State

Government at the rate of Rs. 500 per month. Similarly, “Child Care
Allowance” shall be given at the rate of Rs. 500 per month only to
disabled women employees to take care of child up to attaining the age of
two years. This allowance shall be admissible only up to two children.

25. Constant Attendant Allowance

Constant Attendant Allowance shall be given for all those employees who
retired due to 100% disability attributable to the service or due to
accidents in performance of duty. This allowance shall be given at the rate
of Rs. 1500 per month during the lifetime of employees. Finance
Department shall refer to detailed guidelines regarding this allowance as
operational in Government of India while framing the rules.

26. Special Pay

Special Pay is abolished henceforth for all categories of posts.

27. Interest subsidy for disabled employees

Disabled employees shall be given interest subsidy of 4% on the bank

loans to purchase disabled friendly conveyance (car/two wheeler) which
costs higher due to modifications.

28. Leave Travel Concession (LTC)

The present system of LTC shall continue with following modifications:

i) LTC to any place in India shall be given to an employee after

completion of ten years of service once during the entire period of
ii) Reimbursement of actual travelling expenses shall be made subject to
maximum of entitlement on journey by train irrespective of mode of
actual travel.
iii) The definition of family for the purposes of LTC shall also include
dependant parents. The definition of dependency is linked with the
minimum family pension for all purposes. Accordingly, all parents
whose total income from all sources is less than the minimum family
pension prescribed and dearness relief thereon would be included in
the definition of family for this purpose.

29. Medical Facilities and benefits

Existing provisions regarding medical facilities and benefits shall continue

till the time of further examination and decision on the Commissions’
various recommendations in this regard. Health and Family Welfare
Department is entrusted with the responsibility of examining the
recommendations of the Commission regarding medical facilities and
benefits in detail and submit its report to the Finance Department with
detailed justification.

30. Group Insurance Scheme (GIS)

The enhanced insurance coverage and revised rate of monthly

subscription shall be as follows:
Group Insurance Coverage Rate of subscription
Group A Rs. 4,00,000/- Rs. 400
Group B Rs. 3,00,000/- Rs. 300
Group C Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 200
Group D Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 100

All other existing provisions in this regard shall remain unchanged.

31. Advances

Henceforth all advances shall be discontinued.

32. Advance Increment

Existing provisions regarding Advance Increment shall continue till the

time of further examination and decision on the Commissions’ various
recommendations in this regard. Administrative Reforms and Training
Department is entrusted with the responsibility of examining the
recommendations of the Commission in detail.

33. Pension and other retirement benefits

Following provisions shall apply with regard to pension and other

retirement benefits:

I. Superannuation Pension:

1. Existing provision of determining Superannuation Pension at the rate of

50% of average of last 10 months’ emoluments shall continue.
2. Qualifying service for receiving full pension shall be 25 years instead of
present 33 years. Proportionate pension shall be given to those
employees who have completed more than 10 years but less than 25
years of qualifying service.
3. Minimum amount of full pension shall be Rs 3000/- per month.
Maximum amount of full pension shall be Rs. 27500/- per month.

II. Family Pension:

1. Existing provisions regarding family pension shall remain unchanged.

2. The revised amount of minimum family pension shall be Rs. 1800/-.

III. Special Family Pension:

Current provisions regarding Special Family Pension shall remain

unchanged. Special Family Pension shall be followed by normal family
pension later on. In case there is no widow, recommendations of the 6th
Central Pay Commission shall be followed.

IV. Gratuity:

Present limit of Death cum Retirement Gratuity is enhanced up to

maximum of Rs 7 lakh. Service Gratuity shall be given at present rate if an
employee retires before completing 10 years of qualifying service. Other
provisions regarding Gratuity shall remain unchanged.

V. Commutation of pension:

Department of Pension and Public Grievances is entrusted with the

responsibility of examining the Commissions’ recommendations regarding
Commutation of Pension. In the meantime, existing provisions shall

VI. Fitment benefit to the past pensioners:

All past pensioners are allowed fitment benefit equal to 40% of the basic
pension. The increase will be allowed by taking into account the effect of
conversion of 50% of Dearness Relief as Dearness Pension. Consequently,
Dearness Relief at the rate of 86% on pension has been taken for the
purposes of computing revised pension as on 1/1/2006. The fixation of
revised pension, in no case, shall be lower than fifty percent of the sum of
the minimum of the pay in the pay band and the Grade Pay thereon
corresponding to the pre revised pay scale from which the pensioner had
retired. Actual drawl will however be subject to necessary adjustment of
Commuted portion of pension, if any.

VII. Disability pension:

Department of Pension and Public Grievances is entrusted with the

responsibility of examining the Commissions’ recommendation regarding
Disability Pension.

VIII. Age of Superannuation:

Current provision of age of superannuation at 60 years shall continue.

IX. Other issues:

All uncovered aspects relating to emoluments, Superannuation Pension,

Gratuity, Family pension, Commutation of Pension, Ex Gratia and other
retirement benefits, unless specified as above, shall be dealt in accordance
with existing provisions. However the recommendations of the 6th Central
Pay Commission shall also be referred to, wherever necessary.

34. Leave Matters

Following provisions shall apply with regard to Leave matters:

1. Number of Casual Leave admissible to all the employees of the State

Government shall be 12 days in a year instead of present limit of 15
2. Accumulation and encashment of Earned Leave for all the employees of
vacation departments is enhanced up to 150 days from the present limit
of 80 days. All other existing provisions regarding Earned Leave and Half
Pay Leave shall continue.
3. Finance Department is entrusted with the responsibility of examining the
recommendations regarding Special Study Leave. In the meantime,
existing provisions regarding Study Leave shall continue to be applied to
the academic staff.
4. Maternity leave can be combined with leave of any other kind as due up
to 45 days in addition to 135 days of Maternity Leave.
5. Current provisions regarding Commuted Leave, Extraordinary Leave,
Special Disability Leave, Leave without pay, Study Leave etc. shall

35. Holidays and Office Timings

Following provisions shall apply with regard to Holidays and Office Timings:

1. In respect of the offices of Assam Government, office timings shall be 9

AM to 5 PM from 1st March to 31st October and 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM from
1st November to 28th February.

2. There shall be a cap on the number of holidays. There shall be only 17

gazetted holidays including 3 national holidays. All the erstwhile
gazetted holidays which do not find mention in the new list shall be
transferred to the list of restricted holidays. Number of restricted
holidays is increased to 4 days instead of present 2 days. General
Administration Department is entrusted with the responsibility of
bringing out a proposal in this regard.

3. Practise of declaring local holidays in case of VIP/VVIP visits is


4. The practice of grant of Special Casual Leave for various purposes is

discontinued. Employee may avail Casual Leave available to them for
such purposes.

36. Date of effect and payment of arrear

The revised pay structure shall be effective from 1.4.2009 but the revised
pay for the employees shall be notionally fixed as on 1.1.2006. The pay of
the employees would be fixed along with increments at the rate of 3% of
basic pay, Dearness Allowance etc. with effect from 1.1.2006. Arrear
amount with effect from 1.4.2009 shall be paid in a single instalment
through bank accounts of the employees. All recommendations regarding
allowances and other benefits will take effect only prospectively.

37. Change in Pay Band/ enhanced Grade Pay/ Higher Band Pay for
some of the posts in various departments

Some of the posts in various departments shall be given Higher Band Pay/
enhanced Grade Pay/ change in Pay Band as follows:

Post Pay Band Grade Pay Revised Pay Revised Grade

corresponding corresponding Band Pay
to existing Pay to existing Pay
scale scale

APS Junior PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400

Transport PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400

PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400
of Taxes

Conservator of PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400

Instructor in NE
PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400
Forest College/

Engineer of PB 4 6400 PB 4 6600

ACS Junior at Higher Band

entry level PB 4 5400 Pay of Rs. 5400
12500 in PB 4

Teachers in 2000/ 2100/
PB 2 PB 2 2300
Primary, ME/ MV 2200
and equivalent

Forest Guard PB 2 1800 PB 2 2000

Forester II PB 2 1900 PB 2 2100

Forester I PB 2 2000 PB 2 2200

Deputy Ranger PB 2 2200 PB 2 2600

Forest Ranger PB 3 4300 PB 3 4500

Constables and PB 2 1900 PB 2 2000

Police Head
Constables and PB 2 2000 PB 2 2100

ASI and
PB 2 2100 PB 2 2200

PB 2 2200 PB 2 2300

Rangers of Soil
Conservation PB 3 4300 PB 3 4500

Labour Officer PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400

PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400
of Excise

ARCS PB 3 5100 PB 4 5400

Concerned departments shall also submit list of posts equivalent to the

aforesaid posts in case of which the Cabinet has accepted Higher Band Pay/
enhanced Grade Pay/ change in Pay Band to the Finance (PRU) Department
for further action.

Regarding some more posts in case of which the Commission has

recommended Higher Band Pay/ enhanced Grade Pay/ change in Pay Band,
the concerned departments shall conduct detailed examination as
suggested by the Committee and submit report with detailed justification to
Finance department for further consideration.

38. Other department wise issues

Other department-wise recommendations as given in Chapter 10 of the

Commissions’ report as agreed to by the Committee (with or without
modifications) along with suggestions made by the Committee were
approved by the Cabinet. Concerned administrative departments may take
action by issue of Office Memorandum etc. on those issues.

39. Further examination by concerned departments

The concerned departments shall examine and take further action on

various recommendations as mentioned below:

Sl. Department Issue of examination and points of action

No. as per recommendations of the Assam pay
Commission, 2008
1 All concerned i. To implement various recommendations
departments regarding Service Rules of employees
ii. To undertake a comprehensive review of
existing promotion policies and decide a
certain percentage as the limit beyond which
the members of subordinate services will not
be promoted.
iii. To build up a dedicated cadre of trainers as
recommended by the Commission and in the
light of the Committees’ suggestion.
iv. To set up Training Institutes to provide
specialised training to its employees
v. To take necessary action regarding points of
action pertaining to them as recommended
by the Commission in Chapter 9 of its report.
vi. To conduct detailed examination of the
recommendations in Chapter 10 of the
Commissions’ report related to their
department in the light of past references,
judicial pronouncements in this regard, effect
on present equilibrium between different
posts etc. and submit a proposal to the
Finance department with detailed
justification for implementation of those
vii. To examine recommendation of the
Commission in Chapter 10 of its report
regarding graduation as minimum
qualification for entry into various services
by taking into account the optimum
qualification required for efficient discharge
of functions assigned to the job and the
availability of sufficient number of candidates
for the same.
viii. To examine feasibility of the
recommendation regarding minimum higher
secondary qualification for constables and
equivalent categories.
ix. To examine and initiate action on various
recommendations pertaining to their
department as given in Chapter 10 of the
Commissions’ report and in the light of the
Committees’ views thereon.
x. To conduct comprehensive review of all the
posts in the light of their functional utility
and take time bound action for restructuring.

2 Personnel Department i. To identify categories of employees who are

likely to be exposed to hazards and
formulating a comprehensive risk insurance
scheme for them.
ii. Implementation of Visakha Guidelines
iii. To examine the concept paper on creation of
Assam Administrative Service in detail for
further consideration.
iv. To formulate detailed guidelines regarding
regular office inspections, provisions like FR
(56), departmental proceedings and other
issues as mentioned in the report and also to
come out with detailed action plan regarding
the Commissions’ various recommendations
with respect to Service Rules.
v. To examine the recommendations regarding
appointment of all employees and come out
with a comprehensive action plan for
implementation of the same.
vi. To examine the model application form as
given at Annex 8.1 of the Commission’s
report and suggest necessary changes
therein to make it suitable for using it in
recruitment process in future. The
Committees’ suggestion may also be
vii. To formulate a detailed action plan for
setting up permanent statutory commissions
for recruitment to various posts like teachers
3 Finance department i. To examine the propriety of extending the
benefit of Fixed TA to additional categories
as recommended by the Commission, on
merit of each case and based on detailed
justification as submitted by the concerned
ii. To work out detailed procedures regarding
interest subsidy for disabled employees
iii. To examine the recommendations regarding
Special Study Leave for teachers etc.
iv. To conduct training programmes for
concerned employees for smooth
implementation of the new system of revised
pay structure and other relevant aspects of
the Commission’s report.
v. To examine the recommendation regarding

giving higher Grade Pay to those promotion
posts which are presently in the same pay
scale as that of junior posts. Such cases shall
be examined for further consideration.
4 General Administration i. To examine the recommendation regarding
Department/ Secretariat working women’s hostel and 15%
Administration reservation in Government quarters in the
Department light of functional requirement of different
departments and other relevant aspects
ii. To implement the recommendation regarding
user friendly office environment for the
disabled employees
iii. To bring out a proposal for putting a cap on
the number of holidays in the light of the
Committees’ suggestion
iv. To formulate detailed action plan and
guidelines regarding outsourcing various
functions like cleaning, plumbing, gardening
etc. on contract basis
5 Department of Pension i. To examine the recommendation regarding
and Public Grievances Disability Pension
ii. To examine the recommendations regarding
Commutation of Pension
6 Social Welfare i. To examine the recommendations regarding
Department disabled employees namely, a. 3% quota for
disabled candidates b. places of posting c.
Other service matters
7 Health and Family i. To work out detailed procedures regarding
Welfare Department provision of aids and appliances for the
disabled employees and submit the same to
the Finance department for further
ii. To examine the recommendations regarding
medical facilities and benefits in detail and
submit report to the Finance department
with detailed justification
8 Administrative Reforms i. To prepare a proposal regarding eligible state
and Training Department level training institutes and qualifying posts
therein for grant of Training Allowance and
submit the same to Finance Department for
further consideration.
ii. To examine the recommendations regarding
advance increments for acquiring higher
academic qualification in detail
iii. To examine the recommendations regarding
two levels of Directorates in detail
iv. To examine closing down some directorates
which have outlived their utility, as
mentioned in the Commissions’ report
v. To examine the recommendation regarding

pyramidal structure for all the departments
and suggested ratio thereof in detail in the
light of Committees’ views and formulate
guidelines regarding the same
vi. To examine the recommendation regarding
enrichment of jobs performed by present
Class IV employees in detail.
vii. To formulate a comprehensive action
plan jointly with IT department for
implementation of various recommendations
regarding use of Information Technology in
Government offices, Paperless office etc.
viii. To formulate a Training Policy for all the
State Government employees.
Recommendations regarding Training Needs
Analysis (TNA), Induction Training etc. may
also be incorporated therein.
ix. To formulate a detailed action plan on the
Commission’s recommendation regarding
restructuring of some departments in
Chapter 9 of its report.
x. To examine the recommendation regarding
bringing about uniformity in the designations
of various district officers in detail and
initiate action.
9 Planning and i. To examine the recommendation regarding
Development common cadre for statistical services in
Department detail and formulate guidelines regarding the
ii. To examine the recommendation regarding a
common cadre for various posts and services
dealing with Plan/ Planning matters in detail
and formulate guidelines regarding the same
iii. To examine the recommendation regarding
allocation of specific percentage of Plan
Budget for training of the employees.
10 Directorate of i. To examine the recommendation regarding
Information and Public common cadre for Information and Publicity
Relations services in detail and formulate guidelines
regarding the same
11 Directorate of Library i. To examine the recommendation regarding
Services common cadre for library services in detail
and formulate guidelines for the same.
12 IT department i. To formulate a comprehensive action plan
jointly with AR&T department for
implementation of various recommendations
regarding use of Information Technology in
Government offices, Paperless office etc.
ii. To initiate action regarding the
recommendation with respect to setting up

of a common cadre for posts such as
Programmer etc., in consultation with other
concerned departments.

40. Miscellaneous

Finance department shall decide procedural issues, elaborate details and

other associated aspects of the aforesaid issues as approved by the

41. Anomaly Committee

An anomaly committee has been constituted to address anomalies that

may be reported.

42. General decisions

1. The revised pay structure for different services/posts under the State
Government, as approved, has been indicated in the Schedule annexed to
the Assam Services (Revision of pay) Rules, 2010 issued under Finance
Department Notification No.FPC.85/2009/2 Dated 4th February, 2010. The
procedure for fixation of pay of the existing Government employees in the
revised pay structure has also been laid down in the aforesaid rules.
2. The revised pay structure which will have notional effect from 1st January,
2006 will apply to the Government employees who are in service on 31st
December, 2005 as well as to those who entered service on or after 1st
January, 2006.
3. The existing Dearness Allowance granted vide O.M. No. FEG 15/1998/Part
I/ 46 dated 21st July, 2006 has been fully merged in the revised pay as on
1.1.2006 and this will no longer be admissible over the revised pay.
Similarly, the existing Dearness Relief, sanctioned vide O.M. No.FEG
15/1998/Part I/ 46 dated 21st July, 2006 as on 1.1.2006 has been fully
merged in the revised pension and this will no longer be admissible over
the revised pension.
4. The Interim Relief sanctioned vide O.M. No. FPC 6/2008/13 dated
30.5.2008/ O.M. No. FPC 6/2008/Part/4 dated 2.1.2009 and O.M. No. FPC
6/2008/30 dated 4.9.2009 to the employees and the pensioners including
family pensioners will no longer be admissible with effect from 1st
February, 2010. The Interim Relief drawn from 1.4.2009 will be adjusted
(deducted) from the arrears arising out of the revision of pay, pension
which will be paid with effect from 1.4.2009.
5. Although the revised pay structure shall notionally come into effect from
the 1st January 2006, an employee who is in service on the 31st
December, 2005 has been given an option to continue in the existing
scale of pay till his next or any subsequent increment(s) in that scale or
until he vacates the post or ceases to draw pay in that scale. An employee
who has entered service on or after 1st January, 2006 but before
publication of the Assam Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010 has also
been given a similar option. It is to be noted that if the option is not
exercised within the prescribed time limit of 60 days, the revised pay
structure will apply from the 1st January, 2006 to an employee who was in
service on the 31st December, 2005 or from the date of appointment in
the case of an employee who entered service on or after 1st January,
2006. It should also be noted that mere exercise of an option within the
specified time limit by a Government servant is not sufficient. It will be
personal responsibility of the employee to ensure that it reaches the
competent authority within the time limit and he obtains an
acknowledgement to that effect.
6. As the revised pay structure will be notionally effective from the 1st
January, 2006 and thereafter, all new posts created or to be created on or
after that date should be on the revised pay structure. Sanction to the
continuance of temporary posts, the existing sanction which expires on or
after that date should be accorded in the revised pay structure. In case of
a Government employee who prefers to retain the existing scale under
Rule 5 of the Assam Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010, the same
scale will continue for the period for which the option is operative, as
personal to him.
7. In the revised pay structure, 5 distinct Pay Bands and 30 Grade Pays have
been prescribed. The pay structure as accepted by the Government is
incorporated in the Schedule. As such, proposals in respect of the pay
structure of the new posts to be created hereafter are to be based on this
standard pay structure consistent with the nature of duties and
responsibilities attached to them.
8. In the revised pay structure, no confirmatory stages have been indicated.
The period of probation, pay during the period of probation and
confirmation in the revised pay structure will be regulated as provided in
the respective service rules or as laid down by the competent authority
under general or special orders.
9. Some revised Grade Pays have been sanctioned specifically stating the
required minimum qualification. These will not be admissible to persons
who do not possess that qualification. In such cases, corresponding Grade
Pay to the pre-revised scale will continue unless there is a specific
mention to the contrary. In future only qualified persons should be
appointed to such posts/services.
10.The Accountant General, Assam will calculate the first pay proposed to be
drawn in the revised Pay Structure by the gazetted Government
employees other than those whose pay is drawn in establishment bill and
issue pay slips accordingly. As regards non gazetted Government
employees and the gazetted Government employees whose pay is drawn
in establishment pay bill, the head of office shall draw on their own
responsibility the revised pay and keep the service book of the
Government employees and the initial pay fixation statements in duplicate
ready for checking of the same by the Audit staff of the Office of the
Accountant General, Assam locally.
11.Till the fixation of pay is finally checked by the Accountant General,
Assam, the fixation of pay done in the revised pay structure by the head
of Office will be treated as provisional and the head of office will draw the
arrear and monthly pay of the staff/Officers on the basis of the provisional
fixation of pay in the revised pay structure.
12.It has been decided that the arrears arising out of pay revision in respect
of Government employees for the period from 1st April, 2009 to 31st
January, 2010 shall be credited to their Bank Account in a single
instalment. This shall be done after adjustment of interim relief drawn as
per O.M. mentioned in Para 4 above.

A. Arrear in respect of Retired/to be Retired Employees

(i) In respect of employees who retired in the period from 1.1.2006 to

31.3.2009, no arrears shall be paid. In respect of employees who retired in the
period from 1.4.2009 to 31.1.2010, arrears shall be credited to their Bank
Account in a single instalment after adjustment of Interim Relief as per O.M.
mentioned in Para 4 above.

(ii) Clause 33(VI) may be referred for employees who have retired prior to

B. Bill for arrear pay and allowances from 1.4.2009 To 31.12.2009 to be

credited to Bank account in a single instalment.

(i) In drawing the arrear bills of the non-gazetted Government employees

and the Gazetted Government employees whose pay is drawn in the
establishment pay bill it shall be ensured that the arrears for the period from
1.4.2009 to 31.1.2010 is credited to the bank account of the Government
servant after adjustment of Interim Relief. An undertaking shall be obtained
from the Government employee concerned to the effect that as a result of check
of the initial pay statement by the Accountant General, Assam, if any over
payment is detected, the same will be refunded by him.

(ii) Government employees, other than self drawing officers, may be informed of
the amount of the arrear deposited in their bank account by the head of office

(iii) Each Treasury/Sub-Treasury will maintain a separate account department-

wise about the actual deposit of the amount of arrear in respective bank
accounts of the employees. This will apply also to authorities drawing the
amounts in cheques without intervention of the Treasury.

(iv) In drawing the pay bill in the revised pay structure the certificate
mentioned below shall be furnished on the body of such bill:-

“Certified that the Initial Pay Statements in the prescribed form in the
case of those employees whose pay has been drawn in the revised pay structure
under the Assam Services (ROP) Rules, 2010 have been kept ready for check by
the Accountant General, Assam”.

C. Bill for arrear of pay and allowances from 1st April, 2009 onwards to
be credited to bank account.

In drawing the arrear pay bill in the revised pay for the period from 1st
April, 2009 onwards it should contain the following certificates:-

(i) “Certified that initial pay statements in the prescribed form in the case of
those persons whose pay have been drawn in the revised pay structure under
the Assam Services (ROP) Rules, 2010 have been kept ready for check by the
Accountant General, Assam”.

(ii) “Certified further that the arrear for the period from 1st April, 2009 to 31st
January, 2010 has been drawn/is being drawn and deposited after adjustment
(deduction) of Interim Relief drawn with effect from 1.4.2009 vide O.M. No. FPC
6/2008/13 dated 30.5.2008/ O.M. No. FPC 6/2008/Part/4 dated 2.1.2009 and
O.M. No. FPC 6/2008/30 dated 4.9.2009, in bank account of the Government
employees whose pay has been drawn in this bill.”

D. For the first regular pay bill to be drawn in the revised pay structure.

(i) The bill for first regular drawal in the revised pay structure should contain
the following certificate:-

“Certified that initial pay statements in the prescribed form in the case of
those employees whose pay has been drawn in the revised pay structure under
the Assam Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2010 have been kept ready for
check by the Accountant General, Assam”.

(ii) In respect of self drawing Gazetted Government employees, the

Accountant General, Assam will take action and incorporate similar provisions in
the pay slips.

43. All the concerned administrative departments shall take action accordingly.

(H.S. Das, IAS)

Principal Secretary,
Finance Department,
Government of Assam

Annexure I

Revised rates of Kit Allowance, Messing and Dhobi Allowance to the

Nursing Staff
(In Rs. per year)

(a) Kit Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate
1. Kit allowance for the 1st year 1000/- 1500/-
2. Kit allowance for each subsequent 500/- 750/-

(In Rs. per month)

(b) Messing and Dhobi Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate
1. Nursing staff under Nursing 250/- 375/-
2. Sister Tutor/Ward Sister/Public 350/- 525/-
Health Nurse etc. up to the rank of

Annexure II

Revised rates of Ration and other allowances to the police personnel

under the Home Department

(In Rs. per month)

(a) Ration Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate

1. Inspector/ Sub Inspector/ ASI/ 200/- 300/-

Havildar/ Constable/ Follower
2. District Armed Branch police 50/- 75/-
3. Assam Police Battalion personnel 75/- 115/-

(In Rs. per month)

(b) Rifle Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate
1. Armed Branch Constable/ Havildar 20/- 30/-

(In Rs. per month)

(c) Batta Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate

1. Inspector 230/- 345/-

2. Sub-Inspector 190/- 285/-
3. Assistant Sub-Inspector/Havildar 150/- 225/-
4. Constable 130/- 195/-
5. Follower 90/- 135/-

(Per month)

(d) Compensatory Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate
1. Police personnel up to the rank of 5% of 5% of
Inspector Basic Pay revised Basic
Pay with a
ceiling of Rs.

(In Rs.)

(e) Kit Allowance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Assam Police Rs.3000/- initially and Rs.4500/- initially and

Service (Senior) Rs.2000/- after every Rs.3000/- after every 3
3 years. years.
2. Assam Police Rs.2500/- initially and Rs.3750/- initially and
Service (Junior) Rs.1500/- after every Rs.2250/- after every 3
3 years years
3. Inspector Rs.1200/- initially and Rs.1800/- initially and
Rs.600/- every year Rs.900/- every year
4. Sub-Inspector Rs.1200/- initially and Rs.1800/- initially and
Rs.600/- every year Rs.900/- every year

(In Rs.)

(f) Kit Maintenance Existing Rate Revised rate


1. Gazetted Officer 130/- 195/-

2. Inspector 110/- 165/-
3. (i) Sub Inspector 90/- 135/-
(ii) Assistant Sub-Inspector
4. Havildar/Head Constable/ 70/- 105/-
5. Note:- The Police personnel working in the Traffic Branch
will get the allowance at 50 percent higher rate than the
revised rate for aforesaid categories.

(Per month)

(g) Commando Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate
1. All the Police personnel including 15% of 15% of
Class-IV service of the Commando Basic Pay revised Basic
Battalion. This allowance is Pay with a
admissible to them only during the ceiling of Rs.
period they serve in the Battalion. 2500/-

Annexure III

Revised rates of Special Compensatory Allowance to the Fire Service

Personnel under the Home Department

(In Rs. per month)

Sl Special Compensatory Allowance Existing Revised

No. Rate as rate
1. Station Officer (rank of Sub-Inspector) 70/- 140/-
2. Sub-Officer (rank of Assistant Sub- 50/- 100/-
3. Leading Fireman (rank of Havildar) 40/- 80/-
4. Fireman/Driver (rank of Constable) 20/- 40/-
5. Mechanic 50/- 100/-

Annexure IV

Revised rates of Ration and other allowances to the personnel under

the Jail, Home Guards and Civil Defence, Forest and Excise Department

Home (Jail) Department

(In Rs.)

(a) Kit Allowance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Superintendent of Rs.2500/- initially and Rs.3750/- initially

Jail (Grade-I and Rs.1500/- after every 3 and Rs.2250/- after
Grade-II) (three) years. every 3 years
2. Jailor Rs.1200/- initially and Rs.1800/- initially
Rs.600/- every year and Rs.900/- every
3. Assistant Jailor Rs.1200/- initially and Rs.1800/- initially
Rs.600/- every year and Rs.900/- every

(In Rs.)

(b) Kit Maintenance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Gazetted Officer 130/- 195/-
2. Jailor 110/- 165/-
3. Assistant Jailor 90/- 135/-
4. Chief Head Warder 90/- 135/-
5. Head Warder and Warder 70/- 105/-

(In Rs. per month)

(c) Ration Allowance Existing Revised

Rate rate

1. Chief Head Warder/Head Warder and 200/- 300/-


Directorate of Home Guards and Civil Defence

The Kit Allowance/ Kit Maintenance Allowance/ Rifle Allowance/ Compensatory

Allowance/ Batta Allowance as admissible to the Police personnel (Annexure II)
will also be admissible to the corresponding classes of personnel under the
Directorate of Home Guards and Civil Defence.

Forest Department
(In Rs.)

(a) Kit Allowance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Forest Ranger Rs.1200/- initially and Rs.1800/- initially

Rs.600/- every year and Rs.900/- every

(In Rs.)

(b) Kit Maintenance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Forest Ranger 110/- 165/-
2. Deputy Ranger 90/- 135/-
3. Forester-I, Forester-II 70/- 105/-
and Forest Guard

Excise Department
(In Rs.)

(a) Kit Allowance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Inspector of Excise Rs.1200/- initially and Rs.1800/- initially

dRs.600/- every year and Rs.900/- every

(In Rs.)

(b) Kit Maintenance Existing Rate Revised rate

1. Inspector of Excise 110/- 165/-
2. Assistant Inspector of 90/- 135/-
3. Excise Head Constable/ 70/- 105/-


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