Finance Department
May 2007
Sl No. and Date of G.O./ Subject Page No
No Government
1 FD 08 SRP 2007 Revision of Scales of pay and other related 01-24
Dated 16-05-2007 orders
2 FD 17 SRP 2007 The Karnataka Civil Services (Revised 25-37
Dated 16-05-2007 Pay)Rules 2007
Schedules 38-51
3 FD 19 SRP 2007 Revision of scales of pay Revision in the 52-54
Dated 16-05-2007 Consolidated rates of Dearness Allowance
4 FD 30 KGID 2007 KGS (Compulsory Life 55-57
Dated 16-05-2007 Insurance)(Amendment) Rules 2007
1.1 In Government Order No.FD 8 SRP 2007 dated 9th April 2007,
Government have issued orders accepting the Master Scale and 25 standard scales
of pay recommended by the Fifth State Pay Commission.
8 4575-125-5700-150-7200- 8825-225-9500-250-10500-300-12300-
200-8400 350-14400-400-16000
9 5200-125-5700-150-7200- 10000-250-10500-300-12300-350-
200-8800-260-9580 14400-400-16800-450-18150
10 5575-125-5700-150-7200- 10800-300-12300-350-14400-400-
200-8800-260-10620 16800-450-19500-525-20025
11 6000-150-7200-200-8800- 11400-300-12300-350-14400-400-
260-10880-320-11200 16800-450-19500-525-21600
12 6300-150-7200-200-8800- 12000-300-12300-350-14400-400-
260-10880-320-11840 16800-450-19500-525-22650
13 7400-200-8800-260-10880- 14050-350-14400-400-16800-450-
320-13120 19500-525-22650-600-25050
14 8000-200-8800-260-10880- 15200-400-16800-450-19500-525-
320-13440 22650-600-25650
15 9580-260-10880-320-13440- 18150-450-19500-525-22650-600-
380-14200 26250-675-26925
16 10620-260-10880-320-13440- 20025-525-22650-600-26250-675-
380-14960 28275
17 11520-320-13440-380-14960- 22125-525-22650-600-26250-675-
440-15840 30300
18 12800-320-13440-380-14960- 24450-600-26250-675-30300-750-
440-16720 31800
19 13820-380-14960-440-16720- 26250-675-30300-750-34800-850-
500-17220 36500
20 14960-440-16720-500-20720 28275-675-30300-750-34800-850-
2.2. Accepting the recommendations of the Pay Commission, the following five
new pay scales are introduced with effect from 1st July 2005.
1. Rs.6800-150-7100-175-7800-200-8600-225-9500-250-10500-300-
2. Rs.9500-250-10500-300-12300-350-14400-400-16800-450-17250
3. Rs.13000-350-14400-400-16800-450-19500-525-22650-600-23850
4. Rs.16400-400-16800-450-19500-525-22650-600-26250
5. Rs.19050-450-19500-525-22650-600-26250-675-27600
2.3 The revised scales of pay are linked to the cost of living situation
represented by the index average of 524 points in the All India Average Consumer
Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (General) (Base: 1982=100).
2.4 The revised scales are specific segments of master scale of pay of Rs.4800-
2.5 The scale of pay applicable to any post, as from 1st July 2005, shall be the
revised scale of pay specified in column (3) of paragraph 2.1 above as shown
against the existing scale of pay applicable thereto as specified in column (2).
Orders on allocation of new scales of pay to posts will be issued separately after
examination of the recommendations that may be made by the Commission in this
behalf in its report (second volume).
3.1 The revised scales of pay shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 1st July 2005. The monetary benefit of the revised scales of pay shall,
however, be admissible from 1st April 2006.
3.2 The increase in pay and allowances and pension on account of the revision
of scales of pay shall be payable in cash with effect from 1st April 2007. The
arrears of pay and allowances and pension for the period from 1st April 2006 to
31st March 2007 will be disbursed in the financial year 2008-09. Orders contained
in paragraph 4 of G.O. No.FD 8 SRP 2007 dated 9th April 2007 shall stand
modified to this extent.
4.1 The initial pay of a Government servant shall be fixed in the corresponding
revised scale of pay in the following manner:-
(i) An amount representing 17.5 percent of the basic pay shall be added to
the ‘existing emoluments’ of the Government servant (The amount of
Interim Relief of 10% sanctioned in G.O. No. FD 8 SRP 2006 dated 29-
3-2006 shall stand absorbed in this increase of 17.5 percent);
(ii) After the ‘existing emoluments’ have been so added and increased, the
pay shall be fixed in the corresponding revised scale as under:-
(a) Where the amount computed as above is less than the minimum of
the revised scale, it shall be fixed at the minimum,
(b) Where the amount computed as above is not less than the minimum
but less than the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be
fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount, and
(c) Where the amount computed as above is equal to or more than the
maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at the
maximum and the amount equal to the difference between the
maximum and the stage of pay in the master scale (mentioned in
paragraph 2.4) next above the amount shall be allowed as ‘personal
(a) the basic pay as defined in clause (a) of rule 3 of the Karnataka
Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2007.
(b) dearness allowance admissible on the basic pay at the rate
specified in G.O. No. FD 48 SRP 2005 dated 28th October 2005.
4.2 A ‘Fitment Table’ showing the stages in the existing scale of pay and the
pay to be fixed in the revised scale of pay is annexed as Fourth Schedule to the
Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2007.
4.3 To draw pay in the revised scale applicable to him under the aforesaid
rules, no option is required to be exercised by a Government servant. The initial
pay of every such Government servant who was in service on 1st July 2005 shall
be fixed at the stage specified in column (2) of the Fourth Schedule of the said
rules corresponding to his/her basic pay in the existing scale appearing in column
1 thereof.
4.5 The pay of a Government servant who either enters service or is promoted
or appointed on or after 1st July 2005 to any post other than that held by him prior
to 1st July 2005 shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of the Karnataka
Civil Services Rules. No ‘fitment benefit’ under the Karnataka Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2007 is admissible in such cases.
4.6 A few illustrations of fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay are given
in the Annexure-I to this order.
5.1 The Heads of Offices shall be competent to fix the pay of the Government
servants under their control in accordance with the fitment table read with the
Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2007.
5.3 The fixation of pay in the revised scales should be done in the form given
in the Annexure-II to this order. One copy of this form should be pasted in the
Service Register, one copy should be enclosed to the pay bill in which the
Government servant’s pay in the revised scale is drawn for the first time and one
copy should be sent to the concerned Head of the Department.
5.4 The Heads of Offices may ensure that the pay of the Government servants
is fixed in the revised scales of pay very promptly and before 30th June 2007.
6.2 It shall be paid twice a year from 1st January and from 1st July. The
Dearness Allowance payable to Government servants in the revised scales of pay
with effect from 1st April 2006 shall be calculated with a multiplication factor of
0.875 for every 1% DA sanctioned by Government of India.
7.1 The existing schemes of Time Bound Advancement and Automatic Grant
of Special Promotion to Senior Scale of Pay will continue to be in force until
further orders, with modifications indicated in succeeding paragraphs.
7.2 With the introduction of five new pay scales, Government servants holding
posts in the first 14 scales of pay are entitled for the benefit of selection time scale
of pay under the Karnataka Civil Services (TBA) Rules, 1983 and senior scale of
pay under the Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic grant of special promotion to
senior scale of pay) Rules, 1991 with effect from 1st July 2005.
7.3 With effect from 1st July 2005, the ‘selection time scale of pay’ admissible
to a Government servant holding a post, in accordance with the Karnataka Civil
Services (Time Bound Advancement) Rules, 1983 shall be the ‘revised selection
time scale of pay’, specified in column (3) below, against the revised scale of pay
applicable thereto as specified in column (2) provided that on account of
introduction of five new scales of pay, if a Government servant holding a post
carrying the scale of pay under the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules,
1999 has been allowed the selection time scale of pay, prior to 1st July 2005,
which is higher than the revised selection time scale of pay specified in column (3)
below, under the Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement) Rules,
1983, the revised scale of pay corresponding to such existing selection time scale
of pay shall be allowed to him as personal to him.
7.4 With effect from 1st July 2005, the ‘senior scale of pay’ admissible to a
Government servant holding a post in accordance with Karnataka Civil Services
(Automatic Grant of Special Promotion to Senior Scale of Pay) Rules, 1991, shall
be the revised scale next above the ‘revised selection time scale of pay’ granted
under the Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement) Rules, 1983 in
respect of the post held by a Government servant or where the ‘revised selection
time scale of pay’ granted under the Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound
Advancement) Rules, 1983 in respect of the post held by the Government servant
and the revised scale of the promotional post is identical or the same, the ‘revised
scale’ of such promotional post.
7.5 The initial pay of a Government servant who has been granted the selection
time scale of pay or senior scale of pay, as the case may be, prior to 1st July 2005
in accordance with the Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement)
Rules, 1983 and the Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic Grant of Special
Promotion to Senior Scale of Pay) Rules, 1991 and related orders shall be fixed in
the corresponding revised scale of pay as mentioned in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3.
7.6 The pay of a Government servant, who becomes eligible for the selection
time scale of pay or senior scale of pay, as the case may be, in accordance with the
Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement) Rules, 1983 and the
Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic Grant of Special Promotion to Senior Scale
of Pay) Rules, 1991 and related orders on or after 1st July 2005, shall be fixed in
the revised selection time scale of pay or senior scale of pay as laid down under
the respective rules.
9.1 The classification of cities and other places for the purpose of HRA and
CCA as per the existing orders shall continue to be in force until further orders.
Pay range (basic pay) in the revised Amount of CCA in class of cities
scales of pay (Rupees per month)
A B1 B2
Basic pay Rs.4800 to 7799 p.m. 150 100 80
Basic pay Rs.7800 p.m. and above 300 200 80
10.1 The minimum rates of insurance premia under the Karnataka Government
Servants (Compulsory Life Insurance) Rules, 1958 are revised to six and a quarter
percent (6 ¼ %) of the mean between the minimum and maximum of the revised
scales of pay with effect from 1st April 2007.
10.3 If there are any difficulties in implementing these orders or if there are any
doubts that need clarification, the same may be referred to Government in the
Finance Department.
11.1 The benefit of the revised scales of pay will be extended to the employees
of aided educational institutions and non-teaching staff of the Universities who are
on the State scales of pay. Orders in this behalf will be issued separately by the
concerned administrative department.
11.2 As regards the extension of the benefit of the revised scales of pay to the
employees of local bodies (Town Panchayats/Town Municipalities/City Municipal
Corporations/City Corporations), the Urban Development Department shall take a
decision having regard to the finances of the local bodies.
Secretary to Government (Exp.)
Finance Department
3. Basic pay drawn in the existing : Rs.4,950 (reached the maximum of the
scale as on 1st July 2005. scale on 1-4-2005)
Smt. ‘A’, Section Officer, drawing basic pay of Rs.10100/- in the 1999 pay scale
of Rs.6000-150-7200-200-8800-260-10880-320-11200 was promoted as Under
Secretary on the 1999 pay scale of Rs.7400-200-8800-260-10880-320-13120 with effect
from 1st June 2005. Her pay on promotion was fixed at Rs.10360/- from 1st June 2005.
Her next increment in the lower post of Section Officer was due on 1st April 2006.
Shri ‘B’, Jamedar, drawing basic pay of Rs.3550/- in the 1999 pay scale of
Rs.2775-75-3450-100-4450-125-4950 was granted the selection time scale of Rs.3000-
75-3450-100-4450-125-5450 with effect from 1st November 2005. His pay in the
selection time scale of Rs.3000 - 5450 was fixed at Rs.3650/- with effect from 1st
November 2005. His next annual increment in the pay scale of Rs.2775 - 4950 was due
on 1st February 2006.
Name of the Existing Basic pay Date of Revised Pay fixed in Whether Date of
Government scale of drawn in next scale the revised refixation is next
Servant and the post the increment applicable scale advantageous increment
the post held on existing in the to the corresponding under in the
held on 1-7-2005 scale on existing post to the basic proviso to revised
1-7-2005 1-7-2005 scale pay in the rule 8 (1) and scale
existing scale if so, the pay
re-fixed and
the date of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: The initial pay of the Government servant should be fixed separately -
(a) in respect of the post held by him as on 1st July 2005; and
(b) in respect of the lower post, if any, which he would have held on that date but for
holding the higher post on officiating basis.
Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dated: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force from the first day of
July, 2005.
(a) ‘basic pay’ means pay of a Government servant in the ‘existing scale’
as on 1st July 2005 or any subsequent date with effect from which his
pay is re-fixed in the ‘revised scale’ and includes the following,
the Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement) Rules, 1983, such
revised scale of pay shall be allowed to him as personal to him.
(4) As from the date of commencement of these rules, the senior scale
of pay in relation to a Government servant holding a post, as admissible in
accordance with the provisions of the Karnataka Civil Services (Automatic
Grant of Special Promotion to Senior scale of pay) Rules, 1991, as amended
from time to time, shall be the ‘revised scale’ next above the ‘revised
selection time scale of pay’ granted under the Karnataka Civil Services
(Time Bound Advancement) Rules, 1983 in respect of the post held by a
Government servant or where the ‘revised selection time scale of pay’
granted under the Karnataka Civil Services (Time Bound Advancement)
Rules, 1983 in respect of the post held by the Government servant and the
‘revised scale’ of promotional post is identical or the same, the ‘revised
scale’ of such promotional post.
(a) a Government servant who entered service prior to 1st July 2005
and was in service on that date;
(b) a Government servant who has been granted an ‘existing
selection time scale’ prior to 1st July 2005;
7. Fixation of initial pay in the ‘revised scale’:- (1) The initial pay
of a Government servant referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of rule 6 shall,
unless the Government by a special order otherwise direct, be fixed in the
‘revised scale’ applicable to him separately:-
(a) in respect of the post held by him as on 1st July 2005; and
(b) in respect of the lower post, if any, which he would have
held on that date but for his holding the higher post on
officiating basis.
(2) The initial pay shall be fixed at the stage specified in column (2) of
the Fourth Schedule corresponding to his ‘basic pay’ in the ‘existing scale’
appearing in column (1) thereof.
(3) The personal pay specified in column (2) of the Fourth Schedule
shall count as pay for all purposes including fixation of pay on promotion.
(7) Where in the fixation of pay under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (4) of
this rule, the pay of a Government servant, who in the ‘existing scale’ was
drawing immediately before 1st July 2005 more pay than another
Government servant junior to him in the same cadre, gets fixed in the
revised scale at a stage lower than that of such junior, his pay shall be
stepped up to the same stage in the ‘revised scale’ as that of the junior.
(a) both the senior and the junior Government servants should, before
their promotion, belong to the same cadre and the posts to which
they have been promoted belong to the same cadre;
(b) the ‘existing scale’ and the ‘revised scale’ of the lower and higher
posts in which they are entitled to draw pay are identical;
(c) the junior Government servant was not drawing more pay in the
‘existing scale’ than the senior Government servant in the lower
post; and
(d) the anomaly is the direct result of the application of the Karnataka
Civil Services Rules or any other rules or orders regulating pay
fixation on such promotion in the ‘revised scale’.
period for this purpose shall be determined in accordance with the provisions
of Rules 51 and 53 of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules.
13. Power to relax:- Where the Government are satisfied that the
operation of any of the provisions of these rules causes undue hardship in
any particular case, it may, by order, dispense with or relax the requirements
of that rule to such extent and subject to such conditions as may be
considered necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable
Secretary to Government (Exp.)
Finance Department
[See Rule 4(1)]
1 Rs.6800-150-7100-175-7800-200-8600-225-9500-250-10500-300-12300-350-13000
2 Rs.9500-250-10500-300-12300-350-14400-400-16800-450-17250
3 Rs.13000-350-14400-400-16800-450-19500-525-22650-600-23850
4 Rs.16400-400-16800-450-19500-525-22650-600-26250
5 Rs.19050-450-19500-525-22650-600-26250-675-27600
[See Rule 4(3) and 15]
[See Rule 16]
Fourth Schedule
[See Rule 7(2)]
Existing Scale: Rs.2500-50-2700-75-3450- Existing Scale: Rs.2600-50-2700-75-
100-3850 3450-100-4350
Basic pay in Basic pay in the Basic pay in Basic pay in the
the Existing Revised Scale the Existing Revised Scale
Scale Scale
1 2 1 2
2500 4800 2600 5200
2550 4900 2650 5200
2600 5000 2700 5200
2650 5000 2775 5300
2700 5100 2850 5400
2775 5300 2925 5600
2850 5400 3000 5700
2925 5600 3075 5800
3000 5700 3150 6000
3075 5800 3225 6125
3150 6000 3300 6250
3225 6125 3375 6375
3300 6250 3450 6650
3375 6375 3550 6800
3450 6650 3650 6950
3550 6800 3750 7100
3650 6950 3850 7275
3750 7100 3950 7450
3850 7275 4050 7800
3950 7275+175 pp 4150 8000
4050 7275+525 pp 4250 8200
4150 7275+725 pp 4350 8200+200 pp
4250 7275+925 pp 4450 8200+200 pp
4350 7275+1125 pp 4550 8200+400 pp
4650 8200+625 pp
4750 8200+850 pp
4850 8200+1075 pp
Basic pay in the Basic pay in the Basic pay in the Basic pay in the
Existing Scale Revised Scale Existing Scale Revised Scale
1 2 1 2
3300 6250 3850 7275
3375 6375 3950 7450
3450 6650 4050 7800
3550 6800 4150 8000
3650 6950 4250 8200
3750 7100 4350 8400
3850 7275 4450 8400
3950 7450 4575 8825
4050 7800 4700 9050
4150 8000 4825 9275
4250 8200 4950 9500
4350 8400 5075 9750
4450 8400 5200 10000
4575 8825 5325 10250
4700 9050 5450 10500
4825 9275 5575 10800
4950 9500 5700 10800
5075 9750 5850 11100
5200 10000 6000 11400
5325 10250 6150 11700
5450 10500 6300 12000
5575 10800 6450 12300
5700 10800 6600 12650
5850 11100 6750 13000
6000 11400 6900 13350
6150 11700 7050 13350
6300 12000 7200 13350+350 pp
6450 12000+300 pp 7350 13350+700 pp
6600 12000+650 pp 7500 13350+1050 pp
6750 12000+1000 pp 7650 13350+1450 pp
6900 12000+1350 pp 7800 13350+1450 pp
7050 12000+1350 pp
Basic pay in the Basic pay in the Basic pay in Basic pay in the
Existing Scale Revised Scale the Existing Revised Scale
1 2 1 2
4150 8000 4575 8825
4250 8200 4700 9050
4350 8400 4825 9275
4450 8400 4950 9500
4575 8825 5075 9750
4700 9050 5200 10000
4825 9275 5325 10250
4950 9500 5450 10500
5075 9750 5575 10800
5200 10000 5700 10800
5325 10250 5850 11100
5450 10500 6000 11400
5575 10800 6150 11700
5700 10800 6300 12000
5850 11100 6450 12300
6000 11400 6600 12650
6150 11700 6750 13000
6300 12000 6900 13350
6450 12300 7050 13350
6600 12650 7200 13700
6750 13000 7400 14050
6900 13350 7600 14400
7050 13350 7800 14800
7200 13700 8000 15200
7400 14050 8200 15600
7600 14400 8400 16000
7800 14800 8600 16000+400 pp
8000 14800+400 pp 8800 16000+800 pp
8200 14800+800 pp 9000 16000+1250 pp
8400 14800+1200 pp 9200 16000+1700 pp
8600 14800+1600 pp 9400 16000+2150 pp
8800 14800+2000 pp
1 2 1 2
7400 14050 8000 15200
7600 14400 8200 15600
7800 14800 8400 16000
8000 15200 8600 16400
8200 15600 8800 16800
8400 16000 9060 17250
8600 16400 9320 17700
8800 16800 9580 18150
9060 17250 9840 18600
9320 17700 10100 19050
9580 18150 10360 20025
9840 18600 10620 20025
10100 19050 10880 20550
10360 20025 11200 21600
10620 20025 11520 22125
10880 20550 11840 22650
11200 21600 12160 23250
11520 22125 12480 23850
11840 22650 12800 24450
12160 23250 13120 25050
12480 23850 13440 25650
12800 24450 13760 25650+600 pp
13120 25050 14080 25650+1275 pp
13440 25050+600 pp 14400 25650+1950 pp
13760 25050+1200 pp 14720 25650+2625 pp
14080 25050+1875 pp 15040 25650+3300 pp
14400 25050+2550 pp
14720 25050+3225 pp
1 2 1 2
9580 18150 10620 20025
9840 18600 10880 20550
10100 19050 11200 21600
10360 20025 11520 22125
10620 20025 11840 22650
10880 20550 12160 23250
11200 21600 12480 23850
11520 22125 12800 24450
11840 22650 13120 25050
12160 23250 13440 25650
12480 23850 13820 26250
12800 24450 14200 26925
13120 25050 14580 27600
13440 25650 14960 28275
13820 26250 15340 28275+675 pp
14200 26925 15720 28275+2025 pp
14580 26925+675pp 16100 28275+2775 pp
14960 26925+1350 pp 16480 28275+3525 pp
15340 26925+2025 pp 16860 28275+3525 pp
15720 26925+3375 pp
16100 26925+4125 pp
Basic pay in the Basic pay in the Basic pay in the Basic pay in the
Existing Scale Revised Scale Existing Scale Revised Scale
1 2 1 2
11520 22125 12800 24450
11840 22650 13120 25050
12160 23250 13440 25650
12480 23850 13820 26250
12800 24450 14200 26925
13120 25050 14580 27600
13440 25650 14960 28275
13820 26250 15400 29625
14200 26925 15840 30300
14580 27600 16280 31050
14960 28275 16720 31800
15400 29625 17160 31800+750 pp
15840 30300 17600 31800+1500 pp
16280 30300+750 pp 18040 31800+2250 pp
16720 30300+1500 pp 18480 31800+3850 pp
17160 30300+2250 pp 18920 31800+4700 pp
17600 30300+3000 pp
18040 30300+3750 pp
1 2 1 2
13820 26250 14960 28275
14200 26925 15400 29625
14580 27600 15840 30300
14960 28275 16280 31050
15400 29625 16720 31800
15840 30300 17220 32550
16280 31050 17720 34050
16720 31800 18220 34800
17220 32550 18720 35650
17720 34050 19220 36500
18220 34800 19720 37350
18720 35650 20220 38200
19220 36500 20720 39900
19720 36500+850 pp 21220 39900+850 pp
21720 39900+1700 pp
22220 39900+2550 pp
22720 39900+3400 pp
23220 39900+4250 pp
1. On the basis of the recommendations of the 5th State Pay Commission, the
State Government have revised the scales of pay of its employees with effect from
1st July 2005 with monetary benefits from 1st April 2006 vide Notification dated
16th May 2007 read at 3 above. The 5th Pay Commission has, inter alia,
recommended to continue to adopt the Central DA formula. In view of the merger
of 50% DA with basic pay by the Central Government and also in view of the
revision of the State pay scales by merging 71% DA with basic pay with effect
from 1-7-2005, the 5th Pay Commission has recommended sanction of DA to the
State Government employees by calculating the same with multiplication factor
of 0.875 for every 1% DA sanctioned by the Central Government with effect from
1-1-2006 onwards. Accordingly, it is considered necessary to consolidate the rates
of DA admissible to the employees of the State Government with effect from 1st
April 2006 and 1st July 2006 as follows:
4. The increase in Dearness Allowance admissible, if any, under this order for
the period from 1-4-2006 to 31-3-2007 shall be payable in the financial year
5. These orders will apply to the full time Government employees, employees
of Zill Panchayats, work charged employees on regular time scales of pay, full
time employees of aided educational Institutions and Universities who are on
regular time scales of pay. These orders will also apply to the Judicial Officers on
FNJPC scales of pay and to the Teachers, Librarians and Physical Education
Personnel on UGC/AICTE/ICAR scales of pay.
6. For the purpose of these orders, the term ‘Basic Pay’ means, pay drawn by
a Government servant in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him and
(a) Stagnation increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum
of the scales of pay.
(b) Personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 of
the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2007.
7. Basic Pay shall not include any emoluments other than those specified
Secretary to Government (Exp.)
Finance Department
9. 8825-16000 775
10. 9500-17250 835
11. 10000-18150 880
12. 10800-20025 965
13. 11400-21600 1030
14. 12000-22650 1085
15. 13000-23850 1150
16. 14050-25050 1220
17. 15200-25650 1275
18. 16400-26250 1335
19. 18150-26925 1410
20. 19050-27600 1460
21. 20025-28275 1510
22. 22125-30300 1640
23. 24450-31800 1760
24. 26250-36500 1960
25. 28275-39900 2130
be less than the minimum amount of monthly premium prescribed for the
said selection time scale of pay or the senior scale of pay, as the case may
Under Secretary to Government
Finance Department (Admn. and Advances)