Performance Evaluation of A Water Treatment Plant (Case Study)

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Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology


A. N. Burile
M.Tech (Env. Engg.) 4th Sem student
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering,
Nagpur, India

Dr. P. B. Nagarnaik
Professor. in Civil Engg. Department
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering,
Nagpur, India



Abstract --For providing continuous and good quality of water

to all the regions in Maharashtra through out the year, Govt. of
Maharashtra has constructed new water treatment plants
during the past few years. Performance of these plants is an
essential parameter to be monitored and evaluated for the
better understanding of design and operating difficulties in
water treatment plants. The conclusions of these evaluations
may determine required recommendations and highlight
modification requirements for continuous design and operating
schemes. This paper outlines the finding of investigation of the
treatment plant in Gorewada, Nagpur. The Physico-chemical
analysis is proposed to be conducted to investigate water
quality. The conclusions drawn from this study will outlines the
importance of accurate engineering design and need for
continuous monitoring and analysis of each unit performance. (1)

The city of Nagpur is located in the Central

India and second city in the state of Maharashtra.
Present population of Nagpur city is 30 lakhs. Water
supply to the city is arranged from Ambazari reservoir,
Kanhan river, Venna reservoir and Gorewada tank
which are 6.8 MLD, 109 MLD, 13.6 MLD and 113.5
MLD capacity respectively and its total being 242.9
Water treatment plant was constructed in the
year 1982, under Pench Phase -I project which 113.5
MLD, source of water is right bank canal on Pench
Lake. About 46% of the total water supplied to the city
is being catered by this plant. The plant is running for 24
hours and 113.5 MLD water is being treated and
supplied to the city. The design and construction of the
plant is conventional one and comprises of various units
such as aeration fountain, flash mixer, clariflocculator,
rapid sand filters, chemical house, and clear water sump
and pump house.

Keywords- Performance Evaluation, Water Treatment Plant


Study of water treatment plant is carried out with all

aspects and considerations including; engineering, physical,
chemical & bacteriological to determine its efficiency and to
produce water quality [7]. This study will define design and
operating problems and difficulties of the case study that will
allow for proper revision of these aspects to redefine and
suggest recommendations for proper operations. The findings
of work may be applicable for other WTP either under design
or operation.(1)

Population of the city in the year 1994 and

2009 is 18.50 lakhs and 30 lakhs respectively. Water
requirement in the year 2010 for the city. @ 130 LPCD
will be 338 MLD. To meet out the additional water
demand. Govt. of Maharashtra has sanctioned a water
supply scheme. "Pench Phase-II" costing Rs. 3209
Lakhs. The scheme was sanctioned on 9th June 1989, and
is being executed through Maharashtra Water Supply
and Sewerage Board, Nagpur,

Samples were collected from intake and from all

WTPs units of Gorewada Pench Phase-II plant & analysis
were carried out in the Environmental Engineering
laboratory of G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
and Water Quality Lab. Level-II. Hydrology Project
Division, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Analysis were
conducted for chemical, physical, bacteriological analysis.
All experiments were done and results were determined in
accordance to the Standard Methods of American Water
Works Association (AWWA) manual, 21st Edition (2009) [1]
& CPHEEO manuals [4].
978-0-7695-4246-1/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2010.89

Water treatment plant-145 MLD capacity at

Gorewada was constructed under Pench Phase-II scheme
as an augmentation to 113.5 MLD capacity existing
plant at Gorewada. Hence Gorewada will be the biggest
centre of water treatment for Nagpur city, as 75% of
total requirement of water will be treated and supplied to
the city from these plants. Construction work started in
August 1990 and completed in March 1993, the main
components of the plants are aeration fountain, flash

A prechlorination dose of about 1 to 1.2 mg/lit
along with 5 to 20 mg/lit Poly Aluminum Chloride
(coagulant) dose are added at the distribution chamber
inside the treatment plant and directly prior to
coagulation process. The flash mixer is 5.70m diameter
and 4.0m deep with one mechanical impeller for better
mixing of 145MLD capacity. The motor of 15 HP has
been provided with 700 rpm. This process is done in
rainy season only.

mixer, Clariflocculators, R. S. Filters, pure water sump and

pump house.
Figure 1 shows the general layout of the WTP, which
consists of collection works, treatment and storage facilities.
The following gives a brief description of all WTP units
components facilities [1].


The main source of supply to WTP Gorewada Pench

Phase-II is Pench Right bank canal. This is having water
from Pench Lake sufficient capacity and perennial nature.
The capacity of canal is 200 cusecs. Then water is collected
in a tank and it pumps in Gorewada Lake to increase its level
and after that by gravity flow water comes to WTP. The
Gorewada dam is an earthen dam. The raw water samples
were collected and analyzed for physico-chemical and
bacteriological quality [7].

Three Clariflocculator tanks are used. The
coagulated water enters at bottom of flocculator. The
flocculator has a diameter of 19.0m while the clarifier
has a diameter of 47.30m and depth 3.55m. Along the
periphery of tank the V-notch channel has been
provided for reducing surface loading. Desludging are
done ones in a day at least 5 min so that the sludge
material comes out and when clear water start then
close the value as per enquiry.

Raw water Sump and Pump House

The sump and pump house has been constructed near to
the Pench Right bank canal. The water is first collected by
intake structure and sump in R.C.C. tank the size of tank is
31.25m x 17.60m and 19.00m x 62.40m and the capacity of
sump 4650 m3 and the pump to Break Presser Tank located
at a distance 5.65 km by three centrifugal pump (3 no. + 2
no. stand by total pump 5 no.) having a discharge of each
pump is 860 lit/sec. and the B.H.P. of each pump 503 & total
head is 32.00m. The diameter of pipe is 1626 mm (O.D.) M.
S. Pipe, Thickness 12 mm guiniting in C.M. 1:3 from out
side and lining in C.M. 1:1 from inside. Then the water
transfer from B.P.T. to Gorewada tank by gravity main
having diameter of pipe is 1500 mm (I.D.) P.S.C. type & the
length is 400 m. Then this water transfer from Gorewada
lack to WTP Gorewada Pench Phase-II again by gravity
main having size of pipe is 1100mm diameter of length
650m and 1000mm diameter of length 330m i.e. total length
from Gorewada lack to plant is 980m.

Rapid Sand Filters

Twelve filters are used, flow through it is about
140 lit/sec. Surface area of each is 100 m2. The rate of
filtrations was found to be about 6 m3/m2/hr, while
standard is to be about 4.8 to 6.0 m3/m2/hr. Sand
analysis was conducted on sand samples and it was
found that the effective size of the sand is in a range of
1.2 to 1.5 mm, where the standard is 0.45 to 0.55 mm.
This shows that sand used inside filters is coarse. Also,
uniformity coefficient was found to be 1.025, where
standard is 1.3 to 1.7. This also proves that sand used
is coarse.
Sump and Pump House
The filtered water collected in sump of capacity
6657 m3, there are two compartments of a size of 40 x
41 x 3.5m and 4 x 40 x 5.9m. The post-chlorination
were conducted in sump with the help of 3 nos. of post
chlorinators. The does of chlorine is generally 1.5 ppm
(range 1.2 to 3 ppm) and the pump house of size 40 x
12 m. five nos. of 650 BHP pump are used for
pumping the pure water.


Table: Laboratory analysis & comparison of raw water, WTP treated water & Permissible Limits.

Permissible Limits
(BIS Standard/CPEEO)



Before Treatment

After Treatment




6.52 to 8.10

7.25 to 8.50

6.5 to 8.5

6.5 to 8.5

Within the limit


6.6 to 56.6 NTU

3.0 to 5.6 NTU

5 NTU max

10 NTU max

Within the limit

Dissolved Oxygen

6.3 to 7.59 mg/lit

6.7 to 8.4 mg/lit

9.2 mg/lit

5.0 mg/lit


Total Solids.

69-188 mg/lit

15 to 60 mg/lit



Suspended Solids

8-40 mg/lit

5 to 10 mg/lit



Total coliform

5400 MPN/100ml

7.8 MPN/100ml

10No/100ml max

10No/100ml max

Faecal coliform

1100 MPN/100ml.

2 MPN/100ml.




Chlorine dose should

be increase.



A thick scum layer is accumulated at the bottom of the

coagulation tanks.

1) M. A. Eldib and Mahmoud A. Azeem

ElbayoumyEvaluation Of A Water Treatment Plant
Performance Case Study in Seventh International
Water Technology Conference (IWTC-7) held in
Egypt 1-3 April 2003.p.p. 471-478.

Dose of coagulant are decided arbitrarily on the basis of

turbidity. If the raw water has turbidity more than 40 50
NTU then only coagulant are used. Coagulants are not
added regularly in raw water.

2) Sujit Kumar Bhattacharya & Ratan Kishore

Choudhary Performance of Engineering Parameter
of a water Treatment Plant A Case Study paper
published in 28th WEDC conference on Sustainable
Environment Sanitation and Water Survices at
Kolkata (Culcutta), India, 2002.

In the flash mixer motor is not in working condition and

hence operation of uniform mixing is hampered.
Occasionally buoying up of floc in the day time was

3) Dhaneshwar R. S., Sharma V.P., Raut T., Gupta R.

K., Kelkar P.S. and Paramasivam R Performance
Evaluation of Five Urban Water Treatment Plants in
Utter Pradesh paper published in Indian Water
Works Association Journal, edition-Jan-March,
1991.p.p. 23-30

The sludge from the clariflocculator is discharged into a

nalla in a nearby area.
The scraping of sludge is not done due to which lot of
sludge is accumulated at bottom.
It is observed that the water from aeration unit directly
goes to pure water sump.


Sometime the water in clarifier is over discharged.

CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment Third

Edition published by Ministry of Urban





The overall performance of Water Treatment Plant

is found to be satisfactory with the scope for improvement in
following aspects.



Some leakages are found in aeration channel &

clariflocculator channel that should be closed

Rapid sand filters sand should be according to standards.

Rapid sand filters, sand should be replaced every year.

Continuous maintenance and analysis will lead to

precise evaluation of plant performance and definition of
any required modifications.

The flash mixer is not found in working condition this is

necessary to repair and keep in working.

The coagulation does should be added properly to

reduce turbidity and solids.



Pench Canal

C.R. Masonary
canal Trough

Raw Water
Pump House

Gorewada Lake

Gravity main
1200mm ms
pipe 0.98 km long

RCC Breck presser of

12m Tank Capacity

Gravity main to
Gorewada Tank

Raising Main of Raw

Water Pump to BPT
60 or 1624mm ms
pipe 5.7km long





Gravity main to
plant 480 ms
pipe 1.84km long

Figure (1) General Layout of WTP Gorwada Pench Phase-II

Capacity 80ml size


Raw Water sump

& Pump House

Raw Water
40 x 20 x 5 m


Rapid Sand Filter


Clear Water Sump

cap 4.75ml
size 30 x 40 x 4m

Pump House


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