Westney Heights Baptist Church: Discipline

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The keys to discipline in the nursery are love, distraction, anticipation,

modeling and more love.

Westney Heights Baptist Church

Be aware of things going on all around the nursery.
If you see something dangerous or a child doing something that may
not be safe, step in before something happens.
If children are arguing over a toy, offer one of the children a different
(possibly similar) toy to play with.
Keep the children out of trouble by steering them toward something
positive: toy, sing a song, read a story, play a game (peek-a-boo).
Show the children how to play nicely.
Show them how to be kind and respectful.
Show them what you want them to do.
Everything you do should be respectful, kind, and compassionate.


This service you do helps the needs of Gods people

II Corinthians 9:12
2007 Edition


Weclome to Our Nursery!!

Purpose of our Nursery
To provide a safe, loving environment where parents feel comfortable
leaving their child(ren) in our care.
This is to be a place where children first learn about God. You are giving
them an loving foundation for the remainder of their church-based
Christian education.
The following guidelines are specific to our nursery and necessary if we
are going to provide safe and caring ministry to both children and
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to call me.
Thank you for your service,

Julie Wallace
Nursery Director

We have a number of different products available to clean and disinfect

the nursery. Make sure you understand what each product is, how to use
it, and where it is kept.
This is an all natural product (tee tree oil) that is totally safe.
Spray on all toys at the end of the session, after children have left.
It is labeled in a spray bottle. There is a 4 litre jug of Benefit in the
reception cabinet. Refill spray bottle when needed. Shake jug a few
times before using. Spray bottle found in room under sink.
Wet OnesAntibacterial Wipes
Can be used on the childrens hands to clean them before they eat.
You may use them on your hands if you prefer them to soap and water.
Lysol Disinfectant Wipes
Use for disinfecting around the change table, toys that cant go through
the washing machine, books.
Prosolve Spot and Stain Carpet Cleaner
To be used for messes on the carpet. These could include: vomit, blood,
urine, poop. Spray Prosolve on soiled area, wait 3 minutes, wipe up with
a clean damp cloth. Throw cloth into garbage. Repeat if necessary.
Wear gloves.
Multipurpose Cleaner
Can be used to clean up table, chairs after childrens craft, activity time.
Can be used to wipe counters and reception area.
Odor Sorb
Shake on vomit. Kills odors. Absorbs moisture. sweep up with brush
and dustpan (found in reception cubby hole).
Lysol Deodorizer Spray
To be used to improve the smell in the area. Please use when there is a
very stinky diaper. May need to be sprayed in reception area as well.
Location of cleaning supplies
Most are found in reception area. Wipes in cabinet. Carpet and multipurpose cleaner in cubby hole at reception. There is a pail along with
brushes, clean cloths, and dust pans.


If children have any of the symptoms noted in our guidelines do not
allow them into the nursery.
If you are sick, please do not come into the nursery, find another
nursery worker to replace you (Adults must be replaced by another
Notify Julie Wallace if you do not allow a baby in the nursery so that
she can follow up with the family.
If a baby gets sick while in our care, page the parent immediately.
Diaper Changing
To be done on change unit in view of other volunteers.
Wear gloves (dispose gloves after each use).
Disinfect mat and change pad after every use.
Only women are to change diapers and individuals must be at least
16 years of age.
Place smelly diapers in fragranced disposable diaper bags.
Hand Washing
Volunteers are to wash hands after diaper changing, nose wiping,
cleaning up spit-up, and before giving snacks.
Wash childrens hands before they have their snack.
Be Alert!
Watch what children are doing. When focusing on a child remember there are others in the room that need to be watched.
Look out for items that could cause injury and remove them (a broken toy, a torn page that a child could choke on).
First Aid Kit
Is found in reception area.
Cold packs are in kit as well as in freezers in youth room and

If fire alarms go off please take all children out the safest exit to
the southeast parking lot (near shed & basketball net)

On Sundays, a couple of ushers will come down to assist.

Be sure to check sleeping room, shut off lights and close doors.

Im Here! Preparing for Arrivals

Be in the nursery at least 20 minutes before the start of the service.

Place sign-in sheets, pen, and registration forms for newcomers on
the registration counter.
Place name labels for children on counter by door.
Make sure rooms are clean and neat.
Set the mood, perhaps have some music playing in the background.
Those in the welcoming area must wear ID tags. Please wear tag
high enough so that parents can see it.
Place bell on counter so latecomers can notify you when they arrive.

Theyre Here!! Welcoming the parents

Greet everyone warmly.

Ask how the baby has been this week and if there is anything we
need to be aware of.
Have parent sign in child and give him/her a pager. Be sure to write
down the pager number beside the childs name.
All first time parents must fill in a registration form for their child.
Be sure to ask about allergies.
Parents should not be coming into the nursery unless you invite
them. (They may want to check out the nursery which is fine. They
may want to stay. Ensure they understand we are making an exception and they can stay once providing they do not interact with any
of the other children). Explain that not coming in is for their own
protection (see back of this flyer).

We made it!!! Saying goodbye

An individual must have the pager in order to pick up the child.

Take pager from parent before returning child. This will prevent
pagers going home.
Inform parent how child did. Tell them of any falls or hurts. Say an
encouraging word (when possible ).
If parents have not picked up child after 1015 minutes of service
ending, page them.
Tidy up the rooms.
Disinfect toys, toss used linen in basket, wipe down tables and
counters with disinfectant wipes.



Although we have given volunteer different responsibilities you are a

team and will help each other out where necessary.

There are 3 rooms in our nursery each one serving a specific


Team Leader

Oversees the nursery.

Arrives by 9:30 am on Sundays.

Has a word of prayer with staff before the babies arrive.

Ensures other staff knows their responsibilities. Orientates new


Notifies nursery director of any problems, concerns that come up.

Sleeping, Feeding Room

As the name says this is for sleeping babies. When a baby is

placed in here the intercom must be turned on so that you can hear
if the baby starts crying.

This is also the room where nursing mothers are to feed their
baby. It provides them with privacy and quiet.


Greet babies and parents at reception desk.

Ensure newcomers fill in registration forms.

Hand pagers to parents and marks # on sign-in sheet.

Make sure parents write down any pertinent information about the
child in the comment section.

Relay any info to rest of staff.

Room # 10

This is for the younger children, ages 012 months.

The toys in this room are for that age group and should remain in
this room.
Room # 11

This is for children 12 months and up.

The toys are older in here and should not go into room # 10.


Teach the scheduled Bible story to the toddlers.

Lead craft/activity time with children.


Post snack on the poster in reception area

Check sign-in sheet to see who can have the snack.
Snacks are stored in cabnet in room # 10.
Prepare and distribute snack.

Clean Up

Make sure toys and put away.

Spray toys with disinfectant (after babies are out of room).

Put use linens in to be washed basket ( behind sleeping room

We have many teens helping in the nursery. For many it is their first
job. Please encourage them and show them how to teach, play, and
behave around children. Lets not teach them any bad habits!


Hot drinks are not permitted in Nursery. If you must have a

coffee, drink it in the reception area with no children around.
If you notice we are running out of supplies, let Julie know.
If you need extra help or assistance with a situation on a Sunday
page Julie or contact the supervisor on duty. A schedule for the
supervisor duty is in the information binder. The supervisor will
check in with you every week to see how things are going.
If you know ahead that you have to go into the service even for a
short period of time (ie. choir, watch a baptism), please find a
replacement in advance for that time youre away. Otherwise it
puts a lot of stress on remaining staff.
Be sure to document any major injuries, any hitting/biting among
children, upset parents, and other concerns you have and notify
Any toys (esp. teething rings) that have been in babies mouths should
be isolated and washed before allowing other babies to play with

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