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Interaction Design Syllabus Pratt

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Craig M. MacDonald, Ph.D.

Pratt Institute, School of Information & Library Science

144 West 14 Street, Room 604c
New York, NY 100117301
(212) 647-7297


Information Architecture & Interaction Design

Fall 2013
Tuesday 3:30-5:50p (01) / 6:30-8:50p (02) Pratt Manhattan Center, Room 609
Credits: 3
Pre-requisites: LIS-653 and LIS-654
Office Hours: Thursdays 3-6p and by appointment

Bulletin Description
This course provides students with practical knowledge and hands-on experience designing digital
interfaces from a user-centered perspective through an exploration of the dual practices of
information architecture and interaction design. Students will go through the entire user-centered
design lifecycle, from concept to prototype, and in the process will 1) learn about and employ a
variety of design methods aimed at understanding users and their contexts and 2) learn about and
use appropriate tools and media to create a range of design deliverables that effectively
communicate design insights. At the conclusion of this course, students will have a foundation of
knowledge and skills that will prepare them to do practical design work in a variety of settings and

Course Goals & Objectives

The goals of this course are to:
Gain an understanding of information architecture and interaction design and their role in the
user-centered design process.
Provide practical experience using design methods and creating design deliverables.
Improve individual and collaborative skills in problem solving, communication, and creative
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
Explain and describe the roles of information architecture and interaction design.
Choose and employ appropriate methods to understand users and their contexts.
Select and use appropriate tools and media to create design deliverables.
Create high-quality work products that effectively communicate design insights and are
consistent with professional practice.

LIS-643: Information Architecture & Interaction Design

Professor Craig M. MacDonald

Course Schedule

Aug 27

Sep 3

Sep 10

Sep 17

Sep 24

Oct 1

Oct 8

Welcome + What is Design?
Resmini, A. & Rosati, L. (2012). A Brief History of Information Architecture.
Journal of Information Architecture, 3(2).
Myers, B. (1998). A brief history of human-computer interaction technology.
ACM interactions, 5(2), 44-54.


Communication & Understanding

Brown, D. (2011). Site maps. In Communicating Design: Developing Web
Site Documentation for Design and Planning (2nd Ed.) (pp. 94-123).
Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
Brown, D. (2011). Competitive reviews. In Communicating Design:
Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning (2nd Ed.)
(pp. 254-263). Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
Detzi, C. (2012, March). From Content Audit to Design Insight: How a
content audit facilitates decision-making and influences design strategy.
UX Magazine. Retrieved from http://uxmag.com/articles/from-contentaudit-to-design-insight
Context & User Needs
Forlizzi, J., & Battarbee, K. (2004). Understanding experience in Interactive
Systems. In Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Designing Interactive
Systems (DIS 2004). New York, NY: ACM. 261-268.
Wright, P., & McCarthy, J. (2008). Empathy and Experience in HCI. In
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems (CHI 2008). New York, NY: ACM. 637-646.
Understanding Users
Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., & Preece, J. (2011). Data gathering. In Interaction
Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction (3rd Ed.) (pp. 222-269).
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). Modeling Users: Personas
and Goals. In About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design (pp. 75108). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
Matthews, T., Judge, T., & Whittaker, S. (2012). How do designers and user
experience professionals actually perceive and use personas? In
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems (CHI 2012). New York, NY: ACM. 1219-1228.
Navigation, Organization & Labeling
Wodtke, C., & Govella, A. (2009). The tao of navigation. In Information
Architecture: Blueprints for the Web, Second Edition (pp. 189-218).
Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
Card Sorting
Spencer, D., & Warfel, T. (2007). Card sorting: A definitive guide. Retrieved
from: http://boxesandarrows.com/view/card_sorting_a_definitive_guide


LIS-643: Information Architecture & Interaction Design

Professor Craig M. MacDonald

**NO CLASS Mid-semester Break**

Oct 15

Oct 22

Oct 29

Nov 5

Nov 12


Cognition & Emotion

Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., & Preece, J. (2011). Cognitive aspects. In Interaction
Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction (3rd Ed.) (pp. 65-99).
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Norman, D. (2004). Three levels of design: Visceral, behavioral, and
reflective. In Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
(pp. 63-98). Cambridge, MA: Basic Books.
Buxton, B. (2009). The anatomy of sketching. In Sketching User
Experiences (pp. 105-114). San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann
Buxton, B. (2009). Sketches are not prototypes. In Sketching User
Experiences (pp. 139-141). San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann


Design Critiques + Wireframes

Berkun, S. (2003). How to run a design critique. Retrieved from:
Unger, R., & Chandler C. (2009). Wireframes and annotations. In A Project
Guide to UX Design (pp. 185-203). Berkeley, CA: New Riders.


LAB on Wireframes + Prototyping

Unger, R., & Chandler C. (2009). Prototyping. In A Project Guide to UX
Design (pp. 204-219). Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
LAB on Design Critiques


Nov 19

Nov 26

Dec 3


Visual Interface Design + LAB on Prototyping

Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). Visual interface design. In
About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design (pp. 287-319).
Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
LAB on Prototyping
No readings this week


Course Wrap-up & Informal presentations


Dec 10

LIS-643: Information Architecture & Interaction Design

Professor Craig M. MacDonald

Course Requirements
Required Readings
There is no required textbook for this course. However, there will be several required readings
each week that are meant to not only introduce the concepts covered in the lectures but also to
broaden and enrich your understanding of those concepts. It is expected that you come to class
having read the assigned readings for the week. All readings will be available via the LMS.

Assessment and Grading

The overall course grade will be based on a total of 200 points, weighted as follows:
50% ID: Individual Design Deliverables
ID1: User Research Report (20%)
ID2: Sketches (15%)
ID3: Wireframes (15%)
40% GD: Group Design Deliverables
GD1: Project Brief (10%)
GD2: Card Sorting Report (10%)
GD3: Final Design Document (20%)
10% FP: Final Paper on IA/IxD in the Real World
Detailed descriptions of each assignment will be distributed in class and posted to the LMS.
Grades will be awarded for points accumulated based on Pratts grading scale:
Above Average


4.0 (93-100)
3.3 (87-89.99)
2.3 (77-79.99)
0.0 (00-72.99)


3.7 (90-92.99)
3.0 (83-86.99)
2.0 (73-76.99)


2.7 (80-82.99)

Because of the project-based nature of this course, all graded assignments must be uploaded to the
LMS before class on the due date (unless otherwise noted).
Late assignments will be graded at 50% and assignments more than 24 hours late will not be

Attendance & Participation

Although it is ungraded, active participation in class is essential to successful learning in this course.
The course format may vary each week, but typical class sessions will consist of short lectures and
small group activities that directly inform individual and group project deliverables.
Attendance is therefore expected and required. Students with 3 absences (for any reason, including
documented medical reasons) cannot expect to receive an A in the course and, in accordance with
LIS-643: Information Architecture & Interaction Design
Professor Craig M. MacDonald

Pratt Institute policy, may be asked to drop the class. Please notify me ASAP if you know you will
be absent. You will be expected to make up any missed material for classes that you miss.
Attending class is also critical because there will be substantial class time to complete project work;
if you are not present, you will miss valuable time needed to communicate and coordinate with your
fellow group members. But, simply attending class will not suffice; you are expected to be
consistently engaged with the discussions/activities.

Academic Honesty
Instances of cheating, plagiarism, and improper use of intellectual property will not be tolerated. Do
not plagiarize or copy from anywhere, including articles, websites, class handouts, class slides,
other students work, web design templates, work you have submitted to another course, etc. Unless
specifically indicated otherwise, all assignments submitted for this course must be your own work,
with sources properly cited.
Any assignment that includes copied material will be given an automatic zero this includes cases
where only a portion of the assignment is copied. Depending on the nature of the offense, this may
also result in failure of the course. No excuses will be accepted. More information about Pratts
academic integrity code can be found at: http://www.prattsenate.org/learning/02-academic.htm

The best way to contact me is by email (cmacdona@pratt.edu). I check e-mail regularly and you can
expect an email response within 24 hours. Should that change, you will be notified in advance.

Students who require special accommodations for disabilities must obtain clearance from the Office
of Disability Services at the beginning of the semester. For further information, contact the
Coordinator of Disability Services in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at

Incompletes will not be awarded except for documented medical reasons.

Institute-Wide Policies
All Institute-wide policies are listed in the Bulletin under Community Standards available online at
http://www.pratt.edu/student_life/student_affairs/student_policies/ and which include policies on
attendance, academic integrity, plagiarism, computer, and network use.

Laptops & Cell phones

Please turn your cell phone off during class. Laptops are permitted for coursework purposes only.
LIS-643: Information Architecture & Interaction Design
Professor Craig M. MacDonald

Research Participation
As part of this course, students may be asked to participate in research studies conducted by SILS

Revisions to the Syllabus

While this syllabus provides a reliable framework for the course, it is it is possible that assigned
readings will be added or deleted or that events (guest lectures, extreme weather, etc.) may require
changes to the schedule. Any changes will be announced in class or via e-mail.

SILS e-portfolio
Starting Fall 2012, all students entering the MSLIS degree program are required to complete an eportfolio that must be approved by their advisor before they will be permitted to graduate. The eportfolio provides students with an opportunity to showcase their best work from the courses they
have taken at SILS, and an opportunity to demonstrate they have met the learning objectives of a
Master of Information and Library Science.
Work completed for this course may be included in the e-portfolio. Students must demonstrate that
their work fulfills at least one of the following learning outcomes:

Students carry-out and apply research.

Students demonstrate excellent communication skills and create and convey content.
Students use information technology and digital tools effectively.
Students apply concepts related to use and users of information and user needs and
Students perform within the framework of professional practice.

Detailed information on the learning outcomes, requirements and how to create your e-portfolio is
available from:

LIS-643: Information Architecture & Interaction Design

Professor Craig M. MacDonald

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