Gardner 2013
Gardner 2013
Gardner 2013
Big Ideas
Benner, reflection and expertise: Some further thoughts guidelines’ (p. 37). Furthermore, this is not merely a different kind of
theory, nor is it the case ‘that the rules and formulas just move to the
unconscious level or go underground’ (p. 37). Rather, the expert
I would like to thank Higham and Arrowsmith (2012) for their
draws on a body of knowledge that is diametrically opposed to
thoughtful response to my paper From Novice to Expert: Benner's legacy
so-called ‘theoretical knowledge’. Whilst theoretical knowledge com-
for nurse education. I agree with much of what they say, but wish to take
prises ‘a formal statement of the necessary and sufficient conditions
issue with their interpretation of Benner's view of the relationship be-
for the occurrence of real situations’ (p. 298), expert knowledge is
tween theory and practice, and in particular their assertion that Benner
tacit and case-specific. Whilst theoretical knowledge is ‘knowing that’,
regarded theoretical knowledge as ‘the basis for practice’. I believe that
expert knowledge is ‘knowing how’. And whilst theoretical knowledge
this misrepresents her position and has led them to the questionable
can be broken down, analysed and communicated to others, expert
conclusion that the ideas expressed in From Novice to Expert were
knowledge is holistic and intuitive.
broadly compatible with Schön's notion of reflection in- and on-action.
Perhaps this disagreement rests to some extent on Benner's asser-
Firstly, I think that Higham and Arrowsmith are broadly correct in
tion that expertise is a hybrid of practical and theoretical knowledge.
their assertion that the ‘novice to expert’ framework is generally
Whilst Higham and Arrowsmith appear to interpret this as an amal-
inappropriate as a curriculum model for pre-registration nurse educa-
gam or mixture of the two, in that theoretical knowledge continues
tion since, by definition, nurses are expected only to have reached
to have a role to play in expert practice, my understanding is that a
Benner's third stage of ‘competent’ by the time they qualify. Never-
hybrid refers to something new, neither practical nor theoretical
theless, her initial three stages of ‘novice’, ‘advanced beginner’ and
knowledge but something different and distinct from either. Thus,
‘competent’ offer a useful framework through which to understand
whilst formal theory clearly has a role to play in the development of
the acquisition by the student of new theoretical knowledge, the
(that is, in the stages leading up to) expertise, expert knowledge
attempts to apply that theory to practice, the gradual development
shares none of the characteristics of formal theory: it is holistic, con-
of heuristic rules of thumb, and the beginnings of an intuitive ‘Gestalt’
crete and intuitive; it cannot be expressed in words and it cannot be
approach to practice. Of course, formal theory is necessary for newly-
formally taught.
qualified competent nurses who have only a limited store of experi-
This question of whether expert practice is grounded in formal,
ence to draw upon, but as they continue to accumulate what Benner
theoretical, analytical ‘knowing that’ or intuitive, tacit, holistic ‘know-
calls ‘paradigm cases’, she argues that the theories they learned as
ing how’ is not just an issue for academic speculation. It also has a
students feature less and less in their clinical decision-making. Even-
bearing on how we as educators can best prepare expert practitioners
tually, as expert practitioners, they act solely from a tacit intuitive
and whether reflection is a useful approach for exploring and develop-
grasp of each individual situation, and ‘if experts are made to attend
ing practice at this advanced level. I stated in my original paper that
to the particulars or to a formal model or rule, their performance
Benner offers no scope for reflection on or in expert practice, since
actually deteriorates’ (Benner, 1984, p. 37).
there are no underlying rules, formulas or theories on which to reflect.
Whilst Higham and Arrowsmith accept that expert practice is
Higham and Arrowsmith challenge this view, claiming that Benner
founded on experience rather than formal learning, they nevertheless
herself ‘commends teaching reflection’, and illustrate their claim
maintain that theoretical knowledge is essential to the development of
with a quotation in which Benner appears to be advocating a reflective
such experience. Thus, they cite Benner's claim that ‘experience is gained
approach. However, I returned to my copy of From Novice to Expert, but
when theoretical knowledge is refined, challenged or disconfirmed
could find no trace of it, and it appears that the quotation cited by
by actual clinical evidence’ (Benner, 1984, p. 294), concluding that
Higham and Arrowsmith was first published in the 2001 commemora-
‘theoretical knowledge remains the basis for practice’ (Higham and
tive edition of Benner's book, a full 17 years after its initial publication,
Arrowsmith, 2012). However, the Benner quotation above that they
by which time reflective practice had become commonplace in nurs-
use to justify their view is taken from the Glossary at the end of
ing. Importantly, Benner was not referring to reflective practice per
From Novice to Expert, and therefore lacks the context and nuances of
se, but rather to what she described as ‘narrative accounts of experien-
the somewhat more complex view of the relationship between experi-
tial learning’ (Benner, 2001, p. vii), that is, to simple descriptive ‘prac-
ence and theoretical knowledge expressed throughout her book. Fur-
titioners' stories’. In fact, this is no different from the position outlined
thermore, nurses' relationships to theoretical knowledge change and
in the original 1984 edition, where Benner acknowledged that whilst
develop as they progress along the novice to expert continuum. The
experts can describe their practice, they cannot reflect on it in any
novice nurse simply applies theory to practice more or less without
usually understood meaning of the term. Thus:
question, whilst competent and proficient nurses enter into a critical
dialogue with theoretical knowledge. However, Benner suggests that
experts have little or no need for formal theory, and revert to it only It is possible to describe expert practice, but it is not possible
when placed in unfamiliar situations. So long as they are working with- to recapture from the experts in explicit, formal steps, the mental
in their sphere of expertise, experts draw predominantly on what processes or all the elements that go into their expert recognitional
Benner (1984) refers to as ‘multifaceted knowledge with its concrete (sic) capacity to make rapid patient assessments. (Benner, 1984,
referents [which] cannot be put into abstract principles or even explicit p. 42)