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1921 Military Medals Book

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7/6 NET

Sects rte. added, above those.
JOHNSON, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.E.S.,




is true that medals or, more strictly speaking,
medallions, were struck by the Greeks and
IT Romans, but the fashioning of such pieces did
not resolve itself into a distinct art until the Italians

produced such masters of the craft as Antonio Pisano

in the fifteenth century. Pisano may be spoken of as
the father of medal-craft, as we know it to-day, and
many delightful specimens of his work are preserved
in the British Museum.
The Italian conceptions served to record

events, but more often proclaimed the real or alleged

qualities of various people ; whilst later pieces, notably
those of the Medici, filled the purpose of political

propaganda, pure and simple.

The utilitarian aspect of medals grew with con-
siderable rapidity, and it was not long before men
showed their adhesion to this or that cause by wearing
a decorative badge bearing some distinctive design
and inscription. At much the same time, the soldiery
being deprived of its armour and, consequently, its
distinguishing marks, took to wearing metal badges
to denote where their allegiance lay.
Such military badges being required in considerable
numbers were, of necessity, made in base metal and
by rough means, but it naturally followed that the
leaders and, later, those who performed deeds of

outstanding merit, were deemed worthy of a better

device. For them, a limited number of silver, gold
and jewelled badges were fashioned. The role of this
special form of decoration has developed into the
present-day bravery medal, whilst the ordinary devices,
fashioned in base metal, have their counterpart in
regimental helmet plates and cap badges.
In order to differentiate between the medals
intended to be worn and those that are circular like
coins and possess no clip attachment, there is a growing

tendency to reserve the word medal for the former and

to speak of the latter as medallions. It cannot be

claimed, however, that the meanings here suggested

are universally accepted, though the trend is to observe
them, more and more, as time goes on.
The present work, it should be explained, deals
with pieces struck for wearing medals, in fact and
describes every official award of note from the time of
the Armada down to the honours won in the various
theatres of the Great War. The Armada serves as
our starting point because it was then that English
medals were first awarded, but it may be well to state
that foreign countries had struck pieces much earlier
for distribution among their own fighting men.

England was late in appreciating the need for

conferring medals ; she was slow, too, in recognising
the good feeling which such awards would engender

among those who should have received them. As the

student of history will note, numbers of wars which
took place after the Spanish galleons were sunk receive
no mention in the pages which follow for the reason
that medals were not granted in connection with them.
This lack of recognition of those who fought so ably
led Pope to exclaim

" Oh when
! shall Britain, conscious of her claim,
Stand emulous of Greek and Roman fame ?

In living medals see her wars enroll'd

And vanquished realms supply recording gold ?

Itwas only when Queen Victoria lent her support

to the matter that definite rules were laid down in
connection with the granting of medals, and even she
was faced with a weight of opposition which would
have overcome a less august personage.
Since her time, there has been an orderly progres-
sion in the issue of these honourable decorations. The
campaign pieces which form the bulk of the awards
have been struck in silver at the Mint, and, as a rule,
possess a diameter of one and seven-sixteenths of an
inch. Forgeries are seldom quite as large. The reason
for this is that spurious specimens are usually cast from

original copies, and the shrinkage, inherent to the

process, causes the slightly shorter diameter.
Forged medals, however, are not very common, and
the collector is by no means called upon to be ever

watchful for their appearance. Certain early British

pieces, it is true, have been imitated, and the same
may be said of a fair number of continental examples ;
but the general run of home issues has not fallen a
prey of the counterfeiter. When fictitious
do they can be usually detected by their spotty,

pimpled surfaces, due to the contact of the hot metal

with the sand or other material required for shaping
the moulds.
But though forged medals do not abound, the col-
lector of slight knowledge must be wary of impositions,
none the less. As will be seen from the ensuing
pages, the value of a piece depends in great measure

upon its bars. Sometimes a certain bar is extremely

rare ; at other times, it is a peculiar combination ol
these added honours which makes for rarity. What
could be easier than to take the bars from two or three
medals and place them all on one medal ? The barless
pieces would lose in value, but the overloaded specimen
might gain enormously. There is even a case where a
medal with one particular bar is worth more than the
same medal and bar with an additional honour And !

when it is remembered that a small thing like a bar

can be easily forged, much more easily than the medal
itself can be, the reader will see that these tiny plates,

fastened to the ribbon, require careful examination.

When some rare combination is in question, the
collector must verify the bars and the name engraved
on the flange of the piece by hunting through the medal
rolls. Then he can tell in a moment whether or not
he has a genuine combination of bars and medal.
The value of a specimen depends not only on the
bars, but on the rank and fame of the original recipient.
And when the winner of the piece is an unknown
hero, his regiment counts for much. The crack corps
are more sought after than those of lesser renown, but,

personally, we feel that too much notice should not be

taken of this factor unless exceptional circumstances
are present.

Groups of medals won by one individual should

not be dispersed any more than large diamonds should
be cut into sections to make many small ones. Four
or five pieces engraved with the same name are thus
worth considerably more than the same pieces won by
as many different men.
If the history, however slight, of the recipient of

a medal can be gleaned from any quarter, this will

add to the attraction of the item, and where many
such histories are obtained the collection will materially
benefit in point of interest and worth.
With the campaign awards, the clasp or
other attachment was often clumsy and unsightly,
and many men provided a better and more serviceable
arrangement at their own expense. In such cases,
pieces with the original clasp or hook are always to
be preferred to those with a non-authorised attach-
ment. For much the same reason, medals that have
had the recipient's name obliterated and other parti-
culars substituted are considered to have lost some of
their value.
Where the same award is given to various sections
of the Navy and Army, the extrinsic worth of a naval
specimen usually greater than that of an army

piece. Probably, this is due to the fact that fewer

copies are, as a rule, given to the sea-service perhaps, ;

the thoughts that Britain gained its supremacy by

fighting on the water has also something to do with
the matter. As to how the Air Force awards will
compare in point of value with similar pieces given to
the Navy and Army it is as yet too early to hazard

an opinion.
A little matter of terminology now needs a few
words of explanation. A good deal of confusion exists
concerning the words clasp and bar. In official circles,
the two terms are often used to denote the same
portion of a medal, and such looseness of expression
gives rise to a lack of proper understanding. In the
present work we have used the word bar to denote
the metal plates fixed to the ribbon, and which serve
as additional honours, whilst the word clasp has been

applied to the attachment which clasps the medal

and joins it on to the ribbon.
concluding these preliminary words, we
have the pleasant duty of expressing our thanks to
a number of friends to whom we are variously indebted.
Commander Taprell Dorling, D.S.O., R.N., must be
mentioned first. With a generosity characteristic of
the senior service, he has placed a mass of information
in our hands which has proved of the utmost assistance.

Then, Messrs. Hancock, of Sackville Street, Piccadilly,

spared no pains in revealing to us the mysteries
attending the construction of a Victoria Cross ; they
also lent us the photographs which we include of the
Cross. Messrs. Debenham, Storr and Sons provided
the prints of the Gold Peninsular Cross as well as the
rare eleven-bar Military General Service medal.
Messrs. J. R. Gaunt gathered together most of the
ribbons used for the colour plates. The Air Ministry
favoured us with pictures of the two flying crosses,
and Mr. McMillan kindly supplied prints of the two
medals for which he is responsible. The Trustees of
the British Museum permitted the reproduction of a
number * of For
pieces figuring in their collections.
all such assistance, we are indeed grateful. Mr. Charles
Winter, of Messrs. Spink and Son, has given us much
valuable assistance on a number of occasions, and we
are anxious to record our appreciation of his generous

* Plates
2, 3, 5A, 6 (A i, 2 : B i) and 24 (A 7).

help. Last, but not least, our thanks are tendered to

Mr. H. W. Lewer, who has rendered help which it
would be difficult to measure in a few words. To all
we acknowledge our indebtedness.
S. C. J.





- -






- -






3 11



1. Ribbons of British Orders, etc. IN COLOUR Frontispiece
2. Armada and Dunbar Medals .-

3. () Early Badges -
(b) Medals for Victories over the Dutch, 1653
- -

4. Ribbons of Medals for Bravery and other Special

Services - - - IN COLOUR 36
5. (a) East India Co.'s Medals - -
() Peninsular Gold Cross and Military General Service
Medal - -
6. (a) Waterloo and Naval General Service Medals -
(b) Kelat and Cabul Medals -
7. Ribbons of Early Campaign Medals -
8. Gwalior Star ; also Sutlej, Punjab, and First India Medals 96
9. (a) Crimea Medals -
() Indian Mutiny and China Medals - -

10. Ribbons of later Campaign Medals - IN COLOUR 114

11. (a) New Zealand and Zulu Medals -
() Afghanistan Medals - - -
12. (a) Egyptian Medals -
(b) East and West also South African Medals

13. Ribbons of recent Campaign Medals - IN COLOUR 140


14. India and Sudan Medals - -


15. (a) South Africa Medals -

(b) Ashanti, China and Africa General Service Medals 152
16. Ribbons of Meritorious, Long Service and other Medals

17. (a) Natal and Sudan Medals; also 1914 Star - - 168
(b) Medal Nomenclature - - 168

18. The British War Medal and Victory Medal - -


19. Ribbons of the British Police ; also U.S.A. Medals


20. (a] The V.C. and D.S.O. - - - - 208

(b) The M.C. and D.C.M. *
- - - 208

21. (a) The Military Medal - - - -

(b) The Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Force Cross 236
22. Ribbons of Foreign Orders - IN COLOUR 248

23. Long Service and Transport Medals - -

24. (a) Police, Arctic and Coronation Medals -
(b) Three Foreign Awards -


Peninsular Gold Medal

Ashanti Star -



Kimberley Star -
l ^
Mercantile Marine Medal - - . . -
Garter Star - - - - 182
Thistle Star - - - -
Thistle Collar Badge - - . . -
St. Patrick Star . . - - -
Order of the Bath. Military Badge and Star - - 188
Order of Merit. Military Badge - -
Star of India. Star - - . . -
St. Michael and St. George. Badge - - -
Order of Indian Empire. Badge - - -
Order of the Crown of India. Badge 192

Royal Victorian Order. Badge - -

Order of British Empire. Badge - -
Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Badge - -
The V.C. Ribbon and Attachments - -
The V.C. The Ribbon decorated to denote one bar - - 220

The D.S.O. Ribbon and Attachments -

The D.S.O. The Ribbon decorated to denote one bar -
The D.S.C. Ribbon and Attachments 227
Bars fixed on Bravery Medals - -
The M.C. The Ribbon and Attachments - - -
The Distinguished Flying Medal - -
The Air Force Medal - - -
The Distinguished Service Cross
The Albert Medal (Sea) -
The Royal Red Cross (ist Class)
Volunteer and Territorial Officers' Decoration - 260

Royal Naval Reserve Officers' Decoration - - 260

Colonial Auxiliary Forces, Officers' Decoration - 260

The Royal Humane Society's Medals - 266

The U.S. Distinguished Service Cross and Medal - -

The Order of Leopold - -

The Order of Leopold II. -

- -
Centre Medallion of Belgian Decorations 293

Belgian Order of the Crown - -


Egyptian Medal for - -

Bravery 295
Legion of Honour -
French Me'daille Militaire - -
The Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus -
The Military Order of Savoy -
The Italian Order of the Crown 300
The Order of the Rising Sun - -
The Order of the Tower and Sword - -
The Roumanian Order of the Crown - -
The Order of St. George - -
The Order of St. Andrew - -
The Order of St. Anne 305
The Order of St. Vladimir - -
The Order of the White Eagle -
The Order of the Medjidie - -
1'i.A'ii: i















*The blue Navy ribbon is now obsolete.


fashioning of medals was a craft almost

THEunknown in England prior to the time

VIII., though it had nourished long before then
of Henry

in such continental countries as Italy and France.

Between Henry's reign and that of Elizabeth, the
industry grew under the guidance of foreign artists,
and by the time Queen Bess had become established
on the throne we could boast of a fair number of
medallists who had gained experience at their metier

by designing pieces commemorative of illustrious

After her accession, historical medals began to be
frequent, and some interesting pieces can be found
associated with events in Scotland, the voyages of
Sir Francis Drake, the relations of the Queen with
Holland, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.* In
the latter, we are particularly interested, as they are
the first English decorations to be conferred for war-
like services.
* H. A.
Grueber, A Guide to the Department of Coins and
Medals (British Museum).
Prior to theArmada, cases are known to have
existed where soldiers who had cast aside their em-
blazoned armour wore medallions or badges as a dis-
tinguishing sign, and out of these badges grew the
earliest English medals.
The Armada Elizabeth was overjoyed at
the destruction of the Spanish ships of war, and was
eager to mark her appreciation of those leaders who
had brought about the defeat. As a consequence she
gave orders for the preparation of a number of medals,
but it is probable that only three designs were used
as fighting awards the others were given as favours

to court friends.
These three naval awards the Army did not
participate are valuable, and it is by the rarest
chance that a specimen comes on to the market. The
limited number of copies that are known to exist
repose chiefly in national collections, where they may
be seen and appreciated by all. The British Museum
is fortunate in its possession of these three pioneer
medals, and every enthusiast is advised to make a
point of inspecting them when an opportunity arises.
The on the obverse, a full-faced bust of
first gives,

Queen Elizabeth, crowned, wearing a high ruff and

holding a sceptre and orb. The inscription, Ditior
in toto non alter circulus orbe, figures around the rim.
On the reverse is a bay tree in the middle of an inhabited
island. The heavens are agitated but, though lightning
flashing, the tree remains uninjured ; consequently
the legend, Non ipsa pericula tangunt, is singularly
This medal records not only the defeat of the
Armada, but also the averting of other dangers which

had threatened both England and her Sovereign.

The Queen of Scots was dead, James of Scotland had
been conciliated, the Duke of Guise had died, and
France and the Vatican were baffled. So, as the motto
insists, the bay-tree is deemed incapable of injury from

The second medal is much the same, but the sceptre
and orb are missing from the upper face, whilst, on
the under-surface, the habitations on the island do
not appear. The letters E. R. are, however, added
to the sky. We are able to illustrate this rare piece

by the permission of the Trustees of the British

The third medal gives the Queen facing left, with
pearls in her hair, and the usual ruff about her neck.
The inscription on the upper side is Elisabeth D. G.:

Anglie F. et H. Reg. The reverse shows the Ark-in-

Flood, in allusion to the English flagship which was
named the Royal Ark. Tranquilla per undas is the
appropriate legend appearing on this under face.
All three medals are oval, and have a small fixed
ring to take the supporting ribbon or chain. The
first, we believe, is to be found in gold only ; the
and copper the third, in silver
second, in gold, silver ;

only. Each medal was cast, somewhat roughly, in

high relief, and then carefully chased by hand, a

process which admitted of slight variations between
one piece and another.
The Medals of James I. were numerous and very
beautiful, but we cannot say whether any of them
were used as military awards. Some were worn by
* " "
Grueber, Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals (British
soldiers, we know, though there is but little reason for
inferring that they were won by bravery or earned by
long service.
One particular medal may have served either of
these purposes. It was oval, cast in silver, and bore
the Sovereign's bust on the obverse, and the Ark in a
storm on the reverse. The design of the front face is
found in two styles. In one, the King wears a broad-
brimmed hat with feathers, and, in the other, he is
clad in armour. It is thought that the former may have
served as a civil award, and the latter as some form of
military decoration. Whether this is so or not, the
two pieces are very attractive, are typical of the
medallic art of the time of James I., and serve as a
guide to the dress of the period.
The Forlorn-hope Medal. If the medal bearing
the head of James I., just described, be not accepted
as a military award, then the honour of conferring the
first army decoration falls to Charles I., and the first

recipient was Sir Robert Welch, who recovered a lost

standard at Edgehill in 1642. He received for this
brave act a personal medal, which gave the King's
profile and that of his son on the upper surface, and a
royal standard on the under face.
The Welch medal for bravery was followed by a
number of other individual awards during this reign.
As a rule, each piece is of a different pattern, and
one of the faces often bears a design which is in some
way appropriate to the circumstances influencing the
grant :thus Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, did
splendid work as a general of the Parliamentary army
during the Civil War. He received a personal medal
bearing his profile. Lord Fairfax was appointed

commander-in-chief, and for his services was given a

piece specially cast and chased with his bust, whilst
Lord Kimbolton, who held a command at Edgehill,
was similarly rewarded. A number of other cases
could be mentioned.
All these medals being cast singly, or with very
few duplicates, are of great value, and the private
collector can do little more than admire the specimens
reposing in public galleries.
But Charles is remembered more for the Forlorn-
hope medal than any of the others granted by him.
This was an award for exceptional bravery, as the
following curiously worded warrant shows :

Charles R. Trusty and well beloved, we greet
you well ; whereas we have received information that
those soldiers which have been forward to serve us in
the Forlorn-hope, are not looked upon according to
their merited valour and loyal service. We do, there-
fore, require that from henceforward the Commander-
in-Chief both of Horse and Foot, which lead up the

Forlorn-hope upon whom also we mean to bestow

special tokens of our princely favour, do signify in
writing the names of those soldiers whom they find
most forward in serving us, their King and country,
that care may be taken to reward their deservings and
make them specially known to all our good subjects
For which end we have thought fit to require Sir
William Parkhurst, Kt., and Thomas Bushell, Esq.,
Wardens of the Mint, to provide from time to time
certain Badges of containing our Royal

image, and that of our dearest son, Prince Charles,

to be delivered to wear on the breast of every
man who shall be certified under the hands of their

Figs, i and 2. Obverse and Reverse of the Gold Naval Medal
for the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588.

Figs. 3 and 4. Obverse and Reverse of the Silver Medal for
the Battle of Dunbar, 1650.
Commander-in-Chief to have done us faithful service in
the Forlorn-hope.
And we do, therefore, most straightly command
that no soldier at any time do sell, nor any of our
subjects presume to buy, or wear, any of these said
Badges, other than they to whom we shall give the
same, and that under such pain and punishment as the
Council of War shall think fit to inflict if any shall
presume to offend against this our Royal command.
And we further require the said Commanders and
Wardens of our Mint to keep several registers of the
names of those, and of their country, for whom they
shall give their certificate.
Given at our Court at Oxford, the i8th day of

May, 1643."
remains to be said that a number of registers
at Oxford were destroyed by fire in the year 1644.
If the Forlorn-hope registers were kept as required by
the warrant they, too, were consumed by the flames.
It is, however, a little curious that no rolls of the
award of a later date than the fire are forthcoming,
and this, coupled with the fact that no medal actually
exists which indisputably that of the
is Forlorn-
hope," makes it doubtful whether Charles proceeded
with his scheme of rewarding the bravery of all ranks
on the battle-field.
The Dunbar Medal. So far, we have seen (i) that :

the first war medal was the piece struck for the rout
of the Armada, an award confined to the Navy ;

and (2) that the Welch medal was the first Army
decoration of which we have indisputable evidence of
existence. Now we may turn to the Dunbar medal,
which claims to be the firstcampaign award, that is
to say, the first award given to all soldiers entering
into battle, whether field-marshals or privates.
This medal was struck by the will of Parliament to
commemorate the extraordinary success of Cromwell's
forces at Dunbar, 1650, when an army of eleven
thousand men completely overcame a superior Royalist
force under General Leslie. Cromwell lost less than
thirty men, but slew a hundred times as many of the
enemy's hosts, besides taking a considerable army of

Thus Dunbar was worthy of some special recogni-
tion, and the Commons decided to give each valiant
warrior a medal bearing the great soldier's profile.
Thomas Simon, a skilful medallist, being entrusted
with the production, was sent up to Scotland to see
Cromwell. The latter gave the artist what sittings
were necessary, and, at the same time, sent a feeble
protest to the Commons, saying that he would rather
his profile did not appear, a show of modesty such as
is seldom associated with the Protector. He went on
to suggest, probably as a sort of reciprocal compli-
ment, that a better subject would be a view of
Whenthe oval medal appeared, the obverse showed
an admirable bust of Cromwell, facing left, with a
battle scene behind him. Around the edge was the
DUNBAR 3. 1650.

The reverse gave a view of Parliament assembled in

one house with the Speaker present. It was an adapta-
tion of the Great Seal of 1648. Pieces were struck in
two sizes and in two metals, gold and silver, but a
number of proofs in copper (bronze ?) and lead may be
found. Some of the proofs have plain reverses.
This medal, though of great historic association, is

not as rare as one might expect, perhaps because it

was bestowed on an army of eleven thousand men.

Not so many years ago a gold specimen was sold by
Messrs. Glendining for twenty guineas.
The dies of the Dunbar medal were kept in the
Cromwell family, for there was an house hi the

County of Suffolk where his son Richard once lived,

which being purchased by one oi the Heathcotes,
there was lately found (1780) in pulling down, the said

dye in the walls thereof." Other Cromwellian dies fell

into the hands of disreputable people, who took them
across to Holland, and, later, to Geneva, where they
made facsimiles from them as long as a decent impres-
sion could be obtained. One of the original dies was
discarded by the authorities because it was cracked,
and this particular die happened to prove a great
favourite with the counterfeiters. Much of their
spurious work is thus easily distinguishable. Fortu-
nately the forgers were not well versed in medallic
knowledge, and they became very confused with the
obverses and reverses, pairing them in all manner of
incorrect ways.
The Memisti Medals are fine specimens of the work
of Simon. One pattern was struck for presentation
to Captain Robert Wyard, who, whilst convoying four
merchant vessels to Amsterdam, was attacked on
July 31, 1650, by six Irish frigates, which he beat off
with admirable courage.
Wyard received a gold, and each of the crew of

the Adventure a silver or bronze, piece, bearing, on the

obverse, an anchor supporting the shields of England
and Ireland, with rope twined around them, and the
word Meruisti above. The reverse gave a little
picture of three ships closely engaged with four more
in the rear, and the inscription, Service don against
XXXI 6- August Y, i, 1650.
six ships, July Y,
second Meruisti medal was struck with the
Wyard obverse and the Dunbar reverse to serve as a
meritorious award for seamen.
The Naval Victories over the Dutch, between
February and July, 1653, resulted in the issue of four
kinds of medals by Thomas Simon.
(1) Four copies of the following were ordered by
Parliament to be struck. Two of them, with chains
worth 300 each, were presented to Admiral Blake
and Commander Monck and two with chains worth

100 each, to Admirals Penn and Lawson. Of these

medals, three are known to be still in existence.
Obverse. An anchor, from which are suspended
three shields bearing the arms of England, Scotland,
and Ireland, the whole encircled by cable. (Compare
" "
with the obverse of the Meruisti medals.) Reverse.
A naval engagement, the stern of one vessel inscribed
Simon : on the prow of another, T. S. A broad
border of trophies surrounds both designs. The
pieces are oval.

(2) Four copies of the following were struck for

presentation, with chains worth 40 each, to the
four flag-officers as a mark of Parliament's favour
and good acceptance of their service." (One of these
was purchased some ten years ago for 430 by Messrs.
Spink and Son.)
Obverse and Reverse. Similar to No. I, but a
border of laurel leaves replaces the trophies.
(3) Medals were struck for presentation to the

captains of the vessels engaged they were similar to


Nos. i or 2, but the border is absent.

(4) Medals were struck for presentation to the
brave men who refused to abandon Blake's flag-ship,
the Triumph, when she took fire.
They were as No. 3, but with the following inscrip-
tion engraved on the reverse :For eminent service in
saving y Triumph fiered in fight wh. y. Dutch in July
Charles n. commanded many medals to be struck.
All the pieces we have been able to trace that were
intended to beworn were for naval service, and none
went to the Army. During this reign the Duke of
York, who was Lord High Admiral, decreed that a
certain percentage of all prize money should be used
for the provision of medals, and in case of burning

by a fireship of an enemy's vessel of forty guns or

more, each person remaining on board till the service

was performed was to receive 10 and the captain a
gold medal. In case of an enemy's flagship being
burnt, 20 and the medal of the commander to be such
as should express eminence of the service."
The Battle of La Hogue, which was fought with
the assistance of the Dutch against the French, resulted
in a complete victory for the English (May 21, 1692).
William and Mary, who had long conceived a great
antipathy for Louis XIV., were overjoyed at the
* All these naval medals are of great rarity, but they, or copies,
may be seen in the British Museum. We have, accordingly, followed
the descriptions given in the British Museum catalogue.
result, and ordered a number
of medals to be struck,
but all, however, were not provided with loops for
suspension. Of this important group, we may single
out one piece for description. It bore the jugate
(i.e. placed side by side, one overlapping the other)

busts of the King and Queen on the obverse, and a

picture of the Soleil Royal, in flames, on the reverse.
It was presented to certain officers, but not to seamen.

Later, pieces were struck with this obverse and a plain

reverse for presentation to seafaring men for isolated
acts of bravery. When so awarded, the backs were
engraved with the particulars of the incident.
The fifty years which followed the Battle of La
Hogue was a period in which many war medals were
struck, but more than a dozen copies were seldom made
of each pattern. As a rule, the reverses were engraved
with particulars of the award, and the obverses bore
the royal features. Few, if any, were intended to be
worn as personal adornments, though some were pro-
vided, later, with metal rings by those who gained
them. Occasions arise when these awards can be
purchased for a five-pound note, and we have seen
specimens offered for considerably less. It is not
every war medal collector, however, who cares to
admit such pieces, without loops for attachment, to
his cabinet, and perhaps this factor which enables
it is

the less sophisticated numismatist to secure occasional

The Battle of Culloden, which resulted in a signal
defeat for the Scotch, under Charles Edward, son of
the Old Pretender, was marked by the issue * of
* Grueber says that it is doubtful if the medal was issued. The
pieces in existence to-day may be proofs.
ornate pieces in gold, silver and bronze, bearing
the profile of the Duke
Cumberland, called by
his adversaries the butcher." This oval medal
is provided with a fanciful framework and a curious

loop for suspension. The front shows a bust of

" "
the butcher with the word Cumberland above,
and the back displays Apollo, unclothed, giving the
coup de grace to a dying dragon. It is worth noting
that the Culloden award was the first to be issued
with a ribbon of prescribed colours (crimson with
green edging).Very few copies were struck, but
we have seen imitations, cast in base metal, which,
whilst not pretending to be originals, are not devoid
of interest.
Lord Howe's Victory on the Glorious First of June,
off Ushant, when he defeated the French fleet as it
was making for Brest, needs no description here.
King George III. and his Queen met the noble lord
at Spithead on his return and thanked him in person,
at the same time proffering rewards to the chief com-
manders, and promising the bestowal of gold medals
later on.
These medals were issued in 1796 ; they are of
two sizes, and struck in gold. The obverse shows a
diminutive figure of Victory, placing a wreath of
laurel on the head of Britannia, who is standing with
one foot on a helmet. The figures are in frosted gold,
whilst the remainder of the medal is burnished. The
reverse bears an engraved inscription explaining the
award. In the larger pieces, a wreath of laurel and
oak leaves encircles the lettering, but this is absent in
the smaller ones. The medal hangs from a presentation
chain, when such was conferred, or from a white ribbon

Such badges as shown here are considered to be the fore-runners
of the War Decorations with which this book deals. It was cus-

tomary for them to be worn pendant from the neck, or, less usually,
as hat badges or breast ornaments. They came into use gradually
after the decline of armour. The present illustrations reveal the
features of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria (1-3), and Charles II.

Figs, i and 2. The Obverse and Reverse of the Medal Com-

memorating the Victories over the Dutch in 1653. The work of
Thomas Simon.
with wide blue edges. Officers of high rank, alone,
received the decoration.
hundred and forty pieces were distributed for
services rendered on the Glorious First," * but the
same award was conferred later for more than a
hundred engagements and battles, such as Cape St.
Vincent, the Nile, Trafalgar, and the capture of the
Chesapeake, but only to officers.
Davison's Medal for the Nile. The Battle of the
Nile,which was fought by Nelson in Aboukir Bay on
August i, 1798, resulted in a rout of the French fleet,
and, at the same time, put confusion into the French
Army, which had already landed in Egypt.
For this success Nelson was raised to the peerage,
and the chief officers were given gold pieces as stated
above the common seamen went unrewarded.

Alexander Davison, Nelson's prize agent, recognising

that justice had not been done to the petty-officers and
men, sought, and was granted, permission to present
a medal at his own expense to every one who took
part in the engagement. It is clear, from his actions,
that his one desire was to reward the lower deck, but
probably his petition would not have been favourably
received had he not offered to confer his medal on the
higher grades of officers as well.
The Davison medal is circular, and a trifle large.
On the obverse we are shown Britannia, who stands
on the ledge a rock, surrounded by the sea. She

supports a medallion of the famous Admiral. The

reverse gives the English and French fleets drawn up
in a semi-circular formation in Aboukir Bay. Almighty
* Lord Collingvvood's gold medal may be seen in the Royal
United Service Museum.
God has His Majesty's arms is the appropriate

inscription on The edge is engraved with

this face.

the following wording Alexr Davison Esqr. St. James's

: .

Square. A tribute of regard.

A wide blue ribbon was
provided. Gold pieces were given to admirals, com-
manders and captains silver pieces to lieutenants and

warrant-officers bronze-gilt pieces to petty-officers ;


and bronze pieces to seamen and marines.

Collectors should find no difficulty in securing

specimens of this unusual medal. Gold pieces are

naturally rare, and command a hundred pounds or
more (Nelson's award was sold some time ago for 180) ;
silver pieces are cheap at 5 ; bronze-gilt pieces are
to be had for 155. ; whilst bronze pieces average a
trifle less.

Medals for Trafalgar. This splendid victory is

represented in our cabinets by a gold piece of the same
" "
pattern as the Glorious First of June award. As
readers have already noted, it was only given to leaders
of the rank of captain and above. It is true that,

many years after, Queen Victoria issued a Naval

General Service medal, which had amongst its crowd
of bars one for Trafalgar, which went to all who took
part hi the fight. But this N.G.S. award was never
seen by the majority of the heroes who helped to gain
the day ; death had claimed them long before its issue.
Toprovide an honourable badge for the men, and,
incidentally, the officers, whilst they still lived, Matthew
Boulton, of Birmingham, struck a large medal with
Nelson's profile on one face, and a
rendering of the
battle on the other ; the was To the
edge engraved :

Heroes of Trafalgar. From M. Boulton.

These were given to every member of the crews

engaged, and pieces can be found in silver, bronze-gilt,

and pewter. The pewter strikings were not received
with any show of welcome by the seamen, and many
threw their copies overboard.
Davison, who gave a medal for the Nile, provided
pewter pieces for the crew of the Victory. This award
is not very satisfactory, as it is overloaded with a

mass of lettering and pictorial matter. On the one

medal we have pictures of Nelson, his escutcheon and
a sailing ship, also the following inscriptions Admiral

Lord Nelson, D. of Bronte, Natus Sep. 2gth, 1758.

Hoste devicto requievit Oct. 21 st. 1805. Palmam qui
meruit ferat. Tria juncto in uno. England expects
every man do his duty.
to Victory off Trafalgar over the
combined fleets of France and Spain. Oct. 21, 1805,
and the text The Lord is a man of war, Exodus, c. 15,

The Trafalgar Officers' medal, with the figures of
Victory and Britannia, is very rare. We have only
known of one specimen coming under the hammer,
and that fetched a trifle over 250. A pewter piece of
Boulton's award can be picked up for half a guinea,
though special copies have sold for six or seven pounds ;

whilst Davison's elaborate Victory medal is worth

something in the neighbourhood of a guinea.

The Battle of Maida was fought in Calabria on
July 4, 1806, by Sir John Stuart, who defeated the
French, under General Regnier. To commemorate
this success, King George III. ordered a gold medal to
be struck for presentation to the commander-in -chief
of the forces, to officers in command of brigades or

battalions, and to officers who succeeded when the

original commanders had become casualties.
The award gave a very fine laureated head of the

King, facing left, with the inscription, Gcorgius Tertius

Rex on the obverse, and, on the reverse, Britannia, in
a fighting attitude, waving a spear and using her
shield. In front of her is the word, Maida, in two
lines, and behind, the triple-legged symbol of Sicily.
The ribbon is claret with blue edges.
Maida was speedily followed by the Peninsular
Campaign, which is dealt with in a separate chapter.
Here, therefore, our notes on the early pioneer medals
of England are brought to a close.

















bidding invariably takes place when medals

of the Hon. East India Co. are put up for
KEEN auction. The reasons for this are many : the

pieces are attractive in design, they are well made, are

of fair antiquity, and, being awarded almost entirely
to native Indian soldiers, have not reached our shores
in any great quantity.
As a group for specialising purposes, the H.E.I.C.
medals may be strongly recommended to those who
wish to centre their attentions on a class in which some
sort of finality may be reached. Specimens, however,
will be rarely obtained for less than five pounds each,
and the average cost may be given as being in the
neighbourhood of twice this sum. It is clear, then, that
the reader who can appreciate a small select collection
will find this group more compelling than will the
treasure-hunter who wishes to amass much with a
minimum of outlay.
These H.E.I.C. medals are not only interesting in
themselves, but they recall some of the most thrilling
and momentous incidents in the history of the great
Indian Empire. In one way, they have performed
yeoman service, for it was this brilliant set of attractive

pieces which taught the British Government the value

of instituting campaign medals. As we have men-
tioned in other places, the home authorities persisted
in refusing to give the rank and file any sort of decora-

tion, and it was only by pointing to these Indian medals

that the reformer could at last convince the officials
in Whitehall of their error. Think, for a moment, of
the anomaly of the situation. In many of the en-
counters which helped to win for us the great Asiatic

empire, we find the British Tommy and the fiery native

fighting shoulder to shoulder. The chartered Company
saw to it that the latter was suitably decorated for
his prowess, whilst the former was denied any sort
of recognition. One writer * says that the company
gave medals as a stimulus to recruiting, as it was
thought that the sight of such decorations on the
breasts of old soldiers would have the effect of inspiring
their young relatives and friends with martial ardour.
It does not seem to have occurred to the authorities
that European officers and soldiers could, or would,
stand in any need of a similar incentive."
But we are not so much concerned with what
should have been done as what was actually done,
and the incidents of this period may be summarised
(i) Between 1778 and 1824-5, the Hon. East India
Company gave medals, without stint, to the native
employed by them, not only for fighting against
the enemy, but for meritorious conduct and

(ii) After 1824-5, up to the Punjab Campaign of

1849, they paid for the Indian medals granted by
* "
Mayo, Medals and Decorations of the British Army and

Queen Victoria's government. Certain exceptions to

this rule must be noted.
(iii) During the first period, 1778-1825, no British

soldier of the ranks was decorated for any Indian

campaign (Seringapatam excepted) but a much belated

medal was struck by the H.E.I.C. in 1851 and presented

with the Queen's authority to such veterans as could
be traced in the United Kingdom.
It is a little difficult to say which was the first award
granted by the chartered company. We have some
vague mention of a medal struck for native com-
missioned officers who resisted a disturbance at a place
called Morighyr, but doubtful if a specimen is in
it is

existence, or even if the preparations for striking the

medal ever matured. More definite evidence affects
an award authorised by the Bombay Council for
Colonel Egerton's companies of Grenadier Sepoys who
went to Poona to put down a local rising in 1778.
Although the authority for this medal may be seen
to-day, and is clearly in order, we can find no trace of a
specimen, and collectors are disposed to claim that
the Poona, like the Morighyr piece, never existed.
The Deccan Medal is, perhaps, the first H.E.I.C.
award. was given to every member of the Bengal

Army who fought against Hyder Ali and Tippoo Sahib

in the bloody encounters of 1778-84. As the army
was large the awards were numerous, and specimens
are not unusual to-day.
The piece, which is circular, as, indeed, are all the
medals described in this chapter, is struck in two sizes,
and the metals used are gold, silver-gilt, and what is
probably a mixture of lead and tin. The obverse
shows Britannia leaning against a trophy of arms and
which she offers to a fortress
holding out a wreath
flying the British flag.
The reverse is filled by a
Persian inscription describing the award and giving
the date of its bestowal.* A ring acts as suspender,
and a yellow cord enables the decoration to be worn
around the neck.
The prices of the Deccan medal range between
less for those
7 los. and 10 for silver-gilt specimens,
in base metal, and considerably more for pieces struck
in gold.
The Mysore Medal followed in 1793, and was given
to the native officers and men, under Lord Cornwallis,
who fought against Tippoo Sahib after he had en-
deavoured to gain the support of France and Turkey.
Pieces were struck in gold and silver, the latter in
two sizes. The obverse gives a sepoy guarding a
British flag and trampling on one belonging to the
enemy, whilst the reverse is inscribed, For Services in
Mysore, A.D. 1791-2, within a wreath of laurel. The
method of attachment follows that adopted for the
Deccan award.
Collectors must examine copies of the silver medal
with care as many forgeries have been placed upon the
market. If it be remembered that the imitations were
made in moulds of sand, and that genuine pieces were
used as patterns, the difficulty of detecting the real and
the unreal will almost disappear. The sand gives a
gritty surface to the face of a cast copy, which is quite
absent when the piece is struck ;
also the contraction
Many of the dates on Eastern medals are those of the era of
Hegira, which is computed from the time when Mahomet left Mecca
for Medina. This happened in the year A.D. 622. It is well to
remember that 33 years of Hegira are equal to 32 of those of our
of the cooling metal results in the forgeries being slightly
less in size than originals (which were if or i| in. in

diameter) .

Some people declare that a spurious piece can be

detected by counting the cannon balls at the foot of the
flag-staff. This, however, is not the case ; genuine
copies are found with either two or five such balls, and a
like number are given on the forgeries.

Mysore medals are among the most valuable of

those struck by the H.E.I.C. Good silver specimens
of large size command seventeen or eighteen guineas,
whilst the small size would be cheap at ten guineas.
There isno great dearth of these pieces, but the high
prices are probably due to the fact that the Mysore
Campaign was crowded with thrilling incidents, and
collectors are always prepared to honour decorations
that have been dearly earned. Here is one little
incident of the war in question, which will show how
the men fought whose medals we are describing.
One of the most dashing exploits in the war of
Mysore was the capture of Bangalore, the second city
in the dominions of Tippoo. It was enclosed by a high
wall and a deep ditch, and the gate was covered by a
close thicket of Indian thorns. The attack was made
without any examination of the ground, and the troops
in advancing and endeavouring to force an entrance
were exposed to a destructive fire of musketry. Colonel
Moorhouse, one of the best officers in the service, fell

mortally wounded. At length, Lieutenant Ayre, a

man of diminutive stature, succeeded in forcing his way
through the shattered gate, which gallant action, being
observed by General Meadows, he shouted to the

stormers, Well done now, whiskers, try if you can

follow and support the little gentleman.' This ani-
mated appeal succeeded the troops rushed through

the gate into the town and drove out the enemy at the
point of the bayonet."
The Ceylon Medal recalls the assistance which the
Dutch extended to the French, a line of action which
cost them the above-named island. In 1795-6, English
forces aided than two hundred Bengal native
by less

artillerymen captured Ceylon, and an Order in Council,

dated May, 1807, authorised the striking of a suitable
medal. The native soldiers received the award whilst
the English soldiers, who formed the bulk of the
expeditionary force, received nothing.
The piece is remarkable for
simple character.

On the obverse is the inscription, For Services on the

Island of Ceylon, A.D. 1795-6, whilst Persian lettering
says, on the reverse, that the medal was given in
connection with the hostilities in Ceylon, in the year
of Hegira, 1209-10. Two gold medals and a few short
of two hundred silver pieces were awarded. The yellow
cord and loop attachment was provided as before.
As may be expected, this item, whether in gold or
silver, is of considerable rarity, and specimens are very

The Seringapatam Medal followed as a corollary
to the defeat and death of Tippoo Sahib in the
year of the eighteenth century. This arch-enemy of
Britain was preparing to assist the French in
us out of the East, when the
JMarquis of Wellesley,
noting the traitor's warlike activities, invaded his
domains and laid siege to
Seringapatam. Wellesley
had certain famous regiments of the British as Army
* Thomas "
Carter, War Medals of the British Army."

supports, besides a number of native troops. With

these he completely routed the enemy, and Tippoo met
hisdeath during the heat of the fighting.
In the year 1808 it was decided by the H.E.I.C.
to strike a medal to commemorate this important
success, and, what was of considerable moment, the
home forces were to participate in the awards. However,
the authorities in Whitehall did their utmost to rob
the men and it was only in 1815 that
of the honour,

permission was given them to wear the decoration when

in uniform that is to say, they had to wait many

years before they could derive the full enjoyment of

their well-earned trophy.
It is a to follow the plan adopted in
little difficult

distributing the Seringapatam award, but it may be

stated in general terms that gold pieces were given to
the loyal native princes and to the officers of the highest
rank, and silver-gilt pieces to field-officers, silver pieces
to junior officers, copper-bronze pieces to the rank and
file of the British Army, and tin pieces to sepoys and

other native soldiers.

The obverse of the medal gave a British lion sub-

duing a tiger, which latter animal was the favourite

symbol of Tippoo. Above the two beasts is a banner
ornamented with the Jack and an Arabic inscription
which runs The lion of God is the conqueror. In the

exergue is the date. The reverse gives a view of Seringa-

patam whilst being besieged. The exergue on this face
is inscribed in Persian The fort of Seringapatam, the gift

of God. 28 Zulkaadeh, 1213 Mahommedan Era. Sink-

ings of the award were made at the Soho Mint, in
Birmingham, also at Calcutta.
A good deal of controversy has arisen over the
ribbon of the medal. None was issued officially, but

many people have argued that the yellow cord, favoured

on former occasions by the H.E.I.C., or a wide yellow
ribbon, was the correct form of suspender a con-
tention which seems very reasonable. Others claim
that the red ribbon with blue edging had become
associated with all medals worn in England after the
Peninsular War, and was, therefore, the correct kind of
support. In furtherance of this argument it may be
stated that a bust of Lord Harris, who commanded
at Seringapatam, was shown in the Royal Military
Exhibition, held at Chelsea in 1890. Around the neck
of the noble lord hung the golden piece, and the ribbon
that supported it was red, edged with blue. Lastly,
there were people who favoured a plain red ribbon,
but we can find no evidence to show that this pattern
was ever authorised or suggested officially.
Seringapatam medals are to be seen with fair

frequency. Here is a list of average prices

L s. d.
Officer's gold medal, mint condition . .
52 o o
Silver-gilt piece in protective glazed
gold frame 15 15 o
Ditto, as issued .. .. .. . . n n o
Silver piece with added suspender . . 600
Copper-bronze piece, fine condition . . 200
Tin piece, according to condition . .
15$ to i.

It must be noted that silver specimens are sometimes

gilded by unscrupulous dealers.
The Egyptian Medal. In 1798 Napoleon made his
notorious descent on Egypt with the idea of
our communication with the East. How he was beaten

by Nelson at the Battle of the Nile, how Sir Sidney

Smith harassed his forces in Palestine, and how
Abercromby's men routed his army at Alexandria are
matters of common knowledge. Here we are alone
concerned with the soldiers who, under Major-General
Baird, sailed from India, landed at Kosseyr, on the Red
Sea, and marched across the desert to Rosetta. These
H.E.I.C. forces were, by an order dated 1802, granted a
medal which, however, was not issued until 1812.
In that year sixteen gold and 2199 silver pieces
were struck (at a total cost of 5519.8 rupees). The
obverse reveals a sepoy displaying the Union flag.
Behind him a battle rages, and tents are to be seen in
the distance. The exergue bears a long Persian inscrip-
tion which reads, This medal has been granted as a
memorial of the defeat of the French army in Egypt by
the victorious and brave English Army. The reverse
gives a ship at sea, the Pyramids and an obelisk, also
the date MDCCCI.
Both the gold and silver medals for Egypt command
high prices. Baldwin's catalogue recently gave the
following entry :

Egypt, 1801. Captain's, diameter 17 in., heavy

swivel suspender, chased clasp inscribed Egypt,
and gold buckle engraved Alexandria 2ist
March, 1801." Said to have been granted to a
Captain Vernon of the Madras Army.
Very fine, 15 los.
The Medal for Rodriguez, Bourbon, and Mauritius,
1809-10. During the Napoleonic wars it became
imperative to protect British merchant shipping against
the attacks of French vessels which infested the trading
routes to the East. Certain enemy ships made sallies
from ports in the islands mentioned above and, accord-
ingly, it was deemed advisable
to reduce these strong-
holds. A British force aided by certain battalions of

sepoys, captured Rodriguez and Bourbon and

in 1809,

Mauritius in the following year. The English soldiers

received no medallic reward for their services (at the

time), but the Indian regiments were provided with

H.E.I. C. decorations, according to the following Order
in Council :

On this occasion of the approaching return from
the late French islands of the Volunteers from Bengal,
Fort St. George and Bombay to the Presidencies to
which they respectively belong, His Excellency the
Vice-President in Council considers it to be no less an
act of justice than of indispensable duty to record the

high sense he entertains of the services performed by

the Native Soldierywho were employed in concert with
His Majesty's Troops in the reduction of the Islands of
Rodriguez, Bourbon and Mauritius.
"He is pleased to signify his approbation of the
distinguished merits of the Volunteers by conferring
honorary medals on all the Native Commissioned and
Non-Commissioned Officers, Troopers and Sepoys,
Gaulundauze and Gun Lascars employed on that
We wonder if His Majesty's Troops, who received no
medal had the opportunity of
for their services, ever

learning that the Vice-President considered that the

granting of a suitable award was an act of justice and an
indispensable duty !
The medal was struck in gold and silver. The
obverse gives a sepoy
holding an English flag and a
musket. Beneath his feet is a French and
behind him appears the sea. The reverse bears the

legend, Rodriguez VI. July. MDCCCIX. Bourbon VIII.

July 6- Isle of France III. Dec. MDCCCX., and a
Persian inscription which is framed by a laurel wreath.
We have only seen one copy of this medal for sale ;
its pricewas fourteen guineas (struck in silver). As it
is a somewhat uncommon item, it may be of interest
to say that a specimen is to be seen in the British
The capture of Java, like
The Java Medal, 1811.
the islands just mentioned, was necessary for the
safety of British shipping. The H.E.I.C. troops,
under Sir Samuel Achmuty, took part in the campaign,
and over a hundred gold and six thousand silver medals
were afterwards bestowed on them.
The front face of this award bears a fine battle

scene, depicting a sepoy regiment taking Fort Cornelis

by storm. (The capture of this fort, we may mention,
decided the success of the campaign.) Flying from the
fort is the Union flag, above a Dutch tricolour, an

arrangement which seems a little previous since the

sepoys are still fighting valiantly. The under face
bears a Persian inscription and the legend, Java con-
quered. XXVI. August MDCCCXI.
award may be obtained at
Silver pieces of the Java

prices ranging from ten and fourteen pounds.

The Nepaul Medal was given to the troops of the
chartered company who fought against the invading
Gurkhas in the years 1814-16. Silver pieces were,
alone, struck.
The obverse shows a hilly, fortified country in the
distance, and a number of bayonets and cannon peeping
into view, close at hand. The latter cleverly suggest a


Fig. i . Medal for the Battle of Maida.
Fig. 2. The Hon. East India Company's Medal for Mysore.
Fig. 3. The Hon. East India Company's Medal for Seringapatam.
Fig. 4. The Hon. East India Company's Medal for Egypt.

Fig. i. The Peninsular Gold Cross.

Fig. 2. The Military General Service Medal. Obverse.
Fig. 3. The Military General Service Medal. Reverse.

3 a

powerful unseen force in the act of marching against

strong hostile emplacements. The reverse gives a
Persian inscription, which states that the medal is

granted by the Nawab Governor-General Bahadar

for meritorious service in the hills, in the years of

Hegira 1229-30. A yellow cord was provided for

In the case of the Nepaul award, pieces were only
given to officers and such of the rank and file as con-
ducted themselves with conspicuous bravery. It is
thus a rare item, and specimens are seldom to be pur-
chased. We do not think that a copy is to be found in
the British Museum.
The Burmese Medal o! 1824-6 was one of the last
campaign awards struck by the authority and at the
expense of the H.E.I.C. It was fashioned in silver for

general distribution to the native forces, but one gold

copy was struck for presentation to Sir Archibald
The obverse shows the forepart of an elephant, in
an attitude of submission, crouching before a lion.
Behind the the flag of Britain, flying in the breeze,
lion is

whilst behind the elephant is the drooping peacock-

banner of Burmah. The elephant of Ava submits to
the lion of England, year 1826, is the inscription, in
Persian, which fills the exergue. The reverse gives a
detachment of troops advancing towards a pagoda
whilst, in the exergue, we may note the Persian in-
scription, The victorious standard of the English
upon Ava. The ribbon is crimson with bine edges.
Copies of this award are to be had for four or five
guineas. It is sometimes listed in catalogues as the
H.E.I.C.'s Ava medal.
I The Coorg Medal ol 1837* was struck in small

numbers who
for presentation to the native soldiers

fought nobly and courageously when suppressing the

insurrection in Canara.
A Coorg soldier with native weapons in his hands
fills the obverse, whilst the reverseis devoted to a trophy

of arms.
The medal was struck in gold and silver, copies of
the former having realised 40 at auction ; the latter
sell for a quarter of this sum.
Beyond the awards here described the Chartered
Company bestowed many individual pieces on men of
rank and soldiers who performed exceptional deeds,
as well as Meritoriousand Long Service medals on such
native soldiers as earned them. All such medals are
of considerable interest, and usually command high


* It is debatable whether this medal should be ascribed to

the East India Co. or to Governmental activity.



DETAILED account of the campaign in the

A Peninsula would be out of place in such a

work as this, especially as the reader who
wishes to refresh his memory may turn with ease and
profit to Napier's famous History of the Peninsular
War." Here it is say that the fighting
sufficient to

began in August, 1808, with the Battle of Rolica,

officially written Roleia in imitation of a mis-spelt
dispatch, and terminated with Toulouse on April 10,
1814. The cause of the war will be found in Napoleon's
attempt to strangle British commerce. Portugal, at
the time in question, was the only avenue by which our
merchandise could reach the continental markets and,
accordingly, Junot was directed to bar the passage, and
" "
so bring about the ruin of the nation of shopkeepers
an expression which, by the way, is attributed to
Napoleon, but was coined by Adam Smith when the
great Frenchman was only six years old. The way for
Junot into Portugal lay through Spain, and permission
to lead the French troops across this strip of neutral
territory was easily obtained from the weak Spanish
king, Charles IV. On reaching Lisbon, Junot found
that the members of the Portuguese royal families had
fled to Brazil, preferring to lose their heritage than their
heads. Success of arms in Portugal and diplomatic

intrigue in Spain paved

the way for a wholesale occupa-
tion of both countries of the Peninsula by the French
hordes. The situation was meekly accepted by
Charles and his government at Madrid, but in the

provinces a spirited attack

was directed against the
invaders. The junta of the province of Asturias led
impassionately declared war on
the way and
powerful adversary, at the. same time begging the
British to come to their aid. This call to arms was
01 the ensuing half-
quickly answered, and the incidents
dozen years are responsible for the awards which we
shallnow proceed to describe.
The Peninsular Circular Medal. When the war had
been raging for a third of its allotted span, the home
authorities decided to strike a gold medal for distribu-
tion among those officers who had actually faced the foe.
The regulations affecting the award were of a reason-
able character as far as they went, but as the rank and
filewere ignored, we can only think that class-distinc-
tions once more blinded the authorities to their duty.
The gold medals were circular and of two sizes,
though of one pattern. The larger pieces, which were
two inches across, were given to general officers, whilst
the smaller ones, a trifle bigger than a shilling piece,
went to such commanding officers of corps as were not
of rank inferior to lieutenant-colonels. The former
medals were made to hang around the neck by means of
a crimson ribbon with blue edges, the latter were
provided with a short length of the same ribbon and a
buckle * for fixing to the coat button-hole. Wellington
* These may have been added privately, but, none the less, were
generally worn.
did not favour the method of suspension decided on for
the larger pieces. It is all right, he said, for an admiral
on the quarter deck, but what about the officer who has
to gallop to and fro in the field ?
The medal bears on the obverse " Britannia sitting
in that part of the globe called Spain and Portugal,

reposing after a victorious battle. In her left hand she

holds a palm-branch as an emblem of Victory, and in
her right she presents a
crown of laurel to the meri-
torious officer, as a reward
for his great skill and valour
by which he has deserved
well of his Country." The
reverse gives a circular
laurel wreath, within which
is inscribed the name of a
battle, with the date. As
the pieces were struck to-
wards the end of 1810, it
was only possible to in-
scribe them, at first, with
Peninsular Gold Medal.
the names of Roleia, Vi-
miera, Corunna and Talavera, but later the following
were added :

Sahagun, Benevente, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Bu-

saco, Barrosa, Fuentes d'Onor, Albuera, Java, Ciudad
Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Fort Detroit, Chateau-
guay, Vittoria, San Sabastian, Nivelle,
Chrystler's Farm, Nive, Orthes and Toulouse.
Some of these engagements were fought outside the
Peninsula, as, for instance, Fort Detroit, and, therefore,
it can only be claimed that the name of the award, the
Peninsular Gold Medal, serves in default of a better
This Peninsular decoration, it is well to note, was
the first British award any kind to be provided with

bars. As we have already indicated, the engagement

for which the piece was gained was engraved on the
reverse face of the medal. Second and subsequent
engagements revealing meritorious service were in-
scribed on bars fixed to the ribbon.The bars were very
ornate the name appeared centrally, and around it

was given a wide band of laurel leaves of an attractive

The Peninsular Gold Cross. As the number of the
engagements multiplied, it became evident that a
recipient of the gold medal might be put to serious
inconvenience if he were required to wear his decoration
with a long string of bars attached. Wellington, for
instance, gained no less than twelve mentions subse-
quent to the first, which meant that were he to wear one
of the circular medals with a dozen bars his decoration
would be, at least, a foot long.
In order to lighten the burden of glory imposed
upon the most meritorious officers, and at the same time
to render them distinctive, a gold cross was provided,
and the method of awarding the circular medal was
simultaneously revised. In the month of October,
1813, it was decided to give the circular medal for the
firstmention, a bar for the second, and another bar for
the third mention. When four mentions had been re-
ceived, the medal was replaced by the cross, to which
bars were added as occasion arose.
The Peninsular Gold Cross is of the Maltese variety,
and bears a lion, facing right. It is more than probable
that this decoration suggested the pattern for the
Victoria Cross. In each of the four limbs the name
of an engagement is inscribed, whilst the edges of the
limbs are laureated. An ornamental ring and clasp join
the cross to a crimson ribbon with blue edges.
As may be surmised, Wellington received the award
with the greatest number of bars he was given the

cross with nine bars. To other officers, two crosses

with seven bars were given, three crosses with six bars,
seven crosses with five bars, eight crosses with four
bars, seventeen crosses with three bars, eighteen
crosses with two
bars, forty-six crosses with one bar,
and sixty-one crosses with no bars. Eighty-five large
gold medals' were issued and five hundred and ninety-
five small gold ones. One hundred and forty-three
bore one bar, and seventy-two bore two bars, leaving
four hundred and sixty-nine medals without bars or

very difficult to say with any precision what the
It is
Peninsular medals and crosses are worth to collectors,
for the status of the original owner and the particular
selection of bars, if any, greatly influence the value.
However, we are able to append the following figures
which will at least give some idea of the prices at which
these valuable decorations may be obtained :

i. A group of four awards engraved with the

name of Lieutenant-Colonel Russell Manners, 74th
Foot :

(a) A gold cross inscribed Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad

Rodrigo, Badajoz and Orthes.
(b) A gold medal for Fuentes d'Onor with bars for
Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz.
* "
Augustus Steward, War Medals and their History."
(c) A Peninsular silver medal awarded by Queen
Victoria in 1846-7, with three bars.

(d) A gold badge of the Order of the Bath.

The group realised 600. [Item (c) may be roughly
valued at 305., and item (d) at 8.]
2. Another group awards engraved with the
of four
name of a lieutenant-colonel in the King's Royal
Rifles :

(a) A gold cross inscribed Vittoria, Nivelle, Orthes

and Toulouse.
(6) A gold medal for Vittoria with bar for Nivelle.
(c) A Peninsular silver medal awarded by Queen
Victoria, with eleven bars.
(d) A gold badge of the Order of the Bath.
The group realised 405. [Item (c) may be con-
sidered cheap at 10, whilst item (d) would be worth
about 8.]
The two groups realised the figures stated at auction.
The disparity in prices is due in the main to the varying
amount of interest and competition prevailing at the
sale, also to the fact that the gold medal in the first
case possessed two bars and one in the second, and that
the engagements in Group i are generally of a more
attractive character than those in Group 2. The
status of the original owners may be omitted from the

reckoning in these particular instances.

3. A Peninsular gold cross with three bars (seven
engagements in all). Awarded to a lieutenant-colonel.
Price 370.
4. A
large Peninsular gold medal awarded to a
brigadier-general, inscribed Talavera. Price 215.
(This high figure was the subject of much comment at
the time of the sale.)
5. A small Peninsular gold medal inscribed
Salamanca, with two bars for Orthes and Talavera.
Price 115.
6. Another inscribed Fuentes d'Onor. The bidding
at the sale rose to 95, but the piece was withdrawn as
there was a reserve price of 100.

7. Another, inscribed Orthes. Price 81.

8. Another, inscribed Vimiera. Price 72.
It was a practice among certain of the recipients of
the cross to provide themselves with facsimiles of their
awards, and to wear these instead of the originals. In
this way, the risk of losing the actual piece was over-
come. Such imitations were usually made of a base
metal with a gilt surface, the underside being plain.

Though such pieces fall considerably short of the

originals in point of intrinsic and
extrinsic value, they
are none the less of great interest, and are well worth
the collector's attention if offered at an attractive
price. Somewhere in the neighbourhood of 5 may be
looked upon as a reasonable figure.
Military General Service Medal. As we have
indicated already, the rank and file fought through the
Peninsular and gained no medallic award for their
services,although the officers of high position were
provided with gold crosses and circular pieces. If we
wade through the literature of the years which followed
this great conflict, we shall find constant references to
the discontent that prevailed as a result of the invidious
distinction drawn between the soldier of high and low

degree. The which was made the

conflict of opinion

subject newspaper campaigns and parliamentary


squabbles was in no wise a battle between the classes.

Gallant officers were in many cases just as eager that
the humble soldier should have a reward as the men
were themselves. It was a superior and detached
group of army and government leaders who
vetoed the
award, and this coterie was led by no less a person than
the Duke of Wellington.
To the Duke every Englishman owes a great debt,
for Britain different place to-day had
would be a very
not his splendid generalship been forthcoming in the
hour of need. We
also know that tears rolled down his
cheeks when he viewed the dead after Badajoz ; so
that, all things considered, we must acknowledge his
humane disposition. But once the campaign was over
and the men had returned to their homes he seems to
have spoken of the soldiers who did their duty under
the most trying circumstances in a way which was

contemptible. Many remarks fell from his lips which

clearly show that he had forgotten to whom honour
was due.
After the question of awarding junior officers and
men had been the subject of many bitter quarrels, the
Duke of Richmond took up the matter with commend-
able energy and attracted the sympathies of Queen
Victoria. As a result, Her Majesty entered into a long
correspondence with the Duke of Wellington, endeavour-
ing, so it seems, to win him over to the side of tolerance,
a needless though generous and tactful action on her
part. The Queen," she wrote, " thinks this wish (of
the soldiers to have a Peninsular medal) very reason-
able, considering that for recent exploits of infinitely
inferiorimportance such distinctions have been granted
by her."The Duke answered Your Majesty and

your Majesty's servants must be the best judges upon

this point, as well as whether the medal in
shall be struck and granted at all or not." Nobody can
claim that this reply revealed any strong desires on the
part of the Duke to see the men receive their due
reward. The Queen diplomatically replied The :

Duke should certainly be relieved from the appearance

of having refused honours to others, but agreed to the
granting of them the moment it was intended to couple
the measure with an honour conferred upon himself.
On the other hand, the Queen wishes the step to be
taken." And the step was taken.
In 1848 the circular Military General Service Medal
was struck in silver and given to all soldiers of whatever
rank who took part in the Peninsular Campaign. The
official name of the medal, with its abbreviation

M.G.S.M., was selected, as certain engagements honoured

by it were fought outside the Peninsula. In cases
where the actual fighters had died in the interval
between the campaign and the granting of the award
and many thousands had so passed away the next-of-
kin could lodge a successful claim for the medal.*
The obverse bears the famous profile of Queen
Victoria by William Wyon, which we shall speak
later, with the date, 1848, placed beneath the head.
The reverse shows the Queen, on a pedestal, placing a
wreath on the head of the Duke of Wellington, who
kneels at her feet. A tiny recumbent lion is seen by the
side of the pedestal. To the British Army and the years,
1793-1814, are inscribed on this face of the medal.
The following bars were given with the decoration :

EgyPt (granted under a special order of February 12,

1850 two years after the medal was struck), Maida,
Curiously enough this privilege, we understand, was not
extended to the cases where the award was for Egypt alone.
Roleia, Vimiera, Sahagun, and Benevente (Sahagun and
Benevente besides figuring on separate bars are also
to be found together on one bar) Corunna, Martinique,

Talavera, Guadaloupe, Busaco, Barrosa, Fuentes d'Onor

(the Fountain of Honour), Albuera, Java, Ciudad
Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Fort Detroit, Chateauguay,
Vittoria, Pyrenees, St. Sebastian, Nivelle, Chrystler's
Farm, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Recipients of the
medal were informed that all bars were to be worn in
the same sequence as the engagements, the earliest bar
being placed nearest the medal, then working upwards.
The ribbon directed to be worn with the M.G.S.M.
is deep crimson with blue edges.
The design of both the obverse and reverse has
given rise to a certain amount of comment. Old
soldiers who had waited so long and grumbled so much
were not at all pleased to find the figure of Wellington
appearing on the belated award. Then, again, the
date inscribed on the exergue, 1793-1814, requires
some explanation, seeing that the Peninsular Campaign
opened in 1808 and closed in 1814. Even if we check
the dates of the engagements, as given on the bars,
the period only embraces the years 1801-14. It is
supposed that certain earlier engagements were sug-
gested in the first place but were cancelled whilst the
die was in process of completion. The head of Queen
Victoria appearing on a medal for the Peninsular is
another point that has been the subject of comment, but
the reader who has noted the facts, as stated above,
will see nothing peculiar in this.
Military General Service medal makes a very
acceptable addition to our collection. It is rare when

provided with a bar for Chrystler's Farm or Fort


Detroit, or when awarded to a member of the Navy or

Royal Marines. One bar medals average about
2 los. a piece, but, curiously enough, one bar medals
for Sahagun, Ciudad Rodrigo, Nive and Pyrenees have
been known to sell at higher figures than two or three
bar medals on which these engagements appear in
company with others. Exceptional prices have been
realised for the following 13 bars, 30
12 bars, 36 ;

10 bars, 50 ; another with 10 bars, 38 ;

8 bars,

23 i os. ; 7 bars, n guineas. Perhaps it may be of

interest to the modest collector to add that the specimen

reposing in our own cabinet has one bar for Toulouse,
and was bought for i8s.
Collectors who become attracted to Peninsular
awards, and who intend to give special attention to this
group, should look out for unusual combinations of
bars and for pieces awarded to sections of the Army
that either performed brilliant service or were repre-
sented by a handful of men. Napier's history, men-
tioned earlier, and Fortescue's History of the British
Army," will render much help in this pursuit. The
collector will also be well advised to search for awards
struck by continental powers during these years of
unrest. Many such pieces are available. As a rule,
they are expensive, and rightly should be, but as most
enthusiasts in this country pass them over in favour
of British awards, opportunities do occur of picking
them up at ridiculous prices.
The Portuguese Gold Cross is perhaps the most
interesting decoration coming under this head. It is a

weird-shaped star, having an engagement inscribed on

each ray. As the number of engagements varied
according to the service of the recipient, so the number
of rays was determined. The obverse reveals a cameo
profile of the King
of Portugal in a central medallion,
whilst this position is filled, on the reverse, by the
the commander to whom it was granted. A
initials of

number of British officers were presented with this cross.

The Portuguese Officers' Cross is another highly-
prized decoration which British received for

service in the Peninsula. It was struck in gold for

presentation to those who had taken part in three or

more engagements and in silver for a lesser number of
encounters. The piece has four slender limbs linked
together by a circular laurel wreath. The centre, on
the obverse, shows a crowned shield charged with the

royal arms of Portugal, whilst, on the reverse, it gives

whatever figure denoted the number of engagements
peculiar to the recipient.
The Spanish Decoration for Vittoria is a curiously
shaped cross of white enamel on which rests a red star.
A laurel wreath, coloured green, runs between the limbs
of the cross, whilst a fairly large crown links up the
ribbon and the decoration, proper. On both faces there
is a central medallion ; in the case of the obverse it is

red, and displays three crossed swords, whilst the

reverse is gold and inscribed, in plain lettering,
Recompensa de la Batalla de Vittoria.
Other pieces available under this head are fairly
numerous as the Spaniards, as well as the Portuguese,
were lavish in their tokens of The
Germans, also, made awards, and if we extend a welcome
to the decorations struck
by the enemy of those days,
we shall have quite an array of continental items to
swell the Peninsular section of our medal collection.


the late afternoon of the first day of March, 1815,

Napoleon, with a handful of French Grenadiers
IN and a host of unmounted Lancers, appeared in
the Gulf of San Juan, whither he had come from Elba.
How he gathered martial strength as the days rolled by
is a matter for the history books to tell, as, indeed, are

the incidents which culminated in the terrible carnage

on that fateful Sunday in June of the same year.
Waterloo was a victory for the English, and the Great
Eagle abdicated.
Eleven days later the House of Commons met to
shower tributes on the triumphant army. This was
no time to discuss the pros and consmedal granting
of :

the occasion demanded a generous and broad-minded

view of such burning questions. Those who had
hitherto denounced the claims of the common
soldier to such awards either held their peace or
modified their old convictions with the result that when
it was suggested that a medal should be struck for
presentation to everybody, from commander-in-chief
to private, who had fought at Waterloo, there were

practically no dissentients.

Figs, i and 2. Obverse and Reverse of the Waterloo Medal
Figs. 3 and 4. Obverse and Reverse of the Naval General
Service Medal.

Fig. i. Kelat-i-Ghilzee Medal. Obverse.

Figs. 2 and 3. The Cabul Medal.
The sequel to this decision is to be found in the
London Gazette of April 23, 1816
" "
The Prince Regent," the notice ran, has been
graciously pleased in the name and on behalf of His

Majesty, to command that in commemoration of the

brilliant and decisive victory of Waterloo, a medal
shall be conferred upon every officer, non-commissioned

officer, and soldier present upon that memorable

His Royal Highness has further been pleased
to command that the riband issued with the medal
shall never be worn but with the medal suspended
to it."
Not only was Waterloo a victory for the English

nation, but the promise of the Waterloo medal was a

win for the English ranker. It was the first award
since the Battle of Dunbar to be received by the soldier
of no name, as Henry V. used to call the ordinary
private, and it was the very first occasion on which
officers and men were given the same identical medal.

For Dunbar, it will be remembered, pieces were struck

in two sizes, and in a variety of metals, but for Waterloo
there was but one size and one metal, which was silver.
This equality of treatment was welcomed not only by
the rank and file, but by most of the soldiers who held
commissions, though the Duke of Wellington was not
among their number. He strongly objected to wearing
the same piece as hung on Tommy Atkins' breast, and
the contemporary newspapers of all political shades
cast their gibes at him in consequence.
The Waterloo medal, which is circular, gives a
laureated head of the Prince Regent
George IV.) with the words George P. Regent on the
obverse and Victory, holding a palm in one hand and
an olive branch in the other, on the reverse. She is
seated on a pedestal inscribed Waterloo, and above her
is the word Wellington.
This piece is the work of T. Wyon and T. Wyon,
junior, members famous
of the family of engravers.
The reverse they obviously adapted from a coin of
Elias in the British Museum.
When issued, the Waterloo medal was provided with
a clumsy steel ring that fastened into an insecure clip,
fixed on the medal. As this device served its purpose
badly, many recipients had steel or silver slotted bars
soldered on to the medal, and through this they threaded
the crimson ribbon with blue edges. Specimens with
altered attachments are, of course, less prized by the
collector than those that appear as issued, though the
amount of depreciation is not great in this case.
The Waterloo medal possesses no bars to affect its
value, and depends, in the main, on present condition,
rank of the recipient, and name of the regiment. When
a regiment filled a specially difficult role or, in any way,
gained distinction, pieces received by it are greatly
prized, as well they might be. Amongst the regiments
the specimens of which are accounted rare, we may
mention the ist (Royal) Dragoons, 2nd Dragoons
(Royal Scots Greys), 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, the
Grenadier Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Scots
Guards, the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, the Gloucester-
shire Regiment, the Black Watch, the
Queen's Own
Cameron Highlanders, and the Gordon Highlanders.
The following list of prices will serve to give the
reader an approximate idea of the worth of the medal,
but, as much depends on the actual condition of a
specimen, and such can only be indicated here in a
general way, we are conscious of the limited value of
such a compilation. (All are with original loop, and
for privates unless otherwise stated) :

L *. *
2nd Life Guards, mint . . . . . .
4 15 o
ist Dragoon Guards, fine . . . .
2nd Dragoons, mint . . . . . . o
8 10
Another, fair only . . . . . .
6th Dragoons, average . . . . . . 800
7th Hussars, good . . . . . .
loth Hussars, very good . . . .
I2th Lancers, average 440
I5th Lancers, fine . . . . . .
4 15 o
i6th Lancers, fine . . . . "". .
4 10 o
i8th Hussars, fine . . . . . .
23rd Light Dragoons (disbanded), fine 550
Royal Artillery, mint . . . . . .
3 15 o
Grenadier Guards, fair . . . . . .
3 15 o
Coldstream Guards, fair . . . .
Scots Guards (2nd Batt.), fair . .
ist Royal Scots, fine . . . . . .
4 10 o
4th King's Own, average . . . . 2 15 o
i4th West Yorkshire, fair . . . . 2 10 o
Another (rank of ensign), fine . . 8 17 6
23rd Welsh Fusiliers, fine . . . .
3 10 o
27th R. Inniskilling Fusiliers. Good
specimens have fetched as much as 20 o o
3oth East Lanes, (rank of sergt.), mint 700
32nd Duke of Cornwall's (rank of

corporal), fine .. .. .. 3 15 o
33rd Duke of Wellington's, fine . .
3 15 o
4oth South Lancashire, average . .
42nd Black Watch. Good specimens s . d.

have sold for as much as . . . .

15 o o

79th Cameron Highlanders, average . . 850

Another (rank of paymaster-sergeant),
fine 14 o o

Royal Waggon Train (rank of officer),

fine 20 5 o
German Regiments. (Specimens
awarded to, are worth from i to 2,

unless in some way unusual).

A specimen impressed on the edge with
the inscription, The Master of the
Mint to H.R.H. the Duke of Kent,
K.G.," in a mint state, sold some
little time ago for 5 10 o

Pistrucci's Medal for Soon after the


victory of Waterloo, the Prince Regent became desirous

of presenting a special medal commemorating the
downfall of Napoleon to the sovereigns of the allied

countries, as well as to the Duke and

of Wellington
Blucher. The occasion, he thought, merited an award
of unusual excellence and, accordingly, the foremost
artists of the day were consulted in the matter. The
Prince suggested that the designs for the piece should
be thrown open to competition, but his advisers were
the opinion that nobody was more competent to
all of

do the work than Flaxman (1755-1826). The latter

was approached and agreed to undertake the task,
which he did, and, in due course, his designs were
handed to Benedetto Pistrucci, an Italian, who filled
the office of Chief Medallist to the Mint. Pistrucci, being
an expert engraver, was asked to cut the
necessary dies
after Flaxman's designs, but this he was unwilling to
do, protesting that it was unreasonable to expect a
talented man, as he was, to subjugate his art to that
of another. The proper course, we think, would have
been to seek for some other medallist who would not
have objected to do homage to Flaxman, but the
Prince submitted to the will of the foreigner and com-
manded Pistrucci to make fresh designs and provide
the necessary dies. For this he was to have 3500.
We now come to the most curious part of the story.

Thirty years after Pistrucci was commissioned to do

the work, he handed in the dies to the Lords of the
Treasury !
By then, every one of the allied sovereigns
was dead, and Blucher had met the grim ferryman."
Wellington, alone of the intended recipients, was alive.
Nor was this all foreign diplomacy had materially

altered in the three decades that had elapsed and,

where favours might be showered in 1819, they could
not be in 1849. The medal was, therefore, abandoned.
We have searched through the literature of the time
in the hope of finding some mention that might explain

why the Italian engraver was induced to trifle with his

commission. Our labours have been fruitless, except
for the discovery of a short paragraph in an obscure

print which, under the date of 1819, poked fun at the

arrogant foreigner." Was Pistrucci actuated by a
sort of revenge ? Was
he over-sensitive regarding his
critics, or did not his labours at the Mint allow him
do this extra work ? We cannot
sufficient leisure to
answer the questions.
Undoubtedly, the medal was a masterpiece. A
British Museum catalogue describes it as follows :

Obverse. Jugate busts, left, laureated, of the
Prince Francis II., Emperor of Austria,
Alexander I., Emperor of Russia, and Frederick
William III., King of Prussia on either side, Justice,

left, and Hercules, right, seated ; above, the Sun in

quadriga, left, preceded by Castor and Pollux, and
followed by Iris and Zephyrus beneath, Night in biga,

right ; before her, the Furies behind

her, the Fates.
" and Blucher on horseback,
Reverse. Wellington,
left,guided by Victory between them Wellington :

gallops in advance and Blucher rushes to his aid :

above, Jupiter in quadriga facing, hurling a thunder-

bolt at giants arranged in a circle.
Copper. Size 5-3 inches."
The two dies, we may
say, were never hardened,
though electrotypes have been made and are available
for collecting purposes.
The Hanoverian Medal for Waterloo. It may be
well to remind the reader that the first four Georgian
sovereigns of England, with William IV., ruled the
electorate and kingdom of Hanover, and thus when
Waterloo was fought the Prince Regent held sway over
this small area ofGermany. In this capacity we find
that in 1817 he issued instructions for the grant of a
medal to be distributed to his loyal Hanoverian soldiers
who took up arms in the cause against Napoleon. The
terms of the award were similar to those affecting the
British award, which decreed that all who performed
active service, of whatever rank, were to be honoured.
The medal, which is silver, is now worth about thirty
shillings.The obverse gives a profile of the Prince of a
more pleasing nature than that depicted on the British
Waterloo medal. In this case, he faces left, and, as in
the English piece, his head is crowned with a laurel
wreath. The inscription, Georg. Prinz. Regent. 1815,
runs around the edge. On the reverse face, we find
a cuirass, a couple of flags and some arms, all above the
legend, Waterloo. Jun. XVIII. A laurel spray, and
the words Hannoversch. Tapferkeit, form an outer
circle. The piece is provided with a clip and a large
steel ring almost as great in diameter as the medal itself.

The ribbon is crimson with blue edges, but, unlike the

English ribbon, the silk is watered.
The Brunswick Medal for Waterloo. The duchy of
Brunswick and the kingdom of Hanover were closely
allied in thedays of Waterloo, and the Prince Regent
was, in consequence, called upon to provide medals for
the loyal Brunswickers who fought for him.
In 1818-19 pieces were struck from metal derived
from French cannon, the officers' pieces being gilded.
The front face did honour to Duke Friedrich, who was
killed in one of the engagements. It gives his profile,
in military attire, and cannot be considered flattering.
Around his head appear the words, in German lettering,
Friedrich Wilhelm Herzog. The under face presents a
laurel and oak wreath encircling the figures, 1815. As
in the case of the Hanoverian medal, there is a steel clip
and a fairly large ring for suspension. The ribbon is of
watered blue and yellow silk.
The French Medal for Waterloo. There is a pathetic
interest attached to this medal, as it was struck in
accordance with one of the last requests of Napoleon
before he died in St. Helena, and was given in 1857 to
the veterans of his broken army.
The piece consisted of a circular bronze medallion
surrounded by an almost circular laurel wreath, and
surmounted by a crown and a ring. The medallion, on
the obverse, showed Napoleon's effigy, and, on the
reverse, the inscription, A ses cotnpagnons dc gloirc,
sa dernier epensee, S. Helene, 5 mai 1821 and Campagnes
de 1792 a 1813. He died, it may be added, on the date
mentioned, May 5, 1821. The ribbon is green with pin
stripes of red (as now used for the Croix de Guerre) .

We have no space to write of the remaining German

and Belgian medals issued for this encounter, but
sufficient has already been said to show that the
Waterloo awards form in themselves a small group of
great attraction. If the English medal be sought for

according to regiments, the group will no longer be a

small one, and where the question of expense need not
be studied we suggest this form of collecting.



INDIA, 1799-1826.










* When inches wide = the Military General Service Medal of 1793-18U.
t Also Medals for Afghanistan, 1842 Kelat, 1842; Scinde, 1843 and Stars for Gwalior, 1843,
; ;

and Kabul to Kandahar. 1SS().


medal ranks amongst the most interesting

pieces described in the present work. It was
THIS issued by Queen Victoria in 1848 to honour
the men who had gone unrewarded for the splendid
sea -righting which took place between the years

1793 and 1840 it is thus a companion medal to


the Military General Service award, mentioned in

Chapter III.

The obverse of the piece is identical to that

described for the M.G.S.M. ; indeed, it is probable that
the same die was used in both cases. The reverse

gives a picture of Britannia, with her trident and a

laurel spray, resting on a sea-horse ; there is no lettering
on this face. The ribbon is white with dark blue
Every medal was issued with one or more bars, of
which there were no less than two hundred and thirty
different kinds. These bear the names of battles, the
" "
names of vessels, the words Boat Service followed
by a date, or a date by itself. All these variations are

carefully noted by the connoisseur, and it may be said

that no separate medal has given rise to as much careful
study on the part of collectors as this one. We know a
number of enthusiasts who devote their whole attention
to the piece, to the exclusion of all others.

Below, we give a complete account of all the bars

with their dates and the number of pieces issued in
each case. Such a list will prove invaluable to those
readers who wish to know why any particular bar was
granted, and whether it is rare or not. The rarity of a
piece, we maysay, depends not only on the rank of the
recipient, but on the scarcity of the bar or peculiar
combination of bars.
For engagements, the authorities were

prepared to issue bars, but no claimants came forward

to secure awards, probably because all who were qualified
were dead. In such cases, the engagements figure in
the list which follows with the remark No pieces


June 18, 1793, Nymph. Capture of the French

vessel Clcopatre by Captain Pellew. Four pieces
October 20, 1793, Crescent. Capture of the French
vessel Reunion. 12 pieces issued.
March 7, 1794, Zebra. For running the Zebra along-
side the bastion of Fort Royal at Martinique and

capturing the fort. Two pieces issued.

May 29, 1794, Carysfort. The Carysfort, under
Captain Laforey, re-captured the Castor. No pieces

June i, 1794, 58 vessels engaged. Lord Howe's

victory. 576 pieces issued.
* This
passage has been compiled, chiefly, from data given in
the London Gazette, but Mayo has been consulted, also W. A. Staward.

June 17, 1794, Romeny. For the capture of the

French vessel Sybille, by Captain Hon. Wm. Pagel.
Two pieces issued.
January 4, 1795, Blanche. For capturing the French
frigate Pique. Five pieces issued.
March 13, 1795, Lively. For capturing the French
vessel Tourterelle. Three pieces issued.
March 14, 1795, 22 vessels engaged. For the action
ofVice-Admiral Hotham, in which two French vessels
were captured, in pieces issued.
April 10, 1795, Astrcea. For the capture of the
Gloire. Two
pieces issued.
May 17, 1795, Thetis and Hussar. For an action
with four French vessels and the capture of La Raison
and Prevoyante. Three pieces for Thetis and one for
Hussar issued.
June 9, 1795, Mosquito. For the capture of a
privateer. No pieces issued.
June 17, 1795, seven vessels engaged. For Vice-
Admiral Cornwallis's repulse of a large French fleet.
38 pieces issued.
June 23, 1795, 29 vessels engaged. For Admiral
Lord Bridport's action with a French fleet, and his

capture of three vessels. 201 pieces issued.

June 24, 1795, Dido and Lowestoffe. For an action
with the French vessels, Artemise and Minerve, in which
the latter was captured. One piece for Dido and six
for Lowestoffe issued.

August 25, 1795, Spider. For an action with two

brigs and the capture of one. One piece issued.
March 17, 1796, at Port Spergui. For putting the
batteries out of action and destroying certain small
vessels. Four pieces issued.
April 20, 1796, Indefatigable.
For the capture of
the French frigate Virginia. Six pieces issued.
June 8, 1796, Unicorn and Santa Margaritta. For
an action with La Tamise, La Tribune and La Legere
and the capture of the first two. Four pieces issued for
Unicorn and three for Santa Margaritta.
June 9, 1796, Southampton. For the capture of the
French frigate Utile. Four pieces issued.
June 13, 1796, Dryad. For the capture of the French
vessel Proserpine.Seven pieces issued.
October For the capture of
13, 1796, Terpsichore.
the Mahonesa. Three pieces issued.
December 8, 1796, Lapwing. For an action with
the Decieux and Vaillante, and the capture of the former.
Two pieces issued.
December 1796, Minerve and Blanche.
19, The
firstship captured the Santa Sabina, and the second
fought an action with the Ceres. Five pieces issued to
Minerve and two to Blanche.
January 13, 1797, Indefatigable and Amazon. For
actions off the French coast in which the latter ran

aground and the crew was captured. Eight pieces

issued to Indefatigable and six to Amazon.

February 14, 1797, 23 vessels engaged. The Battle

of St. Vincent. 363 pieces issued.
March 8, 1797, San Fiorenzo. For the capture of
the French vessels, Resistance and Constance. Seven
pieces issued.
March 8, 1797, Nymphe. Six pieces issued.
October n, 1797, 25 vessels engaged. The Battle
of Camperdown. 332 pieces issued.
December 21, 1797, Phoebe. For the capture of the
vessel Ntreide. Seven pieces issued.

April 21, 1798, Mars. For the capture of the

Hercule. 26 pieces issued.
May 6, 1798, Badger and Sandfty. For an action off

the Island of Marcou. Three pieces issued.

July 15, 1798, Lion. For an action with four
Spanish ships and the capture of the Santa Dorotea.
21 pieces issued.
August i, 1798, 15 vessels engaged. The Battle of
the Nile. 351 pieces issued.
August 7, 1798, Espoir. For the capture of the
Genoese pirate ship, the Liguria. One piece issued.
October 12, 1798, eight vessels engaged. For an
action, under Commander Sir J. B. Warren, against a
French fleet and the capture of the Hoche. 81 pieces
October 20, 1798, Fisgard II. For the capture of
the French vessel L'lmmorlalite. Nine pieces issued.
February 28, 1799, Sybille. For the capture of the
French vessel La Forte. 12 pieces issued.
March 18, 1899, Telegraph. For the capture of
L'Hirondelle. No
pieces issued.
May 30, 1799, Defence of Acre. For the defence
ofAcre by Tigre, Theseus and Alliance, under Commo-
dore Sir Henry Smith. Mr. W. Augustus Steward
suggests that the date on this bar should be May 20,
1799. 42 pieces issued.
August ii and 12, 1799, attack on Schiermonnikoog.
The British vessels engaged were the Pylades, Espiegle,
Courier, Latona and Juno. Ten pieces issued.
September 13, 1799, Arrow. For the capture of the
Draak and Gier. Two pieces issued.
October 25, 1799, Surprise. For capturing the
Hermione. Seven pieces issued.
November 6, 1799, Speedy. For successfully defend-
ing a convoy and fighting an action in which a dozen

enemy boats were engaged. Three pieces issued.

November 22, 1799, Courier. For the capture of
the Guerrier. Three pieces issued.
December 26, 1799, Viper. For the capture of the
Furet. Two pieces issued.
February 1800, Fairy and Harpy.
5, For an action
with the French vessel Pallas, which was subsequently
captured. Four pieces issued to each vessel.
March 21, 1800, Peterel. For the capture of the

Ligurienne. Two pieces issued.

March 30, 1800, Penelope and Vinciego. For a
night action with Guillaume Tell, n pieces issued to
the Penelope and two to the Vinciego.
July 8, 1800, 18 vessels engaged. For boarding and
capturing the Desiree. 23 pieces issued.
August 20, 1800, Seine. For the capture of the
French vessel Vengeance. Nine pieces issued.
February 19, 1801, Phoebe. For the capture of the
frigate Africaine. Seven pieces issued.
March 8 to September 2, 1801, 117 vessels engaged.
For service on the Egyptian coast. 626 pieces issued.
April 2, 1801, 38 vessels engaged. The Battle of

Copenhagen. 589 pieces issued.

May 6, 1801, Speedy. For the capture of the Gamo.
Seven pieces issued.
July 12, 1801, ten vessels engaged. For an action
in the Gut of Gibraltar." 152 pieces issued.
September 28, 1801, Sylph. For an action with the
Artemise. Two pieces issued.
October 28, 1801, Pasley. For the capture of the
Rosario. Three pieces issued.
March 31, 1804, Scorpion and Beaver. For an
action and capture of certain vessels. One piece issued
to Scorpion and none to the Beaver.

September 18, 1804, Centurion. For an action with

the French vessels Marcngo, Atalante and Semillantc.
ii pieces issued.

February 3, 1805, Arrow and Acheron. For the

most gallant protection of British merchant ships when
attacked by French vessels. Eight pieces issued to the
former and two to the latter vessels.
February 14, 1805, San Fiorenzo. For the capture
of the French vessel Psyche. 11 pieces issued.
August 10, 1805, Phoenix. For the capture of the
French vessel Didon. 25 pieces issued.
October 21, 1805, 33 vessels engaged. The Battle
of Trafalgar. 1710 pieces issued.
November 4, 1805, eight vessels engaged. For the
capture of four French vessels. Eight pieces issued.
February 6, 1806, 11 vessels engaged. The Battle
of St. Domingo. 410 pieces issued.
March 13, 1806, Amazon and London. -For the
capture of Marengo and Belle Poule. 27 pieces issued to
Amazon and 28 to London.
March 26, For the capture of the
1806, Pique.
French vessels Phaeton and Voltigeur. Seven pieces

April 17, 1806, Sirius. For an action with a French

flotilla offCivita Vecchia. 12 pieces issued.
July 19, 1806, Blanche. For the capture of the
Guerriere. 22 pieces issued.
August 23, 1806, Arethusa and Anson. For the
capture of the Spanish vessel Pomone. Six pieces
issued to the Arethusa.
January i, 1807, four vessels engaged. For the
capture of Curafoa.
January 3, 1807, Pickle. For the capture of La
Favorite. One piece issued.
August 6, For an attack on the
1807, Hydra.
batteries at Bergur and the capture of L' Eugene and
Caroline. Ten pieces issued.
August 15, 1807, Comus. For the capture of a
Danish vessel. Ten pieces issued.
October 28, 1807, Louisa. For an action with a
French privateer. One piece issued.
November 4, 1807, Carrier. For the capture of
L'Actiff. One piece issued.
November 24, 1807, Ann. For an action with ten
Spanish gunboats and a lugger privateer. No pieces
March 2, For the capture of the
1808, Sappho.
Danish vessel Admiral Yawl. Five pieces issued.
March 8, 1808, San Fiorenzo. For the capture of
the French vessel Piedmontaise. 16 pieces issued.
March 13, 1808, Emerald. For the damage done
to the batteries at Vivero. 12 pieces issued.
March 14, 1808, Childers. For an action with the
Danish vessel Lougen. Four pieces issued.
March 22, 1808, Stately and Nassau. For the
destruction of a Danish battleship. 25 pieces issued
for the Stately and 37 for the Nassau.

April 4, 1808, three vessels engaged. For an action

off Rota. 20 pieces issued.
April 24, 1808, Grasshopper and Rapid. For
valuable service at Faro. One piece issued to each

May 7, 1808, Redwing. For an action with Spanish


gunboats and effecting their destruction. Seven pieces


May 19, 1808, Virginie. For the capture of the

Dutch vessel Guelderland. 21 pieces issued.
May 31, 1808, Redwing. For the destruction of
Tarifa Battery and capturing two vessels. Five pieces

July 6, 1808, Seahorse. For the capture of the

Turkish vessel Badere Zaffer. 35 pieces issued.
August n, 1808, Comet. For an action with French
vessels and the capture of the Sylphe. Five pieces

August 26, 1808, Centaur and Implacable. For a

light with Russian vessels. 38 pieces issued to the
former vessel and 45 to the latter.

November i, 1808, Cruizer. For an action with

Danish vessels off Gottenburgh. Four pieces issued.
November 10, 1808, Amethyst. For the capture of
the French vessel Thetis. 37 pieces issued.
December For action
13, 1808, six vessels engaged.
with the batteries of the Pearl Rock and French vessels.
January i, 1809, Onyx. For the recapture of the
Manly from the Dutch. Six pieces issued.
January 14, 1809, Confiance. For the capture of
Cayenne from the French. Eight pieces issued.
February 10, 1809, Horatio and Supericure. For
the capture of the French vessel Junon. 14 pieces
issued to the Horatio and two to the Superieure.

February 23, 1809, 43 vessels engaged. For the

capture of Martinique. 523 pieces issued.
April 5, 1809, Amethyst. For the capture of the
French vessel Niemen. 28 pieces issued.
April 12, 1809, 35 vessels engaged. For the fight
with a French squadron in the Basque Roads. 646
pieces issued.
April 17, 1809, Pompee, Castor and Recruit. For
capturing a French vessel. The bars are incorrectly
dated June 17 pieces were issued to Pompee,
17, 1809.
four to Castor, and three to Recruit.
June 25 and 27, 1809, Cyane and L'Espoir. For an
action with Ceres and the taking of 18 gunboats. Five

pieces issued to each vessel.

July 6, 1809, Bonne Citoyenne. For the capture of
the French vessel Furieuse. 12 pieces issued.
September n, 1809, Diana. For the capture of the
Dutch vessel Zephyr. Three pieces issued.
December 18, 1809, nine vessels engaged. For
storming the batteries of Anse-le-Barque. 42 pieces

January 10, 1810, Cherokee. For the capture of

the French vessel L'AimaUe Nelly. Four pieces

January 12, 1810, Scorpion. For the capture of

the French vessel L'Oreste. 12 pieces issued.
January and February, 1810, 50 vessels engaged.
For the capture of Guadaloupe. 509 pieces issued.
February 10, 1810, Thistle. For the capture of the
Dutch vessel Havik. No pieces issued.
April 24, 1810, Surly and Firm. For the capture of
the French vessel Alcide. One piece issued to each

April 26, 1810, Sylvia. For the capture of the

Dutch vessel Echo. One piece issued.
May 2, 1810, Spartan. For an action with Ceres
and the capture of the Sparvieve. 32 pieces issued.
May and June, 1810, Royalist. For an action in
the Channel when six French vessels were captured.
Three pieces issued.
July 25, 1810, Thames, Pilot and Weasel. For an
action including destruction and capture of French
vessels at Amanthea. 29 issued.
August 9, 1810, three vessels engaged. For the
capture of the Island of Banda Neira. 69 pieces

September 18, 1810, Boadicea, Otter and Staunch.

For an action with a French squadron in which the
British vessel Ceylon was recaptured. 16 pieces were
issued to Boadicea, eight to Otter, and two to Staunch.
October 14, 1810, Briseis. For the capture of the
Sans-Souci. Two pieces issued.
March 13, 1811, four vessels engaged. For an
action off Lissa. 130 pieces issued.
March 27, 1811. For an action in which British
vessels defended themselves against a Dutch attack
off the islands of Anholt. 40 pieces issued.
April6, 1811, Arrow. For an action with French
and the vessel Chassemarees. No pieces issued.

May 20, 1811, four vessels engaged. For an action,

when two French vessels were captured off Tamatave.
79 pieces issued.
August 18, 1811, Hawke. For the capture of a

convoy and the accompanying French guard ship.

Six pieces issued.
August and September, 1811, 25 vessels engaged.
Capture of the island of Java. 715 pieces issued.
November n, 1811, Skylark and Locust. For an
action with the Boulogne flotilla. Two pieces issued
to each vessel.
November 29, 1811, Alceste, Active and Unitie.
For an action with French frigates at Pelagosa. 64
pieces issued.
February 22, 1812, Victorious and Weasel. For an
action in which the French vessel Rivoli was captured.
Six pieces issued.
March 27, 1812, Rosario and Griffon. For an action
off Dieppe in which two enemy ships were captured.
Six pieces issued to Rosario and three to Griffon.
May 22, and Growler. For the
1812, Northumberland
destruction of the Andromache and Arienne. 62 pieces
issued to the Northumberland and four to the Growler.

May 29, 1812, four vessels engaged. For the

capture of two French privateers off Malaga. 17 pieces

July 6, 1812, four vessels engaged. For the

destruction of four Danish vessels off Mardoe. 48
pieces issued.
July 21, 1812, Sealark. For the capture of the Ville
de Caen. Four pieces issued.
December 29, 1812, Royalist. For the capture of

La Ruse.Three pieces issued.

April 22, 1813, Weasel. For the destruction of six
French vessels in the Adriatic sea. Six pieces issued.
June i, 1813, Shannon. For the famous capture of
the Chesapeake. 49 pieces issued.
August 14, 1813, Pelican. For the capture of the
American vessel Argus. Four pieces issued.
August and September, 1813, 16 vessels engaged.
For an action at St. Sebastian. 292 pieces issued.
October 9, 1813, Thunder. For the capture of the

Neptune. Seven pieces issued.

January 5, 14 vessels engaged. For the

capture of the fortress of Gluckstadt. 45 pieces issued,

January 16, 1814, Venerable and Cyane. For the

capture of two French frigates. 31 pieces issued to the
Venerable and 18 to the Cyane.

February 25, 1814, Eurotas. For the capture of the

French vessel Glorinde. 32 pieces issued.
March 27, 1814, Hebrus. For the capture of the
French vessel L'Etoile.
March 28, 1814, Phcebe and Cherub. For the
capture of the American vessels Essex and Essex Junior.
28 pieces issued to Phcebe and ten to Cherub.
August 17, 1814, eight vessels engaged. For a
successful raid on navigation in the Potomac river.

107 pieces issued.

January 15, 1815, Endymion. For the capture of
the President.

July 24, 1815, Malta and Berwick. For a successful

attack on Gaeta. 89 pieces issued.
August 27, 1816, 22 vessels engaged. The Battle of

Algiers. 1362 pieces issued.

October 20, 1827, n
vessels engaged. The Battle
of Navarino. 1137 pieces issued.
November, 1840, 32 vessels engaged. For the
capture of Acre and operations along the coast of Syria.
6877 pieces issued.


(The figures in brackets denote the number of

pieces issued.)

March 15, 1793 (i). December 20, 1799 (3).

March 17, 1794 (30). July 29, 1800 (4).

May 2, 1797 (3). August 29, 1800 (26).

June 9, 1799 (4). October 27, 1800 (5).
July 21, 1801 (9). June 28, 1810 (24).
June 27, 1803 (5). September 27, 1810 (34).

November 4, 1803 (i).

November 4, 1810 (2).
February 4, 1804 (10).
November 23, 1810 (66).
June 4, 1805 (10). December 24, 1810 (6).
July 16, 1806 (51). May 4, 1811 (10).

January 1-2, 1807 (2). July 30, 1811 (4).

January 21, 1807 (9). August 2, 1811 (10).
April 29, 1807 (i). September 20, 1811 (8).

February 13, (3). 1808 December 4, 1811 (18).

July 10, 1808 (8). April 4, 1812 (4).

August n, 1808 (12). September 1-17, 1812 (24).

November 28, 1808 (2). September 17, 1812 (n).
July 7, 1809 (33). September 29, 1812 (26).
July 14, 1809 (8). January 6, 1813 (21).
July 25, 1809(35). March 21, 1813 (6).
July 27, 1809 (10). April 28, 1813 (2).
July 29, 1809 (11). April and May, 1813 (54).
August 28, 1809 (14). May 2, 1813 (49).
November i, 1809 (117). April 8, 1814 (23).
December 13, 1809 ( Io )- May 24, 1814 (n).
February 13, 1810 (17). September 3-6, 1814 (i).
May i, 1810 (18). December 14, 1814 (117).

The Naval General Service medal rarely fails to

attract attention when sold at auction, but the

prices show a wide range. This is due to the interesting

nature of the award and the varying number of bars
issued for the actions. As the latter considerably
influence the value of a piece, the collector must
remember that a bar is an easy thing to fake, and many
of the Syria specimens, of which there were nearly
seven thousand, have been frequently manipulated to

pass as copies of rarer awards. Where suspicion is

aroused, the collector should safeguard himself by
comparing the bars on the piece with those recorded
against the recipient's name in the official rolls.
The following prices have been realised :

Three bars S. Margaritta, Fisgard, Eurotas.

Four bars June i, 1794, St. Vincent, St. Domingo

and Martinique. 61.

One bar San Fiorenzo.
Three bars Acre, Nile, Egypt, with a Davison's

medal. 40.
One bar : Boadicea. 40.
Two bars :
Sappho, Algiers. 40.
One bar :
Sybille. 40.
Two bars :
Amazon, Boat Service (Jan. 6, 1813).
One bar : Weasel. 36.
One bar :
Nymph. 35.
One bar : Anholt. 31.
Three bars : Nov. 4, 1805, Basque Roads, Boat
Service (Sept. 27, 1810). 26 IQS.
One bar Pompee. : 26.
One bar Comus.
One bar Lion. :
One bar Lapwing.: 21.
One bar Harpy.
: 21.
One bar Capture of the Desiree.
: 20.
One bar Redwing.: 20.
One bar Indefatigable.
17 los.
One bar Arethusa.
17 los.
One bar Venerable.
: 16.
One bar Mars.
Two bars :
Basque Roads, Gaeta. 13.
Three bars :
Trafalgar, Java, Syria. 11.

Three bars :
June i, 1794, Nile, Copenhagen.
10 IDS.
One bar : Gluckstadt. 10 los.
One bar :
Spartan. 10.
One bar : Cherub. 10.
One bar :
Camperdown. 10.
One bar : Nov. 4, 1805. 10.
Two bars :
Trafalgar, Basque Roads (Midshipman).
9 i5s.
One bar : Boat Service (April-May, 1813). g los.
One bar : Boat Service (August 29, 1800). g.
One bar : Boat Service (May 2, 1813). 8.

One bar :
Copenhagen (Midshipman). 8.

One bar :
Cura9oa. 7 55.
One bar : Boat Service (Dec. 14, 1814). 6 los.
Two bars : S. Sebastian, Algiers. 5.
Two bars :
Guadaloupe, Syria. 5.
One bar :
Java. 4 IDS.
Two bars :
Pelagosa, S. Sebastian. {3 los.
One bar :
June i, 1794. 2.

One bar :
Egypt. 2.

One bar : S. Sebastian. 2.

One bar : Navarino. 2.

One bar : St. Domingo. i 155.




is among the British Campaign medals that the

general collector will find his work most arrest-
IT ing, though perhaps bewildering, for here there
is an almost continuous succession of silver * pieces,

each one of which recalls some important encounter

that, in its own time, was vital to our national prestige.
With a representative set of these items we are able to
reconstruct, better than inany other way, our brilliant
Empire Here are medals that were won by
heroic individuals who fought and suffered all the

hardships and toils of modern warfare. Assuredly this

issufficient reason for handling these treasures not only
with care but veneration.
The Waterloo and first Burmah awards have been
described already, and thus we are able to begin,
fittingly, with a brief sketch of the troubles in
In the late thirties, British rule in India seemed to
be menaced by Russian intrigue. Dost Mahommed, a
sovereign ofmuch popularity in Cabul, had welcomed a
mission from Russia, but it is averred that he favoured
* Unless other metals are specially indicated.
the lion rather than the bear. Whether this was so or
not is open to doubt, but the Indian Government was
Dost could not be trusted.
of the definite opinion that

Accordingly, Lord Auckland, with incredible folly,

determined to dethrone him in favour of Shah Shoojah,
who had been exiled from Afghanistan as long pre-
viously as 1809. Wellesley characterised the campaign
which put Auckland's plans into execution as a wild
expedition into a distant region of rocks and deserts,
of sands and ice and snow."
The expeditionary force, accompanied by the ill-
chosen Shoojah, set out in December, 1838, under the
able leadership of Sir John Keane. The journey
brought all manner of hardships, but the goal was
eventually reached, and Shoojah was crowned at
Candahar. The natives evinced little enthusiasm for
the new and many murmured that he owed his

position to British bayonets, which was only too true.

The first real show of disloyalty took place at Ghuznee,
but this was promptly put down by Keane, who stormed
the fortress on July 23, 1839, and reduced it in less
than twenty-four hours, but not without a daring
onslaughtby the Somersets and other home and native
The Ghuznee Medal of 1839. To record his grati-
tude, Shah Shoojah instituted the Order of the Dooranee
Empire, which he bestowed on the higher command.
For all who fought men as well as officers he pro-
posed to issue a silver medal, but before this could be
prepared he was murdered. The Government, however,
proceeded with the plans already set on foot by the
dead ruler and Queen Victoria sanctioned the grant
of the award to all who took part in the operations.
The obverse of this piece bears a fine view of the
Fortress, with the word Ghnznee in a scroll beneath.
The reverse consists of a circular frame of laurel
leaves, within which is a small mural crown, the date
23!) July, 1839, and the recipient's name. (His
regiment is inscribed on the border.)
The ribbon was intended to be green and yellow,
and an award so provided may be seen in the Royal
United Service Museum, but crimson and green were
decided on later.
The metal attachment or clasp is in this case a
straight bar of steel, devoid of any form of ornamenta-
Pieces are worth about 3 when named and in good
condition, but many were issued with no name, and
these may be bought for about thirty shillings. As a
rule, medals given to native regiments are less prized
than those which went to the home forces, and we should
be disposed to give the highest prices for those inscribed
with the name of the I3th (or Somerset) Light Infantry.
The Jellalabad Medals. Trouble in Afghanistan
proceeded, and one of the outstanding incidents of the
campaign was the defence of Jellalabad. Sir Robert
Sale, with a handful of followers, fortified the city and
held it in the face of overwhelming odds. More than
once the supply of provisions almost failed this little

band of heroes, but, when hunger seemed likely to

prove the deciding factor, a sudden sally into the
neighbouring regions would be undertaken with a view
to replenishing the food-stores. In this way, life was
precariously maintained for more than six months, at
the end of which time Major-General Pollock raised the
siege (April, 1842).
Such pluck and determination were worth rewarding,
and much satisfaction resulted when a general order
stated that the garrison was to be honoured with special
medals. The Mint at Calcutta struck the pieces which
are of an extremely severe design.
The obverse shows a large mural crown, surmounted
by the word Jellalabad.
The reverse bears nothing beyond the inscription
VII. April, 1842.
The ribbon is red, white, yellow, white and blue in
rainbow form, one colour merges into another.

The clasp consists of a simple ring and a straight

horizontal bar, hardly thicker than a piece of stout
This medal earned nobody's approval, being
accounted clumsy and ugly by all who saw
As it.

a result, Lord Ellenborough, who succeeded Lord

Auckland, arranged with the London Mint to strike
another piece, and this was ready in 1845. Recipients
of the first award were invited to apply for the second
in exchange for the one already given them, but, strange
made an application, although all had con-
to say, few
demned the original medal in no measured terms.
Thus the London pattern is very rare, whilst the Cal-
cutta issue is much sought after on account of its

checkered history.
The London medal may be described as follows :

Obverse. Wyon's head of Victoria, as given on

the Naval and Military General Service award, but with
the words Victoria Vindex, and no date.
Reverse. A winged figure of Victory holding in
one hand a wreath for the victorious army and a
British flag in the other. In the
exergue, MDCCCXLII.
The ribbon, as before.
The first type of Jellalabad award sells at prices

ranging between 5 10, and

whilst the second type is
rarely offered ior less than 13. It is safe to say that

pieces received by the British forces are considered

more attractive than those won by natives, the latter
being far more numerous.
The Kelat I Ghilzie Medal was given by the
Governor-General of India to about five hundred
defenders of the fortress of Kelat who repulsed an army
of four thousand Ghazees on May 21, 1842, and lesser
hordes subsequently. Most of the recipients were
coloured men, in fact, some fifty English alone were
favoured, they being mostly in the Royal Artillery.
The obverse gives a shield inscribed, Kelat I
Ghilzie, with a small mural crown above and a laurel
wreath around it.
The reverse is filled by a trophy of arms consist-

ing of a helmet, breast-plate, bayonets, colours, etc.,

all resting on a tablet with the legend, Invicta.
The ribbon is of the rainbow pattern, mentioned
The clasp is a straight slotted steel bar with a
hinged attachment.
Pieces were struck in both silver and copper.
The engraver was William Wyon.
It is seldom that the Kelat medal comes upon the
market, and thus its value is more or less doubtful.
Some little while ago, Messrs. Spink and Sons offered a
specimen inscribed with the name of a member of the
4th Compy., 2nd Battery, Royal Artillery, for 25.
The Afghan Medals for Candahar, Ghuznee and
Cabul, 1842. It is difficult to compress into a few lines
the history of the troubles in Afghanistan and, par-
ticularly, in Cabul. Shoojah's ineffective rule paved
the way for Mahommed to gather about him a consider-
able following. On November 2, 1841, the inflamed
Afghans rose up in a body and massacred all the
British they could lay hands on. General Elphinstone,
who had been appointed to the command in Cabul,
was infirm and impaired in health, and quite unequal
to the great task of meeting the difficulties. Generals
Nott and Sale were detained elsewhere. Ten thousand
British and Indians left the district in the hope of get-
ting through the passes to safety. One solitary man,
Dr. Bryden, reached his journey's end. To avenge these
excesses, Major-General Pollock led an army through
the Khyber Pass and relieved Jellalabad (vide supra),
and by September, 1842, had entered Cabul in triumph.
A medal was subsequently issued by the Indian
Government to Pollock's army. There are four
varieties. All are provided with Wyon's head of
Victoria and the simple inscription Victoria Vindex
on the obverse, and all were given the rainbow ribbon
of red, white, yellow and blue. The clasp, in all cases,
was a straight bar with a V projection for attachment.
The differences appear on the reverse, as follows :

I. A laurel wreath and crown encircling the word

Candahar and the year, 1 842. fA warded to General

Nott's army for actions around the town of Candahar,
chiefly to members of the 4oth Regiment, as far as the
home forces were concerned.)
II. A laurel wreath and crown, but inscribed
Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, 1842. (Awarded to that
part of General Nott's army which served throughout
the campaign and accompanied him on the march
from Candahar to Cabul.)
III. Inscription Ghuznee and Cabul (1842), but
in this case a separate laurel wreath encircles each name.

(Awarded to the army which accompanied Nott on his

march from Ghuznee to Cabul.)
IV. This bears the arrangement described for I. and
II., but is inscribed Cabul, 1842. (Awarded to those
who were brought up to Cabul to force its entry.)
It may be well to state that before the above awards
were struck the first China medal had been executed
(see later). On this latter piece, the head of Victoria
was accompanied by the inscription Victoria Regina.
For some unaccountable reason, the die for the China
obverse was used, in a very few cases, for striking the
Afghan obverses, and thus we find instances where the
word Regina figures on the medals instead of Vindex.
Such are unusual and rare.
Though the Afghan 1842 awards represent a good
deal of hard fighting, we have never experienced any
real difficulty in obtaining ordinary specimens of types

I., II. and IV. at fairly low prices. Where special

regiments are sought, or when type III. is required,
considerable sums may be asked. Type III. is worth,
on an average, 10.
The Scinde Medal of 1843. The Scinde War arose
out of the difficulties which beset the Indian Govern-
ment when treating with the Ameers of the border
states. The expedition was commanded by Sir Charles
Napier, who gained two brilliant victories, the first
at Meeanee, on February 17, and the second at

Hyderabad, on March 22. On both occasions, the

enemy forces were considerably greater than those


Fig. i. The Gwalior Star (for Punniar).

Fig. 2. The Sutlej Medal. Reverse.
Fig. 3. The Punjab Medal. Reverse
Fig. 4. The First India General Service Medal. Reverse.
led by Napier, who sustained heavy casualties. At
Meeanee, three thousand Indians and one regiment of
English met thirty-five thousand of the foe, whilst, at
Hyderabad, the enemy were four to one.
The medal for these encounters closely followed the
pattern of those given for Candahar, Ghuznee and
Cabul. Wyon's head of Victoria again appeared but
with the inscription Victoria Regina, whilst a laurel
wreath and crown encircled the battle inscription, as
before. In this case there are three types
I. bears the wording Meeanee, 1843.
II. bears the wording Hyderabad, 1843.
III. bears the wording Meeanee, Hyderabad, 1843.
The ribbon is of rainbow pattern, as before.
Rankers, we understand, were given the medal with
a steel clasp, whilst officers were provided with them in
silver. The colonel of the 22nd Foot, the only English
regiment to receive the award, paid out of his own
pocket for his men to have silver clasps instead of the

clumsy steel attachments. A few English artillerymen

were given the medal, and such pieces should be sought
with the original steel clip.
There was, at one time, some want of understanding
between the home government and the East India
Company as to whether a Scinde medal should be
struck, but the position was made clear by a letter,
written from the Colonial Office, which we quote
" Colonial
Office, Downing Street,
:8th July, 1843.
" The President of the India Board.
I have the honour to acquaint your Lordship

that the Queen, being desirous of commemorating the

signal success obtained by the Force under the command
of Major-General Sir Charles Napier in Scinde, has been

graciously pleased to command that a medal, to

resemble as nearly as possible that proposed for the
troops employed in Afghanistan, should be conferred
upon the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and
Soldiers in Her Majesty's Service, who were engaged
in the Battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad.
Without anticipating the course which the Court
of Directors of the East India Co.
propose to take
for commemorating the success of the Company's

troops in Scinde, I think it nevertheless right to add

that Her Majesty would
readily permit the Officers,
Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Com-
pany's Army to whom the Court of Directors might
think proper to grant Medals in commemoration of the
wear such Medals in all parts of Her Majesty's
Battles, to
I have to remain, etc.

Prices of the Scinde medals vary considerably.

Native awards are less treasured than those given to
the home and we often find that one-name

pieces fetch more than those with two, which is some-

what anomalous. A sprinkling of naval men took
part in the encounter, and their awards are much
The Gwalior Stars of 1843. The state of unrest
along the Indian frontiers had given rise to considerable
apprehension, and the storm clouds gathered late in
1843, when the Gwalior army was reported to be
committing acts of hostility within British territory.
Nana Sahib had been previously deposed without
any reference to the central government. Lord Ellen-
borough considered that the time had come to interfere.
An ultimatum was sent to the Mahrattas, who treated
it with contempt.
Sir Hugh Gough then led a force

against theenemy and fought a desperate battle at

Maharajpoor on December 29, 1843. On the same day,
a second battle took place near Punniar under the
leadership of Major-General Grey.
A victory for the British resulted in both cases, and,
later, the following regiments were decorated : the
9th and i6th Lancers, the Buffs, the 39th and 4oth
Foot, the Queen's Own, and various native forces of
the East India Company.
The decoration, fashioned in Calcutta, consists of a
six-rayed star, the metal being obtained by melting
down cannon captured in the battles under question.
In the centre of the star is a smaller star and a circular
plate of silver inscribedMaharajpoor or Punniar,
2qth Deer. 1843. Gough was given a star with a small
silver elephant instead of a circular plate. The
reverse was inscribed with the name, rank, and regiment
of the recipient.
The star was issued with a brass (?) hook, and was
intended to be slipped into an eye worked on the coat,
but this mode of attachment did not appeal to those
who were the fortunate recipients. As a result, it
became a general thing to fix privately, and quite
without authority, a brass clasp through which a
rainbow ribbon was threaded. All sorts of clasps were
provided, straight slot bars, fanciful curved bars, and
even large circular steel rings were de rigueur. So
universal was this practice of adding to the star that
we cannot recall having ever seen a single decoration
in its original state.
The Gwalior star is not rare :
pieces can often be
bought for half a guinea. Awards of the Lancer
regiments fetch more than the Foot regiments, and both
are more valued than when given to native forces.
With the original hook, the star is, of course, very
The China Medal of 1842. Leaving affairs in India
we must turn our thoughts to China
for a brief space,

during the time when Afghanistan was in a state of

ferment. The opium trade had long given rise to a
condition of strained relationship in Chinese diplomatic
circles, which reflected but little credit on British
merchants. However, Captain Elliot acceded to all
the wishes of the Chinese in the year 1839, one of his
acts being to decree that every chest of opium on board
British trading vessels should be handed over to the

Imperial Government and destroyed. This one act

alone should have been sufficient to convince China
that we were now loyal to her interests, but it had no
such effect. Commissioner Lin knew that our hands
were full with affairs in Cabul, and took advantage of
the situationby enacting that all trade between
England and China should cease for ever. So pre-
posterous an edict was bad enough, but when outrages
were committed on English seamen matters reached
a climax.
A state of war was declared, and a number of forts
were soon captured by our blue-jackets. Things moved
too swiftly for the far-eastern power, and an armistice
was sought, but this was used to gain time in reorganis-
ing the army and strengthening certain fortresses.

Fighting, accordingly, recommenced, and the British

by employing both sea and land forces, brought the
war to a successful close in August, 1842.
The medal, which was given to all who took part
in the fighting, was the first piece to be issued (as
distinct from earned) with the head of Queen Victoria
on the obverse. Here are the full particulars
Obverse. A profile of Queen Victoria by William
Wyon and the words Victoria Regina.
Reverse. A palm tree amidst a trophy of arms in
which the shield of Great Britain figures prominently.
Around the circular edge of this face are the words
Armis Exposcere Pacem. In the exergue, China, 1842.
The clasp is a plain slot bar, but no engagement
bars were issued.
The ribbon is crimson with moderately wide edges
of dull yellowish gold.
The award was distributed to British and Indian
regiments as well as to a considerable force of naval
men. Medals inscribed for the latter section are
probably worth a triflemore than those of the others,
but the difference is seldom great. A minimum price
is ten shillings. As the reverse of this medal was used
subsequently, we must be careful to note the date, 1842,
in the exergue.
The Sutlej Medal. The Sikhs have had a long and
turbulent history, but their military prowess, as far
as it concerns us,
may be said to commence with the
organisation of the native army by Ranjit Singh.
This ruler trained his forces until they became highly
skilled and, being arrogant by nature, there soon came
a time when each man was filled with a desire to
measure his strength against any comer. Ranjit
knew how to handle his army, but when he died, in
1839, there was no one who could control its ambitions.
It wanted to fight, and an enemy must be found. The
Sikhs themselves had beaten the Afghans, and the
Afghans had given the British some hard blows, so
why not invade the fertile lands of the East India
The Sutlej was accordingly crossed on December 12,
1845, and though the British suffered great losses the
campaign resolved itself into four battles, all of which
the enemy lost.

The medal given for this war was the usual circular
silver piece, almost similar in size to a five-shilling
The obverse shows the Wyon profile of Queen
Victoria and the words Victoria Regina.
The reverse is filled by a full-length figure of
Victory, facing left, holding a wreath and a spray of
palm. At her feet are some implements of war, whilst
around her appear the words Army of the Sutlej. The
exergue on this face will be found in four patterns :

(a) is inscribed Moodkee, 1845.

(&) ,, Ferozeshuhur, 1845.

(c] ,, ,, Aliwal, 1846.
(d) Sobraon, 1846.

A soldier serving in only one of these battles was

given a medal with the exergue inscribed with the name
and year of the battle if he served in two or more

battles, his medal bore in the exergue the name and

year of the first engagement, and bars were awarded
for the second and subsequent battles. As has always
been the custom, the bar worn nearest the medal was
for the earliest encounter among those indicated by
bars. The collector will note that the only previous
award to be provided with these added honours was
the officers' Peninsular medal.
Recently we were offered by an obscure dealer a
Sutlej medal bearing the name Aliwal in the exergue
and Ferozeshuhur and Sobraon as bars. This is, of
course, an impossible combination, since Ferozeshuhur
was the earliest of these three battles, and would,
therefore, appear on the exergue and not as a bar.
The dealer adopted a lofty attitude when we pointed
out the impossible nature of his treasure which bore
either a faked bar or a bar belonging to some other

specimen. We have even heard of, but never seen,

a bar for Moodkee, a thing which does not exist
officially, as this battle honour, whenever it was
awarded, appeared on the medal itself.
The ribbon is blue edged with crimson.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern, which was
used on many subsequent occasions.
The price of this medal does not stand high, con-
sidering its age and the number that are still available
for collections. Without a bar, it may be picked up
for ten shillings, but with three added honours a reason-
able figure is three guineas. For special regiments, or
rank above a private, more may be safely paid.
The Punjab Medal. On the conclusion of the Sikh
War of 1845-6, Lord Hardinge, the Governor-General
of India, proclaimed a protectorate, but this proved a
disastrous step. The native council was corrupt, the
Queen-Mother unworthy of respect, and the army still
strong enough to resent defeat." Accordingly, the new
rule began plotting against England almost from the

Fig. i. The Crimea Medal (British). Obverse.
Fig. 2. The Crimea Medal (British). Reverse.
Fig. 3. The Turkish Medal for the Crimea. Reverse.

Fig. I. The Indian Mutiny Medal. Obverse.

Fig. 2. The Indian Mutiny Medal. Reverse.
Fig. 3. The China Medal of 1857-60. Reverse.

beginning and, when Afghanistan promised to lend it

support, lost no time in committing acts of hostility.

This was in 1848. Lord Gough took command of the
British Army, and met the enemy at Mooltan (Sept. 7,
i848-Jan. 2, 1849), Chilianwala (Jan. 13, 1849), and
Goojerat (Feb. 21, 1849). In the latter battle, the Sikh
army was practically destroyed, and the Punjab
suffered annexation.
The Punjab medal was a fina piece of workmanship.
The obverse gives Wyon's head of Victoria and the
inscription, Victoria Regina, as before.
The reverse has a striking tableau of Major-General
Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert (Lord Gough ?), on horse-
back, at the head of a British army. Before him is
the enemy laying down its arms. Flags and palm
trees figure in the background. The inscription is
To the Army of the Punjab. MDCCCXLIX."
The ribbon is deep blue with a stripe of yellow
nearly touching each edge.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern.
The three bars are inscribed Mooltan, Chilianwala,
Goojerat. (It should be noted that the Punjab medal,
shown facing p. 48, displays the bars in an incorrect
order. They happen to be soldered together and
cannot be disconnected. We
understand that the
original owner wore them thus for many years, which
shows that even soldiers are sometimes mistaken as
to how their decorations should be displayed.)
The market price of the Punjab award not high,

though it is a piece which every collector should aim at

securing, if
only for its fine appearance. Specimens
usually command from ten to twenty shillings, according
to the number of bars and the general condition. If
possessing no bars, it is well to examine the piece to see
if it is one of the hundred odd awards bestowed on the

men of the Indian Flotilla who fought at Mooltan and

perhaps elsewhere. If so it is very rare. The 24th
Regiment was almost annihilated at Chilianwala ;

awards that went to these men are much prized.

The India Medal of 1799-1826 appears out of place
in the present sequence, but it was not distributed
until 1851, and, thus, we may rightly refer to it after
the India medals just described. It must be remem-
bered that in the late forties Her Majesty Queen
Victoria decided that a Naval and a Military General
Service medal should be struck, mostly for the sea and
land engagements against Napoleon. Work almost as
strenuous had been performed by the Army hi India
during the first quarter of the century, and on repre-
sentations being made to the Queen by the East India
Company, Her Majesty ordered that the men who had
fought in the contests from Allighur to Bhurtpoor
should be rewarded. The London Gazette for Feb-
ruary 28, 1851, contained the following notice :

" East India

"25 February, 1851.
Her Majesty having been graciously pleased to
assent to a Medal being granted to the surviving
officers and soldiers of the Crown, and of the East India

Company, who were engaged in the several services

enumerated in the following list, notice is hereby given
that general and other officers, non-commissioned
officers and soldiers of the East India Company's Army
who are entitled to this honorary distinction are to

apply for the same to the Secretary to the Council of

Directors of the East India Company, and to send at
the same time in writing a statement of the claim in
what action, and at what period of time, they served,
accompanied by any certificates calculated to sub-
stantiate. the claim.
List of Services for which the India Medal is to be
granted :

Storm of Allighur, September 4, 1803.

Battle of Delhi, September n, 1803.
Battle of Assay e, September 23, 1803.

Siege of Asseerghur, October 21, 1803.

Battle of Laswarree,November i, 1803.
Battle of Argaum, November 29, 1803.

Siege and Storm of Gawilghur, December 15, 1803.

Defence of Delhi, October, 1804.
Battle of Deig, November 13, 1804.
Capture of Deig, December 23, 1804.
WarofNcpaul, 1816.
Battle of Kirkee and Battle and Capture of Poona,
November, 1817.
Battle of Seetabuldee and Battle and Capture of
Nagpoor, November and December, 1817.
Battle of Maheidpoor, December 21, 1817.

Defence of Corygaum, January i, 1818.

War in Ava, 1824-6.
Siege and Storm of Bhurtpoor, January, 1826."

This medal possesses an obverse giving Wyon's

head of Victoria and the words Victoria Regina.
The reverse provides a figure of Victory, seated,

holding in the left hand a wreath and, in the right, a

spray of olive. At her feet are weapons, and behind,
a palm tree. The inscription runs, To the Army of
India. In the exergue^is the date, 1799-1826. (It
should be noted that the above engagements only
cover the period 1803-1826, in spite of the mention in
the exergue.) The artist was Wyon.
The ribbon is a plain pale blue.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern.
The bars represented the encounters mentioned in
the above list of services."
This is a rare medal, as the following quotations,
taken from one of Messrs. Spink and Son's lists, will
show :

One bar: Kirkee (European Regt.). Very fine.

One bar : Poona (ist Batt. and N.I.). Very fine.

One bar : Kirkee and Poona (Sergt. Europn. Regt.).
Very fine. 25.
One bar :
Maheidpoor (Native 31 st L.I.). Fine.

One bar :
Maheidpoor (Native 27th N.I.). Fine.

One bar :
Maheidpoor (Native 2nd 3rd L.I.).
Fine. 15.
One bar :
Nepaul (Surgn. ist N.I.). Very fine.

8 IDS.
One bar : Ava (Lieutenant, 5th Light Cav.). Fine.
One bar: Ava (Captain, 43rd N.I.). Very fine.

One bar : Ava (Leading Man, Liffey "). Very
fine. 3 IDS.
Steward says, Only four medals were issued with
the single bar for Seetabuldee and Nagpore, and one
of these with the edge impressed and verification of
award to a man of the 39th Native Infantry realised
74 at auction. Nineteen only were issued for Assaye,
thirteen for Gawilghur, twenty-six for Maheidpoor,
forty-eight for Laswarree, seventy-nine for Corygaum,
but only a few of any of these to Europeans." Delhi,
Ava, and Bhurtpoor are amongst the commonest items.
First India General Service Medal. In 1852 a
second war arose in Burma which had origin in a its

multitude ofgrievances that between

existed the
British and native traders at Rangoon. When it was
time to issue a medal to those who had taken part in
the campaign, Lord Dalhousie advised the home
authorities to strike a piece which could be re-issued
on subsequent occasions. The past had brought forth
a host of different medals for India, and those in power
were desirous of checking their continued growth in
numbers. Dalhousie's suggestion was welcomed, and
the India General Service medal appeared at the outset
on the breasts of these who had fought in Burma.
It was rendered distinctive from later awards by a bar
for Pegu.
The obverse gives the usual profile, by William
Wyon, of Queen Victoria with the words Victoria
The reverseshows a winged figure of Victory
crowning a seated warrior. The latter is draped as a
classic figure, but we must confess that his features

suggest a person living in the middle of the nineteenth

century, and not a Roman, as is implied by the shape of
his sword. This side of the medal is the work of
L. C. Wyon, son of William (who had died in 1851).
The ribbon is scarlet and deep blue in alternate
stripes of equal width, three of the former and two of
the latter.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern.
The bars, twenty-three in number, are inscribed :

Pegu, Persian North-West Frontier, Umbeyla, Bhootan,

Looshai, Perak, Jowaki 1877-8, Naga 1879-80, Burma
1885-7, Sikkim 1888, Hazara 1888, Burma 1887-9,
Chin-Lushai 1889-90, Samana 1891, Hazara 1891,
N.E. Frontier 1891, Hunza 1891, Burma 1889-92,
Lushai 1889-92, Chin Hills 1892-3, Kachin Hills
1892-93, Waziristan 1894-5.
The India General Service medal is a very difficult
award to price with any claim of accuracy, since it is
twenty-three medals struck in one pattern. We have
seen specimens offered at prices ranging from five
shillings to three pounds, and more might be reasonably
asked for curious combinations of bars or where the
award has gone to a soldier of high rank. The Navy,
it is well to note, has participated occasionally in the

grants of the I.G.S.M.

The South Africa (Kaffir) Medal o! 1850-3. The
many may be said to have started in 1798,
Kaffir wars
but the outbreak in 1834 was on a larger scale than
any of its predecessors. On this occasion the British
secured a decisive victory, and it was thought that
peace and prosperity might reign many a long year.

Unfortunately, further risings took place in 1846 and

1850. When, in 1854, a settlement had been once
more reached, the authorities decided to strike a suit-
able medal to be given to the forces which formed

part of the expedition of 1850-3. Then arose a cry

from the friends of those who had fought in 1846 and
1834. If the fighters of the fifties are to be rewarded,
why should not those of the thirties and forties, they
queried ; and there was much reason in the
As was usual in these early years, there were people in
authority who did their utmost to cut down the grants
of medals, and these parsimonious officials characterised
the agitation as absurd. The wars of 1834 an d ^^
were finished and done with, and it was unreasonable,
they urged, to begin lavishing medals on men who
were mostly out of the Army and, we might add, in
many cases, dead. However, wiser counsels prevailed,
and itwas agreed to make the award to all who had
taken up arms in 1834-5, 1846-7, and 1850-53.
The same piece was struck for the three occasions,
and only by noting the regiments which fought in each
war and comparing the inscription on the rim can we
tell for which period of hostility any particular medal

was awarded.
In 1834-5 the following regiments were engaged :

the 27th, 72nd, 75th Foot.

In 1846-7 the 7th Dragoon Guards, the 6th, 27th,

45th, 79th, Qoth, gist Foot, and the Rifle Brigade.

In 1850-3 the I2th Lancers, the 2nd, 6th, I2th,

43rd, 6oth, 73rd 74th, gist Foot, the Rifle Brigade,

various Marines, a Naval Brigade, and the Cape
Mounted Rifles.

(In cases where a medal belongs to a regiment which

fought in more than one of the above periods, it is
impossible to decide for which war it was granted.)
The obverse of the medal gives Wyon's usual
profile of Queen Victoria with the inscription Victoria
The reverse shows a lion crouching under a bush.
Above it are the words South Africa, whilst in the

exergue is the date 1853 and, in very small letters,

L. C. Wyon.
The clasp is of the usual scroll pattern.
The ribbonis pale orange with four dark blue,

almost black, stripes, watered. Near the edges the

blue stripes are fairly wide, but the inner ones are
There are no bars (compare, however, the South
Africa medal of 1877-9).
Twelve to fifteen shillings is a fair price to pay for
this award.



Crimea Medal. The causes of the Crimean

War were many, but, viewing them at this
THE distant date, we may state that Russia's
desire to hold Constantinople, England's fear of the
Czar's encroachment on her eastern possessions,

Turkey's religious intolerance, and France's desire to

divert strife athome to unrest abroad, were the main
factors which led to hostilities.
In 1853, the Czar determined to be recognised as
the guardian of the Christians living within the Sultan's
territory, and to enforce his desires sent a Russian army
into theDanube provinces of Wallachia and Moldavia.
This was a clear act of war, and when he refused to
withdraw his forces, a half of Europe blazed into
conflagration. On September 14 an allied army of
sixty thousand men arrived at the Crimea and were
quickly landed, north of Sebastopol. The battle of
the Alma was the first serious encounter, and the siege
of Sebastopolbegan some short while later.
The war was expected to be of short duration, but
so many mistakes were made and so great was the

unpreparedness of the English and French that it

dragged on until 1856.
H3 H
While the conflict was still raging, that is to say, in
December, 1854, the Queen medal
decided that a
should be struck with bars for the Alma and Inker mann,
and, three months later, a further bar was authorised
for the deathless ride of Balaklava. Sebastopol and
Azoffwere decided on later.
The obverse of the Crimea medal gives the profile
of Queen Victoria with the words Victoria Regina, by
W. Wyon.
The reverse is filled by a fine tableau depicting a
full-length warrior, in ancient dress, holding a shield
and sword. Victory, who is flying up to him, places a
wreath of laurel on his head. The word Crimea is
printed in a stiff vertical line, which robs the warrior of
some of his agile appearance. In small type appears
the imprint, B. Wyon, Sc.
The ribbon is pale blue with yellow edges.
The clasp is unlike any other, being composed of
bent palm stalks.
The bars, it must be noted, are not worn in the
order in which they were authorised. Alma placed is

next to the medal, then comes Balaklava, followed by

Inkermann and Sebastopol. This is the Army award ;

the Navy was given bars for Azoff, Balaklava, Inker-

mann and Sebastopol. Thus, although there were
five bars, nobody received more than four. Some
pieces were awarded with no added honours.
The bars were elaborately shaped, consisting of
oak leaves with acorns at the terminals.
Crimean medals are by no means rare, in fact, they
are unreasonably cheap when one considers the price
" "
paid for them by our brave soldiers. A no-bar
piece can be bought for six shillings for one-bar pieces

SOUTH AFRICA, 1877-9.* AFGHANISTAN, 1878-80.


Ill EGYPT, 1882-9.





ASHANTI STAR, 1895-6. SUDAN, 1896-8.


1897-9. 1896-1905.


1899 .1902. 1901-2.


*The South Africa ribbons for 1831-5, 1S40-7. 1850-3 have much darker stripes
of eitherInkermann or Sebastopol, we may be asked
eightand six. A four-bar piece with Alma, Balaklava,
Inkermann and Sebastopol, awarded to a sergeant
of the Coldstream Guards, has sold at auction for
thirty-five shillings, and a three-bar piece, with Alma,
Balaklava, and Sebastopol, has gone for thirty
Naval awards fetch higher prices, and those for
regiments which took part in the Charge of the Light
Brigade naturally much sought after. Such

regiments are as follows the 4th and i3th Light


Dragoons, the 8th and nth Hussars, the I7th Lancers,

and the 93rd Highlanders. A four-bar piece for any of
these is worth about six guineas.
Unnamed pieces, and there are many, are not prized,
as a rule, and awards made to the French are less
valued than those given to our own troops.
" "
The Turkish Crimea Medal. The sick man of

Europe struck a Crimean medal for presentation to the

allied forces. It is silver, similar in size to the British

award, and depends from a pinkish-red ribbon with

crude green edges. The obverse bears the Sultan's
monogram and the year of Hegira, '1271, all within a
wreath.The reverse shows a stand of the allied flags,
with a map of the Crimea, hanging across a gun. In
the exergue is the inscription, Crimea 1855.
The Sultan prepared three varieties of the medal,
one for the English, one for the French, and one for the
Sardinians (Italians). In the English, the Union Jack
appears in the place of honour, whilst the inscription
in the exergue is as mentioned above. In the French,
the tricolour fills the honoured position, whilst the

inscription is La Crimea, 1855. In the Sardinian, the

flag of Italy is the third from the left, and the wording
isCrimee, 1855. The ship which set out to carry the

English pieces to our shores foundered, and many of

the home troops had to be content with French or
Sardinian awards.
There is some doubt as to the form taken by the
original clasp, provided with the Turkish medal, but
we believe it to be as illustrated in the present work.
" "
Many pieces are found with Waterloo steel rings,
and others with the curved scroll clasp, as used for
many of the English awards, already mentioned in these
pages. These, however, it may be supposed, were
added privately.
The Sultan's only worth a few shillings.
medal is

When forming a pair with the English award, the two

should not be parted.
A Sardinian Crimean medal was also awarded to a
limited number of English troops (see p. 306).
The Baltic Medal. Her Majesty having been

graciously pleased to signify her commands that a

medal shall be granted to the officers and crews
of Her Majesty's Army as were employed in the
operations in the Baltic in the years 1854-5, the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby give notice of
the same." Such was the note in the London Gazette
of June 6, 1856, announcing that a medal was to be
given to those sailors and soldiers who had been engaged
in maintaining the blockade of the Baltic during the
Crimean War.
The obverse of the medal is similar to that given for
the Crimea.
The reverse gives Britannia seated on a pedestal,

looking over her shoulder, and holding a trident. The

ports ofSveaborg and Bomarsund appear in the dis-
tance. In the exergue is the date iSj^-i^j, whilst
above Britannia is the word Baltic. L. C. Wyon was
the engraver.
The clasp is curved scroll pattern.
of the
The ribbon the reverse of that given for the

Crimea, being yellow with blue edges.

There are no bars.
Most of the medals were issued unnamed, and these
are the cheapest to buy. As fewer pieces were given
to the Army than the Navy, the former attain the

highest figures at auction.

The Indian Mutiny Medal. In 1856 the East India
Company was at war with Persia, and Great Britain
found itself occupied with China also British troops

had been recently hurried from their eastern garrisons

to fight in the Crimea. These embarrassments seemed
to provide the Bengal native army with the opportunity
it desired to
mutiny, but an excuse had to be found.
The introduction by the British of greased cartridges
was the flimsy argument seized upon to enter into
revolt. The grease, it was averred by the seditionists.
consisted of hogs' lard and cow fat, the former being a
substance abhorred by the Mohammedan, and the
latter an article the use of which violated the religious
veneration of the Hindoo. To force these ingredients
on the people of Northern India was, so the revolu-
tionary leaders claimed, merely the beginning of a
system of religious intolerance on the part of the
The Mutiny burst into flame at Meerut (May, 1857)
and spread to Delhi, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Mooltan,
and other centres with lightning speed and terrible
consequences. When, in 1859, a medal was struck it

was decided to issue five bars, as follows :

(i.) Delhi. To those who took part in the fighting

around this centre between May 30 and September 14,

(ii.) Defence of Lucknow. To the forces which

formed part of the original garrison or which fought
under Havelock or Outram until relieved by Sir Colin
(iii.) Relief of Lucknow. To the men who served
under Havelock whilst endeavouring to effect the
relief of the City.
(iv.) Lucknow. To those who fought under Sir
Colin Campbell between November, 1857, and March,
1858, in the neighbourhood of Lucknow.
(v.) Central India. To those who took part in the
encounters of Jhansi, Gwalior and Calpee.
(vi.) The medal without a bar was given to those
who fought under Lord Roberts and General Whitlock,
subsequent to the taking of Kotah, on March 30, 1858.
The obverse of the Mutiny medal gives the usual
profile of Queen Victoria with the inscription, Victoria
The reverse shows an attractive rendering of
Britannia holding out a wreath of laurel, having at her
side a lion. The word India is placed above her head
and, in the exergue, appears the date 1857-1858. The
engraver of this face was L. C. Wyon.
The clasp consists of a curved scroll, but of a different
pattern to any of the foregoing medals.
The ribbon has five stripes of equal width, two of
scarlet and three of white.
The bars, which are wider at the extremities than
at the centre, are spoken of as fish-tailed bars.
are five in number (vide supra).
Medals with the Defence of Lucknow added as an
honour are, of course, prized most. Here are a few
useful catalogue quotations :

One bar : Defence of Lucknow. Fine copy.

2 155.
Two bars : Lucknow and Relief of. Fair copy.
Three bars :
Delhi, Lucknow and Relief of. Mint
copy. 3 5s.
One bar : Central India. Fine copy. los.
One bar : Delhi. Fine copy. 125. 6d.
One bar : Lucknow. Fine copy. los. 6d.
No bar : Fine copy. 8s. 6d.

No bar :
(Awarded to Indian Naval Brigade.) Very
fine. 2 los.
The China Medal of 1857-60. The second war with
China resulted from an accumulation of hostile acts
chiefly concerned with trading operations, but the
capture and violation of the Arrow, a ship flying the
British flag, brought matters to a head. At first, the
fighting was entrusted to a naval force assisted by
Marines under the command of Admiral Seymour.
This able leader destroyed the Chinese fleet in the
Battle of Fatshan, 1857. Later a line regiment and
some Marines landed and stormed the forts of Canton.
As a result of this second success, a treaty was prepared,
and when the British envoy was proceeding up the
river Peiho to obtain the necessary signatures to it,

he was on and forced to turn back.

The war then entered upon a more serious phase :

some thousands of British and French troops were

collected and, led by Sir James Hope-Grant, captured
the Taku Forts and, later, took Canton and Pekin.
In 1 86 1, a China medal was struck but it was, in
reality, a re-issue of the 1842 medal with slight
The obverse exactly similar to the earlier piece.

The reverse
is the same, but the date, 1842, is

omitted from the exergue.

The ribbon, at first, was blue, yellow, red, white
and green, in equal widths, but for some unaccountable
reason this was changed to crimson with yellow edges,
the crimson being much deeper than in the 1842 ribbon.
The clasp is identical to that described for the

Mutiny medal.
The bars, which are of the fish-tail shape, are
inscribed China, 1842. (For alreadythose who
possessed the 1842 medal.) Canton 1857, Taku Forts
1858, Taku Forts 1860, Pekin 1860, and Fatshan 1857,
the latter for the men who fought under Admiral
The second China medal is not rare unless in ex-
ceptional condition. Copies may be freely purchased,
without bars, for five or six shillings, whilst with one
bar about ten shillings is a fair price, and with two bars,
fifteen shillings. However, a specimen was sold for
thirty shillings at auction some time ago with the
honour Taku Forts 1860, and inscribed with the name
of an acting-master of the H.M.S. Bernici (Indian

Navy). Pieces for the ist Dragoon Guards with the

two bars, Taku Forts 1860 and Pekin 1860, are very
uncommon. Only one five-bar medal was issued, and
it is
highly prized by Lord Cheylesmore.*
According to Mr. Augustus Steward.

The New Zealand Medal. Between the years 1860

and 1866 the Maoris of New Zealand, under a chief
named Wirrimu Kingi, caused much trouble with
respect to the sales of land to white settlers. In
particular, there was one block of land known as the
Waitara purchase which was offered to the British
Government, and when it was
accepted and paid for
the natives resented the transaction and took up arms
rather than allow the Government settlement to pro-
ceed. A somewhat had arisen
similar state of affairs
in 1845-7, whenfighting resulted owing to the natives
taking money for territory against which they would
give no valid title. On one occasion, a British magis-
trate when proceeding to a Maori encampment, hoping
to settle a dispute, was killed, and the local chief,
Hone Heke, tore down the colour from a British
In 1869 a medal was struck for presentation to the
soldiers who had served in the warfare between 1845-7
and 1 860-6. (It is clear that the earlier encounters
would have gone unrewarded had not the later
taken place.)
The obverse of the New Zealand piece reveals a
profile of Queen Victoria, which appears on no other
campaign medal except that given for Abyssinia. She
faces left, and her crowned head is heavily veiled.

Running around the effigy is the inscription Victoria

D : G : Britt :
Reg : F : D :
The reverse contains a laurel wreath, outside which
are the words New Zealand, Virtutis Honor. Within
the wreath is a date, appropriate to the period of active
service of the recipient. Medals may be found with
twenty-two different dates, being combinations of the
years 1845, 6, 7 and 1860, i, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 also

pieces are to be had with no dates, but they are unusual.

Each different date, it is interesting to note, was struck
by a separate die.
Both faces of the medal are the work of J. S. and
A. B. Wyon.
The ribbon consists of two stripes of deep blue with
a central width of red.
clasp comprises a plain ball from which project
straight arms, chased with the design of fern fronds.
No other medal has used this arrangement.
There were no bars, the dates on the reverse serving
the purpose.
The medal with 1845-7 dates is worth on an average
from two to five pounds, and with 1 860-6 dates from
fifteen shillings to two and a half guineas. Pieces have
sold for slightly higher figures, it is true, but they have

possessed special peculiarities.

The Abyssinian Medal. In 1867 it became necessary
to send a force into Abyssinia to punish Theodore, the

Negus, who had imprisoned a number of British

residents because the English did not view with favour
his quarrels with the Khedive of Egypt. Theodore did
notmake a good stand against our trained soldiers, and
ended by committing suicide.
In 1869, a medal was struck for presentation to
those who took part in the campaign under Sir Robert
Napier. The authorities were growing tired of the
stereotyped pattern of the awards which had prevailed
since Waterloo, and decided to strike out in a new
direction, not, we think, with great success. Accord-
ingly, a piece was designed consisting of a circle of
silver, slightly smaller than customary, which was
surmounted by a crown and ring, the latter for taking
the loop of ribbon.
The obverse consists of a bust of Queen Victoria,
crowned and veiled as on the New Zealand award, but
of considerably smaller dimensions. Around the head
is a circle from which nine
points of a star radiate.
Between the limbs of the star appear the letters,
reverse gives a laurel wreath, in the centre of
which are printed the particulars of the recipient.
In the case of the awards given to the English forces,
these particulars are shown in raised letters, and,
consequently, necessitated a separate die for the
striking of each piece a most expensive and unusual
plan to follow. In the case of the awards that went to
the men of the Indian forces, the particulars are en-

graved by hand. In their case the silver suspension

ring is replaced by a steel clip. Whether this was always
so with the Indian awards, we cannot say, but all the
pieces handled by us have been engraved and provided
with a steel clip.
The ribbonof the Abyssinian medal is slightly wider
than usual, being composed of wide white outside bars,
and a still wider bar of red.
Pieces are worth from fifteen to twenty shillings with
the raised lettering on the back, but not more than half
these sums for the engraved reverses. Both varieties,
however, are worth placing in the collection.
The Ashantee Medal, 1873-4. Trouble arose in

Ashantee, in the year 1871, over a strip of disputed

territory which ran between the Prah river and the
Gold Coast. The British had exchanged the island of
Sumatra with the Dutch for this piece of land, but the

Fig. I. Medal for New Zealand. Obverse.
Fig. 2. Medal for New Zealand. Reverse.
Fig. 3. The South Africa (Zulu) Medal of 1877-9. Reverse

Fig. I. The Afghanistan Medal, 1878-80. Obverse.

Fig. 2. The Afghanistan Medal, 1878-80. Reverse.
local king, Coffee Calcali, claimed it as his own. Whilst
the English were preparing to give him proof of their

rights, the savage ruler marched on the town of

Elmina and endeavoured to capture it. This he was
not able to do, but Sir Garnet Wolseley's forces,
though they were able to check him, were not sufficiently

strong to secure a victory, and much time was lost in

waiting for more troops to sail from Europe. On
reinforcements arriving, Coffee Calcali was beaten and
forced to retire as well as to give up his abominable
practices of sacrificing human by way of amuse-
ment. (" The March to Coomassie," by G. A. Henty,
gives an admirable, though sordid picture of the life
and surroundings of this degenerate king.)
In 1874 a medal was struck for the campaign of
1873-4, and, as it has been re-issued since, the collector
must note its particulars with care.
The obverse bears a profile of Queen Victoria of a
fresh presentation, similar to that afterwards used on
the familiar medal for Egypt, 1882. It is the work of
L. C. Wyon.
The reverse gives Sir E. J. Poynter's picture of a
bush fight. To the left of a centre tree are English
soldiers, with the sun blazing on them, whilst, to the
right, are natives bared to their waists for the fray.
The clasp is officially described as straight.
The ribbon is yellow with two wide edges of black
and two inner narrow bars of the same colour.
The bar is inscribed Coomassie. (On a later medal
this town is spelt differently.)
Fifteen shillings is a fair price for this medal.
The South Africa (Zulu) Medal of 1877-9. The
story of how Goghill and Melvill gained the Victoria
Cross for concealing the Queen's colour at the Buffalo
river is probably the most popularly appreciated
incident of the Zulu War of 1877-9. Isandhlwana
and Rorke's Drift are also household words, but we
are more concerned here with the medal which was

given to all the soldiers who took up arms against

Cetewayo and his trained hordes. This piece was a
re-issue of the award struck in 1854 to commemorate
the Kaffir risings of 1834, 1846, and 1850.
The obverse shows a return to the old profile of
Queen Victoria by William Wyon.
The reverse depicts the crouching lion of the earlier
South African piece, but in the exergue are a Zulu
shield and spears.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern. The
ribbon isorange with four dark blue, almost black,
stripes, watered. Near the edges, the blue stripes are

fairly wide, but the inner ones are narrow.

The bars are inscribed with the dates 1877-6,

1877-8-9, 1878-9 and 1879. No recipient received

more than one added honour.
The points of difference between the Kaffir and Zulu
strikings are

Kaffir (1834, 1846, 1850). Zulu (1877).

The date, 1853, in the A Zulu shield and spears
exergue of the reverse. in the exergue of the
The ribbon is pale orange. The ribbon is a medium
coloured orange.
There are no bars. Bars were issued.

The 1877 piece is often obtainable for seven-and-

sixpence, though mint specimens command a trifle more.
The Afghanistan Medal of 1878-80. In the early
seventies, Shere All, the ruler of Afghanistan, found
himself in financial and other difficulties. On appealing
to the British Government, assistance was given him
conditionally that he acted impartially to the powers
which bordered on his territory. At the same time,
an agreement was drawn up with Russia, constituting
Afghanistan as a neutral country. After a few years
it was found that Shere Ali was
intriguing with the
Czar's government, and according his ambassadors
privileges which were not extended to the Queen's
plenipotentiaries. A party of diplomats was, therefore,
despatched to Cabul to inquire into the reasons for
this lapse of good faith, but it was not allowed to
proceed beyond Ali Musjid. The British Government
considered this an act of hostility, and declared war,
which Shere Ali met by declaring, on his part, a holy
war. Of the subsequent events, the march from Kabul
to Kandahar by Lord Roberts, with some twenty
thousand followers, is perhaps the most outstanding.
When the campaign had been brought to a successful
conclusion it was proposed to grant the India General
Service medal with appropriate bars, but the Queen
pointed out that this special piece was intended for
" "
little wars which was not a fair description of
the incidents then terminating in Afghanistan. Her
Majesty gave orders for the striking of a special piece,
which was issued in 1881. It may be described as
follows :

Obverse. A profile of Her Majesty, not used either

before or since, with the inscription Victoria Regina et
Imperatrix, the work of J. E. Boehm.
Reverse. A picture of a British army in full
marching order. An elephant carrying a gun is the
central figure : near an officer mounted on a horse.
it is

In thebackground are mountains and the word

Afghanistan. In the exergue, 1878-79-80. The reverse,
we understand, was sketched by Randolph Caldecott,
and engraved by L. C. Wyon.
Clasp. Straight.
Ribbon.Green with wide edges of purple red.
(This ribbon may be spoken of as being ubiquitous
among the Chelsea Pensioners at the time of writing.)
Bars. Six in number, inscribed Ali Musjid, Peiwar
Kotal, Charasia, Ahmed Khel, Kabul, Kandahar. (It
is curious to note how
changes with
official spelling

time. We have had Afghanistan with a double F, and

Kabul with a C, Kandahar with a C, and elsewhere
Coomassie with a K.)
Prices of the Afghanistan medal average
No bar 55. :

One bar : Kabul. los.

One bar : Ali Musjid. 8s.

Two Kabul and Kandahar. 155.

bars :

Two bars Ali Musjid and Charasia.

Three bars Charasia, Kabul and Kandahar.
Three bars Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Kabul. 2 is.

The Kabul to Kandahar Star. This decoration was

given to the forces which marched with Lord (then
General Sir Fred.) Roberts from Kabul to relieve General
Primrose, who was hard pressed in the fortress of
Kandahar. The journey, which measured some three
hundred odd miles, lay through most difficult country-
mountainous and treacherous. The force set out in
the early part of August, 1880, and reached its goal
on the last day of that month. All who took part in
the memorable march were given the star, besides those
who garrisoned Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and who proceeded
with Roberts from this place to Kandahar.
The decoration consists of an unattractive five-

pointed having a small ball in each angle and a

crown between the two uppermost limbs. The centre
of the piece a circle containing the cypher, VRI, and,

in a circular band, the inscription Kabul to Kandahar,

1880. A ring, fixed to the crown, takes the rainbow
ribbon of red, white, yellow, white and blue.
The star is made from guns captured
cast in bronze,
at Kandahar, September i, 1880. The surface is
lacquered a deep brown, but, when this has worn off,
many recipients have renewed it with a black lacquer.
The award in good average condition is worth eight-
and-six, but more when the original surface has been
well preserved. The star should be obtained, for
preference, in company with an Afghanistan medal
won by the same recipient.
The Egyptian Medal, 1882-9." Many were the
circumstances which led to the Egyptian War of 1882,
but probably the chief factor concerned the sale to
Great Britain, in 1875, of about two hundred thousand
shares in the Suez Canal. After some while it was
found that the finances of this national undertaking
were considerably involved, and, as the country was
also a large debtor to France, both France and England
decided to place some control upon its money affairs.
This step caused a good deal of ill-feeling in Cairo and

elsewhere,and paved the way for the cry of Egypt for


the Egyptians which Arabi Pasha, a cunning agitator,

had put into the mouths of the people. In June, 1882,
Arabi, knowing he had a considerable following, set
the British diplomats at defiance and began constructing
earthworks around the harbour of Alexandria. The two
powers pointed out that this was an act of war, and,
as the cunning soldier refused to desist, war was
declared on June n, when the French withdrew their
vessels. Alexandria was bombarded by our ships, and
a landing effected.' Then Tel-el-Kebir was attacked
by Viscount Wolseley in the month of September, and
such was the success of the encounter that the rebellious
spirit of Egypt was crushed for a time.
In 1883, the valley of the Nile was once more in a
state of ferment. A fanatic, called the Mahdi, had
fanned the people into a restless condition, and a force
under Baker Pasha was set upon suddenly at El-Teb
and cut topieces. As a relief measure, reinforcements
were landed at Suakin, and again a battle was fought
at El-Teb, and, later on, at Tamaai, both being British
successes. Then events centred around General Gordon
and his band of followers at Khartoum. Lord Wolseley's
march across the deseit to relieve him is one of the out-
standing feats of the British Army, and so are his
victories at Abu Klea and Abu Kru. When Khartoum
was relieved, unfortunately too late to preserve the life
of the heroic Gordon, the native resistance fell to pieces,
and the war dragged on sporadically until 1889." *
A medal was struck in 1882 or 1883. The obverse
gives L. C. Wyon's head of Victoria, as shown by the
Ashantee award of 1873-4. The inscription runs,
Victoria Regina et Imperatrix. (The Ashantee die
could nothave been used on this occasion, as the wording
on the earlier piece is Victoria Regina.)
The reverse bears a sphinx resting on a pedestal
* "
From The A.B.C. of Medals."
with the word Egypt above, and the year 1882 below.
When the medal was struck for the engagements
between 1883 and 1889, the date was omitted and the
space left blank.
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is deep blue and white in five equal bars,
three of the former and two of the latter. It is said
that these colours were chosen to symbolise the Blue
and White Nile.
The bars are inscribed; Alexandria, Tel-el-Kebir ,

Suakin 1884, El-Teb, Tamaai, El-Teb-Tamaai, The Nile

1884-85, Abu Klea, Kirbekan, Suakin 1885, Tofrek,
Gemaizah 1888, and Toski 1889. Medals were also issued
with no bars.
The following list of prices may prove useful. In
no case are the items of special interest, but in each
instance the pieces are in good condition :

Egypt, 1882, no bar. 5$.

Egypt, no date, no bar. 55.

Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir. 55. 6d.

Egypt, no date, Suakin, 1885. 6s.
Egypt, no date, Nile. 75. 6d.
Egypt, no date, Suakin, 1885, and Tofrek. 8s. 6d.
Egypt, no date, Gemaizah and Toski with the
Khedive's star. i.

Egypt, no date, Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El-Teb-

Tamaai, Nile. 1.

Egypt, no date, Tofrek, Gemaizah, Toski, with the

Khedive's star. 4 guineas.
The Khedive's Star for Egypt. In the year 1883
the Khedive gave a decoration to all English soldiers
who had received the Queen's award, just described,
and by Royal assent recipients, when in uniform, were


Fig. I. Egyptian Medal of 1882. Obverse.
Fig. 2. The Khedive's Star for Egypt.

Fig. 3. Reverse of the Egyptian Medal of 1882.

Fig. i. The East and West Africa Medal of 1887-1900. Reverse.
Fig. 2. The British South Africa Company's Medal for Rhodesia.
Fig. 3. The British South Africa Company's Medal for Rhodesia.
allowed to wear the piece. The grant of the Khedive
was extended later to all who fought in the engagements
lasting until 1889.
The star was cast in bronze and darkened by means
of a lacquer, but was never awarded with a black

lacquer as often appears on pieces that have been

privately restored. The star possesses five points, in
the centre of which is a circular band enclosing a view
of the Pyramids and a sphinx. The band is inscribed,
" "
Egypt 1882, and Khedive of Egypt, 1299 but the

latter is given in Arabic. The reverse of the piece bears

the initials T.M. (Twefik Muhammad). A bronze bar,
carrying a small star and crescent, is chained to the
decoration and, through loops on its undersurface, a
deep blue ribbon runs.
The star is also found with the dates 1884 and
1884-6, but when awarded later than 1886 is undated.
Some undated pieces were distributed with a bar
inscribed Tokar 1308, in Arabic. Also, a few pieces
were given to men who had not received the Queen's
Egyptian medal.
The Khedive's star is probably the cheapest decora-
tion that collectors can buy, a fair copy being priced
no higher than four shillings and sixpence. It is,
however, rare when undated, as most of the men who
fought after 1886 had already received the piece with
one of the earlier dates.
The North-West Canada Medal. In the early
spring of 1885, discontent arose among the Indians of
Saskatchewan and the French half-breeds over the
question of territorial rights. The prairie Indians
had no tangible grievance against the Government
beyond their natural dislike to sharing their country
with white men. They had been given ample reserves
and daily rations of beef and flour, blankets, and a
small sum of money annually. But with the buffalo
had disappeared not only food and clothing, but happy
hunting. The transition from hunter and horse-thief
to rationed loafer was too sudden." * The discontent
of these primitive men was noted by the firebrand,
Louis Kiel, who promised them unrationed whisky
and a land for themselves if they rose and fought the
government with the assistance of the Fenian Brigade.
The terms were alluring, and we find that within a
short space of time Kiel, backed by an army of followers,

proclaimed self-government for the Redskins of

Assiniboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Canadian
forces manning the outlying stations were, at first,
overcome by the rebels, but, once the Militia was
brought into line, Riel and his dupes stood little chance
of success. He was cornered at Batoche in May, 1885,
by General Middleton, and, being tried, was found
guilty and paid, later, the penalty of the folly that
becomes crime."
under the date of September 18,
Militia Orders,
1885, announced that a medal as follows would be
struck :

Obverse. Made from the same die as used for the

Egyptian, 1882, obverse.

Reverse. A wreath of maple enclosing the wording,
North-West Canada, 1885.
Clasp. Straight.
Ribbon.A greyish-blue with two wide bars of red,
not quite touching the edges.
Bar. One for Saskatchewan.
Major-General T. Bland Strange.
These medals are worth about 2 each, but often
command as much
as eight or ten pounds. believe We
that none were given to English soldiers, fighting as
such, but a number of men on the home establishment
who were filling special posts in Canada certainly
received the award.
The East and West Africa Medal of 1887-1900.
Though it was not the original intention of the authori-
ties to re-issuethe Ashantee award of 1873-4 on a
subsequent occasion, it was found that a medal was
needed to serve for a number of small expeditions in
East and West Africa and, accordingly, the Ashantee
piece was constituted a temporary General Service medal
for this purpose. The dies which served for the original
award were turned to and pieces were struck exactly
similar to those made in the seventies. Even the
ribbon was matched. Thus, in the 1873-4
all respects,

and 1887-1900 medals are alike, and the only way to

tell one issue from the other is to examine the bars.

For 1873-4 there was only one of these added

honours, which was inscribed Coomassie.
For 1887-1900 the bars were as follows :

(a) 1887-8. (Warfare with the Yonnie tribe.)

(b) Witu, 1890. (For Naval operations.)

(c) 1891-2. (Gambia River expedition.)
(d) 1892. (Actions against Tambi, Toniataba, and
the Jebus.)
(<?)Witu, August, 1893. (For Naval operations.)
(/) Liwondi, 1893. (Operations by H.M.S.
Mosquito and Herald.}
(g) Juba River, 1893. (Operations by H.M.S.
(h) Lake Nyassa, 1893. (Operations by H.M.S.
Adventurer and Pioneer, assisted by a party
of Sikhs.)

(i) 1893-4. (Operations against the Sofas.)

(j) Gambia, 1894. (Operations by a number of
ships and troops of the West India Regiment.)
(k) Benin River, 1894. (Operations by four ships.)
(/) Brass River, 1895. (Operations by four ships.)
(m) 1896-97.
(*) 1896-98.
(o) 1896-99.
(p) Niger, 1897. (Expeditions to Egbon, Bida and

(q) Benin, 1897. (Operations by nine ships.)

(r) Dawkita, 1897. (For the defence of Dawkita by
the Gold Coast Constabulary.)
(s) 1897-98.
(t) 1898.
(u) Sierre Leone, 1898-99. (Operations in this

(t) (Bula Expedition.)
(w) 1900. (Munshi and other Expeditions.)
For M'wele a bar was not issued, but the name of the
honour was impressed on the rim of the piece.
Where men possessed the 1873-4 medal, a new
award was not provided, but the requisite bars were
given instead.
In assessing the value of the East and \Vest Africa
medal we must bear three factors in mind. First, a
larger number of native than British soldiers were
recipients second, the Navy participated in the

awards more than the Army and, third, on certain


occasions, the grants were exceedingly few in number,

and, consequently, the piece varies considerably in
value according to the bar or bars going with it. The
Liwondi bar, for instance, was only given to three
officers and thirty-four men, and the
Juba River bar
to one officer and forty men but the bars bearing

dates usually went to some thousands of recipients.

Fifteen shillings is a minimum price for the medal,
but specially rare specimens may fetch as many
The Central Africa Medal. As though to confuse
the student and collector, the East and West Africa
medal was given in a slightly different rendering for

operations in Central Africa during the four years

1894-8. The obverse and reverse were stamped from
the same dies as before, but instead of a clasp there is a
silver ring through which the ribbon folds. The ribbon
isdove, white and black in bars of equal width. The
dove, so it is claimed, repiesents the Sikhs, who formed
part of the forces, the white stand for the British, and
the black, the soldiers of Zanzibar.
To further complicate matters, it was decided

to add a bar to the Central Africa medal bearing the

inscription, Central Africa 1894-98. When this was
worn the ring disappeared, and the usual pattern of
straight clasp was substituted.
Thus there are four main varieties of the medal
with Poynter's picture of a bush fight on the reverse :

(a) With a yellow ribbon and black stripes.

With no bar, or a bar for Coomassie.
This isthe Ashantee medal for 1873-4.
(b) With a yellow ribbon and black stripes.
With a bar bearing a date, and perhaps a name
as well, or, if with no bar, the honour M'wele
inscribed on the rim.
This is the East and West Africa medal for 1887-
(c) With a dove, white and black ribbon.
With a ring through which the ribbon passes.
This isthe early type of the Central Africa medal.
(d) With a dove, white and black ribbon.
With a bar for Central Africa, 1894-98.
This the latter type of the Central Africa medal.

It may perhaps be of interest to say that though a

soldier could not receive both (a) and (b), nor both (c)

and (d), he could qualify for either (a) and (6) as well
as either (c) and (d).



British South Africa Company's Medals.

Whilst exercising trading rights, this com-
THE its

pany, founded by Cecil Rhodes, experienced

hostile treatment at the hands of Lobengula's Matabele
followers as well as the Mashona Kaffirs. The com-
pany possessed an establishment of military police, and
this force, with the aid of an expeditionary army,

engaged the natives between 1893 and 1897.

In 1897 the home authorities permitted the Com-
pany to issue a medal for Matabeleland and Rhodesia.
The obverse gives a profile of Queen Victoria with
the inscription Victoria Regina. This effigy closely
resembles that which had been adopted in the same
year for the Diamond Jubilee coinage of Great Britain,
though itwas of slightly inferior conception.
The reverse bears a British lion wounded by an
assegai but still showing fight. Below it are the words,
British South Africa Company, and above either
Matabeleland 1893 or Rhodesia 1896. Later, in 1888,
a third medal with the inscription Mashonaland 1897
was distributed.
The ribbon an orange-yellow, watered, with

three blue-black bands, none of which touch the edges.

The clasp is a curved scroll, composed of an array
of roses, thistles and shamrocks.
The bars available for wearing with the

(a) Matabeleland 1893 piece are Rhodesia 1896 and

Mashonaland 1897,
(b) Rhodesia 1896 piece is Mashonaland 1897.

(c) Mashonaland 1897 piece, none.

The medal always secures a good price when put

up for auction, probably because its distribution was
limited. Mr. W. A. Steward gives the following list of
the forces which received it :

Matabeleland 1893. One company of the 2nd West

Riding Regiment one officer and eighteen men of the

" "
ist Batt. of the Black Watch three men of the ;

2nd York and Lancaster Regiment a detachment oi ;

the 3rd Dragoon Guards Cape Mounted Rifles and ;

British Bechuanaland Police.

Rhodesia 1896. The 7th Hussars details of the ;

2nd, 3rd and 4th Royal Rifles 2nd and 4th Rifle ;

Brigade ist Royal Irish

ist Royal Dublin Fusiliers
; ;

2nd Royal Irish Fusiliers ist Derbys ist Leicesters

; ; ;

2nd Norfolks 2nd Hampshires

2nd Royal West ;

Rents 2nd West Riding Regiment 2nd York and

; ;

Lancasters 24th, 25th and 26th Western Division


Royal Artillery Army Ordnance and Royal Army


Service Corps.
Mashonaland 1897. Detachments of the 7th
Hussars and 2nd Hampshires, besides the local
The Matabeleland medal with bar for Rhodesia is
worth about $ the Rhodesia medal with bar for

Mashonaland about 4 and the Mashonaland medal,


about .


I NATAL, 1906.


1908-12. 1910-7.




^B :
! :


1914-8. MEDAL.





'The 1915 Star, as shown. The 1914 Star, with a silver rosette in centre.
The Second India General Service Medal or the India
Medal, 1895. The first India General Service medal
had been in existence since 1854 and, as it had been
granted for a number of detached campaigns was
beginning to lose its identity. Some of the bars fixed
to it denoted
fighting which had occasioned the greatest
hardships whilst others stood for engagements such as
a soldier considers all in a day's work." This unequal
appreciation of the award did not tend to increase its
value in the estimation of the wearers, and rather than
allow it to reach a commonplace level the authorities
decided to change the design.
The second I.G.S.M. has an obverse showing a
profile of Queen Victoria, crowned and veiled as on the
Diamond Jubilee coinage, the work of T. Brock.
This is not, however, the same effigy as appeared on
the B.S.A. Company's award.
The reverse gives a picture by G. de Saulles of two
soldiers,one an Englishman, the other a Hindoo, both
grasping a standard, thus typifying their common
cause. To the left of the Englishman is the word
India ; to the right of the Hindoo, the date, 1895.
The clasp is of the usual scroll pattern.
The ribbon has three bars of purple red and two of

green, equal in width.


The medal, when first struck, was provided with

two bars for the Defence of Chitral, 1895, and Relief of
Chitral, 1895. In 1898 further bars were added for
Malakand, 1897 ; Samana, 1897 Punjab Frontier,

1897-8 ; and Tirah, 1897-8.

A curious situation arose in 1901-2, after the
blockade of Waziristan had come to an end. A medal
was needed for the soldiers who had taken part in this
engagement, but the only available piece was the
second I.G.S. medal which bore the date 1895, and
gave the profile of the Queen who had recently died.
To meet the position, a die with King Edward's profile
in field-marshal's dress was prepared, whilst the old
reverse was used after the date had been erased.
Thus a second edition of the 1895 India General
Service medal appeared, and though collectors will see
in it a piece distinct from the earlier striking, soldiers
who already possessed the first were not given the
second award but, instead, received a bar inscribed
Waziristan, 1901-2.
The medal may be freely purchased for
seven shillings with one bar, or for half a guinea with
two but the later striking went mostly to a limited

number of native Indian soldiers, and is somewhat rare

in England.
The Ashanti Star
of 1896. In 1895 an ultimatum
was sent to King Prempeh demanding the immediate
cessation of human sacrifices which provided spectacular
diversion for him and his court. With so inveterate a
monster, it is not surprising to hear that his reply was
tantamount to a refusal. Consequently, an ex-
peditionary force comprising a regular battalion of the
West Yorkshires and a composite draft from various
line regiments was sent out to enforce our demands.
The fighting which lay ahead of this little army was of
the harassing bush kind, but the hardships occasioned
by the climate proved far more fatal. Prince Henry of
Battenberg, a member of the force, it willbe remem-
bered, died of fever, as did hundreds of more humble
When the remnant of the expedition returned to

England, the authorities decided to strike a decoration

to mark the occasion. The usual circular silver piece
was departed from in this instance and its place taken
by a bronze four-pointed star to which was added a
St. Andrew's cross. The arrangement was such that
the limbs of the cross and the points of the star
radiated alternately from a circle containing an Imperial

Ashanti Star, 1 896. Kimberley Star, 1899-1900.

crown and the inscription Ashanti, 1896. At the back

of the decoration appeared the words From the Queen.
The piece bore a circular suspension ring and through
it passed a yellow ribbon with two wide black
The Sudan Medal, 1896-8. The reconquest of the
Sudan with its victories of Abu Hamed and Omdurman,
as well as Ferkeh and Dongola, occasioned the striking
of a very beautiful medal in 1899.
The obverse gives a half-length profile of the Queen,
who is surrounded by the legend Victoria Regina el
Imperatrix. She wears a tiny crown, a sash and star
of some order, and holds a sceptre. It is probably the


Fig. i. The Second India General Service Medal

(or the India
Medal of 1895).Obverse.
Fig. 2. The Second India General Service Medal (or the India
Medal of 1895). Reverse.
Fig. 3. The Khedive's Sudan Medal, 1896-1905. Obverse.
Fig. 4. The Khedive's Sudan Medal, 1896-1905. Reverse.

fT i. _iX^
v H^
w/ -i!%
, -io-
: * '~'
.^, v ""'11: -<
)~ - O" ll^W-iiTs^-v
i-V'C.- . ""wC't,
finest the royal features since
rendering of Wyon's
famous effigy was discarded.
The reverse is equally pleasing. A winged figure of
Victory, with arms outstretched, sits upon a tablet,
inscribed Sudan. She is about to decorate a British
flag with a spray of palm, and is at the same
time, an Egyptian flag with a wreath of laurel.
The clasp is of the straight pattern.
The ribbon is yellow and black with a narrow streak
of red running between.This arrangement of colouring
" "
is supposed to represent the thin red line expelling
the black or evil Dervishes from the yellow, sandy
There are no bars.
The medal was struck in silver and bronze.
Ten shillings is a fair price for this award.
The Sudan Medal, 189&-1905.
Khedive's Whilst
preparing medals for his own troops, the Khedive of

Egypt was permitted by Queen Victoria to grant

specimens to all who formed part of Lord Kitchener's
Sudan army of the years 1896-8. Silver pieces were
presented to those who took up arms, whilst bronze
pieces without bars were given to recognised camp
attendants. It seems more than probable that no

English received the latter.

The obverse of the reward reveals the Khedive's
monogram and other inscriptions, all in Arabic
The reverse gives a shield, from the rear of which
emerges a stand of military colours. The shield is

charged with a star and crescent, in triplicate.

The clasp is of the usual straight pattern.

The ribbon, which is slightly wider than usual, is

yellow, blue and yellow, colours which stand for the
Blue Nile running through the desert.
The British Sudan medal lacked a certain amount
of interestby the absence of bars, but the Khedive's
companion piece did not suffer in this way, for many
such added honours are to be found. Indeed, certain
of these were added after Kitchener had returned to

England, and stand for dates as late as 1905.

The following bars were issued with this award.
In each case, the inscription is given in both English
and Arabic :

Firket. For those who fought beyond Akasha on

June 7, 1896.
Hafir. For those who fought in this district on
September 20, 1896.
Sudan, 1897. For those who fought around Kerma
during the year 1897.
Abu Hamed. For those who fought at Assouan and
Abu Hamed on August 7, 1897.
The Atbara. For those who fought at the battle
of this name on April 8 (Good Friday), 1898.
Khartoum. For those who fought at the battle of
this name on September 2, 1898.

Gedaref. For those who assisted in the taking of

Gedaref and the subsequent fighting in the district.
Sudan, 1899. For those who fought in the second
Dongola expedition.
Gedid. For those who took part in the defeat of
the Khalifa at Gedid on November 22 and 24, 1899.
Bahr-el-Ghazel, 1900-2. For those who took part
in the restoration of this area.

Jerok. For those who fought in the Blue Nile

province in 1904.

Nyam-Nyam. For those who fought against the

name during
tribe of this 1905.
Usually, this medal is not of great value, copies
with one bar being frequently sold for five shillings.
Nevertheless, 7 has been given at auction for the rare
combination of bars, Firket, Hafir and Gedaref.
English recipients seldom had more than two bars
awarded to them, though members of the Egyptian
forces frequently had as many as seven.
The Canada Medal of 1866-70 was struck thirty
years after it had been won, and when the majority
of those who had fought for it were either dead or lost
to the authorities. Consequently, comparatively few
pieces reached the men who had a right to them. It
isquite certain that this medal would have never been
issued had not a piece been struck for Kiel's Rebellion
of 1885. Between the appearance of the latter and
the year 1899, when the 1866-70 award came into
existence, there were constant references in the Colonial
press to the need for making the award, and it was due
to agitation, alone, that the men who thrashed Colonel
O'Neil and his band of Fenians were ever properly
The obverse of the Canada medal of 1866-70 was
made from the dies used for the Egyptian award of
The reverse gives a flag of the colony surrounded
by a wreath of maple leaves. Above the flag is the
word Canada.
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is scarlet, white and scarlet in stripes of

equal width.
The bars are a trifle large, squared at the corners*
and without ornamentation. They are three in

number, being inscribed Fenian Raid 1866, Fenian

Raid 1870, and Red River 1870.
The medal is uncommon. With one of the Fenian
Raid bars, it may be secured for thirty shillings. The
Red River bar alone was only given to between three
and four hundred soldiers, and about half this number
received the Fenian Raid, 1866, and Red River, 1870,
honours. Less than fifty were given the two bars for
1870, and twenty, we think, was the total number
of three bar awards. The latter are, of course,
extremely valuable.
The East and Central Africa Medal of 1897-9. In
the previous chapter we described a number of medals
bearing a picture of bush fighting on the reverse.
In 1899 the authorities came to the conclusion that
this reverse was neither appropriate nor sufficiently
distinctive for the Central Africa medal, and, accord-

ingly,they set about preparing a new pattern which

should serve for engagements not only in Central but
East Africa as well. When completed, the new award
was given, almost entirely, to those who fought in
Uganda or against the Ogaden Somalis.
The obverse shows the same half-length profile of
the Queen as appeared on her Sudan medal in fact, ;

the one die, we believe, was used for the two purposes.
The reverse bears a very graceful rendering of
Britannia pointing, with a spray of palm, to the rising
sun. By her side is the lion of Britain. She stands
on the exergue, which is inscribed, East and Central
The clasp is straight.
The bars, which are large, square cornered, and
plain, bear the inscriptions Lubwa's, Uganda 1897-8,
1898 (for those who fought against the Ogaden
Somalis), and Uganda 1899.
The ribbon is half yellow and half red, vertically.
This piece is somewhat uncommon and, with one
bar, sells for at least twenty shillings.
The Royal Niger Company's Medal. The Niger
Company, probably by fired the example of the British
South Africa Company, sought permission in 1899
from Her Majesty to issue medals to those who fought
the Fulahs in the Hausa States. At the same time,
it was desired to reward all soldiers who had served

in minor engagements between 1886 and 1897. On

receiving the necessary consent, the company arranged
with Messrs. Spink and Son to strike an appropriate
The obverse piece bears a crowned and
of this
wreathed head of Queen Victoria, unlike any other
found on the series of campaign medals. The inscrip-
tion, Victoria Regina et Imperatrix, encircles the head.
The reverse gives a shield charged with a Y-shaped
device. The words Pax appear, one on
Ars, Jus,
each of the arms of the Y- Emerging from behind and
above the shield are two flags of the company, and from
its sides jut out a number of rifles and swords. All
this is enclosed by a neat wreath.

The clasp is straight.

The ribbon is yellow, black and white, all of equal
The piece was struck in silver for white men and
in bronze for natives. The former carries a bar
inscribed Nigeria 1886-1897, whilst the latter has a
bar inscribed Nigeria.
The medals are very rare indeed, we cannot
silver ;

recall having seen any soldier wearing the ribbon.

Pieces seldom reach the auction rooms, and it is, there-
fore, impossible to suggest even an approximate value.
The Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal.
A rebellion which took place at Pokwani, a tiny
village in British Bechuanaland, in 1896, was promptly

quelled by a small force of Cape troops, officered in

part by members of the commissioned ranks of the
British Army. After leaving the matter in abeyance
for four years, the Cape Government sought permission
from Her Majesty to reward those who fought on this
occasion. At the same time, it was desired to honour
in a similar way the men who had taken part in various

operations in Basutoland and Transkei during the

years 1880-1.
The Queen granted the necessary permission in
1900, and the medal was struck forthwith.
The obverse shows a crowned and veiled head of
Her Majesty almost similar to the effigy given on the
South Africa medal, but, being executed on a slightly
larger scale, less of the shoulders appear. The usual
inscription, Victoria Regina et Impemtrix, encircles
this face of the piece.
The reverse reveals the arms of the colony, which
the official heraldic language describes thus
For Arms Gules a lion rampant between three
Annulets Or, on a Chief Argent as many hurts each
charged with a Fleur-de-lis of the second, for the Crest-
On a Wreath of the Colours the Figure of Hope proper
vested Azure resting the dexter arm on a Rock and
supporting with the sinister hand an Anchor Sable
entwined with a Cable also proper, and for Supporters.
On the dexter side a Gnu and on the sinister side an
Oryx (gems buck) both proper, together with this
motto Spes Bona."
Around the arms is the inscription, Cape of Good
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is a purple-blue with a wide stripe of
orange running down the centre.
Three bars were issued, and every medal bears one
or more they are inscribed, Basutoland, Transkei, and

Not many copies of the Cape medal are sold at
auction, but the following prices have been obtained :

With bar for Basutoland, 28$.

With bar for Bechuanaland, 335.
With two bars for Transkei and Basutoland, 525.
The British North Borneo Medals ol 1897-1916.
These pieces are seldom seen, but, none the less, are
worn by a few members of the British Army. The
first was awarded by the North Borneo Company to
those who took part in the Punitive Expedition of
1897-8, including actions at Inanam, Ranau, Ambong,
Labuk and Sugut.
The obverse gives the Company's arms.
The reverse shows a thick-set bush with a British
lion and the Union Jack. In the exergue is the

inscription Spink ( Son, London, who were the makers

of the piece.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern.

The bar, issued with each piece, is inscribed Punitive

The ribbon was, at first, watered orange-yellow, but
is now crimson, yellow, blue, yellow and crimson.


Fig. i. The Queen's South Africa Medal, 1899-1902. Obverse.
Fig. 2. The King's South Africa Medal, 1901-1902. Obverse.
Fig. 3. The Reverse of both these medals. (The Bars are those
given with the King's award.)

Fig. i. The Ashanti Medal of 1901. Reverse.
Fig. 2. The China Medal of 1900. Obverse.
Fig. 3. The Africa General Service Medal. Reverse.
The Metal. Pieces were struck in silver and bronze,
but the latter were replaced by silver awards in 1906.
A second medal, identical to the foregoing but with
a bar, Punitive Expeditions, was given to those present
at two or more of the engagements, mentioned above.
Curiously enough, the first and second piece could

be worn, suspended from a similar ribbon, by one

A third medal, styled the Tembunan Medal, was
awarded to those who fought against Mat Saleh in
1899-1900. Silver and bronze pieces were issued with
the design as above, but with the date, 1900, on the
obverse. The ribbon is orange, light yellow, and green
in equal widths. There were no bars.
A fourth piece, the Rundum Medal, was issued in
1915-16 of the same design but with a bar inscribed,
Rundum. It was struck in silver only. The ribbon
is crimson, yellow, blue, yellow, and crimson.

The Queen's South Africa Medal, 1899-1902. This

medal, the ribbon of which is so frequently seen, may
be described as follows :

Obverse. A of Queen Victoria, heavily

veiledand wearing a small crown, also the star of the
Order of the Garter. The words Victoria Regina et
Imperatrix, in circular formation around the head.
Reverse. Britannia grasping a flag and presenting
a wreath to an army of soldiers and a fleet of battle-
ships. Above her are the words South Africa. The
artist was G. de Saulles.

Clasp. Straight.
Ribbon. A wide central stripe of orange-yellow

with narrow stripes of deep blue and red on either

Bars. These are narrow and devoid of ornamenta-
tion. There are twenty-six varieties
(i) Cape Colony, (2) Natal, (3) Rhodesia, (4) Relief
of Mafeking, (5) Defence of Kimberley, (6) Talana,
(7) Elandslaagte, (8) Defence of Ladysmith, (9) Belmont,
(10) Modder River, (n) Tugela Heights, (12) Relief of
Kimberley, (13) Paardeberg, (14) Orange Free State,

(15) Relief of Ladysmith, (16) Driefontein, (17) Wepener,

(18) Defence of Mafeking, (19) Transvaal, (20) Johannes-
burg, (21) Laing's Nek, (22) Diamond Hill, (23)
bergen, (24) Belfast, (25) SowtfA Africa 1901, (26)
Africa 1902.
This medal was given to every member of the Navy
or Army, including doctors and women nurses, who
served in South Africa during the period October n,
1899, and May 31, 1902 also to members of the forces

who garrisoned the Mediterranean forts during the

period of hostilities. (In their case the word Mediter-
ranean appears on the reverse of the award instead of
the words South Africa.) It was given, in addition,
to the detachments which guarded the prisoners con-
fined at St. Helena, but such recipients received no bars.
Much care and thought was expended on the dis-
tribution of the bars in order that as few injustices
as possible might be committed. It was found, for

instance, that many men who had seen their full share
had not taken part in any of the classic
of the fighting

engagements, and therefore, unless special bars were

struck for them they would receive no additional
laurels. Hence the reason for the bars with general
names, such as Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State,
and Transvaal. It should be noted that added
honours for both Cape Colony and Natal could not be
held by the same person, and that these two South
Africa honours were only given to men not
for the King's S.A. medal.
Everybody, it should
perhaps be said, was given a bar if he fought, but, in
the case of the naval detachments which patrolled the
shore and the soldiers who remained at the base, no
bars were awarded.
This medal
is seldom reproduced
by the counter-
feiter, as not particularly rare. The bars, however,
it is

are frequently imitated, and fairly valuable combina-

tions are simulated by an assembly of false bars with
real medals. It is some check on the wiles of the faker
to know what
particular honours were given to each
regiment, and, at the risk of going into detail that may
appear tedious, we append a list of the bars awarded
to each British regiment :

Complete List of Bars Awarded for the South Africa

IST LIFE GUARDS. Seven bars: Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Orange
Cape Colony, Defence of Kimberley, Free State, Driefontein, Transvaal,
Paardeberg, Driefontein, Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, and Bel-
Diamond Hill, and Wittebergen. fast.
Cape Colony, Defence of Kimberley, Six bars : Cape Colony, Orange Free
Paardeberg, Driefontein, Johannesburg, State, Transvaal, Johannesburg, Dia-
Diamond Hill, and Wittebergen. mond Hill, and Belfast.

bars Cape Colony, Defence of Kimber-

Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange
ley, Paardeberg, Driefontein, Johannes- Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, Trans-
burg, and Wittebergen. vaal, and Laing's Nek.
Three bars Cape Colony, Orange Free
: Nine bars Cape Colony, Relief of

State, and Transvaal. Kimberley, Paardeberg, Orange Free

2x0 DRAGOON GUARDS. Three State, Driefontein, Transvaal, Johannes-
bars Cape Colony, Orange Free State,
burg, Diamond Hill, and Belfast,
and Transvaal. 3RD (K.O.) HUSSARS. Two bars :

3RD (P.of W.) DRAGOON GUARDS. Orange Free State and Transvaal.
Three bars Cape Colony, Orange Free
State, and Transvaal. Seven bars: Cape Colony, Natal, Elands-
STH (P.C.W.) DRAGOON GUARDS. laagte, Defence of Ladysmith, Orange
Five bars :
Natal, Elandslaagte, Free State, Transvaal, and Belfast.
Defence ol Ladysmith, Orange Free 6TH (INNISK.) DRAGOONS. Six
State, and Transvaal. bars Cape Colony, Orange Free State,

6TH DRAGOON GUARDS (Cara- Transvaal, Johaunesburg, Diamond Hill,

biniers). Nine bars: Cape Colony, and Belfast.

Reprinted from The Regiment, March 3, 1917.
7TH (Q.O.) HUSSARS. Three bars :
Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Drie-
Colony, Ora
Cape Colony, Orange Free State, and fontein, and Transvaal.
Transvaal. THE KING'S OWN (Rl. Lane. Regt.).
STH (K.R1.L) HUSSARS. Six bars : Six bars Cape Colony, Tugela

Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Trans- Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of
vaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, and Ladysmith.Transvaal, Laing's Nek.
9TH (Q.R.) LANCERS. Ten bars: LIERS. Five bars Cape Colony, Bel- :

Cape Colony, Natal, Belmont, Modder mont, Modder River, Orange Free State,
River, Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, and Transvaal.
Orange Free State, Johannesburg, THE ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE
Diamond Hill, and VVittebergen. REGT. Six bars Cape Colony, Orange

IOTH (P. of W.O. Rl.) HUSSARS. Free State, Transvaal, Johannesburg,

Eight bars Cape Colony, Relief of
: Diamond Hill, and Belfast.
Kimberley, Paardeberg, Driefontein, THE ROYAL FUSILIERS. Five
Transvaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, bars : Cape Colony, Tugela Heights,
and Wittebergen. Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysmith,
I2TH (P. of W. Rl.) LANCERS. Nine and Transvaal.
bars Cape Colony, Relief of Kimberley,
Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Driefon- Six bars Cape Colony, Defence of

tein,Transvaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Ladysmith, Orange Free State, Trans-

Hill,and Wittebergen. vaal, Laing's Nek, and Belfast.
ISTH HUSSARS. Five bars Tugela : THE NORFOLK REGT. Six bars :

Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of Cape Colony, Relief of Kimberley, Paar-
Ladysmith, Transvaal, and Laing's Nek. deberg, Orange Free State, Transvaal,
I4TH (K.) HUSSARS. Eight bars : and Johannesburg.
Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange THE LINCOLNSHIRE REGT.
Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, Trans- Five bars : Cape Colony, Paardeberg,
vaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, and Orange Free State, Transvaal, and
Belfast. Johannesburg.
Seven bars Cape Colony, Relief of
: bars : Natal, Elandslaagte, Defence of
Kimberley, Paardeberg, Orange Free Ladysmith, Tugela Heights, Orange Free
State, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, and State, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal,
Wittebergen. Laing's Nek, and Belfast.
I7TH (D.C.O.) LANCERS. Six bars : THE SUFFOLK REGT. Three bars :

Ca pe Colony Orange Free State, Johan-

, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, and
nesburg, Diamond Hill, Wittebergen, and Transvaal.
i STH HUSSARS. Six bars: Talana, Five bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free
Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, State, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal,
Transvaal, Laing's Nek, and Belfast. and Laing's Nek.
Three bars Cape Colony, Orange Free
(W. Yorks. Regt.). Six bars Cape :

State, and Transvaal. Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange Free

aoTH HUSSARS. Two bars Orange :
State, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal,
Free State, and Transvaal. and Laing's Nek.
Cape Colony, Belmont, Modder River, Four bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free
Orange Free State, Driefontein, Trans- State, Transvaal, and Wittebergen.
vaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, THE BEDFORDSHIRE REGT.
Wittebergen, and Belfast. Four bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free
COLDSTREAM GUARDS. Nine State, Transvaal, and Wittebergen.
bars : Cape Colony, Belmont, Modder THE LEICESTERSHIRE REGT.
River, Orange Free State, Driefontein, Six bars :
Cape Colony, Talana, Defence
Transvaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, of Ladysmith, Transvaal, Laing's Nek,
and Belfast. and Belfast.
Colony, Belmont, Modder River, Paarde- bars Cape Colony, Relief of Kimberley,

berg, Orange Free State, Driefontein, Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Witte-
Transvaal, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, bergen, and Belfast
Wittebergen, and Belfast. ALEX. (P. of W.) (Yorkshire OWN
THE ROYAL SCOTS. Four bars: Regt.). Nine bars Cape Colony, Relief:

Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Trans- of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Orange Free
vaal, and Belfast. State, Driefontein, Transvaal, Johannes-
THE QUEEN'S (Rl. W. Surrey Regt.). burg, Diamond Hill, and Belfast .

Six bars : Cape Colony, Tugela THE LANCASHIRE FUSILIERS.

Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of Six bars : Cape Colony, Tugela Heights,
Ladysmith, Transvaal, Laing's Nek. Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysmith,
THE BUFFS (E. Kent Regt.). Six Transvaal, and Laing's Nek.
bars : Cape Colony, Relief of Kimberley, THE ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS.
Five bars Cape Colony, Tugela Heights,
: Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, Trans-
Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysnu'th, vaal, and Laing's Nek.
and Transvaal. THE WELSH REGT. Nine bars:
THE CHESHIRE REGT. Four bars : Cape Colony, Relief of Kimberley,
Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Trans- Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Driefou-
vaal, and Johannesburg. tein, Transvaal, Johannesburg, Diamond
Five bars Cape Colony, Tugela
: THE BLACK WATCH (Royal High-
Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of landers). Six bars Cape Colony,

Ladysmith, and Transvaal. Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Driefon-

THE S. WALES BORDERERS. tein, Transvaal, and Wittebergen.
Four bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free THE OXFORDSHIRE LIGHT IN-
State, Transvaal, and Johannesburg. FANTRY. Six bars: Cape Colony,
THE K.O. SCOTTISH BOR- Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Orange
DERERS. Five bars Cape Colony, : Free State, Driefontein, and Transvaal.
Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Trans- THE ESSEX REGT. Nine bars:
vaal, and Johannesburg. Cape Colony, Relief of Kimberley,
THE CAMERONIANS (Scottish Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Driefon-
Rifles). Seven Cape Colony, bars :
tein, Transvaal, Johannesburg, Diamond
Tugela Orange Free State,
Heights, Hill, and Belfast.
Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal, Laing's THE SHERWOOD FORESTERS.
Nek, and Wittebergen. Five bars : Cape Colony, Orange Free
THE ROYAL INNISKILLING State, Transvaal, Johannesburg, and
FUSILIERS. -Seven bars Cape Colony, : Diamond Hill.
Natal, Tugela Heights, Orange Free THE LOYAL NORTH LANCASHIRE
State, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal, REGT. Six bars :
Cape Colony, Defence
and Belfast. of Kimberley, Belmont, Modder River,
THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE REGT. Oranga Free State, and Transvaal.
Eight bars Cape Colony, Natal, : THE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE
Defence of Ladysmith, Relief of Kim- REGT. Five bars Cape Colony, Bel-:

berley, Paardeberg, Orange Free State, mont, Modder River, Orange Free State,
Driefontein, and Transvaal. and Transvaal.
Four bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free Three bars Cape Colony, Orange Free

State, Transvaal, and Wittebergen. State, and Transvaal.

Four bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free bars Cape Colony, Orange Free State,

State, Transvaal, and Johannesburg. Transvaal, and Wittebergen.

(Yorks Light
bars Cape Colony, Tugela
Heights, Infantry). Six bars Cape Colony, :

Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, Belmont, Modder River, Orange Free
Transvaal, and Laing's Nek. State, Transvaal, and Wittebergen.
THE D. of C. LIGHT INFANTRY. THE KING'S (Shropshire Light
Six bars
Cape Colony, Paardeberg,
: Infantry). Six bars Cape Colony, :

Orange Free State, Driefontein, Trans- Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Driefon-
vaal, and Johannesburg. tein, Transvaal, and Johannesburg.
W. RIDING REGT. Six bars Cape : MIDDLESEX REGT. Six bars :

Colony, Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange

Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, Free State, Relief of Ladysmitb, Trans-
and Transvaal. vaal, and Laing's Nek.
Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange CORPS. Nine bars Cape Colony, :

Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, and Talana, Defence of Ladysmith, Tugela

Transvaal. Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of
THE ROYAL SUSSEX REGT. Ladysmith, Transvaal, Laing's Nek, and
Five bars :
Cape Colony, Orange Free Belfast.
State, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, and WILTSHIRE REGT. Four bars :

Wittebergen. Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Trans-

THE HAMPSHIRE REGT. Five vaal, and Wittebergen.
bars Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Orange
Free State, Transvaal, and Johannesburg. bars Cape Colony, Natal, Elandslaagte,

THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free

REGT. Four bars :
Cape Colony, State, Transvaal, Wittebergen, and Bel-
Orange Five State, Transvaal, and fast.
Wittt-bergen. NORTH STAFFS. REGT. Four
THE DORSETSHIRE REGT. Six bars Cape Colory, Orange Free State,

bars Cape Colony, Tugela

: Heights, Transvaal, and Johannesburg.
Orange Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, THE YORK AND LANCASTER
Transvaal, and Laing's Nek. REGT. Six bars Cape Colony, Tugela

SOUTH LANCS. REGT. Six bars: Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of
Cape Colony, Tugela Heights, Orange Ladysmith, Trausvaal, and Laiug's Nek.
THE DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY. Ladysmith, Tugela Heights, Orange
Six bars : Cape Colony, Tugela Free State, Relief of Ladysmith, and
Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of Transvaal.
Ladysmith, Transvaal, and Laing's Nek. THE CONNAUGHT RANGERS.
THE HIGHLAND LIGHT IN- Six bars Cape Colony, Natal, Tugela

FANTRY. Six bars Cape Colony,

Heights, Orange Free State, Relief of
Modder River, Paardeberg, Orange Free Ladysmith, and Transvaal.
State, Transvaal, and Wittebergen. ARC. AND SUTH. HIGHLANDERS.
SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS (Ross- Six bars Cape Colony, Modder River,

shire Buffs, The D. of A.). Six bars : Paardeberg, Orange Free State, Drieioii-
Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Orange Free lein, and Transvaal.
State, Driefontein, Trausvaal, and THE LEINSTER REGT. Four bars :
Wittebergen. Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Trans-
THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS. vaal, and Wittebergen.
Ten bars: Cape Colony, Elandslaagte, THE ROYAL MUNSTER FUSI-
Defence of Ladysmith, Paardeberg, LIERS. Five
bars Cape Colony,

Orange Free State, Driefontein, Trans- Belmont, Orange Free State, Transvaa'l,
vaal, Johannesburg, Laing's Nek, and and Wittebergen.
THE Q.O. CAMERON HIGH- Seven bars: Cape Colony, Talana,
bars : Cape Colony, Tueela Heights, Orange Free State,
Orange Free State, Transvaal, Johannes- Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal, and
burg, Diamond Hill, and Wittebergen. Laing's Nek.
Three bars Cape Colony, Orange Free
: bars :
Cape Colony, Defence of Lady-
and Transvaal.
State, smith, Tugela Heights, Orange Free
ROYAL IRISH FUSILIERS. Seven State, Relief of Ladysmith, Trausvaal,
bars Cape Colony, Talana, Defence of
Laing's Nek, and Belfast.

The Queen's South Africa medal may be bought for

five shillings,upwards. To-day, the prices are about
a third of those ruling ten years ago.
The King's South Africa Medal, 1901-2. As the
Boer War was in progress during the early months of
King Edward's reign it was only fitting that a medal
bearing His Majesty's profile should be struck for
presentation to the troops who fought until the close
of hostilities.
This medal, which appeared in the early part of
1903, reveals a very fine profile of the King in field-
marshal's dress, and the inscription Edwardus VII.
Rex Imperator. Much speculation existed prior to the
issue of this and the Ashanti, 1901, piece as to whether
the profile would face left or right. By analogy with
the custom of the coinage, many observers argued that
the head should turn to the right, that is, in the
contrary direction to that adopted by Queen Victoria.
Others pointed out that the Prince Regent looked to
the left on the Waterloo award, and as Victoria did the
same it was probable that Edward would be similarly
portrayed. But, as a matter of fact, no rule exists,
and though Queen Victoria preferred to adhere to a
left-hand profile in, we think, all her war medallic

portraits, King Edward has faced variously left and

right. In the case of the Boer War medal he faces left.
This award possesses a reverse similar in every
particular to that of the Queen's piece ; the clasp is
also the same, but the ribbon is green, white, and

orange-yellow, in equal widths. The green stands for

the Transvaal, the white for Britain, and the orange
for the Orange Free State.
The King's medal was only given to recipients of
the Queen's award who were serving on January i,
1902, and who completed eighteen months' fighting
before June i of the same year.
There were two bars, South Africa, 1901, and South
Africa, 1902. To fulfil the conditions set out in the
previous paragraph would appear that every piece

should have been issued with both bars, yet we have

come across an occasional specimen, properly verified,
with the latter bar alone.
The King's medal is generally worth a trifle more
than the Queen's. Whenever possible, a pair belonging
to one recipient should be placed in the collection
rather than two odd specimens.
The Kimberley Star. This award was given by
the Mayor of Kimberley in 1900 to all who took part
in the defence of the town during the three months'
siege, terminating on February 15, of the above year.
Members of the British forces are not allowed to wear
the decoration in uniform.
star is silver, six pointed, and bears, in the
centre, the arms of the town, and the inscription
Kimberley, 1899-1900. On the reverse, we read,
Mayor's Siege Medal, 1900. The ribbon is not so
broad as is customary there are three narrow stripes

of red, white and blue with a wide edging of black, on

the left, and on the right.
of khaki,
The piece, formerly worth two or three pounds, may
now be bought for half a guinea. There are, however,
many forgeries in existence, and Mr. W. A. Steward
points out that it should be particularly noticed that

only those bearing the hall-mark, including the date-

mark, are genuine."
The Ashanti Medal of 1901. For those who took
part in the repression of the rebellious tribes in Ashanti,
and who brought the siege of Kumassi to a successful
issue, a medal was granted in 1901.
The obverse gives a profile of King Edward wearing
the dress of a field-marshal. It should be mentioned
that this was the
first award to bear the King's features ;

however, described in this work after the King's

it is,

South Africa medal because the latter was planned

before the Ashanti medal and because it is desirable to

place together the Boer War awards of the Queen and

The reverse presents a towards the rising
lion looking
sun. It stands beside a shield and two assegais, one of
which is damaged. A scroll is inscribed, Ashanti.
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is deep green with three bars of black.
The only bar is inscribed, Kumassi.
As the expedition was undertaken by natives,
directed in part by British officers, we find very few


















people in the home country wearing this ribbon. The

medal when awarded to Englishmen is, accordingly,
rather rare, but may be bought for a guinea if possessed
of no bars and inscribed with the name of a native
soldier. With the bar Kumassi, the piece is worth
2. Some few years back a specimen awarded to an
English doctor was sold for 3 175. 6d.
The China Medal of 1900. Late in the year 1899,
a British missionary was murdered by Chinese fanatics
who belonged to a society known as the Boxers. These
people desired to rid their country of foreigners,
especially those whose work it was to teach Christianity,
and thus it happened that the British subject met his
death. The home Government protested to the
Chinese authorities, but it soon became clear that the
latter had not sufficient hold over the rebels, nor,

perhaps, the inclination to prevent further excesses.

As other powers had suffered at the hands of the Boxers,
itwas decided to form a composite expeditionary force,
made of units from India, France, the United States,

Japan, Germany and Russia, to deal with the mur-

derers. When this became known within the celestial
empire, a wholesale massacre of the foreign element in
Pekin was attempted, but those who were attacked
sought refuge in the legations. The fighting then
resolved itself, largely, in and around these homes of
the foreign powers.
In 1902 a British medal was struck for presentation
to who took part in the various engagements. It

must be mentioned that a few weeks before her last

illnessQueen Victoria planned the details of the piece,
and these were adhered to by King Edward after his
mother's death. Thus the first and last medals to
bear Victoria's profile were both commemorative of
successes in China.
depicts the Queen as she appears on
The obverse
the South Africa medal for 1899-1902.
The reverse gives the same group of arms and shield
as were used for the earlier China pieces, but the
exergue bears the date 1900.
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is crimson with yellow edges.
The bars are narrow and squared at the corners.
They bear the inscriptions, Taku Forts, Defence of the
Legations, and Relief of Pekin. Many specimens were
given without bars.
As the three China medals are apt to prove con-
fusing, it may be well to give the following tabulation
of their differences :

1842. 1857-60. 1900.

Wyon's profile of Wyon's profile of The same profile as

Victoria. Victoria. on the S. Africa
piece of 1899-1902.
The date, 1842, in No date in the exer The date, 1900, in
the exergue. gue. the exergue.
The clasp is a slot The clasp is curved. The clasp is straight.
There were no bars. The bars are fish- The bars are square-
tailed." cornered.
The edges of the The crimson is The crimson is of a
ribbon are of a slightly purplish. brick shade.
dull gold. (There is also an
alternative ribbon.)

A fair price for the third China medal is ten shillings

if awarded to one of the Welsh Fusiliers, and from five

shillings to seven-and-six when impressed with the

name of an Indian soldier. One bar will add a few
shillings to the above amounts. Naval medals with
no additional honours are numerous and common, but
when displaying bars are much sought after. One
medal given to a lance-corporal in the Royal Marines,
with a bar for the Legations, has sold for 9 los.
The Africa General Service Medals. The reader
will have noticed that in the middle of the nineteenth

century there were so many encounters in India that

the authorities were compelled to institute an India
General Service medal. Towards the end of the
nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century,
the same position was being enacted in Africa. Award
after award followed in rapid sequence, and the
authorities rightly determined, in 1902, to issue an
Africa General Service medal.
The obverse new G.S. piece gives
of the the profile
of King Edward, which we have already described.
It is not altogether appropriate, as His Majesty is
dressed as a soldier, and most of the awards have gone
to the Navy.
The reverse is the same as that mentioned for the
East and Central Africa decoration of 1897-9, Britannia
appearing with a lion, but the exergue is filled with the
single word, Africa.
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is yellow, with wide black edges and two
pin stripes of green running through the yellow.
It was struck in silver for general distribution and
bronze forcamp attendants.
Manybars have been issued; in fact, the piece is
never awarded without one or more additional honours.
The following complete the list :

N. Nigeria (with no date but for operations in

1900-1), N. Nigeria 1903, N. Nigeria 1903-4, N.
Nigeria 1904, N. Nigeria 1906. All these bars were
duplicated for 5. Nigeria. East Africa 1902, East
Africa 1904, East Africa 1905, East Africa 1906, West
Africa 1906, West Africa 1908, Somaliland 1901,
Somaliland 1902-4, Somaliland 1908-10, Jubaland,
Uganda 1900, 5.C.A 1899-1900, Gambia, Aro 1901-
1902, Lango 1901, Jidballi, Kissi 1905, Nandi 1905-6.
The A.G.S. award was re-issued in 1916 with the
profile of King George, and has, so far, been granted
with bars for Shimber Berris 1914-15, Nyasaland 1915,
East Africa 1913-14, East Africa 1913, East Africa 1914,
East Africa 1915, and Jubaland 1917-18.
The 1902 award is worth at least a guinea.
The Tibet Medal. A sent by the Indian
Government to the seat of authority in Tibet in 1903
was suddenly surrounded and fired on. The officers
and men acted with splendid courage and, though
taken by surprise, beat off the aggressors. Further
disturbances occurred as a result of this incident, and
many members of the Royal Fusiliers, the Norfolk
Regiment, and certain Indian contingents were called
upon to restore order.
Later, amedal was prepared for distribution to all
who fought between December 13, 1903, and September
23, 1904.
The obverse portrays King Edward as before.
The reverse depicts the mountain at Potala a Lhassa
with a fortress at the summit. Around the lower part
of this face of the medal we read, Tibet, 1903-4.
The clasp shows a revival of the old curved scroll
The ribbon is purplish-plum with edges of white
and green.
One bar was awarded for Gyantse, where much
sporadic fighting took place between May 3 and June 6,
This item somewhat uncommon, and, as few

specimens have come upon the market, it is a little

difficult to suggest even an approximate value. We
remember, however, seeing copy with the bar offered

by Messrs. Spink and Son at i 75. 6d.

The Natal Medal. The Zulu troubles of 1906 led
the Natal Government to issue a medal in 1908. The

piece was prepared by the Goldsmiths' and Silver-

The obverse shows a truncated bust of King Edward,
facing right. His Majesty has a care-worn expression
which is not pleasing. The inscription is Edwardus VII.
Rex Imperator.
The reverse presents a particularly fine group of
figures. Britannia comforts a woman, who stands for
Natal. The latter holds a sword. Behind them are
flags, implements of war, and a group of native people.
The exergue is inscribed, Natal. A rather wide rim
all round this side of the medal proves an effective

finish to the workmanship.

The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is a pinkish-red with wide black edges.
One bar is presented with the piece it bears the

date, 1906, in bold figures.

We have seen a fair number of Natal medals offered
for sale. The price averages about i.
The Third India General Service Medal. The
second I.G.S. medal had a somewhat checkered career,
for within a few years of its issue Queen Victoria died,
and the effigy of King Edward was required to replace
that of the Queen. Moreover, when first awarded, a
date appeared on the reverse which limited the use of
the piece for future occasions. These particulars were
easily rectified had the authorities been so minded,
but it wasrightly considered more suitable to issue
an altogether fresh award, which was styled the I.G.S.
medal of 1908.
The obverse gives an effigy King Edward,
surrounded by the legend Edwardus VII. Kaisar-i-
reverse shows a scene depicting mountains in
which a fort nestles. A tablet forming the exergue is
inscribed, India.
The clasp is of the old curved scroll pattern.

The ribbon is a deep blue with wide edges of

The one bar stands for North West Frontier, 1908,
written in two lines.

This medal has been re-issued with bars for Abor,

1911-12, and Afghan Campaign, 1919. The obverse
appeared with the profile of King George V., whilst the
reverse bore thesame mountain view, but was redrawn
in a somewhat diffused manner. The 1911-19 piece
was not given to possessors of the 1908 striking.
With a bar for North- West Frontier, the piece sells
for half a guinea, but, with Abor, the few specimens
that are to be found fetch three to four guineas.
The Khedive's Sudan Medal of 1910. In 1911 a
British Army Order approved of the grant of a medal

by the Khedive to the forces, many of which were

natives, who
suppressed various local risings in the
Sudan in 1911-12. Those who fought in the Atwot
district between February and April, 1910, as well as
those serving in South Kordofan in November and
December, 1910, received the award.
The obverse of the medal gives the Khedive's

cypher and other particulars in Arabic characters.

The reverse reveals a lion ready to spring. Behind
it is the desert dotted with palm trees, and
away on the
horizon the sun rises. The animal stands on a pedestal
bearing the word Sudan, and below this are native
weapons. Richard Garbe is responsible for this
spirited tableau.
The clasp is straight.
The ribbon is black with red and green edges.
The bars are narrower than those given with
earlier pieces presented by the Khedive. The inscrip-
tions, as before, are printed in both English and
Arabic characters. They are now eight in number :

Atwot, S. Kordofan 1901, Sudan 1912, Darfur 1916,

Fasher, Zeraf 1913-14, Mongolia 1915-16, and Lau-Nuer.
This piece is not uncommon.
The Naval General Service Medal of 1915. In 1915
a note in the London Gazette announced that The
King has been pleased to sanction the establishment
of a naval medal to be known as the Naval General
Service Medal, to be awarded for service in minor
warlike operations, whether in the nature of belligerency
or police, which may be considered of sufficient import-
ance to justify the award of a medal in cases where no
other medal would be appropriate.
The medal will have a distinctive riband, white
with crimson borders and two crimson stripes, and a
* with
clasp appropriate wording.
* The word
clasp, throughout this work, is used to denote the
metal suspender which joins the piece, proper, to the ribbon. The

Figs, i and 2. Obverse and Reverse of the Natal Medal of
Fig. 3. The Khedive's Sudan Medal of 1910. Reverse.
Fig. 4. The 1914 Star.

In the present illustration, both faces of a typical British

Campaign Medal serve to illustrate details of Nomenclature.
His Majesty has further been pleased to approve
the award of the N.G.S. medal with clasp * inscribed
Persian Gulf 1909-1914, to the officers and men of
His Majesty's ships who were employed in the opera-
tions for the suppression of the arms traffic in the
Arabian Sea or Persian Gulf N.
of latitude 22 degrees N.
and W. of longitude 64 degrees E. between October 19,
1909, and August i, 1914."
We may add that the obverse bears a profile of
King George in admiral's uniform, whilst the reverse
shows Britannia, driving through the waves, in com-
pany with a pair of spirited sea-horses.
The 1914 Star. An Army Order of 1917 announced
that the King had been pleased to signify his pleasure
to recognise by the grant of a distinctive decoration,
the services rendered by the military forces under the
command of Field-Marshal Lord French, in France and
Belgium during the earlier phase of the war in 1914,
up to midnight November 22-23, 1914.
Those eligible for the star are set out as all officers,
warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, all men of
the British and Indian Forces, including civilian medical
practitioners, nursing sisters, nurses and others em-
ployed with military hospitals, who actually served in
France or Belgium on the establishment of a unit of
the British Expeditionary Forces, between August 5,

1914, and midnight of November 22-23, 1914."

Later it was decided to extend the grant of the Star
to the naval forces, viz all officers and men of the

Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Naval Reserve and

word is often used, incorrectly, we think, for a bar ; it is employed
in this sense in the above quotation.
* See above"note.
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve who actually served
in France or Belgium on the establishment of a unit
landed for service on shore between the afore-men-
tioned dates.
The decoration is made of lacquered bronze, and
consists of a four-pointed star, the apex of which is
hidden by an imperial crown. A pair of crossed swords
lie on the star so that the extremities jut out between

the angles caused by the limbs. A wreath bearing the

monogram, G.V., encircles the centre of the piece, and
encloses a scroll inscribed,
Aug.-Nov. 1914. The
ribbon is white and blue, shaded and watered.
The piece is not of a high-class production the ;

metal is soft, the lacquer easily wears away, the edges

are often filed so as to leave an unpleasant roughness,
and the recipient's name is stamped on the back in an
inferior fashion.
The 1914-15 Star. After the regulations affecting
the above decoration had been framed, it was deter-
mined to award a similar star, suitably dated, to all
who performed service after November, 1914, and before

January i, 1916.
To distinguish the first star from the second, the
earlier oneprovided with a dated bar, cast in bronze,

or, when the ribbon alone is worn, a small silver rosette

is fixed to the centre of the ribbon. The bar is a thin
plate with a hole pierced at each corner : thus it is

intended to be sewn to the ribbon.

The stars have been issued in batches at short

intervals, notice being given in the newspapers as each

regiment's supply was ready. Here is a specimen
1914 STAR.
" "
The 1914 Star for Officers and other ranks of
the under-mentioned Regiments is now ready for issue.
Applications in the case of Officers should be addressed
to the Secretary, War Office (A.G. 10), 27, Pilgrim-st.,
E.G. 4. Other ranks should apply as follows :

For : Northumberland Fusiliers.

East Yorkshire Regiment.
Yorkshire Regiment.
Durham Light Infantry.
To : The Officer Charge of No.
in i, Infantry
Record Office, York.
For : West Yorkshire Regiment.
West Riding Regiment.
Yorkshire Light Infantry.
York and Lancaster Regiment.
To : The Officer in Charge of No. 2, Infantry Record
Office, York.

It should perhaps be stated that in the case of

deceased officers who are eligible, their legatees or
next-of-kin may obtain the decoration by applying
to the Secretary, War Office (A.G. 10), at 27, Pilgrim-st.,

E.C-4, or to the Admiralty. Relatives of other

ranks in the Army should apply to the officer in charge
of the records of the particular unit.
The British War Medal, 1914 18. This award hangs
from the now familiar ribbon of watered orange
with edges of royal blue, black and white. The piece
is the work of Mr. William McMillan, who is a native

of Aberdeen. Mr. McMillan studied in London and in

Italy. When the war broke out he joined the Oxford
and Bucks Light Infantry, and served in the Ypres
salient in 1915. Later, he was discharged with shell
shock. He has gained a considerable reputation in
Canada and elsewhere.
Mr. McMillan's design was chosen from amongst
fifty-one drawings submitted by prominent artists.
The selection was made by a committee consisting of
eminent representatives of the Royal Academy, the
Royal Society of British Sculptors, the British Museum,
the National Gallery, and the Royal Mint. To
Mr. McMillan this committee awarded the first prize
of 500, whilst prizes of 150 and 75 went to Mr.
Charles Wheeler and Mr. C. L. G. Dorman.
The medal is struck in silver, and has a straight
clasp but no swivel.
The obverse gives an effigy of His Majesty, as
appears on the coinage, i.e. a truncated bust, facing left.
Surrounding the head is the inscription Georgius V.
Britt : Omn : Rex et Ind : Imp i
The reverse, which is the work of Mr. McMillan,
shows St. George of England trampling underfoot the
eagle shield of the Central Powers and the emblems of
death. Above St. George is the risen sun of Victory
and the date 1914-1918. Among the illustrations, we
show the actual design submitted for competition
and the design as it was amended for technical pur-
Briefly, it may be stated that the British War Medal
is to be given to all members of the Navy who com-
pleted at least twenty-eight days of mobilised service,
and, in the case of the Army and the Air Force to those
who entered a theatre of war on duty or who left their
place of residence and rendered approved service
overseas. The nursing services and the various women's
organisations participate on equal terms with those of
the men's services. (Further details of the medal are
given below on pages 173-180.)
The Mercantile Marine War Medal. This medal is

available for members of the British, Dominion,

Colonial and Indian Mercantile Marine who served at
sea on at least one voyage through a danger zone.
The obverse of the piece gives a truncated bust ot
His Majesty, and the inscription as set out for the British
War Medal.
The reverse gives a rendering of a merchant vessel,
tossed by a stormy sea,
with a sailing ship in the
offing. A partly sub-
merged submarine is seen
to the right. In the ex-
ergue is the inscription,
For War Service, Mercan-
tile Marine 1914, 1918.
A circular laurel frame MERCANTILE MARINE
serves as edge to this face.
The ribbon highlyis
Mercantile Marine Medal.
appropriate, being red and 1914-1918.
green with a narrow cen-
tral stripe of white. These colours are symbolic of

the port, starboard, and head lights of all vessels.

The medal is bronze.

The Victory Medal. This bronze award is the work
of Mr. McMillan, the designer of the British War Medal.
Further particulars are given below

The question of discussed in 1916 in con

War Medals was first

nection with the interchange of bravery medals with the Allies-

At that time it was assumed that at the conclusion of hostilities the
European custom of an interchange of War Medals would be carried
out. In wars in which European countries had been allied together
it had been the practice for the Allies to exchange a certain number

of War Medals, e.g. the Crimean War and the Boxer rebellion.
This was a comparatively easy matter when the forces engaged
were not numerous, but in the present war, where armies are com-
posed of millions, it would be practically impossible to distribute
with any fairness a certain number of War Medals from each Ally.
It would, moreover, be extremely unfair on the troops who had

fought in theatres of war outside Europe, since they would probably

be excluded from this distribution.
In order to devise an emblem of the victorious alliance which
could be worn by the soldiers and sailors of the Allied countries, it
was proposed to institute an Allies' Medal. The conditions of service
vary, however, in each country, and it was therefore suggested that
each Allied Government should have a perfectly free hand to decide
the lines on which it should be distributed, but a hope was expressed
that it should, as far as possible, be associated with actual fighting.
At a meeting of representatives of all the Associated Powers
held in Paris in March, 1919, it was decided to put forward the
following recommendations :

1. A medal of the Great War will be instituted and called the

Victory Medal.
2. This medal will be distributed on principles to be decided

by each Government, but in such a manner that it cannot be con-

fused with a purely commemorative medal, which might be given
to mobilised men.

3.The ribbon shall be identical for all the countries, and will
consist of two rainbows joined by the red in the centre. It shall be
distributed as soon as possible.
4. The medal will be round (36 millimetres in width) and made
of bronze.
5. As it was thought impossible to have an international com-
petition in the time available, and by this means to select a single
artist, it is proposed that, instead of an identical medal, the Allied
and Associated Powers shall agree to have medals as nearly identical
in appearance as possible.

The Great War for Civilisation

With this object in view, they will have the medal designed by
their own artist upon the following lines :

(a) On
the obverse there will be a winged figure of Victory, full
length in the middle of the medal, and full face the borders and;

the background plain, without either inscription or date.

(fc) On
the reverse there will be an inscription, The Great War
for Civilisation," translated into the different languages, and either
the names of the different Allied and Associated Powers or their
(c) The rim will be plain.
After the Allied Governments had agreed to the proposal, the
question was discussed how this medal should be distributed to
the troops throughout the British Empire, and the obvious scheme
of restricting it to troops who had been engaged in actual fighting
at once presented itself. But on referring the matter to experts at
the War Office who had been engaged in former distributions of
War Medals, it was found that, owing to the great depth of fire
zone under modern conditions, the expressions under fire " and
" "
in the presence of the enemy were very difficult to define with
any degree of accuracy, and therefore that even if any precise
definitions could be made, it would take many years to examine
and adjudicate the claims of so many million men. Even then this
distribution would be unsatisfactory. It was therefore decided
that all that was possible was to give a distinctive reward to those
who had entered a theatre of war. As regards the Army, it was
therefore proposed to restrict the Allies' medal to those officers and
men who had entered a theatre of war on the strength of any
military unit.
The Navy Medal
The problem regards the Navy was somewhat different.
Although there would not be the same difficulty as would be experi-
enced when dealing with the Army in distinguishing between those
who had been engaged in fighting and those who had not, yet it
was considered that the definition all officers and men who had
been afloat on duty would be analogous to the definition applied
to military personnel, viz. all officers and men who had entered
a theatre of war on duty and on the strength of any unit it was

therefore decided to adopt the former condition of award for naval

Air Force Qualifications
analogy was carried on to the Air Force, it would neces-
If this

sarily follow that all those who had been up in the air would be
eligible for the Allies' medal, but after consideration
in was found
that the qualifications in the Army and Navy could in no way be
applied to the Air Force, and that distinct conditions of service
would have to be drawn up. The Air Council therefore proposed
the following :

i. All the officers and men who had been posted to a unit in

any theatre of the war outside Great Britain.



Fig. i. The British War Medal, 1914-1918. Obverse.

Fig. 2. The British War Medal, 1914-1918. Reverse.
Fig. 3. The Artist's Original Design from which the Reverse
was adapted.
Fig. 4. The Victory Medal.
2. All and men of operational units in Great Britain
who have been actively engaged in the air against the enemy.
3. All officers and men employed on flying new aircraft to France.
4. All officers and men who have formed part of the complement
of aircraft carrying ships.
The Operational Units include those employed on the following
duties :

(a) Airships employed on Fleet reconnaissance, convoy work,

and anti-submarine patrols.
(b) Aeroplanes and seaplanes employed on coast reconnaissance
and anti-submarine patrols.
(c) Aeroplanes and seaplanes employed to protect Great Britain
from hostile air raids.
The Victory Medal obviates the interchange of medals between
the Associated Powers, and therefore no one will be permitted to
accept a foreign war medal of any description.


The British will be given to all officers and men who
war medal
have left their native shores in any part of the British Empire,
whether they eventually entered a theatre of war or not. Men
who left the United Kingdom to garrison any part of the British
Empire, and equally men from the Dominions who came to this
country but did not later go to France, will therefore be entitled
to this medal.
A general desire was expressed to have a separate medal for
each theatre of war, but on inquiry it was found that there were
several hundred thousand men who had served in more than one
theatre of war. As many as 150,000 had even served in four. As
it would obviously be unjust to give these men four medals, while
the greater portion of the Army serving in France would only
receive one, it was decided to abandon the idea of separate medals
for each theatre of war.

It was considered that owing to the kaleidoscopic nature
of the war, and the protracted periods and extensive areas covered
" "
by the battles, it would be impossible to award battle clasps.
It was thought that the examination of different claims would be
such a vast undertaking that the issue of clasps would not be possible
" "
for many years. It was therefore decided to award date clasps
only. "
A very strong desire was, however, expressed that battle
clasps should be awarded. It was represented that there was not
the same urgency with regard to the issue of clasps as there was
with regard to the issue of medals, and that the British soldier
" "
would prefer battle clasps, even though their issue would be
protracted, than none at all. The matter was therefore re-con-
sidered, and a special committee, composed of representatives of all
three services the Navy, the Army, and Air Force, and of each of
the Dominions has been appointed to report on whether battle
" "
clasps are possible, and if so to decide what battle clasps should
be awarded.


In the spring of 1915 Lord Kitchener made the following an-
nouncement in the House of Lords I am glad to be able to state

that His Majesty has approved that where service in this great work
of supplying munitions of war has been thoroughly, loyally and
continuously rendered, the award of the medal will be granted on
the successful termination of the war."
The question has now arisen how Lord Kitchener's pledge can
be put into practice. The matter has been carefully considered
irom this point of view by various committees appointed for the
The three main practical points which had to be considered were
(a) To what classes of war workers, in practice, the medal could
be awarded.
(b) Whether existing machinery is available for the distribution
of the medal.
(c) Whether there is a desire on the part of the workers generally
that this medal should be given.
Taking the second point first, there is no administrative machinery
in existence which could give effect to the distribution of the medal,
and the records of the late Ministry of National Service would not
be of much use in this connection. Machinery would have to be
set up for the purpose.
As regards the first point, there is the preliminary difficulty
of defining munitions of war." No justification can be sustained
for distinguishing between the various kinds of munitions such as

guns, small arms, ammunition, and explosives, which, no doubt,

were in Lord Kitchener's mind when he made his pledge, and those
which have been developed since then, such as tanks, aeroplanes,
poison gas ; as well as equally essential articles, such as mechanical
transport, railway materials, optical stores, machine tools, gauges,
etc. Further, the claims of those engaged in the shipbuilding
industry and the production of raw materials cannot well be ignored ;

while workers in many firms have often been concurrently engaged

on munitions of war and essential civilwork in such a way as to
make impossible to distinguish between the workers engaged in

each of these classes of work. There has also been a considerable

flow of workers into and out of all factories.

6,000,000 People Affected

Lord Kitchener's pledge were to be read as applying to " war
work generally, it is probable that some 6,000,000 people would be
affected. Even then it would not be easy to refuse a demand for
the inclusion of workers engaged on other Government work,"
much of which may be deemed to have been just as essential to the
progress of the war as munitions, as well as of those engaged indirectly
on war work and of those who have had to perform essential civil
work under more difficult conditions.
It was, however, felt that, notwithstanding these difficulties,

every effort must be made to find a way of honouring Lord Kitchener's

pledge. It was thought that this might be done by narrowing it
down to a class of war workers which had specially distinguished
itself by 3oing unaccustomed war work under circumstances of

special danger to life and health. These conditions, emphatically

existed in the case of women employed on dangerous occupations in
tilling, explosives, and chemical factories.
Before, however, making any recommendation to this effect
it was thought to be very desirable that representatives of the
employers and trade unions should be consulted. The Trade
Unions Advisory Committee were consulted, with the result that
the representatives expressed themselves as being strongly against
any award of a medal either to all workers or to any particular
class of workers. In these circumstances the project of giving a
general War Workers' Medal has been reluctantly dropped.
It was originally intended that the Medal of the Order of the
British Empire should be utilised for recognising good work generally
in the case of war workeis. Owing, however, to the very strongly
expressed opinions of the workers themselves, this idea was aban-
doned and the grant of the medal has been confined to war workers
who have, in the course of their service, shown special bravery or
self-sacrifice, or who have performed some specially distinguished
service. Including the January, 1919, Gazette nearly 1000 British
Empire Medals have, so far, been awarded under these conditions.
The medal is greatly prized by its recipients and its reputation stands
very high with the public and the workers.


Women borne on the strength of an organised force will, if they
have entered a theatre of war on duty, be entitled to both the
British and Allies' Medal, but women belonging to any independent
organisation recognised by the Admiralty, War Office, or Air Ministry
in any theatre of war will receive the British Medal only.

Precedence of Medals
has been decided that these Medals and Stars shall rank in
the following order The 1914 Star, the 1914-15 Star, the British

War Medal, the Mercantile Marine War Medal, the Victory Medal.

The King has approved of an oak leaf, in bronze,

being worn on the ribbon of the Victory Medal by all
who have been mentioned in despatches during the late
war. No more than one
however, may be fixed

to the ribbon even though the wearer may have been

the subject of several mentions.
War Medal lor Territorials. A medal, the par-
ticulars of which are not yet decided, is to be issued

to members of the Territorial Force who were


serving on August 4, 1914, and to all ex-members of

the force who had served for a period of not less than
four years before the war and who rejoined the force
on the outbreak of hostilities, provided they undertook
to serve overseas on or before September 30, 1914, and
were passed as physically fit and accepted for service
overseas, and that they are not entitled to the award
of the 1914 or 1914-15 Star.

medals described throughout the pages of

book and the emblems of chivalric and
THE this
other orders, mentioned in the present
chapter, reveal many points in common :
a collector who possesses an array of the former will
naturally be anxious to extend a welcome to the latter.
There is one drawback to collecting the insignia of
knightly orders certain of them must be returned to

the Lord Chamberlain's Department on the death of a

member, and thus a complete set is unobtainable,
however much the would-be possessor may be willing
to expend in treasure on his hobby. But if the actual
pieces may not be retained on all occasions, it does not

mean that the connoisseur is necessarily debarred from

securing minor tokens of these exalted honours. One
such treasure which was sold at Christie's recently may
be mentioned as an instance. It consisted of a portion
of the ribbon of the Garter worn by King Charles at his

execution, and sold for forty-eight guineas.

Although we are mainly concerned here with
collectable articles, it has been deemed advisable to
include the returnable emblems in the descriptions
which follow as well as those that may be bequeathed
on the demise of a recipient. In this way, a more
complete treatise on the subject is made possible.
The Most Noble Order o! the Garter takes pride
of place the world over, and its twenty-five Knights
Companions are people of the highest estate. The
Garter originated in the fourteenth century, and owed
its inception, so it is alleged, to a humiliating experience
of Edward III.'s queen. A less picturesque, but
probably more accurate, account of the birth of this
Order is given by Haydn. Edward III., being at war
with France, was eager to draw the best soldiers of
Europe to his banner consequently, he projected a

revival ofKing Arthur's round table

and proclaimed a solemn tilting. On
New Year's day, 1343-4, he published
letters of protection for the safe
coming and returning of such foreign
knights as would venture their repu-
Garter star. tation at the jousts and tournaments
about to be held. A table was erected
at Windsor Castle of two hundred feet diameter, and
the knights who came forth were entertained at the

King's expense. Later, when many of these warriors

were fighting for him in France, the King used his
garter for a signal during a battle which resulted in
an English victory. It is supposed that the battle
was Crecy, but the point is debatable. To commemo-
rate this success, and to recognise the assistance of
the titled soldiers who had rendered him such valuable
aid, Edward instituted the Order of the Garter.
The decorations which should be noted under this
head are the garter, the star, the collar and the George.
The Garter, worn by knights below the left knee,
and by ladies on the left arm, consists of a dark blue
band of velvet, edged with gold, upon which is in-
scribed, also in gold, the motto, Honi soil qui mat y
pense. The buckle and pendant are worked in threads
of the same metal. Garters presented to sovereigns
abroad, it may be mentioned, are often studded with
valuable gems.
The Star, whichembroidered upon the left breast

of the mantle, as well as on the surcoat, has eight silver

points. These radiate from a central ornament con-
taining the red cross of St. George within a circular
blue garter. This device has become familiar to us
from its use as the regimental badge of the Coldstream
The Collar is a chain of gold to which are fastened
twenty-six circular pieces.* Each of these is enamelled
with a blue garter, inscribed with the motto of the
Order. Within the Garter is a rose, alternately white
and red. Between the circles are chains of gold,
enamelled white, resembling rope twisted into true-
lovers' knots. From
the front of the collar hangs the
George a spirited rendering of our patron saint in the
act of despatching a venomous dragon. The Lesser

George is similar to the George, but is enclosed in an

oval band of metal bearing the motto. This badge

is worn pendant from the dark blue ribbon which

passes over the left shoulder and under the right arm.
The insignia of the Order of the Garter are return-
able at death, but the collector may see a fine set of
Georges and Lesser Georges of various patterns should
he be able to gain access to the collection of gems and

* In reference to the
twenty-five Knight Companions and the
jewels possessed by His Majesty, and kept at Windsor
The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle
takes second place, though some historians are dis-

posed to claim that it originated as

far back as the year A.D. 787, and is
thus more antiquated than the Order
of the Garter. Whitaker * mentions
the story ascribed to Achaius and
Hungus, who saw a bright cross in
ar '

the sky whilst engaged in prayer prior

to meeting Athelstan in battle. The vision so im-
pressed them that they afterwards instituted the
present Order to commemorate it. Of this incident
there can naturally be no tangible records, but docu-
ments are available to prove that James V. of Scot-
land either originated or reconstructed the Order of the
Thistle in 1540. As then constituted, it consisted of
the sovereign and twelve knights,
in imitation of Christ and his twelve
apostles ; now, however, there are
sixteen knights, besides various
members of the Royal Family.
The Badge is an eight-pointed
star of gold. The front face re-
veals the
figure St. Andrew

Supporting the Cross to Which his Co llar Badge.

name has been given.
The Star is formed by combining a gold diamond and
a silver cross of St. Andrew. In the centre isa purple
thistle with green leaves, and around this is the motto

* Whitaker's " and Com-

Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage,
of the Order, Nemo me impune lacesstt. It is worn on
the left breast with the cloak. The Scots Guards use
the decoration as a cap badge.
The Collar is gold, enamelled in proper colours.
The devices are sprigs of rue and thistles, placed
alternately. The badge of the Order is worn as a
The insignia of the Thistle are returnable at death.
The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick ranks
third, but unlike the two previous Orders, has no
mysterious birth to afford grounds for conjecture on
the part of historians. It was instituted in 1783 by

George III., and records whole

of its
career are still extant. The Lord-
Lieutenant of Ireland is Grand Master,
and the number of Knights is limited.
The Badge is an oval of gold
having in the centre a green shamrock
st Patrick star -

leaf,upon which are three crowns.

Behind the leaf is a red cross of St. Patrick. All this
is given within an oval sky-blue band inscribed with
the motto Quis separabit. Outside the blue band is an
oval of shamrock leaves.
The Star is an eight-pointed plate of silver, having
in the centre the device just described for the badge.
The outer ring of shamrock leaves is, however, missing,
and the setting is circular and not oval.
The Collar is made of gold, and consists of a crown
placed centrally, having on either side of it true lovers'
knots, harps and Tudor roses. From the centre piece
hangs a large harp, and to this is fixed the badge.
The insignia are returnable, but an exception is
made in the case of those entrusted to Lord- Lieutenants.
The Honourable Order of the Bath was
probably founded by Henry IV. at the time of his
coronation, but the history of this Order is vague until
George I. revived it However, there are many
in 1725.
allusions to its birth and progress in the works of
illustrious writers which leave no doubt as to its early

inception. The following quotation,* referring mainly

title, is typical of many that may be
to the origin of the
found Those to be invested (when Prince Henry,

son of James I., was created Prince of Wales) were

bidden to repair to Durham House in the Strand, and
were conducted in the evening to the bathing-chamber
where for each of them was provided a several bathing-
tub, which was lined both within and without with
white linen and covered with red say. Early the next
morning they were awakened with music, and at their
uprising invested in their hermits' habit. So attired
and without shoes they were brought into the chapel,
where a solemn oath was administered to them to
honour God and maintain true religion, love their
Sovereign, serve their country, help maidens, widows
and orphans, and to the utmost of their power, cause
equity and justice to be observed."
At the present time, the Order of the Bath consists
of more than two thousand members who are ranged
in three classes, viz. Knights Grand Cross, Knights
Commanders, and Companions. Each of these classes
is sub-divided into Military and Civil divisions.

No member is admitted to a military division

unless he be at least of the rank of commander in the

Navy, or major in the Army, and then his admission

only granted when some mention in despatches
Whitaker, Op. cit., p. 69.
points to valuable service against the
enemy. It
should be noted that it is
possible for a person to become
a member of both the Military and Civil divisions.
The Military Badge is an ornate Maltese cross,
enamelled on gold. Between the limbs of the cross are
lions, whilst white balls cap the eight points of the
cross. In the centre is a rose, thistle, and shamrock,
springing from a sceptre, and around this floral decora-
tion are three crowns. A circular band encloses the
central device, and on it is inscribed the motto, Tria

junda in uno. This, in turn, is surrounded by a laurel

wreath and a scroll bearing the words, Ich dien. This
badge is worn by a G.C.B. hanging from the collar ;

by a K.C.B. fixed to the neck-ribbon ; and by a C.B.

from the button-hole.
The Civil Badge is an oval of gold bearing the
central device as described for the military badge, but

shaped in an oval and without the German motto and

laurel wreath.
The Star is found in four patterns, all in silver.
The Military Star given to a G.C.B. resembles the
military badge, but the rose, thistle and shamrock are
replaced by three crowns, whilst the cross is surrounded
by a glory of flames. The Civil Star, worn by a G.C.B.,
has a similar central device, but the Maltese cross and
the tongues of flames are omitted in favour of an eight-
pointed star.

TheMilitary Star associated with the rank of G.C.B.

has a centre, as before, but the outside edge partakes of
the shape of a cross-pattee. The Civil Star of this

degree is identical, except for the omission of the laurel

wreath and German motto. Companions, it may be
mentioned, do not wear stars.
The Collar, an emblem given to Grand Crosses only,
is the same for both the military and civil divisions.
It is formed by an array of nine-arched crowns alter-

nating with eight sprigs

(roses, thistles and sham-
rocks), the whole linked
together by a number of

gold knots, enamelled

On the death of a
member of Order,the
the badge and star are
retained, but the collar
isreturned to the Lord
Chamberlain thus the

Bath. C.B. Military Badge. two former insignia are

available for collectors.
The market prices of pieces depend almost

entirely on the position held by the original possessor,

and this being so it is very difficult to state any
figure which will serve as a guide to purchasers.
However, we may mention that a
badge and star presented by the Prince
Regent to Louis XVIII. at Carlton
House in 1814, was sold by Messrs.
Glendining, some while back, for as
little as 11, which may be considered Bath. K.C.B.
a bargain.
The Order of Merit is of comparatively recent
origin, being instituted by King Edward VII. in the

year 1902. It is awarded for merit of a high degree,

not only of a military character, but in any way which
confers some great boon on the state. There are only
twenty-four British members, and thus the Order may
be considered extremely select.
The one emblem is a badge worn around the neck,
consisting of a gold cross-pattee,
enamelled in blue, red, green, and
white. The centre is appropriately
inscribed,For Merit, on the obverse,
whilst the reverse shows the Royal

Cypher. A crown joins the sus-

pender to the badge. When granted
for military service crossed swords
emerge from between the limbs of
Order of Merit.
the cross, but these are absent in
Military Badge.
the case of civil awards.
The emblem of the Order is not returned on the
death of a recipient but, as the members are so few in
number, it is rare that collectors have an opportunity
of securing the badge for their cabinets.
The Most Exalted Order of the Star of India

originated by letters patent

on February 23, 1862, in ac-
cordance with a wish of Queen
Victoria. The Order serves
to mark the sovereign's appre-
ciation of the services of the

loyal native rulers, and is the

highest gift that can be be-
stowed on these patriotic
The Star of Order of the
Star of India. princes. It is also given to
home officials who assist in

the government of the Indian Empire.

The Badge is an onyx cameo, displaying a profile of
Queen Victoria, facing left, and wearing an Indian
crown. Her profile is framed by an oval band,
inscribed with the motto, Heaven's light our guide.
Above the oval is a five-pointed star, filled in with

diamonds. The piece forms a particularly attractive

The worn by Knights Grand Commanders,
and from which the badge in their case hangs, is com-
posed of a crown, five red and white roses, six lotus
flowers, and ten sprays of palm, all enamelled in proper
The Star consists of a circle, out of which issues a

glory of flames. a smaller star,

In the centre is

jewelled with diamonds, resting on a light blue circular

band, inscribed with the motto mentioned above.
The insignia are extremely costly, and must be
returned when death over-
takes a member.
The Most Distinguished
Order of St. Michael and
St. George came into being
in the
year and 1818,
served to mark the ac-
quisition of the Ionian
Islands by Great Britain.
At first, it was given to
officials, British or native,
who performed valuable
service in the Ionian Is-
St. Michael and St. George.
lands, Malta, or the Medi-
terranean region, but, in
recent times, has been extended to those whose work
in some way materially benefits any British colony.
The Badge is a curious seven-limbed star with
V-shaped ends. It is made of gold, but is enamelled
in colours. The obverse gives a picture, in the centre,
of St. Michael encountering Satan, whilst the reverse
reveals St. George and the dragon. Both these are
framed by a circular band, inscribed with the motto
Auspicium melioris <zvi. A crown surmounts the badge.
The Star of the Knights Grand Cross is seven
limbed, consisting of alternate rays of gold and silver.
In the centre is the motto and figure of St. Michael,
as found on the obverse of the badge, but projecting
from this circular device is a red cross of St. George.
The Star Knights Commanders is smaller, and
of the
follows the above in the matter of the central design.
The gold Collar is formed by an array of gold lions,
representing Great Britain, and white Maltese crosses.
Separating these devices are the initials SG and SM,
fancifully rendered. A curious central ornament, from
which the badge hangs, represents a crown and two
books with seven arrows issuing from each.
The insignia of the Order are not returnable, and
pieces are occasionally offered for sale. Their value
varies considerably, and any sum between ten and

twenty pounds may be asked for a star or badge.

The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
came into existence to commemorate Queen Victoria's
acceptance of the title of Empress of India in 1878. Its
scope was extended at both her Jubilee and Diamond
The Badge is a gold piece shaped in the form of an
open rose. The centre gives a profile of the Queen
with the motto, Imperatricis auspicils, on a circular
band. Early patterns bore different wording. The
rose is surmounted by a crown which serves as pendant.
; The Star of the first class has ten rays divided into
narrow flutes (scaled and unsealed), which are alternately
gold and silver. The central device
shows the Queen and the circular
band, as on the badge, but a crown
rests on the band. The Star of the
second class is smaller and has silver,
but no gold rays.
The Collar, which is gold, has a
central crown with elephants, lotus
flowers, and peacocks in their pride,"
Order of the Indian
on either side. The badge is worn as
Empire. Badge.
a pendant to the collar.
All insignia, except that worn by a companion, must
be returned at death.
The Imperial Order of the Crown of India is reserved
for ladies who have either rendered valuable service to

India, or are the wives of men who

can claim to have done so. Queens
and royal princesses are also eligible.
The only device is a Badge, which
is an oval, containing the
Royal Cy-
pher set in pearls. There are three
varieties available for collectors, i.e.

with the cyphers of Victoria, Edward

VII. and George V.
The Royal Victorian Order was in- Badge of the Order
of the Crown of
stituted by Queen Victoria on April
21, 1896, and was to be awarded to

persons, being subjects of the British Crown, who

rendered extraordinary, or personal, or
services to Her Majesty, her heirs or successors. Since
its inception, the Order has, however, been greatly

















widened in scope.
To-day, there are five classes of the
following ranks (i) Knights Grand Cross, G.C.V.O.

(2) Knights Commanders, K.C.V.O. (3) Commanders, ;

C.V.O. (4 & 5) Members of the 4th or 5th Class, M.V.O.


Thefirst-class badge is a Maltese Cross of white

enamel with a crown on the upper limb. In the
centre is a crimson oval bearing the
Queen's cypher,
and around this is a blue band inscribed, Victoria.
The second and third-class badges are identical
though not so large, whilst the fourth class is yet
smaller. The badge of the
fifth class is of the same size
as the fourth, but the white
enamel limbs are replaced by
frosted silver limbs.
The first-class star is an
eight-rayed piece in chipped
silver," a small replica of the
first-class badge being given as
a central device. The second-
Badge of the Royal Victorian
class Star Shaped like a
Maltese cross with the angles
partly filled in. It is made of silver, as is the central
device. No stars are provided for members of the
three remaining classes.
When promoted from a low class to a higher, a
member must return his insignia to the office of the
Privy Purse, but at death the badge and star may be
retained by the relatives.
The Distinguished Service Order being an award for
military prowess, is dealt with in Chapter XL
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
was instituted by King George V. in June, 1917, as a
means of^rewarding British and Allied subjects who
rendered valued services of a character unrecognised
by other decorations.
The badge, worn by members of the first three
classes, takes the
shape of a fanciful cross in
enamelled pearl grey. The centre reveals Britannia,
seated, the whole within a circle of crimson inscribed
with the motto, For God and the Empire. A crown
unites the cross, and its suspender. The badge of the
fourth class is similar
but smaller, and with-
out coloured enamel.
The fifth-class badge is

silver instead of silver-

The stars of the
first and second class
are of fluted silver,
and bear the device
of Britannia, as men-

of the O.B.E.
tioned for the badges.
That of the first class,

however, has eight divisions, the points of which are

less acute than those of the second class.

A medal, hi silver, is available for presentation to

non-members whose services to the Empire warrant
such recognition. The obverse of this award gives
Britannia and the above motto, whilst the reverse is
filled with the royal cypher and a crown. (As for the
Coronation Medal, illustrated elsewhere, but without
the date.)
Recently the King has added a Military Division
to the Order, and the following are eligible :
commissioned, warrant and subordinate

subject to the Naval Discipline Act or


employed under the orders of the Admiralty, and

allcommissioned and warrant officers recom-
mended by any Commander-in-Chief in the field
or elsewhere, or by the General Officer Command-
ing, Independent Force, Royal Force, or Air
employed under the War Office or Air Ministry,
or under the Administrative Headquarters of
Dominions or Overseas Forces, or employed under
the Ministry of Munitions or the Ministry of
National Service on work which, but for the
creation of those Departments, would have been

performed by the War Office ; and all members of

the Navy, Army, Dominions, or Overseas Nursing
Services, or officials of the Women's Royal Naval
Service, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, or
the Women's Royal Air Force, and such Com-
mandants of the Women's Legion or similar organi-
sations as are under contract with or employed by
the Admiralty, War Office, or Air Ministry.
The Insignia of the Military division is similar to
that granted for the Civil branch, but, in the former
case, the purple ribbon is distinguished by a narrow
central stripe of red.

The Order Companions of Honour originated

of the
in June, 1917, and thus dates from the same time as the
Order of the British Empire. Unlike the latter, its
members are limited, the full complement being fifty.
Men and women are both eligible for membership,
which be conferred on persons for whom this
distinction seems to be the most appropriate form
of recognition, constituting, as it will, an honour
disassociated either from the acceptance of title or
the classification of merit."
The badge is a crowned oval, and reveals an oak
tree with a shield, bearing the Royal Arms, hanging
from one of the branches. To the left of the tree, and
facingit, is a knight on horseback. A blue frame runs
round the badge, and on it is given the motto of the
Order a line from Pope, In action faithful and in
honour clear. This badge is suspended by a carmine
ribbon having two gold stripes. With men, it is hung
around the neck, whilst ladies wear it on a bow pinned
to the left shoulder.
The Imperial Service Order came into being at the
time of the coronation of King Edward, and serves to
decorate members of the Civil Service who merit
distinction. A period of twenty-five years' faithful
service is required for those employed at home, twenty
years when service has been rendered by British
subjects in Inda, and sixteen years or, in special cases,

a lesser period when such service has been completed

in a colony with a trying climate. Men and ladies are
both admitted to the Order.
The badge for men
an eight-pointed silver star,

the upper point of which is obscured by a crown. The

centre is gold and bears, in blue enamel, the Royal
Cypher and the words, For Faithful Service. The
ladies' badge has a laurel wreath instead of the star,
and the piece is suspended by a bow of ribbon.
A medal is also available for members who are
worthy of recompense, but who have not fulfilled all
the conditions requisite for the badge. This decoration
is similar to the above, but the centre is silver and the

outer star of bronze.

The Order of British was created by Queen
Victoria at the time of her coronation in 1837. It is a
purely military order, confined to native officers in the
Indian army. An allowance accompanies membership.
The badge of the first class is a star of eight blunt
points, the whole consisting of gold rays. At the apex
is a gold crown. In the centre is a gold lion of full
length, facingleft, on a light blue ground. Surrounding
a blue band inscribed, Order of British India. The
it is

badge of the second class is slightly smaller, the crown

is missing, and the enamel is dark blue. The ribbon
used for suspending both insignia around the neck is
The Indian Order of Merit must not be confused
with the Order of Merit which is a home distinction
of much higher precedence. There are three military
classes. Admission to the third class is granted to
native officers or men, without distinction of rank, who
perform valuable service in the field. Admission to
the second class is permitted to members of the third
class,only, who have performed a second service of

merit, whilst admission to the open to first class is

those who are in the second class and have again

distinguished themselves. Increase of pay is awarded
to all members of the Order.
The badge of the first class is an eight-pointed star
of gold, having a dark blue centre charged with a pair
of crossed swords and the inscription, Reward of Valour.
A gold laurel wreath encircles the inscription. The
badge of the second class is of similar design, but the
star is and the centre piece and
silver laurel wreath are
gold. The badge of the third class is again similar,
but fashioned wholly in silver.
At various times we have seen a number of these
decorations for sale. The third-class badge, when
engraved with the recipient's name, is usually priced
somewhere in the neighbourhood of two guineas, whilst
the second and third-class badges sell for about five
and eight guineas respectively.
The Order of Jerusalem." The Order
of St. John
had its origin in
Jerusalem and Acre, as an international
lay confraternity for the relief of crusaders, and was
later sovereign in Rhodes and in

Malta, where its Knights kept gal-

leys and galleons to attack the
Barbary Corsairs and to prevent
the spread of Turkish rule in
the Mediterranean, from 1530 till
1798. Like other ancient Orders
of Chivalry, the Order of St.
had also Priores and Commanderies
Badge of the Order in the different countries of Europe,
of St. John of Jeru- those in England and Scotland being
dissolved at the same time as the
monasteries. The Order was expelled from Malta by
Napoleon in 1798. After the loss of Malta, the
. . .

Ordinary Council of the Order assisted in the recon-

struction of what is now the Grand Priory of the Order
of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England,
whose Chancery is at the Gatehouse in Clerkenwell. . . .

The work of the British Order is the control of the

St. John's Ambulance Association and Brigade, and of
the British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem." *
The badge of the Order is a Maltese cross with a
lion or unicorn placed in each of the angles between the
Whitaker, pp. 75-76.
limbs of the cross. According to the grade of the
recipient, the badge has, or has not, a crown surmount-
ing it, and it may be found embellished in gold or

The medal, awarded to honorary serving brothers

or sisters, is circular, and bears on its front
face, a white
enamelled cross, silver edged, on a black ground.
The medal given for conspicuous
gallantry, involving
risk of life on land, has a Maltese cross and the inscrip-
tion, For Service in the Cause of Humanity, on the
obverse, whilst the reverse is filled
by a spray of St.
John's and
wort the legend, Jerusalem England.
Awarded by the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem in England.
The Order of the League of Mercy has a somewhat
different bearing to the orders already mentioned, but

may, nevertheless, be given a place here. It is an

institution founded in 1899 by royal charter, to raise
monies for King Edward's Hospital Fund and, generally,
to alleviate sickness, suffering and poverty. Members
who give ungrudging assistance for a period of five
years at least, are awarded a badge.
The badge consists of a red cross having a plume
of feathers emerging from the upper limb. In the
centre is a circular medallion giving Sir Joshua
Reynolds's picture of Charity." Recently the King
approved of the institution of a bar to be awarded to

those who
give their services for a long period of years.
At the eighteenth annual meeting, the Chairman
announced that His Majesty has been graciously
pleased to award the first bar to Dura, Countess ot

Chesterfield, Lady President for South Kensington,

whose district has stood at the headof the list with the

largest aggregate collection to its credit from 1899

to the present time."
The Order of Victoria and Albert was instituted in
1862 for ladies only, but new members are no longer
The badge of the first three classes consists of a
fanciful oval, the centre of which is filled by the profiles
of Queen Victoria and Prince Consort, the former
partly overlapping the latter. The size of the badge
and the arrangement of the jewels in the border varies
with the three classes. The fourth class bears the
royal cypher of Victoria in place of the double profiles.

History. One afternoon in May, 1855,

a number of Crimean heroes paraded before
Queen Victoria to receive the medal bearing
bars for Inkermann and Balaklava. The
ceremony deeply impressed Her Majesty for, in a letter
written shortly afterwards to her uncle, the King of the
Belgians, she said, Noble fellows ! I own I feel as if

they were my own children beats for them

my heart
as for my nearest and One must revere and
love such soldiers as these." Her meeting with these
splendid men many of them sadly maimed, all of
them broken in the war revealed to her, as nothing
else cbuld have done, the need not only for campaign
medals which all soldiers and sailors receive, but for
special awards to distinguish those who perform deeds
of exceptional bravery.
From that day, we Queen began to make
learn the
plans for the decoration which we now know as the
Victoria Cross. The idea of the award was hers, the
method of granting it was hers, and the design, which is
bold and fitting, we owe to her husband, the Prince
Consort. It is no easy task to evolve u. token, worth an

insignificant sum, which men prize so highly that they

value it more than their own lives. This, however, is
what she was able to do, and with practically no official
assistance. The smallest details surrounding the
coveted award were watched over by her. Lord
Panmure, for instance, suggested that the motto should
" "
be For the Brave. No," replied the Queen, this
would lead to the inference that only those are deemed
brave who have the Victoria Cross." She preferred
For Valour, and a more fitting inscription for the
decoration could not be found.
The intimation dealing with the decora-
first official

tion bears the date of February 5, 1856, and was issued

by the War Department. It ran as follows :

The Queen has been pleased, by an instrument
under her Royal Sign Manual, of which the following
is a copy, to institute and create a new Naval and

Military Decoration, to be styled and designated The

Victoria Cross,' and to make the rules and regulations
therein set forth under which the said Decoration shall
be conferred.
Victoria, by the grace of God of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender
of the Faith, etc., to all whom these presents shall come,
Whereas We, taking into Our Royal Consideration
that there exists no means of adequately rewarding the
individual gallant services either of officers of the lower

grades in Our Naval and Military Service, or of warrant

and petty officers, seamen and marines in Our Navy,
and non-commissioned officers and soldiers in Our
Army and whereas the third class of Our Most

Honourable Order of the Bath is limited, except in

very rare cases, to the higher ranks of both Services,
and the granting of Medals, both in Our Navy and
Army, only rewarded for long service or meritoiious

conduct, rather than for bravery in action or distinction

before an enemy. Such cases alone excepted where a
general medal is granted for a particular action or
campaign, or a clasp added to the medal for some
special engagement, in both of which cases all share
equally in the boon, and those who by their valour
have particularly signalised themselves, remain un-
distinguished from their comrades. Now, for the
purpose of attaining an end so desirable as that of
rewarding individual instances of merit and valour,
We have instituted and created a new Naval and
Military Decoration, which We are desirous should be
highly prized and eagerly sought after by the officers
and men of Our Naval and Military Services, and are
graciously pleased to make, ordain and establish the
following rules for the government of the same, which
shall from henceforth be inviolably observed and

kept :

Firstly. It is ordained, that the distinction shall
be styled and designated The Victoria Cross, and shall
consist of a Maltese cross of bronze, with Our Royal
Crest in the centre, and underneath an escroll bearing
the inscription For Valour.
Secondly. It is ordained that the Cross shall be

suspended from the by a blue riband for

left breast,

the Navy and by a red riband for the Army.

Thirdly. It is ordained that the names of those

upon whom We may be pleased to confer the Decoration

shall be published in the London Gazette, and a registry
thereof kept in the Office of Our Secretary of State for
Fourthly. It is ordained, that any one who, after
having received the Cross, shall again perform an act
of bravery, which if he had not received such Cross,
would have entitled him to it, such further act shall be
recorded by a Bar attached to the riband by which
the Crossis suspended, and for every additional act of

bravery an additional Bar may be added.

Fifthly. It is ordained, that the Cross shall only
be awarded to those officers or men who have served Us
enemy, and shall have then per-
in the presence of the
formed some signal act of valour, or devotion to their
It is ordained with a view to place all
persons on a perfectly equal footing in relation to
the Decoration, neither rank, nor long
eligibility for
service, nor wounds, nor any other circumstance or
condition whatsoever, save the merit of conspicuous
bravery shall be held to establish a sufficient claim to
the honour.
Seventhly. It is ordained that the Decoration
may be conferred on the spot where the act to be
rewarded by the grant of such Decoration has been
performed under the following circumstances :

(I.) When the Fleet or Army, in which such act has

been performed, is under the eye and command of an
Admiral or General Officer commanding the Forces.
(II.) Where the Naval or Military Force is under the

eye and command of an Admiral or Commodore com-

manding a squadron or detached naval force, or of a
General commanding a corps, or division, or brigade
on a district and detached service, when such Admiral,
Commodore, or General Officer shall have the power
of conferring the Decoration on the spot, subject to
confirmation by Us.
Eighthly. It is ordained, where such act shall
not have been performed in sight of a Commanding
Officer as aforesaid, then the claimant for the honour
shall prove the act to the satisfaction of a Captain or
Officer commanding his ship, or to the Officer command-
ing the regiment to which the claimant belongs, and
such Captain, or such Commanding Officer shall report
the same through the usual channel to the Admiral or
Commodore commanding the force employed in the
service, or to the Officer commanding the forces in the
field, who shall call for such description and attestation
of the act as he may think requisite, and on approval
shall recommend the grant of the Decoration.
Ninthly. It is ordained
that every person
selected for the Cross, under Rule Seven, shall be
publicly decorated before the naval or military force
or body to which he belongs, and with which the act
of bravery for which he is to be rewarded shall have been

performed, and his name shall be recorded in a General

Order, together with the cause of his especial distinction.
Tenthly. It is ordained that every person
selected under Rule Eight shall receive his Decoration
as soon as possible and his name
appear shall likewise

in a General Order as above required, such General

Order to be issued by the naval or military Commander
of the Forces employed on the service.
" that the General
Eleventhly. It is ordained
Orders above from time to tune be
referred to shall
transmitted to Our Secretary of State for War, to be
laid before Us, and shall be by him registered.
Twelfthly. ordained that as cases may
It is

arise not falling within the rules above specified, or in

which a claim, though well founded, may not have been
established on the spot, We will, on the joint submis-
sion ofOur Secretary of State for War and of our Com-
mander-in-Chief of Our Army, or on that of Our Lord
High Admiral or Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
in the case of the Navy, confer the Decoration, but
never without conclusive proof of the performance of
the act of bravery for which the claim is made.
Thirteenthly. It is ordained that, in the event
of a gallantand daring act having been performed by a
squadron, ship's company, a detached body of seamen
or marines, not under fifty in number, or by a brigade,

regiment, troop or company, in which the Admiral,

General, or other Officer commanding such forces, may
deem that all are equally brave and distinguished, and
that no special selection can be made by them then

in such case, the Admiral, General, or other Officer

commanding, may direct, that for any such body of

seamen or marines, or for every troop or company of

soldiers, one Officer shall be selected by the Officers

engaged for the Decoration and in like manner one


Petty Officer or Non-Commissioned shall be selected by

the Petty Officers and Non - Commissioned Officers
engaged and two Seamen or Private Soldiers or Marines
shall be selected by the Seamen, or Private Soldiers, or

Marines, engaged, respectively, for the Decoration and ;

the names of those selected shall be transmitted by the

Senior Officer incommand of the naval force, brigade,
regiment, troop or company, to the Admiral or General
Officer commanding, who shall in due manner confer the
Decoration as if the acts were done under his own eye.
Fourteenthly. ordained that every Warrant
It is

Officer, Petty Officer, Seaman or Marine, or Non-

commissioned Officer, or Soldier who shall have received
the Cross shall, from the date of the act by which the
Decoration has been gained, be entitled to a Special
Pension of Ten Pounds a year, and each additional
Bar conferred under Rule Four on such Warrant or
Petty Officers, or Non-Commissioned Officers or Men,
shall carry with it an additional pension of Five Pounds
per annum.
Fifteenthly. In order to make such additional
provision as shall effectually preserve pure this most
honourable distinction, it is ordained, that if any person
on whom such distinction shall be conferred be con-
victed of treason, cowardice, felony, or of any infamous
crime, or if he be accused of any such offence and doth
not after a reasonable time surrender himself to be
tried for the same, his name shall forthwith be erased
from the registry of individuals upon whom the said
Decoration shall have been conferred by an especial
Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual, and the pension
conferred under Rule Fourteen shall cease and deter-
mine from the date of such Warrant. It is hereby
further declared that We, Our Heirs and Successors,
shallbe the sole judges of the circumstance demanding
such expulsion moreover,
e shall at all times have

power to restore such persons as may at any time have

been expelled, both to the enjoyment of the Decoration
and Pension.
Given at our Court at Buckingham Palace, this

Twenty-ninth day of January, in the nineteenth year

of reign, and in the year of Our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-six.
By Her Majesty's
(Signed) PANMURE.
" War."
To Our Principal Secretary of State for

Fig. i. The Victoria Cross. Obverse.
Fig. 2. The Victoria Cross. Reverse, showing arrangement of
inscription. Note the presence of a Bar, which is that awarded to
Lieut. A. Martin-Leake, R.A.M.C. This is the first V.C. Bar to be
Fig. 3. The Distinguished Service Order.

Fig. i. The Military Cross. Obverse.
Fig. 2. The Military Cross. Reverse.
Fig. 3. The Distinguished Conduct Medal. Reverse.
Technical Particulars ol the Cross. A description
of the Victoria Cross and
is given in clauses i 2, above,
but we may add the following particulars :

The decoration hangs from a laureated

clasp by
means of a which passes through a
loop, shaped
like a V, the latter
forming part of the clasp. The
reverse, or underface, has a raised edge and circle.
Within the latter, the date of
performance of the
valorous deed is engraved.
The underside of the clasp
bears the name of the pos-
sessor. Should a bar be
obtained this is
with the rank, name, regi-
ment, and date.
The Cross is cast in bronze, S at
and on leaving the mould has
the appearance of a golden
piece. It is then placed in
the hands of a highly skilled
workman who spends many
hours in chasing the surface. The Ribbon and Attachments
of the V.C.
When the detail has been
properly set in relief, the piece is coated with a dark
lacquer. The ribbon is then threaded through the slot
clasp and a brooch pin
fixed to the upper edge of the
silk. Specimens are always kept in stock by the makers,
who suitably engrave them when awards are to be made.
The earliest Crosses were cast in metal obtained
from bronze guns taken from the Russians in the
Crimea,* but Chinese guns have supplied the material
Farrier-Major James Atkinson, R.A., captured the particular
gun at Sebastopol which has been used for this purpose.
for the 1914-18 decorations. The delicate work of

fashioning these coveted pieces is entrusted to Messrs.

Hancocks & Co., of Sackville Street, London, W., and
we might add that to them belongs the honour of
having made every V.C. since the first one was prepared
for Mr. Lucas, mate on H.M.S. Hecla, in 1856. We
understand that Messrs. Hancocks attempted, in the
first instance, to strike the Crosses by means of dies,
but these broke or cracked on coming in contact with
the tough metal of the piece. The casting process,
therefore, was only adopted when the more expedient
method of striking failed.
The Number of Crosses so Jar Awarded. The
collector as well as the student of historical data will
find an interest in glancing through the following list,
for it tells the number of Crosses that have been
awarded in the various campaigns. It will be well to
bear in mind the length of each war and the size of the
army that was engaged when noting the figures.
The War
of 1914-18.
and February
Indian Mutiny, 1857-9
Awards made between August,

. . . .182

Crimea and Baltic, 1854-5

Boer War, 1899-1902
Zululand, 1879
. . . . in
Afghanistan, 1878-80 . . . . . .16
New Zealand, 1860-1 1863-6 ; . . .
China, 1860-2 .......
India (N.W. Frontier), 1897-8

Basutoland, 1879 and 1881
. . . .11
Boer War, 1880-1
Somaliland, 1902-3 ......
Little Andaman
Ashantee, 1873-4 .......
Island, 1867

Sudan, 1884
Omdurman, 1898
Persia, 1856-7
Japan (H.M.S. Euryahts), 1864 3
Egypt, 1882
N.W. India (Hunza-Nagar), 1891

Matabeleland, 1896 ......

N.E. India (Bhootan), 1864-5 2

N.W. India (Umbeyla), 1863

Abyssinia, 1867-8
Burma, 1889
Ashanti, 1900 .......
China, 1900
Canada, 1866 ....... 2

West Africa (Gambia), 1866

N.E. India (Looshai), 1871-2
Perak, 1875-6
Beloochistan, 1877
S. Africa (Kaffir War), 1877-8

India (Naga Hills), 1879-80

Nile Expedition, 1884-5

N.E. India (Manipur)
West Africa (Gambia), 1892
Burma, 1893 . . . . . . .

Chitral, 1895
Khartoum (Gedarif Kassala), 1898
Crete, 1898
Nigeria, 1903
Tibet, 1903-4

Thus there were 522 awards from the time the

Cross wasfirst given to the day war broke out with the

Central Powers in August, 1914.

Queen Victoria Distributes the First Crosses. The
firstdistribution of the coveted Crosses took place on
the morning of June 26, 1857, in Hyde Park. The
ceremony, though it was probably the most memorable
ever witnessed in these public grounds, took less than
an hour to perform. At ten o'clock, a royal salute was
firedand the Queen, on horseback, rode to the spot
accompanied by the
selected for the presentations,
Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales (afterwards
Edward VII.), and others. Lord Panmure, the
Secretary for War, held in his hand a list of the heroes
sixty-two in all and, as he read out the names, one
by one, the brave men stepped forward and the Queen
pinned the medals to their breasts. When all the
awards had been distributed a review of troops followed.
The First Man to Win the Cross. This fortunate
and brave man was Mr. Charles David Lucas, mate on
H.M.S. Hecla. During the Crimean War, Rear-
Admiral Plumridge's squadron was cruising in the
Baltic Sea, and on June 21, 1854, the Hecla, Odin and
Valorous shelled the main fort of Bomarsund, but did
little damage as their ammunition was limited and the
buildings were proof against the explosives used in
those days. During the engagement the Russians
dropped a on Lucas's vessel. It was on the
live shell

point of exploding and, had it done so, the conse-

quences would have been disastrous. Without a
moment's hesitation, the Hecla' s mate rushed to where
it lay, picked it up in his arms and
flung it overboard.
His courageous act saved many of his comrades' lives,
and he was promptly promoted to the rank of lieu-
tenant, and later was awarded the V.C. The Royal
Humane Society also bestowed on him their silver
Lucas reached the rank of Rear-Admiral and served
his country in later wars. He died not many years ago.
The reader may have noticed that this act of

bravery took place on June 21, 1854, and the Cross was
not instituted until February, 1856. The explanation
is that Queen Victoria graciously decided that the
awards should be distributed as though the Victoria
Cross had come into being with the commencement of
the Russian hostilities.
The First Army V.C.s. Lucas, as we have indicated,
was a naval man, and his Cross was, there-
fore, threaded with a blue silk ribbon. Who gained
the piece suspended by a crimson ribbon is a

question that cannot be answered, for six gallant men

did heroic deeds on the day of the storming of the
Alma, and no Army Crosses had been distributed prior
to then. For their splendid heroism they were given
the Cross, their names being
Robert James Lindsay (afterwards Lord Wantage).
James McKechnie.
John Simpson Knox.
William Reynolds.
Luke O'Connor.
Edward W. D. Bell.
The The first V.C. hero of the air
First Air V.C.
was Second Lieutenant W. B. Rhodes-Moorhouse, of
the Special Reserve, R.F.C. On April 26, 1915, he
flew to the important junction of Courtrai and dropped
bombs on the railway line near that station. Having
accomplished his work, he started on the return journey,
but was mortally wounded. Although he must have
been suffering considerably, he succeeded in flying
thirty-five miles to his destination, and there made a
report of his operations. The plucky way in which he
stuck to his machine and brought it back safely to the
British lines evoked the highest admiration, but,
unfortunately, he did not live to receive the Cross
Posthumous Awards. It may surprise many readers
to learn that until 1902 there was a rule which said
that no Cross was to be forwarded to the relatives
of a V.C. hero if the person died during the performance
of the gallant act, or before the bestowal of the decora-
tion. In these cases, the name of the person was
placed among the official records and a description of
the performance printed in the London Gazette.
Such a seemed unnecessarily harsh, and King
Edward VII. caused it to be deleted from the warrant.
Not only did he rule that in all future cases the relatives
of a dead hero were to be given the decoration, but he
decided that in every case where the Cross had been
withheld, for this reason, since its inception in 1856, the
relatives could come forward and claim it.

In 1916 King George gave further consideration to

the granting of posthumous awards, with the result that
an Army Order was issued, as follows :

The Insignia of an Order or Decoration conferred
by the King for distinguished or meritorious service,
since August 4, 1914, upon an officer or soldier who has
not survived to receive it may be publicly presented
to the next-of-kin, if
they so desire, and are resident
in the United Kingdom.
The Victoria Cross, the G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.,
and K.C.M.G. will be presented by his Majesty in
person, while the C.B., C.M.G., the D.S.O., Military
Cross, Distinguished Conduct Medal, Military Medal
and Meritorious Service Medal will be presented on
his Majesty's behalf by general officers commanding at

parades of troops, to be held from time to time, at

convenient centres throughout the country.
Expenses of conveyance only will be allowed,
when desired, in the case of one relative, or in excep-
tional cases, such as those of age or infirmity, of a second

The next-of-kin of deceased officers and soldiers

to whom orders and decorations have already been
forwarded may also attend a presentation under the
above conditions."

Crosses not Gained in the Presence of the Enemy.

In the original warrant issued in 1856, clause 5 stated
that the Cross shall only be awarded to those who
have served Us in the presence of the enemy," but in
the London Gazette of August 10, 1858, the following
passage appeared :

By a warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual,
August 10, 1858, Her Majesty was pleased to direct
that the Victoria Cross should be conferred subject to
the rules and ordinances already made on Officers and
Men of Her Majesty's Naval and Military Services who
may perform acts of conspicuous courage and bravery
under circumstances of extreme danger, such as the
occurrence of a fire on board ship or of the foundering
under any other circumstances in
of a vessel at sea, or
which through the courage and devotion displayed
life or public property might be saved." Thus the
need for performing the brave deed in the presence of
the enemy no longer held.
No awards were made under this modified regulation
until 1866, when Canada was disturbed by the raids
of Fenians bands of men who did dishonour to the
cause of Ireland under the pretence of striking a blow
at England through Canada.* During the military
activities which were set on foot to check the rebel

onslaughts, a railway waggon laden with a considerable

quantity of ammunition caught fire whilst standing
* "
Bourinot, The Story of Canada."
in Danville Station. Most of the people in the vicinity
seemed at a loss to know what to do, although they saw
clearly that a disastrous explosion could only be
suppressed by prompt measures. A man of pluck and
action was Private O'Hea he rushed up to the waggon,

clambered among the boxes full of deadly material,

located the fire, and stifled it with water handed to him
by friends. authorities recognised that it was
O'Hea's presence of mind and bravery which prevented
a most terrible explosion, and he was, accordingly,
given the V.C. Poor O'Hea's end was a sad one ;

some years ago he was lost in the Australian bush, and

no trace of him has ever been found.*
In 1881 the amendment of 1858, given above, was
annulled by the Royal Warrant which follows :

Qualification required for the decoration of the V.C.
Whereas doubts have arisen as to the qualifica-
tion required for the decoration of the Victoria Cross,
and whereas the description of such qualification on our
Warrant of 2gth day of January, 1856 (it was trans-
mitted to the Secretary of State for War on Feb. 5,
1856), is not uniform, Our Will and Pleasure is that the

qualification shall be conspicuous bravery or devotion

to the country in the presence of the enemy,' and that
Our Royal Warrant of the 2Qth day of January, 1856,
shall be read and interpreted accordingly.
Given at Our Court at Osborne, this 23rd day of

April, 1881, in the 44th year of Our reign.

By Her Majesty's Command,
* "
Wilkins, History of the Victoria Cross."
Thus, once more, the V.C. could only be won in the
presence of the enemy, and this rule holds to-day. For
such deeds as that of O'Hea, the Albert Medal or the
Board of Trade medal for Gallantry in Saving Life at
Sea would now, probably, be awarded.
Civilian V.C.s. A certain number of civilians have
been accorded the honour of wearing the Cross but
most, if not all of them, gained the decoration during
the Indian Mutiny, when every available Englishman
on the spot became a fighter, whether he had accepted
the Queen's shilling or not. In order to acknowledge
valour performed by civilians in the presence of the
enemy, the following supplementary warrant was
drawn up :

Whereas during the progress of operations which
We have undertaken against the insurgent Mutineers
in India, it has not infrequently happened that non-

military persons who have borne arms as volunteers

both at Lucknow and elsewhere, have performed deeds
of gallantry in consideration of which they are not

eligible for this

high distinction.
Now know that We have thought fit hereby to
signify Our Royal Will and Pleasure that the said
decoration shall be conferred on such non-military
persons as aforesaid who may be qualified to receive the
same in accordance with the rules and ordinances

V.C.s of the Indian Army. Since the time of the

Mutiny, the Victoria Cross has been available for British
officers in command of native Indian troops, but it was
not until the year 1911 that native officers and men of
the Indian Army could acquire this coveted distinction ;
accordingly, the first opportunity which arose for our
Asiatic brethren to gain the award was during the Great
Sepoy Khudadad, of the I2gth Duke of Connaught's
Own Baluchis, was the first to receive the honour. On
October 31, 1914, at Hollebeke in Belgium, when the
officer in charge was wounded and one machine-gun
had been put out of action by shell-fire, this gallant

soldier, although himself badly hit, worked a gun until

all his comrades were killed.

The First V.C. Bar. The original warrant affecting

the Victoria Cross stated that any one who, after
having received the Cross shall again perform an act of
bravery which, if he had not received such Cross, would
have entitled him to it, such further act shall be
recorded by a bar attached to the riband by which the
Cross is suspended."
For some curious reason a good deal of controversy
has arisen over the question of who received the first
bar. The matter has often found its way into the press
and a number of people have been variously cited not
by themselves, of course as the fortunate recipients.
Most of the claims fail immediately they are examined,
but those of Lieutenant W. N. Hewett, R.N., Troop-
sergeant-major Berryman, i7th Lancers, and Lieu-
tenant A. Martin-Leake, R.A.M.C., are worth con-
A well-known authority on war medals for whom we
have the highest appreciation urges that the two former
gallant gentlemen gained clasps at Inkermann. We
fear he is wrong, for we have searched through the
records and have found no trace of a bar being

awarded to the two persons he mentions. It is not

always possible, we know, to obtain
all the necessary

officialevidence in matters respecting dates so far

distant as that of Inkermann, and we began to wonder
whether we had failed to alight upon just the document
necessary to decide the point. Accordingly, we turned to
Mr. Wilkins' " History of the Victoria Cross," published
by Constable, wherein are photographs of nearly every
hero who won the Cross prior to 1914. Hewett and
Berryman appear wearing their awards, but no bars
are attached, and no mention of added honours is made
in the accompanying letterpress.* As a last resort we
asked Messrs. Hancocks, who make the bars as well as
the decorations, and we understand from them that
their ledgers award the palm to Lieutenant A. Martin-
Captain Arthur Martin-Leake gained his first V.C.
award in the South African War, where he acted as

surgeon-captain to the South African Constabulary.

On February 8, 1902, in an engagement at Vlakfontein,
he attended to of the wounded under most trying
circumstances. At one time he tended a man who had
been badly hit, although some forty Boers were firing
at him at a range of no more than a hundred yards.
Then he went to an officer, and whilst bandaging him
was shot three times. His devotion only ceased when
he dropped from sheer exhaustion. Water was offered
him to relieve his sufferings, but he only accepted it
when all the other wounded had been attended to.
* " No such clasp has as yet been granted, in spite of the state-
ment to that effect which appears in most books hitherto published
on the subject. I have the highest authority for this assertion,

including the personal denial of a gallant officer, Major Berryman,

who was credited by many writers with the possession of a V.C.
bar." Written D. H. Parry, in 1895, in Britain's Roll of Glory."
The record of Captain Martin-Leake's bar
says Granted
: a clasp for most conspicuous bravery
and devotion to duty throughout the present campaign,
especially during the period Oct. 29-Nov. 8, 1914, near
Zonnebeke, when he rescued, whilst exposed to constant
fire, a large number of wounded lying close to the
enemy's trenches."
The blue ribbon for the naval V.C. is
now discontinued, and all recipients, whether in the
Navy, Army or Air Force, wear the Cross suspended by
a crimson ribbon.
When the ribbon, alone, is worn a miniature bronze
cross is pinned to it, with an
additional bronze cross for each
Thus a V.C. with one bar
The Ribbon for the v.c. is denoted by two miniature
with one bar, when
crosses on t h e ribbon.
worn without the de- _. r . ,

coration. The annuity of 10, above

mentioned, may be increased to
50 at the discretion of the Secretary of State when
old age or infirmity have impoverished the recipient.
Auction Prices. The sale of a V.C. is forbidden
except after the death of the person who gained it.
When pieces do appear on the market, the prices
obtained for them vary considerably. 45 is probably
a minimum, whilst 175 seems to be the highest figure.
The rank and fame of the recipient, and perhaps in a

lesser degree his regiment, affect the value. No pieces

with bars have ever been sold.
As the decoration is sometimes imitated, it may be
well to state that its exact measurement is if inches
wide, and the weight 434 grains. Chasing and finishing
may cause a slight variation in these figures, but the

margin is insignificant. In the case of forgeries, the

width is usually a trifle less than that given above,
whilst the weight is seldom even approximate. Brass
and iron are the metals used by most forgers either ;

of these when lacquered may present a fair appearance.

Messrs. Hancocks can, of course, tell in a moment
whether a piece is genuine or not.

almost feels inclined to place a sort of genea-

ONE logical table at the head of this chapter to

illustrate the different degrees of merit which
are attached to the various medals available for special
services rendered in war. Such a table, however,
might prove useful in imparting a fairly reasonable
idea to the uninitiated, but it would lack a measure of

accuracy which is necessary in such a work as this.

However, we may give, in general terms, the
following particulars which will be qualified by sub-
sequent details :

For a naval officer, the Victoria Cross is the highest

award ;
for lesser services he may obtain the Dis-
tinguished Service Order, and, for services of still

lesser value, the Distinguished Service Cross.

For an army officer, the Victoria Cross is again the
award of pre-eminence, followed by the Distinguished
Service Order and the Military Cross.
For petty officers and men in the Navy, the Victoria
Cross comes first, and then the Conspicuous Gallantry
Medal and the Distinguished Service Medal.
For non-commissioned officers and men in the
Army, the three awards are the Victoria Cross, the
Distinguished Conduct Medal and the Military Medal.
Flying officers have two special awards, the Dis-
tinguished Flying Cross and the Air Force Cross ;

whilst, for the lower ranks

in the same service, there
is the Distinguished Flying
Medal and also the Air Force
As the Victoria Cross is

dealt with in a separate

chapter, we may commence
our detailed account of the !:=?
awards with
The Distinguished Service
Order. This much-coveted
honour was instituted on The Ribbon and Attachments
of the D.S.O.
September 6, 1886, when the
following regulations were drawn up, under the authority
of Queen Victoria :

Whereas we have taken into Our Royal con-
sideration that the means of adequately rewarding the

distinguished services of Officers in our Naval and

Military Services who have been honourably mentioned
in despatches are limited ; now
for the purpose of attaining an
end so desirable as that of re-
The Rosette worn on individual instance of
the Ribbon to denote ., ,. ,
. .
, j
the of a meritorious or distinguished ser-
Bar when the actual vice in war, We have instituted
decoration is not worn.
and created and by these presents,
[The V.C. and 1914
Star excepted.] for Us, Our Heirs and Successors
do institute and create a new
Naval and Military Order of Distinction to be desig-
nated as hereinafter described which We are desirous
should be highly prized by the Officers of Our Naval
and Military Services, and we are graciously pleased
to make, ordain, and establish the following rules and
ordinances for the government of the same, which
shall henceforth be inviolably observed and kept.
"It is ordained that the Order shall consist of the
Sovereign, and of such Members of Companions as We,
Our Heirs or Successors, shall appoint.
It is ordained that no person shall be eligible for
this distinction who doth not actually hold, at the time
of his nomination, a Commission in Our Navy, in Our
Land Forces, or Marines, or in Our Indian or Colonial
Naval or Military Forces was added
(the Air Service
during the War of 1914-18) or a Commission in one of
the Departments of Our Navy or Army, the holder of
which is entitled to Honorary or relative Navy or Army
rank, nor shall any person be nominated unless his
services shall have been marked by the especial
mention of his name, by the Admiral or Senior Naval
Officer Commanding a Squadron or Detached Naval

Force, or by the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in

the Field, in despatches for meritorious or distinguished
service in the Field, or before the enemy.
It is ordained that Foreign Officers who have been
associated in Naval and Military operations with our
Forces shall be eligible to be Honorary Members of
this Order.
It is ordained that this Order shall rank next to
and immediately after Our Order of the Indian Empire,
and that the Companions thereof shall in all places and
assemblies whatsoever have place and precedency next
to and immediately after the Companions of Our said
Order of the Indian Empire and shall rank among
themselves according to the dates of their respective
nominations. (Owing to the recent creation of certain
new orders, it is now ordained that the D.S.O. ranks
immediately after the Companions of Honour.)
ordained that the Badge of the Order, which
It is
shall consist of a gold cross, enamelled white,
gold, having on one side thereof in the centre, within
a wreath of laurel enamelled green, the Imperial
Crown, in gold upon a red enamelled ground, and on
the reverse, within a similar wreath and on a similar
ground, Our Imperial and Royal Cypher, V.R.I.,
shall be suspended from the left breast by a red riband,

edged blue, of one inch in width." (On July 24, 1902,

itwas ordained that the cypher should be changed to
E. R. VII., which in turn gave place to G. R. V. on
September 17, 1910.)
On August 23, 1916, it was provided that a bar
should be awarded for subsequent acts of high merit.
The warrant said It is Our will and pleasure and

We do hereby ordain that anyone who, after having

performed services for which the Distinguished Service
Order is awarded, subsequently performs an approved
act of gallantry which, if he had not received the Order,
would have entitled him to it, shall be awarded a Bar
to be attached to the riband by which the Order is
suspended, and for every additional such act an
additional Bar may be added."
We may add that when a bar has been awarded
and the ribbon alone is worn, the possession of the bar
indicated fixing a small silver rosette
to the centre
is by
of the ribbon. Additional rosettes are added for each
additional bar.
Formerly, the D.S.O. could be won for an act of
great military merit not necessarily performed in the
presence of the enemy it might even be obtained
in times of peace. Now, however, the Army Council
has decided that can only be awarded for service in

action, this term being held to mean

1. Services under fire.

2. Distinguished individual services in connection

with bombardments, or other enemy action
air raids,
which at the time produces conditions equivalent to
services in actual combat, and demands the same per-
sonal elements of command, initiative, or control on
the part of individuals, and, in a lesser degree only,
possibly entails the same risks.
In practice, it is seldom that the highest officers
receive this award though there seems to be no actual
rule debarring them from the honour. In their case,
merit is acknowledged by the bestowal of one of the
seven orders which take precedence over all others.
Auction Prices. No comparative figures can be
given of the values of the V.R.I., E. R.VIL, and G. R. V.
varieties of the D.S.O., for very few specimens were
awarded by King Edward and, happily, it is yet too
early for those of King George to have found their way
on the market. Of those bearing the Victorian cypher,
the lowest price known by us to have been obtained
at auction is 7 ios., but many have sold for as much as
three or four times this sum.
The Distinguished Service Cross. From the moment
the D.S.O. was instituted, it became abundantly
clear that a decoration more appropriate to the junior
commands was needed. In June, 1901, King Edward,
therefore, sanctioned the institution of an award for the
Navy known as the Conspicuous Service Cross.
This new Cross, undoubtedly, supplied a measure
of need, but it did not go far enough. Junior com-
missioned the lower grades found very little
officers of

opportunity of gaming the D.S.O., and were precluded

from winning the Conspicuous Service Cross. Accord-
ingly,a revision of the warrant was thought necessary,
and on October 14, 1914, the Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty announced that King George had deter-
mined to supersede the C.S.C.
by a new decoration to be
known as the Distinguished
Service Cross.
This latter is available for
all who were mentioned in
the warrant of 1901, but, in
addition, it can be won by
those holding commissions
up to, though not including,
the rank of Lieutenant-Com-
mander. The Ribbon and Attach-
ments of the D.S.C.
In both cases, the decora-
tion consists of a cross-pattee. The outside edges of
the limbs are curved, and the spaces between them
are almost circles.
complete The cross is made of
silver, with a dull surface. In the centre is a raised
circle containing the royal monogram
and the imperial
crown. The underface is plain. A silver ring acts as

suspender, and through it passes a silk ribbon, blue,

white, and blue, in equal widths.

The Conspicuous Service Cross bears the monogram
of King Edward (thus, E. R. I.), and the Distinguished
Service Cross that of King George (G. R. I.)-
Bars are available for subsequent acts of
merit. These are made of silver are plain with con-

cave horizontal and convex vertical sides. The posses-

sion of a bar is indicated on the ribbon by the fixing of
a silver rosette, as mentioned in the case of the D.S.O.
Five pounds is a fair price for the decoration, with-
out bar, but pieces are seldom offered for sale.
The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. When the Crimea
brought about the issue of the Distinguished Conduct
medal for the Army, it was felt that a parallel
award was required for the
Navy, and, as a result, the
Conspicuous Gallantry medal came into being during
the same period of hostility.
The C.G. medal was offered to petty officers and
men of lesser rank in the Navy and non-commissioned
officers and men in the Royal Marines. A money grant
went with the award when won by the highest of these
The original warrant affecting this honoured decora-
tion merely instituted the piece for the duration of the
Crimean War, but it was re-issued for the Ashantee
rising of 1873-4, since when it has been given a per-
manent place among the medals of the Navy and
The earliest awards were struck with the dies of
the old Meritorious Service medal, the lettering being
altered by hand. This gave an untidy appearance to
the piece, as the word For appeared in raised capitals
whilst the rest of the inscription, Conspicuous Gallantry,
was sunk, being engraved. These early pieces, also,
were given the clasp of the Meritorious Service medal,
which was of the curved scroll pattern later ones, ;

however, have the straight clasp.

The permanent pattern of this medal is as follows :
The effigy of the reigning sovereign.

King Edward and King George have appeared in

naval attire.

Reverse. A
formed by a wreath and an

imperial crown. Within these is the inscription hi

raised characters, For Conspicuous Gallantry.
Ribbon. As
for the Distinguished Service Cross,
i.e. blue, white and blue.
Metal. Silver.
Bars are available for subsequent acts of conspicuous
gallantry, and rosettes are fixed to the ribbon to indicate
such bars, as described for previous decorations.
The collector will find, at least, four different

patterns of the C.G. medal, the first of which is, of

course, very Pieces of the temporary pattern
have sold for about 50, but the general price for the
later issues is somewhere in
the neighbourhood of four

The Distinguished Service
Medal. This medal was first

issued in October, 1914, at

the time of the institution .

of the Distinguished Service 1W

Cross. awarded to petty
It is

officers and men of His

Majesty's Navy and to non- (\
commissioned officers and men Method of fixing Bars to
of the Royal Marines who other Bravery and allied
may at any time show them-
selves to the fore in action or who set an example

bravery and resource under fire, but without per-

as would
forming acts of such pre-eminent bravery
render them eligible for the Conspicuous Gallantry
The particulars of the piece are as follows :

Obverse. The effigy of the reigning sovereign in

naval attire.
Reverse. A formed by a wreath and an

imperial Within
crown. these is the inscription in
raised characters, For Distinguished Service.

Clasp. Straight.
Ribbon. As for the Conspicuous Gallantrymedal
but with a narrow stripe of blue running down the centre
of the white.
Metal Silver.
Bars. As for the Conspicuous Gallantry medal.
Sale Price. This medal is of too recent introduction
to have acquired a definite average value.
The Military Cross. When the awards for the Navy
had been added to and partly recast in the autumn
of 1914, it became evident
that the sea- service was
better provided with decora-
tions than the Army. To
equalise this position, the
Military Cross and Military
Medal were instituted for the
land forces.
The Military Cross is an
officer's decoration, being
available for captains, first

The Ribbon and Attach- and second lieutenants, and

ments of the M.c. warrant officers of the home,
Indian or Colonial armies, who are recommended by
the Secretary of State for War. A novel award of
this piece is provided by the towns of Verdun and
Ypres, which were.'given the Military Cross for their noble
stand against the repeated onslaughts of the Germans.
The Cross is a slender-limbed, straight-sided, silver
decoration. The centre bears the imperial cypher,
G. R. I., and an imperial crown figures at the extremity
of each limb. It is hung by a chain link to a straight
silver clasp, through which the white, purple and white
watered ribbon passes. The reverse of the decoration
is engraved with the name and other
particulars of
the recipient.
Bars are available for distribution when the per-
formance of a
subsequent act merits such an honour.
These are silver, and may be recognised by the presence
of an imperial crown on the centre of their front face.
A rosette is worn on the ribbon to indicate the possession
of a bar, as described for previous decorations.
The Military Cross has been awarded to several
women who have shown bravery and resource when
in the zone of fire.
The Distinguished Conduct Medal. This medal came
into being during the Crimean War and, at that
tune, replaced the Meritorious Service medal which,
however, has since been restored with a changed
purpose. As is indicated by the inscription on the
reverse, the award isgiven for distinguished conduct in
the field, and it may only be won on the recommendation
of the Commander-in-Chief, by warrant officers, and
those of lower rank.
The Victorian awards give,on the obverse, a trophy
of arms consisting of cannon, muskets, cannon balls,
also helmets, a drum and standards, all arranged
around a shield bearing the arms as displayed on the
Royal Standard. This face is the work of Pistrucci,
at one time chief engraver at the Mint.
The Edwardian and Georgian awards display an
effigy of the King in field-marshal's uniform.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern.
The metal of the piece is silver.
The ribbon is crimson, deep blue, and crimson in
equal widths.
The bars are and bear a horizontal spray of
leaves. When is worn without the medal,
the ribbon
the former bears a small rosette if the owner possesses
a bar.
A small pension or gratuity is given to all who are
awarded the D.C.M.
Four or five guineas is a fair price for a D.C.M.
when possessing no special interest. Georgian pieces
are, as yet, seldom seen for sale.

The Military Medal was first announced in the London

Gazette, during April, 1916, in the following terms :

The Military Medal which will be of silver is to
be awarded to non-commissioned and men for
individual or associated acts of bravery on the recom-
mendation of a Commander-in-Chief in the Field. It
will bear, on the obverse, the Royal Effigy and, on the

reverse, the words For Bravery in the Field, encircled

by a wreath surmounted by the Royal Cypher and a
Crown. It is to be worn immediately before all war
medals on the left breast, the ribbon being dark blue
with three white and two crimson stripes, alternating
in the centre.
bar will be awarded for further acts of bravery
to non-commissioned officers and men, who have
already won the medal."
A supf ementaiy announcement was issued at the

Court o \ James's in June of the same year, stating

Whereas We
by Royal Warrant institute and
' '
medal entitled The Military Medal
create a silver
to be awarded to non-commissioned officers and men
for bravery in the field ;
And Whereas we are desirous that, under special
circumstances, women shall be eligible for the award
of the saidmedal ;

"It Our Will and Pleasure and We do hereby

' '
ordain that The Military Medal may, under excep-
tional circumstances,on the special recommendation
of aCommander-in-Chief in the Field, be awarded to
women, whether subjects or foreign persons, who have
shown bravery and devotion under fire."
The bars are fashioned in silver, and bear a hori-
zontal spray of leaves. Rosettes, when fixed to the
ribbon, indicate the possession of bars, as mentioned
The clasp is of the curved scroll type.
We have seen an occasional specimen of the Military
medal offered for sale at prices averaging twenty-five

The Meritorious Service Medal was the first of our
existing awards to be given for a display of merit,
being instituted by Queen Victoria in 1845 for the
Army and in 1849 f r the Royal Marines.
We deem it expedient," said the original warrant,
to afford a greater encouragement to the non-com-
missioned officers and soldiers of Our Army who may
have distinguished themselves, or who may have given
good, faithful and efficient service.
our further will and pleasure that a sum not
It is

exceeding 2000 (altered to 4000 after 1853 for the

Army and 400 for the Admiralty) a year be distributed
for the purpose of granting annuities as rewards for

distinguished or meritorious service to sergeants who

are now, or who may be hereafter in the Service, either
while serving or after discharge with or without pension,
in sums not exceeding 20 which may be held during
and together with pension."
The medal fell into abeyance during or after the
Crimean War, but was reinstated in 1884 and revived
during the recent hostilities. It is available for
warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men
who render valuable and meritorious service, not
necessarily within range of the enemy's guns. A
recent warrant states that individuals who are
awarded the M.S.M. are not thereby to be entitled to
receive a gratuity or annuity. If, however, they are

above the rank of corporal, their names may be regis-

tered for consideration for an annuity."

Recently, the Meritorious Service medal has been

thrown open to the lower ranks of the Navy and the
Royal Air Force. The medal may be described as
follows :

Obverse. The Victorian pattern bears Wyon's

effigy of Queen Victoria, whilst more recent strikings
have the King's profile. The Army pattern shows
His Majesty in field-marshal's dress, the Navy in
naval attire, whilst the Air Force bears a truncated
bust, as on the coinage.
Reverse. A wreath with an imperial crown
at the apex. Within these is the inscription, For
Meritorious Service.
Clasp. The curved scroll pattern.
Ribbon. Formerly crimson tor the
Army, then
crimson with white edges, but now a narrow
edging of
white and a narrow central stripe of the same colour
upon a crimson ribbon.
For the Royal Marines, a whole coloured deep blue
was first used but, recently, this has been changed to
the latest Army pattern.
The Navy, since its admission to the award, has
used the crimson ribbon with three white stripes.
The Royal Air Force has a ribbon with narrow white
edges,a white central stripe, a band of deep blue
between the left edge and the centre, and a band of
crimson between the centre and the right edge.
Metal. Silver.
Bars. These are available but only five had been
awarded to the end of 1919.
Sale Prices. Victorian specimens sell for thirty
shillings to four guineas.
The Distinguished Flying Cross, with the three
silver awards which follow, owes its origin to the
admirable work performed by the Royal Flying Corps
during the Great War. As the deeds of the airmen
proved to be of so exceptional a character, the decora-
tions given to the other services were considered to be

insufficiently appropriate, and special flying awards

followed as a natural course. They were all instituted
on the King's birthday in 1918. The D.F.C. is available
for officers and warrant officers who perform acts of

gallantry when flying in active operations against the

The Cross isan ornate and beautiful piece of work-
manship. There are four slender limbs with rounded

Figs, i and 2. Obverse and Reverse of the Military Medal.

Fig. i. The Distinguished Flying Cross.

Fig. 2. The Air Force Cross.
ends ; the two horizontal ones are formed of two
outspread wings which emerge from a central circle
bearing a Tudor rose and the initials, R.A.F. Above
these is an imperial crown. A chain attachment fixes
the cross to a straight clasp, which is supported by two
sprays of palm leaves. The decoration is indeed a
work of art, but is more reminiscent of a jewel-pendant
than a trophy for the brave, a matter which might
have been obviated had some suitable and unique
inscription been incorporated in the design, in some
such way as is the case with the Victoria Cross.
The ribbon consists of wide diagonal stripes of
white and violet, an unusual arrangement for British
The Distinguished Flying Medal is awarded to non-
commissioned officers and men who perform acts of
gallantry when flying in active operations against the
The award an oval medallion showing
consists of
the winged figure Athene Nike, seated upon an

aeroplane. She holds a hawk which is about to be

released. The words, For Courage, appear and the
* The Air
Ministry has issued the following particulars regarding
the ribbons of the air awards D.F.C. i J inches in width, violet

and white in alternate diagonal stripes, each | of an inch in width,

running at an angle of 45 degrees. A.F.C. As above,
but red
the violet. D.F.M. As for the D.F.C., but the width of
the stripes is ^
of an inch. A.F.M. As for the A.F.C., but the
width of the stripes is ^
of an inch. The D.F.C. and A.F.C. ribbon
will show at the top corner nearest to the left arm, and at the bottom
corner nearest to the centre of the tunic, triangles of equal dimen-
sions of violet or red, as the case may be. The D.F.M. and A.F.M.
ribbon will show at the top corner nearest to the left arm a triangle
centre of the
of white, and at the bottom corner, nearest to the
dimensions of violet or red, as the case
tunic, a triangle of equal
may be.
edge of the piece is beaded. The suspension clasp is
fashioned in the shape of two outspread wings. The
ribbon is white and violet in
narrow diagonal stripes.
The Air Force Cross was also
inaugurated on the King's
birthday, in 1918. It is

awarded to officers, warrant

officers and civilians for acts
of courage and devotion to
duty when flying, although
not in active operations against
the enemy.
The Cross, as in the case of
the D.F.C., is a highly artistic

creation. Three of the limbs

terminate in points, the fourth
and upper one being provided
with an imperial crown. The
initials, G. R. L V. appear
one on each limb of the cross.
A central medallion shows an undraped figure of
Hermes riding on the body of a hawk. The figure
holds, with outstretched hand, a circular wreath. The
clasp is similar to that of the D.F.C., whilst the ribbon
is white and purple-red in wide diagonal stripes.
It is of interest to mention that Mr. Hawker and
Commander Grieve were given this cross for their

daring attempt to fly the Atlantic. Although a number

of awards had been gazetted prior to theirs, they were
the first actual recipients.
The Air Force Medal follows the particulars men-
tioned for the Air Force Cross, but is awarded to
non-commissioned and men who perform acts
of courage and devotion to duty when flying, although
not in active operations against
the enemy.
The piece consists of an oval,
struck in silver. The design is
that of Hermes and the hawk,
as mentioned for the previous
medal. The edge is beaded,
and the clasp consists of a pair
of outspread wings. The ribbon
is white and
purple-red, in nar-
row diagonal stripes.
Bars are available for the
above quartette of flying awards.
The Air Force Medal.
The Royal Red Cross is a
decoration for women
which, in its first class, ranks
approximately with the Distinguished Service Order
for men. It was instituted in April, 1883, by the

following royal warrant :

Whereas We have been pleased to take into Our
consideration the services rendered by certain persons
in nursing the sick and wounded of Our Army and
Navy and have resolved specially to recognise individual
instances of special devotion in such services now for

the purpose of attaining this end, We have instituted,

constituted and created, and by these presents for Us,
Our heirs and successors do institute, constitute and
create a decoration to be designated and hereafter

prescribed and
: Weare pleased to make, ordain and
establish the following rules and ordinances for the
government of the same, which shall from henceforth
be inviolably observed and kept :

First. The decoration shall be styled and
designated The Royal Red Cross and shall consist of
a cross, enamelled crimson edged with gold, having
on the arms thereof the words Faith, Hope, Charity,
with the date of the institution of the decoration ; the
centre having thereon Our Effigy.
the reverse side Our Royal and Imperial
Cipher and Crown shall be shown in relief on the centre.
Secondly. The cross shall be attached to a dark
blue riband edged with red, of one inch in width, tied
in a bow and worn on the left shoulder.
Thirdly. The decoration may be worn by the
Queen Regnant, the Queen Consort or the Queen
Dowager of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland and it shall be competent for Us, Our heirs

and successors to confer the decoration upon any of

the Princesses of the Royal Family.
Fourthly. It shall be competent for Us, Our
heirs and successors, to confer the decoration upon any
whether subjects or foreign persons, who may
be recommended to Our notice by Our Secretary of
State for War for special exertions in providing for the

nursing of sick and wounded soldiers and sailors of our

army and navy.
Fifthly. It shall be competent for Us, Our heirs
and successors, to confer this decoration upon any
nursing or other persons engaged in nursing
duties whether subjects or foreign persons who may be
recommended to Our
by Our Secretary of State
forWar, may be, by the First Lord of
or, as the case
the Admiralty through Our said Secretary of State,
for special devotion and competency which they may
have displayed in their nursing duties with Our army
in the field, or in Our naval and military
Lastly. In order to make such additional pro-
vision as shall effectually preserve pure this honorable
distinction, it is ordained that any person on whom

such distinction shall be conferred shall by her conduct

become unworthy of it her name shall be erased by
an order under Our sign manual, from the register of
those upon whom the said decoration shall have been
And hereby declared that We, Our heirs and
it is

successors, shall be the sole judge of the conduct which

may require the erasure from the register of the name
of the offending person, and that it shall at all tunes
be competent for Us, Our heirs and successors to
restore the name if such restoration should be justified

by the circumstances of the case."

During the reign of King George a supplementary
warrant was issued stating that a second class of the
Royal Red Cross had been sanctioned. The badge in
this case dull silver instead of gold ; the obverse

bears in the centre the royal bust whilst this space,

on the reverse, is filled by the royal cypher and crown.
The Albert Medal. This decoration is held in high
esteem as, in a measure, it is an alternative award to
the Victoria Cross. Where deeds of exceptional gal-

lantry are performed but not in the presence of the

enemy, the Victoria Cross cannot be given, and it is the
Albert medal which is bestowed in its place.
The medal was instituted on March 3, 1866, and is
named after Prince Consort. Its object is to acknow-
ledge the bravery of those who endanger their own lives
in attempting or effecting the rescue of others ; it is
offered to civilians as well as to service men, though the
latter have been the greatest participants in late years.
Originally, it was confined to heroic deeds performed
in connection with shipwrecks, and there were then
two classes, first and second. In 1877, two further
classes were added for bravery displayed on land, the
amended warrant specifically mentioning accidents in
mines, on railways or at fires, but other perilous feats
were not debarred.
To-day there are other and more appropriate
decorations for gallantry at fires or in mines, and the
Albert medal is seldom given now for such cases of
As at present constituted, the medal is awarded in
four classes, known as (i) the Albert medal in Gold,
and (2) the Albert medal but each of these is sub-

divided for gallantry at sea and on land.

The Albert medal in gold for sea service is an oval
badge fashioned, as its name implies, in gold, but parts
are enamelled in blue. An oval garter is inscribed,
For Gallantry in Saving Life at Sea. Within the garter
are the initials V. and an anchor.
A., intertwined with
The uppermost an imperial
part of the decoration bears
crown, fixed to a metal loop through which the sus-
pension ring passes. The ribbon is blue and white in
nine equal stripes five stripes are blue and four are

The Albert medal in Gold for land service is similar
to the above, but crimson enamel is used in place of the
blue, the anchor is omitted, the inscription is For
Gallantry in Saving Life on Land, and the blue is

replaced by brownish crimson stripes in the ribbon.

The Albert medal for sea service is fashioned entirely
of lacquered bronze, but the badge is otherwise the same
as that of the gold piece for sea service. The ribbon
is white with three wide bars of blue.

TheAlbert medal for land service is of lacquered

bronze, but otherwise follows the pattern of the gold
piece for land service. The ribbon is white with three
wide bars of brownish crimson.
Bars are available for all four pieces.
Specimens of the Albert medal of whichever class
are rare, and the gold decorations are, of course,
valuable. A gold medal has sold for over 70.
Overseas Distinguished Conduct Medals. Certain of
the colonies have obtained sanction from the reign-
ing sovereign to award medals of their own striking
for distinguished conduct displayed by men in their
local navy or army. The need for such awards appears
to be of a limited character as, when members of the
colonial forces have performed distinguished service
in international wars, they have been rewarded by

pieces struck in London.

Such medals generally follow the pattern of the
corresponding home award, but the name of the
particular colony is given on the reverse. The ribbons
vary with each colony.
The New Zealand Cross. This decoration is occa-
sionally met, but it is rare, and sells for about
twenty guineas. Its history is somewhat curious.
On March i, 1869, the Governor of New Zealand
decided to issue this decoration as a reward for dis-
tinguished conduct displayed by members of
the local

militia, volunteer force, and constabulary. He com-

municated his intention to the Secretary of State in
London, observing, at the same time, that he was
acting on his own initiative as it was impossible to refer
the matter home without incurring a great waste of
time. He added that the Secretary must not think
any insult was intended to Queen Victoria.
Earl Granville, the Secretary of State, wrote from
Downing Street that the Governor had overstepped
the limits of his authority, but the Queen was ready
to sanction this medal and the regulations governing
it, but such an incident must not arise in the
The crossshaped similarly to that of the Victoria

Cross, but is made

of silver. A star appears on each
limb, whilst in the centre are the words New Zealand,
surrounded by a gilt laurel wreath. A crown is placed
above the uppermost limb, and the suspender bears a
V-shaped link. The ribbon is of the same colour as
that from which the V.C. depends. The name of the
recipient appearson the reverse face.
The Hong-Kong Plague Medal. In 1894 a severe
epidemic of the plague broke out in Hong-Kong, and
many officers, men and nursing sisters, stationed in
the island, assisted in putting down the scourge. Later,
the community decided to present a medal to all who
had risked their lives whilst performing this unpleasant
The observe gives a rather gruesome rendering of a
man and woman bending over an invalid. The man
ispushing away a flying figure of Death, who is en-
deavouring, unsuccessfully, to reach the sick patient.
In the exergue is a scroll with the date, 1894.
The reverse is inscribed For Services Rendered
During the Plague of 1894, within a circular band,
whilst,around the band, we read, Presented by the
Hong-Kong Community.
The metal used is silver for the rank and file, but

he Distinguished Service The Albert Medal The Royal Red Cross

Cross. (sea). (ist class).

gold for the commissioned officers. A ring joins the

ribbon to the medal. The ribbon is a golden-orange
with two narrow and one wide stripe of red.
This medal may not be worn when in uniform.

we deal with an interesting

this head,
but small group of pieces which, in the main,
commemorate the two jubilees of Queen
Victoria and the coronations of King Edward and
King George. perhaps necessary to point out that,
It is
awards have gone largely to members
in all cases, the
of the Navy and Army who wear the decoration when
in uniform, but civilians, too, have received these
honours. It is impossible to give even an approximate
idea of the value of the various items, as the primary
consideration is the status of the original recipient.
Victorian Jubilee Medal. Obverse. A
crowned and
draped profile of Her Majesty, as appears on the
Jubilee silver coinage; with the inscription, Victoria
D. G. Regina ei Imperatrix F.D.
Reverse. A union wreath of roses, thistles and
shamrocks enclosing an imperial crown and the
legend, In Commemoration of the $oth Year of the Reign
of Queen Victoria, 21 June, 1887.
Ribbon. White with an edging of medium blue
and a wide central stripe of the same colour.

Suspender. A circular ring.

Metals. Gold, silver and bronze.
Size. Slightly smaller than the Campaign pieces.
Victorian Diamond Jubilee Medal. This medal is

the same as the previous, but the inscription runs
6oth instead of 5oth. Bars dated 1897 were given to
recipients of the Jubilee award in certain cases.
Edwardian Coronation Medal. Obverse. The jugate
busts of King Edward and Queen Alexandra, facing
right, within a circular wreath forming the edge of
the medal.
Reverse. An imperial crown above the royal cypher
and date, July 26, 1902, all within a beaded circle.
Ribbon. Blue with white edges and a central stripe
of red.

Suspender. A crown and circular ring.

Metals. Silver and bronze.
Edwardian Delhi Durbar Medal. Obverse. A pro-
file of King Edward and the words Edward VII.,
Delhi Durbar, 1903.
Reverse. An
inscription in Hindustani.
Ribbon. A
bluish white ribbon with a narrow stripe
of deep blue at either edge and a similar central stripe.

Suspender. A circular ring.

Metals. Gold, silver and bronze.
Edwardian Medal for Visit to Ireland. Obverse.

A profile of King Edward and the inscription,

Edwardus VII. Rex Imperator.
Hibernia, as a female figure representing
Ireland, and the Royal yacht at Kingstown. Also, a
rose, harp, and shamrock, and the date 1903.
Ribbon. A plain pale blue.
Suspender. A circular ring.
Metals. Silver and bronze.
Georgian Coronation Medal. Obverse.
jugate The
busts of King George and Queen Mary, both crowned
and facing left.
Reverse. An imperial crown above the royal cypher
and date, 22 June, 1911, all within a beaded circle.

Ribbon. A shade of garter blue with two narrow

central stripes of crimson.

Suspender. A
circular ring.
Metals. Silver.
Victorian Jubilee Police Medal. Obverse. The veiled
head of Queen Victoria, as appears on the Egypt
medal of 1882, with the words Victoria Regina.
Reverse. An oak wreath and crown encircling the
inscription, Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
Outside the wreath, the words, Metropolitan Police
(or City of London Police) and 1887.
Ribbon. A plain deep blue.
Clasp. A straight bar.
Metals. Silver and gilt bronze.
Size. As for the Campaign medals.
Diamond Jubilee Police Medal. As for the

Queen's Jubilee but with the date 1897 instead of

1887. The wordJubilee is not altered to Diamond
Jubilee. Recipients of the earlier medal were not
given the later piece, but a bar with the date 1897.
Edwardian Coronation Police Medal. Obverse. A
crowned and robed effigy of King Edward, facing
left,and the words, Edwardus VII., Rex Imperator.
Reverse. The inscription, Coronation of His Majesty
King Edward VII., 1902, above a crown reposing on
sprays of oak and palm. In a circle, the inscription,
Metropolitan Police (or City of London Police).
Ribbon. Red with a narrow central stripe of blue.
Clasp. A straight bar.
Metals. Silver and gilt-bronze.
Size. As for the Campaign medals.














Georgian Coronation Police Medal. Obverse. A
crowned and robed effigy of King George, facing left,
and the words, Georgius V., Rex et Ind. Imp.
Reverse. An imperial crown within an ornamental
circle, all within a larger circle inscribed, Metropolitan
Police (or City of London Police] and Coronation, 1911.
Ribbon. Red with three stripes of blue, none of
which touch the edge.
Suspender. An oval ring.
Metals. Silver.
Edwardian Coronation Metropolitan Fire Brigade Medal.
As the Edwardian Coronation Police medal but with
a suitable inscription.
Georgian Coronation Metropolitan Fire Brigade Medal.
As the Georgian Coronation Police medal but with a
suitable inscription.
Edwardian Coronation Ambulance Brigade Medal.
As the Edwardian Coronation Police medal, but with
the inscription, St. John's Ambulance Brigade.
Georgian Coronation Ambulance Brigade Medal. As
the Georgian Coronation Police medal but with the
inscription St. John's Ambulance Brigade.
Union of S. Africa Commemoration Medal. This medal
was awarded to those who took part in the ceremonies
connected with the Union of South Africa in 1910.
Obverse. An effigy of the King with the usual
Reverse. A workman forging a chain, to represent
the various links of the Union.
Ribbon. This is slightly wider than usual, and is

yellow with a wide central stripe of dark blue.

Suspender. A circular ring.
Metal. Silver.


the collector of modest means who wishes to

TO specialise, this
group Long of and
Good Conduct medals may be recommended,

since possible to obtain a representative set of the

it is

pieces at no great outlay. The group lacks but little

in point of interest especially is this the case if the

corresponding Volunteer, Territorial, Yeomanry and

Militia awards be added to those of the regular Navy
and Army.
The Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal may
be mentioned first, as it was the earliest award of this
nature to appear. It was instituted in deference to
the personal wishes of William IV., who desired that

every soldier on completing either twenty-one years

in the infantry or twenty years in the cavalry, with

irreproachable character, should be given a suitable

The original warrant is dated July 30, 1830, but
many amendments have been issued since. To-day,
eighteen years' service is requisite nine for European
soldiers on the West Coast of Africa but the following
are absolutely ineligible for the good conduct medal
and must not be recommended."
(i) A soldier who has been convicted for felony, or
any other offence of a disgraceful character.

(ii.) A soldier who during the last sixteen of the

eighteen years of his service
(a) Has more than six entries in the
regimental conduct sheet or ;

(6) Has been guilty of desertion or fraudulent en-

listment ; or
(c) Has been convicted by a G.C.M. or D.C.M. or ;

(d) Has been drunk on duty, or after being warned

for duty or has been drunk while actually

engaged on garrison or regimental employment ;


(e) Has, as a N.C.O., been reduced under the Royal

Prerogative or under Section 183 of the Army
Act for an offence, but not for inefficiency.
With each reign, the medal has varied
in pattern,
but in all cases the reverse has borne the inscription,
For Long Service and Good Conduct, printed in horizontal

Type I. The pieces issued during William's reign

bore on the obverse a trophy of arms surrounding the
royal escutcheon, which it is well to note included the
device of Hanover. This was the work of Pistrucci,
and is the same design as was mentioned on page 232,

hi connection with the early copies of the D.C.M.

The clasp was a plain steel bar.

Type //.The pattern followed that

described for William IV., but the Hanoverian arms
were removed from the central shield. From 1837 to
1850 (circa), a plain steel clasp, as Type I., was used,
but from 1850 onwards a silver clasp replaced it. Thus
there are and late patterns of the Victorian award.
Type III. The Edwardian
appeared with the

design of Pistrucci
replaced by a profile of King
Edward, wearing the dress of a field-marshal. The
silver scroll clasp was retained.
Type IV. The Georgian issue differed only from
Type III. in that King George's features replaced those
of his father.
For many years the Army Long Service ribbon was
a plain deep crimson, but during the Great War became
deep crimson with white edges. The alteration was
made in order to put an end to the confusion which
existed between this ribboii and that of the Victoria
The value of the Army Long Service medals varies
a great deal. Type I. may be purchased for about 2.
Type II. is not dear at half this sum if it be provided
with the steel clasp, but, when given a silver scroll
clasp, five shillings is a fair price, though in this case
much depends on age and the particulars of the
recipient. Type III. costs about five or six shillings,
whilst the Georgian type is as yet less common.
Colonial Army Long Service Medals. In this group
there is a fairarray of interesting matter, but pieces are
not found in the British Isles with any frequency. As
a rule, the design of the colonial awards follows that used
by the home country, but in every case the designation
of the colony is added. It should perhaps be mentioned
that these pieces are only given to the local units and
not to members of British forces who may happen to
complete their term of long and efficient service in an
overseas possession. The ribbons of the colonial long
service medals are usually deep crimson with a stripe
of a distinguishing colour running down the centre.
That for the Australian Commonwealth is a deep green ;

for Canada, it is white ;for the Cape, yellow ; for New

Zealand, light green ; and for the West African Frontier
Force, a wide stripe of green. The Permanent Overseas
Forces, however, use a crimson ribbon having three
central stripes, white, blue-black and white.
The Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
was first instituted a year after the corresponding Army
medal received sanction.
Twenty-one years of ex-
emplary service were required by the original warrant,
but fifteen years qualify at the present time.
The earliest Navy award is a rather insignificant
piece. The obverse gives an anchor with a crown above
and a spray of oak on either side. The reverse has a
circular band inscribed, For Long Service and Good
Conduct. Within the circle are engraved the par-
ticulars of the award. The mounting consists of a
small ring instead of a clasp, and the piece was ordered
to be worn on the left breast, at the third button of the
jacket. The ribbon is narrower than usual, and is a
whole colour blue.
During the reign of Queen Victoria, but not for some
years after her coronation, a new pattern was intro-
duced. In this case, the Wyon profile of Her Majesty
figures on the obverse whilst a majestic wooden battle-
ship is seen on the reverse. A knotted cable runs
around the vessel, and the circular band so formed is
inscribed, For Long Service, and Good Conduct. A
straight silver clasp carries the ribbon, which is deep
blue with white edges. There are minor varieties of
this piece.
The Edwardian and Georgian Navy Long Service
awards are similar to that described for Queen
Victoria, with the necessary change of profile and
The earliest pattern of William's reign is not often

seen, as few copies were issued. It be

may bought, how-
ever, for two or three pounds. The Victorian type com-
mands a few shillings, say 55. to 75. 6d., except when
the date, 1848, is given below the profile. It is then
rare. The Edwardian and Georgian issues are only
worth 6s. 6d.

Ability and Good Conduct Medal. In 1842, a cir-

cular medal bearing this title was issued for distribution

to engineers of the Royal Navy, but was speedily with-
drawn when engineers were raised to the rank of
warrant officers. Only six pieces were struck and
four, alone, were awarded. The piece is thus ex-
tremely rare, but copies are to be seen in certain public
The obverse displays a paddle steamship and a
trident figures in the exergue. The reverse is filled by
a crowned anchor and the words, For Ability and Good
Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
This silver award is circular, and gives on the obverse
the King's profile and the usual inscription. The
reverse presents an imperial crown and an eagle sur-
rounded by the words, For Long Service and Good
Conduct. The ribbon is a combination of the Navy and
Army patterns, being half blue and half crimson with
narrow edges of white.
This award was given
Volunteer Officers' Decoration.
between the year 1892 and the date of the dis-
establishment of the Force to officers who performed
twenty years' efficient and capable service. It figured
as an oval medallion consisting of the
royal cypher
and crown enclosed in an oval wreath of silver oak
leaves bound in four places by gold bands. A circular

ring gathered in the plain green ribbon.

The Volunteer Long Service Medal was awarded
between the year 1894 and the date of the disestablish-
ment of the Force to men who served for twenty years.
The medal is circular, and gives the royal profile on
the obverse, and, on the reverse, two sprays of laurel
and an intertwined ribbon inscribed, For Long Service
in the Volunteer Force. The clasp is plain and straight,
whilst the ribbon is green, except for the Honourable
Artillery Company, when it is deep blue and scarlet
with a narrow yellow edging.
Specimens are worth from five to ten shillings.
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration. This
award is given on completion of twenty years' service,

except in places where the climate is unhealthy,

when each year counts as two. It consists of an oval
medallion charged with the royal cypher. An oval
band runs around this, bearing the inscription, Colonial
Auxiliary Forces. An imperial crown surmounts the
piece, and to its apex is fixed a straight slot clasp,
threaded with a plain green ribbon.
The Militia Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
was instituted in 1904 by King Edward, and was
awarded to men who had completed eighteen years'
service and performed fifteen annual trainings. The
award is a silver oval bearing on the front face the
royal profile and, on the reverse, words, Militia,
For Long Service and Good Conduct, in plain lettering.
A loop takes the place of the clasp, and the ribbon is a
light blue.


Figs, i and 2. Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.

Obverse and Reverse.
Fig. 3. The Transport Medal. Reverse.
Fig. 4. The Volunteer Long Service Medal. Reverse.
Figs. 5 and 6. The Army Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal. Obverse and Reverse.
Figs. 7 and 8. The Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Obverse
and Reverse.
The Imperial Yeomanry Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal. This medal, now superseded by the Territorial
medal, was given for ten years' service. It is

exactly similar to the Militia award, just described,

except that the reverse bears the inscription, Imperial
Yeomanry, For Long Service and Good Conduct. The
ribbon is yellow.
The Territorial Decoration is an award for officers,

replacing the old Volunteer Decoration. In design, the

two are practically the same, except that while the
Volunteer Decoration is found with the cyphers of
Queen Victoria and King Edward, the Territorial
Decoration bears those of King Edward and King
George. The ribbon is green with a central stripe of
The Territorial Efficiency Medal is given to men after
twelve years' service and an equal number of trainings-
The piece is oval, and similar to that mentioned for the
Militia, except that the wording on the reverse is
Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. The ribbon was
green with a central stripe of yellow, but was changed,
in the early part of 1920, to green with yellow edges and
no central stripe.
The Special Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal is also oval and identical to the Militia award, but
with an appropriate inscription on the reverse. The
ribbon is dark blue, almost black, with a central stripe
of light blue.
The Royal Naval Reserve Officers' Decoration.
Officers in the R.N.R. who perform fifteen years'
efficient service are given the following dicoration :

An oval medallion consisting of the royal cypher

with a crown above, all surrounded by a length of cable
formed into the shape of an oval. The piece is gilt.

A small circular ring holds a ribbon of plain green.

The Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct
Medal is awarded to men who perform fifteen

years' satisfactory service. It consists of a circular

silver piece having on the obverse a profile of the reign-
ing sovereign in naval dress and, on the reverse, a
man-o'-war and the words, Diuturne Fidelis. A straight
silver bar fixes the plain green ribbon.
The piece is worth seven shillings and upwards.
The Hon. East India Co.'s Meritorious Service Medal
was instituted in 1848. It had a short life, but during
the time of its existence found much favour among
the native troops. The front gives Wyon's head of
Queen Victoria and the back the arms of the company
within a circular band inscribed, For Meritorious
Service. The clasp is of the familiar scroll pattern, and
the ribbon is crimson.
The Naval Good Shooting Medal dates from the year
1903, and is given to seamen who prove particularly
fine marksmen at the annual target practices. The
royal profile fills the obverse, whilst an undraped figure
of Neptune appears on the reverse. He rides in a sea
chariot drawn by three horses and scatters thunder-
bolts during his progress. Amat Victoria Curam is

written around the piece. Bars are available for those

who earn them, and these are inscribed with the name
of the vessel on which the recipient serves. The clasp
is straight,and the ribbon is blue, white, red, blue, and
white. (It is easily mistaken for the Military Medal

The Army " Best Shot " Medal was awarded to
less than twenty recipients, and is accordingly of
considerable rarity. was given annually to the
" "
Best Shot in theArmy from 1867 to 1883. (Two
medals were awarded in the years 1875-6 and 1876-7,
" "
one for the Best Shot using the Martini-Henry, and
" "
one for the Best Shot using the Snider rifle.)

The Queen's profile figures on the upperface of the

medal, and Fame crowning a kneeling warrior fills the
underface. Bronze pieces were issued between 1867
and 1872 and silver pieces afterwards. The ribbon is
black, white, black, red, black, white, and black.
New Zealand Territorial Service Medal. This is an
award for members of the New Zealand Territorial
Force whoserve for twelve consecutive years. It is

not given, however, to members who possess the New

Zealand Long and Efficient Service medal or a similar
medal awarded by the Home Authorities.
The obverse bears a profile of His Majesty, facing
left, surrounded by the inscription, New Zealand
Territorial 12 Years' Service.
The reverse is filled by a representation of the
national bird, the kiwi, framed by two sprays of foliage.
The clasp is of the curved scroll pattern, often
mentioned for the home campaign awards.
The ribbon was formerly khaki, but is now khaki
with crimson edges.
New Zealand Long and Efficient Service Medal. In
this case the award is given for sixteen years of con-
tinuous service or twenty years where the service has
not been continuous, in the New Zealand Territorial
The obverse shows a crown, resting on a sceptre and
sword, all within a circle of oak and laurel leaves. A
star surmounts the crown.
The reverse is inscribed,For Long and Efficient
Service. A star is placed both above and below the

Volunteer and Terri- Royal Naval Reserve Colonial Auxiliary

torial Officers' De- Officers' Decora- Forces, Officers'
coration. tion Decoration.

A ring serves instead of a clasp for attachment.

The ribbon is crimson with two narrow stripes of
white placed near the centre.

medals for military efficiency in times

of peace have only been granted with regu-
larity during the last ninety years. Prior to
this, cases arose where the King bestowed special
decorations on his favoured leaders, but such awards
were few in number, and for general collecting purposes
may be ignored.
Towards the middle of the eighteenth century a
custom sprang up whereby the patrons of various
regiments instituted medals, at their own expense, for
long service, good conduct, fine shooting, etc. Such
medals were not officially awarded as they did not
emanate from the War Office, but were of a private
nature. Nevertheless, the higher authority recognised
them inasmuch as the recipients were permitted to wear
their decorations when in uniform. Some regimental
leaders bestowed these awards more lavishly than
others, but we have never heard any suggestion that
grants were made with too great a frequency. Certainly
those who won these decorations were proud above all
others, and cases are recorded whe^e winners of

regimental medals were paraded by themselves on

inspection days, and duly complimented.
When Napoleon threatened to invade England
some hundreds were formed in the
of volunteer corps
three Kingdoms, much as they were during the black

days of 1914-18. Most of these corps followed the

lead of the regular regiments and instituted proficiency
medals for competition amongst their own members.
In a number of cases the only tangible knowledge that
we have of a corp's existence is supplied by the private
decorations which it has left behind a fact which
reveals the collector in the light of a trustee of national

The Regimental or Volunteer decorations of this
era are much prized to-day, and high prices are in-
variably paid for them when put up for auction. The

pieces, as a class, be described as the greatest

favourites in the sale-room, and it is seldom that a
specimen falls to a purchaser for less than ten pounds.

The shapes and designs used for these medals were

legion, and it is only possible to give general hints
respecting them. As a rule, they were circular, and
about the size of a five-shilling piece. Ovals appear at
times, but fanciful irregular shapes were not uncommon.
The circular and oval awards were often flat pieces of
metal with the design and lettering engraved by

hand. A good many were cast and then chased by

hand. In such cases, the medals were often thick,
in high relief, and bordering on the clumsy. Silver
seems to have been the metal most favoured, but
bronze, copper and brass were by no means unusual.
Engraved specimens are often found in silver, whilst
the specimens cast in high-relief are, as a rule, in the
darker metals. The designs are altogether beyond
classification, but a favourite theme of the artists was
the regimental or corps badge, elaborated in some
fancifulway. When
the crest did not figure on the
obverse we frequently find that a soldier, or perhaps
two soldiers, in regimental dress served to fill the space.
Where two appeared, one kneeled and the other stood
behind him. These little pictures are particularly
interesting, as many of the medals were engraved in
sufficient detail to give an accurate rendering of the
uniform of the regiment. Awards for good shooting
often bore a miniature target, and we have seen
" "
examples where the rings around the bull were let
in hi ivory. The ribbon attached to these pieces was
more often than not in the shape of a bow, though the
suspender form, common to-day, was used at times.
In a few cases, the decoration consisted of a vertical
strip of ribbon having a silver plate at the top bearing
the name of the regiment, whilst at the bottom end
figured the regimental badge or a bar. These are
perhaps the rarest forms of unofficial awards.
Sale Prices.The following list of auction prices
will give the reader some idea of the average value of
these private medals. The regiments named are now,
in many cases, extinct, a fact which adds in some little
measure to the interest of the pieces :

Silver medal awarded by the Carlisle Local Regiment

for the best shot, 1812. 7 155.
Medal for merit awarded to a private in the Cardiff

Volunteers, 1804. 16 55.

Silver medal for merit awarded by the Oxford Loyal
Volunteers. Finely engraved, 1798. 9 55.
Silver medal awarded by the 45th Notts Regiment,
1803. 6 55.
Oval silver medal of the Guisborough Company,
E.R.Y. Volunteers, 1780. 7.
Medal awarded by the Olney Troop of Cavalry,

^797- 7 I5s.
Oval medal of the 3rd King's Own Dragoons. 8.

Medal awarded by the Plymouth Independent

Rangers, 1799. 10.

Gold medal of the Oozel Gallery Volunteers (Ireland).

Oval engraved medal awarded by the 2ist Royal
North British Fusiliers, 1817. 12.

Medal for merit awarded by the Cardiff Volunteers,

1804. 16 55.
It may be of service to add that some very fine
medals belonging to this class may be seen in the
Victoria and Albert Museum.

collector of medals may well ask himself

whether or not he ought to limit his energies
THE to pieces awarded to the three fighting services,
for as he will quickly learn, there are hosts of other

decorations, many of which, from his point of view,

fillno serious purpose. Personally, we feel that the
majority of civil medals are not suitable material for
the collector, though we wish in no way to belittle the
mission for which they are struck. However, there
are a few select pieces which are of considerable interest
and, we might add, of high merit, and these are well
worth the attentions of the general collector.
It is impossible to give a list of all the items that

may be classed among the desirable specimens but ;

those detailed below are typical of many others worth

searching for. The collectable value of all these pieces
varies considerably, and no idea of their worth can be
given. The condition of the faces of a medal, the
reason for its award, the fame of the recipient, and the
eagerness of the possessor to sell are, however, the chief
factors which influence the cost.
The Humane Society's Medals. This well-
known and much esteemed society issues two regular
medals, one in silver, the other in bronze, but both
of the same pattern.
The silver piece is given for gallantly rescuing
people who are in imminent danger of drowning, who
are brought to safety when
exposed on dangerous cliffs,

who are snatched from death

when overcome by asphyxia,
or when entombed by a fall
of the roof in mines, etc.

Unsuccessful attempts in
effecting a rescue are also
considered, but in every
instance the circumstances
must inflict great risks on
the would-be salvors. The


The Royal Humane Society's Medals.

bronze piece is issued where the risks are less, but

where the case still shows courage and promptitude.
It is worth mentioning that both these awards may
be worn by members of the Navy, Army and Air Force
when in uniform, but they must be pinned to the tunic
on the right breast.
The Royal Humane Society's medals were at first
of a size considerably larger than ordinary war decora-
tions ; but in 1869 (circa) they were reduced to
the same dimensions. Concerning their pattern, the
Society has
given us
the following information :

Flame having been used both by the Ancients and
Moderns as the emblem of life, and its extinction as
the symbol of death, the front of the medal represents
a boy blowing an extinguished torch, in the hope, as
expressed by the motto, Lateat Scintillula Forsan.
(Peradventure a spark may yet lie hid.) This

design appears applicable both to the person apparently

dead, and to the one who endeavours to resuscitate
him. Under the device is the following inscription,

abbreviated : Societas Londini in Resuscitationem In-

termortuorum Instituta, MDCCLXXIV. (The Society,
established in London for the recovery of persons
in a state ofsuspended animation, 1774.)
The reverse of the medal exhibits a civic wreath,
which was the Roman reward for saving life the :

inscription round it expresses the merit which obtains

this honour from the Society. Hoc. Pretium Give
Servato Tulit. (He has obtained this reward for having
saved the life of a citizen.) Within the wreath is the
following inscription, also abbreviated, Vitam ob
Servatam Dono Dedit Societas Regia Homana. (The
Royal Humane Society presented this gift for saving

There a second reverse to the Society's medal it

is ;

bears the civic wreath and the legend, Vita Periculo

exposita Dono Dedit Societas Regia Humana. (The
Royal Humane Society presented this to , his life
This pattern used
having been exposed to danger.) is
in caseswhere a gallant attempt at saving life has been
made, but where success did not attend the endeavour.
The above pieces are suspended from a scroll clasp
of the same pattern as has been used so frequently for
the campaign medals. The ribbon is deep blue, and
bars are available for a second or subsequent act of
sufficient merit.
The Stanhope Medal. This medal, struck in gold,
is awarded annually by the General Court of the Royal
Humane Society to the recipient who, during the
previous year, having gained one of the silver awards
described above, is considered to have performed the
most gallant service. The gold piece thus supersedes
the silver medal in the case of the most daring recipient.
The Stanhope award was instituted in 1873, and took
its name from the late Captain Chandos Scudamore

Stanhope. At a committee meeting of the Royal

Humane Society, held on February 18, 1873, a letter
was read from the honorary treasurer of the Stanhope
Memorial Fund offering, on the part of the Com-
mittee of that Fund, to place the sum raised (about
400) in the hands of the Society if it would agree to
give annually a gold medal for the case of the greatest
gallantry during the year, to be called the Stanhope
Medal." This was agreed to, and the medal has been
awarded every year since.
The Stanhope medal is exactly similar to the
Society's awards, described above, but is struck in
gold, in place of silver or bronze ; a bar clasp, inscribed
Stanhope Medal, replaces the curved scroll and the

ribbon, instead of being a whole blue, is blue with an

edging of black and yellow.
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society's Medals.
This Society does admirable work in acknowledging the
gallantry of seafaring men who ply from Liverpool as
well as in recompensing civilians who perform deeds
of gallantry within the town of Liverpool.
medal is the Marine medal, instituted
Its earliest
in 1839, first awarded in 1840.
but This decoration
gives, on one face, a man kneeling on a piece of wreckage
in the act of assisting another man to draw an inert

body from the water. In the distance is a boat coming

to the rescue. Around the upper portion of the face
are the words Lord Save us, we perish. On the other
side of the medal is a cormorant holding in its mouth a

sprig of palm the arms of the City of Liverpool).


Around it is an oak wreath and the inscription, Liverpool

Shipwreck and Humane Society, 1839. curved scroll A
clasp acts as suspender for a dark blue ribbon, and this
latter terminates, at the top, in a square buckle. The
piece is struck in gold, silver and bronze.
In 1872, the Society instituted the Camp and
Villaverde medal under the following circumstances :

In the early part of 1847, a subscription was opened

at Liverpool for the purpose of presenting a suitable
testimonial to Captain Bernardino Camp, of the Spanish

brig Emilio, and his mate, Mr. Villaverde, for having

rescued the survivors of the passengers and crew from
the wreck of the Royal Mail steamship Tweed, which
vessel was lost on the Alacran Shoal, Gulf of Mexico, in
the month of February of that year. The idea of

presenting a testimonial having been abandoned, the

amount collected was left inthe hands of the late John

Bramley-Moore, Esq., for his disposal. With the

desire of perpetuating the names of these brave men,
Mr. Bramley-Moore made up the amount to 100, and
in 1873 presented it to the Liverpool Shipwreck and
Humane Society to found a medal for saving life at
sea which should bear the names of Camp and
Villaverde," in honour of these gallant Spaniards.
The medal is similar in all respects to the 1839
piece, spoken of earlier, but instead of the inscription,
Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, 1839, on the
reverse, we read, Camp and Villaverde Medal for Saving
Life at Sea, 1847.
Thirty of these awards have been issued in silver
and five in bronze.
A month after the Camp and Villaverde medal was
instituted, John Bramley-Moore, Esq., handed the
Liverpool Society railway stock worth 500 in order to
found a further medal to be awarded for saving life at
sea, including rescues from drowning within the port of

Liverpool. This decoration is

exactly similar to the
Camp piece, but bears the name, Bramley-Moore.
About fifty awards have been made, the majority in
silver, but a few in bronze.
Another medal issued by the Society came into
being on September 29, 1882. This is known as the
Liverpool Society's Fire Medal. It is struck in gold,

silver and bronze, and is highly prized, locally. The

chief recipients, asone might expect, are members of
the fire brigade, but the police force figures frequently
among the participants. A few silver bars have been
The obverse of the decoration bears a picture of a
fireman rescuing two children from a burning building.
The distressed mother
proffers her thanks to the gallant
salvor. The exergue inscribed, For bravery in saving

life. The reverse is similar to that given on the marine

medal The clasp is of the curved scroll
of the Society.

pattern, and the ribbon is an orange-red. A metal

buckle is worn at the top edge of the ribbon.
The last medal of the Liverpool Society which we
shall describe is known as the General Medal, and was
instituted in 1894. given for the display of any
It is

form of bravery on land for which a more appropriate

decoration is not issued.
The silver and bronze pieces are circular, and bear
in the centre of the obverse a Maltese cross and an
imperial crown. Around these is written, For bravery
in saving life, 1894. The reverse follows that described
for the previous pieces. The clasp is straight with a
V-shaped link, like that of the Victoria Cross. The
ribbon is composed of five equal stripes, three of orange-
red and two of white. A metal buckle is attached to
the top end of the ribbon. Bars are awarded occasion-
The R.S.P.C.A. Medal for Saving Animal Life. This
is an award much coveted by those who have the
welfare of animals at heart. It is given by the Royal
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to
persons who expose themselves to dangers in rescuing
dumb from perilous positions. A recent
award went to a brave soldier who climbed a tall and
supple tree in order to dislodge a cat which had remained
on perilous perch for three days.
its All attempts at
the animal to descend of its own accord had
and it was only when some one was preparing to
shoot the animal that the soldier scaled the tree and
brought the cat to safety. He risked his own life, for
the upper branches were thin and bent under his
The obverse of the medal, which is silver, shows a
female figure surrounded by a group of animals with
the initials, R.S.P.C.A., in the exergue.
The reverse gives the full name of the Society, a
lion and unicorn, and the inscription, For Animal life

The clasp is of the usual scroll pattern, and the
ribbon terminates in a bar inscribed, For Humanity.
The Royal National Life-Boat Institution's Medal, as
its name implies, is awarded to those who man the life-
boat and whose humane and intrepid exertions in
saving from shipwreck on our coasts have been

deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit some honour-

able distinction." A total of 1479 awards were made

up to the end of 1918, of which 106 were gold, 1351

were silver, and 22 were bronze.
The obverse of the medal reveals a bust of the
Sovereign that of King George was designed by
Bertram MacKennal, Esq., A.R.A. surrounded by a
double circular legend :
Royal National Life-Boat
Institution, Founded 1824, Incorporated 1860, and
George V. Patron. The reverse shows three seamen in a
lifeboat, one of whom is in the act of rescuing an
exhausted mariner from the waves. The inscription,
Let not the deep swallow me and the engraver's mark
up, ,

W. Wyon, Mint, also appear. The clasp is formed by

two dolphins, facing each other. The ribbon is deep
blue, and bars inscribed, Second Service (or a subse-

quent service), are awarded when necessary.

Lloyd's Medals. Of these there are three awards,
highly prized by people connected with the sea. The
first is known as Lloyd's Medal for Saving Life at Sea.
It bears on the obverse a classical picture depicting the
rescue of Ulysses by Leucothoe. The latter is seen
wafting a strip of material to the drowning Ulysses,
who reaches safety by clutching at its folds. The
incident is described in the Odyssey in the following
lines :

" This
heavenly scarf beneath thy bosom bind,
And live give all thy terrors to the wind."

This face is inscribed, Leucothoe

naufrago succurrit.
The reverse gives a wreath of oak and the words,

Presented by Lloyd's. Ob Cives Servatos. It is struck

and bronze, and hangs from a circular ring
in silver

through which passes a ribbon of blue, white, red,

white and blue.
In 1893 Lloyd's Meritorious Service Medal was
instituted for bestowal on those in command of vessels
who, by theirskilful seamanship or presence of mind, are
able to avert serious danger either to their craft or
The obverse award shows the armorial device
of the
of the corporation which is the arms of London above
an anchor within a circular band inscribed, Presented
by Lloyd's. The reverse gives a wreath of oak, en-
closing a folded scroll, on which are the words, For
Meritorious Services. It is struck in silver and bronze,
and hangs from a circular ring through which passes
a blue ribbon with two wide silvery stripes.
For miscellaneous services rendered to Lloyd's, a
medal was struck for the first time in 1913. The upper
face introduces King Neptune in a chariot drawn by
four horses, not sea-horses, however, whilst the under-
side gives the oak wreath and folded scroll, as before,
but with the wording, For Services to Lloyd's. In other
respects, this medal is identical to their Meritorious
award, except that it is provided in gold as well as
silver and bronze.
The London County Council's Fire Medals. The
Long Service medal awarded by the L.C.C. to all
firemen who perform fifteen years' service with zeal
and fidelityis a very fine piece of workmanship. A
scantily clad female figure sits on a ledge and holds a
wreath over a tablet bearing the words, Awarded by the
London County Council for Good Service. By her side
is a shield charged with the arms of the City of London.

The opposite face shows a horse-drawn fire-engine.

The exergue on this side is filled by the words, London
Fire Brigade. The clasp consists of a curved scroll,
not unlike that mentioned for so many campaign
medals. The ribbon is golden-orange, whilst the metal
is bronze.
The Medal for Bravery at Fires is similar to the above,
but the legend on the obverse runs, Awarded by the
London County Council for Bravery ; the ribbon is red
and white in equal stripes, three of the former and two
of the latter ; and the metal is silver.
A third award is reserved for those who render
Long Service in the Salvage Corps. Fifteen years of
devoted service qualify for this medal which shows, on
the obverse, a draped female figure presenting a wreath
to a kneeling fireman. In the background is a salvage
cart. The reverse gives the name of the recipient
followed by the words, For Long and Efficient Service
in the Salvage Corp. All this is surrounded by a laurel
wreath. The clasp is straight ; the metal is bronze ;

and the ribbon is black and blue with white edges.

The King's Police Medal. Unlike other police
decorations mentioned in these pages, this award is
members of all the various forces through-
available for
out the Kingdom and Colonies. It was instituted in
1901, at the suggestion of King Edward, for presenta-
tion to officers who perform distinguished work of
special nature whatsoever, whether it be long service
supplemented by brilliant organisation, exceptional
devotion in guarding royal or high political personages,
or in showing unusual ability in detecting and suppress-

ing crime. No more than one hundred and twenty

awards may be made in any one year, but this number
is seldom attained.

The medal, struck in silver, gives the sovereign's

profile, together with a suitable inscription on the

obverse, whilst the reverse depicts an armed male figure
standing on guard. He clasps a sword and shows an
attitude of preparedness. A
shield which he bears is
inscribed with the legend, To guard my people. A ring
serves as attachment, and through this passes a white
ribbon with two wide bars of deep blue.
Special Constabulary Medal. This award is not yet
issued, but will be struck in bronze, and be provided
with a riband, if inches wide, having a broad central
stripe of red and three narrow stripes on either side
of white, black and white. A bar inscribed, The Great
War, 1914-1918, will be issued to those who served for
three years without pay during this period, and who
performed no less than one hundred and fifty police
The Board of Trade Medal. This medal is given for
saving life, but itsobject not to decorate people

whose gallantry comes within the province of the

Humane Society's awards, or those issued by
It is bestowed in batches in cases where
a number of individuals unite their efforts in performing
dangerous rescue work.
The pieces are struck in silver and bronze, and show,
on the obverse, the effigy of the reigning sovereign,
together with the royal cypher and the words, Awarded
by the Board of Trade for Gallantry in Saving Life. The
reverse exhibits the figure of a man holding on to a spar
as he floats in the water ; he signals to a lifeboat
which forging towards him.
is Elsewhere, a man is
drawing into safety a seaman, whilst a woman, sitting
on a rock, comforts a baby. A
scroll clasp attaches a

bright red ribbon possessing two stripes of white,

neither of which quite touch the edging.
The above medal is reserved for British subjects,
but where similar acts are performed by people of
foreign nationality a companion award is made through
the Foreign Office. In this case, the ribbon is a whole-
coloured crimson, as was formerly used for the Army
Long Service medal.
Arctic and Antarctic Medals. In the London Gazette
of January 30, 1857, appeared the following notice :

Her Majesty having been graciously pleased to
signify Her commands that a medal be granted to all
persons, of every rank and class, who have been engaged
in the several expeditions to the Arctic regions whether
of discovery or search, between the years 1818 and

1855, both inclusive, the Lords Commissioners of the

Admiralty give notice of the same.
The medal will accordingly be awarded as
follows :

i. To the officers, seamen and Marines of Her
Majesty's ships and vessels employed on the several
voyages to the Arctic Seas during the specific period,
and also to the officers of the French Navy and to such
volunteers as accompanied these expeditions.
"2. To the officers, seamen and others who were
engaged in the expeditions to the Arctic Seas, equipped

by the Government and citizens of the United States.

"3. To the commanders and crews of the several
expeditions which originated in the zeal and humanity
of Her Majesty's subjects.
"4. To persons who have served in the several
land expeditions, whether equipped by Her Majesty's
Government, by the Hudson's Bay Company or from
private resources."
The medal, which was sanctioned for Arctic
Expeditions undertaken during the years 1818-55, is
silver and octagonal. The obverse gives a profile of
the Queen, facing left, and displays a tiara. The
legend Victoris
Regina, also
appears. The reverse
has a picture of a ship blocked in the ice. Icebergs
are to the seen to the left of it, whilst in the foreground
is a sledging party. Above are the words, For Arctic
Discoveries. An exergue gives the date, 1818-1855.
The artist was L. C. Wyon.
Not only is this medal curious, insomuch as it is

star and a ring serve as

eight-sided, but a five-pointed
mounting a unique form of suspender. The ribbon
is white and watered (i| inches wide).
A second Arctic decoration was authorised in 1876,
as the following Admiralty announcement of

November 28, 1876, intimates :

Her Majesty having been graciously pleased to
that a medal be granted to all
signify Her commands
persons, of every
rank and class, who were serving
on board Her Majesty's ships Alert and Discovery during
the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76, and on board the
yacht Pandora, in her voyage to the Arctic regions in
1876, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby
give notice of the same.
The medal will accordingly be awarded as
follows :

i. To
officers, seamen, Marines and other
persons serving on board Her Majesty's ships Alert and
Discovery between the I7th July, 1875, and the
2nd November, 1876.
"2. To the officers and crew of the yacht Pandora
between the 3rd June, 1876, and 2nd November, 1876."
This medal is silver and circular. The obverse
presents a bust of Queen Victoria, crowned, with a veil
falling behind her head. The inscription is Victoria
Regina, 1876. The reverse depicts a ship packed in the
ice, with heavy clouds gathering in the sky. The
obverse is the work of G. G. Adams, whilst L. C. Wyon
is responsible for the reverse.
A straight clasp is provided to engage the white
ribbon which, however, is not watered (i| inches wide).
In 1904 a third type of medal was issued, which has
since become established as a standard award for use
as occasion may arise. The piece originally served for
presentation to Captain Scott and the crew of the
The medal is again octagonal. It bears, on the

front, the profile of the reigning sovereign in naval

dress. (Scott received it with the profile of King
Edward.) The sovereign's name and title are inscribed
in Latin. The underface shows the Discovery in its
winter quarters, whilst a sledging party has taken up a
position in front of it. The usual curved scroll clasp
isprovided, and the ribbon is white (unwatered). The
crew of the Discovery received the piece struck in silver
with a bar, Antarctic, 1901-1904 but those of the

Terra Nova and Morning were awarded bronze pieces

without bars. The latest Antarctic medals bear the
profile of King George, and are provided with the
distinguishing bars, Antarctic, 1907-1909 ; Antarctic,
1910-1913; Antarctic, 1912; and Antarctic, 1914-
The Edward Medal. This award is often spoken of
as the miners' V.C., for its original purpose was to
reward miners who performed gallant acts in the
depths of the earth. Two
years after its institution by
King Edward, in 1907, the scope of the award was
extended so as to include cases where persons endanger
their own lives in endeavouring to save the lives of
others from perils in connection with industrial
Atfirst there was the Edward medal of the First

Class, and the Edward medal of the Second Class ;

now, however, the two pieces are styled the Edward

medal in silver and the Edward medal. The latter,
we may add, is in bronze.
The obverse bears the sovereign's profile with his
name and title in Latin, whilst the reverse gives either
a picture of a miner assisting a fallen comrade or a
woman with a wreath, according to whether the award
is given for bravery in a mine or in a factory. An oval
this passes a
ring serves as attachment, and through
dark blue ribbon with narrow yellow edges.
The Kaisar-I-Hind Decoration came into being in
May, 1900, and is awarded for distinguished
which add materially to the welfare of India and her
people. Individuals of any nationality and in any
walk of life may receive this honour.
The decoration consists of an oval badge bearing, on
one the royal cypher in an ornamental wreath and,
on the other, a spray of flowers and the inscriptions,
For Public Service in India and Kaisar-I-Hind. At
thesummit of the oval is a crown which joins on to the
slot clasp that takes the plain blue ribbon. The badge
isfashioned in gold for the first class and silver for the
The Transport Medal was instituted soon after the
Boer War, and was given to officers in the Mercantile
Marine who had command of ships transporting troops
and supplies to the battle area. It is a standing award,
available for distribution on any future occasion that

may arise.

The obverse bears the profile of

sovereign in naval dress with his name and title
inscribed in Latin. (So far the profile of King Edward
has alone been used on this piece.) The reverse shows
a map of almost the whole of the world with an ocean
linerbelow it. Around the edge is given the inscription,
Ob patriam militibus per mare transvectis adjutant. The
medal is struck in silver, has a straight clasp, and a
ribbon of red with two wide bars of deep blue, neither
of which touch the edges. At present there are two
bars, China, 1900, and South Africa, 1899-1902.

the Americans entered the Great

Conflict of 1914-18, few British collections
BEFORE contained specimens of the medals issued by
the United States, and few pieces were offered for sale
in Europe. To-day, however, the decorations belonging
to this interesting group are highly prized, and collectors
are anxious to secure the most attractive items. Choice
pieces have risen in value as a consequence of the
greater demand, and it seems more than probable that
they will continue to do so for some little while to
The medallic history of the United States may be
said to commence with the Civil War, but it is interest-
ing to note that George Washington issued a general
order at Newburg, on August 7, 1782, proclaiming that
when any singularly meritorious action was reported
by a board of officers, the soldier responsible for the
act should have his name inscribed in the book of
merit," and should be permitted to wear a heart made
of purple cloth, edged with a narrow binding. Any
man wearing this device, the order stated, should be
permitted to pass all guards and sentinels which officers

'were permitted to pass. The purple heart was thus

the forerunner of American medals, and a collector
would consider himself fortunate indeed were he the
possessor of one of these emblems of valour.
Medal o! Honor.* The first medal authorised by
the government of the United States to be worn upon
the person as a war decoration was the naval Medal
of Honor. This award was provided for by an act
of Congress of December 21, 1861, and was to be
bestowed upon such petty officers, seamen, landsmen,
and marines as shall most distinguish themselves by
their gallantry in action and other seamanlike qualities

during the present (Civil) war." The terms of the act

did not permit of the bestowal of the Medal of Honor
upon commissioned or warrant officers, but limited the
reward to enlisted men of the Navy or Marines.
The medal was struck in bronze taken from captured
cannon. In form it is a five-pointed star with a circular
central medallion, the points of the star being of trefoil

shape. On the central medallion is a design represent-

ing Minerva standing with her left hand resting upon
and with a shield in her right hand, warding off
the figure of Discord. Around this is a circle of thirty-
four stars, one for each state of the Union as it existed
in 1 86 1. The rays of the piece are decorated with oak
and laurel leaves. The medal is suspended by means of
two bronze clasps separated by the ribbon. The lower
clasp bears fasces and, centrally, a single five-pointed
star, whilst the upper one bears fasces and no star.
The ribbon worn with this original medal has thirteen
vertical stripes of alternate red and white with a band
of blue across the top.
On July 12, 1862, a resolution of Congress authorised
* Colonel Williams in U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, April,
the President to extend the award to the
Army, and
thus included non-commissioned officers and
" privates
as shall most distinguish themselves
by their gallantry
in action." The medal for this purpose was similar
to that mentioned above, but the
suspending clasps
differed. The lower clasp bore a trophy of arms and
an eagle, whilst the upper clasp consisted of the national
shield with a cornucopia on either side. The ribbon
agreed with that used for the Navy.
In 1863 Congress enacted a law making com-
missioned officers in the Army eligible for the Medal of
Honor, but the same privilege, we believe, was only
extended to the Navy in 1915.
In 1876 the Army ribbon was changed, and then
consisted of a narrow central stripe of white, flanked
by a narrow stripe of blue on either side, then a wide
bar of red extending to the edges. This was worn
around the neck.
Fresh changes came in 1904, for in this year the
medal was altered to the following A five-pointed star

provided, as previously, with a central circular medallion

made of silver, heavily gold-plated and bearing the
head of Minerva. A
wreath of laurel in green enamel
links up the points of the star. The piece is suspended
by means of two gold links from a bar which is sur-
mounted by an eagle and a ring for attaching the medal
to the neck ribbon. The word, Valor, is inscribed on the

The remaining fact to mention concerns the approval
of the President, on March i, 1913, of the use of a
similar ribbon for all services. Now, the silk attach-

ment is light blue with thirteen white stars.

The Distinguished Service Cross was instituted on

January 12, 1918,and is awarded for such services as
its name implies. The decoration is a fanciful St.
George's bronze cross, in the centre of which is the
American eagle with outspread wings. Upon the
limbs of the first hundred pieces to be struck were oak
leaves, but these are omitted in the case of later
specimens. Below the horizontal limbs of the cross are
two scrolls inscribed, For Valor. A small circular ring

The U.S. Distinguished Service The U.S. Distinguished Service

Cross. Medal.

joins the uppermost limb to a ribbon which is blue

with two narrow edges of red and white. The Navy,
as well as the Army, is eligible for the D.S.C.
The Distinguished Service Medal also owes its

inception to the conflict in Europe. It is made of

bronze, and consists of an eagle with outspread wings,

bearing on its chest the shield of the United States.
The eagle is surrounded by a circular band inscribed,
Distinguished Service, MCMXVIII. A straight orna-
mental clasp takes the ribbon, which is white with an
edging of red and blue.
The Certificate o Merit Badge is bronze, and gives
on the upper face a Roman eagle, surrounded by the
motto, Virtutis et audacice monumentum et prcemium.
The underface shows a wreath of oak encircling the
words, For Merit. The inscription, United States
Army, and thirteen stars also appear. The ribbon is
white in the centre, and then red, white and blue on
either side, the blue forming the edges.
The Manila Bay Medal presents a profile of Admiral
Dewey on the obverse. On the field, behind his
effigy is the following inscription The gift of the people

and Men of the Asiatic

of the United States to the Officers
Squadron under the command of Commodore George
Dewey. A sailor, partly unclothed, is given on the
reverse. He is sitting on a gun and grasps his national
flag. Around him is printed, In Memory of the Victory
of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898 U.S. S. Olympia. Beneath
the figure is a species of exergue, stamped with the
name of the recipient's ship. An ornamental clasp
fixes the ribbon, which
yellow with wide blue edges.

(Gold and blue, it may be added, are the Navy colours.)

Medal for Naval Engagements, West Indies, 1898.
Commonly spoken of as the Sampson medal, this piece
bears on the obverse an effigy of Rear- Admiral Sampson,
surrounded by the inscription, U.S. Naval Campaign,
West Indies, 1898. On the reverse, three men are seen
standing on the deck of a battle-ship. Below them is
printed the name and date of the engagement. The
medal, which is bronze, hangs from a clasp inscribed
with the name of the recipient's ship. Usually, the
award is found with a number of bars which, it appears,
were liberally distributed. The ribbon is red, blue, and
Acompanion piece was given for specially meri-
torious services during these engagements against the

Spaniards. In this case, the obverse showed Admiral

Sampson in white service dress, wearing the emblems
of a captain.

Special Meritorious Badge. This decoration was

given in connection with the naval campaign in the
West Indies during the year* 1898. The piece is a
bronze cross-pattee with a circular central medallion.
An anchor and wreath fill the centre and in a ring
around them are the words, Naval Campaign West
Indies. The four limbs of the cross are inscribed,

Specially Meritorious Service, 1898. The ribbon is a

plain red.
The Philippine Congressional Medal shows a colour
party consisting of three infantrymen carrying an
unfurled flag. Around them is the wording, Philippine
Insurrection, and in the exergue is the date, 1899. The
underface is For Patriotism, Fortitude and

Loyalty, surrounded by pine and palm branches. The

ribbon is blue, edged with narrow stripes of blue, white,
red and white.
The Civil War Campaign Badge. The Army award
gives, on the exergue, a characteristic portrait of
Lincoln, facing right. His famous dictum, quoted from
the Gettysburg address, runs around the edge of this
face With malice towards none, with charity for all."
Oak and laurel branches, together with the inscription,
The Civil War, 1861-1865, fill the reverse. Two
ribbons are associated with this award ; the first is red,

white, blue, white, blue, white, and red, whilst the

second is half blue and half grey, vertically divided.
The Navy award reveals, on the obverse, a spirited
rendering of the fight between the Monitor and the
Merrimac in the Hampton Roads, together with the
inscription, The Civil War, 1861-1865. The reverse
consists of an eagle resting on a foul anchor, and the
words, For Service, United States Navy.
The Marine Corps award follows the description
given for the Navy, but the reverse runs, For Service,
United States Marine Corps.
The Indian Wars Campaign Badge shows on the
upper face a mounted Indian warrior, holding a spear.
At his horse's feet is the skull of a buffalo and a group
of arrow heads. Above him, we read, Indian Wars.
The underf ace of the medal depicts an eagle seated on a
gun. Five standards, thirteen stars, and a trophy of
arms surround the national bird, also the inscription,
For Service, United States Army. This reverse, it should
be mentioned, serves also hi all cases of circular pieces
where no other pattern is mentioned. The ribbon is
brick-red with narrow edges of black. These colours
were selected in imitation of the Indians' war paint.
The Spanish Campaign Badge. This decoration
reveals, on the obverse, a castle with two turrets, one
for Havana and one for Santiago de Cuba, also the
words, War with Spain, and the year, 1898. To the
left of the date is a spray of the tobacco plant, whilst
to the right is a strip of sugar cane. The reverse is the
same as that mentioned for the Indian Wars badge.
The ribbon was red, yellow and red, with a narrow

edging of blue, but this was changed in 1913 to yellow

with two bars of deep blue.
The Navy and Marine Corps badge has now the
obverse gives a
yellow and blue ribbon, whilst the
picture of the Mono Castle at the entrance of Havana
Harbour. The inscription, Spanish Campaign, 1898,
also appears.
This badge is also found with the words, West
Indies Campaign.
The Philippine Insurrection Campaign Badge. The
obverse of the Army badge gives a palm tree, having at
its left a Roman lamp, symbolic of enlightenment, and
at right a pair of scales, to signify justice.
its The
words, Philippine Insurrection, 1899, also appear.
The reverse is the same as that mentioned for the Indian
Wars badge. The ribbon is blue with two wide bars
of red placed almost at the edges.
The Navy and Marine Corps badge for this campaign
was struck with a rendering of the old gate in the city
walls of Manila, and the inscription, Philippine Cam-

paign, 1899-1903.
The China Relief Expedition Badge. For this ex-
pedition, an Army medal was issued showing, on the
upper face, a fanciful Chinese dragon surrounded by the
words, China Relief Expedition, 1900-1901. The
reverse is the same as that mentioned for the Indian
Wars badge. The ribbon is yellow with narrow edges
The Navy
of blue, the old national colours of China.
and Marine Corps badge reveals a drawing of the chief
gate of Pekin, above a dragon, surrounded by the
inscription, China Relief Expedition, 1900.
The Cuban Badges. Of these there are three
specimens ; the first is known as the Cuban Army
Pacification badge ; the second, the Cuban Navy
Pacification badge ; and the third, the Cuban Occupa-
tion badge. The first may be recognised by the picture
of two soldiers, one standing on either side of a shield
displaying the arms of the Cuban Republic ; the
second by a representation of Columbia
presenting an
olive branch to Cuba. (Both these have an olive-drab
ribbon with an edging of narrow red, white and blue
stripes) the third by the coat-of-arms of Cuba, and a

ribbon with a central stripe of blue, edged with yellow,

and a red stripe edged by blue.
Nicaraguan Campaign Badge. For this engagement
of 1912 a medal was issued bearing a view of one
of the volcanic peaks of Mount Momotombo and the

inscription, Nicaraguan Campaign, 1912. The ribbon

is dark red with blue stripes near either edge.
Mexican Campaign Badge. In this case, two distinct
medals were struck for the Army and Navy. The
former piece gives a yucca plant, in full bloom,
with a background of hills, and the inscription, Mexican
Service, 1911-1917. The latter, which served also for
the Marine Corps, depicts the castle of San Juan de
Ulloa, and bears the words, Mexican Service, 1914.
The ribbon is yellow, blue and yellow with green edges.
The Haitian Campaign Badge is a bronze medal
showing a seascape backed by the mountains of Cape
Haitian. The inscription, Haitian Campaign, 1915,
surrounds the picture. The ribbon is blue with two
narrow stripes of red, the national colours of Haiti.
Naval Good Conduct Medal. This medal is given to
enlisted men on completing four years' satisfactory
piece bears, centrally, a picture of
service. The the

sailing ship Framing it is a circular


length of cable, this is an anchor, a chain,

and behind
and the words, United States Navy. The ribbon is red.
Bars are given for additional service of an exemplary
Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal. On this piece
we have a marine approaching the breach of a gun.
He holds a scroll on which is the motto, Semper Fidelis.
Behind this picture is an anchor, a chain, and the words,
United States Marine Corps. The ribbon is deep red
with a centre stripe of blue. Conditions respecting the
grant of this medal and its bars are similar to those
governing the naval award.
In addition to the above decorations there are a
number of badges which are worn in the same way that
medals are. They are not provided with ribbons,
however, and are given for such qualifications as
sharp-shooting and expert firing with rifle and pistol.

Belgian Order of
Leopold. This Order of
THE Leopold instituted by a Royal Warrant

dated July n, 1832. The badge consists of

a Maltese cross, fashioned in gold, but enamelled white.
The outer edges of the cross
are shaped as a V, and the

points are capped with a ball.

In the centre is a gold lion
on a black ground which is
encircled by a purple-crimson
band bearing the motto, L'~
Union fait la Force. Between
and behind the limbs of the
cross is a green wreath of palm
and oak. A Belgian crown in
gold surmounts the cross and
links it up to a purplish
watered ribbon. This is a
description of the badge when
Order of Leopold.
awarded to civilians, but mili-
tary recipients are given the same badge
with crossed
swords placed between the cross and the crown;
with a palm
they also wear the ribbon decorated
sheaf, in the centre of which is the letter A
(Albert). There are five classes in this order, i.e.

Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and

The Belgian Order of Leopold n. This order
originated in the year 1900, and consists of the five
classes mentioned for the senior honour of Leopold I.
The given for military purposes, and
fifth class, only, is

carries the palm on the ribbon and the letter, A. The

badge is a silver Maltese cross
with V-shaped ends and balls
at the points. A rampant lion
appears in silver in the centre
on a black enamel ground. A
circle of blue encloses it, and
this bears the motto, V Union
fait la Force, in silver lettering.
On the underface, this space is
filled by the
A, reversed
interlaced, below a crown.
A wreath runs between and
behind the limbs of the cross,
Order of Leopold II. and a Belgian crown surmounts
the badge. The ribbon is a rich royal blue with a wide
black central stripe.
The Belgian Order of the Crown. This order came
into being in the nineties, and was intended as a
decoration for those who performed valuable services
in the Belgian Congo. In the year 1910. however, the
Order took its place, and the Order
of the African Star
of the Crown became a purely Belgian award. The
badge is a five-limbed, white-enamelled star with
V-shaped ends. In the centre is a gold crown on a
blue field. On
the underface, this space is filled
by the
letter A, reversed and interlaced. Between the limbs
are a series of pointed
rays re-
presenting flames, whilst above the
star, is a green wreath of laurel.
The ribbon is claret- watered silk.

The Belgian Military Cross Centre Medallion on

consists of a Maltese cross many reverses of
with V-shaped ends, i ball Belgian Decorations.

figuring at each point.

The piece is made in

gold, but the limbs are

enamelled black. The
centre bears the rampant
lion in gold, and the
crown, above the cross, is
in the same metal. Crossed
swords repose between the
limbs of the award. The
ribbon is green with two Belgian Order of the Crown.

wide bars of red, neither which touch the edges.

Officers receive the decoration with a red and green
rosette fixed to the ribbon, but this is not given to
the non-commissioned ranks.
The Belgian Military Medal is given to N.C.O.'s and
men, variously, for long service and special devotion.
The piece is a silver-gilt Maltese cross with straight
edges. centre shows the rampant lion and the
motto, as before. On the underside, this space is filled
by the letter A, reversed and interlaced, in a ring
inscribed, Arm'ee, Mcrite. Rays are placed between
the limbs, and a crown figures above the cross. When
given for long service, the ribbon is red, yellow and black
in seventeen very narrow stripes ; but when awarded
" "
for devotion and courage the ribbon is edged with
three narrow stripes of red, yellow and black with a
wide central stripe of red.
The Belgian Croix de Guerre is the only decoration
awarded by Belgium for acts of war/' which does not

carry the privilege of wearing a palm spray on the

ribbon. The cross was instituted in 1915 it is a :

bronze Maltese cross with V-shaped ends and balls at

the points. The centre gives the rampant lion, on the
obverse,and the letter A, reversed and interlaced, on
the under face.Between the limbs are crossed swords
and a crown surmounts the cross. The ribbon is red
with five narrow stripes of green, one near either edge
and three placed centrally.
The Belgian " Reine Elisabeth " Medal was given by
the Queen of the Belgians to women who performed acts
of courage and devotion during the war. The medal
is a fanciful circle with a frosted gilt surface ;
it bears
a profile of Queen Elizabeth and the legend, Elisabeth,
Reine des Beiges, on the obverse and, on the reverse, a
humble female figure grasping an ornamental cresset,
with the words, Pro Patria Honore et Caritate, and
the date. A circular wreath links the piece to the
ribbon, which coloured a French grey with wide,

dull rose-purple edges. A red cross figures within the

circular wreath when the award is given for nursing
The Egyptian Order of the Nile. On the grounds of
geographical classification, it is perhaps not strictly
correct to speak of this order under the head of Foreign
Awards," but we include it, and the two items which
follow in this chapter, because the three decorations
rank in much the same category as the other pieces
here described.
The Order of the Nile received sanction in 1915,
and is given for valuable service of either a military or
civil nature. There are and the collectable
five classes,
emblems consist of a and a badge.
The star has ten rays, half of which are gold and
the remainder silver. Lying on these is a smaller five-
rayed star of white enamel capped by an Egyptian
crown. In the centre is an inscription in Arabic.
The badge is like the star, but of smaller dimensions.
The ribbon is a vivid blue with a wide orange stripe
almost touching each edge.
The Egyptian Military Star of the Sultan Fouad.
This is a decoration which was instituted late in 1919
for officers hi the Egyptian native army and foreign
officers attached to the Egyptian
forces who display courage and
resource in the face of the
The star has five rays, ena-
melled white, but edged with
gold. Each ray has a streak of
gold running through its entire

length. The centre of the star is

red and blue enamel, and consists

of a laurel wreath and the Sul-
tan's symbols. On the reverse, Egyptian Medal for

the name of the decoration is
rendered in Arabic characters. Bars are awarded when
circumstances warrant an additional recompense.
The Egyptian Medal for Bravery is a much coveted,
but unattractive silver piece, fashioned on the lines
of the British campaign medals, but without any

attempt at ornamental effect. The obverse gives the

the Khedive, in Arabic,
cypher and other particulars of
whilst the reverse states, boldly, For Bravery, in both

English and Arabic. The clasp is of the familiar

curved scroll pattern, and the ribbon is a light Cambridge
The French Legion of Honour. This decoration
owes its origin to Napoleon, and came into being in
1802. The earliest awards bore
the head of the Emperor on
the obverse, and an imperial
eagle with the motto, Honneur
ct Patrie, on the reverse there ;

was also a crown resting be-

tween the cross and the ribbon.
These pieces are, naturally, of
considerable rarity.
The current type consists
of a five-limbed cross or star
with V-shaped ends, and balls
at all the corners. The limbs

Legion of Honour. are enamelled white on gold.

Between them is a green
wreath. In the centre of the piece appears a female
head typifying France, and around this profile are
the words, Republique Francaise and 1870. On the
underface, this space is filled by two flags, and the

legend,Honneur ei Patrie. Above the cross is a green

wreath, which serves as attachment for the scarlet,
watered-silk ribbon.
Members of the order who rank as Grand Croix,
Grands Officers or Commandeurs wear the decoration
as here mentioned. The Officiers have the award with
a scarlet rosette fixed to the ribbon, whilst the Chevaliers
receive the award enamelled on silver instead of on gold.
The French Medaille Militaire consists of a circular
silver wreath, within which is a blue enamelled band
inscribed, RepuUique Fmncaise, 1870. This band
encloses the same effigy as mentioned for the Legion
of Honour, but is gilt. On the under surface, the centre
space by the words, Valeur
is filled

et Discipline. Above the wreath

is a cuirasse and a trophy of arms.

The ribbon is yellow with green

Many of these pieces were
awarded to our soldiers who
fought in the Crimea, and such
copies are still to be seen occa-

sionally. They bore the head of

Napoleon and a spread eagle in-

stead of the effigy of France and

the trophy of arms. F rench Medaille Militaire.
The French Croix de Guerre often
among the decorations of the British soldiers
who fought in Northern France during the years
four slender limbs
1914-18. It is a bronze cross of
with crossed swords placed between the angles. In
the centre is a head typifying France, surrounded by
the words, RepuUique Francaise. The ribbon is green
with seven very narrow lines of crimson.
When receiving the Croix de Guerre for being
mentioned in a despatch, a soldier wears on his ribbon
A small " en bronze
palme if mentioned in an

Army Despatch.
A silver-gilt star if mentioned in an Army Corps
A silver star if mentioned in a Divisional Despatch.
A bronze star if mentioned in a Brigade, Regimental,
or similar unit Despatch.*
More than one of these signs may be worn on the
same ribbon, but when five bronze palms have been
received these are replaced by a single one in silver.
It is of peculiar interest to note that the Croix de
Guerre was bestowed upon the 4th Shropshires, as a
regiment, for then: splendid work in France during the
The French Veterans' Medal of 1870-1. This decora-
tion was struck a few years ago by the Republic
and awarded to the French soldiers who fought in the
Franco-German War of 1870-1, and who were alive
medal was ready for presentation.
at the time the
The obverse gives the familiar woman's head
typifying France, whilst the reverse presents a trophy
of arms, including the tricolour, and the legend, Aux

Defenseurs de la Patrie. The ribbon consists of four

strips of black and five of green, all equal in width.
The Greek Military Cross is an artistic decoration
fashioned in white metal and lacquered. A wide-bladed
dagger placed vertically, tip uppermost, upon a

wreath of laurel, and this, in turn, lies on a horizontal

tablet bearing a Greek inscription. The ribbon is
black watered silk with blue edges. Though this piece
isonly awarded for meritorious service in action, we
have had a dozen opportunities of buying specimens at
sums always less than ten shillings.

The Greek Medal of Military Merit is less attractive

* " Ribbons and Medals," p. 74.
than the decoration mentioned above. A rather severe
cross of St. George reposes on a
slight St. Andrew's
cross, and woven between them is a laurel wreath.
In the centre of the piece is a bird with outspread wings,
and around it is a Greek inscription. The metal is
bronze, and the ribbon is a dull brown-yellow with two
bars of black. There are four classes governing the
award, and these are denoted by various insignia placed
upon the ribbon.
The Italian Croce di Guerra plain is a somewhat
cross inscribed with the words, Merito di Guerra ; it
bears also the royal cypher and a spray of laurel. The
ribbon is a Cambridge blue with two stripes of white.
The Italian Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.
This is an order of much antiquity and dignity : the
badge consists of a cross with
a trefoil (three circles joined)
at each terminal. Between
the limbs isAndrew's
a St.
cross having v- sna P e d ends,
the points of which are capped
with small balls. The former
cross is enamelled white with a
framework of gold, whilst the
latter is green with a similar
edging. In the case of the first
four classes, a gold crown rests
Maurice and
between the cross and the sus- Order of st -

. . .
, St. Lazarus.
pension ring, but this is absent
in the fifth class. The ribbon is a plain and rather
crude green.
The Italian Military Order of Savoy dates from the
constitution has
beginning of last century, but
suffered considerable remodelling changes have
overtaken the land of its birth. To-day, the Order of
Savoy fulfils much the same
function in Italy as does the
D.S.O. in Great Britain. The
badge is a cross with scalloped
ends, the centre of which bears
the date 1855, two crossed
swords and the initials V.E.
(Victor Emmanuel
I.). The
limbs are of white enamel with
gold edging, whilst the centre
medallion is a bright crimson.
Between the four arms of the The Military Order of
cross is a green wreath of laurel
and oak, whilst above the upper arm is a crown in the
case of the three classes of the order, an array of

flags in the fourth class, and no device in the fifth class.

The ribbon is deep blue with a centre stripe of crimson.
The earliest badges bore a centre medallion carrying
the cross of Savoy, which is white on a crimson field.

The Italian Order o! the Crown was

instituted in February, 1868. The
badge a cross-pattee, enamelled

white and edged with gold, em-

bellishedbetween the limbs with
golden love-knots. In the centre
is a deep blue medallion bear-
ing a representation of the Iron
Tne ItalianOrder of
the Crown.
Crown. This latter is beautifully
jewelled, and represented in its

true colours. The ribbon is red, white and red in

equal stripes. Members of the two lowest classes
wear the ribbon attached to a rosette of red and
The star of the order has eight
principal rays, bears
a reproduction of the Iron Crown,
also a displayed eagle, and is in-

scribed, Victorius Emmanuel II.,

Rex Italia, MDCCCLXVI.
The Japanese Order o! the Rising
Sun is known under a variety of
names, but all refer to the dawn
of day. There are eight classes,
and the badges vary slightly with
them. The piece consists of a red
The Order of the Rising enamelled centre, representing the
sun, from which issue thirty-two
rays with forked terminals. The rays are white with
gold or silver edges. Above this arrangement are three
blossoms and a leaf of the pau-
lonia, enamelled in green and
picked out in gold. In the case
of the eighth class, a leaf of the
kini takes the place of the pau-
lonia. The ribbon is white with
crimson edges.
The Portuguese Royal Military
Order of the Tower and Sword has
been bestowed on many British
officers in the recent and pre-
The Order of the Tower
vious wars. The badge most and Sword.
seen consists of a
in the centre a blue garter
five-pointed star having
inscribed, Valor lealdade Within this, on a
e merito.

white field, is a gold sword resting on a green wreath.

Between the limbs of the cross is a circular spray of
oak, loaded with acorns. The apex of the badge is
formed by a representation of a tower from which
emerges a suspension ring. The ribbon is dark blue.
The Prussian Iron Cross is well known to most
readers, having been bestowed with a liberal hand during
the late war. Not only are genuine copies by no means
rare, but counterfeits, perfect in every particular, are

openly sold in Cologne to the Army of Occupation.

The cross was instituted by Frederick William in
1813, and is made of a thin piece of lacquered cast iron
fitted into a silver frame. The 1813 pattern gave a
crown on the upper limb, the date, 1813, on the lower,
and a spray of oak leaves at the centre junction. When
re-instituted in 1870, the cross appeared with the crown,
as before, the letter W, in place of the oak leaves, and
the amended date, 1870. The most recent pattern is
similar to that issued for the Franco-Prussian War, but
with the year altered to 1914. We are told that
specimens are to be had with various dates between
1914 and 1918, but, though we have taken pains to
seek for dates later than 1914, we have not been able
to find copies so inscribed. Our own specimen, bought
for a few shillings after the Armistice, is cast with the
year 1914.
Members Grand Cross are given a very
of the large
decoration with sufficient ribbon to hang the piece
around the neck, but others wear the ordinary size
medal fixed to the button-hole. Military members use
a black ribbon with two wide bars of white, neither of
which touch the edge civil members have a ribbon of

white with wide black bars.

The Roumanian Order of the Crown has a badge
consisting of a Maltese cross with v-shaped extremi-
ties. Each limb is enamelled crimson with a wide
edging of white. The cross
itself is outlined with a
narrow framework of gold.
A centre medallion con-
tains a gold crown on a
crimson field, and the
same colour is used for
the circular band which
runs around the crown.
On the band is the legend,
Prin Not Insine, 14 Martie,
1 88 1. Between each limb
The Roumanian Order of the
Crown. of the cross is the letter

C, reversed and inter-

laced, in gold, The ribbon is blue with two stripes

of white.
The Russian Order of St. George. This is a military
order which has enjoyed considerable popularity. The
badge is a white enamelled
Maltese cross, edged with gold.
In the centre is a medallion
giving St. George and the
dragon, in colours. The ribbon
is orange with three wide bars
of black. There are six classes
in the order, the first four of
which were intended for officers,
and the latter two for N.C.O.'s The Order of St. George.

and men. On the death of the

Czar, the distinction between officers and men was

Figs, i and 2. Diamond Jubilee Police Medal. Obverse and
Figs. 3 and 4. Coronation Police Medal (Edwardian pattern).
Obverse and Reverse.
Figs. 5 and 6. Coronation Police Medal (Georgian pattern).
Obverse and Reverse.
Fig. 7. Arctic Medal, 1818-1855. Reverse.
Fig. 8. Georgian Coronation Medal. Reverse.

Figs, i and 2. The Croix de Guerre (France).
Fig. 3. The Iron Cross (Prussia).
Fig. 4. The Turkish Star for Gallipoli, etc.
The Russian Order of St. Andrew possesses a most
ornate badge. St. Andrew is seen tifed to the cross
associated with this name, and this
device placed on a two-headed

eagle. The heads of the eagle are

crowned, and upon the crowns rest
a pair of swords which, in turn,
support a large golden crown, picked
out in colours. St. Andrew appears
in a flesh-coloured hue; his cross
is blue, and the birds are bluish-
The Russian Order o! St. Stanislas.
The badge of this order is a red
Maltese cross with V-shaped ends,
the points being capped with small
gold balls. The centre medallion is
white, but bears a green wreath and The Order of St.
the letters, SS (St. Stanislas), in red.
Between each pair of limbs of the cross is a two-
headed, outspread eagle, in gold. The ribbon is white
with a wide centre stripe and
two narrow ones of red.
The Russian Order of St. Anne.
In this case, the badge is
more than usually attractive.
A Maltese cross
gold isin
enamelled in a deep crimson.
In the centre is a coloured
medallion showing St. Anne.
The Order of St. Anne. (The order was named after
Anne, wife of Peter the Great.) Between the limbs of
the cross are gold crossed swords, when the award is of
a military character, but a fanciful ornamentation re-
places these when the order partakes of a civil nature.
The ribbon is red with a narrow stripe of yellow.
The Russian Order of St. Vladimir. Whoever at
the peril of his own life saves ten lives from fire or
water is eligible for membership of this order. The
badge is a Maltese cross, the
limbs of which are enamelled
crimson and red. The centre
medallion reveals an imperial
mantle of ermine, crowned and
bearing the royal cypher. The
spaces between the limbs of
the cross are plain when the
badge is worn by civilians, but
crossed swords figure in these
The Order of St. Vladimir. , . , .

angles when the award has a

military significance. The ribbon is a vivid shade of
red with black edges.
The Sardinian Medal for the Crimea. Other Crimean
awards of which we have spoken elsewhere come
under the head of campaign medals, but the
Sardinian award was only conferred on some four
hundred members of the British forces, and was given
for special services.
The obverse shows the crowned arms of Savoy and
the inscription, Al valore militaire, whilst the reverse
bears the particulars of the recipient, within a wreath
and, outside the latter, the words Spedizione d'Oriente,
1855-56. The ribbon is blue watered silk.
The Serbian Order of St. Sava. There are five

classes of this order which is awarded chiefly for

services rendered in connection with comforting the
wounded. The first-class badge is a Maltese cross with
V-shaped ends, the points of which are capped by small

gold knobs. The cross itself is enamelled white with

a wide blue edging. An oval centre medallion gives
a rendering of St. Sava, in proper colours, within a band
of blue, upon which is written, hi Serbian characters,

By his labours he acquired all. This space is filled on

the underface by the initials MI
(Milan I.), and a
crown. Between the limbs of the cross figure double-
headed crowned eagles in gold. A large crown sur-
mounts the piece, which hangs from a white ribbon
displaying two stripes of pale blue,
or a plain red ribbon, if admission
to the order has been gained for
services in the late war.* In the
case of the lowest class, the badge
is prepared hi silver instead of gold.

The Serbian Order of the White

Eagle. xhis is an order of the
distinction consisting of
five classes. The badge represents
a double - headed eagle in white
enamel, picked out hi gold. Upon
the breast of the bird is an oval
medallion charged with a white
cross on a crimson field. Above
the two heads is, sometimes, a
The Order of the
ribbon of blue enamel, but we have
White Eagle.
seen pieces
OV^^IJ. where
*JLW* this is absent.

A gold Serbian crown surmounts the decoration,
states that all
* Serbian warrant, dated November, 1914.
peace tame must,
orders and medals which can be awarded
worn with a red nbb
received for war service, be plain
the ribbon is red with two steel-blue stripes, or a plain
red ribbon * if the decoration were won during the

recent war. The badge may be found in three sizes,

and, for the fifth class, is fashioned in silver.

The Serbian Obilitch Medal. Obilitch was the idol

of the Serbs when they fought the Turks in 1389, and,
ever since, he has been honoured as a national hero.
It is somewhat fitting, then, that his name and profile
should be used for the bravery medal issued by this
little kingdom. This award is circular, and bears, on
the obverse, a helmetted head of Obilitch with the
words, Miloch Obilitch. On the reverse is a cross-
pattee with crossed swords placed between the limbs.
In the centre is a wreath of laurel, and the words, For
Courage, in Serbian characters. The medal has been
struck in gold, silver, silvered-bronze and bronze-gilt.
The ribbon is red.*
The Turkish Order of the Osmanieh has been con-
ferred on many British subjects, and is consequently
seen with fair frequency. The badge is a seven-pointed
star of gold, enamelled green. Each point is capped
with a small knob of gold. The centre medallion,
which is crimson, contains a Turkish inscription above
a gold crescent. Between the rays of the star is a
species of silver trefoil. The suspension clip is orna-
mented with a star and crescent, whilst the ribbon is a
rather crude green with two stripes of crimson.
The Turkish Order of the Medjidie was lavished on
the commissioned ranks of the British Army during
the Crimea, and has been awarded with no sparing hand
until recent times. The badge is a star of seven points
with chased rays. Between each pair of rays is a small
Vide, supra.
crescent and star. In the centre of the
piece is a
crimson circle enclosing the cypher of the Sultan, The
suspension ring is ornamented
with a star and crescent, and
the ribbon is a
pinkish crimson
with green edges.
The Turkish Star of 1915.
This decoration was awarded
to the enemy forces taking
in the operations at
the Dardanelles, and the East.
It consists of a
star of red enamel, edged with
a silvered metal. In the centre The Order of the Medjidie.
is a large crescent which encloses the
cypher of the
Sultan, and beside it is given, in Turkish characters,
the inscription, The Victorious, and the year, 333.
These latter are chased on thin silver plates fixed to
the enamelled surface. The ribbon is a watered red
with a white stripe near either edge.
The general appearance of the decoration is lacking
and most of the specimens we have seen have
in dignity,
worn badly, although many of them could have only
been a year old when they passed through our hands.
Pieces in fair condition can be bought for five
shillings, but first-rate specimens fetch half as

A host of other orders and decorations might be

mentioned in this chapter, since the number of foreign
awards available for the collector is legion. Here we
have only enumerated the pieces which one is most
likely to meet. Should, however, a fuller account be
required, the reader is invited to study J. H. Lawrence
" "
Archer's Orders of Chivalry," or C. N. Elvin's A
Handbook of Orders of Chivalry." Both these works
are admirable contributions to the subject, but, having
been published many years ago, are lacking in recent
Medals of the British Army, 1893. (Much of
this work
devoted to a description of the occasions when

medals have been won.)

Catalogue of the Coins, Tokens, Medals, Dies, and .Seals in the
Museum of the Mint. Two vols. 1906. (A volume of much
assistance to those who wish to study technical matters.)
DORLING, COMMANDER H. TAFRELL. Ribbons and Medals. Part I.
1916. Ribbons and Medals. Part II. 1918. (George Philip
& Son. Ltd.)
ELVIN, C. N. Handbook of the Orders of Chivalry, War Medals f

and Other Decorations. 1892. (A most useful handbook]

unfortunately out of print, dealing with British and Foreign
awards. Fully illustrated, partly in colour.)
Guide to the Department of Coins and Medals
in the British Museum.
1891. (A sixpenny handbook describ-
ing the exhibits in the Department with ample descriptive
matter concerning the history and craft of medals.)
GRUEBER, H. A. A Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals in
the British Museum. 1891. (A useful catalogue of British
and Indian Medals with a number of Autotype plates.)
IRWIN, D. HASTINGS. War Medals and Decorations issued to the
British Forces since 1588. (A very thorough work of all-round
excellence.) (L. Upcott Gill.)

JOHNSON, STANLEY C. Chats on Military Curios. 1915. (Three

of the chapters deal with Decorations and Medals.) (T. Fisher
Unwin, Ltd.)
JOHNSON, STANLEY C. Medals of Our Fighting Men. 1916.
(A. & C. Black, Ltd.)

MAYO, J. Medals and Decorations of the British Army and

Navy. Two
vols. 1897. (A work reproducing most of the
actual warrants and other documents affecting the issue of
medals. Illustrated in colour.) (Constable.)
Medals and Ribbons of the British Army. A coloured plate,
27 J by 1 8$ inches, giving the medals and ribbons
of the British

Army. (Gale & Polden, Ltd.)

(John Murray. 1919.)
PARRY, D. H. The V.C. Its Heroes and Their Valour. (Cassell
& Co., Ltd.)
SIMON, T. Medals, Coins, Great Seals. Impressions from the
Works of T. Simon, 1648-65. (Published in 1753. Contains
much of an antiquarian interest.)
STEWARD, W. AUGUSTUS. War Medals and Their Histories. 1915.
(Stanley Paul & Co.)
TANCRED, G. Historical Record of Medals Conferred on the British
Navy, Army, and Auxiliary Forces. 1891. (Spink & Son.)
WHALLEY, J. L. Gold War Medals. 1888.
WHITAKER'S Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage.
(Contains a useful guide to British Orders. Published at
intervals.) (Whi taker.)
WILKINS, PHILIP A. A History of the Victoria Cross. (Complete
until the year 1914.) (Constable.)
200 Ribbons of Naval, Military, R.A.F., and Civil Decorations.

(The Daily Telegraph series. A large coloured chart.) (" Geo-

graphia," Ltd.)
(Price Lists are issued occasionallyby Messrs. Spink & Son, Piccadilly,
London, and Messrs. A. H. Baldwin, Duncannon St., Charing
Cross, London, which, whilst serving as advertisements, are of
much use and interest to collectors.)


The following list gives the order in which British Service Officers
and Men are required to wear their medals and ribbons :

Victoria Cross.
Order of the Garter.
Order of the Thistle.
Order of St. Patrick.
Order of the Bath.
Order of Merit (immediately after Knights Grand Cross of the
Order of the Bath).
Order of the Star of India.
Order of St. Michael and St. George.
Order of the Indian Empire.
Order of the Crown of India.
Royal Victorian Order (Classes I., II., and III.).
Order of the British Empire (Classes I., II., and III.).
Order of the Companions of Honour (immediately after Knights
and Dames Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire).
Distinguished Service Order.
Royal Victorian Order (Class IV.).
Order of the British Empire (Class IV.).
Imperial Service Order.
Royal Victorian Order (Class V.).
Order of the British Empire (Class V.).
Royal Red Cross (Class I.).
Distinguished Service Cross (Naval).
Military Cross.
Distinguished Flying Cross.
Air Force Cross.
Royal Red Cross (Class II.).
Order of British India.
Indian Order of Merit (Military).
Kaisir-I-Hind Medal.
Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England.
Albert Medal.
Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field (Military)
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Naval).
Distinguished Service Medal (Naval).
Military Medal.
Distinguished Flying Medal.
Air Force Medal.
War Medals (in Order of Date).
Arctic Medal, 1815-1855.
Arctic Medal, 1876.
Antarctic Medal, 1901-1903.
Constabulary Medal (Ireland).
Board of Trade Medal for Saving Life at Sea.
Indian Order of Merit (Civil).
Edward Medal.
Indian Distinguished Service Medal.
King's Police Medal.
Queen Victoria's Jubilee Medal, 1887 (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).
Queen Victoria's Police Jubilee Medal, 1887.
Queen Victoria's Jubilee Medal, 1897 (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).
Queen Victoria's Police Jubilee Medal, 1897.
Queen Victoria's Commemoration Medal, 1900 (Ireland).
King Edward's Coronation Medal.
King Edward's Police Coronation Medal.
King Edward's Durbar Medal (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).
King Edward's Police Medal (Scotland).
King's Medal, 1903 (Ireland).
King George's Coronation Medal.
King George's Police Coronation Medal.
King's Visit Police Commemoration Medal, 1911 (Ireland).
King George's Durbar Medal (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
Medal for Meritorious Service.
Indian Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (for Europeans
of Indian Army).
Indian Meritorious Service Medal (for Europeans of Indian Army).
Indian Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (for Native Army).
Indian Meritorious Service Medal (for Native Army).
Volunteer Officers' Decoration.
Volunteer Long Service Medal.
Volunteer Officers' Decoration (for India and the Colonies).
Volunteer Long Service Medal (for India and the Colonies).
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration.
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal.
Medal Good Shooting (Naval).
Militia Long Service Medal.

Imperial Yeomanry Long Service Medal.

Territorial Force Efficiency Medal.
Territorial Decoration.
Special Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve.
Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Long Service Medal.
Union of South Africa Commemoration Medal.
Royal Victorian Medal (Gold and Silver).
Imperial Service Medal.
Medal of the Order of the British Empire.
Medal of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England.
Badge of the Order of the League of Mercy.
Royal Victorian Medal (Bronze).
Foreign Orders (in order of date of award).
Foreign Decorations (in order of date of award).
Foreign Medals (in order of date of award).


Between August, 1914, and February 4, 1920, 239,126 honours,
exclusive of those conferred by the Royal Air Force, were awarded
for services in the field, and 15,032 for other services in connection
with the war, making in all a total of 254,158. This total is made up
as follows :

Honours for services in the field . . .
Promotions for services in the field . . .
Honours with the war
for services in connection 13,299
Promotions for services in connection with the
war .

Honours for services in the field . . . 6452
Honours for services in connection with the war 136

Total 254,158
The following is a summary of the honours conferred on British
Forces :

For Services in the

For services in
Field. connection with
the war.

O.B.E., Military Division

M.B.E., Military Division
B.E.O., Civil Division
M medal. D a decoration. B= badge.

ABILITY and Good Conduc Coronation m. 247, 248

m. 254
Abyssinian m. 122
Afghan m. 93
Afghanistan m. 127
Africa G. Service m. 163
Air Force c. 237, 238
Air Force Long Service m
Air Force m. 237, 238
Albert m. 241
Aliwal m. 102
Ambulance m. 249
Antarctic m. 276
Arctic m. 276
Armada m. 6, 19, 20
Army Long Service m. 250,
Ashante m. 123, 137
Ashanti m. 160
Ashanti s. 142

BALTIC m. 116
Croix de Guerre, 294
Military c. 293
Military m. 293
Order of Crown, 292
Order of Leopold I. 291
Order of Leopold II. 292
Reine Elisabeth m. 294
Best Shot m. 258
Blake's m. 28
Board of Trade m. 275
Boulton's m. 34
Bourbon m. 45
British S. Africa Co.'s m. 139
British War m. 171, 173-
Burmese m. 49
CABUII m. 94
Canada m. 147
Candahar m. 93
Cape of G. H. m. 150
Central Africa m. 137, 138
Ceylon m. 42
Charles II., medals of, 29
China m. 100, 119, 161
Colonial Officers' d. 255
Conspicuous Gallantry in.
Coorg m. 50
OBILIICH m. 308 Sudan m. 143, 145, 166
Overseas Disting. Conduct Sultan Fouad s. 295
m. 243

PENINSULAR awards, 51-62

Peninsular circular m. 52
Peninsular gold c. 54
Police m. 248, 274
Portuguese gold c. 61
Portuguese Officers' c. 62
Punjab m. 38, 103
Punniar s. 99

QUEEN'S S. Africa m. 153

REGIMENTAL m. 261-264
Rhodesia m. 139
Robert's s. 128
Rodriguez m. 45
Royal Red c. 239
R.S.P.C.A. m. 271
Rundum m. 153
SCINDE m. 95
Seringapatam m. 39, 42
Sobraon m. 102
South Africa m. no, 125,
Special Constabulary m. 275
Special Reserve L.S. m. 257
Stanhope m. 268
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