Embed Ed Project
Embed Ed Project
Embed Ed Project
Microcontroller based solar tracking using stepper motor control systems.
This system is the simulation project for the geo satellite to track the
maximum signal strength for which the position of the solar panel has to be changed
.so in this project we are using solar sensor to track the maximum solar signal strength to
which the solar panel rotates automatically at certain position .when ever the signal
strength decreases or the user needs to scan the system it can be done by the scan button
provided in the instrument. The solar panel which is provided with the solar sensor is
rotated through the stepper motor control systems in horizontal direction. This whole
system is controlled totally by pic microcontroller.
X-Ray exposure counter is widely used in X-Ray machine for counting the number of
cycles used per exposure and also count the number of exposures.
Generally X-Ray machines will have the mechanical counter, which has been eliminated
now by using the electronic exposure counter, which consists of a micro controller with
seven-segment display, Opto-Coupler and other necessary circuit. This device counts and
displays the present cycles per exposure and also stores the same in the memory present
in the micro controller, which can be retrieved at later stage. There is also a reset button
to erase the previous data if not required and make the way for the new data to be stored
as there will be memory space constraint.
• It will have the account of previous exposure times and also the number of exposures
• Cost effective.
• Smaller in size.
Glucometers are used for self-monitoring of blood glucose by patients with diabetes. in
the past decade, glucose testing has moved swiftly to the patient’s bedside in the hospital,
including the operating rooms (OR), Emergency room(ER), and intensive care unit
(ICU), where rapid therapeutic turnaround time is needed. Glucometer have several
advantages compared to conventional laboratory testing. However, the use of
glucometers for management of critically ill patients is controversial.
Glucometers require 1.5 to 14µL of whole blood for glucose measurements. The sample
can be arterial, venous, or capillary. Small sample size minimizes blood loss for patients
who need frequent testing.
With wide range of operating temperatures and humidity, glucometer system can be
adapted for use in varying climates, in different geographic location and at various
altitudes, temperatures, and humidity.
Glucometers have short analysis time ranging from 15 to 45 seconds. This allows
physicians to modify patient’s treatment promptly where delay in treatment can adversely
affect patient outcomes. This device operates using microcontroller
Microcontroller based remote notice board with RS232 communication.
1) Microcontrollers for rx
This robot finds the path by tracing the colour change in the track which is represented
by black & white colour .generally black track absorbs the maximum light intensity falls
on it compared to the white track ,so by this means the differential light intensity is
scanned by two sensors placed at left & right side of the robot .By using the ADC
microcontroller can scan efficiently the differential light intensity which is reflected by
the white & black track .since ADC is a 8 bit, one can get the 256 different values to
scan the different light intensity levels .this robot is provided with the two stepper motor
controls which will work as left & right wheels .by using the stepper motor, the
controller can take an action at any movement which is provided by 1.8 degrees step
angle .so once the microcontroller scans the adc levels from both left & right sensors it
takes the necessary action to drive the robot only on the black track by controlling the
stepper motor .the best part of this project is the robot can take even the steep curves
efficiently .
7) robot construction
RFID based lift control system using microcontroller
This is an advanced system for lift control system using contact less RFID cards . Every
rfid cards has a unique id no with read only option. so that it can be access when ever it
is required using the rfid reader with coil sensing unit . This system enables the door to
the building when ever the valid rfid card is inserted to the device. only a valid person
can access the door .it also has a feature like time period for opening & closing the lift
door ,so that device can give the permission for access of the door for certain period as
predefined in the microcontroller program.This way the system is reliable compared to
the analog devices with more security . microcontroller communicates with the rfid
reader through serial communication (Rs232) Using USART ,MAX232.It decodes the
address of the rfid card & checks whether the card is valid or invalid .based on this the
user is able to access the lift which is controlled by the relay unit. In this way we can
avoid the unauthorized persons to access the lift & it can also save the power.
Latest and Advanced Software product SMART CARD SYSTEM which can be used
in IT companies,Banks,Industries,office,institutions etc .
•This device as the name implies automates the attendance monitoring system.
•Unlike the conventional magnetic tapes, which are prone to wear and tear, this device
makes use of smart card technology.
•Smart card comes with inbuilt memory in which personal details like name, employee
ID, division and other details can be stored.
This Software device is used to record the in out timings of an employee in a company.
Smart card can store the name & ID of an employee. This product comes with front-end
software, which helps in entering the user details very easily using PC interface. This
device doesn’t consist of external power supply .It is of compact size with plug & play
Object locator can be done in two ways that is using GPS based or RFid ( TX & RX)
based .if u want to find the loaction of the bus through out the globe then u need to go
with the global positioning system (GPS) .since global positoning system is costly we
can shift to RF to locate the bus at a specifed area through the RF communications.
Which is a low cost solution unlike to the gps?
1)pc interface
2)usart communication
3)relay driving ckt
4)microcontroller programming
5)power supply unit
microcontroller based Digital taxi meter with pulse counter to
measure the rpm of engine using non contact sensor (proximity sensor)
This device can be used in various engines of taxi meters. Since it as an microcontroller
based reliability , accuracy ,lowcost,maintance , fool proof is more compared to the
manaual taxi meter and also it suits to any motor .this device has a display system with
a non contact sensor .it calculates the pulses directly in to rpm (revolutions per minute)
by using inbuilt timer .therefore it calculates the distance traveled by the taxi by
calibrating the module.it displays the amount according to the distance covered.it can also
add the amount for the waiting charge by using timer module .
1)display system
2)timer unit
3)sensor interface to the controller
4)power supply unit
microcontroller based airport luggage management system using rfid tag system
This is an advanced system for air port luggage management system unlike manaual
luggage tracing system . Every rfid tags are connected to the luggage .when ever
particular luggage is passed near the reader it indicates the address of that luggage with
location details in the lcd display .in this way user & staff people can trace the luggage
system at fast rate .all the address of the rfid tags are pre programmed with there address
using microcontroller .every card has a unique id no with read only option. so that it
can be access when ever it is required using the rfid reader with coil sensing unit . in
this way it is more reliable to trace the luggage at any air port
Station unlike the manual tracing system .which can also save the time by tracing the
address at high speed.. microcontroller communicates with the rfid reader through serial
communication (Rs232) Using USART ,MAX232.It decodes the address of the rfid tag
& displays the address at the lcd display .based on this the user is able to access the
luggage .In this way we can avoid the manual tracing system which can save the time
,man power ,luggage .
This is one of the good device to prevent the accidents occur in railways due the track
problem like loose connection track cuts. many years railway department is working on
this tracks to minimize the accidents .when ever there is a breakage or loose connection
the track starts vibrating more compared to the normal condition by taking this point we
use the special vibration sensor which is placed at the springs of the wheels, so that it can
sense the vibrations .vibration detector generates the analog output voltage based on the
input vibrations generated in the track which is signal conditioned & interfaced to a adc
of 10 bit resolution, so that it sense the 1024 different levels of vibrations produced by
the track . micro controller avoids the permitted vibrations generated by the track. other
than the permitted levels it applies sudden brakes to the wheels of the train automatically
indicating it by generating the alarm.
This is an advanced sensor to measure the fluids like petroleum ,diesel where the sensor
should not be in contact with the fluids . if we use a capacitive sensor or load sensor it
will be tough to implement on the exiting system where the system has to be modify
according to these sensor .in this project we are using a special senor called ultrasonic
sensor which works on the echo principle .it is very easy to install & safe to use for the
critical fluids ,since it is a total non contact sensor
Working principle of the sensor ().in this device there is a display system which shows
the continuous level measurement using advanced pic microcontroller , the output of the
ultrasonic sensor is fed to the amplifier & it is signal conditioned& processes by the
micro controller . we can also provide a option to pass the data to the computer so that
one can visualize the level of the fluid in the container with more graphical presention
.by this one can control the valves or the micro controller will operate it automatically
as set by the user .
This project is very much useful to the apartment people where they want the authorized
people to access the lift control system ,so that they can save the power bill generated by
the lift . it also having additional befits of opening the doors auto mateically .every
person in the apartment will be priveded with the contact less smart card to access the
lift .when ever the user shows the contact less smart card
to the reader it reads the data ,if the data is valid it opens the lift doors automatically .
practically smart card readers will be placed at the all the floors of the apartment where
ever there is a lift acesss ,so that any valid user can acces the
lift at any floor of the apartment .IN this way it safe &easy to operate .
This is a must have product at every home. Day to day we observe that when we pump
water from the sump we always forget to switch off the motor and we do it only when
there is an over flow. there are so many water level controllers available in the market but
it fails due to rusting of sensors ,long wiring which requires proper maintainers ,we can
think of an alternate sensor but since it is an low cost device it is tough to implement .as u
know every one is able to switch on the motor but fails at switching off the motor taking
this point we designed non-sensor based device which is designed to automatically
switch off the motor after a certain duration, which can be selected by the user. normally
we know that our tank would take an approximate time to fill completely hence the
device gives the flexibility to set the time depending on the size of the over head tank .to
make the device more user friendly we are providing a preset like fan regulator which is
given to the adc ,so that when ever the pot rotates it generates the analog out put which
is fed to an 8 bit adc .depending on the digital value the micro controller displays the time
which varies from (0 to 99 minutes ).there is a memory back up under the power failure
condition (eeprom)
This is an very useful project for agriculture. generally we observe the soil moisture
,according to that water is supplied to the fields , once the land gets wet we stop
supplying water to the fields. This manual work can be eliminated by using our device
.this device checks the soil moisture by the sensing ckt, if soil is dry it switches on the
motor .it also checks the motor is in dry condition or not & then only it switches on the
sprinkling control system .once the soil is wet it switches off the motor ,if not it
continuous with sprinkling system .water is controlled by the solenoid valves which is
initiated by the microcontroller .it also checks for the rainfall, if there is any rain fall it
stops using the motor for water supply .
as u know that patients take a long bed rest after the operation where they will be
unable to talk & walk .so ,this project will be very useful to the patients to express their
problems like uneasy,vomting ,bathroom,internal pain,drinking water,emergency
problems etc .some of the important voice messages are pre recorded in the voice chip .
Depends upon on problem , patients can select any of these prerecorded voice messages
by pressing the selected key provided in the instrument.by pressing the selected key the
necessary prerecorded voice message is announced at the central service room which
will also indicates the room no ,bed no to attend the problem .in this way this project is
very useful to the bed rest patients for some one to attend their problem .this can also be
useful to a dum people to express their feelings at emergency .
This is an advanced technology used to track the vehicle no & registration details using
contact less rfid tags. Some times people Manipulate the original details like vehicle
no,registration details to the police man . where police finds diffcult to find the culprit
.so to eliminate this problem ,in this project we are using an contact less rfid tags
Which are placed at the wheels of the vechile .there is a rfid reader placed under the
platform through which the vechiles passes .from reader the information is passed to the
microcontroller through rs232 communication ,where controller decodes the information
using the predefined database for the respective rfid tags .every rfid as a unique code
which is transmitted to the reader through wireless . there is no power or battery supply
given to the rfid tags. This decoded information is displayed with vechile no &
registration details at the dash board using the lcd display .so that one can know the
orginal data with more secured .