Cardinal Hayes Alumni Magazine
Cardinal Hayes Alumni Magazine
Cardinal Hayes Alumni Magazine
[ Welc ome ]
We are grateful for the past year and all its accomplishments, challenges
and successes. Yes, I am grateful for the challenges, because without the challenges we would not be as strong as we are, nor would we be where we are in
life. Where would you be in life, without those times where you had to reach
deep within ourselves to find the courage, faith and resiliency to overcome an
obstacle to our growth, change and maturity? Where would you be today without the challenges that have made us better, stronger and smarter (we do learn
from our lessons...or do we?). Well, the young men of Hayes are no different,
and while the times have changed since you roamed the halls of 650, some
things remain the same: discipline, faith formation, standards, respect, character building, loyalty and pride.
Our young men face certain challenges that lure them away from their
intended goals and dreams. The street has always been a constant temptation,
and will always try to divert the focus of a young mans desire to better himself
educationally, spiritually and mentally. Other challenges that our young men
face, tell them that all their hard work is not worth it, why put all those hours
into practice or study, you are only going to fail. At Hayes, we instill within our
young men a sense of resiliency, and teach them that although failure might
happen, it is only one step away from success. We teach them the meaning
of the words of Our Lord, To whom much is given, much is expected. And we
remind them of the words of legendary coach Vince Lombardi, The only time
success comes before work, is in the dictionary.
Our mission is clear and our work is rewarding. This past school year has once
again enabled the Hayes community to produce young men of character and confidence in their future, men of faith and men of respect for our world and the
communities they live in. For this is what we are all about. The growth and development of our students is at the very heart of the Hayes mission as it continues to
perform at the highest level in and outside the classroom. We hope and pray that
Hayes continues in its mission, as it has for the past seventy-three years, so that
our young men will always be prepared for whatever challenges comes their way.
Please take some time to carefully read through the current Hayes
Magazine. We are proud of the accomplishments, achievements and yes,
the challenges the past year has brought to us. I would urge you to get involved
in any way that you are able in your alma mater. I am sure you would agree that
Hayes is truly alive and well, and continues to make the Concourse Grand!
Up Hayes and all its loyal men!
Father Joseph P. Tierney
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[ Con tent ]
Summer 2015
Jackina Farshtey
Contributing Writer
Danny Torres
A New Team
Michael John Murphy
Jackina Farshtey
On The Cover
The ornate lanterns
at Cardinal Hayes Chapel.
Photographed by
Michael John Murphy.
Contact Us
650 Grand Concourse
Bronx, New York 10451
718-292-6100 (Phone)
718-292-9178 (Fax)
] A
lumni Corner . . . . . . . . 6
] Legacy Introductions . . . . 7
] U
pcoming & Calendar
of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
] Volunteerism/Services . . . 34
] Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . 42
S umme r 2015 | 3
A New
Advancement Team
It is every mans obligation to put back into the world at least the
equivalent of what he takes out of it.
Albert Einstein
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Thomas Fike, Maisel Mazier, Robert Thibault and Jackina Farshtey bring a wealth
of experience to the newly restructured alumni relations department at
Hayes. In recent times the department has gone through a few transitions, but
a new team with a fresh perspective is at the helm. Thomas Fike, Vice President
of Development is eager to construct a plan that is mutually beneficial for
students and alumni. Fike started his development career at his alma mater
Loyola University. That experience left an indelible mark both personally and
professionally. His appointment to the vice president for development position
was a natural progression to a career centered on service. My vision for the
office is to transition the culture at Cardinal Hayes into becoming a philanthropic
institution, creating a culture of philanthropy among all of our constituencies,
and diversifying the sources and levels of funding, said Fike.
Embarking on this new journey takes patience, hard work, and a strong
team. Maisel Mazier Director of Alumni Relations brings a unique mindset
to the position. As an alumnus of Hayes, Mazier understands how to bridge
the gap between students and alumni. Coming to Hayes I can see how
alumni relations can have an impact. Creating a program where freshmen
can identify as future alumni is important, said Mazier. Although his initial
career path at Syracuse University was law, that all changed after working for
The New York Ear and Eye Infirmary. I saw there was a need for my skillset.
It gives me incredible satisfaction to serve others, said Mazier.
Data management is another crucial component to developing a robust
strategic plan. Robert Thibaults expertise in database management is
central to cultivating relationships. A graduate of SUNY Oswego, Thibault
honed his skills at the Vera Institute, Queens Library Foundation and other
well established nonprofit organizations throughout New York City. We
want to communicate more openly with staff and students, so that they
know how this office functions. Our goal is to create transparency and open
relationships, said Thibault.
Jackina Farshtey, Director of Communications and Marketing started her career in the news business. As an assignment editor and associate producer
at News 12 The Bronx, she learned the value of storytelling and how it
impacts viewers. Farshtey, a graduate of Pace University also worked for the
Connecticut General Assembly as a press aide and covered committee meetings on key legislative issues. Throughout her career, she found that we are
all connected through our life experiences. We all want to be heard and
have our stories validated. I hope to develop a communications plan that will
elevate the level of engagement with students and alumni, said Farshtey.
Our students require us to bring our finest effort to work everyday and
they deserve nothing less than the best that we can do, said Fike. All four
members of the new team bring a level of dedication that will serve the
Hayes community for years to come.
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[ Alum ni ]
Maisel Mazier 93
[ Upcoming ]
Golf Outing
September 15, 2015
Turkey Bowl
Pre-Turkey Bowl
Happy Hour!
October 3, 2015
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L eg acy
Intr od
L eg acy
Intr od
Introdu ctions
Introdu ctions
L eg acy
Introdu ctions
L eg acy
Introdu ctions
ntrodu ctions
A Bond between
a Father and his Son
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Cardinal
Hayes Basketball Team that captured the C.H.S.A.A.
city championship against All Hallows. Along with their
valiant effort at Fordham University, these Hayesmen
were guided by their head coach, Thomas Murray, and
a 6-foot-8-inch forward named Jamal Mashburn 90.
Mashburn, whose singular, eye-catching presence
on the court, eventually moved on to play for the
University of Kentucky and had a stellar NBA career
which lasted 12 seasons.
Along with Mashburn, Jeff Hayden Sr. 90 was also
a part of that historic team that won Hayes first
C.H.S.A.A. city championship since 1944.
Hayden Sr. is the youngest of four siblings who
joined the United States Postal Service (USPS) in
2000. He was baptized at All Saints Catholic Church
in Manhattan and grew up in the Lincoln Housing
Projects on W. 135th Street. Sadly, an unthinkable
tragedy occurred in the Hayden household on
February 8, 1975.
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Danny Torres 84
Forty years ago, Donald Hayden, Sr. was murdered
and no one was ever convicted in this unsolved homicide. Jeffs grieving mother was left alone to raise
their four children. His oldest brother, Donald Jr. was
only 14 when he was accepted to Regis High School,
a prestigious Jesuit preparatory school located in
Jeff was only two and now having to grow up in a
home filled with uncertainty, he turned to his oldest
When Jeff got older, he asked his brother to describe
their beloved father. Naturally, there was only one
descriptive word that came across Donald Jr.s mind.
My Dad was a disciplinarian. He didnt tolerate any
mischief. I also heard that he was very involved with my
oldest brother in basketball, said Jeff who described
not having any recollections about his strict father.
Without a supportive father to teach his son the
fundamentals of basketball, Jeff turned to his oldest
brother, close friends and the asphalt courts in his
for his parents. But four years later, this future basketball standout at Cardinal Hayes High School had no clue
that the anniversary of his birth will forever be linked
to one of the most tragic events in American History.
Millions of Americans and those around the globe were
glued to their television sets. Jeffs parents were no
different as they were listening to the unspeakable
news on the radio while they were stuck at work.
Despite the circumstances, they were able to remain
in close contact with Jeff Jr.s babysitter who was
watching their four-year-old son on his birthday.
Baptized by Msgr. Meehan, he attended the nowclosed St. Josephs Grammar School and, prior to his
eighth grade graduation, began to ponder what high
school he was going to attend.
Hayes wasnt his first choice and his father quickly
pointed out that the high school his son was planning
to attend would completely be his decision.
After visiting other Catholic schools in the city, Jeff Jr.
was impressed with what Cardinal Hayes offered to
their students in sports, extracurricular activities,
but most importantly, academically.
Although his father played basketball in high school,
Jeff Jr. mentioned that it wasnt until he entered the
fifth grade that he began to play on an organized team.
My father said he didnt want to force me into
basketball, but he always wanted me to play. I played
in the fifth grade and I did well. He took me to the
Gauchos, an AAU developmental program and as I
move on, my game got better.
Similar to his father who idolized a number of NBA
athletes, Jeff Jr. didnt pause when I asked which
basketball player was his favorite.
I always wanted to play like Lebron (James). Growing
up, I knew it was going to be tough because I wasnt
going to be as tall as him. But, I always play with the
same intensity and toughness.
As every parent will experience in their lifetime,
raising a child, especially in an urban environment,
can be quite a challenge. When asked to describe
the relationship with his parents, he reflected for a
moment and then summed it up in one word the
importance of his mother and father.
EverythingThey just do everything for me. They are
my everything, said Jeff Jr. with a smirk on his face.
In Jeff Jr.s eyes, basketball is his passion and an
extraordinary game he truly loves to play, but he also
knows the importance of an education; a lesson that
was also instilled in the Hayden household.
Education came from home and I attended a lot
of basketball camps. I always remember the guest
contd on page 31
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DiFiore Biography
A HAYES LEGACY The DiFiore Family not only kept the tradition
and the faith but helped shape a future Hayesman.
Theres an old African proverb that says, It takes a whole village to raise a child.
Not only has Stephen DiFiore 15 been truly blessed in having a supportive
extended family who raised a fine gentleman, but he also had some
direct influences on which high school he wanted to attend.
By Danny Torres 84
Both of Stephens parents agreed that Being a Hayesman was more important to us than being Italian, German, Black or Hispanic.
Besides being an honor student, president of the National
Honor Society, member of the Presidents Men and concert
band, Stephen is an aspiring musician and upon graduation
plans to major in political science and possibly minor in music.
I became interested in music when I graduated from
the eighth grade. One day, I asked my Dad if he could
teach me to play the guitar. He taught me the basics and
I learned rather quickly. I joined the school band and in
the next few years joined the Jazz band and played bass
guitar in the Guitar Club. Music has been one of the most
exciting activities for me.
For Stephen, the month of December has been quite busy
and as he ponders his rigorous workload, extracurricular
activities, and most importantlycollege. He knows that
in addition to submitting applications in a timely fashion,
the question becomes, what to write about? as it
pertains to that important college essay.
When you are looking for ways to help Cardinal Hayes sustain its reputation
as one of the nations premier Catholic schools, you shouldnt feel like you
are choosing between your philanthropic goals and financial security. One
gift that allows you to support Hayes while receiving fixed payments for life:
a charitable gift annuity.
Not only does this gift provide you with regular payments and allow us to
further our work, but when you create a charitable gift annuity with Cardinal
Hayes you can receive a variety of tax benefits, including a federal income tax
charitable deduction.
For example, Jack, 70, and Mary, 68, want to make a contribution to Hayes
that will support our work for generations to come, but they also want to
ensure that they have dependable income during their retirement years. They
establish a $50,000 dual life charitable gift annuity with Hayes. Based on
their ages, they will receive a payment of $2,250 each year for the remainder
of both their lives. They are also eligible for a federal income tax charitable
deduction of $14,332* when they itemize. Finally, they know that after their
lifetimes, the remaining amount will be used to ensure the success of Hayes
Next Steps
1. Contact Tom Fike at (718) 292-6100 ext. 104 or
for additional information on charitable gift annuities or to chat more
about the benefits of creating an annuity with Cardinal Hayes.
2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
3. If you include Cardinal Hayes in your plans, please use our legal name
and Federal Tax ID.
Legal Name: Cardinal and Gold Fund
Address: 650 Grand Concourse, Bronx NY 10451
Federal Tax ID Number: 13-3691813
*Based on annual payments and a 2.4 percent charitable midterm federal rate. Deductions vary based on
income earned. CGAs may not yet be available in all states.
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[ Luminaries]
S umme r 2015 | 1 3
Dr. James White was a true American Master and pioneer. Born James Enrico White in Livorno, Italy, White
came to New York City at the age of two. His inquisitive
and analytical nature at an early age set the foundation
for his career in mathematics. As a student in the prestigious 4D Honors Class at Cardinal Hayes High School during
the 1960s, White demonstrated his mathematical acumen and his propensity for learning. Upon his graduation
from Hayes in 1963, he attended Fordham University. Dr.
White went on to receive a Ph.D. from Yale University in
Mathematics (algebraic topology) in 1972. A devotee of
Albert Einstein and physicist Richard Feynman, he spent
years trying to understand the various nuances of human existence through mathematical theories. His seminal work, the Mathwright Library was groundbreaking in
the field of teaching and mathematics. This anthology of
interactive math and science lessons proved to be an innovative tool for the academic community.
White later developed the MathKit language and became
co-director of the Mathematical Association of America
(MAA). During that time he also created the Interactive
Mathematical Text Project (IMTP), which was funded by
IBM and the National Science Foundation. His work in
the field of aerodynamics was equally impressive. White
developed Lunar Lander Models that simulated rocket
By Jackina Farshtey
From left to right Mr. Frank Carling, Reverend Sally White, Edwin Ramos Jr. and Dr. Frank Bia
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Hayes Civil
Rights Pioneer:
An Eyewitness to History
By Jackina Farshtey
Fearless and with a strong resolve they marched with determination. It was a turbulent time
in US history where injustice was a constant presence. Our nation wrestled with physical and
social unrest that permeated the streets of our communities. The momentous event of March
25, 1965 changed the course of American history. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., John Lewis, James Bevel and thousands walked
People were now becoming
across the Edmund Pettus Bridge into Selma, while troopers
wielding batons waited with tear gas to deter marchers. The
aware of their rights and
streets of Selma resembled a war zone as violence erupted.
I thought it was important
The march became known as Bloody Sunday. Marchers
were greeted with unwelcomed chants of hate, but they
to be part of this historical
remained evermore determined to carry on.
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From My Block
to the Global Stage:
The John Andrew Perello Story
By Jackina Farshtey
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The Awakening
It was the 1980s and a new
sound was burgeoning on the
streets of New York City. Big
Daddy Kane, Slick Rick, KRS-One
and Run-DMC were just a few of
the lyricists making their mark
in a new musical genre called
Hip Hop. Meanwhile, another
art form was gaining momentum and attracting a younger
crowd eager to tell their story.
It was bright, emblematic and
wondrous in its presence. Graffiti was the urban hieroglyphics
of a new generation, a unique
form of storytelling that captivated urban America.
By the late 1990s, artists tagged trains, buildings and other
visible structures. The city was their canvas and their
artwork a visual diary of urban blight that served as
an outlet for creativity and self-expression. A young
Harlemite named John Andrew Perello was captivated by the vivid fluorescent images that lined the
streets of his neighborhood. Those images seared
into his memory became his lifelong inspiration.
Born in 1963, Perello was the middle child of Dominican immigrants. He along with fellow friends,
the 156th All Starz Crew began showcasing their
skills around town and Perello was given the moniker JonOne. The crew which included childhood
friends Rac7 and Kyle headquartered at 156th Street
and Broadway. The neighborhood setting became a
breeding ground for aspiring artist. In essence, they
were like the members of the Parisian Salons of the
1700s, where undiscovered talent congregated to
share ideas and display their most prized artwork.
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When Perello arrived, he encountered an artistic community who embraced the graffiti culture.
From that moment, he made France his permanent
home. Unbeknownst to him this transatlantic move
would change the course of his life, ultimately,
bringing him international recognition. His canvasses adorned the gallery walls in Russia, Paris, Los Angeles and Hong Kong. You must have the passion
to express yourself. The only thing that made me
happy was to paint. Life is not only black and white.
It is very vast and complex, said the Harlem native.
Perellos artwork gave credence to an art form that
at one point was shunned and looked upon unfavorably by mainstream society. Like his contemporary, Jean-Michel Basquiat, he broke the mold and
gave the world a view of the incredible talent that
urban America had to offer.
The Evolution
At 52-years-old, Perello looks untouched by time.
His love of his profession and dedication to the
culture that catapulted him to stardom is truly inspiring. For the Harlem native supporting others is
essential to happiness. Think about doing good
things for others above all. Dont think about being rich, said Perello. After three decades in the art
community and numerous accolades he continues
to reinvent himself. In 2014, Perello was awarded
the French Legion of Honor, the highest award bestowed by the French government to an individual.
Receiving The France Legion of Honor was incredible. This award wasnt just for me but also for the
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[ Student Life]
S umme r 2015 | 2 3
The League of
Extraordinary Hayesmen
By Jackina Farshtey
They are the keepers of a proud legacy that continues to produce leaders, trailblazers and
luminaries among Hayesmen. The Presidents Men are a select group of gifted young men
who have demonstrated a commitment to academics and community service. As the pulse of
the Hayes community, they serve as goodwill ambassadors representing Cardinal Hayes High
School at social gatherings and events throughout the New York City metropolitan area. The
20 seniors are vetted through a meticulous selection process that includes recommendations
from board members, teachers and senior administrative officials. For many of the Presidents
Men, community service is the common thread that binds them together. Seventeen-year-old
Alexander Perez-Aquino is a strong believer in paying it forward. I like assisting people. I tutor
many Latin American students and help them with their homework. This gives me great satisfaction, smiled Aquino. Derian Correa, who plans to study nursing at the College of Mount
Saint Vincent found his experience as a Presidents Man a tremendous asset. Monsignor Meehan taught me a lot of lessons. We learned how to speak publicly and work together to represent the school, said Correa.
The experience of being a Presidents Man encourages members to reach their full potential.
The program is a great opportunity for the students. They have an aura of confidence when
speaking with their peers. The first time they go out it is like an awakening, and when they
come back they realize the impact they have on the younger students. I think that they have
encouraged kids to do better in school and also helped to increase enrollment at Hayes, said
Club Moderator Monsignor Meehan. The invitation only club was started in 2012 as a way to
bolster the schools visibility. The program was so successful that competing schools tried to
replicate the model. The reputation of the Presidents Men has also influenced the college
admissions process. When I go to college interviews and I explain the role of Presidents Men
they are really impressed, said Matthew Martinez.
In a few short months, these Hayesmen will pass the torch to the next generation of Presidents
Men. As they begin their collegiate life in the fall, what will linger on is the Hayes legacy that
will propel them to greater heights. They are now well-rounded educated young men ready to
embrace a new world of infinite possibilities.
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Hayes Senior
Receives Top Honor
By Jackina Farshtey
Young, talented, and resilient are the words that best describes
18-year-old Carlos Ycaza-Zurita. Zurita embodies the work ethic of the young men who are students at Cardinal Hayes High
School. As one of the 115 finalists chosen for The New York
Times College Scholarship Program, Zurita is among an elite
group of students selected on their academic merit and community service. His path to success was paved with adversity,
for years Zurita and his brother helped their mother deliver
newspapers around town to support the family. The grueling
paper route consisted of 250 papers during the week and doubled in size on the weekends. Taking on such a major responsibility gave Zurita a strong resolve to succeed. Despite the odds,
he remained unfazed by the demanding schedule. Last year,
Zurita had a unique opportunity to share his story.
The essay caught the attention of his English teacher Mr. Rui
Guimaraes, who encouraged Zurita to enter The New York Times
Scholarship contest. When I read these essays it has to make me
want to cry and Carlos essay definitely gave me that feeling, said Guimaraes.
In the poignant essay, he talked about the profound influence his Mom has
had on him. My relationship with my mother has always been strong, said
Zurita. Since his father left the family, he and his brother had to assume the
responsibility of helping his mother manage the household. As a result of
delivering papers such as The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times,
Zurita developed a strong interest in finance and business. This experience has
motivated him to pursue higher education and work hard to achieve his goals.
In January, Zurita received notification that he was a finalist for The New York
Times College Scholarship Program. He credits his success to his experience at
Hayes. My relationship with my teachers is very important to me, said Zurita.
Cardinal Hayes High School is no stranger to this competition. Two years ago,
Eddy Cruz was one the recipients and in 2006 Justin Jimenez also took top honors.
The New York Times College Scholarship Program was established in 1999
to provide financial assistance to talented students from underprivileged
backgrounds. Thousands of New York City high school seniors apply, but only
a select few are bestowed this honor. Winners receive a four-year college
scholarship, a summer internship at the The New York Times and a mentor.
The program is funded by New York Times subscribers and various private
sources. On March 11, 2015, Carlos became one of the proud recipients of
the 2015 New York Times College Scholarship. Congratulations to Carlos for
a job well done!
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Silicon Alley
comes to Hayes
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By Jackina Farshtey
the field. Its about action and
believing in yourself. Confidence
is an essential part of success,
said Tisi. Sixteen-year-old Kayshaw Saravia, an aspiring forensic pathologist was inspired by
his words of encouragement.
The overall speech helped me
to never give up on my dreams.
Now, I know that I can make a
difference in my own life by
working hard, smiled Savaria.
Sophomore Josue Calixto who
is interested in pursuing a career in
game design felt empowered. Mr.
Tisi taught me as long as you put in
the work your dreams will become a
reality, said Calixto.
Tisis work ethic and drive is a direct
influence of his father. That paternal influence helped to propel him
to success and broaden his vision
of the world. He hopes to plant the
same seed of hope and inspiration
by becoming a mentor to our Hayesmen. Tisi created www.hayesman.
work as a platform to help aspiring tech aficionados develop their
career plans. An alternative to the
website is
Tisi continues to be an innovator
and maverick in his field. In January
2014, he was awarded a U.S. Patent
for developing a method for managing retail sales information. His
passion and zest for life is clearly
giving our Hayesmen the impetus
to realize their dreams.
Shaping the
Destiny of our Girls
Photo Courtesy:
The crisis is real. The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women reports between 15 and 76 percent of
women were targets of violence in their lifetime. This mounting
epidemic is a call to action and 15 Hayesmen heeded the call.
They took part in an event sponsored by The Working Group
on Girls entitled Girl-Boy Dialogue: Preventing Violence
Against Girls at The Salvation Army Auditorium. Hayesmen
listened to stories where acts of violence were committed
against women around the world. I learned that this is
not only a domestic problem but an international one. It is
not only an issue that should be addressed by women. To
listen to stories of women who went through that kind of
violence broke my heart, said Abdulai Mohamed. In some
regions of the world, women often play a subservient role to
their male counterparts. The prevalence of child brides under
the age of 18 leaves many young girls ill-equipped to handle the
emotional and social challenges of marriage.
According to white house. gov, 62 million girls lack access to proper education
and healthcare. Education is a crucial element in this ongoing fight to eradicate
the atrocities against women. Senior, David Le is taking a proactive approach
to broaden the dialogue. I would like to propose that we have an assembly
at Hayes to talk about the violence against girls. Most of our Hayesmen are
raised by women. I know that they will be receptive to the idea, said Le. This
experience gave our Hayesmen a better perspective of the issues. I participated
in the event, because I wanted to become more informed about the inequalities
between men and women. It opened my eyes to the amount of cases of women
who have been victims of violence, said eighteen-year-old Ambrose Gonzalez.
Marquez Patcher was deeply affected by the stories. I was interested in hearing
the female perspective. It hit me hard to hear the stories. They were stories I
never knew or heard about.
From Kenya to Bosnia, there are countless stories that will never be heard. There
is much work ahead to achieve a level playing field. Through open forums and
constant dialogue we can give the voiceless a voice. Become an agent of change
by participating in the discussion at
S umme r 2015 | 2 7
Since the 6th century when chess was first introduced to the world in Eastern India, it has been
regarded as a game of strategy and skill. Centuries
later and thousands of miles away from its origins,
Chess is playing a new role in the lives of 20 Hayesmen. A game of patience and immense focus takes
practice. Mr. Howard Ciarcia is the moderator behind the winning team. Under his tutelage, the
Hayes Chess Masters have triumphed over notable opponents such as Regis, Mount Saint Michael
and All Hallows. Ciarcia, a chess enthusiast and
lifelong player, takes great pride in providing strategic direction to his students. One of the things
that you want them to do is change their cognitive
focus. Chess allows them to do that, said Ciarcia.
Six years after he took over the club, the young
players have developed such an affinity for the
game that they even play during their lunch hour.
Ninth grader Henry Rodriguez feels that the chess
club has helped him become a shrewd player. My
ability to play chess has
been reinforced here.
Playing around afterschool with Mr. Ciarcia has increased my
knowledge of chess. He
taught me how to protect the board, said Rodriguez.
Their devotion to the
game has far reaching
benefits beyond the
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By Jackina Farshtey
checkered board. Fourteen-year-old Hernan Hernandez sees the value of playing chess especially
when it comes to his intellectual and social development. Ive been playing chess since the sixth
grade. I noticed my grades are going up and it
helps me communicate better with other people,
said Hernandez. Research has shown that the introduction of chess in urban education has produced remarkable results. Chess helps students
develop analytical skills and increases mental
clarity. There is also a great level of camaraderie
with the Hayes Chess Masters. Everybody is here
to play chess. If you dont know how to play or
it is your first time, someone will teach you. This
club will help improve your game, said freshman
Toyloy Brown. Other players found historical references to the game. Mr. Ciarcia takes his time
to show you things that you would normally miss.
Some of the terms of chess are rooted in strategy
very much like World War I, said fifteen-yearold Nathaniel Vargas.
The world of chess has
opened new doors for
the Hayes Chess Masters. Chess is a metaphor for life. Each move
has a purpose and every opponent must be
respected. With mutual
respect, there are no
winners or losers just a
lesson well learned.
Kevin Laue:
A Global Inspiration
By Jackina Farshtey
For twenty-five-year-old Kevin Laue the path to success was riddled with adversity. The 6-feet-11inches tall forward was born with one arm as result of a prenatal blood circulation restriction. The California native spent years struggling
to find his way both socially and professionally. A one chance encounter would
change the course of his life forever. Coach Patrick McKnight a well-respected
figure in the basketball community took Laue as a mentee and began showing him the power of self-confidence and resilience. Laues relationship with
McKnight was transformative. Patrick McKnight
gave me an opportunity and changed my perspective on life. He would not let me give up, said Laue.
His relationship with his mother has also been instrumental to his success. She taught him that there
is a purpose and reason behind every challenge we
face in life.
Over the next few years, his athletic abilities and
remarkable story gained worldwide attention. Laue
was invited to the White House by former President
George Bush and in 2013 Dutchman Films released
a movie on his life entitled Long Shot: The Kevin
Laue Story. He also received the EACAC Award of
Valor in 2010 and earned a scholarship to play Division I basketball. In addition
to his success on the court, Laue is an accomplished academic. In three short
years, he graduated from Manhattan College. Throughout his incredible success, Laue has remained humble. His mission is to inspire young people to believe in themselves no matter the obstacle. Our Hayesmen had the opportunity
to meet Laue courtesy of our generous benefactor Mr. Kevin Reed. Laue captivated our Hayesmen with his inspirational story of triumphs and tribulations.
Our Hayesmen were impressed with his indomitable spirit. It was shocking to
hear that even with the hardships he endured that he was able to do something
great with his life, said baseball player Efran Madera. Seventeen-year-old Jorge
Santos was amazed by Laues determination. It made me realize that the stuff
that I go through is not that difficult. Its great to hear from a guy who believes
in himself.
Currently, Laue spends his time inspiring people all over the globe. He has speaking engagements in various parts of Asia and at corporate events. Although
Laue is not a Hayesman, he embodies all the attributes that make our young
men great. Laue values the relationships that made him a man of courage and
conviction. I had teachers in my life that stepped up and put so much time into
me. Without them I would not be here today, smiled Laue. For that, he is our
honorary Hayesman.
S umme r 2015 | 2 9
By Jackina Farshtey
At 6-feet-2-inches tall and 315 pounds, Carlif Taylor has a strapping presence,
but behind this stature is a gentle and gracious young man who is poised for
greatness. Taylor was recently drafted to play for the New York Giants
and came back to Hayes to express his gratitude for his experience.
Hayes is a brotherhood.
Hayes is a brotherhood. Its great that I am able to come back and
speak with the young guys. Its such a blessing, smiled Taylor. After
Its great that I am able to
graduating in 2010, Taylor went on to have a stellar collegiate career
come back and speak with
both on and off the field at Southern Connecticut State University
the young guys.
(SCSU). In his senior year, he achieved 73 tackles. He was also team
captain and All American for the SCSU Owls. In the winter of 2014, he
graduated from college with a degree in business management.
An emotional Taylor recounts his time at Hayes as some of the best moments of
his life. One central figure who saw potential in the defensive lineman is Coach
C.J. ONeil. In the past few years, Coach ONeil has been the guiding force behind
top Hayes football prospects. I really want to thank Coach ONeil. He saw that
I had potential to play at the next level, said Taylor. The often jovial ONeil is
a father figure to many of his players and stresses academic achievement and
sportsmanship to his team. Carlif always had a
steady demeanor and was such a good kid. He was
the tone setter for everyone on the team. Its great
to see someone you developed take all that hes
learned and run with it, said ONeil.
Taylor has lofty goals for himself after the NFL.
He plans to start several nonprofits that will help
young people. Talent is everywhere in this city.
Im big on giving back to the community. My advice
to our Hayesmen is to stay focused and remember
where you came from and dont let other people
influence who you are, added Taylor. At twentyone, Carlif Taylor is wise beyond his years. Cardinal
Hayes has given him the tools to become a man of
substance and integrity.
Source: Evan Pinkus
New York Giants Team Photographer
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Varsity Gold
By Jackina Farshtey
S umme r 2015 | 3 1
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[ Vo lunteerism/Services ]
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A Life-giving Tradition
By Jackina Farshtey
The American Red Cross estimates that every two seconds in America someone
needs blood. As the main transport of the human circulatory system, blood
provides the body with key nutrients to help sustain our existence. For millions of
Americans suffering from debilitating diseases, blood transfusions are essential
for their survival. Eighty-five Hayesmen signed up for The Cardinal Hayes Annual
Blood Drive to help the cause. Jason Bariffe, a senior has a personal connection
to this event. Bariffes ailing father received a blood transfusion during his long
illness. My father was in the hospital and he benefited from a transfusion. I
wanted to give back because they helped me and my family during this hard
time in our lives, said the seventeen-year-old.
Statistics show that 38 % of the U.S. population is eligible to donate; however,
less than 10% actually give. June South-Anthony, a Donor Specialist for the New
York Blood Center (NYBC) encourages more people to donate blood. Giving
blood is relatively easy. It takes an hour of your time. You help your organs
rejuvenate when you give blood. It is healthy for you as well as for the lifespan
of the recipient, said Anthony. Basit Dar is happy to help those in need. It
is good to know that you are helping a total stranger get better and that is
fulfilling, smiled Dar.
By days end 102 pints of blood were collected. As a reward for their efforts,
three students will receive a $100 scholarship from the NYBC. For Fifty years,
The New York Blood Center has provided lifesaving transfusion products to
millions. Help them continue their crucial work by donating blood. Log onto
S umme r 2015 | 3 5
The Exceptional
Childrens Program
By Jackina Farshtey
Throughout the country a growing number of young people are donating their time
to worthy causes. A recent study released by found that 75.9%
of teenagers volunteering habits are directly influenced by their peers. For many
Hayesmen, social engagement and friendships play an important role in their decision
to volunteer. When I first heard about the Exceptional Childrens Program through a
few of my classmates, I felt that this would be a great learning experience. I want to be
there for people who need my help the most, said sixteen-year-old David Hernandez.
The program partners with 100 students from Hayes and Mount Saint Ursula High
School to help developmentally disabled adults. Twice a month, the students
congregate in the Hayes cafeteria and gym to assist the adults with physical activity
and arts and crafts. For many of the disabled adults, this is an opportunity to help
develop their social and interpersonal skills.
Regina McEneaney, Co-Director of the Exceptional Childrens Program started out
as a Mount Saint Ursula Girl for Service in 1965. It is her passion that continues to
inspire her young volunteers. Students realize there are people who need their
loving kindness and affection. This can also be a career path for those interested in
the field of social work, said McEneaney. Twenty-three-year-old Hector Emmanuel
Delgadillo, a Hayes graduate, started with the program in 2006. As I stayed on with
the program, I got close to many of the participants. I love helping others and seeing
their smiles makes me enjoy what I do, said Delgadillo.
This experience comes full circle for Co-Director Christopher Doyle. A graduate of
the Class of 1978 and a former student volunteer, he has remained committed to
the program. For three decades, Doyle helped developmentally disabled adults gain
a greater sense of independence. The biggest joy that Ive received in this program
is the smiles. I cant see myself doing anything else, said Doyle.
In the 1960s former Hayes principal Monsignor Victor Pavis started the Exceptional
Childrens Program. Over five decades later, the program continues to give clients a
sense of personal contentment and accomplishment.
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A Stand
Against Hunger
According to Catholic Charities, more than
12% of our neighbors have struggled to put
food on the table. This startling statistic is a
constant reminder that no one is immune
from lifes misfortunes. The numbers depict
a grim tale of the social and economic inequities. Throughout New York City, the hunger
crisis has put a strain on food pantries and
soup kitchens. The young men of the Student
Activity Committee (SAC) are doing their part
to curtail this problem through the Feeding
Our Neighbors Campaign. SAC, a group comprised of 104 Hayesmen have collected 750
cans of food in support of the program.
Jorge Valle, a senior, knows firsthand what it is
like to struggle. Valles family spent two years
in a shelter before finding a place to live. It was
the kindness and generosity of others that
helped his family survive during those difficult
times. As a devoted parishioner at Our Lady
of Refuge Church in the Bronx, Valle spends a
significant amount of time volunteering. The
more I help out and seeing peoples smiling
faces makes a difference in my own life. I am
grateful for everything that I have and I am
happy that I can help others, said Valle. Mr.
Francis Badillo, Director of Student Activities
encourages his students to give to those who
are less fortunate. I try to motivate the kids
to get them involved. I know the impact that
this has had on me, said Badillo.
The students are not the only ones taking an
active role in the Feeding Our Neighbors Campaign. Biology teacher, Mr. Richard McCalla
donated 375 cans of food. At a young age, he
and his family experienced some challenging moments. Anything can happen to you.
I know because I am in the position to help
other people and I always tell the kids that
this could be them, said McCalla. Seventeenyear-old Jordan Navaez has been a member
By Jackina Farshtey
of the committee for the past three years.
SAC changed me from being immature to
someone who is more open to others. I want
to do the same thing that Badillo is doing. He
is a big inspiration and he knows the struggle, said Navaez. Senior, Robert Rossi understands the importance of giving back. I am a
generous person and I like helping people. It
makes me feel good that I am making a valuable contribution, said Rossi.
In January 2012, Cardinal Timothy Dolan
along with Catholic Charities created the
Feeding Our Neighbors Campaign to deal
with the growing hunger problem in New
York City. By partnering with Catholic schools,
local parishes, the United Jewish Appeal
Federation (UJA) and other religious institutions, the Feeding Our Neighbors Campaign
found great success. The Archdiocesan-wide
campaign ran from January 25, 2015 through
Sunday, February 1, 2015. Luz Tavarez-Salazar,
Director of Government Relations for Catholic Charities believes this program is crucial
in the fight against hunger. At times, people
have to make a decision between paying the
rent or buying groceries. Need has no season.
Our goal is not only to help get people food,
but to also help them not to come back, said
Salazar. Over the past couple
of years, the campaign grew
to include corporate sponsors such
as Goya Foods
and ShopRite Supermarkets. Last
year, the Feeding
Our Neighbors Campaign raised
530,000 in
S umme r 2015 | 3 7
Love is
Photo Courtesy:
Kathleen Cavanaugh
By Jackina Farshtey
3 8 | CH H S M ag azine
Unit: ____________________________
Service Years: _____________________
Deployment Locations: _____________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Rank: ___________________________
Phone: (
$6,500 $2,271,254
% of students receive
financial aid
Total (2014-2015)
% of students go on
* Anticipated
$2,247 98
to college
Tuition +
Cardinal & Gold
Tuition Income
*as of Q3 2015 Thank you for your continuous support. Please complete our online donor form.
4 0 | CH H S M ag azine
[ Message ]
Dear Hayesmen,
I am pleased to share with you a view from the top of your alma mater, Cardinal Hayes High School as we complete our 73rd Academic Year.
For those who are unaware, in 2009, Cardinal Hayes High School, along with the other nine former Catholic High School Association schools,
became an independent school within the Archdiocese of New York. This means that Hayes now operates our school with a Board of Trustees
who, along with the Administration of the school, its President and Principal, strives to ensure the best educational environment Hayes can offer
to our parents and students. Due to the fact that each of the former CHSA schools have different needs and goals, each school can now function
independently, using its resources and its own vendors to successfully run their school.
Each year, the school board provides the Archbishop of New York with an annual report to ensure that the mission of the school is maintained and
that we are meeting our obligations and standards of operation. And, while we are independent of the Archdiocese, we continue to rely on
certain ancillary services, such as: pension, legal and insurance to maintain the smooth running of our school.
At a glance, Cardinal Hayes maintains a strong commitment to its mission to educate and form the young men who choose to attend our fine
school each year. The next generation of Hayesmen will rely on the strong traditions that Cardinal Hayes High School has always stood for: Catholic
education, strong moral foundation, personal growth, leadership and a competitive athletic programs. We pledge to continue these avenues of
success for our students as we move closer to our Diamond Anniversary in 2016, and beyond.
Thanks to our alumni and their foresight over the years, Hayes has an endowment that has provided the school the ability to upgrade its facility and
to provide much needed financial assistance for students who would not be able to attend Hayes without its support. The Cardinal & Gold Fund,
established in 1992, has enabled the school community to also provide upgrades to our educational and athletic programs. Currently, our endowment
stands at $10 million dollars. While that is an impressive number for an inner-city Catholic school to have behind it, if we are to commit ourselves to
a bright and promising future for the next generation of Hayesmen, we will certainly need to grow that amount to a more secure level of support and
Since 2012, our enrollment numbers have steadily increased each year. The efforts of our Admissions Office have brought about a greater exposure
to potential students and their families who are interested in attending Hayes. Annually, we provide parents and potential students with two Open
Houses, shadow visits, Bronx Information Night, invitations to games, events and productions for them to see Hayes in action. There is no shortage
of students who apply and are accepted to Hayes, however, this brings about a greater number of applicants for financial assistance due to their
inability to pay the entire tuition amount. While Hayes needs to remain affordable for parents who want their son to have the Hayes experience, we
must increase the funding necessary to educate these potential Hayesmen.
Since 2009, the Archdiocese has continued its support of Hayes and the good work we do for the young men who attend our school. There is
a small subsidy that Hayes receives from the Archdiocese which enables us to meet some of our needs and helps us to maintain our standards of
academic excellence. We are grateful for this support of the Archdiocese, and will continue to work to ensure this important support continues for the
Currently, our school tuition stands at $6,500 ($650 per month) for the 2015-2016 school year. In addition, students must pay an Activity Fee of
$450 for the year, totaling $6,950 for the year. While this amount might seem extraordinary compared to the tuition amount your parents (or you)
paid during your years at Hayes, the rising cost of education, salaries and the various components that factor into the operations of the building, make
that number insufficient to meet our budgetary numbers each year. The real cost per student is at $10,545, and so it is paramount that we look to
donors, foundations and grants to bridge the gap and keep the Hayes tradition and spirit alive for thousands of students who want to attend this fine
To ensure that we will be able to continue to offer students a chance at success at Hayes, we must increase our fundraising efforts by having a
greater outreach to our alumni, by telling the story of Hayes success to potential new donors and by promoting the Hayes tradition and legacy
through a celebration of our 75th Anniversary beginning in 2016. Over 29,000 graduates have gone forth from 650 Grand Concourse to do some
extraordinary things in their life. Many of our graduates tell the story that if it was not for their Hayes education, they would not be who they are
today, and certainly, where they are in life today.
It is our primary goal to continue the fine tradition of providing a quality Catholic education for our young men by maintaining the high standard of
excellence in our classrooms, by upgrading our technology to serve the ever changing needs of our students and teachers, by enhancing our facility to
provide quality athletic and social programs for our future Hayesmen, and to grow our endowment to ensure that the next generation of Hayesmen
will be supported financially as they strive towards the pursuit of their goals and dreams. Our upcoming 75th Anniversary will give us the opportunity
to achieve these goals and secure a bright future for many more Hayesmen.
Father Joseph P. Tierney
S umme r 2015 | 4 1
[ Class Notes]
] 1940s
Dr. John J. Ryan 47
celebrated 62 years of
marriage to his wife,
Margaret in April. He is a
proud father of three and
grandfather of eight girls.
] 1950s
Mr. Gilbert M. Lane 56
published his second
book, Autism & Parents
with Autistic Children
(WingSpan Press).
] 1960s
Dr. Michael Vinciguerra 62
retired as President at the
University of St. Francis
on June 1, 2013.
Mr. John F. Waters 60
celebrated 45 years of
marriage. He enjoys
retirement and spending
time with his six
Michael Mulvaney 66
retired from the NYS
Liquor Authority.
William F. Kerrigan 63
retired from civilian
service after 25 years
at the New York Police
Al Roth 65, coached
his final game as the
girls basketball coach
at Paramus Catholic
High School in March
2015. Under his 24 year
tenure, Paramus Catholic
claimed eight league
titles, four state-sectional
crowns and a Bergen
County tournament
] 1970s
Dr. Robert J. Wilson, Ph.D.
gave a presentation to
the Supreme Court case
of Greece vs. Galloway
at the annual New York
State Council for the
Social Studies in Albany in
By Jackina Farshtey
S umme r 2015 | 4 3
[ In
Memoriam ]
Sister Patricia Sullivan
1941- 2015
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Sister Patricia Sullivan. For
many Hayesmen, she was a thoughtful and supportive educator, who guided them
down the path of success. The Hayes community mourns the loss of a true friend and
Sister Patricia was born in Manhattan on January 4, 1941. She attended Saints Peter
and Paul School in the Bronx and Cathedral High School in Manhattan. After graduation,
she attended The College of Mount Saint Vincent where she received a bachelor of arts
degree in history. In September of 1958, she entered the Sisters of Charity of New
York and was given the name Sister Regina Timothy. She came to Hayes in 1990 as a
teacher and reading specialist. In recent years, Sister Patricia faced health issues, but
always kept a pleasant outlook on life. Although she is no longer with us, we will always
remember her contribution to the Hayes community.
James Clarkin
Cardinal Hayes mourns the loss of our beloved colleague and friend James Clarkin. A
lifelong educator, Clarkin began his career as a teacher. He later became a guidance
counselor and a school administrator at Cardinal Hayes. His contribution and service to
Hayes is a testament to his love of learning.
Clarkin was born on April 23, 1932 in New York City to John and Mary (Doyle) Clarkin.
He was educated at St. Francis Xavier Prep School in Miramar, Massachusetts. He later
earned three masters degrees, the first from New York University and the other two
from Hunter College and Saint Vincents College in Latrobe, PA.
He died in his sleep on the evening of January 30, 2015. He is survived by his loving
wife, Judith Clarkin and his sisters, Jane McFadden, Irene Dowd, and Helen Clarkin.
Clarkin was laid to rest at St. James Cemetery in Haverhill, Massachusetts. Donations in
memory of our beloved friend can be made to Rockingham VNA & Hospice, 137 Epping
Road, Exeter, NH 03833.
4 4 | CH H S M ag azine
Class of 1998
Ruben Patrick Abrahante
Class of 1989
Ernest Michael Sierrra
Class of 1978
Russell Anthony Joyner
Class of 1975
John Aller
Vernan Chau
James Da Benigno
Frank Feeney
Ralph Gaspard
David Hernandez
Luke Nee (9-11)
Gerard ONeill
Charles Pettignano
Robert Potter
Jeffrey Rhem
Frank Robles
Herbert Sheppard
Michael Sherlock
Dr. Claude Errington
Carlos O. Rodriguez
Class of 1971
Lt. Colonel Michael
Patrick McGrath, USMC (ret)
Class of 1966
Michael Duffy
Class of 1964
Jerry Thompson
Class of 1961
Rudolph Scorvec
Class of 1960
Robert Carr
James McGarry
Class of 1958
Eugene E. OConnor
Class of 1954
Raymond Crapo
Class of 1951
Matthew L. Byrne
John F. Byrnes
Class of 1949
Thomas J. ORourke
John Lawrence Schaumann
Class of 1948
Admiral John Costello
William Howard Grant
S umme r 2015 | 4 5
Name: ______________________________________________________
Hayesman: ___________________________ Class of: ________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City: __________________ State: _________________ Zip: __________
Phone: (
S umme r 2015 | 4 7
I won d er ho w o l d
th e elm trees are?
Answer: The 74-year-old elm trees have been part of the original landscape since 1941. In 2004, portions of the trees were treated for
(DED). Their vibrant green foliage continues to grow and provide much needed shade during the summer months. Most
4 8 | CH
H Selm
ag azine
importantly, it has withstood many noreasters and tempestuous weather and still remains an irrepressible symbol of the Hayes legacy.