Ichoose.: O You

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to follow to be passionate to wait to smile

to minister
to love
to lead to forgive to worship
to grow
to pray to be humble
for wisdom to sacrifice

to listen

to trust
iChoose. to be saved
to be pure

to find purpose
to be used
to be bold to be joyful
to be patient
to be different
to live to obey
to be loved to surrender
to care to believe

d o y o u c ho
h at o

Whatever you do or
say, do it as a representa-
tive of the Lord Jesus, giving
thanks to Him through God
the Father.

Colossians 3:17 NLT

Main Menu

Pastor’s Playlist (4)

Shuffle Mates(5)

iLeaders (7)
Summer 2007
Inspirational Playlist


Tasks (10)
Now Praying 2006


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Settings> RULES
> Respect God, your pastors, leaders, peers and
yourself at all times
> Respect authority and their reasonable decisions
> Respect all property
> There will be no cussing or foul, crude, lewd,
harsh or offensive language used
> No discouragement, taunting, teasing, sarcasm,
or hazing, initiating, pranking fellow members
> Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, guns, fireworks, any
other contrabands are prohibited
> No guys in girls room and No girls in guys room
> Always travel in groups of 3 or more (exempt:
restrooms, showers)
> Dress appropriately and modestly
> Swimwear- You must wear a one piece or wear a
shirt over
-Girls: no bikinis
-Guys: no speedos
> No electronics or cell phones allowed - They will
be taken away, confiscated
> No listening, speaking or participating in secular
or worldly topics
> If you have any medications - please speak to
Pastor Lesley
> Clean up after self
> Curfews and “lights out” are not negotiable
> No visitors allowed unless cleared with Pastor
Lesley and campsite

These rules were not made to be broken. They

are to be enforced to ensure safety and allow
everyone to fully enjoy their experience at this
retreat and campsite. Please follow, honor and
adhere to these rules. If rules are broken and/or
you receive 3 warnings in regards to attitude,
behavior or conduct, you will be taken home.
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Pastor’s Playlist: Letter
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Pastor Lesley & Annie

Full Gospel Tacoma First


Do you know what is amaz-

ing? It is so amazing that
God chose us FIRST. That HE
decided to breathe life into
us before life ever existed. It
is amazing to know that He
had a reason for each of us to
be put on this place so called
“earth” Why? The only answer I can give you is because HIS
LOVE is so GREAT-that HE wants so much to SHOW US…. US.
Mere human being only made worthy by his presence. THAT
my Young people is just so amazing. I have written many let-
ters to you, many from my heart, but this one from my ever
being passion that I have for our God. Not only passion for
God, but passion and desire to see young people in this gen-
eration taking action upon the life God has chosen to give us.
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Not as little people of this world, but as strong, powerful men

and women of God called by HIM for HIS PURPOSE AND GLORY.
I have so much to say, but I want to leave you with this. HE
SEPARATE HIS LOVE FOR YOU. Take that truth and KNOW!!!!
Take that truth and LIVE!!! Take that truth and SHARE!!! Life is so
much better knowing the TRUTH. Be strong, Be real, Make your
desire to live a lifestyle …Its YOUR CHOICE to create a legacy
for God. It is YOUR CHOICE to LIVE!

I want you to know I am unable to attend this year 2009 Sum-

mer Camp. My heart aches knowing that at these precious
camp moments I love to fellowship and get to know you guys
even better as we grow together in our Lord and Savior. Know
that I am praying for you guys. Take every opportunity to make
things count. Pray for each other, encourage each other, ap-
preciate each other and Make this camp worth it. I love you
guys with all my heart. Please keep me in your prayers as well.
Let us Grow Strong in the Lord together. Know that my heart is
for each and every one of you. I am excited for the testimonies
that you will share with me. I am encouraged and inspired by
your growth, your passion and love to see you grow every mo-
ment, every day as your heart burns deeper for our Great One.

10:16 20:09
shuffle mates
Angie & Chris
1 Nuri, Yaesil, Andrew, Daniel M. , Hanul,

Lily & George

2Alice Hwang, Sarah Kim, Brian, Christina,
Deborah, Jihoon, Young

Joanna & April

3 Amanda , Tommy , Francis , Billy, Lucy,
Jihae, Danny

Jinkyu & Terry

4 Hannah Fraiser, Samantha Han, Minu,
Angela Jong, Chadwick, Hanna L.

Mikekim & Daniel Song

5 Sammy Kim, Fiona, Esther, Alec, Do Han,
Grace, Shana

Sarah Murphy & David Han

6 AJ, Michelle, Isaac, Sarah L., Renee, Sung,

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Danny Tommy AJ Hayoung Renee Fiona
Andrew Sung Brian boys Girls Esther Yae, Angela Alice
Sammy Do Han Daniel M. bath Fireplace/Lounge bath Hanna L. Jihae Christina
room room
George Mike Terry April Joanna Angie
Francis Jihoon Chadd Deborah Amanda Samantha Lucy
Ryan Alec Minu Michelle Hannah F Sarah Kim Nuri
Isaac Young Billy Office Shana Sarah Lee Grace Sandra

David Chris Jinkyu Christi Sarah Tamara

girls boys
br br
Dining KITCHEN air
stairs Storage hockey
Not Pictured: Daniel Song & Tamara

Mojojojo & Christi ‘JO’ anna Sweet Angie

MikekiM (get it?? :P) Creative Chris Rockstar Lily!

Dancing David

Compassionate Jin Gifted George Cutie April :)

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Playlist> Inspirational
If you’re going through hell, keep on going -Winston Churchill
( Joanna Ellefson)
Mother Teresa said God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only
requires that you try but I say with Faith anything is possible, so >
don’t give up! (Jin Kyu Lee)
Nothing travels faster than the light except for good news. Good
news has its own principles that it follows ( David Han) >
Deut 31:6 ( George) >
Hebrews 11:6.....FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (P. Annie& Lesley) >
Focus on the things above (Eternity), not on the things of this earth that
are temporary and will soon pass away. Life has more meaning and brings
more happiness when we focus apon God. “For whoever exalts himself >
will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew
23:12 ( Joe & Christi)
I know that some of you have been contemplating about whether or not
you should be here…not sure if your friends were coming, not feeling
like you fit in here, or whatever may cross your mind. But you’re here! And
praise God for that because - God loves relationship with YOU. Consider
this time a chance for you to grow one step more, one level up in your
journey with God. I remember when I was in youth group, I loved coming >
to camp to get some radical revelations, but would get disappointed a lot
afterwards because it seemed like I would still fall down again and again.
What I failed to realize is that a relationship with our God is a journey, not
a onetime deal. Each camp we go to, we add to the story of our life. Our
faith DOES grow bigger. Let yourself be open to whatever God wants to
do in your heart. You might get messed up (in the good way) but all be-
cause you are loved. How do I know? John 3:16. You know it. ( Angie Kim)

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You have been given a task of the most dire secrecy.
You must follow the following two rules

1. Commit random acts of kindness

2. You must be SECRETIVE or you FAIL.
[plus your identity will be revealed at the campfire.]

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Leaders of the Team listed as

“cooking” must supervise/lead

Lead by: Angie
Cooking: Church ladies
Cleanup: All teams

Breakfast Bar Sandwiches Spaghetti
Cooking:Team 3 Cooking: Team4 Cooking: Team6
Cleanup:Team 1 Cleanup: Team 2 Cleanup: Team 5

Breakfast Bar Fried rice Grill
Cooking:Team 5 Cooking: Team 1 Cooking: Team2
Cleanup:Team 4 Cleanup: Team 6 Cleanup: Team 3

Breakfast Bar
Lead by: Lily + David
Cook/Cleanup: Counselors
Now Praying
Day 1 of 3

Understand the truth. He chose you FIRST

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in
Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. (Ephesians 1:4)

Please look these up:

Isaiah 41:9, Matt 12:18, John 15:16, Eph 1:4, Deut 7:6

> What does this TRUTH mean to you?

> KNOWING this TRUTH-how can it impact your life?

Now what???

Please share your insight with your peers and leaders!!!

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Day 1 Day 3
Now Praying
Day 2 of 3
Take Part in the Truth:
So the bible tells us that
we need to live a lifestyle
for God, be the light, love
the Lord, love the people,
follow the ten command-
ments, be a part of this
world but not live of this
world, be strong, devote
our life to God… and the
list goes on.

> Find some places in the bible of areas in your life you
know God has spoken to you.

(leaders are here to help you with this.)

> Spend some time in prayer with someone to help

you be accountable for your choices.
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Day 2 Day 3
Now Praying
Day 3 of 3


Make your CHOICE
SO now you know the
truth, you chose the truth.
What to do now? Lets take
this truth and live it out.
Let’s not make our feelings
determine how we live, but
to use our feelings to show passion and desire for our loving

> What is true religion, what is true faith, what is living life?
> What can we do when we begin to feel our fire dying?
> What can we do when we see others falling?
> What can we do when we grow spiritually, but unable to
get motivated?
> COLOSSIANS 3 (please read and meditate)

We’re to act this way because these are the characteristics

of God. God is merciful and kind and humble and gentle and
patient. And so it’s your choice today. As a Christian, what are
people going to learn about God when they see you?
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Day 3 Day 3
8:00a Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
9:00a Clean up
9:30a Warfare Warfare pack
prayer prayer
10:00a service service
10:30a pictures
11:00a Depart
11:30a Group �me Group �me
12:30p Packing Lunch Lunch
1:00p Lunch
1:30p Registra�on/ Team building Relay/kickball
2:00p t-shirt
3:00p Arrive at site
3:30p Icebreakers
4:00p /rules/groups Capture the free �me
4:30p Flag

5:00p Group �me/

skit/get to
6:00p Dinner Dinner Dinner
7:00p Warfare Warfare Warfare
prayer prayer Prayer
7:30p Service Service Service
10:00p Snack Snack
11:00p Group discus- Group discus-
sion sion
11:30p Lights out Lights out Camp Fire/
12:00a Snack
1:30a Lights out

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