Kinect Is Awesome

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Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012

Application of Microsoft Kinect sensor for tracking construction workers

I.P. Tharindu WEERASINGHE1, Janaka Y. RUWANPURA2, Jeffrey E. BOYD3 and

Ayman F. HABIB4

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,

T2N1N4; PH (403) 667-8313; email:
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
T2N1N4; PH (403) 870-7503; email:
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
T2N1N4; PH (403) 220-6038; email:
Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, T2N1N4; PH (403) 220-7105; email:
The image processing based human recognition is yet a challenging task
because of series of complications such as variations in pose, lighting conditions and
complexity of background in the tracking environment. This study introduces a novel
methodology to track construction workers using image processing techniques and
depth information generated from the Microsoft Kinect sensor. Kinect is a new game
controller technology introduced by Microsoft in November 2010. This automated
real-time worker tracking system provides an opportunity to track the construction
worker location and their movements in a specified indoor work area. The research
study proposes a properly color coded construction hardhat as a key tracking object
which can be used to differentiate site personnel (worker, supervisor, engineer, etc.).
The proposed method detects construction workers in three major stages
which includes human recognition, hardhat recognition and 3D localization. The
human recognition is done by analysing human body parts. 3D positions of body
joints are accurately predicted from a single depth image. The construction hardhat
detection is based on characteristics of the hardhat such as unique shape and color.
Template based template matching is used as the pattern recognition technique.
Keywords: Microsoft Kinect sensor, worker tracking, worker performance, Image
processing, construction prod-Tharindu uctivity, project management.
Kinect has been developed for Microsoft Xbox 360 game console and
includes cameras that deliver depth information, color data. However, independent
developers offer solutions for using Kinect separate from the game console and for
the most common operating systems. CLNUI, OpenNI or Microsoft windows SDK
enable applications to access and manipulate this data with all libraries needed for
data processing. In this study, we used the OpenNI Platform to design the worker


Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012


tracking system. Figure 1 shows main components of the Kinect sensor which has
been used as the main device in this research. A standard CMOS image sensor
receives the projected structured infrared (IR) light pattern and processes the IR
image and produces an accurate per-frame depth image of the scene (PrimeSense,
Y (mm)

Kinect 3D Coordinates


Z (mm)

X (mm)

Figure 1: Main components of the Kinect sensor

Many construction projects are not systematically monitored due to difficulty
of gathering reliable information to assess the worker tool time of ongoing
construction work. The current method of productivity assessment requires manual
data collection which is carried out by employing observers to collect worker tool
time and performance information from construction sites. The quality of such
manually collected data is significantly low because of human errors (biased working
environment, non-standardized recognitions) and limitations in data availability.
Implementing an automated data acquisition system in the construction field is
recognized as the most suitable approach of extracting unbiased worker tool time and
performance information. Several researchers have attempted to solve this problem
by automating the monitoring of construction workers in various techniques such as
systems using radio frequency identity (RFID) tags and receivers, image processing
based systems, etc. However, the industry is still lack of a comprehensive solution
which can facilitate productivity monitoring of a building construction project in its
entirety. The major challenge has been the diversity of activities in building
construction and the complexity of the construction process. This research attempts to
address current data acquisition issues by developing an automated real-time system
to track construction workers to assess worker tool time and performance. The worker
tracking system provides an opportunity to differentiate site personnel (i.e. worker,
supervisor, etc.), track construction worker location and their movements in a
specified work area, which is necessary to measure the worker tool time and the
efficiency. Tool time is defined as the time workers spend in producing a tangible

Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012

In the construction field, progress monitoring is an essential part of a project,
which assists project managers in formulating strategies and making decisions in
resource allocation in order to keep the project on track. There have been several
techniques used to achieve the task of construction progress monitoring. Image
processing based systems, 3D laser scanning methods, radio-frequency identification
(RFID) tags, bar codes and embedded sensor systems are the leading technologies.
The necessity of adding new tasks that need to be performed before, during or after
the utilization of such technologies at a construction site is the main drawback in the
application of laser scanners, RFID tags and embedded sensors (El-Omar & Moselhi,
2008; Kiziltas et al. 2008). RFID reduces performance when proximity of metals and
tag size increases with increasing transmitting power. RFID sensors and bar codes
need additional infrastructure to detect items and are time-consuming to set up. They
are often costly and cannot be attached to many types of components. Laser scanners
are also very costly, require operation expertise and may generate erroneous results
within dynamic scenes. Peddi et al. (2009) developed a human pose recognition
system to measure worker performance. However, this can be used only for selected
construction activities which need to have unique human working poses to recognize
the performance. The infrastructure cost, regular operational cost and range limitation
are the common drawbacks of these methods.
The tracking system is developed to detect the construction worker locations
and their movements within a given work area. The software used to develop all
image processing algorithms is MATLAB R2010a. All real-time RGB images and
depth information are obtained from the kinect sensor. The worker tracking algorithm
is based on the skeletonise figures, and characteristics of the hardhat (i.e. unique
shape and colour of the hardhat). Furthermore, feature based template matching is
used as the pattern recognition technique to detect hardhat shapes of the image. To
reduce the complexity of the research study, two basic assumptions have been made
about the site-end condition as follows;

All the site personnel use similar shaped hardhats.

All the site personnel follow correct color coded hardhats according to
their job title. [Ex: yellow hardhats for labours, red hardhats for
supervisors, etc]

Figure 2 shows the general equipment arrangement of the proposed methodology.


Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012


Figure 2: General equipment setup

Technical overview of the kinect sensor
The range camera technology of the kinect device is developed by the
PrimeSense. The PrimeSensor Reference Design performs more accurate sensory
information by image registration and resultant is pixel-aligned images, which means
that every pixel in the color image is aligned to a pixel in the depth image
(PrimeSense, 2011). Technical specification of the kinect sensor is given in the Table
1 (PrimeSense, 2011).
Table 1: Technical specification of the kinect sensor
Field of View (Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal)
Depth image size
Spatial x/y resolution (@ 2m distance from sensor)
Depth z resolution (@ 2m distance from sensor)
Maximum image throughput (frame rate)
Operation range
Audio: built-in microphones
Power consumption
Operation environment (every lighting condition)

58 H, 45 V, 70 D
VGA (640x480)
0.8m - 3.5m
Two microphones

Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012


According to the assumptions mentioned above, all workers are expected to
wear hardhats when they are in the site. Hence, hardhat can be used as the key
tracking object to represent the worker in the field. In brief, the system recognizes
human figures in the video by detecting the hardhat shape. Then the tracked human is
differentiated based on their job title (ex. labour, supervisor, etc.) based on the color
of the hardhat. Following diagram (Figure 3) illustrates the main tracking stages of
this proposed study.
Skeleton image




Figure 3: Main tracking stages

The proposed tracking system has four modules that work in sequence to increase
robustness. The four modules are;
Human recognition and skeletonising to identify human figures and track
skeleton image of people moving within the kinect field of view
Colour filtration - to differentiate the predefined hardhat color patches
Shape recognition to recognize the reference model shapes (features of the
hardhat) in filtered colour patches
Object localization to convert kinect local 3D coordinates to building
coordinate system.
Skeleton image tracking
The system works on OpenNI platform to access and manipulate data with all
libraries needed for data processing. We used matlab executable (mex) files which
have been developed by Dirk-Jan Kroon (Kroon, 2011) and it is freely available in
matlab central web site. This program is used to extract depth map and RGB image,
and to track skeletons of human figures. All human figures need to be calibrated by
standing on a specific pose at the first time to recognise the skeleton of each human
figure. In the following illustration (Figure 4) shows that the depth map is aligned on
the RGB image, and color range interprets the depth value of each pixel. As an
example, areas in red color indicate objects that are farther from the camera and areas
in blue color indicate objects close to the kinect device. In the kinect device, the range
camera technology is developed by using infrared projector system. Further, human
figure recognition is based on the depth information of the image and taking into
consideration the proportions of body parts. Therefore, this human figure tracking
can be used in low light conditions as well.

Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012

Figure 4: RGB image, Depth map and skeletonise figure

The skeleton of each figure consists with 15 number of human body joints.
And the program generates horizontal and vertical coordinates of each body joint of
each recognized human figure. This information can be used to determine the regions
of interest (ROI) for the hardhat recognition process.
Colour Filtration
The primary objective of this human tracking element is to detect preidentified four colour-coded hardhat shapes embedded in the image frame. In order to
achieve the highest performance, at a relatively low computational cost, the image
color feature extraction is identified. Therefore, colour based segmentation (CIELAB
(CIE L*a*b*) colour space) is proposed to filter the image. The L*a*b* space
consists of a luminosity 'L*' or brightness layer (L=0 black, 100 white), chromaticity
layer 'a*' indicating where color falls along the red-green axis, and chromaticity layer
'b*' indicating where the color falls along the blue-yellow axis. The ROI for this color
segmentation is selected by analysing the skeleton image. We used headzone: an
effective radius centered from the coordinate of the head node of the skeleton in the
same depth range as the ROI. The ROI selection process is illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5: ROI selection process

Pattern recognition
Template matching is one of the popular techniques for finding objects of an
image. Objects are directly compared with stored sample images or prototypes while
taking into account all allowable poses (translation and rotation) and scale changes


Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012

(Jain et al. 2000). Template matching can be classified into two categories: feature
based and template based matching. In this study, template based template matching
is considered as the pattern recognition method since the template does not contain
strong features and whole image constitutes the matching image. Generally, two
common matching algorithms are often used to measure the similarity between two
images: minimum-distance measurement and the correlation measurement. Although
the minimum-distance measurement technique calculates the distance rapidly, it is
easily disturbed by noise (Chang et al. 2009). Hence, correlation measurement is
used. In intensity based correlation, the algorithm uses a certain similarity
measurement to compare the gray value of the corresponding pixel points in the
template and the image. The max-correlation measurement can match the target
exactly even if there is noise in the image. In order to recognize hardhat shapes in the
image, comprehensive database of hardhat images and their characteristic features are
developed (Weerasinghe and Ruwanpura 2010). The characteristic features will
include both low-level image and shape features. Each image in the database contains
a hardhat that is typically used in the construction site. The reference images are
captured based on a spherical grid. The angle between two grid points at the centre is
kept to 20 degrees and all the reference images are captured from a distance of 45cm
away from the camera. Figure 6 shows six raw images and the grid of the viewing

Figure 6: Viewing sphere grid and raw images

Then these raw images are normalized into a common pose and scaled down to a
standard size. In this stage, all raw images are converted into grayscale format and
transformed into a standard image format which has the same image size and same
orientation. The simplest and most widely accepted orientation is based on the
principal axes of the object, which consists of its orientation and position with
respect to an orthogonal frame or coordinate system. The image normalizing
procedure is displayed in Figure 7.

Figure 7: image normalizing procedure


Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012


Image similarity factor determination

In this worker hardhat detection process, the system recognizes the best similar
hardhat shapes embedded in the current image frame. The filtered color blob at each
head node area is converted into gray scale format and normalized into a common
pose and fit into a standard size same as the reference image preparation section.
Standardization of images reduces the computational cost and the complexity of the
similarity measurement process. To determine the maximum similarity between two
images, the correlation function is applied as shown in below.

Where , and , are intensities of reference image and the filtered color blob (grayscale format) with (m, n) dimensions. And , represent row and column vectors. If
correlation value exceeds the threshold level, the color blob is considered as a
Object localization
The matlab executable files (Kroon, 2011) used to extract kinect sensory information
are able to generate local 3D coordinates of a target with respect to the kinect device.
Therefore, for a better utilization, these local coordinates need to be transformed into
building coordinate system. First, the camera calibration procedure will be followed
to determine interior and exterior parameters of the kinect camera (Brown, 1971).
These parameters will be used to apply 3D transformation from the camera coordinate
system to the building coordinate system. A set of ground control points onsite is
used to calibrate the location and the rotation angles with respect to the building
coordinate system. The mathematical model for the 3D transformation is illustrated
below (Zeng, 2010);

is ground coordinate vector,
is translational (shift) vector, scale
is the rotational relationship between the image and the ground
coordinate systems and is image coordinate vector. Once the above equation is
applied, ground coordinates of the kinect device can be determined.
Figure 8 shows the results of the worker tracking system when multiple workers in
different disciplines are on-site. As an example it recognizes people on-site and
differentiates them according to their coloured hardhats. Then worker identity number
and category are displayed in the middle of the person. In addition, transformed

Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012

building coordinates of tracked workers are displayed in a separate table which also
includes block/area number currently they are working on.

Figure 8: Multiple workers in different disciplines

This comprehensive research study outlines a conceptual frame work for
development of a real time and fully automated system to measure worker movement
patterns using image processing techniques. A kinect device is used to detect humans
in a construction site. A novel approach presented in this paper adds another
dimension to the construction industry by providing an opportunity for more precise
inputs to the tool time assessments and to automate the worker productivity
measurements. The main drawback of this system is the distance limitation of the
kinect sensor. According to the camera specification, the maximum depth information
can be generated only within the limit of 4m from the camera. Therefore, this project
will focus only on close range of objects in indoor working environment. The main
highlighted benefit of this proposed system is worker recognition and 3D positioning
determined from a single view point which reduces equipment cost while improving
the practicability of implementation on-site. In addition, this system will be a better
solution for image processing based human tracking under low lighting conditions,
since the depth information is determined from an infrared structured light array
system. Further, the system can effectively recognize human body parts including
head and hands of a person in most of the poses. Therefore, worker recognition is
achieved by analysing the proximity of hardhat and the head location. This
information is used to eliminate false indications for nearly hardhat shapes and
removed hardhats and elevates the robustness of the tracking process. Furthermore,
real world 3D coordinates of tracked workers are determined using depth map
generated from kinect and the camera calibrated results including 3D location and
rotation angles of the camera. In addition, information of coordinates of these body
parts can be effectively utilized to analyze human poses related to construction


Construction Research Congress 2012 ASCE 2012

activities in a future research. This study may lead to determine worker performance
and assists project managers and planners as a planning tool in developing strategies
for improving labour productivity and labour allocation.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support and funding for this research
project provided by Canadian Foundation for Innovation and CANA, PCL, Ellis Don,
Graham, Ledcor, Revay & Associates, Stuart Olson, Canadian Construction Research
Board, Calgary Construction Association, and the Natural Sciences Engineering
Research Council under their Collaborative Research and Development Grant CRDPJ
341047 06.
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