Research and Development of 3D Modeling: Xi-Dao LUAN, Yu-Xiang XIE, Long YING and Ling-Da WU
Research and Development of 3D Modeling: Xi-Dao LUAN, Yu-Xiang XIE, Long YING and Ling-Da WU
Research and Development of 3D Modeling: Xi-Dao LUAN, Yu-Xiang XIE, Long YING and Ling-Da WU
1, January 2008 49
2.1 Laser Scanning System Dhenain et al. scann mouse embryos by micro-MRI, and
the resolution achieved is 20-80 micron voxels.
Laser scanning systems, for example VIVID910, have It is easier for IBMR to map a suitable texture on
remarkable advantages: high speed (scanning time varies model’s surface. But effect of this method mainly depends
from 0.3 sec (fast mode) to 2.5 sec (fine mode)), enormous on the algorithmic design of modeling. These algorithms,
data (up to 77,000 or 300,000 points for fast and fine such as modeling based on shadow or silhouettes, are
modes respectively), high accuracy (0.22mm, 0.16mm and mostly complex and need more computing resource. In
0.10mm in x, y and z respectively), and simplicity. addition, this type of algorithm can hardly model accurately
According to object sizes and measurement distances, users an object with a concave part of surface. It is a common
also can select and use one of 3 types of exchangeable issue for perspective-based algorithms.
mounted lens. In recent years, to acquire 3D information in
To model outdoors environments efficiently and laboratory, some researchers adopt common equipments
accurately, Toshihiro and Masayuki [3] get range and color including a turntable and a digital camera [8, 9, 10]. The
data by integrating an omnidirectional laser rangefinder and components are not complex and easy to find, install, and
an omnidirectional multi-camera system. To register use. In these systems, the cameras are all fixed. By turning
multiple range data of wide area stably and simultaneously the turntable, obtain the real object’s multiview range
by the improved ICP algorithm, planar surfaces such as images. To register and merge range images into a common
walls and roads are extracted and used in the registration coordinate system automatically, Soon-Yong Park et al.
process. The generated surface model is then texture- introduce and calibrate a turntable coordinate system with
mapped by omnidirectional images selected in respect to the camera coordinate system [8]. Ulaş Yılmaz et
consideration of resolution and occlusion. The al. propose a vision based camera calibration algorithm and
omnidirectional laser rangefinder LMS-Z360’s measurable use this algorithm in the extraction of the rotations axis [9].
range varies 1m to 200m, and its measurement accuracy is Miguel Sainz et al. [10] and [8] add artificial fiducial
±12mm. patterns to the scene to help detect features and calibrate the
To acquire 3D information of buildings in an accurate stereo camera. The hardware configuration is simple and
and fast way, Yusuf Arayici adopted 3D laser scanner inexpensive. The complexity of the methods is also
technology for CAD modeling [4]. In this EU funded decreased. But the design of these systems limits their
INTELCITIES project, the CAD modeling is integrated application, especially for wide area environment and
with various systems such as 3D printing and VR objects that can’t be moved.
projection systems for storing data of existing buildings, e- Before constructing models, calibrating camera to get
Planning and e-Inclusion, e-Regeneration, Virtual Urban camera’s internal and external parameter is important and
Planning, etc ( necessary. For systems that use fixed cameras, calibrating is
Tough this type system can get 3D data of objects’ easier, but some parts of object with key geometry
surface as point clouds in an accurate, fast and automatic characters may not be sampled and acquired. The model
way, the related equipments are expensive and restricted to reconstructed will have inevitable deficiency of structure
the condition; some systems do not work well in sun or rain. and texture. Compared with fixed-camera system, systems
Though the acquisition phase can profit of automatic that use hand-held cameras can get object’s 3D data of all
procedures, the 3D point clouds needs post-processing for sides, but it brings difficulties of camera calibration and
a useable output. To represent an architectural object image matching.
analytically, it especially requires many manual actions. To get hand-held camera’s parameter, Liu Gang [11]
accordingly selected some characteristic points of range
2.2 Close Range Photogrammetric System images by human-computer interaction. This type of system
also can input some patterns in the scene or the background
Close range photogrammetric systems, such as V-STARS to help calibration, while the object to be modeled might
system, are relatively cheap. Research results of [5] indicate occlude partially the pattern. Anselmo Antunes Montenegro
its practicality in terms of speed, reliability, flexibility and et al. [12] adopt a calibration method based on model
accuracy. In medical area, 3D data of organs and tissue recognition, which is an adaptive space-carving algorithm
usually come from computed tomography (CT), magnetic that uses photometric and segmentation information.
resonance imaging (MRI), optical microscopy, micro CT,
etc. Each has its own advantages and limitations. The latest
development of micro-CT technology has been successfully
used to model lung tissue at 10-50 micron resolution [6].
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8 No.1, January 2008 51
3.1 Image-Based Modeling and Rendering Reconstruction