A Literature Review On The Impact of Enterprise Systems On Management Accounting
A Literature Review On The Impact of Enterprise Systems On Management Accounting
A Literature Review On The Impact of Enterprise Systems On Management Accounting
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This paper provides a comprehensive review of previous research at the interface of
enterprise systems (i.e. enterprise resource planning (ERP), business intelligence (BI)
systems) and management accounting. To date, research has focused mainly on ERP
systems with the exception of one study which also investigated BI systems. Studies are
reviewed under three categories: those that have employed a positivist approach, an
interpretivist approach, and a combination of both approaches. The findings of the literature
review suggest that the majority of previous empirical studies has tended to focus on
describing changes in management accounting practice and in the role of the management
accountant resulting from ERP implementations rather than focusing on analyzing and
understanding these changes. The paper presents a research agenda which aims to help
academics and practitioners achieve a better understanding of the impact that enterprise
systems may have on management accounting.
Keywords: enterprise systems, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence,
management accounting, management accountant, literature review
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
1. Introduction
In light of recent dramatic changes in the corporate world, namely globalisation and
severe competition, the contribution of management accounting to business control
and planning has increased considerably. Recent advancements in the corporate use
of information technology (IT), commonly, known as enterprise systems (ES), appear
to have the potential to enhance this contribution (see, for example, Nicolaou, 2008;
Kallunki et al., 2011). The term ES is widely used in the literature (see, for example,
Davenport, 1998, 2000; Shang and Seddon, 2002; Brown and Vessey, 2003;
Davenport et al., 2004; Moller, 2005; Alvarez, 2008; Schubert and William, 2009),
and refers to business information systems that are implemented in order to integrate
information flow across the entire organisation. Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
systems, the primary ES form (Sutton, 2006), succeeded manufacturing resource
planning (MRPII) systems in the mid-1990s. In comparison to their predecessors,
ERP systems are expanded both functionally and technologically (David et al., 1999;
Olhager and Selldin, 2003). While MRPII systems were designed for materials
management and production planning purposes, ERP systems are, according to
Sadagopan (2003), capable of addressing the needs of several additional business
functions such as finance, cost, sales, quality management, plant maintenance,
service management, and human resources. To attain integration between the
abovementioned functional areas, ERP systems exploit a centralised database which
collects and stores data within the organisation in real-time.
Although ERP systems are generally designed and introduced by non-accountants,
they are closely connected with the accounting processes (Chapman, 2005). As
indicated by Sadagopan (2003), some of the most ordinary accounting processes,
which are incorporated in an ERP system, include: general ledger, accounts
receivable, accounts payable, financial control, asset management, funds flow, cost
centers, profit centers, profitability analysis, order and project accounting, product
cost accounting, and performance analysis. Accordingly, ERP systems should have
implications for all areas of accounting (Hunton, 2002; Sutton, 2006).
The deployment of ERP systems generally results in significant reductions in the
routine tasks of management accountants (Lowe, 2004; Arnold and Sutton, 2007;
Drury, 2008) and the subsequent a transition in their role from one of information
gatherer or transaction-orientated role, to one of information analyst or businessorientated role (Granlund and Lukka, 1998; Hunton, 2002) or more simply from the
back office to the front office (Holtzman, 2004). Furthermore, management
accounting practices, whether traditional or modern, may become more efficient and
effective when supported with ERP systems (see, for example, Edwards, 2001;
Baxendale and Jama, 2003; Lea and Min, 2003; Scapens and Jazayeri, 2003; He,
2007; Lea, 2007). This is possible through greater information integration, greater
flexibility in information access, and superior functionality (Booth et al., 2000). More
recently, the enrichment of ERP systems with new ES, such as business intelligence
(BI) systems, appears to have had a significant boost to the role of management
accounting. BI systems normally sit on top of ERP systems, and are intended to
bridge transactional efficiency with strategic planning (see figure 1). BI comprise a
set of tools used for data analysis, query and reporting (Elbashir et al., 2008) and
supporting strategic decision-making (Fahy, 2001; Bucher et al., 2009; Mikroyannidis
and Theodoulidis, 2010) by providing managers with insights into their business
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
Since the early 2000s, the interaction between ES and management accounting has
constituted a research topic of particular interest, and there is a growing body of
literature in this area. The first and extensive detailed works in this line of research
surfaced as a consequence of the large scale adoption of ERP systems (see, for
example, Booth et al., 2000; Granlund and Malmi, 2002; Caglio, 2003; Hyvonen,
2003; Scapens and Jazayeri, 2003). To date, researchers have shown interest in
ERP systems, with the exception of Rom and Rohde (2006) who have also paid
attention to BI systems.
Despite the fact that considerable research has been devoted to the impact that ERP
systems have upon both management accounting practice and role of the
management accountant, no clear conclusions on these issues can be drawn. This is
due to the fact that, up to now, most research has tended to focus on describing
changes in management accounting resulting from ERP implementations rather than
focus on analyzing and understanding them. In other words, whilst researchers have
indicated how ERP systems may have an impact on management accounting
practice and on the management accountants role, they have largely neglected to
consider the explanatory variables of these impacts. These variables exert influence
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the next section the search
approach adopted to undertake the literature review is outlined. This is followed with
a review of previous empirical research at the interface of ES and management
accounting. The next section summarises and discusses the findings of the literature
review. Finally, some concluding remarks and areas of further research are outlined
in the concluding section.
2. Literature Search
In order to carry out a comprehensive literature search, the following search strategy
was adopted for the period 1995 to 2011.
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
3. Literature Review
To date, a number of empirical studies have investigated the relationship between
ES and management accounting. Using methodological criteria, these studies can
generally be grouped into three categories: those which have employed a positivist
approach, an interpretivist approach, and a combination of both approaches. The
differences between the two research paradigms (i.e. positivism and interpretivism)
lie in the selection of the research method (Weber, 2004). Positivist researchers
usually carry out surveys or experiments, while interpretivist researchers typically
conduct case studies. On the basis of the above three categories, a review of the
literature is now conducted.
3.1. Empirical Studies Employing a Positivist Approach
Table 1 provides a summary of previous research within the area of ES and
management accounting which has adopted a positivist paradigm. A review of these
studies indicates that the survey method has been used extensively.
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
Table 1 Empirical research within the area of ES and management accounting which has employed a positivist approach
Booth et al.
Type of survey
Chief financial officers
86 firms
45 firms
68 firms
Financial controllers
26 firms
1 University, 43 employees
Postal, telephone
28 firms
Business controllers
35 firms
349 firms
73 firms
Management accountants
Sangster et al.
62 CIMA members
Management accountants
: not acknowledged; IMA: Institute of Management Accountants; CIMA: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
At this point, it is useful to note that the majority of surveys have been designed to
examine the impact of ERP systems on management accounting practice. In this
context, some studies have focused on identifying changes only with regard to the
transactional aspects of management accounting (e.g. changes in information
processing), while other studies have also paid attention to the strategic aspect of
management accounting by viewing ERP systems as enablers of sophisticated
accounting techniques (e.g. activity based costing (ABC), benchmarking, balanced
scorecard (BSC)). Some research has also been conducted which has explored the
interaction between the ERP system and the management accountant.
Booth et al.s (2000) study represents the first systematic attempt to examine the
impact of ERP systems on management accounting practice. The study attempted to
assess whether organisations with ERP systems experience higher levels of
information integration, improvements in terms of reporting and decision-making, and
a greater use of sophisticated accounting techniques. Using a survey which was
distributed to the top 800 companies in Australia, seventy four responses were
received (giving a 9.3% response rate). However, since the authors wanted to
compare ERP and non-ERP users, any company who had an ERP project under
consideration or an ERP implementation in progress was excluded from the analysis.
The final sample therefore consisted of 55 firms, representing 32 non-ERP and 23
ERP users. Booth et al.s findings indicated that ERP systems are effective in
supporting information processing but less so for reporting and decision-making
support. Rather surprisingly, there was no noteworthy difference between ERP and
non-ERP users regarding the level of information integration with a possible
explanation being that most ERP implementations were at an early stage of
development. Since ERP systems often need years to bed in (Adhikari et al., 2004),
the majority of benefits are expected to be extracted from these systems when they
are in their maturity phase. Booth et al. (2000) also indicated that ERP systems have
a minor impact on the adoption of sophisticated accounting techniques. In particular,
no statistically significant difference in the utilisation of such techniques between
ERP and non-ERP users was determined. For this reason, Booth et al. (2000)
deduced that ERP systems do not constitute an incentive for the adoption of
sophisticated accounting techniques.
In a similar vein, Hyvonen (2003) conducted a comparison between ERP and best of
breed (BoB) systems in respect of their impact on management accounting practice.
BoB systems are stand-alone applications designed to support a single or small
number of functional areas rather than the entire organisation (Engle, 2008). As
illustrated by Rom and Rohde (2006), BoB systems are normally installed to assist
practitioners in dealing with activities such as consolidation, budgeting, costing and
performance measurement. A questionnaire was distributed to 300 large and
medium-sized businesses in Finland with 99 responses received (response rate of
33%). Their findings indicate that ERP systems were used by 53% of the
respondents, while the remainder used BoB systems. Based on 86 usable responses
(13 enterprises which had not updated their information systems during the 1990s
were excluded from the final sample), Hyvonen (2003) argued that ERP and BoB
systems exert almost the same influence on management accounting practice, as no
statistically significant differences between these information systems were found.
Explicitly, both had a small impact on the introduction of sophisticated accounting
techniques. However, it is worth noting that in most cases where such techniques
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
were adopted, companies had an ERP system. Furthermore, Hyvonen (2003) reports
that BoB systems surpass ERP systems in terms of solving management accounting
problems related to budgeting, cost control and flexibility, accuracy and reliability of
reporting activities. In summary, the findings of this study corroborate earlier
evidence provided by Booth et al. (2000) that ERP systems are not sufficient in terms
of reporting and do not motivate the utilisation of sophisticated accounting
Spathis and Constantinides (2003) also explore how ERP systems have influenced
the management of accounting information. Using telephone contacts from a random
sample of 98 large and medium-sized Greek companies, the researchers report on
the practices of 45 organisations (response rate of 45.9%). The most highly rated
ERP perceived accounting benefits found by the researchers were increased
flexibility in information generation, improved quality of reports and increased
integration of applications. No significant improvements were experienced by the
surveyed firms with regard to the time required for issuing reports and the decisionmaking process. The findings of Spathis and Constantinides (2003) are therefore
much in line with those of Booth et al. (2000) which suggested that ERP systems are
effective in supporting information processing, but not as effective in terms of
reporting and decision-making support.
One year later, Doran and Walsh (2004) reported the results of a survey which was
designed to examine the impact that ERP systems have upon both management
accounting practice and the role of the management accountant. Using a survey,
Doran and Walsh (2004) received 70 responses from Irish companies (representing
a response rate of 45.8%). In comparison with the findings of Booth et al. (2000) and
Hyvonen (2003), Doran and Walsh (2004) found a stronger relationship between
ERP systems and management accounting. In particular, while the former indicated
that ERP implementations are not significantly associated with the adoption of
sophisticated accounting techniques, the latter revealed that several companies
utilised such techniques alongside ERP systems. The findings also suggest that ERP
systems increase the use of numerous traditional management accounting practices,
(e.g. variance analysis, standard costing, marginal costing, breakeven analysis).
Finally, the findings suggest that ERP systems advance the role of the management
accountant. For example, following the implementation of ERP systems, more
comprehensive information is automatically provided to managers which
consequently free the management accountant from manual tasks and facilitate more
time for information analysis to support key decision makers.
In a similar fashion, Spathis and Constantinides (2004) attempted to identify what
changes to management accounting practice have come about as a result of ERP
implementations. Extending their earlier study which investigated the impact that
ERP systems have on the management of accounting information, they examined
whether ERP implementations in the Greek business context are associated with the
adoption of sophisticated accounting techniques. Again using a random sample of
telephone contacts of 98 large and medium-sized companies, Spathis and
Constantinides (2004) report on 26 companies which participated in the study
(response rate of 26.5%). The findings of this study are in line with those of Doran
and Walsh (2004) and suggest that after the implementation of ERP systems,
sophisticated accounting techniques, such as ABC and target costing are
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
Budgeting: more automated, more detailed, more accurate, easier to use, easier
for consolidations, and improved overview capacity.
Operating statements: more automated, more detailed and quicker generation.
Forecasting: longer term, more frequent, rolling and not merely fixed period, more
accurate, more integrated, and more detailed.
Performance measurement: expanded, more detailed, more focused on
operations, more flexible reports, greater use of benchmarking.
Costing: more detailed, more focused, more accurate, more flexible reports.
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
indicates that ERP systems support tasks of information processing better than
reporting and decision-making activities. Interestingly, Spathis (2006) also measured
the correlation between the number of ERP perceived accounting benefits and a
number of independent variables: number of implemented ERP modules, number of
reasons for ERP implementation, cost of ERP implementation (as a percentage of
sales) and company size (total assets). He found that there is a positive correlation
between the independent variables (with the exception of the cost of ERP
implementation) and the number of accounting benefits. Conversely, a negative
correlation was found between the cost of ERP implementation and the number of
accounting benefits. The most influential independent variable found in the study was
the number of implemented ERP modules.
In a more recent study, Jean-Baptiste (2009) evaluated the contribution of
management accountants to the deployment of ERP systems. The research
methodology adopted included the distribution of a questionnaire in 2005 to
approximately 50,000 members of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).
Three years later, the same survey was also sent to 45 certified public accountants
outside of the IMA group. The questionnaire was completed only by management
accountants with ERP experience. In total, 219 responses were received, of which
212 were suitable for analysis. The researcher reports the existence of a significant
positive relationship between the participation of management accountants in an
ERP implementation and its level of success. Jean-Baptiste (2009) also found that
when management accountants are equipped with high IT skills, they are more likely
to become members of ERP groups in both the implementation and maintenance
phases of ERP systems. The author also stresses that during the implementation of
an ERP system, management accountants need enhanced financial, knowledge
sharing and IT skills. These same skills are also required in the post implementation
phase. Interestingly, report writing abilities were found to be an additional skill
required by management accountants after the implementation of an ERP system.
This finding seems to corroborate evidence provided by earlier research that ERP
systems are not sufficient in terms of information reporting and decision-making. As a
consequence, management accountants are often forced to develop additional
reports via the use of spreadsheets in order to present relevant information to
decision makers.
In the most recent study to adopt a positive perspective, Sangster et al. (2009)
examined the relationship between ERP systems and management accounting,
paying particular attention to the impact these systems have upon the role of the
management accountant. The ultimate objective of this study was to detect whether
there is a relationship between the level of success of ERP implementations and the
extent of change in the role of the management accountant. Sangster et al.s (2009)
survey instrument was designed by drawing heavily on the research of Grabski et al.
(2009) and other related literature. Grabski et al (2009) found that the more
successful an ERP implementation is, the more significant the changes which take
place in the role of the management accountant. Sangster et al.s sample consisted
of 668 members of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) who
were employed in large UK organisations. Ninety two questionnaires were
completed, representing a 13.8% response rate. Of these, only 62 were used for
analysis, representing management accountants who were employed for an ERP
adopting organisation. The findings of Sangster et al.s study suggest that the level
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
Table 2 Empirical research within the area of ES and management accounting which has employed an interpretivist approach
No. of
No. of
1h (each)
U.K., Japan,
Belgium, U.S.A.
Kholeif et al.
> 2h (each)
> 2h (each)
> 2h (each)
Grabski et al.
1h (each)
1-3h (each)
Management accountants
Senior managers
Management accountants, Management consultants,
Information technology managers, Senior Managers
: not acknowledged
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
In the same year, Scapens and Jazayeri (2003) investigated how the implementation
of an ERP system changed management accounting practice as well as the role of
management accountants in a large US-based manufacturer of building materials,
referred to as BM by the researchers. Interviews were conducted with practitioners
involved in the implementation phase of the ERP system and with employees most
affected by its deployment. Scapens and Jazayeri (2003) observe that the ERP
system had a moderate impact on management accounting practice. Specifically, it
increased information visibility, thus making accounting information more readily
available to decision-makers. It also enabled BM to carry out more frequent and
efficient forecasts, and improved the conditions under which standard costing and
actual costing were performed (e.g. input automation). In contrast, the ERP system
was unable to provide all the reports required by BMs management, and, as a
consequence, spreadsheets were often used by management accountants to
organise and report the information produced by the ERP system. The impact of the
ERP system on the role of management accountants was important, as a number of
positive changes in the tasks of these professionals are reported by the researchers.
Most of the routine tasks of management accountants are now completed by the
ERP system or non-accountants, and management accountants are now more
concerned with interpreting the information generated by the ERP system. This
change in emphasis has, however, resulted in the loss of some traditional skills.
These findings largely confirm those reported by Granlund and Malmi (2002) and
Caglio (2003).
In later work, Dechow and Mouritsen (2005) analysed how two large Danish
multinational manufacturing firms attempted to improve management control by
adopting an ERP system. In both firms, the researchers observed that post ERP
implementation, the financial statements were generated more frequently, were more
complete and reliable due to the automated and continuous data reconciliation
afforded by the ERP system. One of the two firms tried to utilise benchmarking
techniques in the ERP environment. However, the ERP system could not effectively
support the measurement of divisional performance. Additionally, management
accounting data could not be properly collected and aggregated due to the
complexity of the ERP system. This finding is in line with that of Granlund and Malmi
(2002) that ERP systems do not effectively support the utilisation of sophisticated
accounting techniques because of the complexity of their architecture. This led
Dechow and Mouritsen (2005) to conclude that the accounting benefits achieved via
the deployment of the ERP system were limited to the consolidation of data.
Quattrone and Hopper (2005) also investigated how two large multinational
manufacturing organizations attempted to improve management control by adopting
an ERP system. Managers who were closely involved in the ERP implementation
were interviewed and relevant documentation was analyzed. The findings of the case
studies show that ERP systems increase information visibility. Prior to ERP
implementation, management accountants were responsible for gathering and
providing information to managers. Post implementation, the ERP system carries out
these tasks. The researchers also indicate that post ERP implementation, tasks,
which were formerly performed by management accountants (e.g. books of
subsidiaries), are now performed by non-accountants through the ERP system.
Quattrone and Hopper (2005) also report that post ERP implementation,
management accountants wanted to utilize benchmarking techniques. However, this
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
was impossible due to the complexity of the ERP system. With respect to
management accounting practice, the ERP system merely automated information
processing confirming the findings of earlier studies (Granlund and Malmi, 2002);
Scapens and Jazayeri, 2003; Dechow and Mouritsen, 2005).
In a later study, Sayed (2006) investigated the impact of ERP systems on the role of
management accountants in a large Egyptian manufacturing company. Drawing on
interviews with key practitioners, Sayed (2006) report that the lack of qualified IT
specialists during the implementation phase of the ERP system affected its
functionality which in turn affected the way the system was used. For example, a
senior accountant within the company commented that accounting personnel relied
on the help menu in order to understand how to perform their tasks in the new
environment. Additionally, during the ERP implementation, there was a high level of
antagonism between the accounting and production personnel regarding control of
the system. The factory manager wanted to have control over the ERP system in
order to improve production control while the accountant function argued that the
ERP system should be under the control of the accounting department as financial
statements are the final output of the system. To overcome this disagreement, the
firms management accountants attempted, and, eventually, succeeded in adapting
the ERP system to meet the needs of both the production and accounting staff.
Sayeds (2006) findings demonstrate that due to the lack of personnel equipped with
appropriate IT skills, management accountants were required to enhance their
technological expertise, and, in the long run, to represent themselves as experts in
extracting the benefits from the ERP system. The author concludes that in a business
environment, where some routine accounting tasks are accomplished by the ERP
system and others are carried out by non-accounting staff, management accountants
should redefine themselves and acquire new skills (e.g. communication skills,
teamwork skills, IT skills, strategic thinking) so that they remain indispensable.
Using a similar methodology to that of Granlund and Malmi (2002), Rikhardsson and
Kraemmergaard (2006) explored the organisational effects of ERP implementations
in five large Danish manufacturing companies and the municipality of Copenhagen.
Drawing on interviews and case descriptions which were written by those
interviewed, the findings of the study suggest that ERP systems promote better
coordination of processes. Specifically, they automated information processing, and,
in the long run, reduced the need for manual inputs by management accountants.
Prior to ERP implementation, management accountants were the gate keepers of
accounting information and were responsible for gathering and providing this
information to decision makers. Post ERP implementation, accounting information is
more freely available to managers. In order to support decision-making, management
accountants now perform value-adding tasks, such as information analysis, scenario
building and information assurance and presentation.
In a later piece of work, Granlund (2007) investigated the impact that ERP systems
have on management accounting practice. Emerging from a comprehensive review
of the related literature, the researcher performed a number of interviews with
specialists operating in the relevant field. Interviews were supported with additional
sources of information such as informal discussions with key practitioners and written
material (e.g. software product descriptions). Granlund (2007) find that ERP systems
are effective in supporting information processing and, as a result, change to some
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
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8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
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8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
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8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
Conversely, it may be deduced that ERP systems do not effectively support the
utilisation of sophisticated accounting techniques within organizations. Although the
results of several surveys suggest that post ERP implementations, management
accounting techniques such as ABC, target costing, quality costing, the BSC and
benchmarking, were introduced, the overwhelming majority of these techniques were
adopted by only a small number of ERP adopting organisations. A general finding
arising out of the review of interpretivist studies is that ERP systems do not enable
the utilisation of sophisticated accounting techniques because of the immense
complexity of their architecture. For the same reason, ERP systems often provide
insufficient information to facilitate the development of managerial reports (e.g. cost
reports), and, as a result, management accountants are forced to use other systems
such as spreadsheets in order to present the information produced by the ERP
system to decision makers.
The literature review has provided a picture of the changes that may occur to
management accounting practices and the role of the management accountant post
ERP implementation. However, it can be argued that the relationship between ERP
systems and management accounting is still obscure. Indeed it has been suggested
that research on ES as it interrelates with management accounting is at an early
stage of development (Arnold, 2006; Stefanou, 2006; Berry et al., 2009; Granlund,
2011). As a result, Sutton (2006) argues that we really need to move to the next
stage with the development of more generalized theories that help us to understand
the phenomena in a more generalized fashion (p.3). As the literature review
indicates, in order to proceed to the next stage we need to understand better under
what conditions ERP-related changes in management accounting take place and
what the independent variables are in relation to this. As noted in the beginning of
this paper, these are variables which exert influence on the extent of change in
management accounting practice and on the role of the management accountant
resulting from ERP implementations.
In an earlier review of the related literature, Rom and Rohde (2007) concluded that
ERP systems cannot alone drive revolutionary changes in management accounting,
such as strategic-oriented changes including greater adoption of sophisticated
accounting techniques. Rather, ERP systems can simply facilitate such changes.
The current literature review has identified the following five independent variables
which may drive management accounting change: control of ERP implementation,
level of complexity of ERP system, level of IT skills of management accountants,
level of sophistication of management, and use of a BI system as ERP
superstructure. Additional independent variables, which do not result directly from the
literature review, but may exert influence on the extent of change in management
accounting practice and in the role of the management accountant resulting from
ERP implementations, are: cost of ERP implementation, length of the time the
system has been operational, brand of ERP system, number of implemented ERP
modules, number of implemented BI modules, implementation of BI financial module,
implementation of a customer relationship management system, implementation of a
supply chain management system, company size and sector of economic activity.
Given that limited previous research has investigated the impact of these variables,
accounting researchers should focus on these issues in order to enhance our
understanding of the relationship between ES and management accounting.
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
11-12 July 2011, Thassos Island, Greece
The present review suggests that previous empirical research at the interface of ES
and management accounting has tended to focus on describing changes in
management accounting practice and in the role of the management accountant
resulting from ERP implementations rather than focusing on carefully analyzing and
understanding these changes. Whilst researchers have indicated how ERP systems
may impact on management accounting practice and on the role of the management
accountant, they have largely neglected to consider the explanatory variables of
these impacts. To date, there is a lack of research which has attempted to provide a
sufficient explanation for the differences among ERP adopting firms with regard to
the perceived management accounting changes of ERP implementations. Although
recent studies (e.g. Spathis, 2006; Grabski et al., 2009; Sangster et al., 2009) have
increased our understanding of the relationship between ERP systems and
management accounting, substantially more research is needed in order to draw
valid conclusions on this subject.
In this paper, a number of independent variables which may exert influence on the
extent of change in management accounting practice (i.e. first dependent variable)
and in the role of the management accountant (i.e. second dependent variable)
resulting from ERP implementations have been proposed. It is believed that the
investigation of the relationship between pertinent variables will help academics and
practitioners to achieve a better understanding of the impact that ES have upon
management accounting. In order to gain more valuable insights into this issue,
future research might adopt existing information systems theories (e.g. diffusion of
innovations theory, flow theory, technology acceptance model, theory of planned
behavior) as the principle theoretical lens through which to investigate the
phenomena under consideration. However, caution should be applied in theory
selection, as there are information systems theories (e.g. contingency theory, agency
theory, transaction cost economics) which while providing some valuable insights
into the area, they seem to push research into questions and problems that are many
times far from the everyday practice of accountants (Granlund, 2011, p.6). Future
work should seek to develop a research model which will integrate the variables
(independent and dependent) identified in this paper with mediating variables used in
existing information systems theories.
8thInternational Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (8th ICESAL 2011)
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