Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
their L.C.M. is 48. What is sum of the
A. 28 B. 40 C. 64 D. 42
Answer: Option B
Let the numbers be 2x and 3x
LCM of 2x and 3x = 6x (? LCM of 2 and 3
is 6. Hence LCM of 2x and 3x is 6x)
Given that LCM of 2x and 3x is 48
=> x =48#6=8
Sum of the numbers = 2x + 3x = 5x
What is the greatest possible lengthwhich can be used to, measure exactly
the lengths 8 m, 4 m 20 cm and 12m 20
A. 10 cm B. 30 cm C. 25 cm D. 20 cm
Answer: Option D'
Explanation :
Required length = HCF of 800 cm, 420
cm, 1220 cm = 20 cm
The product of two 2 digit numbers is
2028 and their HCF is 13. What are the
numbers ?
A. 26, 78 B. 39, 52 C. 13, 156 D. 36, 68
Answer: Option B
Let the numbers be 13x and 13y (?HCF
of the numbers= 13)
13x x 13y = 2028
= 12
co-primes with product 12 are (1, 12) and
(3, 4) (?.we need to take only
co-primes with product 12. If we 'take two
.numbers with product 12, but not coprime,
the HCF will not remain as 13)
Hence the numbers with HCF 13 and
product 2028
= ('13 x 1, 13 x 12) and (13 x 3,13 x 4)
(13, 156) and (39, 52)
Given that the numbers are 2 digit
Hence numbers are 39 and 52
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Hence, the greatest number which divides
24, 28 and 34 and gives the same
= HCF of 10, 6,4
Six bells'start ringing together and ring
at intervals of 4, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20
seconds respectively, how manytimes will
they ring together in 60 minutes ?
A. 31 B. 15 C. 16 D. 30
Answer :Option A
LCM of 4, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 = 120
120 seconds = 2 minutes
Hence all the six bells will ring together
in every 2.minutes
Hence, number of times they will ring
together in 60 minutes
What is the least number which when
divided by 8, 12, 15 and 20 leaves in each
case a remainder of 5 ?
A. 125 B. 117 C. 132 D. 112
Answer: Option A
LCM of 8, 12, 15 and 20 = 120
Required Number = 120 + 5 = 125.
The HCF of two numbers is 23 and the,
other two factors of their LCM are 13 and
14. What is the largest number?
A. 312 B. 282 C. 299 D. 322
Answer: Option D
The HCF of a group of numbers will. be
always a factor of their LCM
HCF is the product of all common prime.
factors using the least power- of each
common prime factor.
LCM is the product of highest powers of
all prime factors
HCF of the two numbers= 23
=> Highest Common Factor in the
numbers = 23
Since HCF will be always a factor of LCM,
23 is a factor of the LCM.
Other two factors in the LCM are 13 and 14.
Hence factors of the LCM are 23, 13, 14
So, numbers can be taken as (23 x 13)
and (23 x 14)
= 299 and 322.
Hence, largest number = 322
What is the smallest number which when
diminished by 12, is divisible 8, 12, 22
and 24?
A. 276 B. 264 C. 272D.. 268'
Answer: Option A
Required Number = .(LCM of 8, 12, 22
and 24) +12 = 264 + 12= 276
co-primes with product 3 are (1, 3)
Hence the numbers. with HCF 11 and
product 363
= (lix 1, lix 3)
(11, 33)
Hence numbers are 11 and 33
The greater number
What is the greatest number which on
dividing 1223 and 2351 leaves
remainders 90 and 85 respectively?
A. 1133 B. 127.C. 42 D. 1100
Answer: Option A
Required number
= HCF of (1223 90) and (2351 85)
= HCF of 1133 and 2266
What is the least multiple of 7 which
leaves a remainder of 4 when divided by
6, 9, 15 and 18 ?
A. 364 B. 350 C. 343. D. 371
Answer: Option A
LCM of 6, 9, 15 and 18 = 90
Required Number = (90k + 4) which is a
multiple of 7
Put k = 1. We get number as (90 x 1) +
4 = 94. But this is not a multiple of 7
Put k = 2. We get number as (90 x 2) +
184. But this is not a multiple of 7
Put k = 3. We get number as (90 x 3) +
4 = 274. But this is not a multiple of 7
Put k = 4. We get number as (90 ;X 4) +
4 = 364. This is a multiple of 7
Hence 364 is the answer.
Three numbers which are co-prime to
each, other are such that the product of
the first two is 119 and that of the last
two is 391. What is the sum of the three
A. 47 B. 43 C. 53 D. 51
Answer: Option A
Since the numbers are co-prime, their.
HCF =1.
Product of first two numbers = 119
Product of last two numbers = 391
The middle number is common in both of
these products.
Hence if we take HCF of 1.19 and 391, we
get the common middle number
HCF of 119 and 391= 17
=>Middle Number = 17
First Number 119?17 = 7
Last Number = 391?17 = 23
Sum of the three numbers = 7+17+23 = 47
What is the greatest number which
divides 24, 28 and 34 and leaves the
same remainder in each case?
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Answer : Option B
Explanation :
If the remainder is smein each cse
and remainder is not given, .HCF of the
differences of
the numbers is the required greatest