Django Cms
Django Cms
Django Cms
Release 3.1.0
Patrick Lauber
Join us online
Release Notes
Table of contents
5.1 Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 How-to guides . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Key topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Development & community . . . . .
5.6 Release notes & upgrade information
5.7 Using django CMS . . . . . . . . . .
5.8 Indices and tables . . . . . . . . . .
django CMS is a modern web publishing platform built with Django, the web application framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
django CMS offers out-of-the-box support for the common features youd expect from a CMS, but can also be
easily customised and extended by developers to create a site that is tailored to their precise needs.
Web content editors looking for documentation on how to use the editing interface should refer to our Using
django CMS section.
Web content developers who want to learn more about django CMS, as well as how to install, configure and
customize it for their own projects will can refer to Tutorials, How-to guides, Key topics and Reference sections.
Chapter 1. Overview
Join us online
django CMS is a well-tested CMS platform that powers sites both large and small. Here are a few of the key
robust internationalisation (i18n) support for creating multilingual sites
virtually unlimited undo history, allowing editors to revert to a previous version
front-end editing, providing rapid access to the content management interface
support for a variety of editors with advanced text editing features.
a flexible plugins system that lets developers put powerful tools at the fingertips of editors, without overwhelming them with a difficult interface
...and much more
There are other capable Django-based CMS platforms but heres why you should consider django CMS:
thorough documentation
easy and comprehensive integration into existing projects - django CMS isnt a monolithic application
a healthy, active and supportive developer community
a strong culture of good code, including an emphasis on automated testing
Release Notes
Table of contents
5.1 Tutorials
The pages in this section of the documentation are aimed at the newcomer to django CMS. Theyre designed to
help you get started quickly, and show how easy it is to work with django CMS as a developer who wants to
customise it and get it working according to their own requirements.
These tutorials take you step-by-step through some key aspects of this work. Theyre not intended to explain the
topics in depth, or provide reference material, but they will leave you with a good idea of what its possible to
achive in just a few steps, and how to go about it.
Once youre familiar with the basics presented in these tutorials, youll find the more in-depth coverage of the
same topics in the How-to section.
The tutorials follow a logical progession, starting from installation of django CMS and the creation of a brand new
project, and build on each other, so its recommended to work through them in the order presented here.
Note that if youre using Windows, to activate the virtualenv youll need:
The django CMS installer is a helpful script that takes care of setting up a new project.
Install it:
pip install djangocms-installer
Warning: djangocms-installer expects directory . to be empty at this stage, and will check for this, and will
warn if its not. You can get it to skip the check and go ahead anyway using the -s flag; note that this may
overwrite existing files.
Windows users may need to do a little extra to make sure Python files are associated correctly if that doesnt work
right away:
assoc .py=Python.file
ftype Python.File="C:\Users\Username\workspace\demo\env\Scripts\python.exe" "%1" %*
For the purposes of this tutorial, its recommended that you answer the installers questions as follows - where our
suggestions differ from the default, theyre highlighted below:
Database configuration (in URL format): sqlite://localhost/project.db
django CMS version: stable
Django version: 1.6
Activate Django I18N / L10N setting: yes
Install and configure reversion support: yes
Languages to enable. Option can be provided multiple times, or as a comma separated list: en, de
Optional default time zone: America/Chicago:
Activate Django timezone support: yes
Activate CMS permission management: yes
Use Twitter Bootstrap Theme: yes
Use custom template set: no
Load a starting page with examples after installation: yes
Create a Django admin user when invited.
Start up the runserver
python runserver
Open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser, where you should be presented with your brand new django CMS
Congratulations, you now have installed a fully functional CMS!
To log in, append ?edit to the URL and hit enter. This will enable the toolbar, from where you can log in and
manage your website. Switch to Draft mode to add and edit content.
Try to switch between Live and Draft view, between Structure and Content mode, add plugins, move
them around and delete them again.
To add a Text or or other plugin elements to a placeholder:
1. switch to Structure mode
The content of the placeholders weve encountered so far is different for every page. Sometimes though youll
want to have a section on your website which should be the same on every single page, such as a footer block.
You could hardcode your footer into the template, but it would be nicer to be able to manage it through the CMS.
This is what static placeholders are for.
Static placeholders are an easy way to display the same content on multiple locations on your website. Static
placeholders act almost like normal placeholders, except for the fact that once a static placeholder is created and
you added content to it, it will be saved globally. Even when you remove the static placeholders from a template,
you can reuse them later.
So lets add a footer to all our pages. Since we want our footer on every single page, we should add it to our base
template (mysite/templates/base.html). Place it at the bottom of the HTML body:
{% static_placeholder 'footer' %}
Save the template and return to your browser. Change to Draft and then Structure mode and add some
content to it.
After youve saved it, youll see that it appears on your sites other pages too.
5.1. Tutorials
Rendering Menus In order to render the CMSs menu in your template you can use the show_menu tag.
The example we use in mysite/templates/base.html is:
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
{% show_menu 0 1 100 100 "menu.html" %}
Any template that uses show_menu must load the CMSs menu_tags library first:
{% load menu_tags %}
If you chose bootstrap while setting up with djangocms-installer, the menu will already be there and
templates/menu.html will already contain a version that uses bootstrap compatible markup.
Next well look at django CMS plugins.
5.1.3 Plugins
In this tutorial were going to take a Django poll app and integrate it into the CMS.
Install the polls app
Install the application from its GitHub repository using pip -e - this also places it in your virtualenvs src
directory as a cloned Git repository:
pip install -e git+
Lets add it this application to our project. Add polls to the end of INSTALLED_APPS in your projects (see the note on The INSTALLED_APPS setting about ordering ).
Add the following line to urlpatterns in the projects
Make sure this line is included before the line for the django-cms urls:
django CMSs URL pattern needs to be last, because it swallows up anything that hasnt already been matched
by a previous pattern.
Now run the applications migrations using south:
python migrate polls
At this point you should be able to create polls and choices in the Django admin - localhost:8000/admin/ - and fill
them in at /polls/.
However, in pages of the polls application we only have minimal templates, and no navigation or styling. Lets
improve this by overriding the polls applications base template.
add my_site/templates/polls/base.html:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
{% block polls_content %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
class PollPlugin(CMSPlugin):
poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.poll.question
django CMS plugins inherit from cms.models.CMSPlugin (or a subclass thereof) and not
5.1. Tutorials
Now create a file in the same folder your is in. The plugin class is responsible for
providing django CMS with the necessary information to render your plugin.
For our poll plugin, were going to write the following plugin class:
class CMSPollPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = PollPlugin # model where plugin data are saved
module = _("Polls")
name = _("Poll Plugin") # name of the plugin in the interface
render_template = "djangocms_polls/poll_plugin.html"
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context.update({'instance': instance})
return context
Note: All plugin classes must inherit from cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase and must register themselves with the cms.plugin_pool.plugin_pool.
The convention for plugin naming is as follows:
SomePlugin: the model class
CMSSomePlugin: the plugin class
You dont need to follow this, but its a sensible thing to do.
The template
Now add polls_plugin to INSTALLED_APPS and create a database migration to add the plugin table (using
python schemamigration polls_plugin --init
python migrate polls_plugin
You can now drop the Poll Plugin into any placeholder on any page, just as you would any other plugin.
Next well integrate the Polls application more fully into our django CMS project.
5.1.4 Apphooks
Right now, our django Polls app is statically hooked into the projects This is allright, but we can do
more, by attaching applications to django CMS pages.
We do this with an Apphook, created using a CMSApp subclass, which tells the CMS how to include that app.
Apphooks live in a file called, so create one in your Poll application.
This is the most basic example for a django CMS app:
from cms.app_base import CMSApp
from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class PollsApp(CMSApp):
name = _("Poll App") # give your app a name, this is required
urls = ["polls.urls"] # link your app to url configuration(s)
Youll need to restart the runserver to allow the new apphook to become available.
In the admin, create a new child page of the Home page. In its Advanced settings, choose Polls App from the
Application menu, and Save.
5.1. Tutorials
Refresh the page, and youll find that the Polls application is now available directly from the new django CMS
page. (Apphooks wont take effect until the server has restarted, though this is not generally an issue on the
runserver, which can handle this automatically.)
You can now remove the inclusion of the polls urls in your projects - its no longer required there.
Next, were going to install a django-CMS-compatible third-party application.
First, we need to install the app into our virtual environment from PyPI:
pip install aldryn-blog
Add the app and any of its requirements that are not there already to INSTALLED_APPS in
Some will be already present; its up to you to check them:
One of the dependencies is easy_thumbnails. It has already switched to Django-1.7-style migrations and
needs some extra configuration to work with South. In
'easy_thumbnails': 'easy_thumbnails.south_migrations',
Configure the templates that will be used by Aldryn Blog (if you configured django CMS to use Bootstrap templates, choose bootstrap3 instead):
5.1. Tutorials
class PollToolbar(CMSToolbar):
def populate(self):
if self.is_current_app:
menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu('poll-app', _('Polls'))
url = reverse('admin:polls_poll_changelist')
menu.add_sideframe_item(_('Poll overview'), url=url)
5.1. Tutorials
Note: When installing the django CMS using pip, all of the dependencies will be installed automatically.
These packages are not required, but they provide useful functionality with minimal additional configuration and
are well-proven.
Text Editors
Django CMS CKEditor for a WYSIWYG editor 2.4.0 or higher
Other Plugins
File and image handling
Django Filer for file and image management
django-filer plugins for django CMS, required to use Django Filer with django CMS
Pillow (fork of PIL) for image manipulation
Revision management
django-reversion 1.8.X (with Django 1.6.X and Django 1.7.X) to support versions of your content (If using
a different Django version it is a good idea to check the page Compatible-Django-Versions in the djangoreversion wiki in order to make sure that the package versions are compatible.)
Note: As of django CMS 3.0.x, only the most recent 10 published revisions are saved. You can change this
behaviour if required with CMS_MAX_PAGE_PUBLISH_REVERSIONS. Be aware that saved revisions
will cause your database size to increase.
Installing in a virtualenv using pip
Installing inside a virtualenv is the preferred way to install any Django installation.
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
virtualenv env
Note: If you are not using a system-wide install of Python (such as with Homebrew), omit the usage of sudo
when installing via pip.
Note: In the above list, packages are pinned to specific version as an example; those are not mandatory versions;
refer to requirements for any version-specific restrictions.
If you are using PostgreSQL as your database, add the Python adapter to your requirements file:
Note: While the django CMS is compatible with Python 3.3+, the mysql-python package is not.
Before you install the Python adapters for your chosen database, you will need to first install the appropriate
headers and development libraries. See the platform specific notes below.
Installing on Ubuntu
If youre using Ubuntu (tested with 14.04), the following should get you started:
sudo aptitude install python-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
Next, install the appropriate libraries to build the Python adapters for your selected database. For PostgreSQL:
sudo aptitude install libpq-dev postgresql-client-9.3 python-dev
For MySQL:
Installing and configuring database servers are beyond the scope of this document. See Databases below for more
information and related links.
Installing on Mac OSX
If you are using the system provided Python (2.6 or later), ensure you have pip installed.
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
If youre using Homebrew you can install pip and virtualenv with the python generic package:
brew install python
pip install virtualenv
Next, install the appropriate libraries to build the Python adapters for your selected database. For PostgreSQL:
brew install postgres
For MySQL:
brew install mysql
Note: Homebrew does not set the databases to run automatically. The software necessary for the Python adapters
will be installed but if you wish to run the database server locally, follow the Homebrew instructions shown in the
terminal output after installing.
We recommend using PostgreSQL or MySQL with django CMS. Installing and maintaining database systems is
outside the scope of this documentation, but is very well documented on the systems respective websites.
To use django CMS efficiently, we recommend:
Creating a separate set of credentials for django CMS.
Creating a separate database for django CMS to use.
Configuration and setup
Preparing the environment
The following steps assume your Django project will be - or already is - in ~/workspace/myproject, and
that youll be using a virtualenv.
If you already have a virtualenv with a project in it, activate it and move on to Configuring your project for django
cd ~/workspace/myproject/
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
If this is new to you, you ought to read the official Django tutorial, which covers starting a new project.
Configuring your project for django CMS
Add the following apps to your INSTALLED_APPS. This includes django CMS itself as well as its dependencies
and other highly recommended applications/libraries:
Also add any (or all) of the following plugins, depending on your needs (see the note in The INSTALLED_APPS
setting about ordering):
Note: Most of the above plugins were previously distributed with django CMS, however, most of them
are now located in their own repositories and renamed. Furthermore plugins: cms.plugins.text and
cms.plugins.twitter have been removed from the django CMS bundle. Read 3.0 release notes for
detailed information.
Warning: Adding the djangocms_snippet plugin is a potential security hazard. For more information, refer to snippet_plugin.
Some commonly-used plugins are described in more detail in Some commonly-used plugins. There are even more
plugins available on the django CMS extensions page.
In addition, make sure you uncomment (enable) django.contrib.admin
You may also wish to use django-filer and its components with the django CMS plugin instead of the
djangocms_file, djangocms_picture, djangocms_teaser and djangocms_video core plugins. In this case you should check the django-filer documentation and django CMS plugin documentation for
detailed installation information, and then return to this tutorial.
If you opt for the core plugins you should take care that directory to which the CMS_PAGE_MEDIA_PATH setting
points (by default cms_page_media/ relative to MEDIA_ROOT) is writable by the user under which Django
will be running. If you have opted for django-filer there is a similar requirement for its configuration.
If you want versioning of your content you should also install django-reversion and add it to INSTALLED_APPS:
You need to add the django CMS middlewares to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES at the right position:
Note: This setting will be missing from automatically generated Django settings files, so you will have to add it.
Warning: Be sure to have django.contrib.sites in INSTALLED_APPS and set SITE_ID parameter in your settings: they may be missing from the settings file generated by django-admin depending
on your Django version and project template.
Changed in version 3.0.0.
Warning: Django messages framework is now required for the toolbar to work properly.
To enable it you must be check the following settings:
INSTALLED_APPS: must contain django.contrib.messages
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: must contain django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware
Point your STATIC_ROOT to where the static files should live (that is, your images, CSS files, Javascript files,
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
STATIC_URL = "/static/"
For uploaded files, you will need to set up the MEDIA_ROOT setting:
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media")
MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
Note: Please make sure both the static and media subfolders exist in your project and are writable.
Now add a little magic to the TEMPLATE_DIRS section of the file:
# The docs say it should be absolute path: BASE_DIR is precisely one.
# Life is wonderful!
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates"),
We will create the actual template files at a later step, dont worry about it for now. Simply paste this code into
your settings file.
Note: The templates you define in CMS_TEMPLATES have to exist at runtime and contain at least one {%
placeholder <name> %} template tag to be useful for django CMS.
The django CMS allows you to edit all languages for which Django has built in translations. Since these are
numerous, well limit it to English for now:
('en', 'English'),
Finally, set up the DATABASES part of the file to reflect your database deployment. If you just want to try out
things locally, sqlite3 is the easiest database to set up, however it should not be used in production. If you still
wish to use it for now, this is what your DATABASES setting should look like:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'database.sqlite'),
django CMS, as well as its plugins, supports both Django 1.7 and Django 1.6 migrations.
Since version 3.1 migrations are stored in modules compatibiles with Django 1.7 and South 1.0.2 without further
django CMS are being ported to the same structure; in the meantime, on Django 1.7 you may need to where the
migrations are situated using the MIGRATION_MODULES setting:
# Add also the following modules if you're using these plugins:
'djangocms_file': 'djangocms_file.migrations_django',
'djangocms_flash': 'djangocms_flash.migrations_django',
'djangocms_googlemap': 'djangocms_googlemap.migrations_django',
'djangocms_inherit': 'djangocms_inherit.migrations_django',
'djangocms_link': 'djangocms_link.migrations_django',
'djangocms_picture': 'djangocms_picture.migrations_django',
'djangocms_snippet': 'djangocms_snippet.migrations_django',
'djangocms_teaser': 'djangocms_teaser.migrations_django',
'djangocms_video': 'djangocms_video.migrations_django',
'djangocms_text_ckeditor': 'djangocms_text_ckeditor.migrations_django',
Please check each plugin configuration option to see how to configure Django 1.7 support.
URL configuration
You need to include the cms.urls urlpatterns at the end of your urlpatterns. We suggest starting with the
following ~/workspace/myproject/myproject/
Creating templates
django CMS uses templates to define how a page should look and what parts of it are editable. Editable areas are
called placeholders. These templates are standard Django templates and you may use them as described in the
official documentation.
Templates you wish to use on your pages must be declared in the CMS_TEMPLATES setting:
('template_1.html', 'Template One'),
('template_2.html', 'Template Two'),
If you have followed this tutorial from the beginning, this code should already be in your settings file.
Now, on with the actual template files!
Fire up your favorite editor and create a file called base.html in a folder called templates in your myproject
Here is a simple example for a base template called base.html:
{% load cms_tags sekizai_tags %}
<title>{% page_attribute "page_title" %}</title>
{% render_block "css" %}
{% cms_toolbar %}
{% placeholder base_content %}
{% block base_content %}{% endblock %}
{% render_block "js" %}
Now, create a file called template_1.html in the same directory. This will use your base template, and add
extra content to it:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block base_content %}
{% placeholder template_1_content %}
{% endblock %}
When you set template_1.html as a template on a page you will get two placeholders to put plugins in. One is
template_1_content from the page template template_1.html and another is base_content from
the extended base.html.
When working with a lot of placeholders, make sure to give descriptive names to your placeholders so you can
identify them more easily in the admin panel.
Now, feel free to experiment and make a template_2.html file! If you dont feel creative, just copy template_1 and name the second placeholder something like template_2_content.
Static files handling with sekizai The django CMS handles media files (css stylesheets and javascript files)
required by CMS plugins using django-sekizai. This requires you to define at least two sekizai namespaces in
your templates: js and css. You can do so using the render_block template tag from the sekizai_tags
template tag library. We highly recommended putting the {% render_block "css" %} tag as the last thing
before the closing </head> HTML tag and the {% render_block "js" %} tag as the last thing before the
closing </body> HTML tag.
Initial database setup
django CMS uses Django 1.7s built-in support for database migrations to manage creating and altering database
tables. django CMS still offers South-style migrations for users of Django up to 1.6 but as noted above, strictly
requires South>=1.0.1 in this case.
Fresh install If you are using Django 1.7 or later run:
python migrate
python createsuperuser
The call to syncdb will prompt you to create a super user. Choose yes and enter appropriate values.
Upgrade If you are upgrading your installation of django CMS from a previous version run:
python syncdb # Django 1.6.x only
python migrate
Now, use the following command to check if you did everything correctly:
python cms check
Up and running!
That should be it. Restart your development server using python runserver and point a web
browser to : you should get the django CMS Installation Successful screen.
Use the new side-frame-based administration by appending ?edit to your URL as follows: This will reveal a login form.
Log in with the user you created during the database setup.
If this is your first django CMS project, read through the tutorial for a walkthrough of the main features of django
For more information on using django CMS for managing web content, see Using django CMS.
To deploy your django CMS project on a production webserver, please refer to the Django documentation.
class HelloPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = CMSPlugin
render_template = "hello_plugin.html"
cache = False
Now were almost done. All thats left is to add the template. Add the following into the root template directory
in a file called hello_plugin.html:
This plugin will now greet the users on your website either by their name if theyre logged in, or as Guest if theyre
Now lets take a closer look at what we did there. The files are where you should define your
subclasses of cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase, these classes define the different plugins.
There are two required attributes on those classes:
model: The model you wish to use for storing information about this plugin. If you do not require
any special information, for example configuration, to be stored for your plugins, you can simply use
cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin (well look at that model more closely in a bit). In a normal admin class, you dont need to supply this information because,
Admin) takes care of it, but a plugin is not registered in that way.
name: The name of your plugin as displayed in the admin. It is generally good practice to mark this string
as translatable using django.utils.translation.ugettext_lazy(), however this is optional.
By default the name is a nicer version of the class name.
cache: This is a property that tells the plugin rendering system in django CMS whether to cache the
plugins output to speed-up subsequent views of the same plugin. By default, the cms caches. Since we
want each visitor to see output that is specific to him or her, we need to tell the cms to not cache this plugin.
And one of the following must be defined if render_plugin attribute is True (the default):
render_template: The template to render this plugin with.
get_render_template: A method that returns a template path to render the plugin with.
In addition to those attributes, you can also define a render() method on your subclasses. It is specifically this
render method that is the view for your plugin.
Since plugin modules are found and loaded by djangos importlib, you might experience errors because the path
environment is different at runtime. If your cms_plugins isnt loaded or accessible, try the following:
$ python shell
>>> from django.utils.importlib import import_module
>>> m = import_module("myapp.cms_plugins")
>>> m.some_test_function()
Storing configuration
In many cases, you want to store configuration for your plugin instances. For example, if you have a plugin that
shows the latest blog posts, you might want to be able to choose the amount of entries shown. Another example
would be a gallery plugin where you want to choose the pictures to show for the plugin.
To do so, you create a Django model by subclassing cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin in the of an installed application.
Lets improve our HelloPlugin from above by making its fallback name for non-authenticated users configurable.
In our we add the following:
from cms.models.pluginmodel import CMSPlugin
from django.db import models
class Hello(CMSPlugin):
guest_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='Guest')
If you followed the Django tutorial, this shouldnt look too new to you.
The only difference to normal models is that you subclass cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin rather than
Now we need to change our plugin definition to use this model, so our new looks like this:
from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase
from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from .models import Hello
class HelloPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = Hello
name = _("Hello Plugin")
render_template = "hello_plugin.html"
cache = False
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context['instance'] = instance
return context
We changed the model attribute to point to our newly created Hello model and pass the model instance to the
As a last step, we have to update our template to make use of this new configuration:
<h1>Hello {% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
{{ request.user.first_name }} {{ request.user.last_name}}
{% else %}
{{ instance.guest_name }}
{% endif %}</h1>
The only thing we changed there is that we use the template variable {{ instance.guest_name }} instead
of the hardcoded Guest string in the else clause.
Warning: You cannot name your model fields the same as any installed plugins lower- cased model name,
due to the implicit one-to-one relation Django uses for subclassed models. If you use all core plugins, this
includes: file, flash, googlemap, link, picture, snippetptr, teaser, twittersearch,
twitterrecententries and video.
Additionally, it is recommended that you avoid using page as a model field, as it is declared as a property of
cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin, and your plugin will not work as intended in the administration without further work.
Warning: If you are using Python 2.x and overriding the __unicode__ method of the model file, make
sure to return its results as UTF8-string. Otherwise saving an instance of your plugin might fail with the
frontend editor showing an <Empty> plugin instance. To return in unicode use a return statement like return
Handling Relations
Everytime the page with your custom plugin is published the plugin is copied. So if your custom plugin has
foreign key (to it, or from it) or many-to-many relations you are responsible for copying those related objects, if
required, whenever the CMS copies the plugin - it wont do it for you automatically.
Every plugin model inherits the empty cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin.copy_relations()
method from the base class, and its called when your plugin is copied. So, its there for you to adapt to your
purposes as required.
Typically, you will want it to copy related objects. To do this you should create a method called
copy_relations on your plugin model, that receives the old instance of the plugin as an argument.
You may however decide that the related objects shouldnt be copied - you may want to leave them alone, for
example. Or, you might even want to choose some altogether different relations for it, or to create new ones when
its copied... it depends on your plugin and the way you want it to work.
If you do want to copy related objects, youll need to do this in two slightly different ways, depending on whether
your plugin has relations to or from other objects that need to be copied too:
For foreign key relations from other objects Your plugin may have items with foreign keys to it, which will
typically be the case if you set it up so that they are inlines in its admin. So you might have two models, one for
the plugin and one for those items:
class ArticlePluginModel(CMSPlugin):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
class AssociatedItem(models.Model):
plugin = models.ForeignKey(
Youll then need the copy_relations() method on your plugin model to loop over the associated items and
copy them, giving the copies foreign keys to the new plugin:
class ArticlePluginModel(CMSPlugin):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
for associated_item in oldinstance.associated_item.all():
# = None; is the slightly odd but
# standard Django way of copying a saved model instance = None
associated_item.plugin = self
For many-to-many or foreign key relations to other objects Lets assume these are the relevant bits of your
class ArticlePluginModel(CMSPlugin):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
sections = models.ManyToManyField(Section)
Now when the plugin gets copied, you want to make sure the sections stay, so it becomes:
class ArticlePluginModel(CMSPlugin):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
sections = models.ManyToManyField(Section)
def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
self.sections = oldinstance.sections.all()
If your plugins have relational fields of both kinds, you may of course need to use both the copying techniques
described above.
Inline Admin
If you want to have the foreign key relation as a inline admin, you can create a admin.StackedInline class and
put it in the Plugin to inlines. Then you can use the inline Admin form for your foreign key references. inline
class ItemInlineAdmin(admin.StackedInline):
model = AssociatedItem
class ArticlePlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = ArticlePluginModel
name = _("Article Plugin")
render_template = "article/index.html"
inlines = (ItemInlineAdmin,)
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
items = instance.associated_item.all()
'items': items,
'instance': instance,
return context
Plugin form
{% block jquery %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="///
{% endblock jquery %}``
If your plugin depends on certain media files, javascript or stylesheets, you can include them from your plugin
template using django-sekizai. Your CMS templates are always enforced to have the css and js sekizai namespaces, therefore those should be used to include the respective files. For more information about django-sekizai,
please refer to the django-sekizai documentation.
Note that sekizai cant help you with the admin-side plugin templates - what follows is for your plugins output
Sekizai style To fully harness the power of django-sekizai, it is helpful to have a consistent style on how to use
it. Here is a set of conventions that should be followed (but dont necessarily need to be):
One bit per addtoblock. Always include one external CSS or JS file per addtoblock or one snippet
per addtoblock. This is needed so django-sekizai properly detects duplicate files.
External files should be on one line, with no spaces or newlines between the addtoblock tag and the
HTML tags.
When using embedded javascript or CSS, the HTML tags should be on a newline.
A good example:
{% load sekizai_tags %}
A bad example:
{% load sekizai_tags %}
</script>{% endaddtoblock %}
Plugin Context
The plugin has access to the django template context. You can override variables using the with tag.
{% with 320 as width %}{% placeholder "content" %}{% endwith %}
Plugin context processors are callables that modify all plugins context before rendering. They are enabled using
A plugin context processor takes 3 arguments:
instance: The instance of the plugin model
placeholder: The instance of the placeholder this plugin appears in.
context: The context that is in use, including the request.
The return value should be a dictionary containing any variables to be added to the context.
def add_verbose_name(instance, placeholder, context):
This plugin context processor adds the plugin model's verbose_name to context.
return {'verbose_name': instance._meta.verbose_name}
Plugin Processors
Plugin processors are callables that modify all plugins output after rendering. They are enabled using the
A plugin processor takes 4 arguments:
instance: The instance of the plugin model
placeholder: The instance of the placeholder this plugin appears in.
rendered_content: A string containing the rendered content of the plugin.
original_context: The original context for the template used to render the plugin.
Plugin processors are also applied to plugins embedded in Text plugins (and any custom plugin
allowing nested plugins). Depending on what your processor does, this might break the output. For example, if your processor wraps the output in a div tag, you might end up having div tags inside of
p tags, which is invalid. You can prevent such cases by returning rendered_content unchanged if
instance._render_meta.text_enabled is True, which is the case when rendering an embedded plugin.
Example Suppose you want to wrap each plugin in the main placeholder in a colored box but it would be too
complicated to edit each individual plugins template:
In your
In your
Nested Plugins
You can nest CMS Plugins in themselves. Theres a few things required to achieve this functionality:
class ParentPlugin(CMSPlugin):
# add your fields here
class ChildPlugin(CMSPlugin):
# add your fields here
from .models import ParentPlugin, ChildPlugin
class ParentCMSPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
render_template = 'parent.html'
name = 'Parent'
model = ParentPlugin
allow_children = True # This enables the parent plugin to accept child plugins
# child_classes = ['ChildCMSPlugin'] # You can also specify a list of plugins that are accept
or leave it away completely to accept all
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context['instance'] = instance
return context
class ChildCMSPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
render_template = 'child.html'
name = 'Child'
model = ChildPlugin
require_parent = True # Is it required that this plugin is a child of another plugin?
# parent_classes = ['ParentCMSPlugin'] # You can also specify a list of plugins that are acce
or leave it away completely to accept all
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context['instance'] = instance
return context
{% load cms_tags %}
<div class="plugin parent">
{% for plugin in instance.child_plugin_instances %}
{% render_plugin plugin %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="plugin child">
{{ instance }}
There are three possibilities to extend the context menus of placeholders or plugins.
You can either extend a placeholder context menu.
You can extend all plugin context menus.
You can extend the current plugin context menu.
For this purpose you can overwrite 3 methods on CMSPluginBase.
class AliasPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
name = _("Alias")
allow_children = False
model = AliasPluginModel
render_template = "cms/plugins/alias.html"
plugins[0].parent_id = None
plugins = build_plugin_tree(plugins)
context['plugins'] = plugins
if instance.alias_placeholder_id:
content = render_placeholder(instance.alias_placeholder, context)
print content
context['content'] = mark_safe(content)
return context
def get_extra_global_plugin_menu_items(self, request, plugin):
return [
_("Create Alias"),
data={'plugin_id':, 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': get_token(request)},
if placeholder:
alias.alias_placeholder = placeholder
return HttpResponse("ok")
If you refresh a page you should now see the menu entries from above. The get_nodes function should return a
list of NavigationNode instances. A NavigationNode takes the following arguments:
title What the menu entry should read as
url Link if menu entry is clicked.
id A unique id for this menu.
parent_id=None If this is a child of another node supply the id of the parent here.
parent_namespace=None If the parent node is not from this menu you can give it the parent namespace.
The namespace is the name of the class. In the above example that would be: TestMenu
attr=None A dictionary of additional attributes you may want to use in a modifier or in the template.
visible=True Whether or not this menu item should be visible.
Additionally, each NavigationNode provides a number of methods which are detailed in the
NavigationNode API references.
To adapt your menus according to request dependent conditions (say: anonymous / logged in user), you can use
Navigation Modifiers or you can leverage existing ones.
{visible_for_anonymous: False}
{visible_for_authenticated: False} attributes recognized by the django CMS core
AuthVisibility modifier.
Complete example:
class UserMenu(Menu):
def get_nodes(self, request):
return [
NavigationNode(_("Profile"), reverse(profile), 1, attr={'visible_for_anonymous': F
NavigationNode(_("Log in"), reverse(login), 3, attr={'visible_for_authenticated':
NavigationNode(_("Sign up"), reverse(logout), 4, attr={'visible_for_authenticated'
NavigationNode(_("Log out"), reverse(logout), 2, attr={'visible_for_anonymous': Fa
Attach Menus
Classes that extend from menus.base.Menu always get attached to the root. But if you want the menu to be
attached to a CMS Page you can do that as well.
Instead of extending from Menu you need to extend from cms.menu_bases.CMSAttachMenu and you need
to define a name. We will do that with the example from above:
class TestMenu(CMSAttachMenu):
name = _("test menu")
def get_nodes(self, request):
nodes = []
n = NavigationNode(_('sample root page'), "/", 1)
n2 = NavigationNode(_('sample settings page'), "/bye/", 2)
n3 = NavigationNode(_('sample account page'), "/hello/", 3)
n4 = NavigationNode(_('sample my profile page'), "/hello/world/", 4, 3)
return nodes
Now you can link this Menu to a page in the Advanced tab of the page settings under attached menu.
Navigation Modifiers
Navigation Modifiers give your application access to navigation menus.
A modifier can change the properties of existing nodes or rearrange entire menus.
An example use-case
A simple example: you have a news application that publishes pages independently of django CMS. However, you
would like to integrate the application into the menu structure of your site, so that at appropriate places a News
node appears in the navigation menu.
In such a case, a Navigation Modifier is the solution.
How it works
It has a method modify() that should return a list of NavigationNode instances. modify() should take
the following arguments:
request A Django request instance. You want to modify based on sessions, or user or permissions?
nodes All the nodes. Normally you want to return them again.
namespace A Menu Namespace. Only given if somebody requested a menu with only nodes from this namespace.
root_id Was a menu request based on an ID?
post_cut Every modifier is called two times. First on the whole tree. After that the tree gets cut to only show the
nodes that are shown in the current menu. After the cut the modifiers are called again with the final tree. If
this is the case post_cut is True.
breadcrumb Is this not a menu call but a breadcrumb call?
Here is an example of a built-in modifier that marks all node levels:
class Level(Modifier):
marks all node levels
post_cut = True
def modify(self, request, nodes, namespace, root_id, post_cut, breadcrumb):
if breadcrumb:
return nodes
for node in nodes:
if not node.parent:
if post_cut:
node.menu_level = 0
node.level = 0
self.mark_levels(node, post_cut)
return nodes
def mark_levels(self, node, post_cut):
for child in node.children:
if post_cut:
child.menu_level = node.menu_level + 1
child.level = node.level + 1
self.mark_levels(child, post_cut)
5.2.4 Apphooks
An Apphook allows you to attach a Django application to a page. For example, you might have a news application
that youd like integrated with django CMS. In this case, you can create a normal django CMS page without any
content of its own, and attach the news application to the page; the news applications content will be delivered at
the pages URL.
To create an apphook place a in your application. And in it write the following:
from cms.app_base import CMSApp
from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class MyApphook(CMSApp):
name = _("My Apphook")
urls = ["myapp.urls"]
Replace myapp.urls with the path to your applications Now edit a page and open the advanced
settings tab. Select your new apphook under Application. Save the page.
Warning: Whenever you add or remove an apphook, change the slug of a page containing an apphook or
the slug if a page which has a descendant with an apphook, you have to restart your server to re-load the URL
An apphook wont appear until it is published. Take note that this also means all parent pages must also be
Note: If at some point you want to remove this apphook after deleting the there is a cms management command called uninstall apphooks that removes the specified apphook(s) from all pages by name.
eg. cms uninstall apphooks MyApphook. To find all names for uninstallable apphooks
there is a command for this as well cms list apphooks.
If you attached the app to a page with the url /hello/world/ and the app has a that looks like this:
from django.conf.urls import *
urlpatterns = patterns('sampleapp.views',
The main_view should now be available at /hello/world/ and the sample_view has the url
Note: CMS pages below the page to which the apphook is attached to, can be visible, provided that the apphook
urlconf regexps are not too greedy. From a URL resolution perspective, attaching an apphook works in same way
than inserting the apphook urlconf in the root urlconf at the same path as the page is attached to.
Note: All views that are attached like this must return a RequestContext instance instead of the default
Context instance.
Apphook menus
If you want to add a menu to that page as well that may represent some views in your app add it to your apphook
like this:
from import MyAppMenu
class MyApphook(CMSApp):
name = _("My Apphook")
urls = ["myapp.urls"]
menus = [MyAppMenu]
For an example if your app has a Category model and you want this category model to be displayed in the menu
when you attach the app to a page. We assume the following model:
from django.db import models
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
import mptt
class Category(models.Model):
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __unicode__(self):
def get_absolute_url(
return reverse('category_view', args=[])
except mptt.AlreadyRegistered:
class CategoryMenu(CMSAttachMenu):
name = _("test menu")
def get_nodes(self, request):
nodes = []
for category in Category.objects.all().order_by("tree_id", "lft"):
node = NavigationNode(,
return nodes
You get the static entries of MyAppMenu and the dynamic entries of CategoryMenu both attached to the same
Attaching an application multiple times
If you want to attach an application multiple times to different pages you have 2 possibilities.
1. Give every application its own namespace in the advanced settings of a page.
2. Define an app_name attribute on the CMSApp class.
The problem is that if you only define a namespace you need to have multiple templates per attached app.
For example:
{% url 'my_view' %}
Will not work anymore when you namespace an app. You will need to do something like:
{% url 'my_namespace:my_view' %}
The problem is now if you attach apps to multiple pages your namespace will change. The solution for this
problem are application namespaces.
If youd like to use application namespaces to reverse the URLs related to your app, you can assign a value to the
app_name attribute of your app hook like this:
class MyNamespacedApphook(CMSApp):
name = _("My Namespaced Apphook")
urls = ["myapp.urls"]
app_name = "myapp_namespace"
Note: If you do provide an app_label, then you will need to also give the app a unique namespace in the
advanced settings of the page. If you do not, and no other instance of the app exists using it, then the default
instance namespace will be automatically set for you. You can then either reverse for the namespace(to target
different apps) or the app_name (to target links inside the same app).
If you use app namespace you will need to give all your view context a current_app:
def my_view(request):
current_app = resolve(request.path_info).namespace
Note: You need to set the current_app explicitly in all your view contexts as django does not allow an other way
of doing this.
You can reverse namespaced apps similarly and it knows in which app instance it is:
{% url myapp_namespace:app_main %}
If you want to access the same url but in a different language use the language template tag:
{% load i18n %}
{% language "de" %}
{% url myapp_namespace:app_main %}
{% endlanguage %}
The official Django documentation has more details about application and instance
namespaces, the current_app scope and the reversing of such URLs.
You can look it up at
When using the reverse function, the current_app has to be explicitly passed as an argument. You can do so by
looking up the current_app attribute of the request instance:
def myviews(request):
current_app = resolve(request.path_info).namespace
reversed_url = reverse('myapp_namespace:app_main',
Apphook permissions
By default all apphooks have the same permissions set as the page they are assigned to. So if you set login required
on page the attached apphook and all its urls have the same requirements.
To disable this behavior set permissions = False on your apphook:
class SampleApp(CMSApp):
name = _("Sample App")
urls = ["project.sampleapp.urls"]
permissions = False
If you still want some of your views to have permission checks you can enable them via a decorator:
Here is a simple example:
from cms.utils.decorators import cms_perms
If you have your own permission check in your app, or just dont want to wrap some nested apps with CMS
permission decorator, then use exclude_permissions property of apphook:
class SampleApp(CMSApp):
name = _("Sample App")
urls = ["project.sampleapp.urls"]
permissions = True
exclude_permissions = ["some_nested_app"]
For example, django-oscar apphook integration needs to be used with exclude permissions of dashboard app,
because it use customizable access function. So, your apphook in this case will looks like this:
class OscarApp(CMSApp):
name = _("Oscar")
urls = [
patterns('', *application.urls[0])
exclude_permissions = ['dashboard']
extends CMS_TEMPLATE %}
load cms_tags %}
block main %}
for item in object_list %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% static_placeholder "sidebar" %}
{% endblock main %}
CMS_TEMPLATE memorizes the path of the cms template so the application template can dynamically import it.
New in version 3.0.
render_model allows to edit the django models from the frontend by reusing the django CMS frontend editor.
To add a field to the page model, create a class that inherits from cms.extensions.PageExtension.
Make sure to import the cms.extensions.PageExtension model. Your class should live in one
of your apps (or module). Since PageExtension (and TitleExtension) inherit from
django.db.models.Model, you are free to add any field you want but make sure you dont use a unique
constraint on any of your added fields because uniqueness prevents the copy mechanism of the extension from
working correctly. This means that you cant use one-to-one relations on the extension model. Finally, youll need
to register the model with using extension_pool.
Heres a simple example which adds an icon field to the page:
class IconExtension(PageExtension):
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='icons')
class IconExtensionAdmin(PageExtensionAdmin):
pass, IconExtensionAdmin)
Since PageExtensionAdmin inherits from ModelAdmin, youll be able to use the normal set of Django ModelAdmin properties, as appropriate to your circumstance.
Once youve registered your admin class, a new model will appear in the top- level admin list.
Note that the field that holds the relationship between the extension and a CMS Page is non-editable, so it will
not appear in the admin views. This, unfortunately, leaves the operator without a means of attaching the page
extension to the correct pages. The way to address this is to use a CMSToolbar. Note that creating the admin hook
is still required, because it creates the add and change admin forms that are required for the next step.
Adding a Toolbar Menu Item for your Page extension
Youll also want to make your model editable from the cms toolbar in order to associate each instance of the
extension model with a page. (Page isnt an editable attribute in the default admin interface.). To add toolbar
items for your extension creare a file named in one of your apps, and add the relevant menu
entries for the extension on each page.
Simplified toolbar API
class IconExtensionToolbar(ExtensionToolbar):
# defineds the model for the current toolbar
model = IconExtension
def populate(self):
# setup the extension toolbar with permissions and sanity checks
current_page_menu = self._setup_extension_toolbar()
# if it's all ok
if current_page_menu:
# retrieves the instance of the current extension (if any) and the toolbar item url
page_extension, url = self.get_page_extension_admin()
if url:
# adds a toolbar item
current_page_menu.add_modal_item(_('Page Icon'), url=url,
disabled=not self.toolbar.edit_mode)
def populate(self):
# setup the extension toolbar with permissions and sanity checks
current_page_menu = self._setup_extension_toolbar()
# if it's all ok
if current_page_menu and self.toolbar.edit_mode:
# create a sub menu
position = 0
sub_menu = self._get_sub_menu(current_page_menu, 'submenu_label', 'Submenu', position)
# retrieves the instances of the current title extension (if any) and the toolbar item
urls = self.get_title_extension_admin()
# cycle through the title list
for title_extension, url in urls:
# adds toolbar items
sub_menu.add_modal_item('icon for title %s' % self._page().get_title(),
url=url, disabled=not self.toolbar.edit_mode)
If you need complete control over the layout of your extension toolbar items you can still use the low-level API to
edit the toolbar according to your needs:
class IconExtensionToolbar(CMSToolbar):
def populate(self):
# always use draft if we have a page = get_page_draft(self.request.current_page)
if not
# Nothing to do
Now when the operator invokes Edit this page... from the toolbar, there will be an additional menu item Page
Icon ... (in this case), which can be used to open a modal dialog where the operator can affect the new icon
Note that when the extension is saved, the corresponding page is marked as having unpublished changes. To see
the new extension values make sure to publish the page.
Using extensions with menus
If you want the extension to show up in the menu (e.g. if you had created an extension that added
an icon to the page) use menu modifiers. Every corresponds to their related
Page.objects.get( is the way to get the page object. Every page extension has a oneto-one relationship with the page so you can access it by using the reverse relation, e.g. extension
= page.yourextensionlowercased. Now you can hook this extension by storing it on the node:
node.extension = extension. In the menu template you can access your icon on the child object:
Using extensions in templates
To access a page extension in page templates you can simply access the approriate related_name field that is now
available on the Page object.
As per the normal related_name naming mechanism, the appropriate field to access is the same as your PageExtension model name, but lowercased. Assuming your Page Extension model class is IconExtension, the
relationship to the page extension model will be available on page.iconextension. From there you can
access the extra fields you defined in your extension, so you can use something like:
{% load staticfiles %}
{# rest of template omitted ... #}
{% if request.current_page.iconextension %}
<img src="{% static request.current_page.iconextension.image.url %}">
{% endif %}
Where request.current_page is the normal way to access the current page that is rendering the template.
It is important to remember that unless the operator has already assigned a page extension to every page, a page
may not have the iconextension relationship available, hence the use of the {% if ... %}...{% endif
%} above.
Handling relations
If your PageExtension or TitleExtension includes a ForeignKey from another model or includes a ManyToMany
field, you should also override the method copy_relations(self, oldinstance, language) so that
these fields are copied appropriately when the CMS makes a copy of your extension to support versioning, etc.
Heres an example that uses a ManyToMany field:
from django.db import models
from cms.extensions import PageExtension
from cms.extensions.extension_pool import extension_pool
class MyPageExtension(PageExtension):
page_categories = models.ManyToMany('categories.Category', blank=True, null=True)
def copy_relations(self, oldinstance, language):
for page_category in oldinstance.page_categories.all(): = None
page_category.mypageextension = self
page extensions, retrieves the correct admin url for the related toolbar item; returns the extension instance
(or None if not exists) and the admin url for the toolbar item;
cms.extensions.toolbar.ExtensionToolbar.get_title_extension_admin(): for
title extensions, retrieves the correct admin url for the related toolbar item; returns a list of the extension
instances (or None if not exists) and the admin urls for each title of the current page;
An optional
The populate functions will only be called if the current user is a staff user.
The populate function will be called before the template and plugins are rendered.
The post_template_populate function will be called after the template is rendered.
The request_hook function is called before the view and may return a response. This way you would
be able to issue redirects from a toolbar if needed
These classes can define an optional supported_apps attribute, specifying which applications the toolbar will
work with. This is useful when the toolbar is defined in a different application from the views its related to. to
define the toolbar is local to (i.e.: for which the supported_apps is a tuple of application dotted paths (e.g:
supported_apps = (,
A simple example, registering a class that does nothing:
from cms.toolbar_pool import toolbar_pool
from cms.toolbar_base import CMSToolbar
class NoopModifier(CMSToolbar):
def populate(self):
def post_template_populate(self):
def request_hook(self):
Warning: As the toolbar passed to post_template_populate has been already populated with items
from other applications, it might contains different items that when processed by populate.
Tip: You can change the toolbar or add items inside a plugin render method (context[request].toolbar) or inside
a view (request.toolbar)
Adding items
Items can be added through the various APIs exposed by the toolbar and its items.
class PollToolbar(CMSToolbar):
def populate(self):
if self.is_current_app:
menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu('poll-app', _('Polls'))
url = reverse('admin:polls_poll_changelist')
menu.add_sideframe_item(_('Poll overview'), url=url)
However, theres already a menu added by the CMS which provides access to various admin views, so you might
want to add your menu as a sub menu there. To do this, you can use positional insertion coupled with the fact that
cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar.get_or_create_menu() will return already existing menus:
class PollToolbar(CMSToolbar):
def populate(self):
admin_menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu(ADMIN_MENU_IDENTIFIER, _('Site'))
position = admin_menu.find_first(Break, identifier=ADMINISTRATION_BREAK)
menu = admin_menu.get_or_create_menu('poll-menu', _('Polls'), position=position)
url = reverse('admin:polls_poll_changelist')
menu.add_sideframe_item(_('Poll overview'), url=url)
admin_menu.add_break('poll-break', position=menu)
If you wish to simply detect the presence of a menu without actually creating it, you can use
cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar.get_menu(), which will return the menu if it is present, or, if
not, will return None.
Modifying an existing toolbar
If you need to modify an existing toolbar (say to change the supported_apps attribute) you can do this by
extending the original one, and modifying the appropriate attribute.
If CMS_TOOLBARS is used to register the toolbars, add your own toolbar instead of the original one, otherwise
unregister the original and register your own:
Sometimes it is desirable to add sub-menus from different applications alphabetically. This can be challenging
due to the non-obvious manner in which your apps will be loaded into Django and is further complicated when
you add new applications over time.
class OfficesToolbar(CMSToolbar):
def populate(self):
# 'Apps' is the spot on the existing djang-cms toolbar admin_menu
# 'where we'll insert all of our applications' menus.
admin_menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu(
# Let's check to see where we would insert an 'Offices' menu in the
# admin_menu.
position = admin_menu.get_alphabetical_insert_position(
# If zero was returned, then we know we're the first of our
# applications' menus to be inserted into the admin_menu, so, here
# we'll compute that we need to go after the first
# ADMINISTRATION_BREAK and, we'll insert our own break after our
# section.
if not position:
# OK, use the ADMINISTRATION_BREAK location + 1
position = admin_menu.find_first(
) + 1
# Insert our own menu-break, at this new position. We'll insert
# all subsequent menus before this, so it will ultimately come
# after all of our applications' menus.
admin_menu.add_break('custom-break', position=position)
# OK, create our office menu here.
office_menu = admin_menu.get_or_create_menu(
_('Offices ...'),
# Let's add some sub-menus to our office menu that help our users
# manage office-related things.
# Take the user to the admin-listing for offices...
url = reverse('admin:offices_office_changelist')
office_menu.add_sideframe_item(_('Offices List'), url=url)
# Display a modal dialogue for creating a new office...
url = reverse('admin:offices_office_add')
office_menu.add_modal_item(_('Add New Office'), url=url)
# Add a break in the submenus
# More submenus...
url = reverse('admin:offices_state_changelist')
office_menu.add_sideframe_item(_('States List'), url=url)
url = reverse('admin:offices_state_add')
office_menu.add_modal_item(_('Add New State'), url=url)
Here is the resulting toolbar (with a few other menus sorted alphabetically beside it)
Another way to add items to the toolbar is through our own views (polls/ This method can be
useful if you need to access certain variables, in our case e.g. the selected poll and its sub-methods:
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from polls.models import Poll
Detecting url changes Sometimes toolbar entries allow that you change the url of the current object displayed
in the website. For example you are inside a blog entry and the toolbar allows to edit the blog slug or url. The
toolbar will watch the django.contrib.admin.models.LogEntry model and detect if you create or edit
an object in the admin via modal or sideframe view. After the modal or sideframe closes it will redirect to the new
url of the object.
To set this behavior manually you can set the request.toolbar.set_object() function on which you
can set the current object.
5.2. How-to guides
def detail(request, poll_id):
poll = get_object_or_404(Poll, pk=poll_id)
if hasattr(request, 'toolbar'):
return render(request, 'polls/detail.html', {'poll': poll})
If you want to watch for object creation or editing of models and redirect after they have been added or changed
add a watch_models attribute to your toolbar.
class PollToolbar(CMSToolbar):
watch_models = [Poll]
def populate(self):
After you add this every change to an instance of Poll via sideframe or modal window will trigger a redirect to the
URL of the poll instance that was edited, according to the toolbar status: if in draft mode the get_draft_url()
is returned (or get_absolute_url() if the former does not exists), if in live mode and the method exists
get_public_url() is returned;
The toolbar adds a class cms-ready to the html tag when ready.
cms-toolbar-expanded when the toolbar is visible (expanded).
Additionally we add
The toolbar also fires a JavaScript event called cms-ready on the document. You can listen to this event using
CMS.$(document).on(cms-ready, function () { ...
Then, simply add south to the list of INSTALLED_APPS in your file.
Basic usage
For a very short crash course:
1. Instead of the initial syncdb command, simply run schemamigration
--initial <app name>. This will create a new migrations package, along with a new migration file
(in the form of a python script).
2. Run the migration using migrate. Your tables will be created in the database and Django
will work as usual.
3. Whenever you make changes to your file, run schemamigration --auto
<app name> to create a new migration file. Next run migrate to apply the newly created
More information about South
Obviously, South is a very powerful tool and this simple crash course is only the very tip of the iceberg. Readers
are highly encouraged to have a quick glance at the excellent official South documentation.
Your apps need testing, but in your live site they arent in as they are attached to a CMS page. So if
you want to be able to use reverse() in your tests, or test templates that use the url template tag, you need to
hook up your app to a special test version of and tell your tests to use that.
So you could create myapp/tests/ with the following code:
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls import url, include
urlpatterns = [
And then in your tests you can plug this in with the override_settings() decorator:
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from cms.test_utils.testcases import CMSTestCase
class MyappTests(CMSTestCase):
def test_myapp_page(self):
test_url = reverse('myapp_view_name')
# rest of test as normal
If you want to the test url conf throughout your test class, then you can use apply the decorator to the whole class:
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from cms.test_utils.testcases import CMSTestCase
class MyappTests(CMSTestCase):
def test_myapp_page(self):
test_url = reverse('myapp_view_name')
# rest of test as normal
Django CMS includes CMSTestCase which has various utility methods that might be useful for testing your
CMS app and manipulating CMS pages.
Testing Plugins
To test plugins, you need to assign them to a placeholder. Depending on at what level you want to test your plugin,
you can either check the HTML generated by it or the context provided to its template:
from django.test import TestCase
from cms.api import add_plugin
from cms.models import Placeholder
from myapp.cms_plugins import MyPlugin
from myapp.models import MyappPlugin
class MypluginTests(TestCase):
def test_plugin_context(self):
placeholder = Placeholder.objects.create(slot='test')
model_instance = add_plugin(
plugin_instance = model_instance.get_plugin_class_instance()
context = plugin_instance.render({}, model_instance, None)
self.assertIn('key', context)
self.assertEqual(context['key'], 'value')
def test_plugin_html(self):
placeholder = Placeholder.objects.create(slot='test')
model_instance = add_plugin(
html = model_instance.render_plugin({})
self.assertEqual(html, '<strong>Test</strong>')
The slotname is used in templates, to determine where the placeholders plugins should appear in the page, and
in the placeholder configuration CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF, which determines which plugins may be inserted
into this placeholder.
You can also use a callable for the slotname, as in:
from django.db import models
from cms.models.fields import PlaceholderField
def my_placeholder_slotname(instance):
return 'placeholder_name'
class MyModel(models.Model):
# your fields
my_placeholder = PlaceholderField(my_placeholder_slotname)
# your methods
Warning: For security reasons the related_name for a PlaceholderField may not be suppressed using
+; this allows the cms to check permissions properly. Attempting to do so will raise a ValueError.
Note: If you add a PlaceholderField to an existing model, youll be able to see the placeholder in the frontend
editor only after saving the relevant instance.
Admin Integration
I18N Placeholders
display language tabs.
If you extend your model admin class derived from
admin/placeholders/placeholder/change_form.html to see how to display the language
If you need other fields translated as well, django CMS has support for django-hvad. If you use a
TranslatableModel model be sure to not include the placeholder fields amongst the translated fields:
class MultilingualExample1(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
title=models.CharField('title', max_length=255),
description=models.CharField('description', max_length=255),
placeholder_1 = PlaceholderField('placeholder_1')
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
To render the placeholder in a template you use the render_placeholder tag from the cms_tags template
tag library:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% render_placeholder mymodel_instance.my_placeholder "640" %}
If you want to render plugins from a specific language, you can use the tag like this:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% render_placeholder mymodel_instance.my_placeholder language 'en' %}
Once in frontend editing mode, the interface for your applications PlaceholderFields will work in much
the same way as it does for CMS Pages, with a switch for Structure and Content modes and so on.
There is no automatic draft/live functionality for general Django models, so content is updated instantly whenever
you add/edit them.
To be able to edit a placeholder user must be a staff member and needs either edit permissions on the model
that contains the PlaceholderField, or permissions for that specific instance of that model.
Model permissions are usually added through the default Django auth application and its admin interface. Objectlevel permission can be handled by writing a custom Auth Backend as described in django docs
For example, if there is a UserProfile model that contains a PlaceholderField then the custom backend
can refer to a has_perm method (on the model) that grants all rights to current user only based on the users
UserProfile object:
def has_perm(self, user_obj, perm, obj=None):
if not user_obj.is_staff:
return False
if isinstance(obj, UserProfile):
if user_obj.get_profile()==obj:
return True
return False
5.2.11 Caching
To setup caching configure a caching backend in django.
Details for caching can be found here:
In your middleware settings be sure to add django.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware at
the first and django.middleware.cache.FetchFromCacheMiddleware at the last position:
Warning: If you disable a plugin cache be sure to restart the server and clear the cache afterwards.
Default: 60
This can be changed in CMS_CACHE_DURATIONS
Caching is set default to true. Have a look at the following settings to enable/disable various caching behaviors:
This feature relies on four templatetags sharing common code:
Look at the tag-specific page for a detailed reference; in the examples below render_model is assumed.
Page titles edit
For CMS pages you can edit the titles from the frontend; according to the attribute specified a overridable default
field will be editable.
Main title:
{% render_model request.current_page "title" %}
Page title:
{% render_model request.current_page "page_title" %}
Menu title:
{% render_model request.current_page "menu_title" %}
You can always customise the editable fields by providing the edit_field parameter:
{% render_model request.current_page "title" "page_title,menu_title" %}
Configure your admin class by adding the FrontendEditableAdminMixin mixin to it (see Django
admin documentation for general Django admin information).
from cms.admin.placeholderadmin import FrontendEditableAdminMixin
from django.contrib import admin
Set up the template Then add comma separated list of fields (or just the name of one field) to the templatetag:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{% render_model instance "some_attribute" "some_field,other_field" %}</h1>
{% endblock content %}
Special attributes
The attribute argument of the templatetag is not required to be a model field, property or method can also be
used as target; in case of a method, it will be called with request as argument.
Custom views
You can link any field to a custom view (not necessarily an admin view) to handle model-specific editing workflow.
The custom view can be passed either as a named url ( or as name of a method (or property)
on the instance being edited (view_method parameter). In case you provide view_method it will be called
whenever the templatetag is evaluated with request as parameter.
The custom view does not need to obey any specific interface; it will get edit_fields value as a GET parameter.
See templatetag reference for arguments documentation.
Example view_url:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{% render_model instance "some_attribute" "some_field,other_field" "" "admin:exampleapp_exampl
{% endblock content %}
Example view_method:
class MyModel(models.Model):
char = models.CharField(max_length=10)
def some_method(self, request):
return "/some/url"
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{% render_model instance "some_attribute" "some_field,other_field" "" "" "some_method" %}</h1>
{% endblock content %}
Model changelist
By using the special keyword changelist as edit field the frontend editing will show the model changelist:
{% render_model instance "name" "changelist" %}
If you need to apply filters to the output value of the templatetag, add quoted sequence of filters as in Django
filter templatetag:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{% render_model instance "attribute" "" "" "truncatechars:9" %}</h1>
{% endblock content %}
Context variable
The templatetag output can be saved in a context variable for later use, using the standard as syntax:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block content %}
{% render_model instance "attribute" as variable %}
<h1>{{ variable }}</h1>
{% endblock content %}
A soft root is a page that acts as the root for a menu navigation tree.
Typically, this will be a page that is the root of a significant new section on your site.
When the soft root feature is enabled, the navigation menu for any page will start at the nearest soft root, rather
than at the real root of the sites page hierarchy.
This feature is useful when your site has deep page hierarchies (and therefore multiple levels in its navigation
trees). In such a case, you usually dont want to present site visitors with deep menus of nested items.
For example, youre on the page Introduction to Bleeding, so the menu might look like this:
School of Medicine
Medical Education
Department of Lorem Ipsum
Department of Donec Imperdiet
Department of Cras Eros
Department of Mediaeval Surgery
* Introduction to Bleeding <current page>
Bleeding - the scientific evidence
Cleaning up the mess
Department of Curabitur a Purus
Department of Sed Accumsan
Department of Etiam
Contact us
The menu system isnt monolithic. Rather, it is composed of numerous active parts, many of which can operate
independently of each other.
What they operate on is a list of menu nodes, that gets passed around the menu system, until it emerges at the
other end.
The main active parts of the menu system are menu generators and modifiers.
Some of these parts are supplied with the menus application. Some come from other applications (from the cms
application in django CMS, for example, or some other application entirely).
All these active parts need to be registered within the menu system.
Then, when the time comes to build a menu, the system will ask all the registered menu generators and modifiers
to get to work on it.
Nodes are assembled in a tree. Each node is an instance of the menus.base.NavigationNode class.
A NavigationNode has attributes such as URL, title, parent and children - as one would expect in a navigation tree.
Warning: You cant assume that a menus.base.NavigationNode represents a django CMS Page.
Firstly, some nodes may represent objects from other applications. Secondly, you cant expect to be able to
access Page objects via NavigationNodes.
* menus.menu_pool.MenuPool.get_nodes()
loops over the Menus in self.menus (note: by default the only generator is
call its get_nodes() - the menu generator
adds all nodes into a big list
loops over each node, comparing its URL with the request.path_info, and marks the
best match as selected
menus.modifiers.Level loops over all nodes; for each one that is a root node (level = 0
menus.modifiers.Level.mark_levels() recurses over a nodes
descendants marking their levels
* were now back in menus.templatetags.menu_tags.ShowMenu.get_context()
* if we have been provided a root_id, get rid of any nodes other than its descendants
* menus.templatetags.menu_tags.cut_levels() removes nodes from the
menu according to the arguments provided by the templatetag
5.3.2 Publishing
Each published page in the CMS exists in as two cms.Page instances: public and draft.
Until its published, only the draft version exists.
The staff users generally use the draft version to edit content and change settings for the pages. None of these
changes are visible on the public site until the page is published.
When a page is published, the page must also have all parent pages published in order to become available on
the web site. If a parent page is not yet published, the page goes into a pending state. It will be automatically
published once the parent page is published.
This enables you to edit an entire subsection of the website, publishing it only once all the work is complete.
Code and Pages
When handling cms.Page in code, youll generally want to deal with draft instances.
Draft pages are the ones you interact with in the admin, and in draft mode in the CMS frontend. When a draft page
is published, a public version is created and all titles, placeholders and plugins are copied to the public version.
The cms.Page model has a publisher_is_draft field, thats True for draft versions. Use a filter:
django CMS determines the users language the same way Django does it.
the language code prefix in the URL
the language set in the session
the language in the django_language cookie
the language that the browser says its user prefers
It uses the django built in capabilities for this.
By default no session and cookie are set.
If you want to enable
cms.middleware.language.LanguageCookieMiddleware to set the cookie on every request.
Once it has identified a users language, it will try to accommodate it using the languages set in
If fallbacks is set, and if the users preferred language is not available for that content, it will use the fallbacks
specified for the language in CMS_LANGUAGES.
If hide_untranslated is True (the default) then pages that arent translated into the desired language will
not appear in the menu.
5.3.4 Internationalisation
Multilingual URLs
If you use more than one language, django CMS urls, including the admin URLS, need to be referenced via
i18n_patterns(). For more information about this see the official Django documentation on the subject.
Heres an example of
urlpatterns = [
url($', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog'),
urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()
# note the django CMS URLs included via i18n_patterns
urlpatterns += i18n_patterns('',
Language Cookie
If a user comes back to a previously visited page, the language will be same since his last visit.
By default if someone visits a page at django determines the language as follow:
language in url
language in session
language in cookie
language in from browser
LANGUAGE_CODE from settings
More in-depth documentation about this is available at
When visiting a page that is only English and French with a German browser, the language from LANGUAGE_CODE will be used. If this is English, but the visitor only speaks French, the visitor will have to
switch the language. Visiting the same page now again after some time, will show it in English again, because
the browser session which was used to store the language selection doesnt exist anymore. To prevent this issue,
a middleware exists which stores the language selection in a cookie. Add the following middleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:
Language Chooser
The language_chooser template tag will display a language chooser for the current page. You can modify
the template in menu/language_chooser.html or provide your own template if necessary.
{% load menu_tags %}
{% language_chooser "myapp/language_chooser.html" %}
If you are in an apphook and have a detail view of an object you can set an object to the toolbar in your view. The
cms will call get_absolute_url in the corresponding language for the language chooser:
class AnswerView(DetailView):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
if hasattr(self.request, 'toolbar'):
response = super(AnswerView, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
return response
With this you can more easily control what url will be returned on the language chooser.
Note: If you have a multilingual objects be sure that you return the right url if you dont have a translation for
this language in get_absolute_url
This template tag returns the URL of the current page in another language.
{% page_language_url "de" %}
If you add a default directive to your CMS_LANGUAGES with a hide_untranslated to False all pages will
be displayed in all languages even if they are not translated yet.
If hide_untranslated is True in your CMS_LANGUAGES and you are on a page that doesnt yet have an English
translation and you view the German version then the language chooser will redirect to /. The same goes for urls
that are not handled by the cms and display a language chooser.
Automated slug generation unicode characters
If your site has languages which use non-ASCII character sets, you might want to enable
CMS_UNIHANDECODE_HOST and CMS_UNIHANDECODE_VERSION to get automated slugs for those
languages too.
5.3.5 Permissions
In django CMS you can set three types of permissions:
1. View restrictions for restricting front-end view access to users
2. Page permissions for allowing staff users to only have rights on certain sections of certain sites
3. Mode permission which when left unset, restricts staff users to only editing, not adding new content
To enable features 1. and 2., requires:
The third one is controlled by the Can use Structure mode Django permission.
View restrictions
View restrictions can be set-up from the View restrictions formset on any cms page. Once a page has at least one
view restriction installed, only users with granted access will be able to see that page. Mind that this restriction is
for viewing the page as an end-user (front-end view), not viewing the page in the admin interface!
View restrictions are also controlled by the CMS_PUBLIC_FOR setting. Possible values are all and staff.
This setting decides if pages without any view restrictions are:
viewable by everyone including anonymous users (all)
viewable by staff users only (staff )
Page permissions
After setting CMS_PERMISSION = True you will have three new models in the admin index:
1. Users (page)
2. User groups (page)
3. Pages global permissions
Users (page) / User groups (page)
Using Users (page) you can easily add users with permissions over CMS pages.
You would be able to create a user with the same set of permissions using the usual Auth.User model, but using
Users (page) is more convenient.
A new user created using Users (page) with given page add/edit/delete rights will not be able to make any changes
to pages straight away. The user must first be assigned to a set of pages over which he may exercise these rights.
This is done using the Page permissions. formset on any page or by using Pages global permissions.
User groups (page) manages the same feature on the group level.
Page permissions
The Page permission formset has multiple checkboxes defining different permissions: can edit, can add, can
delete, can change advanced settings, can publish, can move and can change permission. These define what kind
of actions the user/group can do on the pages on which the permissions are being granted through the Grant on
Can change permission refers to whether the user can change the permissions of his subordinate users. Bob is the
subordinate of Alice if one of:
Bob was created by Alice
Bob has at least one page permission set on one of the pages on which Alice has the Can change permissions
Note: Mind that even though a new user has permissions to change a page, that doesnt give him permissions
to add a plugin within that page. In order to be able to add/change/delete plugins on any page, you will need
to go through the usual Auth.User model and give the new user permissions to each plugin you want him to
have access to. Example: if you want the new user to be able to use the text plugin, you will need to give him
the following rights: text | text | Can add text, text | text | Can change text, text
| text | Can delete text.
Pages global permissions
Using the Pages global permissions model you can give a set of permissions to all pages in a set of sites.
Note: You always must set the sites managed py the global permissions, even if you only have one site.
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-file) and on PyPi (djangocms-file).
Allows you to upload a file. A filetype icon will be assigned based on the file extension.
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in
your projects file:
# ...
# ...
You should take care that the directory defined by the configuration setting CMS_PAGE_MEDIA_PATH (by default cms_page_media/ relative to MEDIA_ROOT) is writable by the user under which django will be running.
You might consider using django-filer with django filer CMS plugin and its cmsplugin_filer_file component instead.
Warning: The djangocms_file file plugin only works with local storages. If you need more advanced
solutions, please look at alternative file plugins for the django CMS, such as django-filer.
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-flash) and on PyPi (djangocms-flash).
Allows you to upload and display a Flash SWF file on your page.
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in
your projects file:
# ...
# ...
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-googlemap) and on PyPi (djangocms-googlemap).
Displays a map of an address on your page.
Both address and coordinates are supported to center the map; zoom level and route planner can be set when
adding/editing plugin in the admin.
New in version 2.3.2: width/height parameter has been added, so its no longer required to set plugin container
size in CSS or template.
Changed in version 2.3.2: Zoom level is set via a select field which ensure only legal values are used.
Note: Due to the above change, level field is now marked as NOT NULL, and a datamigration has been introduced
to modify existing googlemap plugin instance to set the default value if level if is NULL.
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in
your projects file:
# ...
# ...
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-picture) and on PyPi (djangocms-picture).
Displays a picture in a page.
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in
your projects file:
# ...
# ...
There are several solutions for Python and Django out there to automatically resize your pictures, you can find
some on Django Packages and compare them there.
In your project template directory create a folder called djangocms_picture/plugins and in it create a file
called picture.html. Here is an example picture.html template using easy-thumbnails:
{% load thumbnail %}
In this template the picture is scaled differently based on which placeholder it was placed in.
You should take care that the directory defined by the configuration setting CMS_PAGE_MEDIA_PATH (by default cms_page_media/ relative to MEDIA_ROOT) is writable by the user under which django will be running.
Note: In order to improve clarity, some Picture fields have been omitted in the example template code.
Note: For more advanced use cases where you would like to upload your media to a central location, consider
using django-filer with django filer CMS plugin and its cmsplugin_filer_image component instead.
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-teaser) and on PyPi (djangocms-teaser).
Displays a teaser box for another page or a URL. A picture and a description can be added.
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS settings in
your projects file:
# ...
# ...
You should take care that the directory defined by the configuration setting CMS_PAGE_MEDIA_PATH (by default cms_page_media/ relative to MEDIA_ROOT) is writable by the user under which django will be running.
Note: For more advanced use cases where you would like to upload your media to a central location, consider
using django-filer with django filer CMS plugin and its cmsplugin_filer_teaser component instead.
Consider using djangocms-text-ckeditor for displaying text. You may of course use your preferred editor; others
are available.
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-video) and on PyPi (djangocms-video).
Plays Video Files or Youtube / Vimeo Videos. Uses the OSFlashVideoPlayer. When uploading videos use either
.flv files or h264 encoded video files.
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in your projects INSTALLED_APPS
# ...
# ...
There are some settings you can set in your to overwrite some default behavior:
VIDEO_AUTOPLAY ((default: False)
VIDEO_AUTOHIDE (default: False)
VIDEO_FULLSCREEN (default: True)
VIDEO_LOOP (default: False)
VIDEO_AUTOPLAY (default: False)
VIDEO_BG_COLOR (default: "000000")
VIDEO_SEEKBARBG_COLOR (default: "333333")
VIDEO_LOADINGBAR_COLOR (default: "828282")
VIDEO_BUTTON_OUT_COLOR (default: "333333")
VIDEO_BUTTON_OVER_COLOR (default: "000000")
You should take care that the directory defined by the configuration setting CMS_PAGE_MEDIA_PATH (by default cms_page_media/ relative to MEDIA_ROOT) is writable by the user under which django will be running.
Note: For more advanced use cases where you would like to upload your media to a central location, consider
using django-filer with django filer CMS plugin and its cmsplugin_filer_video component instead.
We recommend one of the following plugins:
Warning: These plugins are not currently compatible with Django 1.7.
Available on GitHub (divio/djangocms-inherit) and on PyPi (djangocms-inherit).
Displays all plugins of another page or another language. Great if you always need the same plugins on a lot of
Please install it using pip or similar and be sure you have the following in your projects INSTALLED_APPS
# ...
# ...
5.4 Reference
Technical reference material.
5.4.1 Configuration
django CMS has a number of settings to configure its behaviour. file.
Required Settings
Note: All templates defined in CMS_TEMPLATES must contain at least the js and css sekizai namespaces.
For more information, see Static files handling with sekizai.
Note: Alternatively you can use CMS_TEMPLATES_DIR to define a directory containing templates for django
Warning: django CMS requires some special templates to function correctly. These are provided within
cms/templates/cms. You are strongly advised not to use cms as a directory name for your own project
Basic Customisation
default True
Enables the inheritance of templates from parent pages.
When enabled, pages Template options will include a new default: Inherit from the parent page (unless the
page is a root page).
default None
Instead of explicitly providing a set of templates via CMS_TEMPLATES a directory can be provided using this
CMS_TEMPLATES_DIR can be set to the (absolute) path of the templates directory, or set to a dictionary with
SITE_ID: template path items:
1: '/absolute/path/for/site/1/',
2: '/absolute/path/for/site/2/',
5.4. Reference
The provided directory is scanned and all templates in it are loaded as templates for django CMS.
Template loaded and their names can be customized using the templates dir as a python module, by creating a file in the templates directory. The file contains a single TEMPLATES dictionary with the list of
templates as keys and template names as values:::
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
'col_two.html': _('Two columns'),
'col_three.html': _('Three columns'),
Being a normal python file, templates labels can be passed through gettext for translation.
Note: As templates are still loaded by the Django template loader, the given directory must be reachable by the
template loading system. Currently filesystem and app_directory loader schemas are tested and supported.
default {}
Used to configure placeholders. If not given, all plugins will be available in all placeholders.
'content': {
'plugins': ['TextPlugin', 'PicturePlugin'],
'text_only_plugins': ['LinkPlugin'],
'extra_context': {"width":640},
'name': gettext("Content"),
'language_fallback': True,
'default_plugins': [
'plugin_type': 'TextPlugin',
'values': {
'body':'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p>',
'child_classes': {
'TextPlugin': ['PicturePlugin', 'LinkPlugin'],
'parent_classes': {
'LinkPlugin': ['TextPlugin'],
'right-column': {
"plugins": ['TeaserPlugin', 'LinkPlugin'],
"extra_context": {"width": 280},
'name': gettext("Right Column"),
'limits': {
'global': 2,
'TeaserPlugin': 1,
'LinkPlugin': 1,
'plugin_modules': {
'LinkPlugin': 'Extra',
'plugin_labels': {
You can combine template names and placeholder names to granularly define plugins, as shown above with
base.html content.
plugins A list of plugins that can be added to this placeholder. If not supplied, all plugins can be selected.
text_only_plugins A list of additional plugins available only in the TextPlugin, these plugins cant be
added directly to this placeholder.
extra_context Extra context that plugins in this placeholder receive.
name The name displayed in the Django admin. With the gettext stub, the name can be internationalized.
limits Limit the number of plugins that can be placed inside this placeholder. Dictionary keys are plugin names
and the values are their respective limits. Special case: global - Limit the absolute number of plugins in
this placeholder regardless of type (takes precedence over the type-specific limits).
language_fallback When True, if the placeholder has no plugin for the current language it falls back to
the fallback languages as specified in CMS_LANGUAGES. Defaults to True since version 3.1.
default_plugins You can specify the list of default plugins which will be automagically added when the
placeholder will be created (or rendered). Each element of the list is a dictionary with following keys :
plugin_type The plugin type to add to the placeholder Example : TextPlugin
values Dictionary to use for the plugin creation. It depends on the plugin_type. See the documentation of each plugin type to see which parameters are required and available. Example
for a Textplugin: {body:<p>Lorem ipsum</p>} Example for a LinkPlugin : {name:DjangoCMS,url:}
children It is a list of dictionnaries to configure default plugins to add as children for the current plugin (it must accepts children). Each dictionary accepts same args than dictionnaries of
default_plugins : plugin_type, values, children (yes, it is recursive).
Complete example of default_plugins usage:
'content': {
'name' : _('Content'),
'plugins': ['TextPlugin', 'LinkPlugin'],
'body':'<p>Great websites : %(_tag_child_1)s and %(_tag_child_2)s</p>'
5.4. Reference
# If using LinkPlugin from djangocms-link which
# accepts children, you could add some grandchildren :
# 'children' : [
# ]
plugin_modules A dictionary of plugins and custom module names to group plugin in the toolbar UI.
plugin_labels A dictionary of plugins and custom labels to show in the toolbar UI.
child_classes A dictionary of plugin names with lists describing which plugins may be placed inside each
plugin. If not supplied, all plugins can be selected.
parent_classes A dictionary of plugin names with lists describing which plugins may contain each plugin.
If not supplied, all plugins can be selected.
require_parent A boolean indication whether that plugin requires another plugin as parent or not.
inherit Placeholder name or template name + placeholder name which inherit. In the example, the configuration for base.html content inherits from content and just overwrite the plugins setting to allow
TeaserPlugin, thus you have not to duplicate your contents configuration.
default []
A list of plugin context processors. Plugin context processors are callables that modify all plugins context before
rendering. See Custom Plugins for more information.
default []
A list of plugin processors. Plugin processors are callables that modify all plugins output after rendering. See
Custom Plugins for more information.
default: ()
A list of import paths for cms.app_base.CMSApp subclasses.
By default, apphooks are auto-discovered in applications listed in all INSTALLED_APPS, by trying to import
their cms_app module.
When CMS_APPHOOKS is set, auto-discovery is disabled.
Note: Make sure you only define languages which are also in LANGUAGES.
Make sure you use language codes (en-us) and not locale names (en_US) here and in
LANGUAGES. Use check command to check for correct syntax.
CMS_LANGUAGES has different options where you can define how different languages behave, with granular
5.4. Reference
On the first level you can set values for each SITE_ID. In the example above we define two sites. The first site
has 3 languages (English, German and French) and the second site has only Dutch.
The default node defines default behavior for all languages. You can overwrite the default settings with
language-specific properties. For example we define hide_untranslated as False globally, but the English language overwrites this behavior.
Every language node needs at least a code and a name property. code is the ISO 2 code for the language, and
name is the verbose name of the language.
Note: With a gettext() lambda function you can make language names translatable. To enable this add gettext
= lambda s: s at the beginning of your settings file.
What are the properties a language node can have?
code String. RFC5646 code of the language.
example "en".
Note: Is required for every language.
public Determines whether this language is accessible in the frontend. You may want for example to keep a
language private until your content has been fully translated.
type Boolean
default True
fallbacks A list of alternative languages, in order of preference, that are to be used if a page is not translated
example [de, fr]
default []
hide_untranslated Hide untranslated pages in menus
type Boolean
default True
redirect_on_fallback Determines behaviour when the preferred language is not available. If True, will redirect
to the URL of the same page in the fallback language. If False, the content will be displayed in the fallback
language, but there will be no redirect.
Note that this applies to the fallback behaviour of pages. Starting for 3.1 placeholders will default to the
same behaviour. If you do not want a placeholder to follow a pages fallback behaviour, you must set its
language_fallback to False in CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF, above.
type Boolean
default True
django CMS supports automated slug generation from page titles that contain unicode characters via the
unihandecode.js project. To enable support for unihandecode.js, at least CMS_UNIHANDECODE_HOST and
default None
Must be set to the URL where you host your unihandecode.js files. For licensing reasons, django CMS does not
include unihandecode.js.
If set to None, the default, unihandecode.js is not used.
Note: Unihandecode.js is a rather large library, especially when loading support for Japanese. It is therefore very
important that you serve it from a server that supports gzip compression. Further, make sure that those files can
be cached by the browser for a very long period.
default None
Must be set to the version number (eg 1.0.0) you want to use. Together with CMS_UNIHANDECODE_HOST
this setting is used to build the full URLs for the javascript files.
URLs are built like this:
default [ja, zh, vn, kr, diacritic]
If you add additional decoders to your CMS_UNIHANDECODE_HOST, you can add them to this setting.
default diacritic
The default decoder to use when unihandecode.js support is enabled, but the current language does not provide
a specific decoder in CMS_UNIHANDECODE_DECODERS. If set to None, failing to find a specific decoder will
disable unihandecode.js for this language.
Example Add these to your projects settings:
CMS_UNIHANDECODE_HOST = '/static/unihandecode/'
CMS_UNIHANDECODE_DECODERS = ['ja', 'zh', 'vn', 'kr', 'diacritic']
Add the library files from GitHub ojii/unihandecode.js tree/dist to your static folder:
Media Settings
default cms/
The path from MEDIA_ROOT to the media files located in cms/media/
default cms_page_media/
By default, django CMS creates a folder called cms_page_media in your static files folder where all uploaded
media files are stored. The media files are stored in subfolders numbered with the id of the page.
You need to ensure that the directory to which it points is writable by the user under which Django will be running.
Advanced Settings
default False
When enabled, 3 new models are provided in Admin:
Pages global permissions
User groups - page
Users - page
In the edit-view of the pages you can now assign users to pages and grant them permissions. In the global
permissions you can set the permissions for users globally.
If a user has the right to create new users he can now do so in the Users - page, but he will only see the users
he created. The users he created can also only inherit the rights he has. So if he only has been granted the right
to edit a certain page all users he creates can, in turn, only edit this page. Naturally he can limit the rights of the
users he creates even further, allowing them to see only a subset of the pages to which he is allowed access.
default False
default all
Determines whether pages without any view restrictions are public by default or staff only. Possible values are
all and staff.
default 3600
Cache expiration (in seconds) for the menu tree.
Note: This settings was previously called MENU_CACHE_DURATION
default 3600
Cache expiration (in seconds) for view and other permissions.
default cms-
5.4. Reference
The CMS will prepend the value associated with this key to every cache access (set and get). This is useful when
you have several django CMS installations, and you dont want them to share cache objects.
CMS_CACHE_PREFIX = 'mysite-live'
Note: Django 1.3 introduced a site-wide cache key prefix. See Djangos own docs on cache key prefixing
default True
Should the output of pages be cached? Takes the language, and timezone into account. Pages for logged in users
are not cached. If the toolbar is visible the page is not cached as well.
default True
Should the output of the various placeholder templatetags be cached? Takes the current language and timezone
into account. If the toolbar is in edit mode or a plugin with cache=False is present the placeholders will not
be cached.
default True
Default value of the cache attribute of plugins. Should plugins be cached by default if not set explicitly?
Warning: If you disable the plugin cache be sure to restart the server and clear the cache afterwards.
default 15
Configures how many undo steps are saved in the db excluding publish steps. In the page admin there is a
History button to revert to previous version of a page. In the past, databases using django-reversion could grow
huge. To help address this issue, only a limited number of edit revisions will now be saved.
This setting declares how many edit revisions are saved in the database. By default the newest 15 edit revisions
are kept.
default 10
If django-reversion is installed everything you do with a page and all plugin changes will be saved in a revision.
In the page admin there is a History button to revert to previous version of a page. In the past, databases using
django-reversion could grow huge. To help address this issue, only a limited number of published revisions will
now be saved.
This setting declares how many published revisions are saved in the database. By default the newest 10 published
revisions are kept; all others are deleted when you publish a page.
If set to 0 all published revisions are kept, but you will need to ensure that the revision table does not grow
excessively large.
default None
If defined, specifies the list of toolbar modifiers to be used to populate the toolbar as import paths. Otherwise, all
available toolbars from both the CMS and the 3rd party apps will be loaded.
# CMS Toolbars
# 3rd Party Toolbar
This setting is the default value for a Pages X Frame Options setting. This should be an integer preferably taken
from the Page object e.g.
5.4.2 Navigation
There are four template tags for use in the templates that are connected to the menu:
To use any of these templatetags, you need to have {% load menu_tags %} in your template before the line
on which you call the templatetag.
Note: Please note that menus live in the menus application, which though tightly coupled to the cms application
exists independently of it. Menus are usable by any application, not just by django CMS.
The show_menu tag renders the navigation of the current page. You can overwrite the appearance and the HTML
if you add a menu/menu.html template to your project or edit the one provided with django CMS. show_menu
takes four optional parameters: start_level, end_level, extra_inactive, and extra_active.
5.4. Reference
The first two parameters, start_level (default=0) and end_level (default=100) specify from which level
the navigation should be rendered and at which level it should stop. If you have home as a root node (i.e. level 0)
and dont want to display the root node(s), set start_level to 1.
The third parameter, extra_inactive (default=0), specifies how many levels of navigation should be displayed if a node is not a direct ancestor or descendant of the current active node.
The fourth parameter, extra_active (default=100), specifies how many levels of descendants of the currently
active node should be displayed.
You can supply a template parameter to the tag.
Some Examples
If you have set an id in the advanced settings of a page, you can display the submenu of this page with a template
tag. For example, we have a page called meta that is not displayed in the navigation and that has the id meta:
{% show_menu_below_id "meta" %}
Note that soft roots will not affect the menu when using show_menu_below_id.
Displays the sub menu of the current page (as a nested list).
The first argument, levels (default=100), specifies how many levels deep the sub menu should be displayed.
The second argument, root_level (default=None), specifies at what level, if any, the menu should have its
root. For example, if root_level is 0 the menu will start at that level regardless of what level the current page is on.
The third argument, nephews (default=100), specifies how many levels of nephews (children of siblings) are
Fourth argument, template (default=menu/sub_menu.html), is the template used by the tag; if you want to use
a different template you must supply default values for root_level and nephews.
{% show_sub_menu 1 %}
Rooted at level 0:
{% show_sub_menu 1 0 %}
Show the breadcrumb navigation of the current page.
{% show_breadcrumb %}
Usually, only pages visible in the navigation are shown in the breadcrumb. To include all pages in the breadcrumb,
{% show_breadcrumb 0 "menu/breadcrumb.html" 0 %}
If the current URL is not handled by the CMS or by a navigation extender, the current menu node can not be
determined. In this case you may need to provide your own breadcrumb via the template. This is mostly needed
for pages like login, logout and third-party apps. This can easily be accomplished by a block you overwrite in
your templates.
For example in your base.html:
{% block breadcrumb %}
{% show_breadcrumb %}
{% endblock %}
5.4. Reference
The level of the node from the root node of the menu. Starts at 0. If your menu starts at level 1 or you have a soft
root (described in the next section) the first node would still have 0 as its menu_level.
{{ node.get_absolute_url }}
The absolute URL of the node, without any protocol, domain or port.
{{ node.title }}
If true this node is a soft root. A page can be marked as a soft root in its Advanced Settings.
Modifying & Extending the menu
Please refer to the Customising navigation menus documentation
5.4.3 Plugins
CMSPluginBase Attributes and Methods Reference
These are a list of attributes and methods that can (or should) be overridden on your Plugin definition.
Be sure to access instance.child_plugin_instances to get all children. They are pre-filled and ready
to use. To finally render your child plugins use the {% render_plugin %} templatetag.
See also: child_classes, parent_classes, require_parent
cache Default: CMS_PLUGIN_CACHE
Is this plugin cacheable? If your plugin displays content based on the user or request or other dynamic properties
set this to False.
Warning: If you disable a plugin cache be sure to restart the server and clear the cache afterwards.
5.4. Reference
5.4. Reference
translatable_content_excluded_fields Default: [ ]
A list of plugin fields which will not be exported while using get_translatable_content().
See also: get_translatable_content, set_translatable_content
copy_relations Handle copying of any relations attached to this plugin. Custom plugins have to do this themselves.
copy_relations takes 1 argument:
old_instance: The source plugin instance
See also: Handling Relations, post_copy
get_translatable_content Get a dictionary of all content fields (field name / field value pairs) from the plugin.
from djangocms_text_ckeditor.models import Text
plugin = Text.objects.get(pk=1).get_plugin_instance()[0]
# returns {'body': u'<p>I am text!</p>\n'}
5.4. Reference
move_url Returns the url to call to move a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom
Default: None (cms_page_move_plugin view is used)
delete_url Returns the url to call to delete a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a
custom view
Default: None (cms_page_delete_plugin view is used)
copy_url Returns the url to call to copy a plugin instance; useful to implement plugin-specific logic in a custom
Default: None (cms_page_copy_plugins view is used)
instead of:
from cms.api import api_function
def my_function():
Used for the limit_menu_visibility keyword argument to create_page(). Does not limit menu
Used for the limit_menu_visibility keyword argument to create_page(). Limits menu visibility to authenticated users.
Used for the limit_menu_visibility keyword argument to create_page(). Limits menu visibility to anonymous (not authenticated) users.
5.4. Reference
Create a page called My Page using the template my_template.html and add a text plugin with the
content hello world. This is done in English:
from cms.api import create_page, add_plugin
page = create_page('My Page', 'my_template.html', 'en')
placeholder = page.placeholders.get(slot='body')
add_plugin(placeholder, 'TextPlugin', 'en', body='hello world')
The token used to identify when a user selects inherit as template for a page.
Used as a position indicator in the toolbar.
Used as a position indicator in the toolbar.
Constant used by the toolbar.
class cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase
Inherits django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin.
5.4. Reference
Defaults to False, if True there will be a preview in the admin.
Custom template to use to render the form to edit this plugin.
Custom form class to be used to edit this plugin.
Returns URL patterns for which the plugin wants to register views for. They are included under django
CMS PageAdmin in the plugin path (e.g.: /admin/cms/page/plugin/<plugin-name>/ in
the default case). Useful if your plugin needs to asynchronously talk to the admin.
Is the CMSPlugin model we created earlier. If you dont need model because you just want to
display some template logic, use CMSPlugin from cms.models as the model instead.
Will group the plugin in the plugin editor. If module is None, plugin is grouped Generic group.
Will be displayed in the plugin editor.
If set to False, this plugin will not be rendered at all.
Will be rendered with the context returned by the render function.
Whether this plugin can be used in text plugins or not.
Returns the alt text for the icon used in text plugins, see icon_src().
Returns the url to the icon to be used for the given instance when that instance is used inside a text
render(context, instance, placeholder)
This method returns the context to be used to render the template specified in render_template.
context Current template context.
instance Plugin instance that is being rendered.
placeholder Name of the placeholder the plugin is in.
Return type dict
All methods taking a side argument expect either cms.constants.LEFT or cms.constants.RIGHT for
that argument.
Methods accepting the position argument can insert items at a specific position. This can be either None to
insert at the end, an integer index at which to insert the item, a cms.toolbar.items.ItemSearchResult
to insert it before that search result or a cms.toolbar.items.BaseItem instance to insert it before that
class cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar
The toolbar class providing a Python API to manipulate the toolbar. Note that some internal attributes are
not documented here.
class cms.toolbar.items.ItemSearchResult
Used for the find APIs in ToolbarMixin. Supports addition and subtraction of numbers. Can be cast to
an integer.
The item found.
The index of the item.
class cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin
Provides APIs shared between cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar and Menu.
5.4. Reference
The active and disabled flags taken by all methods of this class specify the state of the item added.
extra_classes should be either None or a list of class names as strings.
Constant to be used with on_close to refresh the current page when the frame is closed.
Constant to be used with side.
Constant to be used with side.
Returns the number of items in the toolbar or menu.
add_item(item, position=None)
Low level API to add items, adds the item to the toolbar or menu and makes it searchable. item
must be an instance of BaseItem. Read above for information about the position argument.
Removes item from the toolbar or menu. If the item cant be found, a KeyError is raised.
find_items(item_type, **attributes)
Returns a list of ItemSearchResult objects matching all items of item_type, which must be
a subclass of BaseItem, where all attributes in attributes match.
find_first(item_type, **attributes)
Returns the first ItemSearchResult that matches the search or None. The search strategy is the
same as in find_items(). Since positional insertion allows None, its safe to use the return value
of this method as the position argument to insertion APIs.
add_sideframe_item(name, url, active=False, disabled=False,
on_close=None, side=LEFT, position=None)
Adds an item which opens url in the side frame and returns it.
on_close can be set to None to do nothing when the side frame closes, REFRESH_PAGE to refresh
the page when it closes or a URL to open once it closes.
on_close=REFRESH_PAGE, side=LEFT, position=None)
The same as add_sideframe_item(), but opens the url in a modal dialog instead of the side
on_close can be set to None to do nothing when the side modal closes, REFRESH_PAGE to
refresh the page when it closes or a URL to open once it closes.
Note: The default value for on_close is different in add_sideframe_item() then in
add_link_item(name, url, active=False, disabled=False, extra_classes=None, side=LEFT, position=None)
Adds an item that simply opens url and returns it.
add_ajax_item(name, action, active=False, disabled=False, extra_classes=None, data=None,
question=None, side=LEFT, position=None)
Adds an item which sends a POST request to action with data. data should be None or a
dictionary, the CSRF token will automatically be added to it.
If question is set to a string, it will be asked before the request is sent to confirm the user wants to
complete this action.
class cms.toolbar.items.BaseItem(position)
Base item class.
Must be set by subclasses and point to a Django template
Must be either cms.constants.LEFT or cms.constants.RIGHT.
Renders the item and returns it as a string.
template with the context returned.
Returns the context (as dictionary) for this item.
class cms.toolbar.items.Menu(name, csrf_token, side=LEFT, position=None)
The menu item class. Inherits ToolbarMixin and provides the APIs documented on it.
The csrf_token must be set as this class provides high level APIs to add items to it.
get_or_create_menu(key, verbose_name, side=LEFT, position=None)
The same as cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar.get_or_create_menu() but adds
the menu as a sub menu and returns a SubMenu.
add_break(identifier=None, position=None)
Adds a visual break in the menu, useful for grouping items, and returns it. identifier may be
used to make this item searchable.
class cms.toolbar.items.SubMenu(name, csrf_token, side=LEFT, position=None)
Same as Menu but without the Menu.get_or_create_menu() method.
class cms.toolbar.items.LinkItem(name,
tra_classes=None, side=LEFT)
Simple link item.
class cms.toolbar.items.Break(identifier=None)
A visual break for menus. identifier may be provided to make this item searchable. Since breaks can
only be within menus, they have no side attribute.
class cms.toolbar.items.ButtonList(identifier=None, extra_classes=None, side=LEFT)
A list of one or more buttons.
The identifier may be provided to make this item searchable.
Adds item to the list of buttons. item must be an instance of Button.
add_button(name, url, active=False, disabled=False, extra_classes=None)
Adds a Button to the list of buttons and returns it.
class cms.toolbar.items.Button(name, url, active=False, disabled=False, extra_classes=None)
A button to be used with ButtonList. Opens url when clicked.
class menus.base.NavigationNode(title, url, id[, parent_id=None][, parent_namespace=None][,
attr=None][, visible=True])
A navigation node in a menu tree.
5.4. Reference
If you want additional content to be displayed in case the placeholder is empty, use the or argument and an
additional {% endplaceholder %} closing tag. Everything between {% placeholder "..." or %}
and {% endplaceholder %} is rendered in the event that the placeholder has no plugins or the plugins do
not generate any output.
{% placeholder "content" or %}There is no content.{% endplaceholder %}
If you want to add extra variables to the context of the placeholder, you should use Djangos with tag. For
instance, if you want to resize images from your templates according to a context variable called width, you can
pass it as follows:
{% with 320 as width %}{% placeholder "content" %}{% endwith %}
If you want the placeholder to inherit the content of a placeholder with the same name on parent pages, simply
pass the inherit argument:
{% placeholder "content" inherit %}
This will walk up the page tree up until the root page and will show the first placeholder it can find with content.
Its also possible to combine this with the or argument to show an ultimate fallback if the placeholder and none
of the placeholders on parent pages have plugins that generate content:
{% placeholder "content" inherit or %}There is no spoon.{% endplaceholder %}
See also the CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF setting where you can also add extra context variables and change
some other placeholder behavior.
5.4. Reference
Warning: Static_placeholders are not included in the undo/redo and page history pages
If you want additional content to be displayed in case the static placeholder is empty, use the or argument and an additional {% endstatic_placeholder %} closing tag. Everything between {%
static_placeholder "..." or %} and {% endstatic_placeholder %} is rendered in the event
that the placeholder has no plugins or the plugins do not generate any output.
{% static_placeholder "footer" or %}There is no content.{% endstatic_placeholder %}
Note that the Django sites framework is required and SITE_ID *must* be set in for this (not
to mention other aspects of django CMS) to work correctly.
{% render_placeholder %} is used if you have a PlaceholderField in your own model and want to render it in the
The render_placeholder tag takes the following parameters:
PlaceholderField instance
width parameter for context sensitive plugins (optional)
language keyword plus language-code string to render content in the specified language (optional)
language keyword plus language-code string to render content in the specified language (optional)
as keyword followed by varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable
for later use.
The following example renders the my_placeholder field from the mymodel_instance and will render only the
english plugins:
{% load cms_tags %}
{% render_placeholder mymodel_instance.my_placeholder language 'en' %}
New in version 3.0.2: This template tag supports the as argument. With this you can assign the result of the
template tag to a new variable that you can use elsewhere in the template.
{% render_placeholder mymodel_instance.my_placeholder as placeholder_content %}
<p>{{ placeholder_content }}</p>
When used in this manner, the placeholder will not be displayed for editing when the CMS is in edit mode.
The same as render_placeholder, but the placeholder contents will not be cached or taken from the cache.
PlaceholderField instance
width parameter for context sensitive plugins (optional)
language keyword plus language-code string to render content in the specified language (optional)
as keyword followed by varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable
for later use.
{% render_uncached_placeholder mymodel_instance.my_placeholder language 'en' %}
Displays a specific placeholder from a given page. This is useful if you want to have some more or less static
content that is shared among many pages, such as a footer.
page_lookup (see page_lookup for more information)
language (optional)
site (optional)
{% show_placeholder "footer" "footer_container_page" %}
{% show_placeholder "content" request.current_page.parent_id %}
{% show_placeholder "teaser" request.current_page.get_root %}
The same as show_placeholder, but the placeholder contents will not be cached or taken from the cache.
page_lookup (see page_lookup for more information)
language (optional)
site (optional)
{% show_uncached_placeholder "footer" "footer_container_page" %}
5.4. Reference
The page_lookup argument, passed to several templatetags to retrieve a page, can be of any of the following
str: interpreted as the reverse_id field of the desired page, which can be set in the Advanced section
when editing a page.
int: interpreted as the primary key (pk field) of the desired page
dict: a dictionary containing keyword arguments to find the desired page (for instance: {pk:
Page: you can also pass a page object directly, in which case there will be no database lookup.
If you know the exact page you are referring to, it is a good idea to use a reverse_id (a string used to uniquely
name a page) rather than a hard-coded numeric ID in your template. For example, you might have a help page
that you want to link to or display parts of on all pages. To do this, you would first open the help page in the
admin interface and enter an ID (such as help) under the Advanced tab of the form. Then you could use that
reverse_id with the appropriate templatetags:
{% show_placeholder "right-column" "help" %}
<a href="{% page_url "help" %}">Help page</a>
If you are referring to a page relative to the current page, youll probably have to use a numeric page ID or a page
object. For instance, if you want the content of the parent page to display on the current page, you can use:
{% show_placeholder "content" request.current_page.parent_id %}
Or, suppose you have a placeholder called teaser on a page that, unless a content editor has filled it with content
specific to the current page, should inherit the content of its root-level ancestor:
{% placeholder "teaser" or %}
{% show_placeholder "teaser" request.current_page.get_root %}
{% endplaceholder %}
If a matching page isnt found and DEBUG is True, an exception will be raised. However, if DEBUG is False, an
exception will not be raised. Additionally, if SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS is True and you have specified
some addresses in MANAGERS, an email will be sent to those addresses to inform them of the broken link.
New in version 3.0: page_url now supports the as argument. When used this way, the tag emits nothing, but sets
a variable in the context with the specified name to the resulting value.
When using the as argument PageNotFound exceptions are always suppressed, regardless of the setting of DEBUG
and the tag will simply emit an empty string in these cases.
This templatetag is used to display an attribute of the current page in the current language.
page_lookup (optional; see page_lookup for more information)
Possible values for attribute_name are: "title", "menu_title", "page_title", "slug",
"meta_description", "changed_date", "changed_by" (note that you can also supply that argument
without quotes, but this is deprecated because the argument might also be a template variable).
{% page_attribute "page_title" %}
If you supply the optional page_lookup argument, you will get the page attribute from the page found by that
{% page_attribute "page_title" "my_page_reverse_id" %}
{% page_attribute "page_title" request.current_page.parent_id %}
{% page_attribute "slug" request.current_page.get_root %}
New in version 2.3.2: This template tag supports the as argument. With this you can assign the result of the
template tag to a new variable that you can use elsewhere in the template.
{% page_attribute "page_title" as title %}
<title>{{ title }}</title>
This templatetag is used to render child plugins of the current plugin and should be used inside plugin templates.
Plugin needs to be an instance of a plugin model.
5.4. Reference
{% load cms_tags %}
<div class="multicolumn">
{% for plugin in instance.child_plugin_instances %}
<div style="width: {{ plugin.width }}00px;">
{% render_plugin plugin %}
{% endfor %}
Normally the children of plugins can be accessed via the child_plugins attribute of plugins. Plugins need
the allow_children attribute to set to True for this to be enabled.
New in version 3.0.
This templatetag acts like the templatetag render_model_block but with a plugin instead of a model as its target.
This is used to link from a block of markup to a plugins changeform in edit/preview mode.
This is useful for user interfaces that have some plugins hidden from display in edit/preview mode, but the CMS
author needs to expose a way to edit them. It is also useful for just making duplicate or alternate means of
triggering the change form for a plugin.
This would typically be used inside a parent-plugins render template. In this example code below, there is a parent
container plugin which renders a list of child plugins inside a NAV block, then the actual plugin contents inside a
DIV.contentgroup-items block. In this example, the nav block is always shown, but the items are only shown once
the corresponding navigation element is clicked. Adding this render_plugin_block makes it significantly more
intuitive to edit a child plugins content, by double-clicking its nav item in edit mode.
{% load cms_tags l10n %}
{% block section_content %}
<div class="contentgroup-container">
<nav class="contentgroup">
<div class="inner">
<ul class="contentgroup-items">{% for child in children %}
{% if child.enabled %}
<li class="item{{ forloop.counter0|unlocalize }}">
{% render_plugin_block child %}
<a href="#item{{|unlocalize }}">{{ child.title|safe }}</a>
{% endrender_plugin_block %}
</li>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Warning: render_model marks as safe the content of the rendered model attribute. This may be a security
risk if used on fields which may contains non-trusted content. Be aware, and use the templatetag accordingly.
render_model is the way to add frontend editing to any Django model. It both render the content of the given
attribute of the model instance and makes it clickable to edit the related model.
If the toolbar is not enabled, the value of the attribute is rendered in the template without further action.
If the toolbar is enabled, click to call frontend editing code is added.
By using this templatetag you can show and edit page titles as well as fields in standard django models, see
Frontend editing for Page and Django models for examples and further documentation.
<h1>{% render_model my_model "title" "title,abstract" %}</h1>
instance: instance of your model in the template
attribute: the name of the attribute you want to show in the template; it can be a context variable name;
its possible to target field, property or callable for the specified model; when used on a page object this
argument accepts the special titles value which will show the page title field, while allowing editing
title, menu title and page title fields in the same form;
edit_fields (optional): a comma separated list of fields editable in the popup editor; when templatetag
is used on a page object this argument accepts the special changelist value which allows editing the
pages changelist (items list);
language (optional): the admin language tab to be linked. Useful only for django-hvad enabled models.
filters (optional): a string containing chained filters to apply to the output content; works the same way
as filter templatetag;
view_url ( the name of a url that will be reversed using the instance pk and the language as
view_method (optional): a method name that will return a URL to a view; the method must accept
request as first parameter.
varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable for later use.
Warning: render_model is only partially compatible with django-hvad: using it with hvad-translated
fields (say {% render_model object translated_field %} return error if the hvad-enabled object does not
exists in the current language. As a workaround render_model_icon can be used instead.
New in version 3.0.
5.4. Reference
{% render_model_block my_model %}
<h1>{{ instance.title }}</h1>
<div class="body">
{{|date:"d F Y" }}
{{ instance.text }}
{% endrender_model_block %}
In the block the my_model is aliased as instance and every attribute and method is available; also templatetags
and filters are available in the block.
instance: instance of your model in the template
edit_fields (optional): a comma separated list of fields editable in the popup editor; when templatetag
is used on a page object this argument accepts the special changelist value which allows editing the
pages changelist (items list);
language (optional): the admin language tab to be linked. Useful only for django-hvad enabled models.
view_url ( the name of a url that will be reversed using the instance pk and the language as
view_method (optional): a method name that will return a URL to a view; the method must accept
request as first parameter.
varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable for later use.
New in version 3.0.
render_model_icon is intended for use where the relevant object attribute is not available for user interaction
(for example, already has a link on it, think of a title in a list of items and the titles are linked to the object detail
view); when in edit mode, it renders an edit icon, which will trigger the editing changeform for the provided fields.
Icon and position can be customized via CSS by setting a background to the
.cms_render_model_icon img selector.
instance: instance of your model in the template
edit_fields (optional): a comma separated list of fields editable in the popup editor; when templatetag
is used on a page object this argument accepts the special changelist value which allows editing the
pages changelist (items list);
language (optional): the admin language tab to be linked. Useful only for django-hvad enabled models.
view_url ( the name of a url that will be reversed using the instance pk and the language as
view_method (optional): a method name that will return a URL to a view; the method must accept
request as first parameter.
varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable for later use.
New in version 3.0.
render_model_add is similar to render_model_icon but it will enable to create instances of the given
instance class; when in edit mode, it renders an add icon, which will trigger the editing addform for the provided
Icon and position can be customized via CSS by setting a background to the
.cms_render_model_add img selector.
instance: instance of your model, or model class to be added
edit_fields (optional): a comma separated list of fields editable in the popup editor;
language (optional): the admin language tab to be linked. Useful only for django-hvad enabled models.
view_url ( the name of a url that will be reversed using the instance pk and the language as
view_method (optional): a method name that will return a URL to a view; the method must accept
request as first parameter.
varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable for later use.
If passing a class, instead of an instance, and using ``view_method``,
please bear in mind that the method will be called over an **empty instance**
of the class, so attributes are all empty, and the instance does not
exists on the database.
Warning: You must pass an instance of your model as instance parameter. The instance passed could be an
existing models instance, or one newly created in your view/plugin. It does not even have to be saved, it is
introspected by the templatetag to determine the desired model class.
instance: instance of your model in the template
edit_fields (optional): a comma separated list of fields editable in the popup editor;
language (optional): the admin language tab to be linked. Useful only for django-hvad enabled models.
view_url ( the name of a url that will be reversed using the instance pk and the language as
view_method (optional): a method name that will return a URL to a view; the method must accept
request as first parameter.
varname (optional): the templatetag output can be saved as a context variable for later use.
If the current url has no cms-page and is handled by a navigation extender and the url changes based on the
language, you will need to set a language_changer function with the set_language_changer function in cms.utils.
For more information, see Internationalisation.
The language_chooser template tag will display a language chooser for the current page. You can modify
the template in menu/language_chooser.html or provide your own template if necessary.
{% language_chooser %}
{% language_chooser "myapp/language_chooser.html" %}
The language_chooser has three different modes in which it will display the languages you can choose from: raw
(default), native, current and short. It can be passed as the last argument to the language_chooser
tag as a string. In raw mode, the language will be displayed like its verbose name in the settings. In native
mode the languages are displayed in their actual language (eg. German will be displayed Deutsch, Japanese as
etc). In current mode the languages are translated into the current language the user is seeing the site in (eg.
if the site is displayed in German, Japanese will be displayed as Japanisch). Short mode takes the language
code (eg. en) to display.
If the current url has no cms-page and is handled by a navigation extender and the url changes based on the
language, you will need to set a language_changer function with the set_language_changer function in menus.utils.
For more information, see Internationalisation.
Toolbar Templatetags
The cms_toolbar templatetag is included in the cms_tags library and will add the required css and javascript
to the sekizai blocks in the base template. The templatetag has to be placed after the <body> tag and before any
{% cms_placeholder %} occurrences within your HTML.
{% cms_toolbar %}
{% placeholder "home" %}
Note: Be aware that you can not surround the cms_toolbar tag with block tags. The toolbar tag will render
everything below it to collect all plugins and placeholders, before it renders itself. Block tags interfere with this.
Informational commands
cms list
cms check
5.4. Reference
Warning: The delete_orphaned_plugins command permanently deletes data from your database.
You should make a backup of your database before using it!
Identifies and deletes orphaned plugins.
Orphaned plugins are ones that exist in the CMSPlugins table, but:
have a plugin_type that is no longer even installed
have no corresponding saved instance in that particular plugin types table
Such plugins will cause problems when trying to use operations that need to copy pages (and thefore plugins),
which includes cms moderator on as well as page copy operations in the admin.
It is advised to run cms list plugins periodically, and cms delete_orphaned_plugins when required.
cms uninstall
The uninstall subcommand can be used to make uninstalling a CMS Plugin or an apphook easier.
It has two subcommands:
cms uninstall plugins <plugin name> [<plugin name 2> [...]] uninstalls one or
several plugins by removing them from all pages where they are used. Note that the plugin name should be
the name of the class that is registered in the django CMS. If you are unsure about the plugin name, use the
cms list to see a list of installed plugins.
cms uninstall apphooks <apphook name> [<apphook name 2> [...]]
one or several apphooks by removing them from all pages where they are used. Note that the apphook
name should be the name of the class that is registered in the django CMS. If you are unsure about the
apphook name, use the cms list to see a list of installed apphooks.
Warning: The uninstall commands permanently delete data from your database. You should make a backup
of your database before using them!
cms copy-lang
The copy-lang subcommand can be used to copy content (titles and plugins) from one language to another. By
default the subcommand copy content from the current site (e.g. the value of SITE_ID) and only if the target
placeholder has no content for the specified language; using the defined options you can change this.
You must provide two arguments:
from_language: the language to copy the content from;
to_language: the language to copy the content to.
It accepts the following options
force-copy: set to copy content even if a placeholder already has content; if set, copied content will be
appended to the original one;
site: specifiy a SITE_ID to operate on sites different from the current one;
verbose: set for more verbose output.
Moderation commands
cms moderator
If you migrate from an earlier version, you should use the cms moderator on command to ensure that your
published pages are up to date, whether or not you used moderation in the past.
Warning: This command alters data in your database. You should make a backup of your database before using it! Never run this command without first checking for orphaned plugins, using the cms list
plugins command, and if necessary delete_orphaned_plugins. Running cms moderator with
orphaned plugins will fail and leave bad data in your database.
cms publisher_publish
If you want to publish many pages at once, this command can help you. By default, this command publishes drafts
for all public pages.
It accepts the following options
unpublished: set to publish all drafts, including unpublished ones; if not set, only already published
pages will be republished.
language: specify a language code to publish pages in only one language; if not specified, this command
publishes all page languages;
site: specify a site id to publish pages for specified site only; if not specified, this command publishes
pages for all sites;
#publish drafts for public pages in all languages
#publish all drafts in all pages
cms publisher_publish --unpublished
#publish drafts for public pages in deutsch
cms publisher_publish --language=de
#publish all drafts in deutsch
cms publisher_publish --unpublished --language=de
#publish all drafts in deutsch, but only for site with id=2
cms publisher_publish --unpublished --language=de --site=2
Warning: This command publishes drafts. You should review drafts before using this command, because
they will become public.
Occasionally, the MPTT tree can become corrupted (this is one of the reasons for our move away from MPTT to
MP in django CMS 3.1). Typical symptoms include problems when trying to copy or delete plugins or pages.
5.4. Reference
Once a database has been migrated from MPTT to MP, there is no use for this command.
In addition to leading the development of the project, the core developers have an important role in fostering the
community of developers who work with django CMS, and who create the numerous applications, plugins and
other software that integrates with it.
Finally, the core developers are responsible for setting the tone of the community and helping ensure that it
continues to be friendly and welcoming to all who wish to participate. The values and standards of the community
are set out in its Code of Conduct.
Commit policy for core developers
Except in the case of very minor patches - for example, fixing typos in documentation - core developers are not
expected to merge their own commits, but to follow good practice and have their work reviewed and merged by
another member of the team.
Similarly, substantial patches with significant implications for the codebase from other members of the community
should be reviewed and discussed by more than one core developer before being accepted.
Current core developers
New members of the core team are selected by the technical board.
Technical board
Historically, django CMSs development has been led by members of staff from Divio. It has been (and will
continue to be) a requirement of the CMS that it meet Divios needs.
However, as the software has matured and its user-base has dramatically expanded, it has become increasingly
important also to reflect a wider range of perspectives in the development process. The technical board exists to
help guarantee this.
The role of the board is to maintain oversight of the work of the core team, to set key goals for the project and to
make important decisions about the development of the software.
In the vast majority of cases, the team of core developers will be able to resolve questions and make decisions
without the formal input of the technical board; where a disagreement with no clear consensus exists however, the
board will make the necessary definitive decision.
The board is also responsible for making final decisions on the election of new core developers to the team, and should it be necessary - the removal of developers who have retired, or for other reasons.
Composition of the board
The members of the technical board will include key developers from Divio and others in the django CMS development community - developers who work with django CMS, as well as developers of django CMS - in order to
help ensure that all perspectives are represented in important decisions about the software and the project.
The board may also include representatives of the django CMS community who are not developers but who have
a valuable expertise in key fields (user experience, design, content management, etc).
The current members of the technical board are:
Angelo Dini
Daniele Procida
Iacopo Spalletti
Jonas Obrist
Martin Koistinen
Matteo Larghi
The board will co-opt new members as appropriate.
People interested in developing for the django CMS should join the django-cms-developers mailing list as well as
heading over to #django-cms on the freenode IRC network for help and to discuss the development.
You may also be interested in following @djangocmsstatus on twitter to get the GitHub commits as well as the
hudson build reports. There is also a @djangocms account for less technical announcements.
In a nutshell
Heres what the contribution process looks like, in a bullet-points fashion, and only for the stuff we host on GitHub:
1. django CMS is hosted on GitHub, at
2. The best method to contribute back is to create an account there, then fork the project. You can use this fork
as if it was your own project, and should push your changes to it.
3. When you feel your code is good enough for inclusion, send us a pull request, by using the nice GitHub
web interface.
Contributing Code
Getting the source code
If youre interested in developing a new feature for the CMS, it is recommended that you first discuss it on the
django-cms-developers mailing list so as not to do any work that will not get merged in anyway.
Code will be reviewed and tested by at least one core developer, preferably by several. Other community
members are welcome to give feedback.
Code must be tested. Your pull request should include unit-tests (that cover the piece of code youre submitting, obviously)
Documentation should reflect your changes if relevant. There is nothing worse than invalid documentation.
Usually, if unit tests are written, pass, and your change is relevant, then itll be merged.
Since were hosted on GitHub, django CMS uses git as a version control system.
The GitHub help is very well written and will get you started on using git and GitHub in a jiffy. It is an invaluable
resource for newbies and old timers alike.
Syntax and conventions
And at any point in that process, you can add: discuss discuss discuss, because its always useful for everyone to
pass ideas around and look at things together.
Running and writing tests is really important: a pull request that lowers our testing coverage will only be accepted
with a very good reason; bug-fixing patches must demonstrate the bug with a test to avoid regressions and to
check that the fix works.
We have an IRC channel, our django-cms-developers email list, and of course the code reviews mechanism on
GitHub - do use them.
Contributing Documentation
Perhaps considered boring by hard-core coders, documentation is sometimes even more important than code!
This is what brings fresh blood to a project, and serves as a reference for old timers. On top of this, documentation
is the one area where less technical people can help most - you just need to write simple, unfussy English. Elegance
of style is a secondary consideration, and your prose can be improved later if necessary.
Documentation should be:
written using valid Sphinx/restructuredText syntax (see below for specifics) and the file extension should be
written in English (we have standardised on British spellings)
accessible - you should assume the reader to be moderately familiar with Python and Django, but not
anything else. Link to documentation of libraries you use, for example, even if they are obvious to you
wrapped at 100 characters per line
Merging documentation is pretty fast and painless.
Also, contributing to the documentation will earn you great respect from the core developers. You get good karma
just like a test contributor, but you get double cookie points. Seriously. You rock.
Except for the tiniest of change, we recommend that you test them before submitting. Follow the same steps above
to fork and clone the project locally. Next, create a virtualenv so you can install the documentation tools:
virtualenv djcms-docs-env
source djcms-docs-env/bin/activate
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
Now you can cd into the django-cms/docs directory and build the documentation:
make html
open build/html/index.html
This allows you to review your changes in your local browser. After each change, be sure to rebuild the docs using
make html. If everything looks good, then its time to push your changes to Github and open a pull request.
Documentation structure
(in progress Using django CMS (user): guides for using rather than setting up or developing for the CMS
Documentation markup
We are using SASS/Compass for our styles. The files are located within cms/static/cms/sass and can be
compiled using the compass command compass watch cms/static/cms/ from within the django-cms
This will invoke the config.rb within cms/static/cms/ using the predefined settings.
Attention: If you think you have discovered a security issue in our code, please report it privately, by
emailing us at
Please do not raise it on:
either of our email lists
or in any other public forum until we have had a chance to deal with it.
Except in the case of security matters, of course, youre welcome to raise issues in any way that suits you - on one
of our email lists, or the IRC channel or in person if you happen to meet another django CMS developer.
Its very helpful though if you dont just raise an issue by mentioning it to people, but actually file it too, and that
means creating a new issue on GitHub.
Theres an art to creating a good issue report.
The Title needs to be both succint and informative. show_sub_menu displays incorrect nodes when used with
soft_root is helpful, whereas Menus are broken is not.
In the Description of your report, wed like to see:
how to reproduce the problem
what you expected to happen
what did happen (a traceback is often helpful, if you get one)
Getting your issue accepted
Other django CMS developers will see your issue, and will be able to comment. A core developer may add further
comments, or a label.
The important thing at this stage is to have your issue accepted. This means that weve agreed its a genuine issue,
and represents something we can or are willing to do in the CMS.
You may be asked for more information before its accepted, and there may be some discussion before it is. It
could also be rejected as a non-issue (its not actually a problem) or wont fix (addressing your issue is beyond the
scope of the project, or is incompatible with our other aims).
Feel free to explain why you think a decision to reject your issue is incorrect - very few decisions are final, and
were always happy to correct our mistakes.
The first thing we do is decide whether we accept the ticket, whether its a pull request or an issue. An accepted
status means the ticket is healthy, and will have a blue label.
Basically, its good for open tickets to be healthy (blue), because that means they are going somewhere.
Important: Accepting a ticket means marking it as healthy, with one of the blue labels.
issues The bar for status: accepted is high. The status can be revoked at any time, and should be
when appropriate. If the issue needs a design decision, expert opinion or more info, it cant be
pull requests When a pull request is accepted, it should become work in progress or (more rarely)
ready for review or even ready to be merged, in those rare cases where a perfectly-formed and
unimprovable pull request lands in our laps. As for issues, if it needs a design decision, expert
opinion or more info, it cant be accepted.
No issue or pull request can have both a blue (accepted) and a red, grey or black label at
the same time.
Preferably, the ticket should either be accepted (blue), rejected (black) or marked as having critical needs (red) as
soon as possible. Its important that open tickets should have a clear status, not least for the sake of the person
who submitted it so that they know its being assessed.
Tickets should not be allowed to linger indefinitely with critical (red) needs. If the opinions or information required
to accept the ticket are not forthcoming, the ticket should be declared unhealthy (grey) with marked for rejection
and rejected (black) at the next release.
Of necessity, these are somewhat porous categories. For example, its not always absolutely clear whether a pull
request represents an enhancement or a bug-fix, and tickets can apply to multiple parts of the CMS - so do the best
you can with them.
Other labels
backport, blocker, has patch or easy pickings labels should be applied as appropriate, to healthy (blue) tickets
At any time, people can comment on the ticket, of course. Although only core maintainers can change labels,
anyone can suggest changing a label.
Label reference
Components and kinds should be self-explanatory, but statuses, needs and miscellaneous other labels are clarified
A tickets status is its position in the pipeline - its point in our workflow.
Every issue should have a status, and be given one as soon as possible. An issue should have only one status
applied to it.
Many of these statuses apply equally well to both issues and pull requests, but some make sense only for one or
the other
accepted (issues only) The issue has been accepted as a genuine issue that needs to be addressed. Note that it
doesnt necessarily mean we will do what the issue suggests, if it makes a suggestion - simply that we agree
that there is an issue to be resolved.
non-issue The issue or pull request are in some way mistaken - the problem is in fact correct and expected
behaviour, or the problems were caused by (for example) misconfiguration.
When this label is applied, an explanation must be provided in a comment.
wont fix The issue or pull request imply changes to django CMSs design or behaviour that the core team
consider incompatible with our chosen approach.
When this label is applied, an explanation must be provided in a comment.
marked for rejection Weve been unable to reproduce the issue, and it has lain dormant for a long time. Or, its
a pull request of low significance that requires more work, and looks like it might have been abandoned.
These tickets will be closed when we make the next release.
When this label is applied, an explanation must be provided in a comment.
work in progress (pull requests only) Work is on-going.
The author of the pull request should include (work in progress) in its title, and remove this when they
feel its ready for final review.
ready for review (pull requests only) The pull request needs to be reviewed. (Anyone can review and make
comments recommending that it be merged (or indeed, any further action) but only a core maintainer can
change the label.)
ready to be merged (pull requests only) The pull request has successfully passed review. Core maintainers
should not mark their own code, except in the simplest of cases, as ready to be merged, nor should they mark
any code as ready to be merged and then merge it themselves - there should be another person involved in
the process.
When the pull request is merged, the label should be removed.
If an issue or pull request lacks something that needs to be provided for it to progress further, this should be
marked with a needs label. A needs label indicates an action that should be taken in order to advance the
items status.
Critical needs Critical needs (red) mean that a ticket is unhealthy and wont be accepted (issues) or work in
progress, ready for review or ready to be merged until those needs are addressed. In other words, no ticket can
have both a blue and a red label.)
more info Not enough information has been provided to allow us to proceed, for example to reproduce a bug or
to explain the purpose of a pull request.
expert opinion The issue or pull request presents a technical problem that needs to be looked at by a member of
the core maintenance team who has a special insight into that particular aspect of the system.
design decision The issue or pull request has deeper implications for the CMS, that need to be considered carefully before we can proceed further.
Non-critical needs A healthy (blue) ticket can have non-critical needs:
patch (issues only) The issue has been given a status: accepted, but now someone needs to write the patch to
address it.
tests, docs (pull requests only) Code without docs or tests?! In django CMS? No way!
has patch (issues only) A patch intended to address the issue exists. This doesnt imply that the patch will be
accepted, or even that it contains a viable solution.
When this label is applied, a comment should cross-reference the pull request(s) containing the patch.
easy pickings An easy-to-fix issue, or an easy-to-review pull request - newcomers to django CMS development
are encouraged to tackle easy pickings tickets.
blocker We cant make the next release without resolving this issue.
backport Any patch will should be backported to a previous release, either because it has security implications
or it improves documentation.
on hold (pull requests only) The pull request has to wait for a higher-priority pull request to land first, to avoid
complex merges or extra work later. Any on hold pull request is by definition work in progress.
When this label is applied, a comment should cross-reference the other pull request(s).
It can take a few minutes to run. Note that the selenium tests included in the test suite require that you have Firefox
When you run tests against your own new code, dont forget that its useful to repeat them for different versions
of Python and Django.
We are working to improve the performance and reliability of our test suite. Were aware of certain problems,
but need feedback from people using a wide range of systems and configurations in order to benefit from their
Please use the open issue #3684 Test suite is error-prone on our GitHub repository to report such problems.
If you can help improve the test suite, your input will be especially valuable.
OS X users In some versions of OS X, getttext needs to be installed so that it is available to Django.
If you run the tests and find that various tests in cms.tests.frontend and
cms.tests.reversion_tests.ReversionTestCase raise errors, its likely that you have this problem.
A solution is:
brew install gettext && brew link --force gettext
133 timed test Run the test suite and print the ten slowest tests. Optionally takes test labels as
arguments to limit the tests which should be run. Test labels should be in the same format as used in
test. isolated test Runs each test in the test suite in a new process, thus making sure that tests
dont leak state. This takes a very long time to run. Optionally takes test labels as arguments to limit the tests
which should be run. Test labels should be in the same format as used in test.
Same as test --parallel. server Run a server locally for testing. This is similar to runserver.
--port <port>
Port to bind to. Defaults to 8000.
--bind <bind>
Interface to bind to. Defaults to
Use migrations instead of plain syncdb.
application-name, migration-number
Options to specify a single migration to migrate to. When using Django 1.6 it only works if migrate option
is specified. shell Opens a Django shell. This is similar to shell. compilemessages Compiles the po files to mo files. This is similar to
Writing tests
Contributing tests is widely regarded as a very prestigious contribution (youre making everybodys future work
much easier by doing so). Good karma for you. Cookie points. Maybe even a beer if we meet in person :)
What we need
We have a wide and comprehensive library of unit-tests and integration tests with good coverage.
Generally tests should be:
Unitary (as much as possible). i.e. should test as much as possible only one function/method/class. Thats
the very definition of unit tests. Integration tests are interesting too obviously, but require more time to
maintain since they have a higher probability of breaking.
Short running. No hard numbers here, but if your one test doubles the time it takes for everybody to run
them, its probably an indication that youre doing it wrong.
Easy to understand. If your test code isnt obvious, please add comments on what its doing.
Since django CMS 2.0 we have relied on MPTT (Modified Preorder Tree Traversal) for efficiently handling tree
structures in the database.
In 3.1, Django MPTT has been replaced by django-treebeard, to improve performance and reliability.
Over the years MPTT has proved not to be fast enough for big tree operations (>1000 pages); tree corruption,
because of transactional errors, has also been a problem.
5.6. Release notes & upgrade information
django-treebeard uses MP (Materialized Path). MP is more efficient and has more error resistance then MPTT. It
should make working with and using django CMS better - faster and reliable.
Other than this, end users should not notice any changes.
Note: User feedback required
We require as much feedback as possible about the performance of django-treebeard in this beta release. Please
let us know your experiences with it, especially if you encounter any problems.
Note: Backward incompatible change
While most of the low-level interface is very similar between django-mptt and django-treebeard they
are not exactly the same. If any custom code needs to make use of the low-level interfaces of the page or
plugins tree, please see the django-treebeard documentation for information on how to use equivalent calls in
Starting from version 3.1, django CMS runs on Django 1.6 and 1.7.
Action required If youre still on an earlier version, you will need to install a newer one, and make sure that
your third-party applications are also up-to-date with it before attempting to upgrade django CMS.
South is now an optional dependency
As Django South is now required for Django 1.6 only, its marked as an optional dependency.
Action required To install South along with django CMS use pip install django-cms[south].
Migrations moved
Migrations directories have been renamed to conform to the new standard layout:
Django 1.7 migrations: in the default cms/migrations and menus/migrations directories
South migrations: in the cms/south_migrations and menus/south_migrations directories
Action required South 1.0.2 or newer is required to handle the new layout correctly, so make sure you have that
If you are upgrading from django CMS 3.0.x running on Django 1.7 you need to remove the old migration path
from MIGRATION_MODULES settings.
Plugins migrations moving process
Core plugins are being changeed to follow the new convention for the migration modules, starting with djangocms_text_ckeditor 2.5 released together with django CMS 3.1.
Action required Check the readme file of each plugin when upgrading to know the actions required.
Structure mode permission
The system that loads page view restrictions into the menu has been improved, simplifying the queries that are
generated, in order to make it faster.
Note: User feedback required
We require as much feedback as possible about the performance of this feature in this beta release. Please let us
know your experiences with it, especially if you encounter any problems.
The toolbar API has been extended to permit more powerful use of it in future development, including the use of
clipboard-like items.
For an example of how this can be used, see the new Blueprint application.
Per-namespace apphook configuration
Some minor changes have been implemented to improve the toolbar user interface. The old Draft/Live switch has
been replaced to achieve a more clear distinction between page states, and Edit and Save and close buttons are
now available in the toolbar to control the page editing workflow.
Placeholder language fallback default to True
New templatetags
Old-style plugin table names (for example, cmsplugin_<plugin name> are no longer supported. Relevant
code has been removed.
Action required Any plugin table name must be migrated to the standard (<application name>_<table
name> layout. replaced by cms.context_processors.cms_settings
required Replace
cms.context_processors.cms_settings in
Before upgrading, please make sure that your current database is consistent and in a healthy state.
To ensure this, run two commands:
python cms delete_orphaned_plugins
python cms fix-mptt
Make a copy of the database before proceeding further.
Settings update
Rename the custom plugin table names, either by applying relevant migrations (if any) or renaming the
tables manually;
The migration for MPTT to django-treebeard is handled by the django CMS migrations, thus apply
migrations to update your database:
python migrate
Bug Fixes
Revert a change that caused an issue with saving plugins in some browsers
Fix an issue where urls were not refreshed when a page slug changes
Fix an issue with FR translations
Fixed an issue preventing the correct rendering of custom contextual menu items for plugins
Fixed an issue relating to recovering deleted pages
Fixed an issue that caused the uncached placeholder tag to display cached content
Fixed an issue where extra slashed would appear in apphooked URLs when APPEND_SLASH=False
Fixed issues relating to the logout function
Bug Fixes
If you are using custom user models and use CMS_PERMISSION = True then be sure to check that
PageUserAdmin and PageUserGroup is still in working order.
The PageUserAdmin class now extends dynamically from the admin class that handles the user model. This
allows us to use the same search_fields and filters in PageUserAdmin as in the custom user model admin.
A new method on plugins, that returns the template during the render phase, allowing you to change the template
based on any plugin attribute or context status. See Custom Plugins for more.
A simpler, more compact way to extend the toolbar for page extensions: Simplified Toolbar API.
A new Alias plugin has been added. You will find in your plugins and placeholders context menu in structure
mode a new entry called Create alias. This will create a new Alias plugin in the clipboard with a reference to the
original. It will render this original plugin/placeholder instead. This is useful for content that is present in more
then one place.
New Context Menu API
Plugins can now change the context menus of placeholders and plugins. For more details have a look at the docs:
Extending context menus of placeholders or plugins
Apphook Permissions
Apphooks have now by default the same permissions as the page they are attached to. This means if a page has
for example a login required enabled all views in the apphook will have the same behavior.
Docs on how to disable or customize this behavior have a look here:
Apphook permissions
django CMS 3.0 introduces a new frontend editing system as well as a customizable Django admin skin (djangocms_admin_style).
In the new system, Placeholders and their plugins are no longer managed in the admin site, but only from the
In addition, the system now offer two editing views:
content view, for editing the configuration and content of plugins.
structure view, in which plugins can be added and rearranged.
Page titles can also be modified directly from the frontend.
New Toolbar
The toolbars code has been simplified and its appearance refreshed. The toolbar is now a more consistent management tool for adding and changing objects. See Extending the Toolbar.
Warning: Upgrading from previous versions
3.0 now requires the django.contrib.messages application for the toolbar to work. See Enable messages for how to enable it.
You can now save pages as page types. If you then create a new page you may select a page type and all plugins
and contents will be pre-filled.
Experimental Python 3.3 support
Weve added experimental support for Python 3.3. Support for Python 2.5 has been dropped.
Better multilingual editing
Improvements in the django CMS environment for managing a multi-lingual site include:
a built-in language chooser for languages that are not yet public.
configurable behaviour of the admin sites language when switching between languages of edited content.
The setting has been removed, along with the SEO fieldset in admin.
meta_description fields max_length is now 155 for optimal Google integration.
page_title is default on top.
meta_keywords field has been removed, as it no longer serves any purpose.
Its now possible to specify fallback languages for a placeholder if the placeholder is empty for the current language. This must be activated in CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF per placeholder. It defaults to False to maintain
pre-3.0 behavior.
The language_chooser template tag now only displays languages that are public. Use the toolbar language
chooser to change the language to non-public languages.
If you have django-reversion installed you now have undo and redo options available directly in the toolbar.
These can now revert plugin content as well as page content.
Plugins removed
We have removed plugins from the core. This is not because you are not expected to use them, but because django
CMS should not impose unnecessary choices about what to install upon its adopters.
The most significant of these removals is cms.plugins.text.
We provide djangocms-text-ckeditor, a CKEditor-based Text Plugin.
Its available from You may of course use your preferred editor; others are available.
Furthermore, we removed the following plugins from the core and moved them into separate repositories.
Note: In order to update from the old cms.plugins.X to the new djangocms_X plugins, simply install the
new plugin, remove the old cms.plugins.X from settings.INSTALLED_APPS and add the new one to
it. Then run the migrations (python migrate djangocms_X).
File Plugin We removed the file plugin (cms.plugins.file). Its new location is at:
As an alternative, you could also use the following (yet you will not be able to keep your existing files from the
old cms.plugins.file!)
Flash Plugin We removed the flash plugin (cms.plugins.flash). Its new location is at:
Googlemap Plugin We removed the googlemap plugin (cms.plugins.googlemap). Its new location is at:
Inherit Plugin We removed the inherit plugin (cms.plugins.inherit). Its new location is at:
Picture Plugin We removed the picture plugin (cms.plugins.picture). Its new location is at:
Teaser Plugin We removed the teaser plugin (cms.plugins.teaser). Its new location is at:
Video Plugin We removed the video plugin ( Its new location is at:
Link Plugin We removed the link plugin ( Its new location is at:
5.6. Release notes & upgrade information
Snippet Plugin We removed the snippet plugin (cms.plugins.snippet). Its new location is at:
As an alternative, you could also use the following (yet you will not be able to keep your existing files from the
old cms.plugins.snippet!)
Twitter Plugin Twitter disabled V1
(cms.plugins.twitter) completely.
Plugin Context have had an argument added so that the rest of the context is available to them. If you have existing
plugin context processors you will need to change their function signature to add the extra argument.
Apphooks have moved from the title to the page model. This means you can no longer have separate apphooks
for each language. A new application instance name field has been added.
Note: The reverse id is not used for the namespace anymore. If you used namespaced apphooks before, be sure
to update your pages and fill out the namespace fields.
If you use apphook apps with app_name for app namespaces, be sure to fill out the instance namespace field
application instance name as its now required to have a namespace defined if you use app namespaces.
For further reading about application namespaces, please refer to the Django documentation on the subject at
request.current_app has been removed. If you relied on this, use the following code instead in your views:
def my_view(request):
current_app = resolve(request.path_info).namespace
context = RequestContext(request, current_app=current_app)
return render_to_response("my_templace.html", context_instance=context)
PlaceholderAdmin now is deprecated. Instead of deriving from admin.ModelAdmin, a new mixin class
PlaceholderAdminMixin has been introduced which shall be used together with admin.ModelAdmin.
Therefore when defining a model admin class containing a placeholder, now add PlaceholderAdminMixin
to the list of parent classes, together with admin.ModelAdmin.
PlaceholderAdmin doesnt have language tabs anymore and the plugin editor is gone. The plugin API has
changed and is now more consistent. PageAdmin uses the same API as PlaceholderAdminMixin now.
If your app talked with the Plugin API directly be sure to read the code and the changed parameters. If you
use PlaceholderFields you should add the mixin PlaceholderAdminMixin as it delivers the API for
editing the plugins and the placeholders.
The workflow in the future should look like this:
1. Create new model instances via a toolbar entry or via the admin.
2. Go to the view that represents the model instance and add content via frontend editing.
Placeholder object permissions
In addition to model level permissions, Placeholder now checks if a user has permissions on a specific object
of that model. Details can be found here in Permissions.
Placeholders are prefillable with default plugins
In CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF, for each placeholder configuration, you can specify via default_plugins a list
of plugins to automaticaly add to the placeholder if empty. See default_plugins in CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF.
Custom modules and plugin labels in the toolbar UI
Its now possible to configure module and plugins labels to show in the toolbar UI. See
New copy-lang subcommand
Added a management command to copy content (titles and plugins) from one language to another.
The command can be run with: cms copy_lang from_lang to_lang
Frontend editor is available for any Django model; see documentation for details.
New Page related_name to Site
The Page object used to have the default related_name (page) to the Site model which may cause clashing
with other Django apps; the related_name is now djangocms_pages.
Warning: Potential backward incompatibility
This change may cause you code to break, if you relied on Site.page_set to access cms pages from a
Site model instance: update it to use Site.djangocms_pages
All template tags are now in the cms_tags namespace so to use any cms template tags you can just do:
{% load cms_tags %}
A plugins translatable content can now be read and set through get_translatable_content() and
set_translatable_content(). See Custom Plugins for more info.
No more DB tablename magic for plugins
Since django CMS 2.0 plugins had their table names start with cmsplugin_. We removed this behavior in 3.0 and
will display a deprecation warning with the old and new table name. If your plugin uses south for migrations
create a new empty schemamigration and rename the table by hand.
Warning: When working in the django shell or coding at low level, you must trigger the backward compatible
behavior (a.k.a. magical rename checking), otherwise non migrated plugins will fail. To do this execute the
following code:
>>> from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
>>> plugin_pool.set_plugin_meta()
This code can be executed both in the shell or in your python modules.
Since Django 1.5 it has been possible to swap out the default User model for a custom user model. This is now
fully supported by DjangoCMS, and in addition a new option has been added to the test runner to allow specifying
the user model to use for tests (e.g. user=customuserapp.User)
Page caching
Pages are now cached by default. You can disable this behavior with CMS_PAGE_CACHE
Placeholder caching
Plugins have a new default property: cache=True. If all plugins in a placeholder have set this to True the whole
placeholder will be cached if the toolbar is not in edit mode.
Warning: If your plugin is dynamic and processes current user or request data be sure to set cache=False
Plugin caching
Plugins have a new attribute: cache=True. Its default value can be configured with CMS_PLUGIN_CACHE.
Per-page Clickjacking protection
An advanced option has been added which controls, on a per-page basis, the X-Frame-Options header. The
default setting is to inherit from the parent page. If no ancestor specifies a value, no header will be set, allowing
Djangos own middleware to handle it (if enabled).
CMS_TEMPLATE context variable
A new CMS_TEMPLATE variable is now available in the context: it contains the path to the current page template.
See CMS_TEMPLATE reference for details.
Also, please check your templates to make sure that you havent put the {% cms_toolbar %} tag into a {%
block %} tag. This is not allowed in 3.0 anymore.
To finish up, please update your database:
python syncdb
python migrate
Thats it!
Pending deprecations
placeholder_tags is now deprecated, the render_placeholder template tag can now be loaded from
the cms_tags template tag library.
Using placeholder_tags will cause a DeprecationWarning to occur.
placeholder_tags will be removed in version 3.1.
Introducing Django 1.5 support, dropped support for Django 1.3 and Python 2.5
In version 2.4, migrations have been completely rewritten to address issues with newer South releases.
To ease the upgrading process, all the migrations for the cms application have been consolidated into a single
migration file,
migration 0001 is a real migration, that gets you to the same point migrations 0001-0036 used to
the migrations 0002 to 0036 inclusive still exist, but are now all dummy migrations
migrations 0037 and later are new migrations
How this affects you If youre starting with a new installation, you dont need to worry about this. Dont even
bother reading this section; its for upgraders.
If youre using version 2.3.2 or newer, you dont need to worry about this either.
If youre using version 2.3.1 or older, you will need to run a two-step process.
First, youll need to upgrade to 2.3.3, to bring your migration history up-to-date with the new scheme. Then youll
need to perform the migrations for 2.4.
For the two-step upgrade process do the following in your project main directory:
pip install django-cms==2.3.3
python syncdb
python migrate
pip install django-cms==2.4
python migrate
Added a management command for deleting orphaned plugins from the database.
The command can be run with: cms delete_orphaned_plugins
Has been removed since it is no longer in use. From 2.4 onwards, all pages exist in a public and draft version.
Users with the publish_page permission can publish changes to the public site.
Management command required
To bring a previous version of your sites database up-to-date, youll need to run cms
moderator on. Never run this command without first checking for orphaned plugins, using the cms
list plugins command. If it reports problems, run cms delete_orphaned_plugins.
Running cms moderator with orphaned plugins will fail and leave bad data in your database. See cms list and
cms delete_orphaned_plugins.
Also, check if all your plugins define a copy_relations() method if required. You can do this by running cms check and read the Presence of copy_relations section. See Handling Relations for
guidance on this topic.
We removed the MultilingualMiddleware. This removed rather some unattractive monkey-patching of the
reverse() function as well. As a benefit we now support localisation of URLs and apphook URLs with
standard Django helpers.
For django 1.4 more infos can be found here:
If you are still running django 1.3 you are able to archieve the same functionality with django-i18nurl. It is a
backport of the new functionality in django 1.4 and can be found here:
5.6. Release notes & upgrade information
django.conf.urls import *
django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
django.contrib import admin
django.conf import settings
urlpatterns = i18n_patterns('',
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url($', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),
) + urlpatterns
Change your url and reverse calls to language namespaces. We now support the django way of calling other
language urls either via {% language %} templatetag or via activate("de") function call in views.
{% url "de:myview" %}
{% load i18n %}{% language "de" %}
{% url "myview_name" %}
{% endlanguage %}
reverse urls now return the language prefix as well. So maybe there is some code that adds language prefixes.
Remove this code.
Added LanguageCookieMiddleware
To fix the behavior of django to determine the language every time from new, when you visit / on a page, this
middleware saves the current language in a cookie with every response.
To enable this middleware add the following to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting:
CMS_LANGUAGES has be overhauled. It is no longer a list of tuples like the LANGUAGES settings.
An example explains more than thousand words:
1: [
'code': 'en',
'name': gettext('English'),
'fallbacks': ['de', 'fr'],
'public': True,
'hide_untranslated': True,
'code': 'de',
'name': gettext('Deutsch'),
'fallbacks': ['en', 'fr'],
'public': True,
'code': 'fr',
'name': gettext('French'),
'public': False,
2: [
'code': 'nl',
'name': gettext('Dutch'),
'public': True,
'fallbacks': ['en'],
'default': {
'fallbacks': ['en', 'de', 'fr'],
'public': False,
'hide_untranslated': False,
For more details on what all the parameters mean please refer to the CMS_LANGUAGES docs.
The following settings are not needed any more and have been removed:
Please remove them from your
We added the ability to have plugins in plugins. Until now only the TextPlugin supported this. For demonstration purposes we created a MultiColumn Plugin. The possibilities for this are endless. Imagine: StylePlugin,
TablePlugin, GalleryPlugin etc.
5.6. Release notes & upgrade information
As you can see the children are accessible via the plugins children attribute.
New way to handle django CMS settings
If you have code that needs to access django CMS settings (settings prefixed with CMS_ or
PLACEHOLDER_) you would have used for example from django.conf import settings;
settings.CMS_TEMPLATES. This will no longer guarantee to return sane values, instead you should use
cms.utils.conf.get_cms_setting which takes the name of the setting without the CMS_ prefix as
argument and returns the setting.
Example of old, now deprecated style:
from django.conf import settings
This release adds the cms.constants module which will hold generic django CMS constant values. Currently
it only contains TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC which used to live in cms.conf.global_settings
but was moved to the new cms.constants module in the settings overhaul mentioned above.
django-reversion integration changes
django-reversion integration has changed. Because of huge databases after some time we introduce some changes
to the way revisions are handled for pages.
1. Only publish revisions are saved. All other revisions are deleted when you publish a page.
2. By default only the latest 25 publish revisions are kept. You can change this behavior with the new
Changes to the show_sub_menu templatetag
the show_sub_menu has received two new parameters. The first stays the same and is still: how many levels of
menu should be displayed.
The second: root_level (default=None), specifies at what level, if any, the menu should root at. For example,
if root_level is 0 the menu will start at that level regardless of what level the current page is on.
The third argument: nephews (default=100), specifies how many levels of nephews (children of siblings) are
PlaceholderAdmin support i18n
If you use placeholders in other apps or models we now support more than one language out of the box. If you
just use the PlaceholderAdmin it will display language tabs like the cms. If you use django-hvad it uses the
hvad language tabs.
If you want to disable this behavior you can set render_placeholder_language_tabs = False on
your Admin class that extends PlaceholderAdmin. If you use a custom change_form_template be sure
to have a look at cms/templates/admin/placeholders/placeholder/change_form.html for
how to incorporate language tabs.
If you have a lot of users (500+) you can set this setting to a number after which admin User fields are displayed
in a raw Id field. This improves performance a lot in the admin as it has not to load all the users into the html.
Backwards incompatible changes
New minimum requirements for dependencies
2.3.4 fixes a critical issue with WymEditor that prevented it from load its JavaScript assets correctly.
Moved Norwegian translations
The Norwegian translations are now available as nb, which is the new (since 2003) official language code for
Norwegian, replacing the older and deprecated no code.
If your site runs in Norwegian, you need to change your LANGUAGES settings!
Added support for timezones
On Django 1.4, and with USE_TZ=True the django CMS now uses timezone aware date and time objects.
Fixed slug clashing
In earlier versions, publishing a page that has the same slug (URL) as another (published) page could lead to
errors. Now, when a page which would have the same URL as another (published) page is published, the user is
shown an error and theyre prompted to change the slug for the page.
Prevent unnamed related names for PlaceholderField
The change form for pages would throw errors if the user editing the page does not have the permission to publish
this page. This issue was resolved.
Further the page change form would not correctly pre-popluate the slug field if DEBUG was set to False. Again,
this issue is now resolved.
Google map plugin now supports width and height fields so that plugin size can be modified in the page admin or
frontend editor.
Zoom level is now set via a select field which ensure only legal values are used.
Warning: Due to the above change, level field is now marked as NOT NULL, and a datamigration has been
introduced to modify existing googlemap plugin instance to set the default value if level if is NULL.
In django CMS 2.3 we dropped support for Django 1.2. Django 1.3.1 is now the minimum required Django
version. Django CMS 2.3 also introduces Django 1.4 support.
Lazy page tree loading in admin
Thanks to the work by Andrew Schoen the page tree in the admin now loads lazily, significantly improving the
performance of that view for large sites.
Toolbar isolation
The toolbar JavaScript dependencies should now be properly isolated and no longer pollute the global JavaScript
Plugin cancel button fixed
The cancel button in plugin change forms no longer saves the changes, but actually cancels.
Tests refactor
Tests can now be run using test or (the latter should be done in a virtualenv with
the proper dependencies installed).
Check -h for options.
Moving text plugins to different placeholders no longer loses inline plugins
A serious bug where a text plugin with inline plugins would lose all the inline plugins when moved to a different
placeholder has been fixed.
Minor improvements
The or clause in the placeholder tag now works correctly on non-cms pages.
The icon source URL for inline plugins for text plugins no longer gets double escaped.
PageSelectWidget correctly orders pages again.
Fixed the file plugin which was sometimes causing invalid HTML (unclosed span tag).
Migration ordering for plugins improved.
Internationalized strings in JavaScript now get escaped.
Backwards incompatible changes
New minimum requirements for dependencies
This feature was deprecated in version 2.2 and removed in 2.3. Code like this will not work anymore:
plugin_pool.register_plugin([FooPlugin, BarPlugin])
Pending deprecations
The CMS_FLAT_URLS setting is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.4. The moderation feature
(CMS_MODERATOR = True) will be deprecated in 2.4 and replaced with a simpler way of handling unpublished changes.
django-mptt is now used as a proper dependency and is no longer shipped with the django CMS. This solves the
version conflict issues many people were experiencing when trying to use the django CMS together with other
Django apps that require django-mptt. django CMS 2.2 requires django-mptt 0.5.1.
Warning: Please remove the old mptt package from your Python site-packages directory before upgrading.
The file will install the django-mptt package as an external dependency!
The django CMS 2.2 supports both Django 1.2.5 and Django 1.3.
View permissions
You can now give view permissions for django CMS pages to groups and users.
Backwards incompatible changes
django-sekizai instead of PluginMedia
Due to the sorry state of the old plugin media framework, it has been dropped in favor of the more stable and more
flexible django-sekizai, which is a new dependency for the django CMS 2.2.
The following methods and properties of cms.plugins_base.CMSPluginBase are affected:
Accessing those attributes or methods will raise a cms.exceptions.Deprecated error.
removed in this process and is therefore no longer required.
However you are now required to have the sekizai.context_processors.sekizai context processor in your
All templates in CMS_TEMPLATES must at least contain the js and css sekizai namespaces.
Please refer to the documentation on Handling media in custom CMS plugins and the django-sekizai documentation for more information.
Toolbar must be enabled explicitly in templates
The toolbar no longer hacks itself into responses in the middleware, but rather has to be enabled explicitly using the
{% cms_toolbar %} template tag from the cms_tags template tag library in your templates. The template
tag should be placed somewhere within the body of the HTML (within <body>...</body>).
This solves issues people were having with the toolbar showing up in places it shouldnt have.
Static files moved to /static/
The static files (css/javascript/images) were moved from /media/ to /static/ to work with the new
django.contrib.staticfiles app in Django 1.3. This means you will have to make sure you serve
static files as well as media files on your server.
Warning: If you use Django 1.2.x you will not have a django.contrib.staticfiles app. Instead
you need the django-staticfiles backport.
The django-dbgettext support has been fully dropped in 2.2 in favor of the built-in mechanisms to achieve multilinguality.
If you are using django-reversion make sure to have at least version 1.4 installed
pip install --upgrade django-reversion==1.4
Also, make sure that django-mptt stays at a version compatible with django CMS
pip install --upgrade django-mptt==0.5.1
Updates to
The following changes will need to be made in your file:
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/static/admin'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'static')
STATIC_URL = "/static/"
Note: These are not django CMS settings. Refer to the Django documentation on staticfiles for more information.
Note: Please make sure the static subfolder exists in your project and is writable.
Note: PROJECT_PATH is the absolute path to your project. See Configuring your project for django CMS for
instructions on how to set PROJECT_PATH.
Remove the following from TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS:
Template Updates
Make sure to add sekizai tags and cms_toolbar to your CMS templates.
Note: cms_toolbar is only needed if you wish to use the front-end editing. See Backwards incompatible
changes for more information
Here is a simple example for a base template called base.html:
{% load cms_tags sekizai_tags %}
{% render_block "css" %}
{% cms_toolbar %}
{% placeholder base_content %}
{% block base_content%}{% endblock %}
{% render_block "js" %}
Database Updates
Run the following commands to upgrade your database
python syncdb
python migrate
Static Media
Add the following to to serve static media when developing:
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url($', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),
) + urlpatterns
Also run this command to collect static files into your STATIC_ROOT:
python collectstatic
5.7.1 Tutorial
Note: This is a new section in the django CMS documentation, and a priority for the project. If youd like
to contribute to it, wed love to hear from you - join us on the #django-cms IRC channel on freenode or the
django-cms-developers email list.
Its strongly recommended that you follow this tutorial step-by-step. It has been designed to introduce you to the
system in a methodical way, and each step builds on the previous one.
Log in
Create a page
the Pages...
in the exthe
You have now worked through the complete cycle of content publishing in django CMS.
Publishing status in the Page list
A pages status is also indicated in the Page list (if its not already visible, select the Pages... menu item from the
Site menu).
In the example below, the Home page is page is published (in English) but the About page is still only in Draft
Page admin
The interface
The django CMS toolbar The toolbar is central to your content editing and management work in django CMS.
to publish an un-
Publish changes
made to an existing page
to publish changes
list The
The page youre currently on is highlighted in gray (in this case, Journalism, the last in the list).
From left to right, items in the list have:
an expand/collapse control, if the item has children (Home and Cheese above)
tab that can be used to drag and drop the item to a new place in the list
the pages Title
a soft-root indicator (Cheese has soft-root applied; Home is the menu root anyway)
language version indicators and controls:
blank: the translation does not exist; pressing the indicator will open its Basic settings (in
all other cases, hovering will reveal Publish/Unpublish options)
grey: the translation exists but is unpublished
green: the translation is published
blue (pulsing): the translation has an amended draft
If you expand the width of the side-frame, youll see more:
cms.api, 100
cms.constants, 103
cms.plugin_base, 103
cms.toolbar.items, 105
cms.toolbar.toolbar, 104
menus.base, 107
bind <bind> command line option, 134
failfast command line option, 133
migrate command line option, 134
parallel command line option, 134 command line option, 133
port <port> command line option, 134
user command line option, 133
version command line option, 133
-h, help command line option, 133
backport, 132
BaseItem (class in cms.toolbar.items), 106
blocker, 132
Break (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
build_mode (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar
tribute), 105
Button (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
ButtonList (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
(cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute),
accepted, 130
method), 106
(built-in class),
add_break() (cms.toolbar.items.Menu method), 107
add_button() (cms.toolbar.items.ButtonList method),
cms.forms.fields.PageSmartLinkField (built-in class),
(built-in class), 108
method), 105
cms.toolbar.items (module), 105
method), 105
add_item() (cms.toolbar.items.ButtonList method), 107 cms.toolbar.toolbar (module), 104
add_item() (cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin method), CMS_APPHOOKS
setting, 84
add_item() (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar method),
setting, 89
setting, 89
method), 106
setting, 85
method), 106
add_plugin() (in module cms.api), 101
setting, 90
add_sideframe_item() (cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin
method), 106
setting, 88
admin_preview (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase atCMS_MEDIA_ROOT
tribute), 103
setting, 88
setting, 88
setting, 90
setting, 88
setting, 88
setting, 90
setting, 82
setting, 90
setting, 84
setting, 84
setting, 89
setting, 88
setting, 81
setting, 81
setting, 81
setting, 91
setting, 87
setting, 87
setting, 87
setting, 87
CMSPluginBase (class in cms.plugin_base), 103
CMSToolbar (class in cms.toolbar.toolbar), 104
create_page() (in module cms.api), 100
create_page_user() (in module cms.api), 102
create_title() (in module cms.api), 101
csrf_token (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar attribute),
design decision, 131 command line option
user, 133
version, 133
-h, help, 133 command line option
parallel, 134 command line option
bind <bind>, 134
migrate, 134
port <port>, 134
easy pickings, 132
edit_mode (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar attribute),
expert opinion, 131
find_first() (cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin method),
find_items() (cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin method),
form (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute), 104
method), 108
get_ancestors() (menus.base.NavigationNode method),
get_context() (cms.toolbar.items.BaseItem method),
method), 108
method), 106
method), 108
method), 107
get_or_create_menu() (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar
method), 105
get_plugin_urls() (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase
method), 104
has patch, 131
icon_alt() (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase method),
icon_src() (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase method),
index (cms.toolbar.items.ItemSearchResult attribute),
is_staff (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar attribute),
item (cms.toolbar.items.ItemSearchResult attribute),
ItemSearchResult (class in cms.toolbar.items), 105
marked for rejection, 131
Menu (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
menus.base (module), 107
ModalItem (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
model (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute),
module (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute),
more info, 131
name (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute), 104
NavigationNode (class in menus.base), 107
non-issue, 131
on hold, 132
template tag, 113
template tag, 118
template tag, 111
template tag, 112
patch, 131
template tag, 108
publish_page() (in module cms.api), 102
publish_pages() (in module cms.api), 102
ready for review, 131
ready to be merged, 131
REFRESH (in module cms.constants), 103
REFRESH_PAGE (cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin attribute), 106
method), 106
method), 105
render() (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase method),
render() (cms.toolbar.items.BaseItem method), 107
template tag, 114
template tag, 117
template tag, 117
template tag, 115
template tag, 116
template tag, 110
template tag, 113
render_plugin (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute), 104
template tag, 114
render_template (cms.plugin_base.CMSPluginBase attribute), 104
template tag, 110
RIGHT (cms.toolbar.items.ToolbarMixin attribute),
RIGHT (in module cms.constants), 103
template tag, 91
template tag, 111
template tag, 92
show_toolbar (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar
tribute), 105
template tag, 111
side (cms.toolbar.items.BaseItem attribute), 106
SideframeItem (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
template tag, 109
SubMenu (class in cms.toolbar.items), 107
template (cms.toolbar.items.BaseItem attribute), 106
template tag
language_chooser, 118
page_attribute, 113
page_language_url, 118
page_lookup, 111
page_url, 112
placeholder, 108
render_model, 114
render_model_add, 117
render_model_add_block, 117
render_model_block, 115
render_model_icon, 116
render_placeholder, 110
render_plugin, 113
render_plugin_block, 114
render_uncached_placeholder, 110
show_menu, 91
show_placeholder, 111
show_sub_menu, 92
show_uncached_placeholder, 111
static_placeholder, 109
cms.constants), 103
tests, 131
attribute), 104
toolbar_language (cms.toolbar.toolbar.CMSToolbar attribute), 105
ToolbarMixin (class in cms.toolbar.items), 105
VISIBILITY_ALL (in module cms.api), 100
VISIBILITY_ANONYMOUS (in module cms.api),
VISIBILITY_USERS (in module cms.api), 100
attribute), 105
wont fix, 131
work in progress, 131