FMA Informative Newspaper Vol4No7 2015
FMA Informative Newspaper Vol4No7 2015
FMA Informative Newspaper Vol4No7 2015
Propagating the Filipino Martial Arts and the Culture of the Philippines
of the Lineages
By Mustafa Gatdula
Goals are important for any project. They provide a target to aim for, but they also
can be used to plan out a journey. All of my engineering projects have had goals, and
knowing where I was starting and where I was heading meant that I could plan how to
get from one to the other. Ive talked about setting goals before, and I still recommend
that approach. You can set big goals or small goals. Your choice. Engineering has taught
me that goals will keep you on track, even though that track may twist and turn, the end
point is still what you are working for. You may pass through milestones more than once,
you may go off on detours, and, sometimes, you may actually regress. Thats okay as long
as you dont give up. Whether youre designing an airplane or learning a martial art, having a goal should be your first step. Failure only occurs when you quit. Setbacks are not
failure; they are part of the journey.
Process is everywhere. Most people
well, normal people dont think about it
much, though. Why? Because most processes are so ingrained that we dont even
think of them as such. In engineering
terms, process is a series of operations that
lead to a predicted outcome. Tying your
shoes is an example of a process that most
people wouldnt consider one. But when a
child learns to tie their shoes, theyre
taught a series of operations. Eventually,
that series is so ingrained, the child doesnt
consciously think of it but still follows.
Driving is the same; after years of practicing the skills, drivers dont think about
Joel Daugherty is playing Espada Y Daga for pushing the gas pedal and switching to
his second degree black belt test. He is assist- the brakes. They do it. CTSs goal is the
ed by Josh Ryer.
same. If a knife comes out, the CTS student
taps it without thinking because the process of tapping is built in. As we learn advanced skills, such as knife versus knife, the
tapping has been practiced so much that it comes out without prompting. In examining
your own martial art, look for skills that become automatic, like punching. How do these
skills and processes fit into your overall goal?
While setting your goal, you should examine your processes as well. In engineer-
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with Master
Zach Whitson
before I understood where my
problems were.
A good question
to ask yourself is
will your practice get you to
where you want
When a student
regularly practices
dynamic drills, she
is more reactive to
changes. Meanwhile, the student
has made little
operations, like
parrying, to fall
back on. What are
the learning processes in your art
The Challenge Fights of Grandmaster Ciriaco Cacoy Canete: The Greatest Living Eskrimador
By TomMeadows
Grandmaster Tom Meadows, author and longtime student of Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy
Canete proudly announces the release of the book he wrote entitled The Challenge Fights of Grandmaster
Ciriaco Cacoy Canete.
History is written by the victors. This timeless quote is clearly an appropriate one for the
biography of a man never beaten in over 100 challenge fights. This book documents the fights exactly as
Grandmaster Cacoy Canete related them to the author. The risk of death or serious injury was ever present
in these type of matches, which became known as the legendary Death matches of the Philippines. It was
common practice for the opponents to exchange waivers that asked their family and friends not to take
revenge on the victors family, eskrima club or friends. Both players assumed full responsibility for the outcome
of their challenge. To be the victor of more than 100 challenge fights one must have a technical base that
can deal with any empty hand style and all known weapons systems. Many of the fighters that Cacoy Canete
fought relied heavily upon the anting-anting mystical arts, orascion prayers and religious mantra chants to
guarantee their success in fighting. These methods had no part in how Grandmaster Canete won his fights
against these men. In his own words: I do not use anting-anting, I rely on my technique. Always challenged,
never beaten, this is the fighting history of Grandmaster Cacoy Canete, the greatest living fighter in the history
of Doce Pares.
Paperback $14.40
Also in the book are stories of near-death experience of my father Supreme Grandmaster Cacoy Canete
as a guerrilla fighter during World War II. Unfortunately since Amazon only accepts High-Resolution pictures
many of my fathers relevant historical black and white pictures are not in the book such as in military uniform, champion in the 1st National Eskrima
Tournament in Cebu on 3/24/79 and also in the 1st Invitational Eskrima Tournament in Manila on 8/19/79 just to name a few. Hope we can convert
them to High-Res for the next edition of the book.
Thank you for your support.
Grandmaster Kitty Canete-Knight
To Order Visit Click Here
Bamboo Spirit
Additionally the phrase,
add em up is a challenge
to all instructors to add their
own unique expression and
insights into the living body
of knowledge they impart to
their students. Along with the
proven classical material, these
insights provide the spice
that makes Eskrima such
a satisfying dish. However,
even when a recipe has been
perfected, the chef presses on
never resting on their laurels.
It was made clear to us
that the cuisine of Eskrima, was
not allowed to stagnate. The
impetus for the growth of the
art was a charge that was sown
within our consciousness.
This concern for the health
of Eskrima was always in
operation during our training
sessions. As was Grandmaster
Umpads way, he urged us to
stay hungry, dig deeper, and,
build a foundation that would
continually foster the art of
Eskrima. It was imperative
that the art not merely survive
the goal was for it to thrive.
The Ebb and
Flow of Influence
Just like the present
day, financial times can
be tough on families, and,
sacrifices need to be made.
The competition for scarce
jobs lead to a much more
fluid lifestyle, as employment
often required travel to
where work could be found;
as has always been the case,
people take their culture with
them when they travel afar.
On one occasion, Mr.
Suboreau was introduced to
a manong (respected elder)
by Sonny in 1981. Fed up by
the fruitless search for a job,
and, with a family to support,
Mr. Soto shipped out of Cebu
as a deckhand aboard a cargo
ship. He was able to go from
ship to ship continuously
because of his hard work ethic.
He was only able to return to
his family seven times in the
next 35 years; finally retiring
to the USA with his family.
Mr. Soto credited Eskrima
with saving his life, on many
occasions, while traveling all
over the world. Sometimes,
The hard work and
dedication, required on the
path to mastery, perhaps
that is what is celebrated by
the issuance of a diploma.
All of Sonnys longstanding
students referred to him as
maestro in both formal
and informal settings, this
was done willingly out of
** In fact, an entire book has been written about this man: Sonny Umpads Eskrima: The Life and Teachings of a Filipino Martial
Arts Master, Berkeley: Blue Snake Books, 2012. This work is the most comprehensive book written about Grandmaster Umpad
and his Eskrima system answers to your questions may be found within its pages. This martial arts gem has garnered 5 stars
from customer reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Treat yourself to a copy, and, we ask, most sincerely, that you add to your
martial arts base of knowledge, skill and ability at every opportunity.
Copyright 2014 by Chris M. Suboreau, George M. Yore & The Visayan Eskrima Guild, All Rights Reserved.
Sonny Umpads Eskrima: The Life and Teachings of a Filipino Martial Arts Master
By George M. Yore
Born with the soul of a warrior, the intellect of a scholar, and a zealots devotion to his art,
Maestro Santiago Sonny Umpad forged an enduring contribution to the rich and colorful
history of Filipino martial culture. In 1976, after immigrating to the United States, Sonny founded
the school of Visayan Style Corto Kadena & Larga Mano Eskrimarooted in his training in the
Philippines and tested by a hard and dangerous life on the streets, Sonnys system was above all
else practical. As Sonnys reputation as a talented fighter became well-known, he began to crosstrain with masters of other martial arts, including Jesse Glover (Bruce Lees first student) and Wally
Jay (founder of Small Circle Jujitsu). One of the most innovative and visionary exponents of the
Filipino arts, Sonny pioneered the concept of mixed martial arts long before the term was in use.
Sonny Umpads Visayan Eskrima provides an insightful portrayal of Sonny Umpads life,
philosophy, and teaching methods, as well as the structural underpinnings of his system.
Instructor George Yore has assembled the writings of six of Sonnys students (including Wade
Williams, 2012 nominee for the U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame) to create a biographic homage
to this remarkable martial artist; basic techniques and applications are also demonstrated,
accompanied by 130 step-by-step photos. Practitioners of Filipino martial artsas well as
mixed martial artists and security specialistswill find valuable instruction in techniques and
applications, while the thousands of people touched by Sonnys teachings will gain a new
understanding of this notoriously reclusive masters lifeand how his experiences informed
the development of his system.
Paperback: $12.89
Kindle Edition: $10.48
To Order Throught Amazon - Click Here
Cebuano Eskrima
Beyond the Myth
By Ned R. Nepangue, M.D. and Celestino C. Macachor
Cebuano Eskrima: Beyond the Myth boldly unravels with compelling and provocative hypothesis on the
Hispanic origins of the Filipino Martial Arts known as eskrima, arnis and estokada
The authors present prima facie evidence on the fraud of the supposedly precursor art called kali.
A more plausible theory on the origins of eskrima are presented in startling detail from its early beginnings
as a defense against Moro pirates and slave traders and its later fusion with Spanish fencing through the
Jesuit warrior priests during the pivotal years 1635-1644, the height of Spanish rapier fencing in Europe
during the Renaissance.
It also presents a comprehensive chronology on the development of eskrima in Cebu, a meticulous
commentary of Cebuano pioneers and innovators of eskrima and elucidates the pre-eminence of Visayans in
the art of eskrima / arnis / estokada.
As both authors are practitioners of this martial art, technicalities in eskrima never before detailed in other
materials on the subject are carefully discussed in the book.
To Order Visit -
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In An-Nawawis Forty Hadith, he relates that the
Prophet Muhammad (saw) stated that no one is a true
believer unless he wants for his brother, what he wants for
himself. In other words, a man who is striving for
improvement is not a good man, unless he is also striving for
his brothers to improve as well. When we apply this wisdom
to the martial arts, it is not enough for me as an Filipino
martial arts man to strive to become the best if my skill does
not help other Filipino martial arts men become good as well.
If you are a Master or leader in a particular martial arts system,
training to become the BEST teacher of that system is good.
But it is better if your improved knowledge and skill also
benefit the other teachers of your system. I am not
suggesting you take your valuable research in the art and
share it with the world. On the contrary, you should actually
keep those secrets secret. But if you withold that information
from your own system brothers, can you actually call yourself
a leader of the system? Are you in fact promoting the system
if others in your system do not benefit from your research--or
are you just promoting yourself?
If a martial arts systems leader is on the right path, he is
not a divider, but a uniter. He does not look to separate
himself from his system brothers. Sure, he can have his own
school, maybe even his own identity as a member of that
martial arts family. But in order to be an effective Master/
Grandmaster of that system, he must be looking for a way to
bring his wisdom to the rest of the family even if it is only
through associating themselves with his work. Martial arts
styles are brands. Their uniqueness are trade secrets. You
cannot have more CEOs than workers, and some will have to
be satisfied promoting the interests of the system as a lower
level manager, as a third and fourth man in charge, even as a
foot soldier. If everyone in the system is preoccupied with
trying to be the admiral and no one wants to man the boiler
room, the ship will surely sink. The first step in determining if
you have what it takes to be a Grandmaster is first finding out
if you love the system more than you love your position in it.
You must want this art to become bigger than you, and you
cannot love money, recognition, power and influence, or
yourself more than your desire to see the art outlive you. And
you must be willing to allow a better man to lead, even if he is
less skilled, has less time-in-grade or lower ranking than you.
Not everyone is qualified to sit in the captains chair.
When your Grandmasters taught you, they didnt
always communicate their desires for who would be in charge
when they passed away. Sometimes, Masters were more
focused on teaching. Sometimes, they were more focused on
developing a particular student. Sometimes, they intended
for the senior/ranking position to go the senior student, his
son or daughter, the best fighter, the best businessman, or a
favorite student. You wont always like or understand that
decision. The question is, do you want the system to go on--or
are you that disgruntled with your Grandmaster that you no
longer wish to be affiliated? If you decide to leave and break
ties, there is nothing wrong with that. Just dont drop your
Grandmasters name to establish your credibility. One great
Master of our time, the great Mas Oyama, did just that. He
broke away, established his own and actually improved better
than even his own masters. And when those masters died,
About ...
Eskrima Labaniego with Mang Bert
By DirtyBoxing
My search of the Malay Archipelago for exotic fighting arts
recently led me to Paranaque, Philippines where I had a private training
session with Grandmaster Roberto Labitan Labaniego (Mang Bert).
You may have seen Mang Bert before, as he was featured in the Filipino
martial arts film The Bladed Hand.
At 74 years old, Mang Bert has been training in Arnis and Eskrima
since the age of 12. Born June 6th, 1940, Mang Bert comes from a poor
family from a small town called Mambusao on the Visayan Island of
Panay. Although Mang Berts father, Costodio Labaniego did not have
much in the way of financial resources, he was rich in his knowledge of
the Filipino Martial Art of Largo Mano Arnis.
You see, Costodio Labaniego was part of the Filipino Resistance
Movement, who fought with bolos (swords) in guerrilla warfare
campaigns against the Japanese amid the Japanese occupation of
the Philippines during World War II. A hero in the conflict, Labaniego
had two hand-to-hand confrontations with Japanese soldiers. In both
incidents, he utilized Arnis tactics and a bolo to kill the Japanese soldier
targeting the adams apple on the heart side. He suffered a bullet wound
to his foot.
In 1952, after the war, Costodio Labaniego began teaching Largo
Mano (a long range style of Arnis) to his boy, Bert. According to Mang
Bert, at that time, the only known styles of Arnis were Largo Mano,
Espada Y Daga and Cinco Teros. Fast-forward 63 years. Even at 74 years
old, its obvious that Mang Bert has been training since he was a small
boy when you witness his smooth, sharp and graceful movements.
In 1986, Mang Bert began training with his other teacher,
Grandmaster Ben Lima (Mang Ben), the founder of Lightning Scientific
Arnis International. Mang Ben taught Mang Bert traditional Espada Y
Daga techniques.
Mang Bert gravitated to these methods because he prefers the
close range tactics of Espada Y Daga over the long range strategies of
Largo Mano. He explains that you cannot use Largo Mano tactics in close
range like when in a Jeepney (the main method of public transportation
in the Philippines).
For Mang Bert, Arnis and Eskrima are not only about defending
yourself and your family but also about making friends from at home
and abroad. This becomes apparent when you meet Mang Bert and
experience his kind and gracious attitude toward sharing his art with
others, locals and foreigners alike.
I had a fascinating and enlightening lesson with Mang Bert! We
covered the stance, the footwork, the 14 angles of attack, and the first 3
movements and how to apply them at close range with a stick.
Warrior Arts Alliance
The First Battle of Bud
Dajo, also known as the Battle
of Mt. Dajo, was a counter
insurgency action fought by the
United States Army against native
Moros in March 1906, during
the Moro Rebellion phase of the
PhilippineAmerican War. While
fighting was limited to ground
action on Jolo Island in the Sulu
Archipelago, use of naval gunfire
contributed significantly to the
overwhelming firepower brought
to bear against the Muslim
insurgents, who were mostly
armed with melee weapons. The
description of the engagement
as a battle is disputed because of
both the overwhelming firepower
of the attackers and the lopsided
casualties. The conflict, especially
the final phase of the battle, is
also known as the Moro Crater
During this battle, 790 men
Although Moro hostilities
died down during the latter days
of Woods governorship (the
tenure of Woods replacement,
General Tasker H. Bliss, was a
period of relative peace), it was
in this tense atmosphere of
Moro resentment that the events
leading to the Battle of Bud Dajo
played out. According to Hermann
Hagedorn, the Moro rebels of
Bud Dajo were the rag-tag-andbobtail remnants of two or three
revolts, the black sheep of a dozen
folds, rebels against the poll tax,
die-hards against the American
occupation, outlaws recognizing
no datto and condemned by the
stable elements among the Moros
themselves. Vic Hurley, author of
Swish of the Kris, adds that the
causes contributing to the battle
of Bud Dajo were resentment over
the curtailing of slave-trading,
cattle-raiding, and women-
Bud Dajo lies 6 miles (10
km) from the city of Jolo and is an
extinct volcano, 2,100 feet (640
m) above sea level, steep, conical,
and has thickly forested slopes.
Only three major paths lead up
the mountain, and the thick
growth kept the Americans from
cutting new paths. However, there
were many minor paths, known
only to the Moros, which would
allow them to resupply even if
the main paths were blocked.
The crater at the summit is 1,800
yards in circumference and
easily defended. The mountain
itself is eleven miles (18 km) in
circumference, making a siege
Over the months that
followed, the Bud Dajo rebels
were joined by various outlaws,
bringing the population of the
crater up to several hundred.
Water was plentiful, and the
rebels began farming rice and
potatoes. Scott sent the Sultan
of Sulu and other high ranking
datus to ask the rebels to return
to their homes, but the rebels
refused. Wood ordered an attack
in February 1906, but Scott
convinced him to rescind the
order, arguing that the opposition
The short sword barung is the Jolo Moros (i.e., Tausugs) national weapon
The other preferred blade of the Jolo Moros is the kalis (i.e., kris)
and disband, or at least send their
women and children to the valley.
They denied these requests, and
Scott ordered Duncan to begin the
The assault force consisted
of 272 men of the 6th Infantry,
211 [dismounted] men of the
The US 4th Cavalry
Regiments coat-of-arms features
a reference to the Bud Dajo
campaign: a green volcano is seen
at the crest with an inverted kris
symbolizing the Moros defeat. The
units victory is symbolized by a
yellow saber at the charge.
Following the American
victory, President Theodore
Roosevelt sent Wood a
congratulatory cablegram, but
reporters stationed at Manila
had cabled their own account
to the press. The March 11,
1906 New York Times headlines
read, Women and Children
Killed in Moro Battle; Mingled
with Warriors and Fell in Hail
of Shot. Four Days of Fighting
Nine Hundred Persons Killed
or WoundedPresident Wires
Congratulations to the Troops.
The press account of the
Moro Crater Massacre fell on
receptive ears. There were still
deep misgivings among the
American public about Americas
role during the Spanish-American
War and the stories of atrocities
carried out during the PhilippineAmerican War. The public had
also been largely unaware of the
continuing violence in the Moro
Province, and were shocked to
learn that killing continued.Under
pressure from Congress, Secretary
of War William Howard Taft cabled
Wood for explanation of the
wanton slaughter of women
and children. Despite not being in
command of the assault (although
he was the senior officer present),
Wood accepted full responsibility.
By the time the scandal died
down, Wood had assumed his post
as Commander of the Philippine
Division, and General Tasker H.
Bliss had replaced him as governor
of the Moro Province.
In response to criticism,
Woods explanation of the high
number of women and children
killed stated that the women of
Bud Dajo dressed as men and
joined in the combat, and that
the men used children as living
shields. Hagedorn supports this
explanation, by giving an account
of Lt. Gordon Johnston, who was
severely wounded by a woman
warrior. A second explanation was
given by the Governor-General
of the Philippines, Henry Clay Ide,
who reported that the women and
children were collateral damage,
having been killed during the
artillery barrages. These conflicting
explanations of the high number
of women and child casualties
brought accusations of a cover-up,
adding to the criticism.
Some of Woods critics
accused him of seeking glory
by storming the crater rather
than besieging the rebels. Wood
did show some signs of being a
glory-hound earlier in his tenure
1. Jump up to: a b c Arnold, J.R., 2011, The Moro War, New York:
Bloomsbury Press, ISBN 9781608190249
2. Jump up to: The Battle of Bud Dajo (archived from the original on
2008-05-09), chapter 19 of Swish of the Kris (archived from the original
on 2008-02-02), by Vic Hurley.
3. Jump up Pacifying the Moros: American Military Government in the
Southern Philippines, 1899-1913, Charles Byler, Ph.D
4. Jump up The Formation of the Moro Province (archived from the
original on 2008-05-12), chapter 18 of Swish of the Kris (archived from
the original on 2008-02-02), by Vic Hurley.
5. Jump up Women and Children Killed in Moro Battle. The New York
Times. March 11, 1906. Retrieved 24 September 2013.
US Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine,
1860-1941. United States Government Printing, 1997.
Hagedorn, Hermann. Leonard Wood: A Biography, vol. 2. United
States: Harper & Brothers, 1931.
Hurley, Vic. Swish of the Kris. (originally published E.P. Dutton & Co.,
Inc., 1936.)
Lane, Jack C. Armed Progressive. San Rafael, California: Presidio Press,
Smyth, Donald. Guerrilla Warrior: The Early Life of John J. Pershing.
New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1973.
Talim Trainers
Made from one solid piece of wood, these trainers can be
used for everything from demonstrations and solo practice to
contact training. Each trainer has the shape of an indigenous blade
without any unnecessary details. Talim Trainers are approximately
3/4 thick. Made from one solid piece of wood, these trainers are
suitable for contact training but are also great for demonstrations,
solo practice and no-touch training. Each trainer is crafted in the
shape of an indigenous blade without any unnecessary details, sharp
edges, inlays or glued and pinned pieces.
Talim Trainers is the result of years of trial and error.
Last but not least, they are affordable. Good quality and longevity
doesnt have to put a strain on the wallet.
In a crime of passion,
a person commits a crime
against a spouse or loved one,
or another person, because of
anger or heartbreak. When a
person becomes very jealous or
disappointed, it can produce such
strong emotions that he cannot
think; rationally and may act on his
impulses without thinking about
the consequences.
The Philippine justice
system considers having acted
upon an impulse so powerful
as naturally to have produced
passion or obfuscation a
circumstance that mitigates
criminal liability. Not only that, but
Article 247 of the Revised Penal
Code expressly provides that if
a person catches his spouse in
flagrante delicto with another
person and kills one or both of
them as a consequence, he shall
only suffer the penalty of destierro,
or exile, and this only to protect
The photo comes from a collection that was gathered during
the commemoration of the 100th Annivesary of the building of Kennon
Road. The road that would be the gateway to the Cordilleras, the
mountianous region in the Northern Philippines. At the center of the
photo is the the builder of the great highway.
Kennon Road was ordered built by American governor general
William Cameron Forbes in 1901. Although originally called Benguet
Road, it was named after U.S. Army Colonel Lyman N. Kennon who was
its final builder. With the labor of Igorots and some foreign workers, the
road was completed in 1903 and has since become a major route to
Baguio City.
Millions of local and foreign tourists have since marveled
at Kennons alternating steep rises, dips, and sharp turns, splendid
waterfalls and lush vegetation. After almost 100 years of constant use,
natural wear and tear aggravated by earthquakes and strong typhoons,
some sections of Kennon Road became hazardous.
Kennon Road is one of the three major access roads that lead up
to Baguio City from Manila and the provinces in the central and western
parts of Luzon. It connects the city with the town of Rosario, La Union.
The other two are Marcos Highway from Agoo, La Union and Naguilian
Road from Bauang, La Union. A fourth less-traveled route is Halsema
Highway which links Baguio City with Ifugao, Mountain Province,
and Kalinga-Apayao. It is taken in going to Bontoc and the famed
rice terraces of Banaue. Another infrequently-traveled road from the
province of Nueva Vizcaya (via Aritao) connects with the city and passes
on top of Ambuklao dam.
* text and photo from Goodude Collections
him from the vengeance of the
relatives of his victims.
Luna was acquitted of
charges on February 8, 1893, on
grounds of temporary insanity;
the unwritten law at the time
forgave men for killing unfaithful
wives. He was ordered to pay the
Pardo de Taveras a sum of one
thousand six hundred fifty one
francs and eighty three cents, and
an additional twenty five francs for
postage, in addition to the interest
of damages.
The assassination of
his brother Gen. Antonio Luna
contributed to his death by heart
attack at the age of 42 in Hong
Kong on his way to join the
Revolution in 1899. His remains
were buried in Hong Kong and in
1920 were exhumed and kept in
Andrs Lunas house, to be later
transferred to a niche at the Crypt
of the San Agustin Church in
Intramuros, Manila. - simoun
Past Events
Mano-Mano for Kids
May 17, 2015
Pasay City, Philippiness
Mano-Mano for Kids Seminar was hosted by the Modern Arnis ManoMano Filipino Martial Arts headed by Punong Lakan Garitony Nicolas.
The event was conducted by Lakan Kenneth Magno, Dayang Rhiverli
Quine, Lakan Romeo Solatorio, Lakan Junar Vidal and Lakan Reynaldo
Arnis for kids gain their confidence and being a kid they do it not
only for self defense but also to have more fun.
Analyn Jayona Delos Santos
Maharlika Kuntaw
Maha Guro Brain Buzz Smith
May 21, 2015
Floyd Soos Korean Karate
Clarkson/Lake Orion, MI.
Maha Guro Brain Buzz Smith had been chatting with a couple of guys in Canada about doing a stick seminar for quite a while - they finally
said lets do it so Maha Guro Smith started to make arrangements. Maha Guro Smith happened to mention to Master Floyd Soo that he was going
on the 23rd and he asked if Maha Guro Smith could stop in on his way through and do a small seminar for his students in Clarkston, Michigan as it
was on his way to Canada... Bonus!
Maha Guro Smith arrived on Thursday morning and spent a few hours working one on one with Master Soo to familiarize him with the stick
fighting of Kuntaw to see what he would like him to cover in the seminar. Master Floyd Soo had some Modern Arnis background and it was not
much of a jump to see the variances of the two arts.
The seminar started with a basic run down of training - from crawling to running and how that was done within the stick fighting arts. Maha
Guro Smith explained the hitting of the sticks for practice and then the striking of appendages or the actual body for advanced studies. Maha Guro
Smith also showed how a shield was used in battle with one of his students and that set the stage for getting into the meat of Bugtongan sword and
shield techniques.
The students grasped these ideas and ran with the formulas and the techniques in short order. Maha Guro Smith went into the history of
Filipino martial arts and laid out in detail how the different arts progressed. A fun time with highly motivated students.
Kuntaw Convention and Seminar
Hosted by AUL TMAC
May 23, 2015
Aquinas University of Legazpi
Daragang Magayon Hall, Rawis
Legazpi City, Philippines
By Michael Tuscano
The activity was organized and planned by Guro Michael M. Tuscano, the
Chief Adviser/Instructor of AUL TMAC Martial Arts club (formerly AUL Kuntaw
Association). There were 4 main objectives of the Convention:
1. To review and to be updated with Kuntaw forms for standardization.
2. To meet fellow Instructors/Black belts especially the inactive instructors to be
more alive and active again for the purpose of unification.
3. To meet and be engaged with Great Grandmasters children, the Kuntaw ng
Pilipinas - National President Grandmaster Carlito Jun Laada Jr., Grandmaster Alicia L. Kossmann- the Chief Instructor of Kuntaw Legacy- USA
together with her husband Master Bill Kossmann and daughter Guro Cassie L. Kossmann. And lastly,
4. To established a good plan and programs for the benefit of Kuntaw in Bicol Region.
The participants for the junior belts were the students of AUL TMAC, Albay, Maharlika Kuntaw, Forbes Kuntaw and Rawis Kuntaw. Whereas
the instructors and black belts came from different clubs such as representative from Naga Kuntaw, Albay Black Belters Association, Sto. Domingo
Kuntaw, Albay Maharlika Kuntaw and AUL TMAC. Other instructors had emergencies to be settled but theyre pledging their full support to the
activity. The senior members of Kuntaw also extended their support. The former Kuntaw ng Pilipinas President Kyud Luis A. Ortega of Naga City,
Master Orlando Olavere and Grandmaster Antonio Villareal were present.
A demonstration of Kuntaw forms was perform by the Kuntaw Legacy from USA
headed by Grandmaster Alicia L. Kossman together with Master Bill and Guro Cassie
Kossman. After the demonstration all instructors and black belts reviewed their
Kuntaw forms lead by Grandmaster Alicia and assisted by Grandmaster Jun. The junior
belts was trained by Master Bill and Guro Cassie.
After such an excellent review, all the black belts and instructors gathered for a
couple hours for a meeting. The purpose was to settle some small issues and to set a
meaningful plan and program for the Organization.
Certificate of participation from Kuntaw Legacy was given to all participants and
medals for selected instructors and black belts. The event was very successful and
were aiming for another gathering to be held in another Region in the future. This is
the continuing quest for true changes and unity among Kuntaw members.
Maharlika Kuntaw
Maha Guro Brain Buzz Smith
May 23, 2015
Premier Martial Arts
205 Cross St.
E. Dunnville, Ontario, Canada
We were fortunate to get Maha Guro Brian Buzz Smith to come down for
his first trip teaching in the Southern Ontario area. Buzz exposed us to some new
concepts, principles and techniques from his art. Most of these were new to us, but
the ones that were not, he gave us a new way to approach them by his easy and
simple teaching methods. Buzz covered Bugtongan stick, sword, staff and empty
hands for us. He guided us through the first elements from each part of the art. After
this Buzz went over some drills for us to practice such as Hubud, Decadena, loading
stances and some others such as Firecracker.
Master Fabien Jolivel - World Nickelstick Eskrima
Punong Guro Fabrizio Mansur Filograna - Abenir Kalis Europe
He then went over the formulas for learning, fighting, and the floor diagram to
evade and showed how it was hidden in the Native dances of the Philippines. Lock flow
drills and a wrist lock drill was also shown. All in all we had a great time getting a glimpse
into a unique art. This served as a great teaser for us and gave us plenty to work on till he
comes back for another seminar. The knowledge and support given to us by Buzz is second
to none. To quote him: I am always available to you guys to point the way. Dont worry we
will take you up on this as you have already found out through our many questions to you
after you got home. To finish off the Saturday portion of the seminar we were fortunate
to be able to go out for dinner, not only with Buzz but with two gentleman from another
Kuntaw family that came down to show their support. Master Rollie Descargar and Guro
Mark Anastacio from the Bais Tres Manos system. Thank you gentlemen for the heartfelt
gesture, it was greatly appreciated. If you want to catch a glimpse into the early methods of
Kuntaw, I suggest you look up Brian Buzz Smith, you will not be disappointed.
After the seminar was over I had a sit down with Shaun Milo and asked him what he thought about Kuntaw / Bugtongan. He said it was a
well-rounded system and was very integrated from hands to weapons. Very complete but not complex if you follow the concepts and principles. So
I asked if he would like to represent the AMKA and the Kuntaw style in Southern Ontario, he accepted and we are planning another seminar or two
yet this year. Anyone wishing answers about Kuntaw can contact Shaun at Dunville Ontario Premier Martial Arts - Shaun Milo
Visit Their Websites: and
Modified Pangamut (DVD Set Vol-1, 2 & 3)
By Master Marc J. Lawrence
The traditional arts are known as Kali, Eskrima or Arnis, stick, knife and hand to hand fighting
was developed over a period of many centuries in the Philippines as her people fought for their
independence from foreign invaders. Each skirmish with a new culture added to the Filipino Martial
Arts as warriors developed techniques to combat foreign styles. Subsequently, more than 100 different
Filipino Martial Arts styles developed, which can be grouped into three complete self-defense
systems which utilize sticks, swords, empty hands and other weapons. Our core system is a Mountain
Visayan fighting system bought to the USA by our systems Founder (Pundador) GM Felix Roiles. His
Grandfather called it Pakamut also called Pangamut. This referred to having skilled hands in Cebuano, a
Visayan dialect. He shared this with Marc Lawrence, his families fighting system. Marc L awrence had his
own FMA fighting system that he had learned in his travels. In his travels and fighting other systems he
developed the Modified Pangamut System. This is what he teaches and fights with, Marc Lawrence is
our Punong Guro (Head Instructor) and he is a National Champion in the Filipino Martial Arts.
Volume 1: Stances & Footwork, Finger Locks, Sitting Position, Floor Defense, Disarms and Submissions...
Volume 2: Controlling the Axis, Multiple Strike Strategy, Defenses & Disarming
Volume 3: Block and Counter, Drills and Disarms, Multiple Return Strikes Competition Drills, Learning
to Defend by Zones, Tournament Disarms, Distractions & Disarms, Vining of the Stick, Fighting Mixed
Weapon Tournaments, Concepts and Rules of Fighting, Choosing Fighting Greer, Competition Strategy,
Point Fighting Strategies, Continuous Competition Strategies, What Wins A Fight, What shots Judges
Look For
Volume 4: Arnis De Mano 14 Uses of the Live Hand: - 14 Uses of the Live Hand from the
Arnis De Mano System when fighting with a single stick: Re-Enforce, Augment, Checks,
Passes, Jams, Pushes, Pulls, Grabs, Hooks, Spreads, Punching, Blocking, Pinning...
Volume 5: Cadena De Mano The Chain of Hands - Cadena De Mano basic principals of
parry, check, counter strike on the inside and outside lines, including V footwork, body
positioning, entry and advanced concepts of defeat.
Order from Punong Guro Marc Lawrence and receive a package deal plus his book The
Basics of Filipino Martial Arts
To Order Masters magazine: Click Here
Well first off the park (Margaret T. Hance Park, 1134 N Central Ave, Phoenix, Arizona) that is the
usual meeting and get together park for the Monthly Share and has been held since the beginning
of the monthly share was packed on Memorial weekend with all areas being taken, plus for a couple
months it will be under renovation.
So a new park was tried which was Granada Park and it seems to
be the place, not really crowded, a little out of the way and unless you
really know how to get there, one might just get a little lost, (as some
unfortunately did).
Anyway on wit the event. It was a beautiful day in high 70s to low
80s, a bit of sun so some need some sun protection, a little distance from
where everyone ended up meeting was a small Tai Chi class in progress. A
few new faces showed up (maybe because of the location), but also some
of the regulars.
At first everyone just walked around meeting the new practitioners
that showed up and the regulars got caught up on things that had been
going on since the last time they met for the monthly share.
Some paired up and just started to share some techniques. So to get
the rest started Michael Butz, suggested to share how would, each defend
against #9 strike (This is striking at the opponents left knee and angling up to the right
After a time everyone took a short break (picture time)
and then paired up with a different person and shared how
they would defend against a #3 strike (This is a strike to the
opponents left side between shoulder and wrist).
OK after a period of time it was asked that Phillip
Hernandez Head Instructor of the Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do
school, and is going to open a school up soon in the Phoenix
area this being his first time at a monthly share coming from
Las Vegas, and brought a couple of his students who were
also interested in attending the monthly share.
He demonstrated and taught stems from the WuShu
and Wing Chun family of JKD. The technique is called rolling
fist, very effective for back fists, eye gouge, throat punch, ear
slap or target any vital upper body point. The technique one
concept that is suppose too branch out to many concepts
for the person or martial artist to learn. In JKD, they use one
concept to branch out to many concepts or what is useful for
the practitioner. This is called flowing from system to system.
Its also a filling technic.
Next up was Joel Mejie Sampaga of Fierce Tigers
Martial Arts. He showed the outside pass drill against a #1
strike from Serrada Eskrima.
At the end everyone got together
for the barbeque and good conversation.
Sayoc Seminar
w/ Guro Harley Elmore
May 23 - 24, 2015
NAK Martial Arts Center
Phoenix, AZ.
Guro Harley Elmore taught a two day Sayoc Kali seminar in Phoenix, Arizona May 23rd and 24th, 2015. Topics included introductions to free style
trapping, low light training, and phase two trapping.
Lady Arnisador
Latosa Filipino Boxing
May 27, 2015
Petaluma Academy of Martial Arts
620 Petaluma Blvd N., Petalima, CA.
Arnis Philippines
Results of Womens Martial Art Festival 2015
May 25-27, 2015
Megatrade Hall 3, SM Megamall
5th Level, SM Megamall Building B, SM Megamall
Julia Vargas Avenue, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong, Philippines
The Philippine Sports Commission
(PSC) held PSC All Female Martial Arts
Festival. The 2nd Womens Festival
of martial arts was held on May 2527, 2015 at SM Megatrade Hall, SM
Mega MAll. The events were Arnis,
Boxing, Fencing, Judo, Karatedo, Muay-Thai, Penkat-Silat, Taekwondo,
Wrestling and Wushu, to name a few. The Arnis event is sanctioned by the
National Sports Association under the Philippine Olympic Committee,
Arnis Philippines Inc. and was officiated by ARPIs Technical Committee.
Participants came from all over the country.
Results Click Here
(L-R) ARPI T.O. & Emcee Mr. Ceasar Gonzales; Mr. ARPI Sec Gen. Richmond Velayo and PSCs Atty. Jay Alano along with Medalists: Sherlyn Jose of
Valenzuela City (Silver medalist), Lovely Maximo of SALAKNIB-Quirino Province (Gold Medalist); and Bea Alianza of Iloilos Dinagyang Bastonero Team
Filipino Boxing Seminar with Grandmaster Rene Latosa and Master Cedric Concon at Petaluma Academy of Martial Arts hosted by Master Dan
Cuthbertson. The students were great--focused and eager to learn new concepts! Excellent! - Cedric Concon
FMA Seminar Featuring Suro Jason Inay Head of the Inayan System of Eskrima
May 30, 2015
Academy of Combative Defense & Fitness
5833 Cottle Rd, San Jose, CA.
An Exciting seminar where Suro Jason Inay, the head of the Inayan System of Eskrima, illustrated how each of the styles within his family system
fits together and works tactically. Suro Jason Inay also covered some of the elementary concepts for teaching and learning the Inayan System of
Eskrima, founded by Mangisursuro Mike Inay.
Kuntao Seminar - Sifu Chris Derbaum
May 30, 2015
Hammer Training & Fitness
420 Allentown Dr., Allentown, PA.
Chinese Indonesian Combat Arts held Kuntao Seminar on Saturday May 30, 2015 in Allentown, PA. at Hammer Training & Fitness. The Seminar was
taught by Sifu Chris Derbaum and he was assisted by his long time student Sifu Justin Miller. Seminar participants got rare glimpse in the ballistic
striking along with how Kuntao uses the whole body to generate power. Footwork, knifework and takedowns highlighted this event. The host of this
event was Esli Gonzalez better know as King E!
Great Kuntao Seminar in Allentown today. Want to thank Host Esli Gonzalez and everyone that made the trip. - Chris Derbaum now offering Sponsor Membership
TKMT Gym was spacious and clean and afforded a suitable place
to hold a complete seminar. Master Guro Oliver opened the event with
introductions and taught his knife combat skills, the defenses and offenses
that come with the drills and patterns.
The Bigayan made most of the fun and interest when the participants
learned how to engage opponents with blades. He expounded on the offensive
moves, disarming and the foot coordination in his teachings. He explained the
optimum ranges as consciously estimated to effectively apply the knife techniques
and emphasized this by having the participants work in pairs and execute the
interactive part of each technique. The finale was the blade sparring test and
demonstration with Palaban Lexi as the dynamic dummy where Master Guro Oliver
showed his deadly skills when he used multiple thrusts for Palaban Lexi to parry
and counter. Everyone enjoyed this part best as they seriously applied their learned
blade skills in a controlled presentation courtesy of Master Guro Oliver.
The second part of the event was UEI (we) sharing the Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas
System (System of principles) and the techniques that everyone found distinctly
different from what they already know. They were thrilled to learn new things
that were useful and ready to add to their already tested skills. The system being new, we have to start
from the basics PAS 101 for them to understand how the movements and the creation of openings/
unhindered targets. We then had to re-program their way of striking as well as their mindset during
Learning new methods and concepts in maneuvering the Arnis sticks (solo baston) takes a slow
process to grasp the idea apart from learning the techniques alone. In this system, we broke down the
way each one is use to engageing a stick fighter with the aim of optimizing the power, accuracy and the precision in delivering the kill strike. We
were satisfied with the attendees as they were open minded enough to absorb what was explained and to try experiment on the new techniques
they just encountered. We emphasized practicing the basics and going back to the basics as the simplest way to enhance the learning process.
Kuya Walter took the charge of explaining the body mechanics and the different strikes that Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas can do at very close
quarters. He pointed out that most arts has specialized in chambering strikes as opposed to Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas witik / pitik method of striking
and that Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas also have the Filipino martial arts generic chambered strikes in its arsenal to be used when needed. He showed how
Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas can deliver the same strikes even when in a retreating
Kuya Wesley expounded on the uniqueness of Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas in
their abanico strikes, the versatility of the backhand and forehand techniques
relative to the use of the wrist power. He also told of how most Filipino martial
arts critics brand Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas witik /pitik as nothing more that
touching or another ineffective way of striking and how Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas
respects their point of view. He explained that once you learn Pinakatay, you
will develop a dual personality which raised eyebrows. He said that Pinakatay
Arnis Sigidas was not there to challenge the existing structure but to try and go
beyond the common understanding of such structures.
It is up to the listener to accept it or ignore it. Respect towards one another
is foremost when sharing ideas and opinions. Palaban Roger taught them the
essence of the live or checking hand and its role in the creation of openings
and clearing. He demonstrated the 12 striking areas (of the Pinakatay Arnis
Sigidas system) and how it is targeted at will based on the opponents reaction
and position in an engagement. He showed how he can see his targets 2 strikes
ahead just basing on the opponents movements.
Everyone learned the functions of the left and the right hand, the roles
of the weapons and the quick hand, the methods of neutralizing the opponents offensive and defensive moves. The interactive portion saw
the participants (controlled strikes) hitting their partners at designated targets much to their surprise as these targets cannot be reached by
conventional maneuvers. The application made them aware that Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas capitalizes in random strikes and not sequential in order to
improve their reaction time and instinctive defenses. They marvel at how strikes can be done multiple times in a second and at specific target areas.
The non-choreographed demonstration by Palaban Lexi and Palaban Roger displayed the Pinakatay skills and techniques in real time in
two settings, one with helmet and the other without helmets. They showed how to deliver controlled or not controlled kill strikes even at full
speed sparring without doing MUCH damage to each other. Leaving welts and bruises after each spar is quite normal with Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas
system but that is how the Filipino artdial arts is done. Learning Filipino martial arts is more exciting when one experiences pain in both weapons or
otherwise. Although it takes some time to learn the Pinakatay Arnis Sigidas system, it is quite effective, practical and the many awkward and almost
impossible striking movements that the Kuyas can do can almost certainly be learned by anyone and be added to their arsenal.
Maraming Salamat po
Wesley Crisostomo
During the same short visit to Toronto to conduct an Filipinop martial arts
seminar hosted by Master Guro Oliver F. Garduce, the Kuyas did a simple ritual
awarding the Mataw Guro Association certificate of recognition to MatawGuro
Oliver Garduce from the UFoMA Hall of Fame Awards. Along with this ceremony,
we also awarded a simple certificate of participation to the attendees for the
seminar itself and for learning the Introduction to the Basics of Pinakatay Arnis
Sigidas System. UEI also introduced the Book of Dr. Ned Nepangue and Celestino
Macachor entitled Cebuano Eskrima : Beyond the Myth . There also exchanges
of small remembrance articles between teachers.
FMA and JKD legend, Dan Inosanto returned to Montreal for the 27th time to conduct another highly successful JKD and Filipino Martial Arts
seminar. A true pioneer in these efforts he has seen the Filipino Martial Arts evolve from an interesting curiosity to a mainstay in many martial arts
academies. - Philip Gelinas
Panuntukan - The Art of Filipino Dirty Boxing Seminar / Workshop
Laraw Kali Pamuok
May 31, 2015
Senior Citizens Park
Luntea Park Manila
A good and nicely packed seminar with 23 participants attending
the event. Laraw Kali Pamuok FMA opens its door and showcases its
complete Panuntukan Curriculum on the grounds of Rizal Park last Sunday,
May 31, 2015.
Lakan Ronnie Royce Base, the Founder of the system together with
his apprentices demonstrated the art of Panuntukan, its principles and
methodology that includes Hubad-lubad, Cadena De Mano, Hand trapping
and clearing techniques, Foot trapping and sweeping techniques, Entries
and follow-ups, Focus Mitt Drills and many others.
Lakan Ron also differentiated and shown the many similarities of
conventional and traditional boxing. He demonstrated the connections
between empty hand system and blade concept of Kali. It was a worthwhile
activity because it had served its purpose of promoting the Filipino martial art to its own people, awakening their senses to embrace and patronize
their very own martial art which has been recognized by people worldwide.
introduced the participants were already well versed with the skill set initially introduced by
Mr. Martinez. Thus allowing for a systematic logical progression of skills building and training.
No wonder PTK is the system chosen by the military. Cruzada Pamilya is proud to have PTK-SMF
among its ranks and that we can call them our Kapatid - Simeon Lao
The 6th Annual Vallejo FMA Goodwill Tournament was held at the 29th
Annual Vallejo Pista sa Nayon, on Saturday, June 6. This was the first FMA
tournament to be held outdoors at a major Filipino festival in the U.S. The
tournament was hosted by the instructors of four Vallejo-based Filipino martial
arts schools - Grandmaster Michael Giron of Original Giron Escrima, Grandmaster
Emil Bautista of KajuEskrima, Master Mel Orpilla of Island Warriors Balintawak
Arnis, and Master George Cabiles of Kombatan. It is unique in that it is a double
elimination tournament using teams for the adult fighters.
Under clear but windy conditions, fighting got underway with the Juniors 12 &
Under Division shortly after the rules were read to all the participants. With only
three contestants, each was assured they would go home with a trophy, which
this year were either a gold, silver or bronze colored Escrima stick on a stand. The
winners were:
My friend, mentor and
Guro, Baste Carlos, of Carlos
Hermanos Kali made an
appearance at the halfway point
Guro Baste is pictured with along side Jared Wihongi of Pekiti Tersia Kali, Doug Mercida
and Atlanta Kali Groups Chris Caban.
All in all it was a great
weekend, the Blade Show was
super cool and the Filipino martial
arts seminar turnouts were
amazing. I got to hang out with my
best friends, made some new
friends and met some amazing
people in the process. So if you are
reading this, I will leave you all
with this; if you love awesome
knives and you love to train, make
the next Blade Show a must see
weekend. I am almost certain next
year will be just as awesome if not
more awesome. So bye for now,
take care, be well and Maraming
Self-Defense Seminar
Magkuno Diamondback Eskrima
June 14, 2015
107 Burswood Rd.
Burswood, Perth, Western Australia
On Sunday the 14th of June a Self Defense Seminar hosted by MMA 24/7 in Perth Western
Australia to help raise money for our 74-year-old Senior Grandmaster Ernesto Berdin who suffered
a major stroke in the Philippines was held. The money is intended for Medicine and to help in his
Known as a Filipino martial arts style most students turned up with their sticks but were
pleasantly surprised to find out that the seminar was all about empty hand street encounters.
(Pangamot and Dumog)
With many students there that were or had been in the security industry taking part along
with instructors from kickboxing, BJJ, Krav Maga, karate, a K1 fighter along with some of the top
Magkuno diamondback Eskrima instructors and assent instructors here in Australia, the heat was
on to just see what works in real self defense from a system that has a reputation as a no nonsense
Filipino martial arts style.
The first part of our 4-hour MagkunoDiamond Back Eskrima (MDBE) seminar was
conducted by 7th degree black belt Maestro
Andrew Roberts. Maestro Andrew is an ex Australian Navy clearance diver and served over
seas, He has trained with some of the best militarys from around the world and for he last
18 years has been the top student of Grand Maestro Greg Henderson. He has also conducted
seminars all over the world, with his last for prison guards and the rapid response for the
Solomon Islands government.
He was assisted by (MDBE) 1st degree black belt Rodney Coulman he also holds a 3rd
degree black belt with Cobra Martial Arts. Rodney runs his own club called Bad Wolf Martial
This first part concentrated on giving the students some basic understanding of power
generation and strikes at close quarters and the tools while moving in a relaxed manner.
The reaction from participants at seeing Maestro Andrew, a very big man, move smoothly
with such grace, speed, generating such power seminally without effort was an eye opener.
Students that had already trained with Grand Maestro Greg Henderson and 3rd
advance technique is just basics joined together, FMA is a complete martial art and there is a
place and time to use it for self-defense, but in my opinion the flashy movements will not work
in real self-defense no matter how long you train was his response
Every situation is different but you should think that you are fighting to save your life
against more than one, so dont BS yourself into thinking you are invincible and wont be hit. (IF
your not hit then thats a bonus) It is not a sparing session, forget about ego, do what you have
to then get out of the situation as soon as you can
What was funny for all students was the painful techniques being applied with little
effort, although in a bit of pain and discomfort everyone was laughing. They couldnt believe
how simple it was.
In conclusion I would like to thank everyone who helped make this seminar such a
successes. Thank you and God bless - Grand Maestro Greg Henderson
As said for the last Monthly Share Margaret T. Hance Park, is under renovation. This
month another park was tried which was Esteban Park, 3345 E Roeser Rd., Phoenix, AZ.
Michael Butz of Kada Anan Martial Arts started the training by sharing an Espada
y Daga version of an inside defense found in nearly all Filipino martial rats styles. He kept
a focus on the dagger; showing a reinforced defense and how to switch control of the
opponents weapon hand from the sword to the dagger.
Alessandro Ashanti of Full Circle Warrior Arts showed a left-handed defense, similar
to when one fixes their hair on the side of the head, against a straight punch and then
against two straight punches. Although his teaching focus was based on a right shoulder
injury, he elaborated that sometimes one may have only one hand available when attacked
(e.g. holding groceries or a child).
Jay Sowell of DTE, sporting his left arm in a sling, taught last. Like Alessandro before
him, Jay stressed the importance of being able to defend oneself, even when injured.
He taught a roof defense against a
straight down, vertical stick attack but
emphasized angular footwork as well
as using the pressure of the attack to
facilitate a counter strike.
The days are getting warm
in Phoenix getting to be over 100
degrees as the day goes on, so the
July Monthly Share should be
Seminar with Master Peter Konschak and champion Bjrn Hammerling and as guest of honor Grandmaster Ron Lew (United States)
The Bahala Na Instructors with the Vancouver Instructors. From L to R: Brent Matsuda, Ed Wong, Noel
Tomboc, Terry Joven, Louie Lindo, Marlo Lou Faralan, Tom Dy Tang, and Kenneth Co.
The fund raising event on sat the 6th June was for a boy of 2
years old in which he cannot walk and need treatment in the USA for
Dersal Rhrotomy aims to remove spasticity from his legs, amount to be
raise is 80,000
On the day we raise 400 where people took part in martial arts
fund event for Ruban Selley,
Anymore donations will be welcome. - Martin Sillitoe
After Hollywood screenwriter and script analyst, the late John Sherlock, took the authors earlier manuscript copy back to his home in Ireland and pored over it, he wrote to the author commenting that he
read the pages with great interest but thought the book should take the form of a personal odyssey.
Taking Sherlocks advise, the author interweaved his captivating healing and spiritual experiences, years
of historical research and collection of photographs, along with information on the roots of healing
from their cultural, shamanic, and spiritual origins. What manifested was his unique magnum opus, Way
of the Ancient Healer, a book that intermeshes esoteric and metaphysical beliefs with scientific explanations of healing practices, based on an indigenous science and culture.
Way of the Ancient Healer provides an overview of the rich tradition of Filipino healing practices, discussing their world influences and role in daily life. Enhanced with over 300 photographs and illustrations, the book gives readers a rare look at modern-day Filipino healing rituals, including personal
examples from author Virgil Apostols own experiences with shamanic healing and dream interpretation.
The book begins with an explanation of Apostols Filipino lineage and legacy as a healer. After a brief
history of the Philippine archipelago he describes the roots of traditional Filipino healing and spirituality,
and discusses the Indian, Islamic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and American influences that have impacted the Filipino culture. He presents a thorough description of Filipino shamanic and spiritual practices that have developed from the concept that everything in nature contains a spirit (animism) and
that living in the presence of spirits demands certain protocols and rituals for interacting with them. The
books final chapter thoughtfully explores the spiritual tools used in Filipino healing - talismans, amulets,
stones, textiles, and other natural symbols of power.
Published by North Atlantic Books:
Distributed by Random House Distribution Services, to order: or call (800) 733-3000
Families thought happiness came from buying stuff the more
we have, the happier we would be, Gore said. Now, we have more time
together as a family because we cant afford to have everyone running
around doing different things, like eating out or shopping. We can
focus on the truly important things in life like love, connections and
Gore is right! Our focus has to shift from the material things
that we crave, to the non-material, but more uplifting things that we
can truly enjoy. The shift in our focus will bring us more pleasure and
more contentment.
Another personal achievement expert, David Bach, author
of the best-selling book Fight for Your Money: How to Stop Getting
Ripped off and Save a Fortune said that Hard times provide us with an
opportunity to create our own economic prosperity plan, and thus help us
Bach also said that tough economic times help strengthen
our entrepreneurial muscle. Starting your business in a recession is like
running against the wind. If youre training for a marathon by running
with the wind, what are you going to do when you have to run against the
wind? You have to run against the wind to learn how to run hard, lean and
Wayne Dyer, author of Excuses Be Gone! agrees that changing
our mindset from negative to positive is of utmost importance and is
beneficial to our well-being. He said, When you change the way you
look at things, the things you look at actually begin to change. Mental
health is about flexibility.
Dyer said that our focus upon the present is crucial during
times of crisis. If you can have the relationship in the now, youll have
a great relationship with life. Most of us have trained our mind to be
anything but right here, right now, he said.
When youre on the dance floor, the purpose of the dance isnt to
end up in a different place on the dance floor, he continued. The purpose
is to enjoy every note, he says. Find a way to be fulfilled. Life is about
feeling good.
I agree with Dyer. The past is over, the future is not here yet, and
we are not even sure of it. What we see is now, so what matters is now.
How do we deal with the here and now is therefore crucial. We either
learn to swim or sink with the tide. Its all up to us!
you need them. The woman in the story above was luckily able to
retrieve a firearm from her car. An assailant might not give you time to
access a weapon.
Unarmed skills are the first and last line of defense. If you need to
fight to get away, access a weapon, or retain a weapon, unarmed skills
are crucial. If you lose your weapon, cant access it, it fails, unarmed skills
are what youre going to have to rely upon. There is a good reason our
ARMED forces train in unarmed close-quarters combat.
What Self-Defense Training Does
Good self-defense training isnt just kicks and punches. It begins
with awareness. It teaches to look for indicators of violence in peoples
body language. It teaches escape and avoidance strategies. Yes, there
are also physical techniques.
But one of the interesting things to come out of these studies is
that women who are trained are less likely to be the target of attempted
attacks. This is important. They arent just better at fending off attacks,
they are less like to be attacked.
Why is this? I have two theories:
1. People who are properly trained have better awareness of their
surroundings and the people around them. They are more able to
avoid problems before they start.
2. Training changes peoples body language. A bit of confidence and
perceived strength and awareness is very off-putting for somebody
looking to victimize someone. I have seen this with my own students.
The effect might be completely unconscious. If youve ever been made
uneasy by someone and couldnt explain exactly why, youll understand
My Personal Take
If you couldnt tell by now, I am all in for women getting selfdefense training. I train and will continue to train my wife and daughters.
I believe its the right thing to do.
Theres a new study out of Canada showing that college students
who underwent a 12 hour sexual assault resistance training were far less
likely to be assaulted. More telling, is that they were less likely to be the
victims of attempted assault.
Self-Defense Training Works
This study jives with earlier research by the self-defense
instruction company, Model Mugging. They surveyed 60,000 of their
female students and found that after training (more intense than the
Canadian training), 98.3% of their students were able to avoid assaults
Of those who were assaulted, 97% were able to fight off their
attacker, 80% of those were able to use voice and body language alone
and did not resort to violence.
Sexual Assault
Numbers on sexual violence in the US vary, and are difficult to
track, because it is an under-reported crime. The most conservative
estimates are around 1 in 5 women, and somewhat fewer men, will be
the victims of sexual assault in their lifetime. The numbers might be
much higher, but this number is still staggering.
Imagine being able to reduce sexual assault incidents from 20%
of women to less than 2% of women. Imagine if, of those 2%, sexual
predators were only successful 3% of the time. This means a reduction to
The Controversies Around Teaching Womens Self-Defense
In the interest of full-disclosure, I do teach a kick-butt womens
self-defense class. I started teaching in Boston around the summer of
2000 with my partner when two serial rapists were attacking women in
the city. Quite frankly these guys were pissing us off (pardon my French).
Since then I have heard a lot of arguments against training
women in self-defense. To be honest, all of them are completely
without merit. Most of them are a subtle form of misogyny. Allow me to
The Quasi Feminist Argument
In 2014, Miss USA and Tae Kwon Do black-belt, Nia Sanchez,
created a stir among some when she dared suggest women train in selfdefense to help prevent sexual assault. The argument, by some calling
themselves feminists, was that this somehow promoted rape-culture.
Bamboo Spirit
9. Sundot Kulangot
2. Tamilok
Fifty-Nine young female athletes will represent Baguio City at the 2nd
Womens Martial Arts Festival which kicks off in Mandaluyong City on
Tuesday, May 26.
Baguio will field 14 entries in arnis, six in muay thai, 10 in judo, 20
in taekwondo, and nine in wrestling.
At last years WMAF, Baguio took the title in arnis with 11 gold,
five silver, and six bronze medals.
The wushu team contributed two golds and two silvers.
City Sports Coordinator Gaudencio Gonzales told Sun.Star Baguio
he is optimistic the city delegation will dominate the competition.
The Liar The Cheat and The Thief: Deception and the Art of Sword Play
By Maija Soderholm
May 26-27 marked the staging of the 2nd Womens Martial Arts
You dont fight bodies you fight
According to the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC)
In this slender volume,
Commissioner-in-charge Akiko Thomson-Guevara, the activity is set
Maija Soderholm of Sonny Umpads
to recognize the ability of women in the field of sports and their feat
Visayan Style Corto Kadena and
could not be underestimated.
Larga Mano system presents the
2009 World Taekwondo Team Poomsae Champions Rani
details of one of the most important
Ortega, Camille Alarilla, and Janice Lagman, bemedaled athletic
and least understood aspects of
champion Elma Muros, and champion equestrian Mikee Cojuangcopersonal combat. How to control the
Jaworski were among the women athletes who attended the
opponents mind.
festivals opening.
The Liar, The Cheat, and The
These women have achieved so much for the country and
Thief explores the drills and the
the sport and serve as an inspiration to all women to have their own
mindset of one of the last modern
sport to nurture and use as an instrument to do something for their
duelists. As Sun Tzu said All warfare is
country their family and themselves, Guevara said.
She hopes the event, to be held at the Megatrade Hall in SM Click Here
Megamall, Mandaluyong City, will get better every year.
This year, Baguio sent a delegation of women to compete and
hope to duplicate last years feat with more or less 50 women athlete
to compete in arnis, muay thai, judo, tae kwon do and wrestling.
The official results have yet to be released by the PSC but in the sport of arnis, the team of 14 players have done it again amidst the changes
in competition format where categories are divided into three age divisions, 7-12 years old, 13-17 years old and 18 years old and above with the
provision of 7-12 years old and 13-17 years old only performing anyo or creative forms and not being given the opportunity fight in the labanan
or sparring and those 18 years old and above only playing in the labanan and not have anyo event. This lessened the medals at stake and chances
of the Baguio Arnis All Stars to duplicate last years medal haul, nevertheless they still pulled through capturing the over-all championship in the
seniors division with only four entry and top three standing in the 7-17 years old category.
With a much stronger pool of arnisadores, the feat of the Baguio Arnis All Stars is commendable considering others could not come due to
examination schedules in their universities. But still, the team prevailed after making do with who are available, so in behalf of the Baguio Arnis All
Stars team of this years 2nd Womens Martial Arts Festival thank you for all the support and prayers! To God be the Glory!
Baguio Arnisadors Defend Title in WMAF
By Mark Victor Pasagoy
Sun.Star Baguio - May 30, 2015
The Baguio City arnis squad
successfully defended the overall
title in the arnis event of the
recently concluded Philippine
Olympic Committee-Philippine
Sports Commission 2nd Womens
Martial Arts Festival held in
Mandaluyong City May 25-27.
Arnisadors from the
Summer Capital towed five gold,
six silver, and two bronze medals
to outclass other LGUs from all
over the country in the two-day
competition set as an extension
of this years Womens Month
Norielyn Sagun, Janna
Kaye Balicdang, Danica Caw-is
jumpstarted the medal haul for
the city as they generated two
gold and one silver in the anyo
competitions 13-17 year old age
Sagun, Balicdang, and Cawis dominated the synchronized
solo baston and synchronized
sword and dagger events, after
landing second place in the
synchronized double baston
Sagun, last years most
bemedalled athlete with six gold,
also added two more silver this
time from the from the individual
solo baston and sword and dagger
Irish Dianne Tolentino, the
youngest athlete in the group,
added one silver (double baston),
and two bronze (solo baston,
Arnis Philippines
June 1, 2015
The Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) disenfranchised Arnis in all the provinces Except Metro Manila in the 2015 Philippine National Games
Arnis, the National Martial Art and Sport (RA 9850), will only be played in Marikina. There will be no more eliminations in the outskirts of
Metro Manila and beyond. According to PSC, there will be no more eliminations available for all provinces and cities in the provinces. Instead there
will only be a single tournament in Marikina City. This is inspite of the big participation in every tournament held in any part of the Philippines every
year due to the popularity of the Sport.
It is expected that there will be mounting complaints from the Arnis Community about why PSC did not make it available for those who play
our very own native sport. This extraction will make it very difficult and restrictive due to expenses, time and distance for many practitioners that will
be coming from outside Metro Manila.
Click Here to go to PSC-PNG2015 website-schedule
Intro to Free Style
Lost Years
Shipping and Handling
To obtain full details on Ordering - Click Here
My dear friends,
This appeal is to all TnT and Desangut friends, my dear colleagues.
We appeal for your help to build bamboo houses for 40 families in
Khokana. This Nepalese village was wiped out by the catastrophic
earthquake. All we need is 200 people donating $20 each to reach the
modest goal of $4,000.
To give help, please visit our Crowd Fund in Switzerland: Click Here
We have only 80 days left to achieve our goal. If we dont, the Crowd Fund will return your donated money (minus the transfer fees).But this
means that the people in Khokana will continue to live in uncertainty, hunger and cold.
If you wish to send donations directly to me, you can paypal:
This relief effort is led by TnT Nepal Chapter, together with our self-defense group Women Empowerment Nepal, and my private company
Strategic Edge. We will send you a video-report on how your donations were used.
Khokana is just outside Kathmandu, very near the place where Robert, Andy and I used to live. Here, 90% of houses were destroyed.
Over 4,000 people are homeless. Khokana was declared a new municipality just before the disaster. This means, they had no time to establish a
government infrastructure. There are no international aid agencies operating there, except for World Vision which runs a small childrens program.
Our goal is to build 150 shelters in Khokana. So far, we are able to build 100. After helping Khokana, we move on to the next 3 villages that
are equally devastated. The situation is desperate as the monsoon rains are approaching. Every $20-donation will put a roof over a childs head.
Please help me spread the word. Thank you so much for caring.
yours truly
Master Edessa Ramos
The Desangut Fixed Blade Magnum
Traditional & Tactical Combat Arnis
By TnT Blades
Together with:
Production Information:
Arjay Manandahar - TnT Nepal Chapter
This first run is a semi-custom / numbered
Rashmila Prajapati - Women Empowerment Nepal
production. Only 100 pieces were made. There are
only a few left.
Trainers are now available
To Place your Order Click Here
Risky Business
By: Maija Soderholm
They say you should imagine the scariest opponent you can think
But what of mere mortal opponents? I would argue that here,
of, and that your training is valid if only if it works against them.
you actually do have the luxury of space, time, and especially rationality,
I get this - Certainly if your training only works against an
to play with. You have choices, and those choices actually increase as the
inexperienced, clumsy, compliant, half wit you are indeed doomed to
RELATIVE level of the threat decreases.
failure. But is the opposite true for the other end of the scale?
Rory once said something to the effect that time is a commodity,
Who would you most fear to cross swords with? Not in a sport
and one of the differences between a veteran and a rookie is knowing
context, but in an imaginary lethal encounter?
when you have it, and when you do not. If you do have it, it is far better
My personal nightmare is a bigger, faster, stronger, insane person. to spend it gaining intel, rather than rushing straight into an unknown
(Lets not go into multiples/ambush/unarmed vs armed etc. Just keep
chaos without understanding what you might be facing.
it simple, to a one on one see em coming both equally armed context).
Same can be said for sword play. If they are not insane, gain some
And for me, the insane part is the part that makes them the most scary.
intel first. Dont risk yourself unnecessarily. You do have the time and the
If someone is insane and does not care if they live, what options do you
space. Use them. Make a smart decision.
have? Not many. There is no potential harm you can threaten them with.
I found the quote below on the internet. I have no idea if it is a
They cannot be reasoned with, and the height/weight advantage means real Native American saying, but I thought it was quite good. It speaks
they outmatch you once contact is made.
both to the difference in attitude whilst training versus in reality, but
When the odds get this bad, you have to risk everything to stand
perhaps it also applies in a dueling situation, to the one who controls the
even a small chance of prevailing. Your options narrow down to the
game versus the one who does not?
smallest of windows of opportunity, where the risk of injury or death is
The huntsman can make many mistakes, the hunted, only one.
almost a certainty, and your only option is to go. Once. Win or Lose.
Be the hunter.
You could argue that this is the most important place to train
Sword and Circle
because it matters the most. But it is also extremely rare. Many people
About teaching and training Eskrima and Bagua. Recommended seminars,
might outweigh or outreach you, and there are certainly people
and related material I find interesting.
out there who are more highly skilled, but insane? Not so much. For
someone to care less if they die just for the pleasure of taking you out?
This takes a very particular type of individual with a
very, very, personal grudge.
FMA Grandmasters and Masters
Why does any of this matter?
By Bram Frank
Because this is the opponent most people seem
This book is about the Masters and
to fight, all the time.
Grandmasters of the Filipino Martial Arts.
Is this wrong?
Some are well known others are relatively
There is a logic that says that if you have the
obscure, some are famous, others are
answer to the most difficult problem, you also have
known only by their skill but they all have
the answer to all the easier problems, because the only
in common their love for the Filipino
thing that is changing in the equation is the threat
martial arts and their connection through
level the opponent presents. As the threat level goes
training, friendship heritage or lineage
down, so the winning should become easier and easier.
with Grandmaster Bram Frank. Some are
the heroes of the Philippines like the late
Well, kinda ... yes, the technique might be
Professor Remy Presas, part of American
very effective, but no, because the risk to self is left
martial art history like Guro Dan Inosanto
extremely high.
or like Grandmaster Bram Frank a faithful
Remember, in training smart, we are looking
practitioner and instructor of the arts. Their
for maximum gain for minimum risk. When you have
stories are told in pictures and with a bio of
no time or space, you have to judge everything, from
who they are and what theyve done! This
range, to timing, to angle, perfectly. Even if there is
is the first in a series of volumes of these
only half an opening, you hope for some luck to add to
wonderful people!
your slight chance of surprise and you take it. Because
$35.00 15% discount if bought on LULU..
you have to. And if nothing else, it never hurts to
To Order: Click Here
increase the chaos if you are losing.
(L-R) ARPI President and RCNM P.P. Mr. Raymond S. Velayo; RCNM P.P.Mike Crisologo;
RCNM Pres. Cynthia Zipagan; ARPI Director and RCNM P.P. Med Quiambao; RCNM P.P.
Jun Zipagan; holding their awards for various categories.
ARPI and RCNM recognizes GMA for Arnis Bill
Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo receives the
Honorary Lakambini Sampu Rank (Arnis 10th Degree Blackbelt)
from Arnis Philippines President Raymond S. Velayo for having
demonstrated her Nationalism and Patriotism by sponsoring
and having approved on December 11, 2009 in the Halls of
Congress of the Republic of the Philippines a Bill recognizing
Arnis as the National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines
under Republic Act No. 9850. Arnis is signature project of the
Rotary Club of New Manila, QC and had won several awards in
Vocational Service for Peace and Conflict Resolution in Rotary
District 3780
Arnis Philippines -
Rotary Club of New Manila with Former President Arroyo (Top L-R: RCNM PP Jun
Santos, RCNM PP. Larry Gadon , RCNM PP Oyo Bulandi; RCNM PP & ARPI Director
Rene Pronstroller; RCNM PP Jun Zipagan; and RCNM PP & ARPI Pres. Raymond S.
Velayo) (Bottom L-R: RCNM PP Ana Millionado; Former Pres. Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo; RCNM PP Cynthia Zipagan;)
Baguio Arnis Teams Target: Title Retention
By Mark Victor Pasagoy
Sun.Star Baguio - June 11, 2015
The Arnis team from Baguio is
gunning for a second straight title
in the Philippine National Games
which kicks off July 2.
The team finishing with 11
gold, six silver and four medals last
Arnis coach Jayson Vicente
said his athletes started to train as
early as last month.
Continuous naman ang
drills natin, as always we motivate
our players so they see the value
of continuous training, Vicente
said. In this way we always keep
up and will not be left behind with
the improvement of the other
teams who compete every year.
Vicente is optimistic Baguio
will remain as the team to beat in
the annual event.
Landing as the best team
For more information and up dates on the project visit: Click Here
Over Structuring
By Zach Jenkins
Can martial arts be over
Structure is very important
in almost everything we do in life.
In the military structure equals
efficiency and is effective in the
movement and training of large
groups. The same holds true for
the martial arts in that when you
take a person that knows nothing
or very little about the martial arts,
it requires structure in order to get
them through the different stages
of training.
Students are comfortable
with a structured curriculum
because the stages of progression
are clear and simple. An instructor
feels comfortable because
structure makes their task easy
and adjustments can be made
with very little stress to the teacher
or the student.
Learn the drill to learn the skill and
when you learn the skill, forget the
drill. - Abner Pasa
Before martial art drills and
forms, individuals learned how to
fight by fighting plain and simple.
When individuals reached high
levels of proficiency at fighting,
people sought them out in order
to learn how to be good fighters
themselves. But these fighters had
to figure out a way to teach people
who couldnt fight effectively
so they devised drills and broke
training down into techniques,
steps, and/or modules. This was
probably a difficult task for many
fighters. Ive seen many amazing
Today I came across a video channel on by Harrison
Martial Arts ( Click Here ). This short escrima clip below demonstrates
disarms out of hubad. It is actually a cool drill, reminiscent of many drills
taught in the Defensor Method.
What caught my eye about this clip however, was the negative
comment by a random viewer in the comments section. The viewer
states that blah, blah, blah, that would never happen in a fight. Okay, Im
sure Harrison Martial Arts can answer this themselves, but if I may
Filipino martial arts drills are meant to teach attributes that are
conducive to combat situations; they are NOT a substitute for sparring.
Escrima drills are more like simulations that build sensitivity, timing,
according to Dacanay.
Eto yung pinaka-unang
Filipino martial arts center na
dedicated talaga sa mga sport gaya
ng Arnis kasi yung mga instructor
natin, di maka-afford ng sarili
nilang lugar, he told The Manila
Times in an interview.
Ang main goal ng
Filipino martial arts center is para
magkaroon ng isang venue kung
saan pwede sila magkita-kita,
Dacanay added.
Besides the center,
Dacanay, on the other hand,
also hopes to someday build a
museum for the sport.
As an architect, gusto ko
gumawa ng isang Filipino martial
arts museum. Ngayon pa lang,
sinasabi ko na na ililibre ko na yung
services ko para magawa yun, he
He expressed that he is
just looking for support from the
public or private sector to help
The feeding program started with the different
games for the kids, then giving the bags, umbrella and
slippers. while the kids are eating he MAMFMA give some
vitamins and mediciens to all the parents.. - Garitony
MAMFMA crew with Brgy Capt. Luzviminda Torres and Council, Ms. Genny Becker
Recently, I used my gift
card from the Chapters book
store to purchase Sonny Umpads
Eskrima: The Life and Teachings
of a Filipino Martial Arts Master
by George M. Yore. This book was
published by Blue Snake Books
For those who are not
aware of who Maestro Sonny
Umpad is, first see this video.
Embedding has been disabled so
you will have to click on the link
I first heard of Maestro
Sonny Umpad when I attended
one of Datu Kelly Wordens
seminars several years ago.
Since then, I had seen his name
mentioned in various places
on the Internet. Unfortunately,
Maestro Sonny passed away at
the age of 58 in August of 2006.
He was born in Bogo, Cebu,
Philippines and later in his life,
settled in Northern California
where he taught until his untimely
He created the style known
as Visayan Style Corto Kadena/
Larga Mano Eskrima and was
best known for his emphasis
The art of Eskrima stick fighting is indigenous to the Philippines. It was in the 1950s that one of the
most popular styles emerged: Balintawak Eskrima. According to author Sam Buot, to appreciate Anciong
Bacons Balintawak Eskrima, you have to understand set-ups, anticipation, the art of outwitting through
ruses and lures; economy and simplification of motion, sans lavish and squandered movements; effective
strikes fused and bonded with speed, power, elegance and grace. That is the essence of Anciongs
Balintawak and these are the methods Buot explains and demonstrates in this book.
Written largely from the authors personal experience and hard-earned knowledge, Balintawak
Eskrima presents the art from origin to modern times, as a fighting art, as cultural tradition and as a means
of personal development. Illustrated with nearly 1,000 photographshistorical and instructionalthis
book outlines the arts defensive stage, training drills, offensive stage, strategies of application, disarms,
empty hand techniques, knife fighting in proper perspective, and an overview of how the art has grown
internationally and where it seems to be headed.
This book is a treasure trove of knowledge and a book which will be considered one of the best, if not the
best, book on Balintawak
Available through Amazon - Click Here
References: Filipino Tapestry: Tagalog Language Through Culture by Rhodalyne Gallo-Crail and Michael Hawkins;
Orientalists, Propagandists, and Ilustrados: Filipino Scholarship and the End of Spanish Colonialism by Megan
C. Thomas; Philippine History by Christine N. Halili; Study Skills in English for a Changing World by Magelende
Flores, et al.
About the Author: When he isnt deploring the sad state of Philippine politics, Marc V. likes to skulk around the Internet for new bits of information
which he can weave into a somewhat-average list you might still enjoy. You can also check out his ho-hum yet extremely addicting lists over at and read them over and over again.
Motivation Training Muisc
By the Tribal Music Warriors called, Warrior Vibrations
By popular demand we have created a motivational tribal sound in a modern format that is very
audibly appealing. For many years I have been hearing how people are looking for music to
play in their Filipino martial art classes, and other martial art styles as well. It is well noticed that
students playing Kali/Arnis/Eskrima or Kuntao listening to this music during class have better
rhythm and improve their skills levels by getting better timing following the beats in the Warrior
Vibrations album. This was all put together by Paul Kramarz, with Bongo Dude Mark Capsalors,
Woody Floyd on various percussion instruments along with Ron Kosakowski with the idea and
editing. There were also some students of the Practical Self Defense Training Center in Waterbury,
Connecticut playing the various weapon in a drill format fitting the rhythm of the music, as you
will hear on the album.
Sword and impact weapon play has such a rhythm to it once people have it down well.
We basically took the rhythm of the sword and impact weapons and added a tribal beat with
many different primitive instruments and added some guitar and a few other modern sounds
and put together this unbelievable sound. Its so good, I can see people listening to it anywhere
they go not just training their martial art style.
The video is just samples of the music on the actual CD.: To see it Click Here
The Tribal Music Warrior CD is sold on - To Purchase: Click Here
4. All windows inside a house
This article presents some
should be opened on New Years
Pinoy superstitions you may or
Day to let good fortune come in.
may have not heard of. We dont
5. It is good luck to the family if
have to believe them of course
there are bees found inside the
(most do not even make sense
really), but knowing them at the
very least can give us an idea
of just how rich and diverse our
culture really is.
1. If you want bedbugs to leave
your house, place some on a
piece of paper and leave them
in someone elses house. The
other bedbugs will transfer
2. If you want to get rid of
Get rid of unwanted visitors by secretly
unwanted visitors, secretly
sprinkle salt around your home sprinkling salt around your home. Photo
and they will soon leave.
3. Guests should not open the
door while the family is eating
6. When doves and pigeons leave
because that familys good fortune a house, it means the occupants
will fly out the door.
Available Now...all-wood sword & scabbard trainers for Filipino martial arts practitioners
School Submission
The schools listed teach Filipino martial arts, either as the main curriculum or an added curriculum.
If you have a school that teaches Filipino martial arts, or you are an instructor that teaches, but does not have a school, list the school or style
so individuals who wish to experience, learn and gain knowledge have the opportunity.
Be Professional; keep your contact information current. - Click Here
Event Submission
Submit your event whether - Seminar, Workshop, Training Camp, tournament, or Gathering - Click Here
Advertisement Submission
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We reserve the right to use any photo(s) as cover material or additional compensation. We also reserve the right to edit material and to crop
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