Textbook Culture
Textbook Culture
Textbook Culture
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Rhis is the author's Hiratsuka Memorial
Presentation at the Japan Comparative Education Society's Annual Conference at Tokyo,
June 30-July 2, 1986.]
1 A significant example of a study based on
this assumption is S Heyneman et al's "Textbooks and Achievement: What We Know"
(Washington: World Bank, 1978). It is a
significant study in the sense that -it
legitimises a purely technical, global view of
textbooks which underlies aid-based programmes of textbook improvement in Third
World countries, such as the Philippine Textbook Project financially assisted by the
World Bank. Also see Prospects (13: 3, 1983)
which carries severalarticles on textbooks in
developing countries.
2 Both kinds of systemsoperate in India. While
the majority of schools come under the purview of provincial governments, Central
Schools are run by the Centre. Another
scheme which the Central government has
recently decided to start is that of Navodaya
Vidyalayasunder which a 'model' school will
be opened in each district.
3 Considerableresearchis now availableon the
impact of colonisation on education and
identity.Examples of this researchare Martin
Carnoy's"Educationas CulturalImperialism"
(New York:David McKay, 1974); P Altbach
and G Kelly's (eds) "Education and Colonialism" (New York:Longmans, 1978);and
Judith E Walsh's "Growing Up in British
India" (New York:Holmes and Meier, 1983).
4 A moving description of the impact of state
control of education on teachers has been
provided by Arthur Mayhew, who was Director of Public Instruction in the Central Provinces during the early years of this century:
"The masterenmeshed in the network of our
Indian system works with code in hand. For
him, there is no 'unwritten law' or tradition.
There are 'returns' to .be submitted periodically, regulations to be followed, examinations in which a percentage of passes is to
be obtained, and an inspector, more regular
Acharya, Poromesh: "Indigenous Vernacular
Education in Pre-BritishEra; Traditionsand
Problems", Economic and Political Weekly
(13: 48. December 2, 1978) pp 1981-88.
Alston, Leonard: "Education and Citizenship
in India"' Bombay: Longmans, 1910.
Besant, Annie: "India:Bond or Free?"'Madras:
The Theosophical Publishing House, 1939.
Gandhi, M K: "Text Books", Harijan
(September 9, 1939).
Kerr, J: "Review of Public Instruction in the
Bengal Presidency", Calcutta: -J Thomas,
Baptist Mission Press, 1852.
Mayhew, Arthur: "The Education of India",
London: Faber and Gwyer, 1926.
Sen, J M: "History of Elementary Education
in India", Calcutta: The Book Company,
Shukla, S: 'Education, Economy and Social
Structure in British India', Varanasi National Journal of Education, 1 (1 and 2:
1978); 112-125; 7-.-80.
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