Phosphoric Acids and Phosphates
Phosphoric Acids and Phosphates
Phosphoric Acids and Phosphates
There are various kinds of phosphoric acids and phosphates. Of the many phosphorus
oxoacids, the phosphoric acids constitute the largest and most diverse group. The simplest
phosphoric acid series begins with monophosphoric (orthophosphoric) acid, continues with many
oligophosphoric acids such as diphosphoric (pyrophosphoric) acid and concludes in the
polyphosphoric acids. But, phosphoric acid units can bind together into rings or cyclic structures,
chains (catenas), or branched structures, with various combinations possible. Each of these can
form phosphates (salts or esters).
1 Orthophosphoric acid
2 Orthophosphate
3 Polyphosphoric acids
4 Polyphosphates
6 See also
7 References
8 Further reading
9 External links
Orthophosphoric acid[edit]
Main article: Phosphoric acid
The simplest compound of a series of phosphoric acids is sometimes called by its common
name, orthophosphoric acid, but more often called by its IUPAC name, simplyphosphoric
acid, by both non-technical people and even many chemists. It has also been
called monophosphoric acid.[1] The chemical formula of orthophosphoric acid is H3PO4 and
its chemical structure is shown in the illustration below. Two or more orthophosphoric
acid molecules can be joined by condensation into larger molecules by elimination of water. This
way, a series of polyphosphoric acids can be obtained.
Orthophosphoric acid
Pyrophosphoric acid
Tripolyphosphoric acid
Tetrapolyphosphoric acid
Trimetaphosphoric acid
Phosphoric anhydride
Orthophosphoric acid has three hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen atoms in its structure. All
three hydrogens are acidic to varying degrees and can be lost from the molecule as H+ ions
(alternatively referred to as protons). When all three H+ ions are lost from orthophosphoric acid,
an orthophosphate ion (PO43) is formed. Orthophosphate is the simplest in a series of
phosphates, and is usually just called phosphate by both non-technical people and
many chemists alike; see a separate article on phosphate for details.
Because orthophosphoric acid can undergo as many as three dissociations or ionizations (losses
of H+ ions), it has three acid dissociation constants called Ka1, Ka2, and Ka3. Another way to provide
acid dissociation constant data is to list pKa1, pKa2, and pKa3 instead. Orthophosphate is in a sense
the triple conjugate base of phosphoric acid and has three related basicity constants, Kb1, Kb2, and
Kb3, which likewise have corresponding pKb1, pKb2, and pKb3 values.
Polyphosphoric acids[edit]
Polyphosphoric acid
When two orthophosphoric acid molecules are condensed into one molecule, pyrophosphoric
acid (H4P2O7) is obtained as follows:
2 H3PO4 H4P2O7 + H2O
The chemical structure of pyrophosphoric acid is also shown in the illustration. There is also
a separate article on Pyrophosphoric acid. Three orthophosphoric acid molecules can
condense in a row to obtain tripolyphosphoric acid (H5P3O10), which is also shown in the
illustration. This condensation process can continue with additional orthophosphoric acid
units to obtain tetrapolyphosphoric acid (H6P4O13, pictured) and so on. Note that each extra
phosphoric unit adds 1 extra H (hydrogen) atom, 1 extra P (phosphorus) atom, and 3 extra O
(oxygen) atoms. The "backbone" chain of these types of molecules consists of alternating P
and O atoms covalently bonded together. Polyphosphoric acid molecules can have dozens
of such phosphoric units bonded in a row. A general formula for such poly-acid compounds is
HO(PO2OH)xH, where x = number of phosphoric units in the molecule. The four oxygen
atoms bonded to each phosphorus atom are in a tetrahedral configuration with the
phosphorus in the center of the tetrahedron and the oxygens in each of the four corners.
Polyphosphoric acids are used in organic synthesis for cyclizations and acylations.
Main article: Polyphosphate
Linear polyphosphates[edit]
In a pyrophosphoric acid molecule, there are four hydrogens bonded to oxygens, and one,
two, three, or all four can be lost as H+ ions. When all four are lost from pyrophosphoric acid,
a pyrophosphate ion is formed. Because pyrophosphoric acids can undergo four
dissociations, there are four Ka values for it, as well as four corresponding pKa values.
Similarly, pyrophosphate is a base with four Kb and, of course, four pKb values for regaining
the H+ ions in reverse order.
The situation with higher order polyphosphoric acids and polyphosphates continues in a
similar way. Tripolyphosphoric acid can lose up to five H+ ions to form
atripolyphosphate ion, tetrapolyphosphoric acid can lose up to six H+ ions to
form tetrapolyphosphate, etc. As more dissociations per molecule are possible, the
intervals between individual pKa and pKb values now start becoming smaller on the pH scale.
As the polyphosphoric molecules grow increasingly larger and more complex, practically any
number of the somewhat acidic -OH groups in them can dissociate to become negatively
charged oxygens, forming numerous combinations of multiple-charged
polyphosphoric/polyphosphate anions. Generally in an aqueous solution, the degree or
percentage of dissociation depends on the pH of the solution.
Ortho-, pyro-, and tripolyphosphate compounds have been commonly used
in detergents (i. e. cleaners) formulations. For example, see Sodium tripolyphosphate.
Sometimes pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate, tetrapolyphosphate, etc. are
called diphosphate, triphosphate, tetraphosphate, etc., especially when they are part
of phosphate esters inbiochemistry. They are also used for scale and corrosion
control by potable water providers.[2] As a corrosion inhibitor, polyphosphates work by forming
a protective film on the interior surface of pipes.[3]
Branched polyphosphates[edit]
The third -OH group on an orthophosphoric acid unit can also be used for condensation with
other phosphoric groups to form branches in the polyphosphoric/polyphosphate chains. The
ultimate example of cyclic and branching condensation would be the cyclic four-phosphate
unit double-branched to form the phosphoric anhydride P4O10; see illustration.
Hydrolysis of polyphosphoric/polyphosphates[edit]
These phosphoric acids series are generally water-soluble considering the polarity of the
molecules. Ammonium and alkali phosphates are also quite soluble in water. Thealkaline
earth salts start becoming less soluble and phosphate salts of various other metals are even
less soluble. In aqueous solutions (solutions of water), water gradually (over the course of
hours) hydrolyzes polyphosphates into smaller phosphates and finally into ortho-phosphate,
given enough water. Higher temperature or acidic conditions can speed up the
hydrolysis reactions considerably.[4]
Conversely, polyphosphoric acids or polyphosphates are often formed by dehydrating a
phosphoric acid solution; in other words, removing water from it often by heating and
evaporating the water off.
General Chemical Structure of an ortho- (or mono-) phosphate ester. Here any R can be H or some
other organic radical
The -OH groups in phosphoric acids can also condense with the hydroxyl
groups of alcohols to form phosphate esters. Since orthophosphoric acid has three -OH
groups, it can esterify with one, two, or three alcohol molecules to form a mono-, di-, or
triester. See the general structure image of an ortho- (or mono-) phosphate ester below on
the left, where any of the R groups can be a hydrogen or an organic radical. Pyro- (or di-)
phosphate esters and tripoly- (or tri-) phosphate esters, etc. are also possible. Any -OH
groups on the phosphates in these ester molecules may lose H+ ions to form anions, again
depending on the pH in a solution. In the biochemistry of living organisms, there are many
kinds of (mono)phosphate, diphosphate, and triphosphate compounds (essentially esters),
many of which play a significant role in metabolism such as adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and triphosphate (ATP).
Similarly, phosphorous acid can bond with alcohol molecules to form a phosphite ester. See
the general structure image below on the right. The two dots on the P represent the lone
electron pair of the phosphorus atom.
See also[edit]
Orthophosphoric acid
Pyrophosphoric acid
Tripolyphosphoric acid
Trimetaphosphoric acid
Tetrapolyphosphoric acid
Phosphoric anhydride
Ortofosfat [sunting]
Asam ortofosfat memiliki tiga atom hidrogen terikat pada atom oksigen dalam
strukturnya. Ketiga hidrogen yang asam untuk berbagai derajat dan bisa hilang
dari molekul sebagai ion H + (alternatif disebut sebagai proton). Ketika ketiga H
+ ion yang hilang dari asam ortofosfat, ion ortofosfat (PO43-) terbentuk.
Ortofosfat adalah yang paling sederhana dalam serangkaian fosfat, dan biasanya
hanya disebut fosfat oleh orang-orang non-teknis dan banyak ahli kimia sama;
lihat artikel terpisah pada fosfat untuk rincian. Karena asam ortofosfat dapat
menjalani sebanyak tiga dissociations atau ionizations (kerugian H + ion), ia
memiliki tiga konstanta disosiasi asam disebut KA1, Ka2, dan KA3. Cara lain
untuk memberikan disosiasi asam data konstan adalah daftar pKa1, pKa2, dan
pKa3 sebagai gantinya. Ortofosfat dalam arti basa konjugat tiga asam fosfat dan
memiliki tiga konstanta kebasaan terkait, KB1, KB2, dan KB3, yang juga telah
sesuai pKb1, pKb2, dan nilai-nilai pKb3.