Xii Chemistry Practical.pdf
Xii Chemistry Practical.pdf
Xii Chemistry Practical.pdf
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Fe(CN ) NO CH 3
C C H2 -- Fe CN 5 NO CH 3 C CH 2
Result : Given organic compound contains Ketonic group (>C = 0)
Aim : To study carbohydrates in pure form of detect its presence in food.
Appeartus required : Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner etc.
Theory : Carbohydrates are Polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones, their derivatives and the substance
which yield them on hydrolysis carbohydrates are classified as sugars and non sugars. Sugars like glucose, fructose
and cane sugar are crystalline. Among sugars, glucose, fructose and lactose are reducing while sucrose is non reducing
Test :
Experiment Observation Inference
1 Conc. H2SO4 test: Charring with Carbohydrates present.
Sample + burnt sugar
Conc. H2SO4 + Heat smell.
2 Molisch test : Reddish purple Carbohydrates present.
Aq. Solution of sample + 2 ring in formed
drops of 1% naphthol at the junction
+ conc. H2SO4. of 2 layers
3 Fehling solution test : Red ppt Reading
Sample solution + 1 ml of Sugar persent
fehling A + 1 ml of Fehling B
4 Tollens reagent : Silver mirror is Reducing sugar present.
Aq. Solution of sample + 2 formed along
ml of Tollens eagent + the surface of
test tube.
5 Benedit’s Solution test: Red ppt Reducing sugar present
Aq solution of sample +
Benedict’s reagent + Heat
6 Iodine test : Violet colour Starch is present.
Sample Solution + few drops
of iodine solution
Result : Carbohydrates is present.
Aim : To study fat in pure form and to detect into presence in given food sample.
Apparatus required : Test tube stand, test tube holder, burner etc.
Theory : Fats and oil are esters of long chain fatty acids and glycerol and thus also called glycerides. Fats contains
saturated fatty acids while oil contain unsaturated fatty acids.
Test :
S.no. Experiment Observation Inference
1 Spot Test : Put a small amount of Translucent spot Fat is present.
sample on a filter paper and press appears on the filter
with another filter paper . paper
2 Acrolein test : Irritating smell Fat is present
Take a few drops of sample in a appears due to the
test tube. Add few drops of form of acrolein
potassium bisulphite to it and vapours.
3 Solubility test : Sample does not
Take a small amount of sample in dissolve in H2O but is
3 test tubes. Add water, alcohol soluble in alcohol on
and chloroform in 1, 2, 3 test heating and soluble Fat is present
tube respectively. in chloroform.
Result : Fat is present.
Aim : To study proteins from sample and detect their presence in food sample.
Apparatus required : Test tube stand, test tube holder, glass rod, burner etc.
Theory : Proteins are high molecular mass, long chain polymers composed of amino acid. Amino acids are
molecule that have both -NH2 and –COOH group.
Test :
S.no. Experiment Observation Inference
1. Biuret test : Sample + NaOH + Bluish violet colour Protein is present
Dil CuSO4 solution appears
2. Xanthoprotein test : Yellow ppt. Protein is present
Sample + few drops of
conc.HNO3 +
3. Million’s test : White ppt Protein is present
Sample + 2 drops of millions which changes to
reagent + brick red on boiling
4. Ninhydrin test : Blue colour appear Protein is present
Protein sample + Few drops of
ninhydrin solution + Boil the
contents for 1 minute