Expanded Psionics Handbook Errata 08042004

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Expanded Psionics Handbook Errata

When the text within a product contradicts itself, our

general policy is that the primary source is correct and
any secondary reference is incorrect. This means that
the skill list in the character chapter is correct, while the
table in the skill chapter that is merely referencing that
information is therefore a secondary source. Exceptions
to the rule will be called out specifically.

Page 15: Thri-Kreen Racial Traits

The bullet point describing the thri-kreens Psi-Like
Abilities contains two errors.
The psi-like ability know direction should be changed to
know direction and location. The psi-like ability psionic
displacement should be changed to greater concealing

Page 16: Table 13: Aging Effects

Elans have no Maximum Age.

Page 20: Psion Class FeaturesPowers

Under the Powers Known section, the second paragraph
should begin as follows:
Choose the powers known from the psion power list, or
from the list of powers of your chosen discipline. You
cannot choose powers from restricted discipline lists
other than your own discipline list. You can choose
powers from disciplines other than your own if they are
not on a restricted discipline list. (Exception: The feats .
. .)

Page 27: Table 25: The Soulknife

Some numbers were dropped accidentally from the Base
Attack Bonus Column, beginning at 15th level. The
table should read as follows:
Level Base Attack Bonus

Page 35: Table 31: Skill Points per Level

The row pertaining to the soulknife is incorrect.
Soulknifes gain (4 + Int modifier) 4 skill points at 1st
level. At higher levels, they gain a number of skill
points each level equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Page 36: Autohypnosis Skill Description

The DC to resist dying is 20, not 15 (the chart is correct,
but the related text is not).

Page 47: Greater Power Penetration Feat

The Benefit paragraph is incorrect. Here is the correct

Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic
focus (see the Concentration skill description, page 37).
You get a +8 bonus on manifester level checks to
overcome a creatures power resistance. This bonus
overlaps with the bonus from Power Penetration (see
page 49).

Page 48: Metamorphic Transfer Feat

Add the following text to the end of the Benefit
No matter how many times you manifest the
metamorphosis power on a given day, you can gain
only a total of three supernatural ability transfers per

Page 51: Sidestep Charge Feat

Sidestep Charge is not a psionic feat. It should be a
general feat.

Page 52: Unconditional Power Feat

Delete the word shaken from the list of conditions in
the first paragraph of the Benefit section. You can
manifest an unconditional power when you are dazed,
confused, nauseated, or stunned.

Page 55: Bringing Back the Dead

In the section titled Special Power Effects, the first
paragraph of the Bringing Back the Dead subsection
should read as follows:
Bringing Back the Dead: Various psionic powers,
such as reality revision and psionic revivify, have the
ability to restore slain characters to life.

Page 64: Adding Powers

The second sentence of the section titled Manifest an
Unknown Power from Anothers Powers Known
becomes as follows:
. . . To do so, the character must first make contact (a
process similar to addressing a power stone, requiring a
Psicraft check against a DC of 15 + the highest level
power in the power stone or repertoire).

Page 73: Seer (Clairsentience) Discipline

Delete reality revision from the list of 9th-level powers.
Also, the 5th-level power second chance does not have
an XP cost, as indicated.

Page 81: Brain Lock Power

The powers description should be as follows:
The subjects higher mind is locked away. He is dazed
and cannot take psionic actions for the duration of the

Expanded Psionics Handbook Errata

2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved.

power. A brain locked subject is not stunned, so

attackers get no special advantage against him.

Power Resistance: Yes

Power Points: 1

Starting on Page 82: Various Powers

Page 115: Metaconcert Power

In each of the powers listed below, delete the phrase

like manifesting a quickened power, and it counts
toward the normal limit of one quickened power per
Page 82: Catfall Power
Page 96: Divert Teleport Power
Page 105: Evade Burst Power
Page 107: Fate of One Power
Page 111: Grip of Iron Power
Page 113: Intellect Fortress Power
Page 115: Mental Barrier Power
Page 120: Mind Trap Power
Page 125: Prowess Power
Page 137: Thought Shield Power
Page 139: Tower of Iron Will Power

Page 96: Dominate, Psionic Power

The following paragraph was omitted from the powers
4. If you spend 1 additional power point, this powers
duration is 1 hour rather than concentration. If you
spend 2 additional power points, this powers duration
is 1 day rather than concentration. If you spend 4
additional power points, this powers duration is 1 day
per manifester level rather than concentration.

Page 97: Duodimensional Claw Power

Delete the entire last paragraph of the powers
description (beginning with The third spatial
component ).

Page 9798: Ectoplasmic Form Power

In the first paragraph of the powers description, delete
the parenthetical phrase including inertial armor).

Page 105106: Expansion Power

The third option for augmenting the power should read
as follows:
3. If you spend 2 additional power points, this powers
duration is 10 minutes per level rather than 1 round per

Page 108109: Form of Doom Power

In the second-to-last paragraph of the powers
description, delete the reference to breath of the black

Page 111: Hammer Power

The hammer power has the following statistics:
Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1
Display: Auditory and material
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

In the last sentence of the third paragraph of the

powers description (also the last sentence of the page),
change the example from mind thrust to ego whip.

Page 117: Metamorphosis, Greater Power

The assumed form cannot have more Hit Dice than your
manifester level (to a maximum of 25 HD).

Page 121: Missive Power

The powers Augment section, delete the phrase and
its save DC increases by 1. The paragraph should read
as follows:
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you
spend, this powers range increases by 5 feet.

Page 125: Prescience, Offensive Power

The first option for augmenting the power should read
as follows:
1. For every 3 additional power points you spend, the
insight bonus gained on your damage rolls increases by

Page 128: Quintessence Power

The special Will save required to manifest a power
when in contact with quintessence has a DC of 16.

Page 129: Reddopsi Power

The powers duration should be as follows:
Duration: 10 min./level (D)

Page 140: Wall of Ectoplasm Power

The wall of ectoplasm occupies up to one 10-foot
square per level, and each 10-foot square has 10 hit
points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.

Page 165: Mindfeeder Weapon Quality

The second sentence should be changed as follows:
Once per day, a mindfeeder weapon grants its wielder
temporary power points equal to the total lethal damage
dealt by a successful critical hit. The wielder must
decide to use the mindfeeder ability after successfully
confirming a critical hit, but prior to rolling critical hit
Add the following sentence after the third sentence:
The wielder may not exceed his natural maximum
power points per day using the mindfeeder ability.

Page 167: Suppression Weapon Quality

The wielder of a suppression weapon technically makes
a dispel check, not a power check (although neither the
d20 roll nor the DC changes).

Page 181: Creating Dorjes

The example at the end of the second paragraph is
incorrect and should read as follows:

Expanded Psionics Handbook Errata

2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved.

. . . If you wanted to make a dorje of energy missile with

a manifester level of 8th (five higher than the
minimum), you would pay for the creation of the dorje
as if energy missile was a 5th-level power.

Under the Construction rules, the correct feat required

for crafting a psion-killer is Craft Psionic Construct, not
Craft Construct.

Page 186: Astral Construct

Under the Astral Construct Menu B, the Energy Touch
ability should be written as follows:
Energy Touch (Ex): If you are a kineticist with the
Expanded Knowledge feat tied to this power, the astral
constructs physical attacks are wreathed in an energy
type of your choice (acid, cold, electricity, or fire),
dealing an extra 1d6 points of energy damage.
Otherwise, the astral construct you manifest deals an
extra 1d4 points of damage of an energy type you
choose (acid, cold, electricity, or fire).

Page 187: Astral Construct

Under the Astral Construct Menu C, the following
abilities should be psi-like abilities (Ps), not spell-like
abilities (Sp): Concussion, Dimension Slide, and Energy

Page 189: Blue

The blue psion should have the following ability scores
before racial adjustments: Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 15,
Wis 12, Cha 10. As a consequence, the 1st-level blue
psions statistics change as follows:
Hit Dice: 1d4+2 plus 4 (10 hp)
Initiative: +1
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 inertial armor),
touch 11, flat-footed 15
Attack: Quarterstaff 2 melee (1d42) or light
crossbow +1 ranged (1d6/1920)
Full Attack: Quarterstaff 2 melee (1d42) or light
crossbow +1 ranged (1d6/1920)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Concentration +6, Hide +7, Move Silently +5,
Psicraft +7, Ride +5, Spot +3.
Feats: Psionic Body, Psionic DodgeB
Level Adjustment: +1

Page 190: Blue

The save DCs for the blues psionic powers change as
Typical Psion Powers Known (power points 3*; save
DC 13 + power level): 1stinertial armor, mind thrust
(DC 14), psionic charm (DC 14). Manifester level 1st.
The save DCs are Intelligence-based.

Page 197: Elans as Characters

Elans get 2 bonus power points at 1st level for being
naturally psionic, not 1 as previously indicated.

Page 208: Psion-Killer

Expanded Psionics Handbook Errata

2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved.

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