Complete Psionic Errata BRC0705
Complete Psionic Errata BRC0705
Complete Psionic Errata BRC0705
p. 36, Soulbow, 2nd column, Mind Arrow, 6th paragraph:
Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade.
Fix: replace mind blade with mind arrow.
p. 57 Skin of the Construct, Benefit, first paragraph, last sentence:
Fix: Add closing parenthetical.
p. 66, Chaos Mantle, Granted Ability:
[] or a spell that deals damage.
Fix: replace spell with power
p. 68, Evil Mantle, Granted Ability:
[] or a spell that deals damage []
Fix: replace spell with power
p. 69, Good Mantle, Granted Ability:
[] or a spell that deals damage []
Fix: replace spell with power
p. 69, Law Mantle, Granted Ability:
[] or a spell that deals damage.
Fix: replace spell with power
p. 94, Planar Embrace, last paragraph in column, 2nd sentence:
For instance, if youre a 13th-level psion, you receive spell-like abilities as if you were a 6 HD
creature []
Fix: replace 13th' with 15th' and 6 HD with 7 HD
p. 120-121 The Base Atk lines for all of the Astral Constructs is
Fix: The base attack of each construct should be equal to each creatures HD *.75 (as cleric; round
down). Grapple numbers then adjusted based on new base attack plus Str mod plus size mod.
p. 125, Anathemic Carapace, Heavy Deflection:
An astral aquan of at least []
Fix: replace astral aquan with anathemic carapace
p. 130 Arctine:
Speed 30 ft. (4 squares), []
Fix: replace 4 squares with 6 squares
p. 131 Geodite:
Speed 30 ft. (4 squares), []
Fix: replace 4 squares with 6 squares
p. 132 Tempestan:
Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (12 squares), []
Fix: replace 12 squares with 6 squares
p. 9, 2nd column, Class Features, Power Points/Day, last sentence:
Fix: replace last sentence of the Power Points/Day entry with: A 1st-level divine mind gains no
power points; his bonus power points (if he is entitled to any) become available when he begins to accrue
the power points provided by his class at 2nd level.
p. 13, Half Giant Divine Mind Staring Package, Feat:
Feat: Weapon Focus (longsword)
Fix: replace Weapon Focus (longsword) with Power Attack
p. 15, Table 1-6: Lurk Augments by Level
Fix: delete entire row 8th Reach Attack
p. 15, 2nd column, Mental Assault, 2nd to last sentence:
Fix: replace For every 2 power points spent [] with
For every 4 power points spent []
p. 18, Becoming An Anarchic Initiate, Entry Requirements, Skills:
[] Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks.
Fix: delete Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks
p. 31, 2nd column, 1st sentence:
[] such as Illithid Speech.
Fix: replace Illithid Speech with Illithid Compulsion
p. 36, Soulbow, 2nd column, Mind Arrow, 6th paragraph:
Fix: delete sentence Likewise, these enhancement bonuses also improve your base soulknife
attack bonus.
p. 43, Zerth Cenobite, 2nd column, Powers Known:
Each time you attain a new level, you attain a new power.
Fix: replace sentence with At 2nd level, and every other level thereafter, you learn a new power.
p. 57 Skin of the Construct, Benefit, 2nd paragraph:
turn again on initiative count 12, but this means that you wouldnt be able to use the power at all on the
following round; you would have to wait until the third round after first manifesting this power.
p. 91, Intellect Bomb, Target/Area:
One living creature []}
Fix: delete living