March 2010 IT Status Report

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Technology Activity
and Status Report
March 2010

Announcements for Faculty and Staff Meetings

Contact Information Upgrade Software to Avoid Attacks and Malware. Over the
Technology past two weeks, IT staff discovered and blocked several computers that
have been exploited by malicious viruses. The viruses entered computers
through loop holes created by outdated web-helper software from Adobe
Anytime Support Desk Reader, Adobe Flash, and Sun Java. A normally safe website with externally
hosted ads can deliver an exploit to any computer that does not have up-
Available 24 hours a day, to-date software. These exploits can happen without end user interaction.
7 days a week Information Technology is encouraging all users to update their computers
(310) 506-HELP (4357) immediately. For more information visit Information Security on the IT web-
or (866) 767-8623 site.

TechQual+ Survey To Be Conducted this Month. Higher Edu-

Tech Central cation TechQual+ is a national survey instrument that measures user satis-
for Students faction with the quality of university technology services. A group of Pep-
perdine University faculty, students, and staff will be randomly selected to
Payson Library, 2nd Floor participate in the survey to assess the quality of Pepperdine University’s
Mon. - Thur. 10:00 am- 8:00 pm technology services. More information about the TechQual+ survey instru-
Fridays 10:00 am- 6:00 pm ment is available at
(310) 506-4811
Faculty Focus Groups Discuss Learning Management Sys-
tems. Pepperdine IT's Technology and Learning group is investigating fac-
Office of the Vice ulty use and satisfaction of the following learning management systems
Provost and Chief (LMS): Blackboard, Sakai, and TWEN. Faculty are invited to participate in a
Information Officer 90-minute focus group to discuss the likes and dislikes of the current sys-
tems and their concerns about adopting a new LMS. All participants will
(310) 506-4501 receive a Starbucks gift card. Seating is limited. Register on the Technology
and Learning website for sessions beginning this week.

Request IT Services Faculty who cannot attend the sessions are encouraged to contact Gerard
Flynn via email at to express interest in par- ticipating in future feedback sessions.

1 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, March 2010

Administrative Support for Schools
IT Staff Explore Integrated Podcasting System. A group of IT staff members is currently
exploring the feasibility of an open source lecture capture and podcasting system. The group is working
with the University of Nebraska where the system has already been implemented, and hopes to create
a small pilot test at Pepperdine this spring.

Technology & Learning Group Consults with GSEP Program. The Technology and
Learning group is working with GSEP’s Educational Leadership Academy (ELA) faculty to learn more
about their program, curriculum, and blended teaching style in order to provide consultation on which
technologies best supplement each faculty member's classroom. The ELA program is a one-year, masters
of science in administration program wherein students meet 60 percent face-to-face and 40 percent

Winter Technology & Learning Workshops End, Individual Consultations Avail-

able. This winter, Technology and Learning offered several faculty workshops on topics such as "Get-
ting Started with Sakai" and "Using Technology to Enhance Learning." Faculty who were unable to attend
or would like a follow up meeting may request a one-on-one consultation by visiting the Technology and
Learning website.

Administrative Support for the University

Goodlink to be Decommissioned in December 2011. Goodlink is an application that al-
lows smartphone users who do not have ActiveSync to send and receive their Pepperdine email, calen-
dars, and contacts via their mobile device. With recent technology upgrades and the development of
new smartphones, the number of Goodlink users at Pepperdine has declined from 140 to 21 over the
past two years. Given this information, Pepperdine IT has decided to decommission Goodlink in De-
cember 2011. This time frame allows current users nearly two years to end their wireless contract or
transition to a smartphone device that has the ability to use ActiveSync or Blackberry Enterprise Service
to access the Pepperdine Exchange account. An email has been sent to the remaining users to inform
them of this decommissioning plan.

Scheduled Maintenance Information on IT Website. IT staff regularly conduct mainte-

nance to keep the University's systems current and secure. Many of these maintenance outages occur at
night and on the weekends to minimize end-user impact. Linked directly from the IT website home
page, this web page provides more information about scheduled maintenance and a list of outage dates:

Weekly Maintenance: Several applications are unavailable every Sunday morning, from 12:00 am (mid-
night) to 12:00 pm (noon), while information is backed up. These applications include the WaveNet Por-
tal, Finance Application, Human Resource Application, and Student Administration Application.

Monthly Maintenance: One Saturday per month, beginning as early as 12:00 am, Information Technology
performs preventive server maintenance on many centrally located computer systems. This maintenance
affects email, WaveNet, Blackboard, and some non-academic systems.

2 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, March 2010

Drescher Campus IT Support. The IT lab manager position was recently vacated at the Dre-
scher campus. Over the next few weeks IT will be conducting interviews to fill the position. Interested
parties can apply online at and/or contact Thomas Hoover at to learn more about the position.

New Online Training Library Sees Early Success. Pepperdine IT and the Center for Hu-
man Resources introduced the Online Training Library to Pepperdine faculty and staff last
month. offers over 700 online software courses such as Microsoft Office and Photoshop.
Since the launch, IT has received more than 80 requests for training. To learn more or to request a train-
ing period, visit

Sodexho Dining Point of Sale Application Upgrade. Systems and Networking is working
with Sodexho and University Business Services to upgrade the Point of Sale application to support the
newest enhancements to the Tyler Campus Center dining area, including Jamba Juice and La Brea Bakery.

Infrastructure, Systems, and Networking Updates

Data Center Virtualization Proves Successful. In September 2009, Pepperdine IT began
investigating how virtualization could improve the efficiency and availability of the University’s technol-
ogy resources and applications. Last fall, staff virtualized 25 percent of servers in the Malibu data center.
After analyzing the effects of the virtualization with the Facilities Management and Planning office, staff
quantified the cost savings for the University as approximately $34,000 per year.

Cisco Phone and Videoconference System Implementation Update. As part of a

multi-year project to replace the University's existing telephone system, Systems and Networking staff
will be working with 25 students and five faculty members from GSEP's to explore elearning opportuni-
ties this month. To prepare for the GSEP pilot, IT staff is currently testing the simultaneous videoconfer-
encing feature of the new phone system. The system has the capacity to host up to 24 simultaneous
videoconference users.

On the Irvine campus, IT staff are preparing to switch over 97 new Cisco phones by March 31. New
voice circuits have been ordered from AT&T for the Irvine campus and IT staff are helping users create
profiles in the new phone system database.

Encino Campus Remodel Begins This Spring. Pepperdine's Encino campus space will soon
receive new cabling as well as new audio and visual equipment for classrooms. IT is planning to begin
installation of the new cabling in mid-March. This upgrade will support the new audio and visual equip-
ment for classrooms, the telephone system upgrades, and an overall improvement in network perform-
ance. The current classrooms will receive new projectors and projector screens, speakers, and DVD/
VRC combination units.

Administrative Support - Software Tools

PeopleSoft Tools Upgrade Coming Soon. Enterprise Information Systems will complete the
PeopleSoft Tools upgrade for the finance system by the end of March. The upgrade will provide addi-
tional opportunities for PeopleSoft developers to create enhanced functionality for finance staff. Finance
staff is currently testing the upgrade.

3 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, March 2010

New Hires for PeopleSoft Team. IT recently filled two open positions within Enterprise Infor-
mation Systems. Jeanne Motha, who began on Monday, March 8 is the new PeopleSoft technical trainer.
Motha comes with 10 years of Oracle database administration experience as well as previous training
experience. Lisa Welch, who will begin on Monday, March 15 is the new assistant PeopleSoft functional
lead for student administration. Welch currently works with the School of Law finance department.

Other News
Campus Technology Article Highlights Pepperdine Help Desk. Campus, the online representation of the higher education technology magazine for IT profes-
sionals, recently published an article about Pepperdine’s Anytime Support Help Desk. The article, enti-
tled “Expanding the Help Desk,” highlights the decision of Pepperdine IT to outsource the Help Desk to
a 24/7 call center to better meet the needs of Pepperdine’s faculty, students, and staff. Click here to read
the article.

4 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, March 2010

Benchmarks and Accountability
Anytime Support Desk Statistics for February. During February 2010, there were 1,544
requests for support managed through the Anytime Support Desk. Of these requests, 83 percent were
resolved within one day and 90 percent were resolved in fewer than five days. The average wait time for
individuals calling the Anytime Support Desk was 39 seconds. Eighty-four percent of the requests were
resolved on the first call.

Online Requests. In February 2010, there were 273 additional requests for support managed
through online web request forms. The top two types of online requests were audio-visual service (74)
and online training requests (74).

Anytime Support Desk User Survey Results for February. Through an automated
feedback process, all Anytime Support Desk callers have the opportunity to complete a web-based sat-
isfaction survey. In February 2010, 139 (9%) of 1,541 survey requests sent to customers were com-
pleted. The five-question survey uses a “1 to 9” sliding scale with “7.00-9.00” equal to excellent.

Response Overall Response Skill Communi- Resolution

Rate Satisfaction Timeliness Set cation Timeliness
December 10% 8.21 7.94 8.38 8.02 8.16
January 10% 8.08 8.08 8.39 8.23 8.22
February 9% 7.72 7.99 8.25 7.88 7.89

Staff Support by Major Area. All Pepperdine IT staff allocate their day-to-day efforts using cli-
ent, project, and task codes; using this data, total division-wide staff effort for February 2010 was distrib-
uted as follows:

University Administration Support 1,310 hours 9.93% $63,175.17

Colleges, Academic Affairs 2,744 hours 20.80% $70,302.62

University-Wide, Common Services 4,376 hours 33.00% $202,488.60

IT Administration and Management 3,010 hours 22.82% $119,816.80

General Overhead (Leave, Holiday) 1,753 hours 13.29% $79,846.77

Total: 13,193 hours 100% $535,629.96

Support for Schools. Pepperdine IT staff effort provided to Pepperdine Schools, is as follows:


December 59.64% 17.52% 21.03% 0.35% 1.46%

January 58.47% 18.97% 19.21% 0.48% 2.86%
February 55.02% 24.28% 18.44% 0.56% 1.69%

How to Subscribe to this Report. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this
report, please contact Ross Canning, executive assistant to the vice provost and chief information
officer, at extension x4501. Monthly IT Status Report archives are available online at

5 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, March 2010

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