Multimedia Based User Orientation Program For Library: A Case Study
Multimedia Based User Orientation Program For Library: A Case Study
Multimedia Based User Orientation Program For Library: A Case Study
Paper: BE
Suchitra Kar
GE Capital International Services, Bangalore 560 001
The growth of information technology has brought about a
drastic change in the society. Today information is regarded as
primary and vital resource for national development. The
emergence of information society has put forth the new
challenges and responsibilities before the library. Since
libraries are the first place to welcome the forth-coming
applications of information technology, as an intermediary of
information communication, library professionals should know
the latest development and let to the users of library know also.
User orientation programs play a vital role in communication
between the library and its users. Multimedia based Library
User Orientation program will educate or instruct the user
about the library, library techniques, sources and services
provided by the library in a more efficient and attractive way.
Paper: BE
Suchitra Kar
The ability of patrons, to make effective use of library resources is one of the main
objectives of every library. To make use of library efficiently the user should know
all the details about the library. For that the user has to be educated regarding the
library, its objectives and activities. In the past 20 years, lots of user education
programs have been developed. These programs are designed to help the user to
develop information-seeking skills. These programs range from brief tours of the
library for new user to the in-depth activities involved in the library.
There are various techniques for providing user education programs like lectures,
guided tours, etc. But all these techniques are successful for small group of users
and in many cases users cant take part in the program due to individual
One solution for this problem is the use of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI),
which is particularly suitable for large, ongoing orientation programs. It also
requires user involvement in learning process. It can be an efficient instructional
aid in teaching basic skills to use the library.
Though there are a number of tools and techniques available for CAI programs, the
recent powerful technology, Multimedia is considered as the best among all. As
multimedia includes all the forms like text, graphics, animation, sound, video, and
it makes the program much more interactive so that the users can navigate as
required and hence more attractive.
Paper: BE
These and similar questions can still be heard in spite of the enormous growth in
library education or bibliographic instruction.
Early attempts to explain why user education was necessary were based on the
belief that to know how to use a library was an essential part of education-forlife, and to prepare students for the continuing process of self-education and
following formal studies. The education-for-life aspect is even more important
today when the rapid growth of information places greater stress on the ability to
continue learning throughout life. Students are encouraged to develop logical,
creative and critical approaches to the subjects studied. In order to do this, they
must be taught to be independent. To be independent, students need the knowledge
and skills to find their own way.
Recent trends in education have increased the need for helping the library user.
This makes the user capable of finding material relevant to his need. But this cant
be done without any practical application. For that the learners require to be taught.
Only then the user will be able to take full and active part in the new ways of
Another factor pointing to the need for user education is the growth of
interdisciplinary courses, particularly in institutes of higher education. Such
course, which cuts across the traditional boundaries of subjects, creates problems
for the user in locating, selecting the required information. The quantity of the
material to be searched, because of the various disciplines involved, requires that
the user should be helped to find his/her way. Not only quantity, but also the
diversity of sources and formats, makes the need for help essential. Without
training, the student would be unable to make efficient use of all the information
that is available and potentially useful.
The last twenty years have been marked by tremendous advances in computer
storage, together with improvements in telecommunication methods. These have
Paper: BE
Suchitra Kar
3. Given a map of the library, the user is able to locate key service points (e.g.
circulation, reservation, periodicals). The user can identify the location of
information and/or reference area(s) of the library.
4. The user can identify the members of the reference staff by sight and locate
their offices.
5. The user is familiar with (or has knowledge of) the library resources that are
available to him.
6. The user knows what library units exist on his campus and where they are
located. The student knows what major information resources and collections
are available in these units.
7. The user understands the procedures established for using these facilities.
8. The user can make effective use of the library resources available to him.
Paper: BE
The user knows how to use institutional holdings record (such as the
The user knows how to use reference tools basic to all subject areas,
Today the multimedia PCs with CD-ROM drive and built-in sound cards have
come in a big way in the market. Presently, all knowledge and learning as well as
information and entertainment is converted and stored on the multimedia CDROMs.
There are multimedia CD-ROMs that cover a wide range of subjects from
encyclopedias to travel guides, dramatic presentations and to other references,
educational and entertainment titles.
Paper: BE
Suchitra Kar
Is ready to use at any point of time; the users can refer when ever need
Is interactive, hence the user can choose his way of navigating through the
program. He can start anywhere; end anywhere
3.1 Advantages
There are three major advantages why one should use multimedia:
Ease of use: "Ease of Use" is concerned with the perceived facility with which a
user interacts with an interactive multimedia program. But ease of use is both an
aggregate and individual dimension. For example, in the aggregate sense, the
Windows interface is generally perceived as easier to use than the command
interface of the Microsoft disk operating system (MS DOS). However, in the
individual sense, some people may perceive the MS -DOS interface to be easier to
use because of their own unique experiences and attributes.
Navigation : "Navigation" is concerned with the perceived ability to move through
the contents of an interactive program in an intentional manner. An important
aspect of navigation is orientation, and the degree to which a user feels that he/she
knows where he/she is in a program and how to go to another part of it.
Cognitive load: Multimedia provides maximum interactive programs. Users cope
with the program and integrate at least three cognitive loads or demands, i.e., (a)
the content of the program, (b) its structure, and (c) the response options available.
Multimedia is the vehicle that allows perceptual, conceptual, and physical contacts
with the interactive program. Learners acquire and structure information delivered
via interfaces, conduct mental operations, and accomplish physical activities
during their interactions with interactive multimedia.
Paper: BE
Let the user control the interaction: Let the user, rather than the computer, control
what happens next. Let the user decide where to go, what to see, and when to
leave. For example, when watching a video, let the user cancel the video rather
than watching the whole thing before being able to move on. That way, if the user
saw the video during an earlier interaction, he or she does not have to see it all over
Give immediate, obvious feedback for every user action : Let the user know that
the computer is working and that it received and is responding to the user action.
For example, when the user selects a push button, change the button to inverse
video, and have the computer emit a short beep and process the action on the push
button. This design characteristic will help keep the user interested in using the
Use familiar metaphors: Take advantage of the user's prior learning by using
familiar objects and actions. This characteristic improves learning and increases
user comfort. For example, if the user needs to dial a telephone number, provide an
image of a telephone with a touch-sensitive key-pad. The user recognizes the
telephone and knows how to make it work.
Paper: BE
Suchitra Kar
Multimedia allows taking care of all the forms like text, audio, video, images and
animation and it is highly interactive. User can handle it easily and get the
information required. In a networked environment, it can be hosted on the library
server such that large number of users can access it at the same time.
Library timings: opening and closing hours on week days and holidays,
closed days, timing for issue and return of books.
Catalogue: inner form, author, title, subject, etc. catalogue, how to use
catalogue, how to find book with the use of catalogue.
Paper: BE
Types of services provided by the library to its users, like reference service,
circulation service, CAS, etc; should be mentioned.
The main objective of every library is to make effective use of the library
resources. To fulfill this a user has to be educated regarding using the library.
Multimedia based Library User Orientation program will educate or instruct the
user about the library, library techniques, sources and services provided by the
library in a more efficient and attractive way.
Multimedia packages form the most effective tool, which helps the user not only to
know about the library but also helps to identify the staff and consult them. They
are easy to handle and are efficient in the learning process as user interaction is
There is a lot of influence of technology in the overall setting of libraries. With the
present technology development, it is not at all a dream to set up a Digital Library,
which can be accessible from any part of the library. In the advent of such library
concepts it is necessary that the library jobs also should be electronic. The
development of such packages can be effective information tool for the setting up
of an online user education program.
Paper: BE
Suchitra Kar
orientation program. Guided project submitted for the course ADIS (1997 1999). Guided by Devika V. Aptagiri, DRTC : Bangalore. 1999.