Math1001 2015 Sem-1 Crawley

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics

Mathematics & Statistics

Unit Outline

Mathematical Methods 1
SEM-1, 2015
Campus: Crawley
Unit Coordinator: Prof Luchezar Stoyanov

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The University of Western Australia 2001

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Unit details
Unit title
Unit code

Mathematical Methods 1
SEM-1, 2015 (23/02/2015 - 20/06/2015)

Credit points


Face to face

Contact details
School website
Unit coordinator
Consultation hours

Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics

Mathematics & Statistics
Prof Luchezar Stoyanov
L. Stoyanov (Room 109 in Maths.): Mondays 4-5pm and Tuesdays 3-4pm; M. Giudici (Room 211 in Maths.):




Telephone Number

Luchezar Stoyanov 6488 3393
Michael Giudici
Associate Professor
6488 3351
Cheryl Praeger
Winthrop Professor
6488 3344

Unit contact hours

Lecture capture system
Online handbook

Lectures: 3 hrs per week; tutorials: 2 hrs per week; labs: 1 hr per week
LCS is implemented for this unit.

Unit rules


WACE Mathematics: Specialist 3C/3D or MATH1722 Mathematics Foundations: Specialist or MATH1712

Intermediate Mathematics Specialist or MATH1035 Calculus and Matrices or TEE Calculus or equivalent. Students
who commenced in 2011 may substitute MATH1038 Calculus and its Applications for MATH1035 Calculus and
MATH2040 Engineering Mathematics

Unit description
This unit is the first of two units that provide the essential foundation in the concepts and techniques of mathematics that form the basis
of science, engineering and higher mathematics and statistics. It covers multivariable calculus, linear algebra and differential equations.
Students who successfully complete this unit should be able to:

systematically solve systems of linear algebraic equations with up to 5 variables

identify when a system of linear algebraic equations has 0, 1 or infinitely many solutions.
determine when a set of vectors is a subspace.
determine when a set of vectors is linearly independent.
find a basis for a subspace, including the row space, column space and null space of a matrix, and hence determine its dimension.
understand the operations of matrix algebra and identify the similarities and differences between matrix algebra and the algebra of
real numbers.
determine the inverse of an n x n matrix with n at most 5.
compute determinants and understand the relationship between determinants, rank and invertibility of matrices.
recognise linear functions and understand the relationship between linear transformations and matrix multiplication.
appreciate the rank-nullity theorem in the context of linear transformations.
demonstrate familiarity with vector functions and functions of several variables including determining level curves.
calculate limits of functions of one variable using the limit laws and squeeze theorem.
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demonstrate an understanding of the notion of a limit for vector functions and functions of several variables, and determine if such
limits exist.
identify if a function is continuous.
determine partial derivatives of functions of several variables.
calculate and interpret the derivative of a vector function and a function of several variables.
demonstrate and apply an understanding of the chain rule for vector functions and functions of several variables.
find equations of normals and tangents to curves, and planes tangent to surfaces.
calculate the directional derivative and gradient vector of a function of several variables.
find Taylor polynomials of functions of one and several variables.
find and identify extrema of functions of several variables.
solve simple ordinary differential equations using a variety of standard techniques such as separation of variables, integrating factor,
by solving the characteristic equation, and method of undetermined coefficients.
appreciate how differential equations can be used to model physical systems and interpret the solutions in terms of the original
determine eigenvalues, eigenvectors and eigenspaces of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices.
demonstrate a familiarity with the basic properties of eigenvalues, eigenvectors and eigenspaces.
use eigenvalues and eigenvectors to solve systems of two linear differential equations.
demonstrate an understanding of the concept of change of basis.
determine change of basis transition matrices (in the 2x2 and 3x3 case).
demonstrate an understanding of sequences and series, and use associated tests for convergence.

Learning outcomes
Students are able to (1) understand the basics of linear algebra, including the concepts of subspace, linear transformation and
determinant; (2) understand and use the calculus and geometry of functions of more than one variable; (3) understand Taylor series
and some of their uses; (4) use first and second order differential equations in applications; (5) understand the concepts of eigenvalues
and eigenvectors, and change of basis; and (6) understand the basic theory of sequences and series.

Assessment overview
Typically this unit is assessed in the following way(s): (1) tutorials; (2) tests and assignments; (3) mid-semester test; and (4) final
examination. Further information is available in the unit outline.

Assessment mechanism
# Component

Weight Due Date



End of semester examination

Mid semester Test
Three short computer based tests
Online computer assignments
Tutorial attendance

In official exam period

Saturday 18th of April
In weeks 4, 8 and 12
weekly from week 2
weekly from week 2

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Assessment items
Item Title


End of semester
Mid semester test
Two short computer
based tests
Online assignments

Summative assessment of all examinable

aspects of the unit
written test

Submission Procedure for Assignments

Continuing formative assessment

Automatic submission at due date and time by computeraided assessment program

Tutorial attendance

Textbooks and resources

Recommended texts
The notes for this unit will be available in the LMS and hardcopies will be for sale in the Coop Bookshop. These form the primary source
of material for the unit.
In addition to these we recommend the following books and online notes
M.D. Weir, J. Hass and F.R. Giordano, Thomas Calculus, 11th edition, Addison Wesley.
James, G. Modern Engineering Mathematics, 4th edition, Pearson.
Jim Hefferon, Linear Algebra available at

Other important information

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