Hajj Prayer Book

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Mawlana M. N. Ehsan Elahie Rana
M.A., Ph D. (Pb.). Ph.D. (Cantab.)








M.A ., Ph .D.(Pb.), Ph.D. (Cantab.)



THE J:Iajj (: pilgrimage) is a definite obligation and is
one of the five pillars of Islam. Every free and sane
Muslim of either sex has to perform the J:Iajj at least once1
in the course of his life, provided be can afford to do so,
i.e., provided he is able to meet the expenses of the journey
and make provision for himself and for his family at home.
A woman who has not a husband or a close relative (Dhu
Mal).ram) to escort her is exempt from this obligation.
Being regulated by the lunar system, the J:Iajj runs in
time through all the seasons of the year. Pilgrims begin
to pour in from the first week of Shawwal till the 6th of
Dhu 'l.J:Iijja. The number of the pilgrims particularly
swells when it is expected that the principal day of the
J:Iajj (i.e., the 9th of Dhu '1-J:Iijja) would fall on a Friday,
which J:Iajj is named J:Iajj Akbar.
The law recommends the pilgrim on reaching the holy
territory by any of the Mawaqit ( : stations of assembly)
to assume the Il).ram (:state of consecration) 2 and say a two
rak'at prayer reciting the Sura al-kafirun3 in the first rak'at
and the Sura al-Ikh\as 4 in the other. Thereafter the pilgrim
is required to pronounce the Talbiya (i.e., ... ~~) ~~~ ~)
several times-rather almost continuously.
The Mawaqit are (1) Dhu' l-J:Iulaifa (also called Bi'r
'Ali) a place about 240 miles in the north of Mecca, for the
1. Q .,iii.97.
2. Ihram consists of two simple, white, unsewn sheets (not of
silk), one called izar folded round the loins and hanging down to a
little above the ankles ; and the other rida' thrown over the neck and
shoulders leaving the right arm free. Sandals ( : Na'l), or such
footwears are to be used which leave the ankle-bones bare. While in
Ihram the pilgrim neitheir shaves, nor trims or pares his nails, nor
washes (except the Wudu' the ceremonial ablution). Licentiousness
of language, sexual intercourse, wickedness or vice, quarrels, angry
conversations, acts of violence, game or hunting all are prohibited.
3. Q., cix.
4. Q., cxii.

the boundary of the Harem are passed. The dusk falls
and torches are lit. Here the Maghrib- and 'Ishii'prayers are combined together, and the night is spent.

~ilgrim' 5 ~raptr=1ook

On the lOth (called Yawm al-Nal)r), before sunrise,

wuquf (i.e., standing) is again held at the Mosque. After
the Fajr-prayer, the pilgrim moves to Mina, where,
generally in the forenoon, pronouncing the takbir he pelts
seven pebbles-one after the other-at one of the three
Jamra's, called Jamrat al-'aqba. These pebbles have
generaliy to be collected from Muzdalifa.

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

Here the pilgrim would find thousands of sheep, goats

and camels ready for sacrifice. Only people of high rank
slaughter camels. Though no particular place is specially
prescribed by law for sacrifice here, yet a rock at the west
end of the valley near the 'Aqba is preferably used for this
purpose. It is usual that after the sacrifice the pilgrim has
his head shaven or hair cut, and in this rite he sits facing
the Qibla and his hair on the right shaven or cut first.
Here the I;Iajj' ends and the ll)ram is relinquished.
Pilgrims throw seven pebbles on the lOth-first at the
eastern Jamra (called Jamra Ula or Sughra), then at the
middle (called Wusta) and finally at the western (called
Jamrat al-'aqba or aq~a), pronuncing takbir while stoning .
The pilgrim returns to Mecca the same day to perform
a seven-fold Tawaf al-Ifa<;la in his new garments. He also
says a two rak'at prayer after it.
The 11th to the 13th ( : the Tashriq days) are again
spent at Mina. The pilgrim casts seven pebbles at each
of the three Jamra's, (usually after Zuhr) and pronunces
the takbir at each pelting. Finally the pilgrim goes to
Tan'im to assume the Il)ram and to Rerform the Farewell
circuit of the Ka'b,,


When a prilgrim should find the d~ellings of the

holy city of Mecca visible to him, he may rectte :
"0 Allah, make these my place of rest and grant me
therein lawful (halal) provisions."
Prayer (to be recited) on entering the holy city of
Mecca :
''0 Allah, this harem ( : secure asylum) is. Thy harem,
and this. city is Thy city. The peace (here) IS Thy peace.
The (real) servant is Thy servant.
''I have come unto Thee from a distant land (~arrying
with me to be pardoned) a large n?mber of St?S and
misdeeds. As an afflicted person seekmg Thy asststance,
dreading Thy chastisement, l implore Thee to ~ccept from
me my sole. and simple desire for Thy forgiveness and
for Thy permission to enter Thy vast Garden-the Garden
of delight.
"0 Allah, this is Thy harem and the harem of Thy
Messenger. For this render my flesh, my blood and my
bones unlawful unto the Fire. 0 Allah, spare me from
Thy chastisement on the day when Thou shalt r~surrect
Thy servants. I beseech Thee, for Thou art Allah who
alone is worthy of worship and is the Beneficent, the
Merciful, to send Thy immense and eter~al pea~e and
blessings on our chief Mul)ammad and on his postenty and
on his companions/'
' !
Prayer , (to be recited) on entering through the Bab
''0 Allah, 'rhou art Peace, and from Thee is Peace
(for the creatures). Keep us, our Lord, with peace and

(allow us to) enter the Garden, the abode of Peace.

Blessed art Thou, our Lord ; and exalted is Thy majesty,
0 Thou possessed of glory and honour.! 0 AlHih, fling
open on me the gates of Thy Mercy.-in the name of
AlHih.-Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger . of
When a pilgrim should see the Noble House of the
Lord he may recite three times the formula : 4ill ~~ .UI ~
( : None is worthy of worship but Allah) and also three times
the formula : ~n 4ill ( : Allah is great), and then recite the
following prayer :

''None is worthy of worship but Allah. He is the

absolute one and hath no partner. To Him belongeth
the kingdom' (of heaven and earth), and un~o Him is
the praise (due) and He hath power over everythmg.
"I seek the refuge of the Lord of the House from
infidelity and destitution and also from torment of the
grave and anguish of the heart.
"May Allah send peace and blessings on our chief
Mul).ammad and on his posterity and his companions.
"0 Allah, increase Thy House in nobility, reverence
and grandness, and in awe, in position and in virtue.
0 my Lord, (count him) who exalteth the nobility, reverence
and greatness or awe, position and virtue of (this House)
among those who have performed a pilgrimage or an 'umra
( :the lesser pilgrimage)."
When a pilgrim should approach the Gate of Banu
Shaiba, he may recite :
"0 Allah cause me to enter with a favourable entry,
and cause m~ to come forth with a favourable coming
forth, and grant me from Thee an assis~ing P?Wer. And
say : Truth is come and falsehood ts vamshed ; and
falsehood is of short continuance." 2
1. Ihya, i. 224.
2. Q., xvii. 82, 83.

Niyyah (or intention) of performing the circumambulation

of the Ka'ba :
"0 Allah I intend to perform the circumambulation
of Thy Sacred House. Make Thou the same easy for me
and accept from me the seven Rounds to be performed in
the name of Allah the Almighty. To Him belongeth glory
and power. In the name of Alliih.-Allah is great and
unto Allah is the praise (due).''
Prayer (to be recited) on takin~ the first Round :
''Glory be to Allah and all praise is (due) unto Allah.
And none is worthy of worship except Allah, And Allah
is most great. There is no might, no power but from Allah
the most High, the Great.
''And blessings and peace be on the Messenger of
"0 Allah (I am performing his duty) with complete
faith in Thee and with belief in the truth of Thy Book and
in the fulfilment of my pledge to Thee and in the wake of
the sunnah ( : tradition) of Thy Prophet and Thy beloved
friend Mul).ammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him!
"0 Allah, I implore Thee to grant me forgiveness,
safety and general pardon in (the matters of) faith, of
this world and the hereafter, and also (grant me) success
(leading to) Paradise and deliverance from the Fire".
Prayer (to be recited) in every Round while moving
between the two pillars :
"0 our Lord, give us good in this world and also
good in the next world, and deliver us from the torment
of (Hell-) fire, and cause us enter the Garden along with
the righteous, 0 Powerful, 0 Forgiver, 0 Lord of all
the worlds !. "1
Prayer (to be recited) during the second Round:
"0 Allah, verily this House is Thy House and this
harem is Thy harem, and the peace (here) is Thy peace.

Q., ii. 197.


The (real) servant is Thy servant : and I am Thy servant

and the son of Thy servant. This. is an asyl?m for a
person seeking Thy refuge from the Ftr~. For thts render
our flesh and faces unlawful unto the Ftre.
"0 Allah, make the faith amiabl.e unt~ us and J?r~pa.re
the same in our hearts; and render IOfidehty, and tmqmty
and disobedience hateful unto us, and (thereby) cause
us to walk in the right way.l
"0 Allah, grant me deliverance from Thy chastisement
on the day Thou shalt resurrect Thy servants.
''0 Allah, grant me in the Garden provisions superabundantly."2
Prayer (to be recited) during the third Round :
"0 AlHih, I seek Thy refuge fro~ ~oubt, ido~atry,
schism, hypocrisy, in sincerity, .wrong tht~kmg, and tnver
sion in respect of property, famtly and chtldren.
"0 Allah, I seek Thy pleasure and (the bliss of) the
Garden. I also seek Thy refuge from Thy anger and (the
torment of) the Fire.
''0 Allah I also seek Thy refuge from the trial of the
grave and al~o from the ordeals of life and (pangs of)
Prayer (to be recited) during the fourth Round :
"Allah make this (for me) a righteous pilgrimage,
and an end~avour acceptable (unto Th~e) ~nd a (means of)
forgiveness of sin, and also an a~t t~at ts nght and fit, and
a merchandise that shall not pensh.
"0 Thou knowest the innermo~t parts ~f the breasts.
Lead me, 0 Allah, out of the dark mto the hght.
''0 Allah, I implore Thee (to grant ~e such circu~
stances) that cause T!1y mercy, and such duttes that ~necessi
tate) Thy forgiveness and save from every type of stn ; and
1. Cf. Q., xlix. 7.
2. Cf. Q., xl. 43.
3. Cf. Q., xvii. 20; xxxv. 26.

(grant me an) opportunity to reap aU good and success

{leading to) Paradise and deliverance from the Fire.
"0 my Lord, make me such that I ever feel contented
with what Thou hast bestowed upon me, and grant Thy
bliss in whatever Thou hast given me. And retrieve my
losses with good from Thyself."
Prayer (to be recited) during the fifth Round :
''0 Allah, take me under the shade of Thy Throne on
the day when there shall be no shade but Thine, and no
survivor but Thy face (i.e., Thyself). Give me to drink
from the tank of Thy Prophet our Chief Mul:tammad, may
Allah send blessings and peace on him, a pleasant and
wholesome draught whereafter I should never feel thirsty.
"0 Allah, I ask Thee for good that Thy Prophet our
Chief Mul).ammad, may Allah send his blessings and peace
on him, hath asked Thee for. I also seek Thy refuge from
evil that the Prophet our Chief Mul).ammad, may Allah
send blessings and peace on him, hath sought. 0 Allah, I
implore Thee to (grant me) the Garden and its delight,
and all those things-actions, sayings or acts-which should
bring me near unto it. Withal I seek Thy refuge from the
Fire and from all those things-sayings or acts-which
should bring me near unto it."
Prayer (to be recited) during the sixth Round :
''0 AlHih I owe to Thee innumerable duties that
concern Thee and me, and innumerable duties also that
concern Thy creatures and me. 0 Allah, of them what
concerneth Thee forgive me all, and of them what concerneth Thy creatures take it on Thyself. Grant me the lawful
provision instead of the unlawful, (grant me the privilege
of) Thy obedience instead of Thy disobedience, and (grant
me) Thy grace instead of what is otherwise, 0 the OmniPardoner (Liberal in forgiving).!
''0 Allah, Thy House h great, Thy face is noble and
Thou art, 0 Allah, Forbearing, Noble and Great, Thou
lovest forgiveness. Forgive me."

Q., liii. 33.

Prayer (to be recited) during the seventh Round :
b t w on me) perfect
''0 Allah, I implore Thee to ( .e~ o a humble heart,

faith, sincere belief, bou?-dles(;.J';o~~:~: pleasant lawful

a tongue wont to menuon
ortunity to express
things, and true repentence,at~:fa~B~n at the moment of
contrition befo~e death, add s . y after death. (I also seek
death, and forgtveness an mete.
ment grant of success
f;om the Fire by
Thy) forgiveness OJ?- the (ddayd) ~!v~~~~ce
(1ea d"mg to) Paradtse
0 Mighty Very Forgtvmg.
virtue of Thy ercy
d me
"0 my Lord, increase knowledge unto me an JOlD
. ht eous. " 1 . .
with the ng
choose to combine all

No harm if (the pdg:~~ :ot~d his convenience in one

these prayers or some o
single Round.
1 .c ailedH "Multazam"
e free our
Prayer (to be recited) at the pace
L d of the anctent ous ,
"0 Allah 0
of our parents, brothers an
bondage and the bo?dag~ Thou possessed of bounty,
children from the Fue,
lence and good.
nobility' excellence, grace, b~evt 11 our affairs noble and
''0 Allah, make the en dlo d~sgrace and the torment
grant us refuge from the wor y
of the hereafter
d the son of Thy
"0 Allah, I am Thy s:~v~~Y a~ate holding Thy
servant, standing undern~ft in Thy presence. I hope (to
thresholds with full hudt { ydread (the torment of) Thy
recei':e) Thy m;r~ho~nare Eternal in benevolence.
raise my mention and
"0 Allah, I tmJ'loJe ~~efm~~ove my affair, to purify
remove from me ~y ~r en,
em rave and to pardon
my heart, and tc:> tllu mm~~or
grin~ me lofty ranks in ~he
my sin. I also !mp1ore " ee
May tt be so t
Gar d en.
yiag place of
This is a prayer (to be recite~) ~t t e pra
His peace be on him .
Abraham, may
(my affairs both) hidden
.. 0 Allah Thou knowes~ a 11

1. Q., xx. 113.

and .manifest, wherefore accept my excuse. Thou knowest

my need, wherefore grant me what I beseech. Thou
knowest what is in my heart, wherefore forgive me my sins.
"0 Allah, I ask Thee for the faith that shall busy my
heart, and for the sincere belief till I should know that no
favour or (affliction) shall overtake me except what Thou
has writ for me. (I also ask Thee for) contentment whereby
I shall readily accept from Thee whatever Thou hast
ordained for me. Thou art my Guardian both in this
world and in the hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim
and join me with the righteous. 1
"0 Allah, leave not for us in this place of ours any sin
but .that Thou hast forgiven it, nor any worry but that
Thou hast dispelled it, nor any desire but that Thou hast
.sat~sfied it and bast made its (accomplishment) easy (for us).
Make easy (for us) our affairs, and enlarge our breasts,
illuminate our hearts, and close our deeds with the best
''0 Lord, cause us to die Muslims, to live Muslims
and join us with the righteous - not disgraced and
Prayer (to be recited) on approaching the stone of
lshmael, may Allah send peace on him :
"0 Allah, Thou art my lord. None is worthy of worship
but Thou. Thou hast created me and I am Thy servant
and I shall keep my pact and convenant to the utmost
I can. I seek Thy refuge from the evil of that I might
commit. I return unto Thee with Thy grace on to me and
I acknowledge my sin, wherefore forgive me. For none
doth forgive sins but Thou.
"0 Lord, I ask Thee for good that Thy righteous
servants had asked Thee for. I also seek Thy refuge from
evil that Thy pious servants bad sought.
"0 AIHih, (I invoke Thee) by Thy Excellent Names
and by the Lofty Attributes to purify our hearts from any
quality that should keep us off from Thy vision and from
Thy love. Cause us to die (acting) on the practice (of the

Q. xii. 102.


Prophet) and on the consensus (of the Community) and

with a desire to meet Thee, 0 possessed of Majesty and
"0 Allah make Thou my heart resplendant with
knowledge, e~ploy Thou my body for Thy obedience, .rid
Thou my heart from the trials, and occupy Thou _my . mmd
with complacency. Deliver me Thou from the mischief of
devilish whisperers and grant me refuge .therefrom, 0 the
Beneficent, till such a time that (the devil) should have no
power on me.
"0 Lord we have believed (in Thee) : Forgive us our
sins and spar~ us from the torment of the Fire."
Prayer (to be recited) on drinking from the Zamzam;
"0 Allah, of Thee I beg knowledge that is useful, and
provision that is vast, and recovery from all types of
disease and ailment by virtue of the mercy, 0 the most
merciful of those who shew mercy."
Prayer (to be recited) at Safa:
''I commence with what Allah commenced. Ver!ly
Safa and Marwa are (two) of th~ ch.iefsymbols of Allah.
Whosoever therefore goeth on pilgnmage to .(the) H~mse
or visiteth it (for 'Umra), shall not be to blame If .he
compass them both. And as for him who volu~tan,I~
performeth a good work-Allah is Grateful and Knowmg.
Niyyah ( : intention to be pronounced) for $a'y
( : hustling) between Sa fa and Marwa .:.
"0 AIHi.h, I intend to per~om the Sa.'y ~etween Safa
and Marwa in seven Rounds for the Pilgnmage (or, f~r
'Umra, i.e., the Lesser Pilgrimage) for the sake of Allah
who is great, powerful and mighty. 0 the Lord of all .the
Prayer (to be recited) during the Sa'y :
''Being great, Allah is the greatest (of. all). Immense
praise is (due) to Allah. Allah the Great IS free from (~11)
imperfection !

Q., ii. 153.

~With praise unto Him who is Noble, (both) in the

morn~ng and in the evening. And (during some part) of
the mght worship Him aud glorify Him the livelong night.!
"None is worthy of worship but Allah alone. He
fulfilled His promise, helped His servant, and routed the
confederates by Himself. Nothing existed before Him nor
shall anything survive Him. He giveth life: He putteth
to. death. He is Living, Persistent and is never to die. In
His hand is good, and to Him shall come back (everything
at the last), He hath power over all things.z
"0 my Lord, forgive me and have mercy (ou me) :
par.don and do good (unto me). Pass off (my sins) of
which Thou art aware. Thou art Allah. Thou knowest
what we know not. Thou art indeed the Most Powerful
the Most Noble.
"0 my Lord, deliver us from (the torment of) the Fire
as perfectly saf~, succeed.ing (without trouble) as happy and
greeted along With Thy nghteous servants, and with those
of. the Prophets, of the Sincere, of the Martyrs and of the
Righteous, unto whom Allah hath been gracious. These
are_ the mo~t excellent company. This is the bounty from
Allah, and In knowledge doth Allah suffice.3
. "There is non~ worthy of worship except Allah, indeed
-:-mdeed. The\e IS none worthy of worship but AlHi.h
(m respect of H1s) serv~nt and slave. There is certainly
none .worthy of worship except Allah and we offer sincere
worshi~ unto none but Him though the infidels abhor it.4
There IS none worthy of won;hip but Allah the Solitary
the One, the Single, the eternally besought of all, who hath
taken no spouse, nor hath He begotten any offspring s
who hath no partner in the kingdom (of heaven and earth)
n?r hath any t? prot.ect Him from contempt. Magnify
h1m by pronouncing His greatness. 6
"0 Allah, verily Thou hast said in Thy Revealed Book
Call upon me-l will hearken unto you.? We call upo~
Thee. 0 our Lord, forgive us then, as thou hast comI.

Q., lxxvi. 26-27.

Q., Ivii. 2; lx. 4.
Q., iv. 71-72.


Q., xl. 14.

Cf. Q., Ixxii. 3.
Q., xvii. 111.


Q., xl. 60.



ded us. Verily Thou wilt not fail Tby promise. 1 0 our
Lord, we have, indeed, heard of a preacher inviting (us)
to the faith-'Belive on your Lord'-and we have believed.
Therefore, our Lord, forgive us our sins and expiate our
evil deeds from us and cause us to die with the righteous.
0 our Lord, give us also (the reward) which Thou hast
promised us by Thine Apostles and put us not to shame
on the day of resurrection, for Thou art not contrary to the
promise. 2
"0 our Lord, in Thee do we trust and unto Thee do
we turn. And before Thee shall we be assembled (hereafter).3 0 our Lord forgive us and our brethren who
have preceded us in the faith, and put not into hearts
ill-will against those who believe. 0 our Lord, verily Thou
art Compassinate, Merciful.4
"0 our Lord, make our light perfect and forgive us,
for Thou hast power over all things.s
"0 AlHih, I beg of Thee all good, (that may come)
soon or late. I also seek Thy refuge from all (types of)
evil, (that may come) soon or late. I also seek Thy
forgiveness of my sin, and I beseech Thy mercy.
''0 my Lord, increase knowledge unto me.6
"0 Allah my Lord, suffer not my heat to go astray
after that Thou hast once guided me, and grant me mercy
from before Thee, for verily Thou art He who giveth.7
"0 Allah, preserve me in respect of my hearing and
"There is none worthy of worship except Thee.
0 Allah, I seek Thy refuge from the torment of the grave.
"There is none worthy of worship but Thee. 0 Allah,
Glory be unto Thee. Verily I have been one of the evil
"0 Allah, I seek Thy refuge from infidelity and
destitution. 0 Allah, I seek the refuge of Thy pleasure
from Thy anger. (I also seek the refuge of) Thy forgiveQ., iii. 192.
Q., iii. 190-192.
3. Q., lx. 4.


Q., lix. 10.

Q., lxvi. 8.
6. Q., xx. 113.



7. Q., iii. 6.
8. Q., xxi. 87.

manness from Thy torment. I also seek Thy refuge from

(anything unpleasant that cometh from) Thee. I cannot
take account of Thy praises as hast Thou praised Thyself.
All praise is (due) unto Thee so that T hou art pleased
(with me).
"0 Allah, I beg Thee of good that Thou knowest,
and ask Thee to forgive me every (slip or sin) that Thou
knowest, for verily Thou art the Best knower of secrets.
"There is none worthy of worship but Allah, the King,
the Perspicuous Truth - (and) Mul).ammad is the Messenger
of Allah, (who was) true to his proll!ise 1 and trusty.
"0 Allah, I beseech Thee not to tear off from me the
(faith of) Islam as Thou bast guided me unto it, till Thou
causest me to die a Muslim.
"0 Allah, cast in my heart a light, in my ear a light
and in my eyes a light. 0 Allah, enlarge my breast and
make easy for me my affair. I betake myself for refuge
to Thee against the mischief of the temptations of the
heart, against the disorderliness of the affair, and against
the trial of the grave. 0 All1ih, 1 also betake me for
refuge to Thee against the mischief of that which penetrates
at night-time, against the mischief of that which penetrates
at day-time, and agai nst the mischief of all that blow
along with the winds, 0 the Most Merciful of those who
shew mercy.
"Glory be unto Thee ! We have not been able to
worship Thee in a manner worthy of Thy worship, 0 Allah.
Glory be unto Thee ! We have not been able to comemmorate Thy name in a manner worthy of Thy comemmoration, 0 Allah. Glory be unto Thee! We have not been
able to give thanks to Thee in a manner worthy of Thy
thanking , 0 Allah. Glory be unto Thee ! We have not
been able to direct ourselves towards Thee in a manner
worthy of the direction towards Thee, 0 Allah.
"0 Allah, make the faith amiable unto us, and prepare
the same in our hearts, and render infidelity, iniquity
and disobedience hateful unto us, and (thereby) reckon us
I. Q. , xix. 55.



among Thy servants. 0 AlHih, deliver us from Thy

torment on the day when Thou shalt resurrect Thy
servants. 0 Allah, guide me on to the right (path). and
cleanse me by virtue of the fear, and forgive me in the
next (world) and here. 0 Allah, of Thy blessings, Thy
mercy, Thy grace and Thy provision spread (a share) for us.
"0 Allah, I beg of Thee the constant bliss which
changeth not and waneth not. 0 Allah. I take refuge
with Thee from affliction that Thou might give us and from
affliction that Thou shalt prevent from us. 0 Allah, cause
us to die Muslims, and to join the righteous-not disgraced
and demented.
"0 my Lord, make (this) easy for me, and make it not
difficult. 0 my Lord, accomplish it well.
"Verily Safa and Marwa are (two) of the eminent
symbols of Allah. Whoever therefore goeth on pilgrimage
to the House or visiteth it (for 'Umm, i.e., the Lesser
Pilgrimage), shall not be to blame if be con;tpass them both.
And as for him who voluntarily performeth a good workAllah is Grateful and Knowing ... 1

Prayer (to be recited) after having performed the Sa'y :

"0 our Lord, accept (this) from us, and preserve us,
and forgive us. Grant us Thy aid for obedience and gratefulness unto Thee. Entrust us not to anyone other than Thyself. Cause us to die believers and perfect Muslims so
that Thou art happy with us.
"0 Allah, grace me (with power) to shun the sins for
all the time that Thou keepest me living. Grace me (with
power) so that I do (not) strive for what concerneth me
not. Grant me optimistic view whereby Thou shalt be
pleased with me, 0 Thou Most Merciful of all who shew
Niyya ( : intention to be pronounced) for performing
"0 Allah, I inted to perform 'Umra. Make Thou
the same easy for me and accept it from me."

Q . ii. 153 .

Niyya ( : intention to be pronounced) for performing

the pilgrimage.
'"0 Allah, I intend to perform the pilgrimage. Make
Thou the same easy for me and accept it from me.
'"Here am I, 0 Allah, at Thy service, at Thy service,
at Thy service ! There is no partner unto Thee. Here
am I at Thy service. All praise, grace and sovereignty is
due unto Thee. Thou hast no partner.
"0 Allah, for Thy sake I have made unlawful for
my hair, my face, my body and all (other) limbs anything
of perfume, women and all sorts of animals (to be hunt)
that Thou hast made unlawful for the Muhrim (i.e., pilgrim
in his I;Iajj dress). Thereby I seek (the bliss of) Thy Noble
face, 0 the Lord of the worlds.
Prayer (to be recited) on performing the
i.e., the departing Tawaf:
"Verily He who bath given thee the Qur'an for a rule
(of faith and practice) will certainly bring thee back home.l
"0 Thou Granting refuge, grant me refuge ; 0 Thou
Hearing, hear me. 0 Most Powerful, restore me. 0 Thou
Concealing, conceal (my sins). 0 Beneficent, be beneficent
unto me. 0 Thou Bringing back, bring me back to this
House of Thine, and grant me opportunity to return and
to return repeatedly after (performing pilgrimage) several
times, (like) those who turn (to A!Hih), and those who
serve, who fas.t2 (and) who praise our Lord.
"Allah is true to His promise. He helped His servant
and gave strength to his troop, routed the Confederates
"0 Allah, ordain for us peace, preservation and
opportunity, and also for Thy servants who perform the
pilgrimage and visit Thy House and (also for) those who
wage holy wars, who travel or stay in Thy land or water
and are from the whole community of Mu}:l.ammad.
"0 Allah, protect me from my right, my left, and
from my front and from my back, and from above and



Q., xxviii. 85.


Cf. Q., ix. 113.



from beneath, till Thou unite me unto my family (and

betake me) to my land. I beseech Thee not to deprive
me of Thy mercy for a single blink or even for a moment
lesser than that.
"0 AHah, be our companion in our journeys, and our
vicegerent with our family; deface our enemies and blot
out their position so tb.at they be not able to flee nor to
advance towards us.
"0 Allah, make not this visitation to Thy House the
last one (for me).
"0 Allah, grace me (with power) to shun the sins for
all the time that Thou keepest me living. Grace me (with
control over things) that I do (not) strive for what
concerneth me not. Grant me optimistic view, whereby
Thou shalt be pleased with me.
"0 Allah, Let me enjoy my sight (i.e., eyes) long, and
make it heir unto me. Let me see of the enemy my
retaliation. Grant me assistance against those who are
unjust to me.
"0 Allah, I seek Thy refuge from the worries and
griefs. I also seek Thy refuge from weakness and sloth.
I also seek Tby refuge from cowardice and niggardliness.
I also seek Thy refuge from the cumber of debt and the
oppression of the people.
"0 Allah, I implore Thee to grant (unto us) in this
journey of ours goodness and piety and of the acts that
should please Thee.
"0 Allah, make this journey of ours easy for us and
shorten its distance for us (i.e., grant us to meet our
people again). 0 Allah, Thou art the companion in the
journey and the guard over the family (left behind).
"0 Allah, I seek Thy refuge from the toils of the
journey and from unpleasant scenes, and from inversion
in respect of property, family and children.
"0 Allah, be our companion out of Thy forgiveness :
and cause us to return (home) with peaee and preservation.

Q., iii. 25.


"0 Allah, grant us to meet (the people of our) land

again. Make the journey easy unto us. Save us from
"0 Allah, (we beseech Thy) sufficiency, yielding
goodness, and Thy concealment (of our sins) and Thy
pleasure. In Thy hand is good. Thou hast certainly
power over all things. I
"0 Allah, make easy unto us this journey and grant
us to meet l the people of our) land again. 0 Allah, be
our companion in this journey of ours and also vicegerent
to (look after) our families (left behind).
"0 Allah, protect me from my front and from my
back, from my right and from my left and also from
above. I seek the refuge of Thy grandeur from being
surprised (by affliction) from underneath. 0 the Most
Merciful of those who shew mercy, 0 the lord of the
Prayer to be recited by a pilgrim on entering 'Arfa :
"0 Allah, to Thee have I turned, to Thee have I the
recourse, and in Thee have I trust. 0 Allah, make me
among those who shall vie with Thy angles today. Verily
Thou hast power over all things."
Prayer (to be recited) after the sun declines and also
after the Zuhr and 'Asr prayers :
"There is none worthy of worship but Allah alone.
He hath no partner. To Him belongeth the sovereignty,
and unto Him is praise (due). He giveth life : He putteth
to death. He is Living and is never to die. In His hand
is good. He hath power over all things.l
"0 Allah, Thou hast been gracious unto me : Thou
hast given me a ride on (a means of conveyance) that Thou
hast subjected to my service, till with Thy grace Tbou hast
conducted me to visit Thy House and to stand by this
grand symbol in pursuance of the tradition of Thy friend
(Abraham) and in following the footsteps of Thy chose~ ones
from among Thy creatures (namely) our chief Mul).ammad,

Cf. Q., iii. 25.


(May Al~ah send His blessings and peace upon him).

And v~nly for every guest is entertainment, for every
deputatiOn a souvenir, for every visitor a regard for every
beggar a gift, for every one who hopeth a re~ard, for
everyone who asketh humbly a means of nearness, for every
on_e who turneth unto The~ a grace: (Here) we stand by
this great symbol (of Thme) hopmg to receive (favour)
from Thee. 0 our God, balk us not of the hopes we have
in _Thee, 0 our Lord, 0 our Master, 0 Thou unto whom all
thmgs meekly submit, and before whose grandeur the faces
are humbled.
"0 Allah, to Thee have we set out, in Thy Courtyard
have we made a halt, in Thee do we hope, Thy (favours)
do we seek, at Thy grace do we snatch, for Thy mercy do
we hope, Thy chastisement do we fear, and Thy Sacred
House do we visit, 0 Thou the Master of the needs of all
seekers and Cognisant of the conscience of those who keep
peace. 0 Thou who hath no lord beside Him to invoke
nor any_ one worthy of worship to beseech, nor any creato;
above Him to fear, nor any vizier (under Him) to visit
(through), nor any chamberlain (with Him) to bribe. 0
Thou who would not add on begging but (His) bounty and
benevolence-on multiplicity of needs but (His) favour
and grace. 0 Thou before whom clamours in different
languages accum~late, . (all) seeking _Thy (succour in) their
needs, (accompamed) With tears flowlllg down and sighs
importunating with prayers. My sole demand 0 Lord'
is Thy J?leasure unto me not to be followed by Thy anger:
and gmdance not to be. followed by error, and knowledge
not to J:>e followed l;>Y Ignorance, and happy conclusion
(of affairs), and deliverance from the Fire and success
(leading to) Paradise, and that Thou shalt :emember me
in time of affliction when the people of this world would
have forgotten me, the grave-dust would have covered
me and the friends are lost unto me, and the means are
cut off from me. 0 the Powerful, 0 the Bountiful 0 the
Most Merciful of those who shew mercy.
"0 Allah verily Thou seest my place, Thou hearest
what I say, and Thou knowest my (affairs, both) secret and
manifest. No aspect of my affair remains hidden from

Thee. I am the unhappy, needy, imploring (Thy bel p ),

fearful, dreading (Thy chastisement), admitting and
confessing (my) sins. I implore Thee as the poor should
do : I invoke Thee as the humble sinner should do :
I pray to Thee as the fearing blind man should do, praying
(like) him who hath bowed his neck unto Thee and hath
humbled his body unto Thee and both of his eyes flooded
(with tears) and his nose clave (to the ground) for Thee.
0 my Lord, do not fail me in my prayers to Thee.l Be
kind and merciful unto me, 0 Thou the Best of those who
are implored, 0 Thou the Best of those who grant
"My Lord, guide us on to the right (path) and adorn
us with the fear, and forgive us in the next (world) and
"0 Allah, cast in my heart a light, in my ear a light,
in my eyes a light, in my tongue a light, and on to my
right a light, on to my left a light, from above me a light,
from beneath me a light, in front of me a light and at my
rear a light. And cast for me in myself a light : and
increase the light for me.
"0 my Lord, enlarge my breast and make easy for
me my affair.
"0 Allah, I implore Tbee for (the grant of) guidance,
piety, continence and satisfaction.
"0 Allah, to Thee is all praise (due), like what Thou
sayest, and better than what I can say.
"0 Allah, I beg of Thee Thy pleasure, and (thereby)
the Garden and I seek Thy refuge from Thy anger, from the
Fire and from all those things-sayings, actions and actsthat should bring me near unto it.
"0 Allah, make this (for me) a righteous pilgrimage
and a (means of) forgiveness of sin and also an act that
is righteous and acceptable (unto Thee).
"0 our Lord, give us good in this world and also
good in the hereafter, and deliver us from the torment

Q., xix. 4.

of (Hell-) Fire. 0 my God, I have no power (to defend
me) from Thy anger, nor patience (to endure) Thy chastisement. There is no satisfaction for me without Thy mercy,
nor a ny power (against) trial, nor even power to exert. I
seek refuge with Thy pleasure from Thy a nger and from
Thy surprising punishment. 0 my hope, 0 mv (great)
expectation, 0 Thou the best one implored, 0 Thou the
most liberal of those who give. 0 Thou whose mercy
outweighs his anger. 0 my Lord,_ 0, my Master, 0 my
confidence, 0 my hope, 0 Thou m whom I repose my
"0 Allah, 0 Thou whose (attenti on) i? not to be
distracted by one hearing from nr: other, and IS not (to be)
confused by the (different) invocations : 0 Thou who is
not to be disturbed by the (varied) appeals, nor do the
diversified languages create (difficulty) for him. 0 Thou
who is not to be annoye d by pertinacity of the importunate
beggars nor is to be frustrated by the dem~nds o_f t~ose
who implore: give us to taste Thy cool (z.e., sat1sfymg)
forgiv,e ness. and Thy sweet remission (of sins), 0 the Most
Merciful of those who shew mercy.
"0 AlHih, I have come unto Thee, and am standing
before Thee in this Noble Place in the hope to receive
(favour) from Thee : do not therefore disappoint me today:
(but) grace me with (the grant of entra nce to) the G arden
and favour me with forgiveness and preservation: accord
me refuge from the Fire, and d rive off from me the
mischief of (those things) which Thou hast created.
"(All) my hopes are cut off except in respect of Thee :
all the doors are closed (on me) except Thine. Therefore
entrust me not to anyone oi her tha n Thyself in matters
of my faith and in those of this world for a single blink, nor
eveu for a moment lesser tha n it. T ake me out of, the
meanness of disobedience into the nobili ty of (Thy)
obedience. Illumine my heart and my grave. Grant me
refuge from all (types of) evil and rally for me all (types
of1 good, 0 the noblest of those who are i mplored, and
the most beautiful of those who give.
"0 Allah, by virtue of Thy light are we rightly guided,
and by virtue of Thy grace do we feel satisfied. In Thy

protection, Thy grace, Thy benevolence, and in Thy favour

do we (live) mom and eve. Thou art the First, and nothing
existed before Thee : (Thou art) the Last, and nothing
shall survive Thee. (Thou art) the Overpowering, and
nothing is above Thee. (Thou art) the Hidden and nothing
is beside Thee (to grant protection).l
"We fly for refuge unto Thee from destitution, laziness,
torment of the grave and trials (a-ssociated with) wealth.
I implore Thee (to grant me such circumstances) that
cause Thy mercy, and such duties that (necessitate) Thy forgiveness (.and save from sm), and grant me an opportunity
to reap all good and to preserve from all types of sin, and
success (leading to) the Garden, and deliverance from the
''0 Allah, 0 Thou who knoweth even the obscure
things. 0 Thou who heareth the clamours. 0 Thou who
shall quicken the dead. 0 Thou who listeneth to the
invocations. 0 Thou who fulfilleth the needs. 0 the Creator
of the earth and the heaven, Thou art Allah who alone is
worthy of worship. Thou art the One, the Single, the
Unique, the Only One who is resorted to, the Liberal-giver
who is (never) niggardly, and the Forbearing who hasteneth
not (in inflicting punishment), and there is none to repel
Thy order,2 nor any one to reverse Thy command.3 Thou
art the lord of all things and Thou ordain everything.
I implore Thee (to grant me) useful knowledge, vast and
boundless provision, a humble heart, a tongue wont to
mention (Thy name), righteous act and sincere belief. Grant
us penitence of the sincere, humility of the humble, acts
of the righteous, belief of the sincere, bliss of the fearing
and ranks of the successful, 0 Thou the Best of those who
are resorted to, the Noblest of those who are invoked and
the Most Forbearing of those who are disobeyed. How
Forbearing art Thou unto him who disobeys Thee, how
Nigh art Thou unto him who calls Thee, and how Attentive
art Thou unto him who implores Thee. Guided is he
whom Thou hath directed: astray is he whom Thou hath
ca.used to err: satisfied is he whom Thou hath granted
1. Cf. Q ., Ivii. 3.

2. Cf. Q., x. 107.


Q., xiii. 41.

satisfaction . poor .

~awless is h~ whom ~houe hw~om Thou hath made poor .

~s hie whose (shortcomings) \a~~ve~h (from si_ns), veiled

tmp ore Thee to grant us th b
ou conmved at. I
the b_hss of Thy meetino ea est of Thy benevolence and
bounties, and to cast for c . nd ex~ess o~ Thy favours and
oud as~embly, and in ouru~;~t~ur l~fe a ~tght, and also in
an a hght whereby we may
' an a lJght in our graves
whereby we may succeed appro.ach Thee. and a ligh~
!'or, we are at Thy door im (to.achieve what Is) with Thee
mg Thy bounty and ho . plonng (earnestly), acknowledg:
"O Au-h
Ping to meet Thee.
a , make (for me) th 1
best pan of
my life
e ast part of my life th
~J thbe acts, make (for ~~~h~ ~h: 0 o(f (my) acts the bes~
e est of my days.
my) meeting Thee


"O A1lfib, establish me ( f

support me with Th .
. to ollow) Thy command a d
Y assistance
, n
gr ace an d dehver
me from Th
' a~ grant me of Thy
Thou shalt resurrect Th
y chastisement on the day
Thee. in hope (to receiv~ servants. For, I have come to
~evott~n, accomplishing ThyThy dr?ercy, performing my
ook, Imploring Thee c
. o~ mances, reciting Th
~~r) the. hardnes~ of my h~::f, 1 ~~~~fn of (o~,. feeling sorr~
my stn, (considering) myself t h g humihty on account
~ky soul, admitting my sins (and o . ave) acte? unjustly to
l I e one whose v h
cnmes . (I tmplor Th
ht]t mu.Itiplied, ~c~: w~~~e a~cumuiated and who~e
s. I sl!rvtve, whose tears are op~s are cut off, whose sins
life) IS cut short (I 1 pounng but the time (of h.
findeth no pardone~ of h ~ s~ Implore Thee) like one whis
find) any one
. Is sms except Thee nor
(doth he find) a:;ar~~~~~et:e exp.ected gifts ~xcept ~~~~h n~~
~ost Merciful of those /~~ his losses except Thee, 0 the
mJght, no power but from AlHih s~~w H~ercy. There is no
"0 A11ah, prefer not t
: e Igh, the Great.
me witih ?rdeals as a last aff~~n(~sf mel!;adily nor to try
H ere
Implore Tb
my lie), 0 my M
unto Thee with req~ees~~thi s~~~~ation, I direct m;}~~~
Y place my forehead


1 Cf. Q., vi. 131.

(lit., face) low (on to the ground). Therefore accept my
prayer, improve of my affairs that is corrupt, cut short
my worries and needs in this world. Grant me love for
what is with Thee. Change me into those who are
(favourably) mentioned before Thee-those whose prayers
are accepted, those whose pleas are established, whose
sins are pardoned, whose pilgrimage is accepted, whose
slips are struck off, whose adversaries are routed, whose
affair is on the right. (Change me into those who) do
not disobey Thy command, and do not commit any sin
thereafter and who have not to bear any burden (of sins).
(Change me into those) whose tongues hast Thou made
meritorious by Thy mention, whose bodies hast Thou
cleansed from impurities, in whose hearts hast Thou
deposited (right) direction, whose breasts hast Thou opened
(to receive the faith) of Islam, whose eyes bast Thou cooled
with Thy pleasure and forgiveness before death, whose
sight hast Thou protected from vices, whose souls hast
Thou utilised in Thy path (of Jihad).
"I implore Thee not to place me (among those who
are) in Tby sight the wretched of Thy sinning creatures,
nor (among those who are) according to Thee the unsuccessful of those who hope, nor (among those who) hold
hopes for Thy mercy but deprived of it, nor (among) the
most losing of those who return from this grand muster,
0 my Master 0 the Lord of the worlds.
"0 Allah, I have called upon Thee with the invocation
that Thou hast taught me. Therefore disallow me not the
hope that Thou hast caused me to recognise, 0 Thou
whom obedience can do not profit, nor whom disobedience
can do any harm.

Cause me to love Thy obedience and to act accordingly

as hast Thou done with Thy friends till they could see
(for themselves) the reward for it, and as hast Thou directed
me unto Islam. Therefore draw it not away from me till
Thou snatcbest away (my soul) unto Thee, in a state that
I (profess) it.
''0 Allah, make the faith amiable unto me and prepare
the same in my heart, and render infidility, iniquity and


disobedience hateful unto me : and (thereby) cause me to

walk in the right way.l
"0 Allah, close our 'ajals (i.e., fixed terms of life)
with good (deeds on our part) : establish our hopes with
Thy grace. Make our paths easy (for us) to reach Thy
pleasure. Grant beauty (of nobility) to our acts in all
their aspects. 0 Thou the saviour of the drowning,
0 Thou the refuge of the perishing : 0 Thou the witness
of all whispers, 0 Thou the final aim of all complaints.
0 Thou the Eternal Benefactor. 0 Thou Continuously
Gracious. 0 Thou without whom nothing can do, and
who is inevitable for all things. 0 Thou on whom
depends the subsistence of all things and to whom everything shall have to return ! Towards Thee are lifted the
hands of the implorers and (unto Thee) are stretched
the necks of the worshippers (i.e., expecting to receive
favour). We implore Thee to place us in Thy protection,
Thy bounty, Thy custody, Thy refuge, Thy cover (of
safety) and Tlly peace.
''0 Allah, we fly to Thy refuge from the efforts of
calamity, from the approach of wretchedness, from the
rejoicing of the foes (on our affliction), from wrong
thinking, and from inversion in respect of the family, the
property and the children.
"0 Allah, leave not (for us) here in this muster, any
of our sins but that Thou hast forgiven it, nor any of our
worries but that Thou hast repelled it, nor any loss of ours
but that Thon hast retrieved it, nor any grief but that
Thou hast dispelled it, nor any debt but that Thou hast
(arranged) to pay it, nor any enemy but that Thou bast
protected (us) from him, nor any evil but that Thou hast
set it aright, nor any of our patients but that Thou hast
granted him recovery, nor any snag but that Thou hast
closed it, nor any of the desires of this world and of the
Hereafter but that Thou bast satisfied it to Thy pleasure
~nd to our advantage. For, verily, Thou directest on the
(right) path, Thou setest the broken (bones), and grantest
wealth to the poor.
1. Cf. Q., xlix. 7.

inevitably to meet Thee.

"0 Allah, verily w~hhav~ur excuse accepted, and ou~
Therefor~ make un~~owle~ege ample and our endeavou
sins forgiVen, our
fi 0 d refuoe in Thy surv1v1llg
"May my perishable face
d f h;nour and might.
face self-subsisting and possesse t ~ me from Thee when
'o Allah let not any one s o one give me when Thou
wilt m~ (it), and l~t not an~ot (of Thy graces) on
(that). Depnve me . (Thee) . and desert me
W1lt not rn~
remiss in thanktng
~~~o;:r\a~k ~!?patience on my par\he best of the bidden
''0 Allah, make d~atb (f~r ~~! grave the best of ~~
things which. we ;:~~~u~~ inhabit, and make for us w a
dwellings wh 1ch
follows that better tha~ t m~ and tforgive) my parenV a(~:
,, 0 y Lord, forgiVe
d (forgive) my w1 e

rny chil:ren, ant ~~r~:th=~~ f~rgiv~) the _belie;;~; ~~~

:!~e~h:~~u:VlngP~~rne(A~f~~ th:nr~~~m~~~:~ who resign


1thern~~~esw~~ are living an~ a~:i~;~~~t

shall busy

them.~~v~liah, I irnplor~ Thee ~~~i!f etill I should know thha~

d for the smcere

k rne except w a
rny heart, an aftliction) shall overta.t~ Thy (irreversible)
(no favour ~
e Content rne ":
world with
Thou hast ~ ~~~~ U:O~ (struggle) tg(~~~ ~~)e in matters of
decree, an
d ontentrnent, an
tongue frorn
rn acts frorn
contin.ence. an ~dience (to Th~e): Cle~nse
the fatth dw1th d~Y heart from 1nstnc~r~i from ~ishonesty'
falsehoo_ ' an d show, and m)l
the eyes and wha~
ostentation an
t the dishonesty o
for Thou knowes
h' world
(men'~) bArell~s~s ~:c:e;cY. for mydremthot~~;s~~ ~i~~uietud~
' 0
a '
t the time of ea '
for rny overthror f~r rny presence before ~e~hee is peace
in rny grAavlle!hanThou art Peace, aTnhd fr~nd exalted is Thy
a '
Blessed art
d of glory and honour.
(for. the
ty 0 Thou possesse
rnaJeS '
. lhya', i. 224.




cr. Q., xl. 20.

"O Allah, Thou art the Kin

of worship except Thee .

d gi
ere 1s none worthy
acted wrongly to myself an~ I a~ Thy seryant : I have
me my sins, for none shall f
. co~ es~ my sms . Forgive
direct me on the b t
orgJve t e sms but Thee. And
direct so except Thee e: ;~~ners, for none shall be able to
of them, for none ~ha~I lVert me aw~y from the vicious
v;cious of them except Th be able to dtvert (me) from the
''Mayest Thou be ha
d .
Thy hands. I turn unto th~e~n aJded ! All good is in

~~ A!Hih keep me alive as Ion

my hvmg IS good (and worthy)

~ as m Thy know.ledge
Thou knowest that death . 'ban cause me to die when
that I. sho~ld set my affair ar~~ht ettg for me. Lead me so

rant me refuge from

the m1sch1ef of my soul.


"0 Allah, make the end f 11

grant us refuge from the w
?ur affaJrs noble, anti
of the Hereafter Thy
orfd Y dJsgrace and the torment
. this
wor ld , for my humblemercy
t or
. my rem o t enesss m
my solitude in the rave en reatJes at the time of death, for
the day of Judgme1t). ' for my presence before Tllee (on
"0 Allah, I implore Tbe
blessed name-which 1
e tn Thy pure, clean and
FY that (name) Thou 1'n:!~er~~hT~ee ;he: Thou art invoked
or Thy mercy by that na
' an w en Thou art asked
Thou art asked (by that
me Thou art merciful and when
tress) Thou grantest it-~ame) to grant relief (from dispoverty, indigence hu ~g?nt me refuge from infidelity
di~eases and needs: and~lla0 ~~n, agment, ~nd all types of
I lll_lplore Thee for (all)
d er .s ortco!llu~gs and griefs.
endtngs, and its whole .~oofi' lts begJnnJngs and its
and its interior and all the: }r rst and the last, its exterior
''0 AWh 1 .
o Jest grades.
a Implore Thee (to
powerful assistance becomin
. gra~ me) early relief
u.seful . knowledge ~nd am I g Cthenc~, cl~~n v~ctory, vast
!Ion Without any aftlictionp ~att es~.d provJswn m preservatmplore Thee to preserve
fen mg thereunto). I also
I also implore Thee t me rom all types of misfortune.
----_..:_o grant me full and complete

Cf. Q., ii. 182.

2. Cf. Q., Jxx. 5.

preservation and (ability to offer Thee) thanks for this

''0 Allah, Grant unto me (a share) of Thy fear, with

which Thou shouldst intervene between me and Thy
disobedience, and (a share) of Thy obedience with which
Thou shouldst lead me unto Thy Garden, and also (a
share) of faith with which Thou shouldst make easy for me
the troubles of this world. And 0 Allah, let me enjoy my
hearing and sight and my faith long, and make them heir
from me. Prepare a retaliation for me against those who
oppress me. Grant me assistance against those who are
inimical unto me. Make not (the affairs of) the world my
foremost aim, nor (should they be) the farthest attainment
of my knowledge, nor my going hence to the people.
"0 Allah, I implore Thee in the (name of) brightness
of Thy Noble Face and of Thy grand Power, (to grant me)
true penitence, sincere return (to AlHih), complete
repentence, overwhelming love, an earnest desire for Thee,
a wish (to receive bliss) that is with Thee, an immediate
relief (from distress), vast provision, a tongue fresh with
mention of Thy name, a heart delighted with thanking
Thee, a body staid and soft with Thy obedience. Grant
us what eyes have seen naught, what ears have heard
naught, and what hath ever flashed not in the mind of a
"0 Allah, we fty to Thee for refuge from need except
Thine, from humility except in Thy respect, from fear
except Thine.
"I seek Thy refuge from telling a lie, from concealing
an act of impiety, from being deluded concerning Thee.
"We seek refuge with Thee from the rejoicing of the
enemies (over our loss), from incurability of the disease,
from the frustration of hopes, from the decline of favours,
from the surprise visitatio n of punishment, 0 Thou who
bath opened his gate for the seekers, who bath shown his
wealth unto those who crave it, who hath granted eloquence
to those who are short of it. Ins,1ire us with what Thou
hast inspired Thy righteous servants. Awake us from


the slumber of the negligent, for Thou art the Noble Giver,
the Mighty Helper.
"0 Allah, nothing shall hide our vices but Thy
gracious turning : nothing shall forgive our sins except
Thy vast (and unlimited) kindness and forgiveness.
Place us among those who fear (Thee) and are pious.
Cause us to follow the path of Thy servants who are the
best (of people). Inspire us with our right direction.
Grant us our share of what pleaseth Thee. Despair us
not on account of our sins : and cast us not away on
account of our vices. Sever us not from Thy piety and
cause us not to forget Thy mention.
Forgive us of our sins that we might earn. Pardon
us for any of our remiss in Thy obedience or in than king
Thee. Cause us to continue sticking to the path unto
Thee Grant us light whereby we may find true direction
unto Thee. Provide us with the sweet and pleasant taste
of speaking in secret discourse unto Thee. Cause us to
follow the path (leading to) Thy pleasure : and sever from
us all that should take us away from doing service unto
Thee, and from Thy obedience. Save us from our pitfalls and follies. Inspire us with our right direction.
Make true our expectations concerning Thee. Hide our
{failings) in this world and in the Hereafter. Raise us
along the group of those who fear {Thee). Join us with
Tby servants who are ri ghteous.l
"0 Allah, place us along the noble leaders and cause
us to dwell with them in the mansion that abideth:2 and
make us . not amoug those who oppose (Thy commands)
and are wtcked. Grace us with the good entrance unto
Thy presence, with Thy audience, with alacrity to serve
Thee, with the best of manners that we should observe
in. dealing with ~bee, with submission to Thy Command,
w~th cont.entment m respect of Thy (irreversible) decree,
With patience (to bear) the trial from Thee, with gratitude
(to .Thee) for Thy f!lvour. Grant us refuge from the
(vanous) types of mtsfortune, grant us (power) to act like

cr. Q., xii. 102.


cr. Q. , xl. 42.

the pious; grant us also (the power to ~tand) the Day ~f

Thy meeting, 0 Thou on whom is reliance and who Is
"0 Allah betake us to the paths of those who prosper.
Clothe us with the robes of true faith and beli.ef: Devote
particularly for us (a share) of the clear (dlVlne) help.
Grant us (power) to speak the truth and to follow tt.
Save us from falsehood and its authorship (on our I?art).
Lend us Thy assistance and make not any of the Wicked
overcome us. Set for us an easy life and let. n?t an enemy
and an envier ever rejoice over (our aflhctwn). Grant
us useful knowledge, accepted acts, intelligent mind, pure
nature, and recovery from all types of ailment.
"0 Allah, Treat us with Thy forgiveness : oblige . us
with Thy grace and favour . Deliver us fro~ the Ftre.
Save us from (entering into) the abode of dtsgrace and
perdition. With Thy grac~, cause us enter the Gard~n,
the mansion of firm contmuance. .Plac~ us along. wtth
those to whom Thou hast been gractous m the mauston of
Thy pleasure.
''0 Allah, make not this visit my last visit ~o thts
grand muster and deal o~t to me return to thts (holy
place) several times by Thy tmmense grace : and (th~reby)
make me hare a person who prospereth and who enJoyeth
(Thy) mercy, whose invoca.ti<;m hat~ ?een answered, and who
hath succeeded in (obtammg) dtvme acceptance, pleasure
(of Allah), connivance and. forg_iveness, and a~ pie lawful
provision. Grant me blessmg m all my affaus and a~so
in those to whom I shall (shortly) return-of my family,
my property and my children.
''0 our Lord, give us good in this world and also good
in the next world, and deliver us from the torment o~ (Hell-)
Fire.l Forgive us and our parents, and. our postenty, and
our brothers, and our families. (Forgtve also) t~ose of
the Muslims who are present and are absent-wtth Thy
mercy-0 the Most Merciful of those who sh.ew mer?Y
May Allah send blessings on Mul)ammad and hts postenty
and all his Companions."
1. Q., ii. 197.



Farewell Prayer (to be recited) at 'Arafat :

"0 Allah, Make not this visit (of mine) the last one
to this muster. Grant me success in (obtaining Thy)
acceptance and pleasure. Deal out to me (Thy) blessing
in the matters to which I shall presently return-my
family and my property."
Prayer (to be recited) at the Mash'ar al-haram after
the Dawn prayers. The pilgrim may or may not climb the
hill. He should open his prayers with this formula.
_...Sl .ii.IIJ .ii.ll ":11 ~ll '}_, 4il ..x ..,.JI ( : All praise is due to Allah.
There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Allah is
great), and then recite :
''0 Allah, in the manner hast Thou brought us here
to stand and see this (Mash'ar al-]:laram), so do Thee
grant us the good luck to mention Thy name as Thou
hast directed us. Forgive us and be merciful to us as
hast Thou promised with us, by pronouncing Thy true
word:And when ye pour swiftly on from 'Arafat, remember
Allah near the Mash'ar al-]:laram, and remember Him for
that He hath guided you, although ye were before this
of the number of those who go astray. Then pass on
quickly where the people quickly pass, and ask pardon
of Allah. For Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.-1
"0 Allah, we implore Thee, 0 Forgiving, 0 Merci1ul,
to open unto our invocations the gates of acceptance
(in answer). 0 Thou, who answereth the oppressed when
they cry to Him.2 0 Thou who should decree a thing :
Be, and it is.3
"0 Allah, we have come unto Thee in a procession
seeking Thy intercession for-giveness of our sins. Send us
not back in despair. (On the other hand) grant us the
best Thou deal out to Thy righteous servants. Let us not
return from this grand Mash'ar but successful and
prosperous-not disgraced, nor regretful, nor . misguided
1. Q., ii. 192-193.
2. Cf. Q., xxvii. 63.
3. Cf. Q., ii. Ill; iii. 42, 52; vi . 72; xvi. 42; xix . 36; xxxvi. 82; xl. 70.

nor misguiding, 0 the Most Merciful of those who shew

"0 Allah, grace us with (true) guidance. Save us
from all the means of ignorance and destruction. Preserve
us from the evil (intentions) of the hearts, for they are
the worst of enemies. Place us among those whom Thou
bast received kindly, and turn (us) away from everyone
other than Thee. Betake us unto Thee with Thy own
hands. Take mercy on our humble supplications (which
we make) before Thee.
"0 our Allah, set us aright if we swerve (or go astray)
and help us when we are aright. Be to our help and be
not against us. Keep us living in this world as believers,
obedient , and cause us to die as Muslims, returning (unto
Thee). Make us firm in the time of questioning and
make us of the number of those who would carry their
books in their right hand,l Place us on the Day of great
terror among the people in peace, and gran~ us, 0 Allah,
to enjoy looking into Thy Noble Face- by vtrtue of Thy
mercy-0 the Most Merciful of those who shew mercy."
The pilgrim- may continue mentioning the name of Allah
for a good time and should also recite: ... ~..\l l J \.;j'T \~u.
Farewell-Prayer (to be recited) on leaving Muzdalifa.
"0 Allah, This is Muzdalifa, where Thou hast
collected the hearts to reconcile. Therefore reconcile me
with all the men who believe and the women who believe.
Make me of the number who call upon Thee and Thou
answerest them and of those who trust in Thee and Thou
art sufficient ~nto them, and also of those who believe in
Thee and Thou directest them ."
Prayer of Mina :
"0 Allah, This is Mina, Grant (Thy) favours unto
me which Thou hast granted unto Thy friends and unto
those who are obedient to Thee.
"Glory be to Him whose Throne is i!l the heaven.
Glory be to Him whose complete sway ts on the earth.
I. Cf. Q. , Ixix. 19.

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