Hajj Prayer Book
Hajj Prayer Book
Hajj Prayer Book
Mawlana M. N. Ehsan Elahie Rana
M.A., Ph D. (Pb.). Ph.D. (Cantab.)
the boundary of the Harem are passed. The dusk falls
and torches are lit. Here the Maghrib- and 'Ishii'prayers are combined together, and the night is spent.
~ilgrim' 5 ~raptr=1ook
Prayer (to be recited) during the seventh Round :
b t w on me) perfect
''0 Allah, I implore Thee to ( .e~ o a humble heart,
Q. xii. 102.
ded us. Verily Thou wilt not fail Tby promise. 1 0 our
Lord, we have, indeed, heard of a preacher inviting (us)
to the faith-'Belive on your Lord'-and we have believed.
Therefore, our Lord, forgive us our sins and expiate our
evil deeds from us and cause us to die with the righteous.
0 our Lord, give us also (the reward) which Thou hast
promised us by Thine Apostles and put us not to shame
on the day of resurrection, for Thou art not contrary to the
promise. 2
"0 our Lord, in Thee do we trust and unto Thee do
we turn. And before Thee shall we be assembled (hereafter).3 0 our Lord forgive us and our brethren who
have preceded us in the faith, and put not into hearts
ill-will against those who believe. 0 our Lord, verily Thou
art Compassinate, Merciful.4
"0 our Lord, make our light perfect and forgive us,
for Thou hast power over all things.s
"0 AlHih, I beg of Thee all good, (that may come)
soon or late. I also seek Thy refuge from all (types of)
evil, (that may come) soon or late. I also seek Thy
forgiveness of my sin, and I beseech Thy mercy.
''0 my Lord, increase knowledge unto me.6
"0 Allah my Lord, suffer not my heat to go astray
after that Thou hast once guided me, and grant me mercy
from before Thee, for verily Thou art He who giveth.7
"0 Allah, preserve me in respect of my hearing and
"There is none worthy of worship except Thee.
0 Allah, I seek Thy refuge from the torment of the grave.
"There is none worthy of worship but Thee. 0 Allah,
Glory be unto Thee. Verily I have been one of the evil
"0 Allah, I seek Thy refuge from infidelity and
destitution. 0 Allah, I seek the refuge of Thy pleasure
from Thy anger. (I also seek the refuge of) Thy forgiveQ., iii. 192.
Q., iii. 190-192.
3. Q., lx. 4.
7. Q., iii. 6.
8. Q., xxi. 87.
Q . ii. 153 .
Q., xix. 4.
of (Hell-) Fire. 0 my God, I have no power (to defend
me) from Thy anger, nor patience (to endure) Thy chastisement. There is no satisfaction for me without Thy mercy,
nor a ny power (against) trial, nor even power to exert. I
seek refuge with Thy pleasure from Thy a nger and from
Thy surprising punishment. 0 my hope, 0 mv (great)
expectation, 0 Thou the best one implored, 0 Thou the
most liberal of those who give. 0 Thou whose mercy
outweighs his anger. 0 my Lord,_ 0, my Master, 0 my
confidence, 0 my hope, 0 Thou m whom I repose my
"0 Allah, 0 Thou whose (attenti on) i? not to be
distracted by one hearing from nr: other, and IS not (to be)
confused by the (different) invocations : 0 Thou who is
not to be disturbed by the (varied) appeals, nor do the
diversified languages create (difficulty) for him. 0 Thou
who is not to be annoye d by pertinacity of the importunate
beggars nor is to be frustrated by the dem~nds o_f t~ose
who implore: give us to taste Thy cool (z.e., sat1sfymg)
forgiv,e ness. and Thy sweet remission (of sins), 0 the Most
Merciful of those who shew mercy.
"0 AlHih, I have come unto Thee, and am standing
before Thee in this Noble Place in the hope to receive
(favour) from Thee : do not therefore disappoint me today:
(but) grace me with (the grant of entra nce to) the G arden
and favour me with forgiveness and preservation: accord
me refuge from the Fire, and d rive off from me the
mischief of (those things) which Thou hast created.
"(All) my hopes are cut off except in respect of Thee :
all the doors are closed (on me) except Thine. Therefore
entrust me not to anyone oi her tha n Thyself in matters
of my faith and in those of this world for a single blink, nor
eveu for a moment lesser tha n it. T ake me out of, the
meanness of disobedience into the nobili ty of (Thy)
obedience. Illumine my heart and my grave. Grant me
refuge from all (types of) evil and rally for me all (types
of1 good, 0 the noblest of those who are i mplored, and
the most beautiful of those who give.
"0 Allah, by virtue of Thy light are we rightly guided,
and by virtue of Thy grace do we feel satisfied. In Thy
satisfaction . poor .
(lit., face) low (on to the ground). Therefore accept my
prayer, improve of my affairs that is corrupt, cut short
my worries and needs in this world. Grant me love for
what is with Thee. Change me into those who are
(favourably) mentioned before Thee-those whose prayers
are accepted, those whose pleas are established, whose
sins are pardoned, whose pilgrimage is accepted, whose
slips are struck off, whose adversaries are routed, whose
affair is on the right. (Change me into those who) do
not disobey Thy command, and do not commit any sin
thereafter and who have not to bear any burden (of sins).
(Change me into those) whose tongues hast Thou made
meritorious by Thy mention, whose bodies hast Thou
cleansed from impurities, in whose hearts hast Thou
deposited (right) direction, whose breasts hast Thou opened
(to receive the faith) of Islam, whose eyes bast Thou cooled
with Thy pleasure and forgiveness before death, whose
sight hast Thou protected from vices, whose souls hast
Thou utilised in Thy path (of Jihad).
"I implore Thee not to place me (among those who
are) in Tby sight the wretched of Thy sinning creatures,
nor (among those who are) according to Thee the unsuccessful of those who hope, nor (among those who) hold
hopes for Thy mercy but deprived of it, nor (among) the
most losing of those who return from this grand muster,
0 my Master 0 the Lord of the worlds.
"0 Allah, I have called upon Thee with the invocation
that Thou hast taught me. Therefore disallow me not the
hope that Thou hast caused me to recognise, 0 Thou
whom obedience can do not profit, nor whom disobedience
can do any harm.
shall busy
"O Allah, Thou art the Kin
preservation and (ability to offer Thee) thanks for this
the slumber of the negligent, for Thou art the Noble Giver,
the Mighty Helper.
"0 Allah, nothing shall hide our vices but Thy
gracious turning : nothing shall forgive our sins except
Thy vast (and unlimited) kindness and forgiveness.
Place us among those who fear (Thee) and are pious.
Cause us to follow the path of Thy servants who are the
best (of people). Inspire us with our right direction.
Grant us our share of what pleaseth Thee. Despair us
not on account of our sins : and cast us not away on
account of our vices. Sever us not from Thy piety and
cause us not to forget Thy mention.
Forgive us of our sins that we might earn. Pardon
us for any of our remiss in Thy obedience or in than king
Thee. Cause us to continue sticking to the path unto
Thee Grant us light whereby we may find true direction
unto Thee. Provide us with the sweet and pleasant taste
of speaking in secret discourse unto Thee. Cause us to
follow the path (leading to) Thy pleasure : and sever from
us all that should take us away from doing service unto
Thee, and from Thy obedience. Save us from our pitfalls and follies. Inspire us with our right direction.
Make true our expectations concerning Thee. Hide our
{failings) in this world and in the Hereafter. Raise us
along the group of those who fear {Thee). Join us with
Tby servants who are ri ghteous.l
"0 Allah, place us along the noble leaders and cause
us to dwell with them in the mansion that abideth:2 and
make us . not amoug those who oppose (Thy commands)
and are wtcked. Grace us with the good entrance unto
Thy presence, with Thy audience, with alacrity to serve
Thee, with the best of manners that we should observe
in. dealing with ~bee, with submission to Thy Command,
w~th cont.entment m respect of Thy (irreversible) decree,
With patience (to bear) the trial from Thee, with gratitude
(to .Thee) for Thy f!lvour. Grant us refuge from the
(vanous) types of mtsfortune, grant us (power) to act like