Syllabus MCC-UE 1310 Culture and Media in Urban China

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The course provides an overview of Chinese urbanization and examines Chinese urban culture through a study of media, film, art, music and literature in the context of economic and social changes in China.

Some of the major topics covered in the course include Chinese urbanization, urban vs rural life in China, distinct aspects of Chinese urban culture, consumption and entertainment in Chinese cities, censorship and public spheres in China.

The course examines Chinese urban culture by focusing on the analysis of concepts like public space, consumption, entertainment and changing family structures. It also compares American and Chinese urban culture and analyzes representations of 'the rural' in urban China through different media.

New York University

Department of Media, Culture, and Communication

Culture and Media in Urban China
MCC-UE 1310.001




Lily Chumley

Dept. of Media, Culture, and Communication

Classroom location: TBD
239 Greene Street, 7th Fl

Class meeting times: TBD

Course Overview
China has long been described as a rural nationaccording to widely cited UN
urbanization statistics, only 40 percent of Chinese people live in cities, compared with
80 percent of Americans. But in China, there are at least 20 municipalities as large as
New York (with more than 8 million people), and Chinese small towns are often
denser, busier and taller than American cities. Urbanity is rapidly spreading in China,
as new towns appear and old cities grow, and rural people increasingly spend years or
decades working in urban centers. Civilized (wenming) urbanity is an object of desire,
for individuals and for the state, but contemporary urban life is also frequently depicted
in terms of post-socialist alienation and commodified vice.[1]


Course Description
What does it mean to be urban in China and how is Chinese urbanism mediated by new
cultural formations? In this course we will examine the culture and media that define city
life in China, including Chinese state and popular media, television and film, music,
fashion, verbal art and literature (in print and online) and visual art. We will focus on the
period from the building booms of the mid-to-late nineties to the present. Students will
work in teams to make presentations on urban culture, and use primary sources in
translation and secondary sources to write individual essays. Chinese language ability
appreciated but by no means required.


Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
-- Identify key aspects of the cultural life and political economy of the Peoples Republic
of China.
--Describe distinctive aspects of urban life, culture, and media in China.
--Apply theoretical concepts of cultural analysis, urban theory, political economic theory,
and media studies to the study of China.
--Analyze concepts of public space and public/private in the Chinese context.
--Compare differences between American and Chinese urban culture.
--Develop research abilities and approaches through in-depth individual research projects.


Course Details
Over the first four weeks, we will discuss Chinese urbanization and its role in the history
of post-socialist reform and opening up, the urban/rural divide, policies promoting
urbanization, Beijing and Shanghai as antipodal models of urbanity, space, and changing
family relations. In week 5, students will divide into groups of 4, and give presentations
on various aspects of urban culture. In weeks 6-7, we will look at urban life in China
thematically, focusing on different aspects of the city: work, the regulation of desire,
conspicuous consumption, guanxi and face. In week 8, we will return to the rural,
considering the discursive roles of the image of the farmer in the urban China, in recent
film, television and propaganda. In weeks 9-15, we will look at specific media formations
and their role in creating urban culture: film, visual art, independent music, literary and
popular publishing, as well as propaganda and state media, examining issues of public
spheres and censorship.



Throughout the term, students will be reading and conducting research in preparation for
the group presentation and individual research proposals, and will be expected to draw on
their growing knowledge in class discussions. At the end of the term readings will
become progressively lighter, with an increasing focus on multi-media sources, such as
film, music, art, webpages, etc. Readings will introduce students to an array of theoretical
approaches to the city, although we will not be reading theory as such. Class
discussions and the research project will encourage students to think about methodology:
finding a topic at a distance, defining a fieldsite within the city, and analyzing different
kinds of texts, from news articles to statistics, from websites to pop songs. At the end
of the course, we will gather the group presentations together into a reference booklet on
Chinese urbanization.


This class is appropriate for students with a variety of linguistic and academic
backgrounds. For students who are not familiar with China, this class will serve as a basic
introduction to China. Students with little or no Chinese ability will conduct research for
their teams using sources such as English-language ethnographies and other academic
sources, as well as and government websites, journalism, visual art, photoblogs and films
with English subtitles. Students who are familiar with China and/or a Chinese language
can use this class as an opportunity to develop their own projects and to practice
conducting research in Chinese (students with native or second-year Chinese will be
expected to make use of at least one Chinese-language text in each assignment).


Required Texts
Tang, Wenfang, and William L. Parish. Chinese Urban Life under Reform: the Changing
Social Contract. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2000. Print.
Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui. Gifts, Favors, and Banquets: the Art of Social Relationships in
China. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2004. Print.

Zhang, Li. Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks
within China's Floating Population. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2001. Print.
*All other readings will be made available on Blackboard.



Week 3: Group Presentations Each group will give a 20-minute presentation on

some form of culture or media that is important in the city, drawing from widely
available materials, such as news about events in cities around China (topics will be
selected in consultation with the teacher). Presentations should use Powerpoint;
please include relevant images/sound. The most essential part of this assignment,
however, is not the presentation but the bibliography: in addition to a list of
references cited, the group will put together a 3-4 page bibliography for further
reading on the topic (1 page per person in the group). The bibliography is a list of
citationsstudents are not expected to have read the works listed at this point.


Week 9: Research Proposals: Over the next six weeks, each student will choose
texts from the group bibliography and use this reading to develop a 2-3 page proposal
for a research project on a particular event/organization/art form/media outlet/place/
phenomenon/industry etc. In Weeks 5 and 7, the teacher will meet with each group to
discuss their progress. Individual research proposals are due in class in Week 9.


Final: Essay: Each student will write a 10-12 page essay based on his/her research
proposal, analyzing primary sources (in English or Chinese depending on ability)
such as newspapers, magazines, blogs and websites, advertisements, propaganda
campaigns, films or short stories, artworks or songs.

Extra Credit: Film: Chinese films (many with English subtitles) will be available with
the instructor.


25% City Report + Presentation
25% Group Proposal + Presentation
25% Final (Individual) Essay
25% Preparation, Attendance and Participation


Evaluation Rubric
A= Excellent
This work is comprehensive and detailed, integrating themes and concepts from
discussions, lectures and readings. Writing is clear, analytical and organized. Arguments
offer specific examples and concisely evaluate evidence. Students who earn this grade are
prepared for class, synthesize course materials and contribute insightfully.
This work is complete and accurate, offering insights at general level of understanding.
Writing is clear, uses examples properly and tends toward broad analysis. Classroom
participation is consistent and thoughtful.

This work is correct but is largely descriptive, lacking analysis. Writing is vague and at
times tangential. Arguments are unorganized, without specific examples or analysis.
Classroom participation is inarticulate.


D= Unsatisfactory
This work is incomplete, and evidences little understanding of the readings or
discussions. Arguments demonstrate inattention to detail, misunderstand course material
and overlook significant themes. Classroom participation is spotty, unprepared and off


A = 94-100
A- = 90-93
B+ = 87-89
B = 84-86
B- = 80-83
C+ = 77-79
C = 74-76
C- = 70-73
D+ = 65-69
D = 60-64
F = 0-59


This grade indicates a failure to participate and/or incomplete assignments


Absences and Lateness
More than two unexcused absences will automatically result in a lower grade. Chronic
lateness will also be reflected in your evaluation of participation. Regardless of the reason
for your absence you will be responsible for any missed work. Travel arrangements do
not constitute a valid excuse for rescheduling exams. There are no extra credit
assignments for this class.


Please type and double-space your written work. Typing improves the clarity and
readability of your work and double-spacing allows room for me to comment. Please
also number and staple multiple pages. You are free to use your preferred citation style.
Please use it consistently throughout your writing. If sending a document electronically,
please name the file in the following format Yourlastname Coursenumber
Grade Appeals
Please allow two days to pass before you submit a grade appeal. This gives you time to
reflect on my assessment. If you still want to appeal your grade, please submit a short

but considered paragraph detailing your concerns. Based on this paragraph I will review
the question and either augment your grade or refine my explanation for the lost points.

General Decorum
Slipping in late or leaving early, sleeping, text messaging, surfing the Internet, doing
homework in class, eating, etc. are distracting and disrespectful to all participants in the


Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
The relationship between students and faculty is the keystone of the educational
experience at New York University in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and
Human Development. This relationship takes an honor code for granted and mutual trust,
respect, and responsibility as foundational requirements. Thus, how you learn is as
important as what you learn. A university education aims not only to produce highquality scholars, but to also cultivate honorable citizens.



Academic integrity is the guiding principle for all that you do, from taking exams to
making oral presentations to writing term papers. It requires that you recognize and
acknowledge information derived from others and take credit only for ideas and work
that are yours.

You violate the principle of academic integrity when you

cheat on an exam,
submit the same work for two different courses without prior permission from your
receive help on a takehome examination that calls for independent work, or


Plagiarism, one of the gravest forms of academic dishonesty in university life, whether
intended or not, is academic fraud. In a community of scholars, whose members are
teaching, learning, and discovering knowledge, plagiarism cannot be tolerated.


Plagiarism is failure to properly assign authorship to a paper, a document, an oral

presentation, a musical score, and/or other materials that are not your original work. You
plagiarize when, without proper attribution, you do any of the following:
copy verbatim from a book, an article, or other media;
download documents from the Internet;
purchase documents;
report from others oral work;
paraphrase or restate someone elses facts, analysis, and/or conclusions; or
copy directly from a classmate or allow a classmate to copy from you.
Your professors are responsible for helping you to understand other people's ideas, to use
resources and conscientiously acknowledge them, and to develop and clarify your own

thinking. You should know what constitutes good and honest scholarship, style guide
preferences, and formats for assignments for each of your courses. Consult your
professors for help with problems related to fulfilling course assignments, including
questions related to attribution of sources.

Avoiding Academic Dishonesty


Organize your time appropriately to avoid undue pressure, and acquire good study
habits, including note taking.
Learn proper forms of citation. Always check with your professors of record for
their preferred style guides. Directly copied material must always be in quotes;
paraphrased material must be acknowledged; even ideas and organization derived
from your own previous work or another's work need to be acknowledged.
Always proofread your finished work to be sure that quotation marks, footnotes
and other references were not inadvertently omitted. Know the source of each
Do not submit the same work for more than one class without first obtaining the
permission of both professors even if you believe that work you have already
completed satisfies the requirements of another assignment.
Save your notes and drafts of your papers as evidence of your original work.



Through reading, writing, and discussion, you will undoubtedly acquire ideas from
others, and exchange ideas and opinions with others, including your classmates and
professors. You will be expected, and often required, to build your own work on that of
other people. In so doing, you are expected to credit those sources that have contributed
to the development of your ideas.


Disciplinary Sanctions
When a professor suspects cheating, plagiarism, and/or other forms of academic
dishonesty, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken following the department
procedure or through referral to the Committee on Student Discipline.
Departmental Procedure

The Professor will meet with the student to discuss, and present evidence for the
particular violation, giving the student opportunity to refute or deny the charge(s).
If the Professor confirms the violation(s), he/she, in consultation with the Program
Director and Department Chair may take any of the following actions:
o Allow the student to redo the assignment
o Lower the grade for the work in question
o Assign a grade of F for the work in question
o Assign a grade of F for the course
o Recommend dismissal


Once an action(s) is taken, the Professor will inform the Program Director and
Department Chair, and inform the student in writing, instructing the student to schedule

an appointment with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, as a final step. Copies of the
letter will be sent to the Department Chair for his/her confidential student file and the
Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The student has the right to appeal the action taken in
accordance with the School's Student Complaint Procedure as outlined in The Steinhardt
School of Culture, Education, and Human Development Student's Guide.


Referral to the Steinhardt Committee on Student Discipline

In cases when dismissal is recommended, and in cases of repeated violations and/or
unusual circumstances, faculty may choose to refer the issue to the Committee on Student
Discipline for resolution, which they may do through the Office of the Associate Dean
for Student Affairs.
The Steinhardt School Statement on Academic Integrity is consistent with the New York
University Policy on Student Conduct, published in the NYU Student Guide.



Students with physical or learning disabilities are required to register with the
Moses Center for Students with Disabilities, 726 Broadway, 2nd Floor, (212-9984980) and are required to present a letter from the Center to the instructor at the
start of the semester in order to be considered for appropriate accommodation.
Writing Center: 269 Mercer Street, Room 233. Schedule an appointment online at or just walk-in.

Weekly Schedule


Week 1: Urbanization


Day 1: Introduction to the Class. Mini-Lecture: Definitions of the urban and rural;
problem with comparative statistics; ancient Chinese urbanity; contemporary
urbanization and the push away from the agricultural economy, 1980-present.
In-class readings: Urban World: Harmonious Cities: China and India in
Focus UN Habitat No. 1 2008
Re-examining Chinas Urban Concept and the Level of Urbanization L. Zhang
and Simon Zhao, China Quarterly 1998
Handout in class: Chinas Population: New Trends and Challenges Population
Bulletin June 2004

Day 2: Urban-Rural Migration: Going to the country during the Cultural Revolution;
coming to the city in the Reform Era; the Urban-Rural Divide
Yan Hairong, Spectralization of the Rural: Reinterpreting the labor mobility of
rural young women in post-Mao China American Ethnologist 30: 2003
Socialist and Market Social Contracts in Tang and Parish, 2000, Chinese
Urban Life Under Reform


Choose Groups
Film: Little Wu
Week 2: People and Stone: Models and Types of Chinese City


Day 1: Old City Walls and New City Sprawl

Reading: G. Guldin, Desakotas and beyond: Urbanization in South
China Ethnology 35, 1996
The Urban Social World in Tang and Parish, 2000, Chinese Urban Life
Under Reform
Reading: Li Zhang, Strangers in the City Chapter 2
Newspaper articles on the decade-long construction boom (and crash)



Day 2: Beijing and Shanghai: Cultural/Political Center and Financial Center

Lecture on Beijings expansion/transformation and ongoing political and cultural
centrality; on Shanghais colonial history and role in Chinese imagination, as well
as contemporary role in Chinese economy
Wu Hong, Remaking Beijing 1995 (PDF, selections)
Tang Xiaobing, Chinese Modern: The Heroic and the Quotidian Chapter 5,
Shanghai 1930 (PDF)
Film: Beijing Bicycle

Week 3: Social Divisions


Day 1: The Social Division of Cities: Cities as sites of (cultural, class, regional, and
linguistic) heterogeneity
Bian, Yanjie. Chinese Social Stratification and Social Mobility Annual Review
of Sociology Vol. 28 2002
Zhang, Qing. A Chinese Yuppie in Beijing: Phonological Variation and the
Construction of a New Professional Identity Language in Society 34 2005
Fan, Cindy. The Elites, the Natives and the Outsiders: Migration and Labor
Market Segmentation in Urban China Annals of the Association of American
Geographers Vol. 92 No. 1 2002
Day 2: Gender and Generation: 21st Century Family Relations
L. Zhang, Strangers in the City Ch. 5: Reconfigurations of Gender, Work and

Blum, Naming Practices and the Power of Words in China Language in

Society Vol. 26 No. 3 1997
Fan, Cindy. Female Marriage Migration in China Annals of the Association of
American Geographers Vol. 88 No. 2 1998
Pimental, E. Just How Do I love thee? Marital Relations in Urban
China Journal of Marriage and the Family Vol. 62, No. 1 Feb. 2000 pp. 32-47


Film: If youve got something to say, say it!

Week 4: Public and Private, Spaces and Places

Day 1: Intimacy, privacy and alienation: residence patterns in old-style houses,

dormitories and high-rise apartment buildings
Reading: D. Fraser, Inventing Oasis in Davis ed. 2000, The Consumer
Revolution in Urban China; China Times articles on construction booms; real
estate websites



Day 2: Public Place: Street, mall, bus stop, park

Reading: E. Hertz Face in the Crowd: The Cultural Construction of Anonymity
in Urban China in Chen et al ed., China Urban 2001; Washington Post, China
Times articles on the new car culture in China
Slide Show: Artist Zhou Biaos coming home series
Film: Cell Phone

Week 5: Group Presentations

Day 1: Groups 1, 2
Day 2: Groups 3, 4


Week 6: Work and Play


Day 1: Dagong: Living just enough for the city

Reading: Pun N. Becoming Dagongmei (working girls) China Journal 42 1999
Pun Ngai, Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace
Labor-Management Relations, Gender and Work in Tang and Parish,
2000, Chinese Urban Life Under Reform
In class watch TV Excerpt: Song and Dance tribute to nongmingong (workers
from the country) in the 2008 CCTV New Years Spectacular
Day 2: (Im)moderation: Practicing Desire and Control
Reading: Farquhar and Zhuang, Biopolitical Beijing: Pleasure, Sovereignity and
Self-Cultivation in Chinas Capital Cultural Anthropology20, 2005
Tang and Parish, 2000, Chinese Urban Life Under Reform selections
Zhang, Everett. The Birth of Nanke (Mens Medicine) in China: The Making of
the Subject of Desire American Ethnologist Vol. 34 No. 3 2007
Film: Durian, Durian

Week 7: Work and Play


Day 1: Restaurant culture

Reading: Yang, Mayfair 2004: Gifts, Favors and Banquets: the art of social
relationships in China
Slide show: Avant-garde artists depicting decadence
Day 2: KTV (karaoke parlors), bars, coffeeshops, bathhouses
Reading: Wang, Cultivating Friendship Through Bowling in Shenzhen and
Wank Cigarettes and Domination in Chinese Business Networks in Davis ed.
2000, The Consumer Revolution in Urban China (PDF)
Osburg, John. Engendering Wealth: Chinas New Rich and the Rise of an Elite
Masculinity Dissertation 2008

Film: Crazy Stone

Week 8: The village as the citys other


Outline of Research Proposal Due to Teacher and Group Members for Comment


Day 1: We will watch fifteen-minute selections from Happily Plowing the Fields, a
story, a TV show about contemporary rural life, and of the 2006 movie A World
Without Thieves, to reflect on thematerial and discursiveroles of the villager in
urbanized Chinese life.

Film: China 1972 (Documentary)


Day 2: Discussion of Day 1 video, Readings TBA

Draft of Research Proposal Due to Teacher and Group Members for Comment

Week 9: Discursive Walls


Day 1: The Commercialization of The Media and Government Censorship

Zhao Yuezhi, 2008, Communication in China (Chs. 1, 2, 3)
Excerpt from Documentary Film by Zhao Liang, Petition
Day 2: Propoganda (government buildboards and banners) vs. commercial advertisement
on walls and television
Reading: Geremie Barme, CCP (TM) & ADCULT PRC China Journal 41 1999
Friedman, S. Watching Twin Bracelets in China Cultural Anthropology Vol.
21 2006
Slide Show: Propaganda/Advertisement on the street in China


Week 10: Public Spheres


Day 1: Zhao Yuezhi, 2008, Communication in China (Ch.s 4, 5, 6)

Day 2: Through the Censors: AV (movies, DVDs, records), internet (blogs and online
games), and print cultures (magazines and newspapers)
Reading: Yang, G. The Internet and civil society in China: A preliminary
assessmentJournal of Contemporary China, 12(36), 453-475
Hachigan, N. Chinas Cyber-StrategyForeign AffairsVol. 80 Mar. 2001
Golub and Lingley, Just like the Qing Empire: Internet Addiction, MMOGs, and
Moral Crisis in Contemporary China
Slide Show: Artist Cao Fei
Week 11: Print/Media and Satire



Day 1: Excerpts from Mo Yans novel, The Republic of Wine and Lu Xun, Diary of a
Madman; discussion of bookshop culture in Beijing; video/audio of popular radio satire
and skit comedy
Day 2: Chinese Internet Forumslooking at Sina, Kaixinwang, Weibo and other
popular Chinese sites, and translations of posts from Han Hans satirical blog
Week 12: Art, Design and Avant-Gardes

Day 1: Readings and slide show on recent contemporary art

Gao Minglu The Wall (PDF)
Wu Hong Exhibiting Experimental Art in China (PDF)


Day 2: Readings and slide shows on new design and fashion

Week 13: Popular Music and the Underground

Day 1: Readings on pop and punk in China

Day 2: Video excerpts: Supergirl Singing Contest Television Show; Documentary,
Beijing Bubbles


Week 14: The Waves: A History of Chinese Filmmakers 1980-2010

Day 1: Readings TBA
Day 2: Comparing the work of two directors: Feng Xiaogang and Jia Zhangke
Week 15: Concluding Discussions
Essays Due


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