Psiandtheproblemofconsciousness: Federal Communications Commission - Washington DC

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2013 The Institute of Mind and Behavior, Inc.

The Journal of Mind and Behavior
Summer and Autumn 2013, Volume 34, Numbers 3 and 4
Pages 259284
ISSN 0271 0137

George Williams
Federal Communications Commission Washington DC

In this paper, I consider what the growing evidence in parapsychology can tell us about the
nature of consciousness. Parapsychology remains controversial because it implies deviations
from the understanding that many scientists and philosophers hold about the nature of
reality. However, given the difficulties in explaining consciousness, a growing number of
philosophers have called for new, possibly radical, explanations, which include versions of
dualism or panpsychism. In this spirit, I briefly review the evidence on psi to see what
explanation of consciousness might best be supported. After a brief survey of the evidence,
I conclude that the best explanation would probably be neutral monism. I then explore
a framework for neutral monism, using well-known features of quantum mechanics, to
develop a ground or bridge between consciousness and matter. This framework, which I
believe helps explain the psi evidence, suggests that a non-local proto-conscious field of
potential or seed stuff underlies both matter and consciousness.

Keywords: parapsychology, consciousness, psi, neutral monism

As many theorists have noted, consciousness, while both familiar and intimate,
remains deeply mysterious. The problem of explaining consciousness persists
despite all attempts from the pre-Socratic Greeks to modern day philosophers
at illuminating this perplexing subject. Throughout history many great thinkers
supported the notion that consciousness or some sort of spiritual reality is distinct
from matter, and indeed might be the fundamental source of all reality. However,
the dominant view in the twentieth century settled on a more materialistic
argument: consciousness most likely emerges from complex biological processes,
which in turn are based ultimately on complex interactions between subatomic
This article is based on a presentation to the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Parapsychology
Association in Durham, North Carolina. I am grateful for comments from Stanley Krippner, Roger
Nelson, Jean Burns, and Chris Carter. The view presented here reflects the view of the author,
and does not reflect the view of the Federal Communications Commission. No government
resources were used in producing this paper. Correspondence concerning this article should be
addressed to George Williams, 8004 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912. Email:



This view remains unsatisfactory for some philosophers of mind. While advances
in neuroscience have led to improvements in our understanding of how processes
within the brain work, we still are no closer to understanding experience at the
most basic level.This is what Chalmers (1995) has termed the hard problem of
consciousness. According to Chalmers, materialistic explanations of consciousness
would be consistent with a world populated by zombies acting like people in the
world, yet devoid of interior experience. Tackling the hard problem of consciousness, Chalmers argues, likely requires abandoning a purely materialistic view of
The various theories of consciousness can arguably be grouped into five categories: materialism, dualism, panpsychism, neutral monism, and idealism. As
noted above, the current mainstream view looks for materialistic explanations.
This typically takes the form of arguing that consciousness must be a higher level
activity that has emerged from lower level processes, such as complex biological
processes. Another view, associated with Dennett (1991), is that explanations
toward the what is it like aspect of consciousness are inherently misguided;
hence, emergence explanations are unnecessary. Critics of this view insist that
qualia and inherently subjective experiences are necessary data that require
Dualism has historically been the most important alternative to materialism,
at least since Descartes. Material dualism holds that matter and consciousness
are two substances that differ fundamentally in a number of ways.1 This and other
differences lead to the perhaps unsolvable problem of how such fundamentally
different substances can interact. Historically, support for dualism fits well with
such religious notions as the soul or supernatural agency. Dualism has attracted
fewer adherents, however, as philosophy gravitated toward more naturalistic
Two closely related alternatives are panpsychism and neutral monism. Panpsychism
holds that matter and mind are joined as one. The usual view of panpsychism
holds that all matter, even electrons, has some aspect of mind, albeit at a rudimentary level. While panpsychism has relatively few adherents today, this class
of explanations has had a long history in philosophy, being a close relative to
animism that was common in early cultures (Skrbina, 2007). Neutral monism holds
that matter and consciousness are aspects of some more neutral and fundamental
reality. The two primary objections for these two categories of explanations are
(1) the unappealing implication that non-biological objects such as rocks possess
some level of what it is like to be and (2) the perplexing question of how small
units of consciousness might combine to create richer, unified conscious experiences.

dualism is another form of dualism, where mind and matter are two distinct categories
of a single underlying substance of the physical type. Thus property dualism can be considered another
version of materialism.



One last alternative is idealism, which holds that the physical universe is
composed of mind. The Berkeleyan version of idealism is that the foundation
of physical reality requires an observing agent. The existence of galaxies far
beyond our perception would require something like a god. Theist philosophers
or ancient believers in a pantheon were drawn to some version of idealism. Of
all the alternatives, idealism is viewed as the least compatible with naturalistic
explanations and hence has few proponents today.
While a majority of scientists and philosophers currently favor materialism,
most who study this problem acknowledge the great difficulty in attempting to
understand how non-conscious particles of matter can somehow lead to subjective experience. Searle (1992) provides a critical review of various versions
of materialism which evolved over the course of the twentieth century. These
include logical behaviorism, type identity theory, token identity theory, functionalism, strong AI, and eliminative materialism. Searle (1992, p. 53) argues that
none of these explanations has anything to say about the subjective experience
of mind. He argues in favor of a theory of biological naturalism, where consciousness is a natural product of complex biological processes. While he admits that
we do not know how consciousness could have emerged this way, he argues that
such an explanation must exist and we must therefore persevere until we have it.
While many probably share Searles view, his metaphysical assumption that
consciousness must be based solely from biological processes is not sufficient
given the profound depth of the explanatory gap. Chalmers (1995) has argued
that a naturalistic version of substance dualism is a possible candidate for making
progress on the hard problem. McGinn (1991) presents a more pessimistic
argument that the human mind is likely to be innately unable to understand
the origins of its own subjective experience. Griffin (1998), Strawson (2006),
and Nagel (2012) have argued that the emergence explanations will not succeed,
given the inherent differences between matter and consciousness, and therefore
more radical explanations are required.2
Nevertheless, most scientists and philosophers are understandably reluctant
to give up on materialistic explanations, given its overall success throughout
the physical sciences. Further, technologies and empirical methods are continuing
to advance in neuroscience, which should provide important revelations for
our understanding of consciousness. Indeed, the history of philosophy and science
has been unequivocal on one central point: the crucial role that empirical
methods must play in advancing our understanding of the world. However,
there is one especially relevant category of empirical investigation that has
played virtually no role in mainstream debate on consciousness: psi phenomena.


(1998) and Strawson (2006) both favor panpsychic explanations. Nagel (2012) argues
in favor of neutral monism.



It is curious that those debating the nature of consciousness rarely consider

the evidence on psi.Such evidence is surely relevant on the question of whether
reality is best described by materialism, dualism, or something else.Of course,
evidence on the existence of psi remains controversial, especially among academic
psychologists. Despite the substantial empirical studies investigating psychic
phenomena, serious discussion of parapsychology remains taboo among many
circles of philosophers, scientists, and psychologists. Although the reasons are not
clear, perhaps its likely that many critics of psi are strong believers in a materialistic
worldview and tend to believe that research findings consistent with psi must
therefore be invalid (Alcock 2010; Hyman 2010). Many of the most hostile
critics are firm believers in a materialistic worldview and understandably expend
great effort to undermine, if not ridicule, those who advocate that psi is real.
However, those who are genuinely interested in comparing the arguments for
different views on consciousness and are not too invested in materialistic explanations may wish to consider the evidence for psi and what this evidence might
imply for the discussion on the nature of consciousness. If we accept the difficulty
of the problem at hand, we could conceivably benefit from research that does
not more or less assume from the outset that physical particles and processes must
account for all reality.I will provide a summary of some of the psi evidence below.
This is followed by a discussion of the current debate on the nature of consciousness. I then consider what light might be shed from this evidence.
The Evidence on Psi
I attempt here only a brief survey of the psi literature.3 My assessment relies
heavily on meta-analysis, which allows effects and statistical importance to be
gauged across numerous relevant studies. Utts (1991) argues that much of the
early literature on psi paid little attention to statistical power, which has in turn
contributed some confusion regarding replicability. The available meta-analyses
strengthen the power of the data at hand for a number of categories of psi.
Further, I include here only studies that rely on statistical and quantitative methods, and thus I exclude methodologies that rely on anecdotes and interviews.4
Laboratory investigations of telepathy began with J.B. Rhine with his specially
designed ESP cards, and eventually evolved into the ganzfeld method. The
ganzfeld method involved quieting the senses of sight and hearing in the recip3See

Radin (1997, 2006) for a broader presentation from an advocate of the evidence of psi
within the laboratory. Also see Utts (1991), especially for a discussion on the evolution of criteria
for evaluating psi. Krippner and Friedman (2010) provide arguments from both skeptics and
advocates on the current state of psi.


interesting studies rely heavily on interviews and anecdotes, and it may well be that such
methods are a necessary part of what is needed to understand this phenomena. However, for
purposes of this brief survey, I include only methods that utilize statistical testing.



ient; cut ping-pong balls are placed over the eyes and light static noise fills the
ears. Bem and Honorton (1994) conducted a meta-analysis of ganzfeld studies
and found overall a hit rate of 32.2%, significantly above the 25% expected by
chance, with a p value of 0.002. Utts (1996) reported replications for Bem and
Honorton from sessions conducted at three separate laboratories, each finding
comparable hit rates. Milton and Wiseman (1999) challenged the results of
Bem and Honorton with a follow up meta-analysis of 30 more recent ganzfeld
studies and concluded that these studies did not provide significant effects.
Bem, Palmer, and Broughton (2001) then found that when ten new studies
were added to the database, the overall test results were significant, although
with a lower average effect size than their original meta-analysis.5 But Bem et
al also found that the lowering of the effect size could be accounted for by the
degree to which ganzfeld studies followed the protocol stated in their original
Most recently, Tressoldi, Storm, and Radin (2010) examined all the ganzfeld
evidence reported in 108 publications, conducted from 1974 through 2008 by
laboratories in six countries. Subsets of this evidence have been analyzed in six
meta-studies, including the skeptics Milton and Wiseman (1999). Hit rates
that exceed chance with statistical significance were found in each study. The
overall hit rate across all of the data was 31.5%, above chance expectation of
25%, and z statistic produces a p value of 1.0 x 1011. Tressoldi, Storm, and
Radin report that the overall results now provide unambiguous evidence for
an independently repeatable ESP effect (p. 581). Overall, the ganzfeld results
demonstrate consistent support for the telepathy hypothesis, albeit at hit rates
of a modest degree above chance.
A parallel investigation explored telepathy in dreams. The methodology for
dream telepathy was established and refined by psychiatrist Montague Ullman
and psychologist Stanley Krippner. The procedure employed two participants, a
sender and a receiver (the dreamer), the experimenter, and judges. The experimenter
monitored the EEG of the receiver, and when he judged him to be in the dream
state, he would notify the sender. The sender would at that time open a sealed
envelope, which contained a target picture (which had been randomly selected
and was unknown to the experimenter and judges) and began sending the image
to the participant in the dream state.
From 1966 to 1972, Ullman and Krippner conducted at total of 450 dreamtelepathy sessions at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn (Krippner,
1991, 1993; Ullman et al., 1989). Meta-analysis of these studies has found an
overall success rate at 63%, substantially above the hit rate that chance alone
predicts (50%). Radin calculated the odds that such a high hit rate for the

and Wiseman (1999) actually find statistically significant results once one corrects a
mistake in their calculation (Radin, 2006, p. 118).



combined results could be attributable to chance to be 1 in 75 million (1997, pp.

7172). Sherwood and Roe (2003) examined 21 dream-telepathy studies published
between 1977 and 2002 and compared them with the Maimonides studies. They
found significant results overall, however with smaller effect sizes, which they
attributed to slightly different methods and protocols. These differences included
using homes rather than a facility such as Maimonides and eschewing EEG
monitoring. Overall, the authors concluded that a small or modest dream-telepathy
effect appears to be robust across a wide range of laboratories and variations in
Meta-analysis also appears to support remote-viewing, a form of psi that falls
in the category of clairvoyance. Utts (1996) surveyed the evidence on remote
viewing for the American Institutes for Research. Analyzing the results of Stanford
Research Institute from 1973 to 1988, she reported the statistical effects were
so overwhelming that the probability that chance alone could account for the
effects was 1020. Utts concluded:
. . . remote viewing has been conceptually replicated across a number of laboratories by
various experimenters and in different cultures. This is a robust effect that, were it not
in such an unusual domain, would no longer be questioned by science as a real phenomenon.
It is unlikely that methodological problems could account for the remarkable consistency
of results . . . . (p. 22)

Another interesting literature has emerged on precognition and presentiment.

Honorton and Ferrari (1989) report a meta-analysis of forced-choice precognition experiments between 1935 and 1987. The authors found, across 309 studies
and 62 investigators, a small, but highly significant effect (p = 6.3 x 1025).
They also found that although the research designs improved with time, the
effect size remained stable. Presentiment studies focus on physiological effects
indicating emotional arousal as participants view pictures on a computer
screen. These also suggest sensitivity of future events. In addition to the expected
strong emotional arousal resulting when highly arousing negative or erotic
images appear on the screen, some studies have shown increased arousal shortly
before the picture to be displayed is even selected. There has not yet been a
formal meta-analysis of presentiment studies; however, in his literature review,
Bem (2011) reports that out of 24 studies conducted before 2009, nineteen were
in the predicted direction and about half were statistically significant. Bem
himself conducted nine precognition experiments, which essentially timereversed well-known psychological effects so that the individuals response
was obtained before the casual stimulus occurred. He reported that all but one
of the experiments yielded statistically significant results, and the corresponding statistic across all of the experiments was p = 1.34 x 1011.6 More recently,

are underway to replicate Bems results.



Mossbridge, Tressoldi, and Utts (2012) conducted a meta-analysis of reports

published between 1978 and 2010 and found evidence of shifts in physiological
activity prior to stimulus, indicating an unexplained anticipatory effect.
The evidence for telekinesis or mindmatter interaction is substantial, yet
more mixed than the previous categories discussed above. These include dice
tossing experiments, tests on the effects of intentions on random number generator devices, and tests on double slit diffraction. Radin and Ferrari (1991)
conducted a meta-analysis on all random dice tossing experiments to investigate
the question of whether human intention can influence movement of macroscopic
objects in our world. The authors combined the results from 73 publications
representing 52 investigators from 1935 to 1989. Overall, they found small but
statistically significant results; the odds that chance alone could produce the
results were 1 in 1096. The results remained significant when the authors
altered the analysis by selecting subsets of investigators, discarding studies with
unusually strong effects, and compensated for possible file-drawer omissions.
Important innovations in mindmatter interactions were led by the Princeton
Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) in the late 1990s. Experiments
there were designed to test the mental influence on devices which produce
streams of random 1s and 0s, generated by quantum processes.7 Robert Jahn and
colleagues published a review of 12 years of experiments of attempts to mentally
influence these random number generators. Although the effect size was small
(one bit out of 10,000 being shifted away from chance expectation), the p
value for the composite effect across the databases over a 12-year investigation
was reported to be approximately 6.99 x 105 (Jahn, Dunne, Nelson, Dobyns,
and Bradish, 1997, p. 349). However, a joint effort by three labs (including
PEAR) at replication using similar design and equipment failed to find significant results (Jahn et al., 2000).
Other attempts to explore mindmatter interactions have incorporated
beams of light aimed at a double-slit apparatus. The double-slit experiment is
one of the cornerstone investigations that have led to our understanding of
quantum mechanics. Some arguments for mindmatter effects have invoked
the consciousness collapses the waveform explanation from quantum
mechanics; thus the double-slit experiment arguably provides an especially
interesting arena for testing. Ibsison and Jeffers (1998) investigated the effects
of participants attempts to influence through intention the interference pattern
within Youngs double-slit experiment. Ibison and Jeffers conducted the experiment at York University, while Jahn and his colleagues used the same setup at

random number generating process is based on a microelectronic diode creating noise signals, which in turn are processed into random 1s and 0s. The quantum nature of the circuit is
responsible for the true randomness of the output. I will discuss quantum mechanics in more
detail in a later section of the paper.



Princeton. Ibison and Jeffers reported the results from both laboratories. The
interference fringe pattern observed at York University was statistically indistinguishable from typical interference patterns, while the results at the Pear lab
showed a marginally significant deviation (p value of 0.05). Recently, Radin et
al (2012) conducted another version of the double-slit interference pattern;
their results were strongly significant with a p value of 6 x 106.
This brief survey suggests that while some evidence supports mindmatter
interaction, there is a replication issue. Advocates of psi have argued that experimenter effects, such as the beliefs and expectations of the researchers, as well
as those of the participants, must be assessed. Indeed, a casual reading of the
studies presented here reveals that researchers (in most cases) made little
effort to maintain consistency of training and general atmosphere with participants in their experiments.
Rosenthals (1976) review of experimenter effects across a wide range of
experimental psychology and clinical research has demonstrated that experimenters expectations and attitudes can affect the outcome of experiments.
Research into experimenter effects has revealed a number of interesting patterns through which experimenters may communicate with participants in ways
that influence their behavior. The possibility for some psi mechanism to be the
result of artifacts is certainly consistent with Rosenthals findings, although
these effects have seldom been explored.
However, the examinations Wiseman and Schlitz (1997, 1999) and Schlitz et al.
(2006) have been an exception. In these studies, Wiseman (a skeptic) and Schlitz
(a psi advocate) collaborated, using identical procedures and participants, to
test whether simply observing participants without their knowledge could induce
a physiological response. The participants galvanic skin response was electronically
recorded while being watched by either Wiseman or Schlitz from a separate room
linked by closed-circuit television. Schlitz obtained results significantly different
from normal readings in two of the three experiments; however Wiseman found
no differences in any experiments.
Smith (2003) explored the likelihood of the experimenter effect in the psi
literature. He found that explanations such as errors or fraud could not explain
the existing data. Smith also reported studies of successful attempts to increase
psi performance through affecting the expectations of the participants (Parker
1975; Taddonio 1976). In a study where experimenters were guided to be
friendly and supportive or unfriendly and abrupt, participants in the former
scored significantly better in ESP tasks than in the latter condition (Honorton
et al., 1975). Overall, Smith argued that psi mechanisms may account for some
experimenter effects and that the matter requires more investigation.
However there is another class of mindmatter experiments that merits
attention. Roger Nelson and his colleagues have expanded mindmatter research
to investigate the effects of shared emotions of groups on random number generating



devices (Nelson and Bancel, 2008; Nelson et al., 1996, 1998). While these
experiments differ in a number of ways from Jahns investigations, they use the
same technology. Nelsons field experiments using random number generating
devices might arguably be interpreted as an extension of Jahn and Dunnes
mindmatter experiments. An interesting distinction, however, is that the
hypothesis explores the link between shared emotion or coherent attention
among groups of participants, rather than the intentions of individuals, with
the output of these devices.
In a number of field studies, groups of various kinds, including meditation
and sacred ceremonies, have registered small but significant shifts in the random
output of these devices. Radin (2006, p. 183) notes that over 100 field-consciousness experiments have been reported in the United States, Europe, and Japan,
strongly suggesting that coherent group activity is associated with unusual
moments of order in RNG output. In one particularly comprehensive study,
Nelson et al. (1998) conducted field tests using a variety of groups and venues,
including group rituals, healing sessions, sacred sites, and theater. The authors
report results that yield a composite probability against chance for p values of
2.2 x 106 (p. 435). In another field study involving a large number of participants practicing transcendental meditation, the cumulated output of a random
number generating device for over 94 hours was examined for possible effects.
The reported deviations showed significant non-randomness with p < 0.00001
(Mason, Patterson, and Radin 2007, p. 295).
Nelson and others have expanded this research to a global scale through the
Global Consciousness Project. Over the past ten years a network of random
number generating devices have been implemented across the globe to measure
deviations from chance in response to collective emotions or attention triggered
by important world events. While the global design of Nelsons vast network of
random number generators may not eliminate experimenter effects, its large
scale most likely reduces the overall influence that any single experimenter
might have. Not only does the global scale of the experiment prevent Nelson
or any of his assistants from excessively influencing participants, the populations
presumably affecting the devices had no knowledge they were participants.8
Nelson and Bancel (2008) reported the results of the Global Coherence Project,
recording random streams generated during 256 events in its first nine years of
operation. The results strongly support the hypothesis of coherent attention or
emotional response corresponding to deviations in network output; the combined

and Spottiswood (2011) challenge the claim that the experimenter effect can play only a
small role in explaining the Global Coherence Project result. They argue the case where the
experimenter (Nelson, for example) unconsciously uses precognition to select events that are
found to be significant. Nelson (2011) and Bancel (2011) responded that the data demonstrate
real effects within the random number generating network that cannot be accounted for by fortuitous
selections of events.



statistic exceeds what chance would predict by 4.5 standard deviations, with a
corresponding p value of 3 x 106. While the event effect size is small (0.3) and
broadly distributed, the large number of observations from the global network
provide sufficient statistical power to confirm the overall effect. Nelson and Bancel
also report that the effect is due almost entirely to variation between random
number generating devices, rather than to the individual devices themselves.
Thus the data from the field studies and the Global Coherence Project support
the hypothesis that shared emotions do affect to a small degree the physical processes
underlying the random number generating devices. This in turn appears to
support the claim that, with the experimenter effect playing a smaller role due
to the project design, consciousness can have influence on such devices. The
field experiments have some additional interesting characteristics that I will
explore later. However, the important point here is that the weight of the data
appears to support mindmatter interactions. This class of psi experiments,
however, still requires more investigation with serious attempts to incorporate
the experimenter effect.
Psi and Theories of Consciousness
The evidence yielded by telepathy and clairvoyance research casts doubt
against purely materialistic explanations of consciousness. Telepathy experiments
have generally been designed to rule out any known sort of transmission of
information, including electromagnetic radiation. In most ganzfeld experiments,
for example, the shielding around the receiver blocks electromagnetic transmission.
Yet the overall evidence on telepathy indicates that some sort of congruence
between minds does occur, albeit at modest rates above chance. Further, the remoteviewing experiments suggest that minds have access to knowledge of the physical
world that is equally anomalous. Perhaps consciousness might have field properties.
However, the strength of physical fields, such as electromagnetic and gravitational fields, diminishes with distance. Yet distances appear to have no effect
on the results reported in telepathy and remote viewing experiments. Taking
seriously the cumulative evidence on telepathy and clairvoyance means exploring
unconventional means through which are our minds are connected.
However, it is doubtful that telepathy and clairvoyance can help us choose
the best alternative between dualism, panpsychism, neutral monism, or idealism.
Tart (2009) and Carter (2012) have argued that the psi evidence on telepathy
best supports some sort of view of dualism. Stapp (1993) incorporates the evidence
from quantum mechanics (not psi) to also advance an argument for dualism.
However, these authors do not consider alternatives such as panpsychism or
neutral monism. According to Griffin (1997), the psi evidence does indeed
favor panpsychism over dualism. Perhaps most importantly, the unsettled issues
regarding how mind and matter interact under dualism make attempts to
either accept the interaction or reject it problematic, given the psi evidence.



Let us consider again the random number generator field experiments, as

well as the Global Coherence Project pioneered by Nelson and his colleagues.
Recall that the evidence from the Project supports the hypothesis that shared
emotions, triggered by important world-wide events, significantly affect the
output of a global network of random number generating devices. I have already
noted a number of interesting features that distinguished this class of experiments
from other psi experiments. First, the scale of the Global Coherence Project
experiments suggests that any possible experimenter effect plays a considerably
smaller role. Second, participants (that is, the general population) are completely
unaware of the experiment. Third, the experiments are designed to gauge the
effects of emotions (or coherent attention) rather than intentions on physical
random processes. The devices produce a stream of random output based on
quantum noise. This implies a link between emotions, which are relatively
unconscious states, and physical processes at the quantum level.
An important additional difference from other psi categories is revealed as
the nature of these experiments is examined more deeply. The fact that conscious
intention is absent calls into question what sort of information transfer (if any)
is involved in the random number generator field experiments. As discussed
above, most psi phenomenon can be understood as a process of anomalous
information transfer.The ganzfeld studies, for example, attempt to test whether
a receiver in a slightly altered state of consciousness can accurately receive
images from a sender. Yet the underlying random number generator field experiments seem to imply a different underlying process. In these cases, shifts in
shared emotion or meditative states are affecting physical random processes at
subatomic levels. With conscious intention uninvolved, the effect appears to
be a byproduct of shared emotional states by groups of people.
Note that this effect does not hinge on a particular technology or physical
process. Deviations from randomness due to healing attention have been reported
with random number generators using Geiger counters as well as astrocyte
brain cells (Radin, Taft, and Young, 2004). Of course, there is no conventional
theory why shifts in the emotional states of large numbers of people should
have any effect on such random physical processes. And there is no reason to
believe that the probability distributions governing these random processes used
in the experiments are the only thing being affected. Such shifts in probability
distributions are likely indicative of effects on a wide range of physical processes
at the subatomic level. Thus these detections of deviations in probability distributions across a widely scattered network of devices imply that shifts in
shared emotional and attentive states are likely affecting far more: the probability
distributions governing the behavior of subatomic particles for (perhaps all)
the physical matter in the area of influence, albeit by a tiny degree. Thus it appears
that groups of people sharing a kind of experience are, without intending to,
somehow shifting the probabilities in the world around us.



By affirming a link between the underlying processes of matter and emotion

(rather than conscious intention or thought), the random number generator field
effect suggests a remarkably intimate relationship between mind and matter.
This demonstrates a more unified view of reality than other mindmatter experiments (as well as the rest of psi) suggest. Thus, overall the scales appear to tip
in favor of panpsychism or neutral monism. In addition, these experimental
results damage the case for idealism, or at least those versions where the physical
world is supported by conscious attention. Below I will develop a model of neutral
monism that I believe is most consistent with these results.
Neutral Monism and Quantum Mechanics
One of the most influential works advancing the argument for neutral
monism is Bertrand Russells (1927) The Analysis of Matter. Russell positioned
his argument by noting that a growing gap has emerged between our most
direct sense experiences (which he referred to as percepts) and our understanding of the world based on physics, comprised of abstract formulas and
equations. In his words: Physics, in itself, is exceedingly abstract, and reveals
only certain mathematical characteristics of the material with which it deals.
It does not tell us anything as to the intrinsic character of this material
(Russell, 1927, p.10). Russell also argued that knowledge of objects such as
subatomic particles is characterized by their relations to other physical entities
or dispositional roles. Thus while this relational and dispositional view of
physics provides an elegant understanding, it is silent on the essential stuff that
comprises matter.
Russell disagreed with those who claimed that the phenomenal and the physical
world must be distinct:
To assert that the material must be very different from percepts is to assume that we
know a great deal more than we do in fact know of the intrinsic character of physical
events . . . . The gulf between percepts and physics is not a gulf as regards intrinsic quality,
for we know nothing of the intrinsic quality of the physical world, and therefore do not
know whether it is, or is not, very different from that of percepts. The gulf is as to what
we know about the two realms. We know the quality of percepts, but we do not know
their laws so well as we could wish. We know the laws of the physical world, in so far as
these are mathematical, pretty well, but we know nothing else about it. If there is any
intellectual difficulty in supposing that the physical world is intrinsically quite unlike
that of percepts, this is a reason for supposing that there is not this complete unlikeness.
And there is a certain ground for such a view, in the fact that percepts are part of the
physical world, and are the only part that we can know without the help of rather elaborate
and difficult inferences. (pp. 263264).

Thus Russell argued that sense experience and matter are closely related. He
argued that the phenomenal, or something close to it, is likely the intrinsic
aspect of the physical world missing from our understanding from physics, based



on relational and dispositional frameworks. Thus matter and awareness are

perhaps intermixed on the most basic levels of reality. Taking one step more, both
matter and mind are aspects of some neutral substance. Our best route to understanding this foundational stratum underlying both mind and matter are to
consider current theories of the subatomic realm, which is addressed by quantum
Currently no clear consensus exists among physicists for a satisfactory explanation of quantum mechanics. While quantum theory possesses features that
still puzzle us, copious experiments have confirmed the validity of its mathematical rules. The conventional or Copenhagen interpretation, due largely to
Neils Bohr, frames a given quantum system as a wave function that represents
a superposition of possible vector states of the system. Unlike classical systems,
quantum systems are essentially probabilistic, with no way to predict which possible
state will eventually manifest. According to this conventional interpretation,
the wave function evolves smoothly in time until a measurement occurs. At this
point the wave function instantaneously collapses into the state that is observed.
While the standard interpretation has been very successful in capturing the
quantum behavior of subatomic particles, it remains unpalatable in a number
of respects. The superposition of vector states suggests an ontology very different
from our ordinary world. Schrdinger famously captured the awkwardness of
the theory with his thought experiment of an unfortunate feline existing in a
state of being both alive and dead. Putnam (2005, p. 624) describes Einsteins
discomfort with this and reports that Einstein remarked to him on a visit: Look,
I dont believe that when I am not in my bedroom my bed spreads out all over
the room, and whenever I open the door and come in it jumps into a corner.
Another problem is that in this interpretation, a measurement changes the
state of a system in a way that cannot itself be described by the theory itself.
Because whatever measuring apparatus we choose is also composed of particles
like those within the system under investigation, there is nothing to suggest
how a physical measuring apparatus can somehow instigate a collapse of the
wave function. However, the special role that measurement plays in quantum
theory has opened the door to an interesting, albeit controversial possibility:
that the consciousness of the observer plays a role in the collapse. Von Neumann
(1932) first suggested that the observers consciousness is involved in the collapse,
and Wigner (1967) expanded on this. Stapp (1993) has recently promoted this
view, building on Von Neumanns framework. While this view currently attracts
few physicists, it may yet provide some utility given the difficulties with alternative
explanations, as well as the data I have reviewed that supports mindmatter
Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (1935) argued that quantum mechanics could
not be complete because the theory implied nonlocal behavior among particles
within a quantum system. Einstein et al. argued that quantum theory implied



that measurement of a particle that shared a quantum system with another

particle would lead to the collapse of states for both particles, even if the two
had moved some distance apart. This behavior, according to Einstein, would
imply an instantaneous exchange of information between the particles in a way
that violates special relativity. However, the work of Bell (1964) showed that
particles within a quantum system are indeed entangled as quantum mechanics
Naturally, attempts have been made to find a more attractive approach. One
relatively prominent alternative is Everetts (1957) interpretation, which dispenses
altogether with the wave function collapse due to measurement. That is, Everett
proposed that Schrdingers wave function provides a complete description of
the physical state of the world. However, the implication this raises is that the
world is in a superposed state, even at the macroscopic level. Thus Everetts many
worlds proposal postulates that the world is in a superposition of states that are
continuously evolving in different ways. While invoking multiple worlds to
explain quantum mechanics may seem to be an extreme violation of Occams
razor, Everetts approach offers a simpler theoretical framework that is in some
respects more congruent with aspects of classical physics than is the Copenhagen
David Bohm (1952) provided another theory to avoid the collapse of the
wave function by invoking hidden variables. This work led him to invoke a
quantum potential function that governed quantum events deterministically;
quantum uncertainty was rooted in the uncertainty of the particles position.
Despite its attractive features, Bohms hidden variables features has not attracted
a strong following, possibly because Bell (1964) showed that such frameworks
still retained nonlocal features.
However, Bohm (1980, 1987) and Bohm and Hiley (1993) later expanded on
this work in a way that is consistent with the neutral monism framework I wish to
consider. Bohm and Hiley utilized the notion of wholeness within quantum systems
to describe an implicate order, the enfolded organizing source through which
the physical world emerges. The implicate order contains active information
that governs the quantum potential function and provides a bridge between
mind and matter. Thus Bohm and Hiley (1993) concluded that mind and matter
were two sides of one overall process. In their words:
Active information can serve as a kind of bridge between these two sides. These latter
are however inseparable, in the sense, for example, that information contained in thought,
which we feel to be on the mental side, is at the same time a related neurophysiological,
chemical, and physical activity . . . . (p. 384)

9However, nonlocality of entangled particles does not imply the possibility of transmission of information in a way that would violate relativity.



Aspects of this later work retain a deterministic flavor through Bohms choice
of metaphors to describe the implicate order.10 However, he later clarified that
the implicate order was a realm of possibility: we are saying that the implicate
order will have to contain within itself all possible features of the explicate
order as potentialities, along with the principles determining which of these
features will become actual (Bohm, 1987, p. 41).
Stapp (1993) also explored a framework that supports an interaction between
potential and actual aspects of reality. Building on interpretations of quantum
mechanics that consciousness plays a role in the collapse or reduction of the
waveform, Stapp developed a quantum mechanical theory of consciousness,
which he associates with dualism. However, in a later work, Stapp explored a
model that might be closer to the neutral monism described here.11 To do this
Stapp incorporated some aspects of Whiteheads process philosophy that he
believed meshed with the relativistic quantum field theory. Stapp notes that
Whiteheads ontology draws a distinction between continuous potentialities
versus atomic actualities, and the interaction of these two provides the foundation for the evolution of events. In Stapps words: This basic autogenetic
process creates the new actual entity which, upon the completion of its creation,
contributes to the potentialities for the succeeding actual entities (Stapp, 2007,
p. 90).
Bohm and Stapp each explore frameworks, grounded in quantum theory,
which possess a stratum consisting of potentialities serving as a foundation for
our familiar physical world. In both frameworks, this foundation possesses conscious or proto-conscious aspects and transcends the spatial dimension. Hameroff
and Penrose (1996) developed another view of neutral monism, drawing on
quantum mechanics. They describe a psycho-physical bridge as the quantum
space-time geometry at the Plank scale, the ground state of all configurations
of matter and energy. According to their model, conscious experience emerges
from a sort of quantum computing within the brains microtubules. Tegmark
(2000) has argued that the brains warm temperatures do not allow a sustained
quantum collapse for the duration of time required for neural processing. However
Hagan, Hameroff, and Tuszynski (2002) have replied that under reasonable conditions, the superposition within microtubules might be isolated from the brain.
I will argue however that the sketches or proposals by Bohm and Strapp are


example, Bohm (1980) and Bohm and Hiley (1993) describe drops of color embedded in
a fluid contained in a cylinder. The drops are invisible until the cylinder is rotated sufficiently
to reveal the drops. Another metaphor Bohm uses is the holographic plate that can be used to
construct a three dimensional object. The metaphors are interesting and illuminating but do not
suggest an inherently probabilistic reality.

11Stapp (2007, p. 83) relates his correspondence with Heisenberg who encouraged him to pursue
something similar to Platonic idealim, which might support ideas existing outside the human mind.



similar to the simple framework Ive sketched above, and may be more useful
than the model proposed by Hameroff and Penrose in explaining psi.
Toward building a serviceable model of neutral monism, a number of features
of quantum mechanics suggest characteristics that a neutral ground underlying
mind and matter might have. First, I will speculate that the probabilities described
in the standard framework of quantum mechanics (which all corresponding theories
must account for) must reside at this more fundamental level of reality. Like
Bohm and Hiley suggest, this stratum can be seen as pure potentia, the seed
stuff for reality itself, which in turn requires an information-rich domain that
supports these probabilities and hence the possibilities of physical reality. While
such a realm may possess randomness, especially within the framework of experiments, the phrase creative unpredictability might be a better description. In
addition, this ground would exhibit the non-local features observed in quantum
mechanical experiments. The relationship between information residing within
this field and objects of the physical world would transcend space as we experience
it.12 Also, and this is crucial for our purpose here, this neutral stratum in some
sense possesses mind-like attributes.
The question arises whether this neutral bridge itself is in some sense conscious. Or alternatively, since I am conjecturing potential matter stuff, the question
might be whether this neutral stratum is potentially conscious (and thus not quite
conscious). Those that have considered neutral monism have not suggested a
clear path forward. Rather, they have typically acknowledged the possibility
that something like consciousness resides within this foundational stratum or
elements exist which combine to produce conscious states. As Chalmers simply puts
it when describing the implications of Russells monism, On this view, phenomenal
or protophenomenal properties are located at the fundamental level of physical
reality and in a certain sense, underlie physical reality itself . . . (2003, pp. 129130).
Hammeroff and Powell (2009) use nearly the same language: Consciousness or its
proto-conscious precursors are . . . somehow built into the structure of the
universe . . . (p. 109).
Williams James, a proponent of neutral monism, used language suggestive of
something conscious. James used the phrase pure experience to describe the
state that is prior to any categorization, neither mental nor physical. As James
describes, The instant field of the present is at all times what I call the pure
experience. It is only virtually or potentially either object or subject as yet. For
the time being, it is plain, unqualified actuality, or existence, a simple that
(James, 1904, p. 23).
From his studies of anomalies in consciousness and psychological case studies,
F.W.H. Myers developed a framework that handled the question of conscious

respect to the neutral ground, I use the word field differently from its conventional
use, which conveys a physical quantity with definite mathematical properties extending throughout space. In this case, I am using the word to describe the non-locality of the proposed ground.



or unconscious with respect to deeper levels of reality, in an innovative way.

While its unclear whether Myers embraced neutral monism as did James his
contemporary nevertheless his approach isnt inconsistent with Jamess in
many respects. Myers argued that the brain functions as a filtering mechanism
for a a more comprehensive consciousness, a profounder faculty, which for the
most part remains potential only . . . (Myers, 1903, p. 12). However, Myers
preferred to avoid such terms such as unconscious or subconscious when referring
to this more comprehensive level. Believing such words to be inadequate, he
proposed the term subliminal to distinguish those portions of consciousness not
identifiable with ordinary awareness. Thus Myers provocative ideas suggest we
are connected to something conscious that is nevertheless inaccessible to our
ordinary consciousness.13
A key problem in making progress with this question is the fact that we simply
do not perceive consciousness outside our own experience. Philosophers of mind
cannot deduce where to draw the line between conscious and non-conscious
within the animal and plant kingdom.14 Thus discussions on the phenomenal
or proto-phenomenal properties remain abstract speculation. However, the framework I am outlining does suggest a possible way forward. The neutral bridge,
the foundation of both mind and matter, is by definition in direct contact with
our own consciousness. Thus, first person inquiries or phenomenological approaches
might yield insights about this most basic stratum that elude more objective,
scientific methods. Subjective techniques to directly inquire into the nature of
this stratum might include meditation or entheogens. While such approaches
may be unconventional with respect to conventional methodologies, they should
not be dismissed lightly if this monism framework should prove useful in other
respects. Nevertheless, this opens up many questions and issues that deserve careful
consideration in a separate piece. For purposes here, I will follow Chalmers and
Hammeroff and use the term proto-conscious to convey the precursors of conscious experience, while also acknowledging that such precursors might also be
conscious in some sense.
Neutral Monism and Psi
Here I wish to examine how a version of monism based in a non-local protoconscious field of potential can aid us in understanding the random number
generator field effect and other categories of psi. With this view, the underlying
stratum of potentia contains both the quantum mechanical probabilities governing
subatomic particles, as well as the non-local relationships among them. This field

et al. (2009) have reviewed and summmarized the work of Myers and present considerable
evidence, not available in his time, that support much of his framework.


panpsychists might suppose that minerals possess rudimentary levels of awareness.



of proto-consciousness is also the basis for various sorts of conscious experiences.

This is not an atomistic view of panpsychism advocated by Griffin (1998), where
complex aggregates of consciousness emerge from smaller units. Rather, I am
suggesting that the spectrum of different states of experience or consciousness
emerge as various biological structures engage with this proto-conscious field.
This nonlocal, field-like, version of neutral monism provides to us a means
to capture the nonlocal features of psi. That is, the proto-consciousness
through which the consciousness of individuals operate, presumably allows
telepathy and other psi-related transfer of information. Of course it has already
been suggested that the non-local features of quantum mechanics might hold
important clues toward understanding psi. However, we have to be careful with
such explanations. Quantum entanglement does imply a faster than light action
between particles; however, entanglement cannot be used to send messages
between physical particles. But this neutral foundation I am proposing need
not be subject to this constraint. Minds rooted in this base stratum need not either.
Another important feature is that this framework allows us to sidestep the
combination problem, a serious obstacle facing more atomistic versions of
panpsychism. Instead of having to explain how aggregates of psycho-matter
units lead to various rich, unified states of consciousness, the proposal here is that
such experiences are produced by this non-local stratum of proto-consciousness,
functioning through organic structures.15 In addition, we avoid the implication
that inorganic materials such as rocks must have some experiential component.
The proto-conscious field aspect of our framework gives us some flexibility that
allows us to avoid such counterintuitive possibilities.
Discussions about the nature of consciousness generally focus on the lived
experience of the individual (human or animal). The evidence on psi suggests
an aspect of our consciousness that is shared. In the case of the random number
generator field experiments, shared emotions across a population have an
effect on material processes at the quantum level. The deviations from chance
observed across the network of devices are correlated with events that trigger
an unusual amount of shared emotion. How and why emotion plays such a key
role is important to understand. Emotion is arguably that part of our experience
that is most closely connected to our bodies, and this is of interest because our
exercise here has been something of an exploration of the junction between
matter and consciousness. In addition, a much wider spectrum of living organisms
experience emotion rather than cognition, which only we experience. Emotion
is also undeniably rooted in our more unconscious processes. Finally, emotion
is part of our being through which we appear to experience events such as football
games, weddings, and inspirational speeches, collectively with others. Through
15Such organic structures, of course, in this framework are rooted or emerge from the underlying
protoconsciousness through some means which we do not here specify.



emotion we not only have experiences, we share experiences. Taking all this
together suggests that emotion encapsulates that portion of mental life that is
primitive, basic, and rooted in a deeper part of ourselves. The proto-conscious
field must be intimately linked with emotion.
An increase in the coherence of a particular emotion across a population
might naturally result in a shift or disturbance being applied across this protoconscious field, given its non-local ontological status and its close relationship
with emotion. This shift at this neutral foundation of mind and matter, which
according to our reasoning also sustains the mechanisms described by quantum
physics, could thus impact the probabilities governing the behavior of subatomic
particles, and therefore all matter. Thus shared emotion within a framework of
neutral monism could conceivably affect outcomes of probability processes at the
root of the physical systems within the vicinity of the disturbance. And these
shifts would be detected by a network of devices producing streams of random
numbers through quantum processes, such as the Global Coherence Project.
An appealing feature of this model is its simplicity. My explanation of the
random number generator field effect is essentially driven by a view of consciousness that at some level is unified with the probabilities underlying matter itself.
Thus any shifts or disturbances in the underlying proto-conscious foundation
as proposed also affect the probabilities underlying matter. Of course this rather
simple model may eventually require additional structure and refinement. However,
simplicity is an important virtue, and we should take stock of what this simple
model can help us understand before going further. Helping to conceptualize a
link between shared emotion and quantum probabilities is a good first step.
Two categories of psi that have provoked the strongest opposition are mind
matter interaction and precognition (or presentiment). The problem with the
former is the claim that actions at a distance can occur that appear to be completely
at odds with our experience and the laws of physics as we currently understand
them. The problem with the latter is even more serious, suggesting that information
of future events can somehow travel backward in time to the present. Such a
finding could lead to problems and paradoxes with notions of causality.
This framework suggests that mindmatter interactions can be explained by
exploiting the intimate relationship between conscious experience and a nonlocal proto-conscious field containing the probabilities underlying physical systems.
The framework suggests that intention can affect those probabilities. Indeed,
Jahn and Dunne (2011) explored various experiments that demonstrate such
a link between intention and random processes rooted in quantum mechanics.
Other random experiments, such as throwing dice, might be explained through
intrinsic randomness that is nevertheless involved. Essentially, an individuals
intention must be linked with the underlying probabilities residing within the
proposed proto-conscious field that are associated with the event. This interpretation linking conscious intention with the probabilistic world of quantum



mechanics may help place testable restrictions on observations for future mind
matter experiments.
The model also suggests a more palatable interpretation of the precognition
and presentiment experiments than one arguing that we can perceive future
events; rather, this framework suggests we can perceive current probabilities of
future events. This interpretation should be more palatable (although still controversial) because quantum mechanics already puts on the table the idea that
probabilities underlie the most foundational aspects of matter. Precognition
and presentiment may reflect an ability to perceive such probabilities residing
within a non-local field of awareness.
This version of neutral monism, depicting the foundation of reality as potential
mindmatter stuff, also helps us understand telepathy and clairvoyance. Relevant
probabilities for future events must contain accurate information of the world
as it is. Thus there is nothing about the experimental results regarding telepathy
and clairvoyance that runs counter to this notion of monism. In fact, probabilities
are inextricably linked with all of the psi data obtained through laboratory research.
This is usually understood as an inevitable result of extracting information from
a noisy process. The present framework suggests another interpretation: probabilities, as quantum mechanics suggests, may be intrinsic to the underlying reality
that binds us together.
This interpretation is congruent with Carpenters (2012) comprehensive
psychological theory of psi. Carpenter uses the extant psi evidence to present
a model of the mind where unconscious mechanisms evaluate and weigh various
streams of information at stages as they rise in our consciousness. Processing
information through psi occurs at an early stage in Carpenters framework. As he
describes, The initial psi stage of the process involves an access to potential
knowledge that is indefinite in extent. We cannot know its boundaries, or anything else about it, since it is thoroughly unconscious (2012, p. 116).
Implications for Quantum Mechanics
Recall that while both versions of neutral monism via Bohm and Hameroff
were rooted in quantum mechanics, neither was developed with the intention
of explaining psi phenomena. Further, it isnt clear that the Hameroff and Prenrose
theory can be expanded to allow for the kind of mindmatter interaction I
reviewed earlier. Hameroff and Penrose describe objective reduction as a process
originating from the Plank scale within the brains microtubules that creates
the experience of consciousness. With causality running this direction, it is not
clear how conscious intention might affect the probabilities residing within the
neutral stratum underling mind and matter.
On the other hand, the frameworks of Bohm and Stapp appear flexible
enough to accommodate psi experiments. Those sympathetic to a view of reality



that supports mindmatter interactions often invoke the conventional theory

of quantum mechanics, which invokes the waveform collapse. However, as I
have noted, Bohms later work describes an implicate order as a foundation of
wholeness embracing both mind and matter. While he does not invoke the
waveform collapse, the underlying unity between mind and matter within his
framework nevertheless supports psi phenomena. In fact, Bohm (1990) himself
has speculated how his notion of the implicate order could be used to understand the psychokinesis data.
It is less clear how this model fits with the conventional waveform collapse
descriptions of quantum mechanics. Like the proposed framework, waveform
collapse models see indeterminism as an inherent aspect of reality. There are
different mechanisms of collapse, however. Wigner (1967) and Stapp (1993)
have argued that the consciousness of the observer plays an essential role in
the collapse of the waveform. As noted, this interpretation has natural appeal
for a theory of psi. However, the theory does not just imply that consciousness
affects matter or provides a mechanism for information transfer; the theory
implies that the stable feature of matter that we experience requires the consciousness of the observer. However, the random number generator field effects
suggest that collective or shared emotions (which might be unconscious) may
affect quantum mechanical probabilities. Thus the role that consciousness
plays in psi may not be congruent with the waveform collapse theories favored
by Wigner and Stapp.
The interpretation proposed here is likely most problematic to the Everett or
many-worlds explanation of quantum mechanics. Recall for this theory that
the probabilistic feature of quantum mechanics implies multiple worlds or universes; every possible state described by the quantum mechanical equations
exists. This interpretation clashes with the view developed here (based on psi
evidence) that groups sharing emotions can affect quantum probabilities. Thus
it appears (perhaps ironically) that taking the psi evidence seriously leads us
toward accepting a more common sense view of reality.
The intractable nature of the explanatory gap between subjective experience
and everything we know about matter will likely remain until more radical
views on matter are considered. I argue here that the literature on psi helps to
provide some useful direction for this problem. While serious discussion of psi
remains taboo in many quarters of academia, the cumulated evidence does
confirm significant effects (albeit small or modest). Thus a strong attachment
to purely materialistic explanations of consciousness appears unwarranted.
Including the results from random number field experiments field experiments
and the Global Coherence Project, we must confront a view where the most
subtle processes of matter are deeply intertwined with consciousness.



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revision of everything we know. Such arguments assume, however, that more
orthodox theories completely and satisfactorily explain our world. This is of course
not the case for two areas of interest most closely related to psi: consciousness
and quantum mechanics. As I have attempted to show, an examination of psi
will likely help shed light on the mysteries in those areas as well. We must consider
the possibility that the mysterious natures of each of these are rooted in a common

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