Philo 101 Chuchland
Philo 101 Chuchland
Philo 101 Chuchland
Paul M. Churchland
In this selection, Paul M. Churchland
outlines and defends Eliminative
Materialism view.
First of all
Eliminative materialism is a
form of materialism.
It is in direct opposition to
Folk Psychology
Stephen Granade
Phlogiston - Ever
Wonder Why?
Why do things burn? Because
phlogiston, that's why.
Like the gods that Homer invoked to explain the outcome of battles,
or the witches that Inquisitors invoked to explain local catastrophes,
they do not exist. According to eliminativists, there are no such
things as beliefs or desires or hopes or fears or thoughts.
These supposed states and processes are the badly misguided posits
of a seriously mistaken theory, just like phlogiston and caloric fluid
and the luminiferous ether.
What is Folk
Belief, desire and other familiar intentional state expressions are among
the theoretical terms of a commonsense theory of the mind. This theory is
often called folk psychology.
A mature science that explains how the mind/brain works and how it
produces the behavior we observe will not refer to the commonsense
intentional states and processes invoked by folk psychology. Beliefs, desires
and the rest will not be part of the ontology of a mature scientific psychology.
So far as accurate
understanding is concerned, it
would be a miracle if we had
got that one right the very first
time, when we fell down so
badly on all the others.