Yalta Conference

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Yalta Conference

1 The Conference
All three leaders were attempting to establish an agenda
for governing post-war Europe. They wanted to keep
peace between post-world war countries. On the Eastern
Front, the front line at the end of December 1943 remained in the Soviet Union but, by August 1944, Soviet forces were inside Poland and parts of Romania as
part of their drive west.[1] By the time of the Conference,
Red Army Marshal Georgy Zhukov's forces were 65 km
(40 mi) from Berlin. Stalins position at the conference
was one which he felt was so strong that he could dictate terms. According to U.S. delegation member and
future Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, "[i]t was not a
question of what we would let the Russians do, but what
Yalta Conference in February 1945 with (from left to right) we could get the Russians to do.[2] Moreover, Roosevelt
Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. Also
hoped for a commitment from Stalin to participate in the
present are Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov (far left);
United Nations.
Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew
Cunningham, RN, Marshal of the RAF Sir Charles Portal, RAF,
(standing behind Churchill); General George C. Marshall, Chief
of Sta of the United States Army, and Fleet Admiral William
D. Leahy, USN, (standing behind Roosevelt).

Premier Stalin, insisting that his doctors opposed any

long trips, rejected Roosevelts suggestion to meet at the
Mediterranean.[3] He oered instead to meet at the Black
Sea resort of Yalta, in the Crimea. Stalins fear of ying
also played a contributing factor in this decision.[4] Each
leader had an agenda for the Yalta Conference: Roosevelt
wanted Soviet support in the U.S. Pacic War against
Japan, specically invading Japan, as well as Soviet participation in the UN; Churchill pressed for free elections
and democratic governments in Eastern and Central Europe (specically Poland); and Stalin demanded a Soviet
sphere of political inuence in Eastern and Central Europe, an essential aspect of the USSR's national security

The Yalta Conference, sometimes called the Crimea

Conference and codenamed the Argonaut Conference,
held from February 4 to 11, 1945, was the World War II
meeting of the heads of government of the United States,
the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, represented by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston
Churchill and Premier Joseph Stalin, respectively, for the
purpose of discussing Europes post-war reorganization.
The conference convened in the Livadia Palace near Yalta
in Crimea.

Poland was the rst item on the Soviet agenda. Stalin

stated that For the Soviet government, the question of
Poland was one of honor and security because Poland
had served as a historical corridor for forces attempting to invade Russia.[5] In addition, Stalin stated regarding history that because the Russians had greatly sinned
against Poland, the Soviet government was trying to
atone for those sins.[5] Stalin concluded that Poland
must be strong and that the Soviet Union is interested in
the creation of a mighty, free and independent Poland.
Accordingly, Stalin stipulated that Polish government-inexile demands were not negotiable: the Soviet Union
would keep the territory of eastern Poland they had already annexed in 1939, and Poland was to be compensated for that by extending its western borders at the expense of Germany. Comporting with his prior statement,
Stalin promised free elections in Poland despite the Soviet

The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the reestablishment of the nations of war-torn Europe. Within
a few years, with the Cold War dividing the continent,
Yalta became a subject of intense controversy. To some
extent, it has remained controversial.
Yalta was the second of three wartime conferences among
the Big Three. It had been preceded by the Tehran
Conference in 1943, and was followed by the Potsdam
Conference in July 1945, which was attended by Stalin,
Churchill (who was replaced halfway through by the
newly elected British Prime Minister Clement Attlee) and
Harry S. Truman, Roosevelts successor.


sponsored provisional government recently installed by ets had already liquidated most of the governments; and
him in Polish territories occupied by the Red Army.
Poland whose government-in-exile was also excluded by
Roosevelt wanted the USSR to enter the Pacic War with Stalin) and that all civilians would be repatriated.
the Allies. One Soviet precondition for a declaration of
war against Japan was an American ocial recognition 1.1 Key points
of Mongolian independence from China (Mongolian Peoples Republic had already been the Soviet satellite state in The key points of the meeting are as follows:
World War One and World War Two), and a recognition
of Soviet interests in the Manchurian railways and Port
Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surArthur (but not asking the Chinese to lease), as well as
render of Nazi Germany. After the war, Germany
deprivation of Japanese soil (such as Sakhalin and Kuril
and Berlin would be split into four occupied zones.
Islands) to return to Russian custody since the Treaty of
Portsmouth; these were agreed without Chinese represen Stalin agreed that France would have a fourth octation, consultation or consent, with the American desire
cupation zone in Germany, but it would have to be
to end war early by reducing American casualties. Stalin
formed out of the American and British zones.
agreed that the Soviet Union would enter the Pacic War
three months after the defeat of Germany. Stalin pledged
Germany would undergo demilitarization and
to Roosevelt to keep the nationality of the Korean Penindenazication.
sula intact as Soviet Union entered the war against Japan.
German reparations were partly to be in the form of
forced labour. (see also Forced labor of Germans
after World War II and Forced labour of Germans
in the Soviet Union). The forced labour was to be
used to repair damage that Germany inicted on its
Creation of a reparation council which would be located in the Soviet Union.
The status of Poland was discussed. It was agreed to
reorganize the communist Provisional Government
of the Republic of Poland that had been installed by
the Soviet Union on a broader democratic basis.

A Big Three meeting room

Furthermore, the Soviets had agreed to join the United

Nations, given the secret understanding of a voting formula with a veto power for permanent members of the
Security Council, thus ensuring that each country could
block unwanted decisions.
At the time, the Red Army had occupied Poland completely and held much of Eastern Europe with a military
power three times greater than Allied forces in the West.
The Declaration of Liberated Europe did little to dispel
the sphere of inuence agreements that had been incorporated into armistice agreements.
All three leaders ratied previous agreements about the
post-war occupation zones for Germany: three zones of
occupation, one for each of the three principal Allies: The
Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
They also agreed to give France a zone of occupation,
carved out of the U.S. and UK zones.
Also, the Big Three agreed that all original governments
would be restored to the invaded countries (with the exception of France, whose government was regarded as
collaborationist; Romania and Bulgaria, where the Sovi-

The Polish eastern border would follow the Curzon

Line, and Poland would receive territorial compensation in the West from Germany.
Stalin pledged to permit free elections in Poland, but
forestalled ever honouring his promise.
Citizens of the Soviet Union and of Yugoslavia were
to be handed over to their respective countries, regardless of their consent.
Roosevelt obtained a commitment by Stalin to participate in the UN.
Stalin requested that all of the 16 Soviet Socialist Republics would be granted UN membership.
This was taken into consideration, but 14 republics
were denied; Roosevelt agreed to membership for
Ukraine and Byelorussia while reserving the right,
which was never exercised, to seek two more votes
for the United States.[7]
Stalin agreed to enter the ght against the Empire
of Japan in two or three months after Germany has
surrendered and the war in Europe is terminated,
and that as a result, the Soviets would take possession of Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands,

the port of Darien would be internationalized, and that the three would assist occupied countries to form inthe Soviet lease of Port Arthur would be restored, terim government that pledged to the earliest possible
among other concessions.[8]
establishment through free elections of the Governments
responsive to the will of the people and to facilitate
Nazi war criminals were to be hunted down and where necessary the holding of such elections.[9]
brought to justice.
The agreement called on signatories to consult together
A Committee on Dismemberment of Germany on the measures necessary to discharge the joint responwas to be set up. Its purpose was to decide whether sibilities set forth in this declaration. During the Yalta
Germany was to be divided into six nations. Some discussions, Molotov inserted language that weakened the
examples of partition plans are shown below:
implication of enforcement of the declaration.[10]
The eventual partition of Germany into Allied
Occupation Zones:
British zone
French zone (two exclaves) and from 1947 the Saar
American zone
Soviet zone, later the DDR
Polish and Soviet annexed territory

Regarding Poland, the Yalta report further stated that the

provisional government should be pledged to the holding of free and unfettered elections as soon as possible
on the basis of universal surage and secret ballot.[9]
The agreement could not conceal the importance of acceding to pro-Soviet short-term Lublin government control and of eliminating language calling for supervised

According to President Roosevelt, if we attempt to evade

the fact that we placed somewhat more emphasis on the
Lublin Poles than on the other two groups from which
Partition plan from Winston Churchill:
the new government is to be drawn I feel we will exNorth German state
South German state, including modern Austria and pose ourselves to the charges that we are attempting to go
back on the Crimea decision. Roosevelt conceded that,
in the words of Admiral William D. Leahy, the language
West German state
of Yalta was so vague that the Soviets would be able to
stretch it all the way from Yalta to Washington without
Partition plan from Franklin D. Roosevelt:
ever technically breaking it.[11]
The nal agreement stipulated that the Provisional GovPrussia
ernment which is now functioning in Poland should thereHesse
fore be reorganized on a broader democratic basis with
the inclusion of democratic leaders from Poland and from
Poles abroad.[9] The language of Yalta conceded preInternational zone (two exclaves)
dominance of the pro-Soviet Lublin Government in a proAllied-administered Austria
visional government, albeit a reorganized one.[10]
Morgenthau Plan:
North German state
2 Aftermath
South German state
International zone
Territory lost from Germany (Saarland to France, 2.1 Poland and the Eastern Bloc
Upper Silesia to Poland, East Prussia partitioned
between Poland and the Soviet Union)
Further information: History of Poland (19391945) and
Eastern Bloc
Because of Stalins strong promises and admission of
guilt over Poland, Churchill believed that he would keep
1.2 Democratic elections
his word regarding Poland, remarking Poor Neville
The Big Three further agreed that democracies would Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler. He[12]was
be established, all liberated European and former Axis wrong. But I don't think I am wrong about Stalin.
satellite countries would hold free elections and that order would be restored.[9] In that regard, they promised
to rebuild occupied countries by processes that will allow them to create democratic institutions of their own
choice. This is a principle of the Atlantic Charter the
right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live.[9] The resulting report stated

At that time, over 200,000 soldiers of the Polish Armed

Forces in the West were serving under the high command
of the British Army. Many of these men and women were
originally from the Kresy region of eastern Poland including cities such as Lwow and Wilno. They had been deported from Kresy to the eastern regions of Russia, or
sent to Gulags when the USSR occupied this region of

Parliament army debate starting on February 27, which
ended in a vote of condence. During the debate
many MPs openly criticised Churchill and passionately
voiced loyalty to Britains Polish allies and expressed
deep reservations about Yalta.[14] Moreover, 25 of these
MPs risked their careers to draft an amendment protesting against Britains tacit acceptance of Polands domination by the Soviet Union. These members included:
Arthur Greenwood; Sir Archibald Southby, 1st Baronet;
Sir Alec Douglas-Home; James Heathcote-DrummondWilloughby, 3rd Earl of Ancaster and Victor Raikes.[14]
After the failure of the amendment, Henry Strauss,
1st Baron Conesford, the Member of Parliament for
Norwich, resigned his seat in protest at the British treatment of Poland.[14]

The military situation at the end of the conference

When the Second World War ended, a Communist government was installed in Poland. Most Poles felt betrayed
by their wartime allies. Many Polish soldiers refused to
return to Poland, because of the Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (19391946), the Trial of the Sixteen and
other executions of pro-Western Poles, particularly the
former members of the AK (Armia Krajowa). The result
was the Polish Resettlement Act 1947, Britains rst mass
immigration law.

On March 1, Roosevelt assured Congress that I come

from the Crimea with a rm belief that we have made
a start on the road to a world of peace.[15] However the
Western Powers soon realized that Stalin would not honor
his free elections promise regarding Poland. After receiving considerable criticism in London following Yalta
regarding the atrocities committed in Poland by Soviet
troops, Churchill wrote Roosevelt a desperate letter referencing the wholesale deportations and liquidations of opposition Poles by the Soviets.[15] On March 11, Roosevelt
responded to Churchill, writing, I most certainly agree
Polands old and new borders, 1945
that we must stand rm on a correct interpretation of the
Crimean decision. You are quite correct in assuming that
neither the Government nor the people of this country
Poland in 1939. Two years later, when Churchill and will support participation in a fraud or a mere whitewash
Stalin formed an alliance against Hitler, the Kresy Poles of the Lublin government and the solution must be as we
were released from the Gulags in Siberia, formed the envisaged it in Yalta. [16]
Anders Army and marched to Persia to create the II Corps
By March 21, Roosevelts Ambassador to the USSR
(Poland) under British high command.
Averell Harriman cabled Roosevelt that we must come
These Polish troops were instrumental to the Allied de- clearly to realize that the Soviet program is the estabfeat of the Germans in North Africa and Italy, and hoped lishment of totalitarianism, ending personal liberty and
to return to their homes in Kresy in an independent and democracy as we know it.[17] Two days later, Roosevelt
democratic Poland at the end of the War. But at Yalta, began to admit that his view of Stalin had been excesRoosevelt and Churchill largely acceded to Stalins de- sively optimistic and that Averell is right.[17]
mands to annex[13] the territory which in the Nazi-Soviet
Four days later, on March 27, the Soviet Peoples ComPact he and Hitler had agreed to the Soviet Union conmissariat for Internal Aairs (NKVD) arrested 16 Polish
trolling, including Kresy, and to carry out Polish populaopposition political leaders that had been invited to partion transfers (19441946). Consequently, they in eect
ticipate in provisional government negotiations.[17] The
agreed that tens of thousands of veteran Polish troops unarrests were part of a trick employed by the NKVD,
der British command should lose their Kresy homes to the
which ew the leaders to Moscow for a later show trial
Soviet Union. In reaction, thirty ocers and men from
followed by sentencing to a gulag.[17][18] Churchill therethe II Corps (Poland) committed suicide.[14]
after argued to Roosevelt that it was as plain as a pike
Churchill defended his actions at Yalta in a three-day

sta that Moscows tactics were to drag out the period
for holding free elections while the Lublin Committee
consolidate their power.[17] The Polish elections, held on
January 16, 1947, resulted in Polands ocial transformation to a communist state by 1949.
Following Yalta, in Russia, when Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov expressed worry that the Yalta
Agreements wording might impede Stalins plans, Stalin
responded Never mind. We'll do it our own way
later.[12] While the Soviet Union had already annexed
several occupied countries as (or into) Soviet Socialist
Republics,[19][20][21] other countries in eastern Europe
that it occupied were converted into Soviet-controlled
satellite states, such as the Peoples Republic of Poland,
the Peoples Republic of Hungary,[22] the Czechoslovak
Socialist Republic,[23] the Peoples Republic of Romania,
the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria, the Peoples Republic
of Albania,[24] and later East Germany from the Soviet
zone of German occupation.[25] Eventually the United
States and the United Kingdom made concessions in recognizing the then Communist-dominated regions, sacricing the substance of the Yalta Declaration, while it remained in form.[26]

The theatre play O xogo de Yalta by the Teatro do

Atlntico was produced in Spain.
The Yalta Club nightclub was opened in Bulgaria.
Victims of Yalta (British title), The Secret Betrayal
(American title) a book by Nikolai Tolstoy.

4 Gallery
Taken by War Oce ocial photographer, United

From U.S. National Archives.

5 See also
The Betrayal of Cossacks
Eastern Bloc
Iron Curtain


Potsdam and the atomic bomb

Further information: Potsdam Conference and Potsdam

The Potsdam Conference was held from July to August
1945, which included the participation of Clement Attlee
(who had replaced Churchill as Prime Minister)[27][28]
and President Harry S Truman (representing the United
States after Roosevelts death).[29] At Potsdam, the Soviets denied claims that they were interfering in the aairs
of Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.[26] The conference
resulted in (1) the Potsdam Declaration regarding the surrender of Japan,[30] and (2) the Potsdam Agreement regarding the Soviet annexation of former Polish territory
east of the Curzon Line, and, provisions, to be addressed
in an eventual Final Treaty ending World War II, for the
annexation of parts of Germany east of the Oder-Neisse
line into Poland, and northern East Prussia into the Soviet
Four months after the death of Roosevelt, President Truman ordered the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

Cultural signicance

List of World War II conferences

List of Soviet UnionUnited States summits
Operation Keelhaul
Percentages agreement
Plan Totality
Western betrayal
World War II Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis
and the West

6 Notes
[1] Traktuyev, Michael Ivanovich, The Red Armys Drive into
Poland in Purnells History of the Second World War, editor Sir Basil Liddell Hart, Hateld, UK, 1981, vol.18,
[2] Black et al. 2000, p. 61
[3] Stephen C. Schlesinger, Act of Creation: The Founding
of the United Nations, (Boulder: Westview Press, 2003).
ISBN 0-8133-3324-5
[4] Beevor, Antony (2012). The Second World War. New
York: Little, Brown and Company. p. 709. ISBN

The musical Jalta, Jalta was produced in Yugoslavia

about this conference.

[5] Berthon & Potts 2007, p. 285

The movie Yalta by Yves-Andr Hubert was produced in France about this conference.

[6] Pavel Polian-Against Their Will: The History and Geography of Forced Migrations in the USSR Central European
University Press 2003 ISBN 963-9241-68-7 P.244-249

[7] United Nations. U.S. Department of State. Archived

from the original on 2003-03-03. Retrieved 2014-09-22.
Voting procedures and the veto power of permanent members of the Security Council were nalized at the Yalta
Conference in 1945 when Roosevelt and Stalin agreed that
the veto would not prevent discussions by the Security
Council. Roosevelt agreed to General Assembly membership for Ukraine and Byelorussia while reserving the
right, which was never exercised, to seek two more votes
for the United States.
[8] Agreement Regarding Japan, Protocol Proceedings of
the Crimea Conference (February 11, 1945). [Online at http://avalon.law.yale.edu/wwii/yalta.asp](http://
[9] February 11, 1945 Protocol of Proceedings of Crimea Conference, reprinted in Grenville, John Ashley Soames and
Bernard Wasserstein, The Major International Treaties of
the Twentieth Century: A History and Guide with Texts,
Taylor and Francis, 2001 ISBN 0-415-23798-X, pages
[10] Leer, Melvyn P. (1986). Adherence to Agreements:
Yalta and the Experiences of the Early Cold War.
International Security 11 (1): 88123. JSTOR 2538877.
[11] {The American People in World War II: Freedom from
Fear, Part Two By David M. Kennedy page 377
[12] Berthon & Potts 2007, p. 289
[13] WWII Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the
West. In Depth. Uneasy Allies. PBS. 1941-12-07. Retrieved 2011-12-19.
[14] pp.374383 Olson and Cloud 2003
[15] Berthon & Potts 2007, pp. 29094
[16] Telegram, President Roosevelt to the British Prime Minister, Washington, 11 March 1945, in United States Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States,
Diplomatic Papers: 1945 Volume V, Europe (Washington:
Government Printing Oce, 1967), pp. 509-510.
[17] Berthon & Potts 2007, pp. 29697
[18] Wettig 2008, pp. 478
[19] Senn, Alfred Erich (2007). Lithuania 1940: revolution
from above. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. ISBN 97890-420-2225-6.
[20] Roberts 2006, p. 43


[26] Black et al. 2000, p. 63

[27] Roberts 2006, pp. 2745
[28] Clement Richard Attlee. Archontology.org. Retrieved
[29] Truman 1973, p. 208
[30] Potsdam Declaration. Ndl.go.jp. 1945-07-26. Retrieved 2011-12-19.

7 References
Berthon, Simon; Potts, Joanna (2007), Warlords:
An Extraordinary Re-creation of World War II
Through the Eyes and Minds of Hitler, Churchill,
Roosevelt, and Stalin, Da Capo Press, ISBN 0-30681538-9
Black, Cyril E.; English, Robert D.; Helmreich,
Jonathan E.; McAdams, James A. (2000), Rebirth:
A Political History of Europe since World War II,
Westview Press, ISBN 0-8133-3664-3
Grenville, John Ashley Soames (2005), A History of
the World from the 20th to the 21st Century, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-28954-8
LaFeber, Walter (1972), America, Russia, and the
Cold War, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-47151137-4
Miscamble, Wilson D. (2007), From Roosevelt to
Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War,
Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-86244-2
Roberts, Georey (2006), Stalins Wars: From
World War to Cold War, 19391953, Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-11204-1
Truman, Margaret (1973), Harry S. Truman,
William Morrow & Co., ISBN 0-688-00005-3
Wettig, Gerhard (2008), Stalin and the Cold War in
Europe, Rowman & Littleeld, ISBN 0-7425-55429
Kennedy, David M. (2003), The American People in
World War II Freedom from Fear, Part Two, Oxford
University Press, ISBN 0-19-516893-3

[21] Wettig 2008, pp. 201

[22] Granville, Johanna (2004). The First Domino: International Decision Making during the Hungarian Crisis of
1956. Texas A&M University Press. ISBN 1-58544-2984.
[23] Grenville 2005, pp. 37071
[24] Cook 2001, p. 17
[25] Wettig 2008, pp. 96100

8 Further reading
Fraser J. Harbutt, Yalta 1945: Europe and America
at the Crossroads (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Geoery Roberts, Stalins Wars: From World War to
Cold War, 1939-1953 (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2008).

Geoery Roberts, Stalin at the Tehran, Yalta, and
Potsdam Conferences, Journal of Cold War Studies
9:4 (Fall 2007): 6-40.

The Division of Europe Online Documents Collection

Gideon Rose, How Wars End: Why we always ght

the last battle, a history of American intervention
from World War I to Afghanistan (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010). Especially ch. 3.

Special German series 2. The Committee on Dismemberment of Germany Allied discussions on the
dismemberment of Germany into separate states,
March 29, 1945. The committee was ordained at

O'Neil, William L. World War II: a Student Companion. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Yalta casts its shadow 60 years on, BBC, February

7, 2005

Persico E. Joseph Roosevelts Secret War. New York:

Random House, 2001.

Scientic conferences devoted Yalta 2004-2010;

Yalta-45|13 Yalta-45/15

Plokhii, Serhii (2010). Yalta: The Price of Peace.

New York, NY: Viking Press. ISBN 978-0-67002141-3.

EDSITEment lesson plan Sources of Discord, 19451946

Coordinates: 442804N 340836E / 44.46778N

Portraits of Presidents: Franklin D. Roosevelt.
School Arts Magazine February 1999: 37. Student Research Center. EBSCO Host. Philadelphia.
April 2, 2006. Keyword: FDR.
Snyder, Louis L. (1981), World War II, New York:
Grolier Company
Sulzberger, C. L. (1998), Stephen E. Ambrose, ed.,
American Heritage New History of World War II,
New York: Viking Penguin
Waring, J. G. A students experience of Yalta
Yalta Conference. Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. World Almanac Education Group, 2003.
Sirs Discover. Philadelphia. April 2, 2006. Keyword: Yalta Conference.
Yalta Conference, 1945: actual issues of history,
law studies, political science, culture studies and
philosophy / materials of the international scientic
conference Yalta-45/13 (Simferopol, Ukraine 2327 April, 2013 ) / edited by Oleg K. Shevchenko.
Simferopol: publishing house ..., 2013.
152 .
Shevchenko O. Yalta-45: Ukrainian science historiographic realia in globalization and universalism era

External links
Minutes of the conference Combined Arms Research Library
Foreign relations of the United States. Conferences
at Malta and Yalta, 1945
Protocol of proceedings of Crimea Conference
MilitaryHistoryOnline Yalta Conference
How good was the Good War?




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Favonian, Lucian Sunday, LinkFA-Bot, Brufnus, West.andrew.g, William (The Bill) Blackstone, Stiaand, Tide rolls, Mtminchi08, Jarble,
Luckas-bot, Ajh1492, DisillusionedBitterAndKnackered, Nallimbot, Paul Siebert, AnomieBOT, SalvoJ, Piano non troppo, AdjustShift,
Kingpin13, Vicki Reitta, 90 Auto, Citation bot, Xqbot, DSisyphBot, Xtboris, RibotBOT, Operdyne7, Nick2x, Surv1v4l1st, Kupredu,
Tobby72, Pencil13, Michael93555, Jamesoe, Jack Daniel Adams, Programmer13, Cherry berry dude, LittleWink, Rushbugled13, Chumchum7, Grover132, TobeBot, Mercy11, Lotje, Piotr Herod, Varsovian, 564dude, AutumnWeikal, Bento00, Yaush, Antidiskriminator,
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Cupdawg1, YaltaExpert1945, Frognosticator, Raven Rashal, AdamWimborne, Helpful Pixie Bot, HMSSolent, Smudge703, Newyork1501,
KiteRunner98203, Anubus2GoPlease, BG19bot, 64ryj0ns7on, 15lopop, CarnivorousGnomeCatuse, BattyBot, Vanobamo, ChrisGualtieri,
GoShow, Veroveritas, Laggan Boy, Dexbot, Mogism, XXzoonamiXX, Lugia2453, Builtiger, SFK2, Jamesx12345, ColaXtra, Njk345,
, Docents, Epicgenius, S2pindia, Boomtahn, , Cumbrianladjames, Khanate General, Aaxxellssccooppaa., Quenhitran,
JaconaFrere, 2013, SantiLak, Asabasapin, Doowrahyrahcaz, SWillamLarsen, EoRdE6, Iwilsonp, Pyrotle, Jacobdaun, KasparBot,
CrimeaConference and Anonymous: 754



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Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of the Chief of Sta of the United States Army July 1, 1943
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